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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 139 KB, 1024x920, CPHEtirUkAAlccm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14117712 No.14117712 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread: >>13996027

- Osawari (R-18)
Game Link: http://www.dmm.co.jp/netgame/social/-/gadgets/=/app_id=196663/
Wiki: http://seesaawiki.jp/yukeyukeosawari/
English FAQ: http://pastebin.com/hm92HU91
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Osawari_pc

- Kanpani Girls
Game Link: http://www.dmm.com/netgame/social/-/gadgets/=/app_id=181259/
Wiki: http://wikiwiki.jp/kanpani/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kanpani_STAFF

- Aegis "Aigis"
Game Link: http://www.dmm.co.jp/netgame/social/-/gadgets/=/app_id=156462/
Wiki #1: http://aigis.gcwiki.info/
Wiki #2: http://seesaawiki.jp/aigis/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/aigis1000

- Flower Knight Girl
Game Link: http://www.dmm.co.jp/netgame/social/-/gadgets/=/app_id=329993/
Wiki: http://フラワーナイトガール.攻略wiki.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/flower_staff

- Shinken (Sword Girls)
Game Link: http://www.dmm.com/netgame/social/-/gadgets/=/app_id=319803/
Wiki: http://wikiwiki.jp/sinken/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/pub_snkn

-Chouginga Kantai (Mages.) (Requires Nijiyome account) (No IP Block)
Game Link: http://nijiyome.com/app/top/226
Wiki: http://gwiki.jp/choginga/?FAQ
Wiki 2: http://xn--4bs902ckhpqkkf6f.xn--wiki-4i9hs14f.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/choginga
English Beginner FAQ: http://pastebin.com/1zb7Me2K

Shooting Girls
Game Link: http://www.dmm.com/netgame_s/shooting-girl/
Wiki (EN): http://shootinggirl.wikia.com/
Wiki (JP): http://wiki.kanmuryou.com/shooting-girl/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/sg_staff

>> No.14117755

Saw Osawari on Nutaku, thinking of giving this game another shot, even though this is probably just gonna end up the same way as the japanese version anyway...

>> No.14117770
File: 605 KB, 716x1002, CPU2nbRUsAITD0I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope they won't try to be funny and boost Monique rate in daily draws.

>> No.14117779

Monique 5 star version when?

>> No.14117804

Monique 5* dream version when she grows up like Rose when.

>> No.14118223

Is any of them still friendly to newer players? I mean I want to play something that will not make me feel I'm too late in the game.

>> No.14118256

Kanpani Girls doesn't really have any event limited reward girls, so you can just play anytime. You won't get some event equipment but they are mostly sub par to end game equipment you can get in game.
Flower Knight Girls constantly adding more event reward girls and reprint the old ones as they go on, so you won't feel missing much either.

>> No.14118298
File: 276 KB, 1199x2099, ss+(2015-09-21+at+01.15.25).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FKG devs are very careful not to lock new players out of events the way some do, e.g. Aegis

So the easier event maps generally give the same ratio of event tokens:stamina as harder maps. And while you may have less stam overall and have to sortie more more frequently, you also get more free stam regen then higher level players thanks to levelups so farming for events is a little easier.

>> No.14118374
File: 1.23 MB, 960x3200, the many faces of NAZUNA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, you found her on the new background? Congratulations.

I wonder when she'll be playable. I need more Nazuna in my life.

>> No.14118690

The recent events are really easy to complete compared to earlier ones. Since they're not doing the clear all maps requirement anymore, pretty much anyone can get a fully upgraded event girl no matter the condition. (Raid boss? Just have high level friends and/or check regularly for strays for poking. Gather event items from event maps? Stamina ratio is almost the same regardless of difficulty of the map, and second half of event usually has secret gardens that give way more.)

They might bring back the clear requirement sometimes, but there's always event reruns that are all about collecting from event maps. I managed to completely upgrade the girls I missed fully upgrading before.

>> No.14120597

I like this girl, she can blush thinking about lewd stuff, even in the middle of battle

>> No.14121857
File: 868 KB, 1296x1867, 252543524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inbefore none of them are 5*.

>> No.14121873

Hototogisu is too pure and shy to think about lewd stuff.

>> No.14121885

Armonica looks quite lovely, I hope she's a 4* so I have a chance at getting her

>> No.14123750

She's probably imagining holding hands with danchou-san

>> No.14123803

Too lewd!
I think she may be embarrassed at her poems.

>> No.14125341

So, I started Aegis on DMM after playing on Nutaku for a while. Auto-complete button on missions is a life saver. I got a gold bazooka-wielding girl and a loli avenger. And there are like 3 events. It's quite fun.

>> No.14125762

1 of the events this time is kind of a cop out, but 3 full events at once on DMM isn't uncommon.

>> No.14127817

No, holding both of his hands at the same time.

>> No.14129308

Anyone has any news about the upcoming MonMusu DMM game? Like a launch date or something?
Game ID: 365723

>> No.14130810

I thought one-hand holding is lewd enough, but then you're saying two-hand holding. How lewd can you be, anon?

Her poems?

>> No.14132633

She likes to write poems. They added an animation for that.

>> No.14136368
File: 134 KB, 800x800, 47427950_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kanpani event ends soon. All those wasted weapon hammers and not a single character weapons +3 during the event.

>> No.14139267
File: 89 KB, 950x585, CPujCT9UkAAlhbA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Armonica is 5*
I guess I'll never get her now.

>> No.14139271
File: 89 KB, 950x585, CPujJaiUEAAkr5E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14139307

I've given up on this game long time ago anon, join me. Just kidding, I'm just kinda bored playing Kanpani I guess

>> No.14139326

I'm playing kinda casually now, maybe if 5*'s actually started appearing I'd get more motivated.

