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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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14112823 No.14112823 [Reply] [Original]

Would you keep H art on your phone?
I'm finding it very therapeutic lately to destress by masturbating in a public stall between study sessions. Having a decent selection of Touhou H art on ny phone helps, since I can't always reliably connect to public wifi if I'm in a basement. Having okuu spread eagle and presenting for me on my internal storage removes that problem.

To think that in the bad old days i used to carry printouts of hyudora in my wallet to school because my flip phone couldn't even render images properly...how antiquated.

>> No.14112846

>frequent public masturbation
>in a bathroom stall

Jerking in public is one thing, it's a thrill. But in a bathroom stall? That's like eating your lunch in a bathroom because you are afraid of talking to people or being seen alone. It's a weird creepy habit that will follow you onto whatever job you might get and people will know what you are doing in there.

>> No.14112848

Man I want to FUCK Okuu silly

>> No.14112913

He want's stress relief, and that kind of thrill doesn't help.

>people will know what you are doing in there
Not if you know how to do it well.

>> No.14112991

This guy gets it OP. You should share your joy with the world. Bring a friend in at least so you're not alone. The problem was never whether or not one should keep H on their phone.

>> No.14113545

I jerked off in the bathroom at work 2 weeks ago. I work in the office, though, so I don't think anyone noticed. Am I going to be fired?

>> No.14113600

I use an app to hide my 4000 pic collection, it's pretty neat

>> No.14113630

Keep a separate microSD exclusive for lewds in your wallet, and change them when you're gonna fap.

>> No.14113698

They could probably smell it on you.

>> No.14113742 [DELETED] 

Before I became a filthy NEET I jerked it at work a few times. I worked on the front desk but the office was small and my desk hid everything.

>> No.14113803

>between study sessions

Fuck off normalfag.

>> No.14113878

Good idea. I wonder if truecrypt has support for mobile OS?

>> No.14114049

>study sessions

Are you people lost? Did you accidentally click on the wrong board?

>> No.14114104
File: 421 KB, 1240x1754, 46754746_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone tried the nofap thing? I've heard some /jp/sies say that they gained control over their sex drives after they stopped fapping everyday.

Quickies with your favorite 2hu!

>> No.14114124
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>masturbating in a public

>> No.14114125

It is a legitimately helpful thing.

>> No.14114264

Abstinence, or daily fapping?

>> No.14114396

I want to go in a bathroom stall with a /jp/sie and suck his dick

>> No.14114660


>> No.14114713

I have fapped in my car at the school parking lot before. I just go up to the roof where there is no one, park in such a way that I can see the two ways cars or people might approach, and just go for it. When I'm done, I cum into a napkin and then throw that away in a trash can. Easy peasy.

>> No.14114742
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> masturbating

>> No.14114763
File: 216 KB, 690x950, 096ad2fa805956691b5bf3cbf367bbf5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I fap and I don't have a secured space to myself (visual and audial black box, control over who enters, I.e. my own apt. or office) I rely more on sound then on sight to detect possible threats. I tend to zone out and stare off into space when I'm on the edge and footsteps or the sound of a door latch gives me early enough warning, even if the drawback is the odd fap interrupted by a false alarm.

Man, I hate it when that happens. Ruins the feeling of cumming.

>> No.14114803


Just because we had the will to do something at some points of our life doesn't means we don't belong here

We just lost it in the way

>> No.14114846
File: 370 KB, 745x1000, f2fe88175b9e922f020332d47838b794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought experiment: think of the type of person who would be willing not only to fap in public, but invest significant time concealing porn and strategizing on how to do it without getting caught.

Most of us are probably not normal, by any stretch of the imagination. I personally am out in the RL doing normie things because my options for staying NEET had been used up one by one. I'm ugly, have few skills social or otherwise, and my interests are esoteric nonsense or socially poisonous.

Why is there this demand amongst /jp/sies that we live some unsustainable ideal of NEETdom or forever be labeled a normal? I am making the compromises necessary to keep my life from crashing and burning. I still invest much time, effort, and resources into maintaining my identity while feigning the behaviour that society demands of me. I am a Jew of degenerate otaku NEETdom, exiled from his homeland by circumstances and cursed to wander the world of neurotypicals until I obtain the things I need to quit my job and once again pray at the altar of ecchi manga and unemployment.

>> No.14114860

>I am a Jew of degenerate otaku NEETdom, exiled from his homeland by circumstances



>> No.14114879

No one cares about your blog, fuck off.

>> No.14114906

sasuga /jaypee/-san

>> No.14115647

>Would you keep H art on your phone?
I'm too paranoid to do something like that. I imagine forgetting my phone somewhere and have someone looking through it. A nosey co-worker could be the worst.

>> No.14115677

Nofap for a month here, 3D looks somewhat attractive but I still wouldn't go out of my way for it. Other than that, it's not too bad. Wouldn't really recommend it though.

>> No.14115891


okuu is a bird

>> No.14115899


The problem is if you do it regularly.

>> No.14115949
File: 241 KB, 1058x1500, 27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cutest bird

>> No.14116076

I see. I suppose I would still want to do a short nofap, probably a week, just to see if I can do it.

Having a strong PIN lock on your phone should be sufficient

The best way to avoid this is to do it in a different bathroom every time.

Otherwise, just do it no more than every 20 days or so.

>> No.14116078

Everyone's going to know if two people go to the bathroom together at the same time.

>> No.14116181
File: 284 KB, 728x1040, e007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I managed to rub one out this evening, but I'm afraid of fumbling my phone and having something like this happening.

>> No.14117350
File: 164 KB, 700x945, 5086777_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only fap at home, i can't take my onaholes and cockrings with me to work if i even had one.

>> No.14118840

>I am a Jew of degenerate otaku NEETdom, exiled from his homeland by circumstances and cursed to wander the world of neurotypicals until I obtain the things I need to quit my job and once again pray at the altar of ecchi manga and unemployment.

>> No.14119085

I thought about, but I realized I can't keep doujins since it'd be hard to read them on a phone screen, and I don't have much H-art on my computer, so I just browse the boorus on my pohne and masturbate.
But it's like shitting in public, I only do it when I absolutely have to.

>> No.14119139

Booru interface is godawful when viewed in mobile browsers tho.

>> No.14119142

I use mbooru.

>> No.14119463

If it's FOSS I'll check it out.

>> No.14119468

what if it's free but not libre

>> No.14119835

install gentoo