>> No.14139977
File: 72 KB, 600x450, CPui0mZUkAAPeej.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her eyes look like they have heart shape pupils.

>> No.14145041

I'm having trouble laying Kanpani girls on my Android. While it's supposed to load it just stays a 0% and then says error. I also can't play it on my computer either.The screen just stays black'

>> No.14146132
File: 1.73 MB, 1000x1442, 52676192_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care what anyone says, AUG-chan is cute.

>> No.14146697
File: 22 KB, 259x140, bets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just beat 5-1 after realizing it unlocked 6-1 too and I cleared the wrong mission.

I wonder how bad my gets will be.

>> No.14154216

is fkg down?
can't seem to enter after maintenance up to now.

>> No.14154243

DMM as a whole is down.

>> No.14154253

ah no wonder, i thought it was my connection

>> No.14154321

I think it's up now!

>> No.14154480

Yeah it's up again. thanks.

>> No.14154519

Aaaaaaand I think it's down again.

>> No.14155001

no more apology coins though.

>> No.14160920

What's with all the downtime lately?

>> No.14161310

Has PeroPero been shitty for anyone else since phase 2 started? I'm being disconected all the fucking time.

>> No.14161392

I thought nobody pays PeroPero here.

I dunno, I thought that game is kinda janky to begin with.

>> No.14161548

Saw this on the upcoming section of DMM:

It's on both DMM and R-18 DMM.

>> No.14161579

Looks pretty alright, looking forward to it. Chibified girls are always good

>> No.14162329

>Funyours (99hime)
I won't be holding my breath, I guess.

>> No.14162388

I'm still disappointed over that game. It had such a great beginning too.

If they made all girls available through item transformation from the beginning instead of pulling this "not only is there a gacha, but there's also a DMM point-only gacha that your tickets won't work on" bullshit, things would have gone differently.

>> No.14162409

>If they made all girls available through item transformation
They are available at start, but crafting one is pain in the fucking ass.

Personally, I think if the girl crafting requirement is more fairer for each tier, then the game would be more playable.

I mean come on, crafting an iron or wood girls from an item shouldn't require you to collect shitton of side-materials, right?

If the item transformation for silver or gold requires shitton of material, it's kinda understandable since they are high tier...

>> No.14162423

It was so at the beginning, but then they added the Imperial Regalia as exclusives for some pseudo-gacha thing (gift box or something) that you buy directly from store and can't use tickets on.

Can you craft these now?

>> No.14162431

Oh, I guess I quitted the game early enough

Shit. There goes my hope for this >>14161548 game

>> No.14162708
File: 886 KB, 960x640, BadassLavender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, Lavender is so badass that she can attack 4 TARGETS at once.

>> No.14162803

Wonder when will they add maps with more than 4 targets. I can't remember one so far.
And still waiting forever for higher tier dailies that only drop bronze+ fairies/dragons. I'm doing the ultimate maps for fairies now but no gold ones suck.

>> No.14164342 [DELETED] 

hopefully soon.

>> No.14166020

Is the new rerun girl in fkg good?

>> No.14166080

Single target skill attack, and her boost skills are:
+10% damage on raid boss
1.2x chance for member to execute skills on normal battle.

I like the fact that she is using her weapon as a loudspeaker or seed gun. Kinda cute too I guess.

But that aside, she's kinda meh-okay I guess sorry Tachibana

>> No.14166240

>1.2x chance for member to execute skills on normal battle.

isn't this kinda useful?

>> No.14166299

You'd be better off with シンビジューム's 2x ability.

>> No.14166495

That's not 1.2x chance, that's 1.2 chance on 3rd round. Which is useless, you don't get either good alphastrike like Cymbidium nor its sustained for prolonged battles.

>> No.14166685

If you combine her with Yorugao, the previous event girl, it stacks with hers.
It still sucks though because 3rd turn only.

>> No.14166687

In conclusion, just put her if you don't have enough 5 star girls in your team or if you like her that much. Her stats are also on the low end.

>> No.14166690

Best navel in the game, one of the few girls who are improved by awakening.

Why are you caring about stats? Go get her.

>> No.14166693

oh i don't know about the 3rd round.
How about kirtans? Does she buff skill activation from 1st round?

>> No.14166717

Yes, assuming all your chars are at 100% aff, she gives permanent 1.2 bonus.
You would be better off combining Kirtans, Geranium and Sangobana. They have same bonus value, but for whole fight.

>> No.14166722

Just saw Elder Scrolls on DMM to be released titles. Wow.

>> No.14166808

How to 3* the last fkg reprint map?

>> No.14167086

Man, the way I play FKG is literally pick-only-the-girl-I-like (4* or 5*) without caring about their skills and buffs

Some of you guys are pretty serious about it huh.

>> No.14167206

Yeah, same here. Just keep the strongest ones for my assist team and then I don't care.

>> No.14167522

I first asked because i don't particularly like the look and if she's good then i'll get her.

>> No.14167543

Fair enough, but if you still don't have enough gold units, then by all means you should still get her anyway. It's a free gold unit.

>> No.14168196
File: 215 KB, 819x1280, 98082f2b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LN girl is pretty cute.

>> No.14168282 [DELETED] 

>alstroemeria, hibiscus, purple pansy, agave
I wonder who the upper left girl is. White rose? Gardenia?

Anyone planning on buying the thing?

>> No.14168310

>alstroemeria, hibiscus, purple pansy, agave
And the last girl is Royal Princess. Figures.

Anyone planning on buying the thing?

>> No.14168379

Me.The new girl is probably a 4* though.

>> No.14168397

If I were the devs I'd make her a 5* so whales buy 4 copies to max her slots.

>> No.14168409

Good to hear.

Wonder what happens in it. Quite an unorthodox cast they've picked there, and 3/5 of them are flat so that's a bonus as well.

>> No.14170951

I already preordered.

>> No.14173863

LN girls?

Also, I remember clicking on your secretary flower in FKG allows you to switch image between evolved and unevolved, but that doesn't seem to work anymore. Did they remove it?

>> No.14173920

go to the 2nd tab of your character list page.
now you can put any flower as your assistant and switch between the forms.

>> No.14174082

... Ohhh, I didn't know I can click on that "change secretary" button more than one time. Well that was silly of me

>> No.14177815
File: 231 KB, 1104x470, Shooting Girl 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of these days, a full rebalance will finally happen, and she'll be more than just my leader.

>> No.14178018

Aw shit another event already? I have been busy.

How hard to farm?

>> No.14178634

They're going with the 'these characters from scouting give bonus coins', and she's one of the characters.

In terms of difficulty against the first lot of the Izu Island maps, they're a lot easier this time round (it's only 1-1 to 1-10 and 2-1 to 2-10 so far, with the third island still marked red). 2-x gives twice as many coins as 1-x, but you can literally farm 1-x maps indefinitely because they're that easy.
The real reason you want to farm 2-x maps instead are because they drop the special skill training girls, both 2* and 3* varieties as a map drop.

>> No.14178653

Wait, the five seven is scout only?


>> No.14178693
File: 123 KB, 387x154, FLOWER KNIGHT GIRL ~X指定~ - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He got several lucky free 50 rolls, r-right?

>> No.14178722

Riiight. I wish the rainbow chance was 3% like in some other decent games.

>> No.14178758

Even 2% I would be okay. 0.5% is just unreal

>> No.14178794

"Some other games" don't give so much free stones tho. I got about 90 SCs in Aigis (with 60 hack compensation, which is exceptional) during last two months, and 200 stones in FKG during same time.

>> No.14178821

All these free stones that give me no rainbows.
Maybe just luck but I've actually had pulled a couple of blacks in Aigis gacha when I used to play it.

>> No.14179001

Flower Knight Girl doesn't even give me golds much less Rainbows. I've only rolled one gold.
Though, I'm fairly new, but after doing two 50 stone rolls, it is a bit disheartening, especially since the only silvers I got were dupes of the few I have anyways.
Truly suffering.

>> No.14179009

I should say, on the second 50 stone roll the silvers were dupes. Sorry.

>> No.14179226

Rainbows are just whale traps, you don't actually need them to clear event maps. Game gives you so many flower stones that you're sure to roll golds eventually unless you're that one guy who rolled none in 7 50-flower batches.

Be patient and hold no expectations and they'll come to you sooner or later.

>> No.14179259

Is Shooting Girls any good? It has almost no fanart on pixiv which is what I normally use to judge popularity

>> No.14179279

It's a fairly new game, give it some time and fanart might pop out eventually.

I mean, heck, even shiropro has fanart even though that game turned into a piece of shit eventually, so pixiv popularity is not an absolute measurement.

>> No.14179348

You kind of want rainbows in order not to get dumped by your strong allies though.
I got some of the strongest golds and they are all max level but I still get dumped from time to time by people who eventually acquired rainbows.

>> No.14179354

Some of my allies are 80k+ (highest is 84k I think), and my team is just full evolved golds (not fully maxed level, but pretty high leveled)
I think they are just too lazy to remove you if you are at least in the okay zone.

>> No.14179359
File: 128 KB, 774x463, teamfkg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have a single rainbow but I've only been removed once.

>> No.14179361

I see that clone Sakuya is your best girl.

That aside, how the heck did you farm that many exp fairies?

>> No.14179369

The team isn't autoset, Chocolate Cosmos is actually my strongest flower knight girl.

I just farm fairies every week, later redeeming them with life crystals. I don't even use stones to recover stamina. I have been playing since the start though. I have some other girls I'm maxing out, looking to replace the weaker golds soon like Tachibana and Yorugao.

>> No.14179376

His teams are not sorted by power, Waterlily actually has a very low stat total due to her 30% dodge. She definitely is very cute though.

>That aside, how the heck did you farm that many exp fairies?
Do the fairy dungeons every Wednesday/Sunday and you'll get there in 4-5 months or so.

>> No.14179379

Strange, I've been playing this game since first Lavender event (I think that's the very first event in this game?) and my girls are still not maxed out yet.

Well, granted, I guess I don't pay attention to this game all the time since I gotta work too, so I've been kinda neglecting the fairy dungeon, I guess

>> No.14179383

Yeah, I've been playing since Lavender too and I have ~30 maxed girls, fairy days are definitely key here.

How does your team look like now?

>> No.14179389

Sorting by power is rather inefficient once you get golds anyway, the game places too much weight on HP when determining power. You'll really want to look at the skills when seriously teambuilding. Mine isn't there yet, I just balanced the classes as best I could.

>> No.14179535
File: 216 KB, 772x467, rainbows when.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing for a few months or so now, just one away from having all teams filled with golds. Any tips? or who's worth to keep around once I get new girls

>> No.14179953

>has two brides
I hate you

>> No.14179996

Still missing the best flower though

>> No.14180036

maidoari pls

>> No.14180042

You know, I've been wondering why that bug name is maidoari. It's almost like the bug is grateful towards everything, including being lovingly abused by the ever so cheerful oncidium.

>> No.14180070

To be fair, I'd let Onshi lovingly abuse me.

>> No.14180114

Who wouldn't?

>> No.14180838
File: 276 KB, 1108x658, still better than JA Flashback.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'll probably take a while since the only way to make short range worth using would be to multiply their def/eva and/or nerf everything else to the ground

alternatively, cover/terrain mechanics but that would take effort and this is just a rng sim with waifus


now with jungle map, wowie zowie, it's just like Jagged Alliance!

>> No.14182755
File: 496 KB, 960x640, banner_event_0018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the new event girl is Gaillardia and, appropriately enough, comes with a Native American theme.

Probably a slashing type too, judging from the tomahawk.

>> No.14182764

Looks like she have brain problem.

>> No.14182781

She'll fit right in, then. Are there any flower knights who don't have brain problems?

>> No.14182787

Too bad she's ugly as hell.

>> No.14182819

I don't know how I feel about her FACE.

On the other hand, I know how this event gimmick works now. I ain't spending my gacha point on shitty early rolls.

>> No.14182827

Nah, she's cute and will probably get better after evolution anyway.

Also, gacha girls are all-American too: Helenium, Nasturtium (=Tropaeolum), Laurentia (=Palmerella (=Lobelia)).

>> No.14182828
File: 172 KB, 750x391, you'll never get tier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New rainbowhnggg

>> No.14182833

time to rollem
and get 4 fucking stars

>> No.14182838
File: 215 KB, 1085x563, pls buff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


got the event 4*

now to wait for LMGs to be buffed (unless her special is something that makes up for the nodamage)

>> No.14182869
File: 263 KB, 958x636, bread panel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the American event is about eating hamburgers and excess carbs because of course it is. Even that giant Nazuna doll seems to have drowned her sorrows in bread.

I wish we also got Puya alongside all the other American flowers, though. She deserves the spiked club weapon much more than Susuki.

>> No.14182876

Yep 50 coins down the drain for nothing again.

>> No.14182896

Feels like christmas over here

I had that twice in a row already. It hurts right in the feel

>> No.14182901
File: 17 KB, 92x97, Jesus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.14182906
File: 107 KB, 592x371, huehue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not on the devs' radar

Had to empty more than half of the 0 box, no easy pull like last time.

>> No.14182972

You like sleepy or crying girl, anon?

>> No.14182981
File: 145 KB, 639x424, newgacha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, at least I now have a red girl to raise.

Meanwhile, I still have to evolve and max out 3 yellows and 4 purples.

Maybe he just has a fetish for hay fever and sneezing girls.

>> No.14182984

I dunno, with all these shiny looking bread and sandwiched, this event kinda feels a bit festive.

Kanpani girls should come over and get their breads.

>> No.14182985

Funny that she and sleepy girls are both normal according to event texts, while brain-damaged is the one with large sword.

>> No.14182987

> this event kinda feels a bit festive
> autumn sports festival event
You don't say

>> No.14182988

How do you (or they) even define "normal" though?

Ahhh so that's what this is about. No wonder.

>> No.14182991 [SPOILER] 
File: 216 KB, 960x640, 1444036695030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I didn't get any of the new girls, but it went better than expected. I also have a new slashing type I can use all my faeries on.

>> No.14182992

I mean she talks normal, and didn't do anything weird at current set of maps (she's just cheering from stalls).
> that's what this is about
They have weird pan-eating/running/mushi-killing competition. Kind of beatlon, but you get points for eating bread instead.

>> No.14182995

Right now.

... Congrats

>> No.14183002

You bastard.

>> No.14183004

Muh salted jelly.

>> No.14183006

>getting good rainbows
While i got shitty looking one.
The bunny rainbow looked like shit. The one with the bunny hoodie should be the rainbow instead of the oppai loli one.

>> No.14183007

Here goes everyone's luck for next few months.

>> No.14183416

But she's one of the only three girls to get the +150 speed ability. Granted, Red Ginger and Anthurium are cuter, but that's still the best ability in the game.

Hell, I'd use that stick figure from Galzoo if it meant +150 to my team speed.

>> No.14183432

> that's still the best ability in the game
What? Speed doesn't mean shit. On tricky maps, you just need to make other teams slower, you don't need abilities like this at all.

Best ability is skill chance x2 on first turn.

>> No.14183457

Speed means that you can rush through the map with your 1100+ speed team and finish it before your other teams get to fight anything. You don't really need combat ability for anything other than the 500k+ power challenge maps.

>x2 on first turn.
Cymbidium is still an amazing girl though, I'll grant you that. Wonder when we'll get her ability on a rainbow, especially since Dendrobium didn't have it.

She looks really nice too. Too bad I'll never get her or Iris.

>> No.14183806

I at least bothered getting a copy of Calla and Canna despite not liking their designs, but this one? Kill it with fire.

>> No.14183808

You will get enough tokens to get her by just clearing all maps once for 2x stones.

>> No.14183815

I won't redeem her. No way she's going to haunt my storage.

>> No.14184045
File: 34 KB, 321x462, ガイラルディア進化后.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She doesn't look that bad to me. What about her is so horrible?

Also, the devs sure are diversifying their weapons now, we used to get swords for red, maces/hammers for blue, rapiers/arrows/spears for yellow and guns/magic for purple, but now we have everything from katars and chakrams to bombs and grenades. Is there any weapon you guys hope to see in the game?

>> No.14184250

The face. That fucking face.

>> No.14184278

Robinia's and Kara's are still worse imo.

>> No.14184303

Kara's artist has an unattractive style but at least it looks professional. This one really looks poorly drawn. I thought she was a joke the first time I saw her.

>> No.14185253

I don't understand the new slashing girl's evolution ability. How does it work?

>> No.14186196

Is there something you see in specific that is wrong with it? Looking closer at her face trying to find things wrong with it, the only problems that I could potentially see is the cheekbone lines that were drawn and perhaps the nose is drawn too far off center? Or is it an eye thing?
Otherwise I really can't see what the problem is, despite thinking "she looks a little off, but not ugly."

>> No.14186202

Increase party's critical hit chance by a medium amount.

>> No.14186501

I don't understand how bomb counts as magic damage though. Look at Oshiroibana.

But then again, if it's not magic, I can't explain what type of damage it should fall under.

I'm guessing the main issue that guy have boils down to "it's not cute", which I agree, but it's not like she is a failure or something like that.

Or maybe he's just offline, I guess.

>> No.14186530

I dont understand what are you trying to say here. If you don't want other teams to fight, just don't deploy them.

>> No.14186534

>I can't explain what type of damage it should fall under.
Well, Laurentia has piercing-type grenades because of shrapnel.

What I'm not getting is why Susuki isn't a crushing-type because kanabo is definitely an impact weapon, but on a second look it seems that her weapon actually has an edge and is more like a macuahuitl.

>> No.14186548 [DELETED] 
File: 251 KB, 854x480, KeepBombing.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of Oshiroibana, have a cute looping webm of her exploding her bomb over and over

I guess I was bored when I did this.

>> No.14186612

Say that you're doing the fairy/dragon dailies. If one of your teams is fast enough, and the other four are slow enough, you can cut at least 2 fights from them. Your teams will catch up and get the chests in the end, so you aren't losing anything either.

Since you'll be doing a lot of fairy/dragon dungeons, saving time on these is probably more important than getting a bit more damage on bosses, and you can't do that by not deploying teams because you want your teams to grab the chests in the end.

>> No.14186618
File: 127 KB, 360x240, Exploding Bana.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This seems better.

I wish she wears her evolved clothing in her in-game sprite too. Would be nice.

>> No.14186932
File: 27 KB, 425x145, aftergoddamn9months.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After MONTHS of crafting, finally. ;_;

>> No.14186967
File: 1.21 MB, 960x640, NumberOne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Managed to get her first roll. Let's hope I have the same luck on the next box level.

>> No.14187074

Grats anon, dat patience made of steel.

>> No.14187079

Thanks man, I had like four pages of +2s. It's finally over.

>> No.14187275

It's the half-assed shading and the shaky lineart that makes her look unprofessional to me.
Her nose, giraffe neck, forehead and legs kinda bother me too.

>> No.14189577
File: 275 KB, 694x572, latest GET.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today was a good day. I still need my five-seven and revolver-chan though.

>> No.14190849

That's almost like getting 6* in FKG, so congrats.

I wish I could get +3 specific char weapon, but I stopped playing Kanpani for long time now.

>> No.14190911

I've given up on story and character weapons.
Event weapons are much better for my sanity and they come with cute outfits as a bonus. I just need a good bow and daggers.

>> No.14192475

ガイラルディア has her torso disappear sometimes during the sideways running thing... haven't checked in maps

>> No.14192502

idk, i like her too, she is really cute imo

>> No.14193386

Starting FKG, I see no pastebin anyone has anything valuable to give?

>> No.14193530

If you have the time and patience, you may first want to reset accounts for a good gold/rainbow, the latter in particular are very rare (0.5% from flower token gacha, 1.5% and 7.5% from the silver/gold tickets that you only get twice/once). You can login to all your accounts for a week so that you get a bunch of gold tickets for a high chance for a rainbow.

After that, you should do the fairy dungeons on Wednesday and Sunday, fairies are the experience units of this game. They also give a 1.5x bonus if given to a unit of the matching type, so you usually want to do that. Other days also have daily dungeons, Saturday's daily is a gold dungeon that is useful when you're short on cash, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday dailies are for slashing, crushing, piercing and magic type dragons. You'll eventually need these for awakening, but you should ignore them for now because you can't do that until level 50 (bronze/silver) or 60 (gold/rainbow).

Speaking of levels, try to get all your girls to ~30 first (and yourself too, to unlock all four teams), after that you should focus on your silvers (max their levels but don't awaken unless you really have nothing else) and golds (max level and awaken). Event golds are typically on the low end of the gold scale but they're still very useful, there are few maps in the game that you can't clear with a mixture of awakened silvers/event golds.

After clearing the first few maps (these give flower tokens on first clear so they can power you for a 11x gacha roll) and when not doing the fairy dungeons, you should do the event dungeon. There used to be medal-collecting events that required tough teams, but the last few events (and the current two) are about item collection and reward you the event girls immediately.

Lastly, add me and other players on /jp/ to your friend list for good assists early on. My ID is 504461103.

>> No.14193538

How do I reset account?

>> No.14193563

Make multiple accounts until you get something good on one. Tutanota is good for getting e-mail addresses en masse.

Though that step is boring and unnecessary, so you may just want to get into the game.

>> No.14193566

Oh I thought you meant resetting one account lol. Nah not gonna reroll. Dont need to.

>> No.14194182

If only we can get the character CG with the event outfit, I will be happy to get back on the game again, maybe. But there's no way that's gonna happen, surely.

There's always someone who comes and say that the bullied girl is cute. Today is your time, it seems.

>> No.14194910

How do you complete last map at second revival group at FKG?
If I kill bottom boss, I miss top one and vise versa.

>> No.14195005

You'll need to set up speeds such that you hit both bosses at around the same time.

>> No.14195263

does anybody here play LoW?

>> No.14195269

Lord of Walkure? I think you might have better chance with Nutaku general for that.

>> No.14195565

>>14195269 >>14195263
Not that anon, but hardly anyone talks about Nutaku's LoV much less DMM's LoW.
It's always Aigis and secondly Osawari (because Nutaku just released the english version of that.)
But I suppose you could try there.

>> No.14198274

I play LoW.

>> No.14204699
File: 58 KB, 500x688, 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>single target 1.9x attack skill
>1.2x chance to proc skill for all party
>+5% attack for all party
Doesn't seem to mention the rarity but it seems like a weak gold.

>> No.14204839

Sounds like Lilac, probably a silver but with (nerfed) gold abilities.

I'm really digging her weapon, though. That is exactly the kind of weapon I'd expect from the papercut plant.

>> No.14206302

If that girl isn't slashing type, I'm just gonna be confused as hell. But then again, I have a lot of slashing type in my team already

>> No.14208972

Can I evolve the girl before max level?

>> No.14208975

Oh in fkg btw.

>> No.14208990


>> No.14209002

kk then its the last thing I do to my girls like in aigis right?

>> No.14212334

I have a question about Flower Girl Knight. I have a girl at level 50 and the materials I need to evolve her (or whatever you want to call it) but I'm uneasy. Am I losing out by not maxing her skill level before evolving her?

>> No.14212338

Flower Knight Girl, I mean. Also, is there a rush to finish the main questline? I've been constantly busy with event girls so far.

>> No.14212352

Skill levels and accessory slots stay constant. You just get an additional passive if she's 5/6* or if she's Lilac.

No rush to finish story maps.

>> No.14212392

Thank you very much. Games like Aigis and Lord of Valkyrie have gotten me paranoid about that sort of thing. Is this general usually so quiet?

>> No.14212400

Pretty quiet for the past few days, not sure why. It's kinda in the middle of events for the more popular DMM games so maybe that's why.

>> No.14214505

Is there a reason I should be watching this broadcast on niconico about Flower Knight Girl that's starting in a few minutes? Some special code or something?

>> No.14214515

Isn't that on 18th though?

>> No.14214524

You're right. I mistook 5 days for 5 minutes (how I don't know.)
Question still stands though. Any reason to watch it?

>> No.14214544
File: 276 KB, 960x110, Keywords.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not too sure what's gonna be there actually, but I know for sure there's gonna be serial code there

Well, maybe we get to see short animation too. That would be neat.

>> No.14214575

Such as what though?

I haven't touched that game since last major event.

>> No.14214687 [DELETED] 

Who is your 6*, 5* and 4* waifu in FKG?

>> No.14214715
File: 2.89 MB, 960x640, FuckThis.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the third time in a row I got no gold no rainbow premium roll.

This game gacha is abysmal. Seriously.

>> No.14214773

I got three times in a row as well, then proceeded to get three golds in the next two. It's about 49% chance to get gold or higher per 10 draw so you'll eventually get something.

>> No.14214823

I tried confirming your calculation. I'm surprised that the chance of getting at least a gold (or higher) in 50 medal roll is 53.2%. (for anyone curious, my formula is 100% - (93.5/100)^11)

Well damn, the chance of me missing out on any gold or rainbow 3 times in a row is 10.2%

>> No.14214836

Ah, forgot to include the rainbow chance in my calc then. But yeah, you just have to keep trying. I myself still don't have any rainbows and I've been playing since the start.

>> No.14214867

Picked up FKG a few days ago and figured I'd see if anyone here had any open friend slots. ID:936348127

So far I'm just doing events maps and the fairy dailies, but progress seems kind of slow.

>> No.14214907

Eh sure why not, I have 7 empty slots now

>> No.14214918

Same here. I'm okay with my golds I guess, but I would still like a rainbow someday

That being said, I just noticed that there's roughly 5% of getting rainbow for each 50 medals roll. I'm getting close to 20 50 medal roll, I guess.

>> No.14215985

Looks like this'll be the first FKG event girl I don't get the max slots and skill levels for, the gacha is too expensive and all I get from it are seeds and bronze girls.

>> No.14215992

Same here. I'm still at 5th reset, had to clear out all 50 items to get gold few times, feels like they reduced gold rates significantly compared to first gacha event.

>> No.14216001

Yeah, the first gacha event was a lot easier, I was done just a bit after the second half started.

>> No.14218512

Damn right it's hard. I've been doing the event map mostly, and I'm still just on my 6th roll now.

I'm guessing the 9th to 11th pool of item is full of those ampoule fairies, so mabe we just need to get up to 8th reset, I hope. Still 5 days left

>> No.14223490
File: 168 KB, 956x637, pull2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm still not sure what I'm doing yet, but I think my second 50 medal pull went really well.

>> No.14223499

Enjoy the seething jealousy of everyone else in the thread.

Tsubaki is a top-tier gold too.

>> No.14223507

Lucky cheeky bastard

>> No.14223942

Helenium, almost as bullyable as Nerine.

>> No.14223977

Who's at the top of the most bulliable list, anyway?

Nazuna? Meidoari?

>> No.14224185

But anon, Nazuna is the bully.

>> No.14224239
File: 249 KB, 774x353, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone tell me what does this mean please?

>> No.14224247

An error occurred.

>> No.14224264

use firefox

>> No.14224269
File: 128 KB, 780x321, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about this?

>> No.14224275

btw, I liked the game sprites

and don't forget to install unity

>> No.14224276

Oh thanks it's working.

>> No.14224291

So how do you get that SR for pregistering?

>> No.14224293

don't have idea, but sr are easy to get with silver summoning

>> No.14224306

I have no luck so far.
Oh it seems they'll give us the gifts on 22 october.

>> No.14224314

nice, they will drop eventually, soon you will get a platinum summon

>> No.14224842
File: 421 KB, 623x587, FLOWER KNIGHT GIRL ~X指定~ - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this shit, 3rd time I have to wipe it clean.

>> No.14225305
File: 187 KB, 1008x1184, PGMUltimaRatioNormal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name a better raifu.

>> No.14227550
File: 195 KB, 1101x659, event1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot to clear the event, does the big-breasted nurse join at the end?

>> No.14227748

The 2* units that you never even looked at. That's who are the most bullied.

>> No.14228421

I just given up on this event. I'm just gonna farm dragons and pixies now.

>> No.14228520
File: 56 KB, 237x237, Daww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aww it's getting cuter and cuter. I'm waiting for tomorrow's X days left animation and the actual stream

>> No.14228524

Yeah, made screenshot with it too. I like this hug train, wonder if they are going to sit on that big plushie next.

>> No.14229002

Look at how disgustingly happy that Oncidium is

>> No.14229179

I didn't either but I'm fairly certain she doesn't. I haven't seen her in PvP, any Twitter "I got it!" posts, mentioned on the wiki, etc.

Also was I the only shocked when that one previous event had a male character? (The science teacher)

>> No.14229475
File: 122 KB, 469x357, OhHiNazuna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god this is gonna end in tears isn't it.

>> No.14230141

But Mint and Strawberry are really popular, more so than some 3* and 4* units.

>> No.14230498

Is there any downside to using my stat boosting ampoules at low level?
And should I just throw them onto my strongest girls?

>> No.14231187

There is none, in fact it's advantageous for the bonus experience they give.

Give them to girls you're sure never to retire, so rainbows mostly. Or you could just give them to whoever you like, I'm throwing all of them to Pitahaya.

>> No.14231339

Really now? Never even heard of 'em. Why are they popular anyway?

>> No.14233456
File: 363 KB, 860x520, FinalForm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today's the stream day for FKG, still 20ish hour from now though

>> No.14233465

Did they feed all remaining food from tournament to poor Nazuna?

>> No.14234230

Nah, it's just the giant Nazuna tent from the event background.

I wonder what's inside her.

>> No.14236495

All those breads, sandwich and bull head or whatever that thing is that gives you 700 gacha points

>> No.14237245
File: 431 KB, 639x589, FLOWER KNIGHT GIRL ~X指定~ - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So its crystals x 5 after 8th reset, plus bunch of ampules, gold fairies and gold dragons. Would be nice to farm it, but not going to spend stones on it.

>> No.14237534

A little over one hour left for the FKG broadcast.

>> No.14237640

Didn't FKG do stream before this? What was that about?

Or am I remembering something else?

>> No.14237659

And the stream started. Goodluck if you can understand nipponese

>> No.14237660

Not a clue, I only recall their TGS appearance.

It's starting now, though. Nazuna is bullied as always and does not even appear in the waiting screen they put up.

>> No.14237666

Look at that. Official cosplaying as Oncidium instead of Nazuna.

Nazuna is officially not the game mascot anymore.

>> No.14237676

Oh Jesus, premium item is better than regular +10 rings, gives 1100 attack.

Want to bet whether a meidoari cosplay will show up later?

Also it's cute how she has clearly no idea how to shank things with the nerf daggers.

>> No.14237677

Is it premium-only? It redirects me to buy-premium page.

>> No.14237682

Just watch the restream

>> No.14237681

I'm not too sure if meidoari will appear, although the comment section seems to be looking for it.

>> No.14237685

No, but it's crowded so you may need to retry until you get in.

We hit all the fixed viewer rewards too, only thing from now onwards is the extra flower stones per 10k viewers.

>> No.14237691

Are... Are we watching a playthrough of this game done by these officials? Hoo boy.

Also, this is nazuna apparently https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capsella_bursa-pastoris
Not sure why this plant is the initial mascot of this game though

>> No.14237714

nice flower

>> No.14237721

Yeah, that's what Nazuna means. She's just called that over here because "shepherd's purse" isn't a nice enough name.

I don't know why it's the mascot, but shepherd's purse is a nice plant. Its seeds can germinate by attracting mosquito larvae, gluing their mouths shut with sticky mucus and sprouting on their corpses, so it sort of fits our Nazuna's personality well too.

>> No.14237726

Lucky bastard they got Cactus. The 5* version, but still.

>> No.14237729

>got bride Saboten from single draw
I can taste blood on my lips

>> No.14237730

>first try bridecactus
This better spawn some Oncidium/Cactus yuri on Pixiv.

>> No.14237739

>full bronze/silver 11x
Taste our pain, FKG devs.

>> No.14237770

And now I'm completely out from the stream. Damn it NicoNico

>> No.14237786

See >>14237682

>> No.14237805

Ohh so that's like stream of the stream. Huh, didn't know this kind of thing exists in niconico community

>> No.14237859

Nice, so they revealed a ton of new flowers. Acacia, some sort of aster, some sort of crucifer, a wisteria-looking girl and a new lily, I think?

Anyone gotten screencaps on all of them?

>> No.14237867

... Oops, forgot to do that

>> No.14237947

It seems that even using glorious nippon computer, the game still doesn't run 100% seamlessly without mini spike lag

>> No.14238025

In case people missed it somehow, here's the code: TMHE AHXX LPC8 FZ9R

This one gives you a 4*

>> No.14238057

Thanks, received.
... but its just usual sentopolia? I thought they were giving original girl for event?

>> No.14238062

Original girl?

>> No.14238069

Unique. Not available before.

>> No.14238071

Event girl is for buying the light novel.

But darn, they sure are going strong with this game. There were so many things to digest from this stream, I want to see the full list of revealed flowers already.

>> No.14238072


>> No.14238081

They also gave a clue to the next few events up to Christmas event.

>> No.14238082
File: 138 KB, 390x253, New thing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing that kinda confused me is this picture. What's Nazuna doing with that potted plants and why is everyone looks like ready to gang up on NZN?

>> No.14238096

I notice there are four girls, excluding Nazuna, then the potted plant, which would make a five member team. Some sort of summoning system?
They aren't in a mission area, based on the left hand menu.

>> No.14238118

I thought this was a new background menu or something like that, to be honest.

I literally lost focus after they got bride cactus and everything they say afterwards is just like random noise.
Well, to be fair, even before that, I still don't really get what they are saying anyway, but at least I tried.

>4 girls
I thought there was 6 new girls they shown in the stream? Although some of them (especially the last two) seems kinda familiar somehow.

>> No.14238144

Might just be a new background menu, honestly. The comment of four girls was regarding the ones shown in the picture attached to the post >>14238082 not about the new girls, sorry for not being clear.

>> No.14238151

Ah no worries. I misread your post too anyway.

>> No.14238165

Oh that's light novel? I thought that was a comic book... Yeah I'm not getting it since I'm still bad at reading mangas, let alone wall of texts.

>> No.14238362
File: 1.14 MB, 1024x865, CRmikgbU8AAlv7Y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want the DFCs and the nun.
Bottom left kinda looks like Wazakita?

>> No.14238559

Priestess over there looks like Lavender 2.0

>> No.14238574

Wisteria is still my guess on her.

We also have an obvious pumpkin, and whoever wanted a witch girl for Halloween certainly got his wish.

>> No.14238725

More like lewd nun. Either way, I'm okay with it.

>> No.14241151
File: 789 KB, 960x640, MaidFeet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dat foot

>> No.14241328

The ball of her foot was crafted specifically to wedge a penis between.

>> No.14241763
File: 676 KB, 1400x1050, new.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for those who dont check the forum, the sword girl turned out rainbow D: FeelsBadMan

>> No.14241800

Please refrain from typing like that on /jp/, or anywhere else for that matter.

That said, looks like Oxydendrum (spiked flail girl) is the event reward, which more than makes up for the maple-looking girl being rainbow.

>> No.14241818

What the heck, there's koala girl in that picture.
Oh right, that's eucalyptus. Now we're going australian eh

>> No.14241855
File: 151 KB, 600x587, N.floribunda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad they didn't use the Australian Christmas tree, which is a ten-meter tall mistletoe with a root system that can reach 150 meters in length, allowing the tree to drain water from the entire surrounding plant community.

I wonder how that thing would be as a flower knight.

>> No.14241860

At least people in this thread doesn't just straight away say "fuck off", so that's kinda nice.

Probably as an enemy flower knight, if their property is parasitic? That would be interesting.

>> No.14241871

Monotropastrum wasn't an enemy, so I guess parasitic plants can be flower knights too.

Come to think about it, we could get an actual mistletoe for Christmas.

>> No.14241932

That new background in FKG is really pretty.

>> No.14241936
File: 79 KB, 218x222, Too_Cute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a question. Is there a wrong time to use these guys? I wasn't sure if I should be waiting until I max level a unit or if that even affects it.

Agreed. Pretty calming.

>> No.14241938

Better to use before max level, since cheaper and you get exp. Stats from ampules are stores separately from unit stats, so there's no way to fuck up.

>> No.14241939

You can use them at any time. It is advantageous to use them on non-maxed girls since they give experience too, but that does not matter in the long run.

Also, you can only use a maximum of 100 of each on a girl, but it will take quite a while until you reach that cap.

>> No.14241953

Thank you very much. That'll free up a fair bit of space. Didn't want to expand my barracks any further for the moment.

>> No.14241957
File: 218 KB, 960x640, new gach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did everyone else get?

>> No.14241958

They did something weird with new event. Although I like this new event design approach.

>> No.14241964
File: 228 KB, 574x174, FLOWER KNIGHT GIRL ~X指定~ - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Collecting stones for few units I really need.

>> No.14241972

Ginkgo and a second Lupinus.

I wish they made an ability transfer system already, all my duplicate girls have AoE attacks and good abilities.

>> No.14241980
File: 938 KB, 956x637, FLOWER KNIGHT GIRL ~X指定~ - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 (5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least their event texts are always fun.

>> No.14242132

So, FKG blog has guesses up from the JP discussion threads:

3: Veronica (oh shit obviously, she's definitely not Wisteria)
4: Pumpkin
5: Acacia
6: Nipplefruit
7: Ivy
9: Holly/false holly
10. Kale

I still think 8 is Echinacea or Aster.

>> No.14242635
File: 186 KB, 751x493, 2015-10-19 234719-FLOWER KNIGHT GIRL ~X指定~ - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 - Internet Explorer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what am I supposed to do here?

>> No.14242679

The green button summons a boss in exchange for 10 of the fruit bowls.

>> No.14245298

I just want some lesbos action between flowers in this game already. Come on, dev.

>> No.14245306

Is it just me or FKG is getting more generous at giving gold tier dragons from daily map?

>> No.14245396

I want them to release Ionopsis so that I can convince myself that her and Oncidium are an item and that Ionocidium is their daughter.

This game would've been so much better if it was full-on yuri. I mean, we have like six lilies already.

>> No.14245578

5 runs, 0 gold dragons. Same terrible rates as always.

>> No.14245583

Well, going full yuri might reduce the number of player (because japan amirite) and hence affect the game's income. So probably don't go full on yuri, as much as I want that too

Maybe make them like an extra bonus or as occasional content perhaps.

>> No.14245630

I like this. Now I feel like I'm not wasting my raid stamina anymore.

>> No.14245634

Oh nvm then. Must be my lucky day.

>> No.14246883
File: 1.78 MB, 2456x2152, 52581414_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, at least we have Choginga and that one full-yuri phone game, and that's something. The best we can hope for in FKG is the knight master turning into a girl somehow, since every H-scene has involved him so far. Other than that, there's always Pixiv.

Speaking of Pixiv, FKG is getting a fair amount of art now, so that's nice too.

>> No.14246899

>full-yuri phone game
Yurihime? Is that game yuri?

>> No.14246910

Actually my bad, that game's MC is a trap. A real shame, that.

Mononofu ~Shirayuri Senmaihime~ was what I was talking about.

>> No.14247496

Aw too bad for you, I'm still okay with traps too.

>> No.14251856
File: 897 KB, 960x639, yamayuri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gold girl
>1 gold dragon, 4 bronze
is this a bug or to show she's really weak?

>> No.14251874

Its just artifact of old age, before they rebalanced evolution requirements.

>> No.14251975

To be fair, Yamayuri does feel kinda meh-ish though

>> No.14258635

Uh guys, this thread is gonna die soon, anyone up for making the new thread?
