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File: 52 KB, 450x450, 51tzPWwK0hL._SY450_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14085276 No.14085276 [Reply] [Original]

Dollscythe = Hommarju
8bit Moonside = Dirty Androids

>> No.14085377

tfw you spend months on timing denser shit in iidx only to realize improving general reading ability with the help of insane BMS improves your overall timing in iidx as well simply because you can read better

>> No.14085919
File: 228 KB, 1295x758, inf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

much better in windowed mode, just like spada

>> No.14086255

tfw no gf to play ddr with
tfw no gf to play IIDX with

>> No.14086274


>> No.14086284

fatty detected

>> No.14086309

even bigger fatty detected
the fact that you think DDR is some strenuous form of exercise proves that you've never worked out in your life

>> No.14086373

the beta is running again?

>> No.14086396

No, beta faggots don't run.

>> No.14086522

I don't find DDR to be strenuous though.

>> No.14086906

>liking girls

>> No.14087593
File: 13 KB, 200x200, syd_consider_the_following.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Beatmania is so great, why does it only have three games?

>> No.14087599 [DELETED] 
File: 201 KB, 635x477, 1349608078578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't want to feel but now I am fe el.

>> No.14087611

but beatmania fucking sucks.

>> No.14087641

Are these threads mostly IIDX players or is there some 発狂BMS players on here too? After clearing half of 12s I quit IIDX for BMS and i don't regret the decision thanks to the large influx of songs and music variety that BMS has over IIDX and the fact that the most popular IIDX songs are always in IIDX with remixes such as "冥 -> 冥界帰航" and 3"y3s -> Satori ~3rd EyEs"

>> No.14087674

I'm willing to wager that very few of us have ever cleared a 12.


>> No.14087686

what do we need to do to get cookiebouquets euthanized

>> No.14087726

I used to play 発狂BMS, reached 6th dan insane and was breaking into hard clearing 13s and 14s but I am taking a break from it to focus more on my timing in IIDX, especially with the anticipation of Pendual.

All touhou arranges of IIDX songs are garbage but they can be good practice sometimes.


>> No.14087738


>> No.14087745

why would anyone want to play songs that are harder than iidx 12s? a lot of 12s are stupidly dense already, any more notes and it just starts to feel like mashing

>> No.14087772

it only looks like mashing if you are unable to read/play it

>> No.14087885

and venny and tux and kitten

>> No.14088306


>> No.14088407

Why should I get an FP7 over an FPS, I don't see any reasons. Why do people say that the FP7 is better?

>> No.14088410

fp7 has larger turntable and changeable artwork.
fps has a smaller turntable and you can adjust the tt-buttons distance between ac and koc.

other than that they're the same

>> No.14088411

because they would rather customize their controller than git gud at the game

>> No.14088443

Holy balls, 煉獄のエルフェリア is amazing. I might be a scrub that can't pass or A the hyper chart, but this is so much fun.

>> No.14088646

They're harder to read, but easier to time (unless it's something really stupid). Most of the songs are on easy judgerank. Way larger timing window. This is why you can AAA some silly 24. In general if you can hard-clear some song it's very likely you'll be able to at least AA it with a bit of attention. BMS and IIDX focus on two different things. BMS is a superb way to take a break from timing in IIDX. It's a lot of fun and also improves reading.
If you want to get a clear idea take any 2dx song and change it to easy judgerank in lr2 (if it isn't already). I bet you'll find it a lot of easier.
People who're clearing 11s could easily play some easier BMS songs around 12-2.5 and get around the same bp as they do for harder 11s they haven't yet cleared.

>> No.14088704

So is it worth getting one then? Cause I'm not sure.. Btw. Dao's buttons & 50g or 100g omrons? Dao's buttons are 40g afaik. I'm a poorfag atm so I can't afford sanwas and I don't think I will need them (yet).

>> No.14088723

If you want a larger controller then get one. If not then FPS is nearly the same. Get Dao buttons with 100g omrons because the springs that come with it are 40g. 90g is too light if you go for 50g omrons.

>> No.14089118

Mostly BMS. Trying to keep the iidx vibe going, but it's hard. Crap ton of bad songs keep motivation low.Going back and forth working on only few select songs

>> No.14089235

If your mom is so great, why does she only have three holes?

>> No.14089249

Who will stream Boku no Pico without venny here?

>> No.14089575

fucking fake difficulty, can barely play 9s and 10s because my left hand starts to hurt

maybe it's the retarded key layout (lshift asd space jkl)? probably should get a koc if they release one for pc

>> No.14089615

Ignoring the customizations to FP7 and turntable altering distances of the FPS, the FP7's turntable feels a billion times better and is easier to grip while the FPS feels like a KOC.

Dao's are fine. Sanwa buttons are a very nice luxury, but aren't absolutely essential. I'd say by your micros separately unless you live in a country where rakuten kicks your ass with shipping. If you're US, it's cheaper to buy micros separately than to pay Dao the extra price bump. 50g switches are best if you do plan on getting Sanwas, even if it happens in the very distant future. It would save you the effort of having to mix and match parts since Sanwa buttons come with 100g springs and switches (I had to put in Dao springs in my Sanwas for both of my controllers, and it's a huge tedious pain in the ass).

>> No.14089694

For your left hand, try A W D. It helped me back in my days of playing DJMAX.
You should get a KOC or a Dao as soon as possible, as your keyboard skills won't translate at all.

>> No.14089862

Would it be hard to switch out the microswitches? If I only got the honeywells and would order omrons at rakuten, I would only need to order 5 switches, right? I mean start and select isn't necessary right?

>> No.14089985

7 switches for the main keys and no, they're very easy to replace. Definitely get them. Honeywells are way too bad in comparison

>> No.14090089

I would definately not gotten honeywells anyway, I mean just pick them on dao's site and get the omrons on rakuten. Also my bad anon, I'm pretty tired and typed 5 in instead of 7. ._.

>> No.14090095

I can confirm this. I've been playing with a keyboard all my life and I tried a controller for the first time yesterday and it was painful.

>> No.14090246
File: 149 KB, 750x750, 1432525940752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still can't read taiko oni patterns

>> No.14090250

You can do it anon, I believe in you.

>> No.14090284

Any tips for The Safari on 7th dan?

>> No.14090290

Get 50g if you ever plan on upgrading to sanwas, sanwa's 100g springs plus 50g omrons is the perfect setup.

>> No.14090379


>> No.14090461

Practice stuff above your skill level intermittently. Try to determine what's the hardest part of the safari and find charts with similar patterns. Practice those until you feel comfortable. I guess you could try s-ran for dem jacks, but don't go overboard. General skill improvement is better in the long-term than trying to get specific stuff down now.

>> No.14090719

Forget the dan autism and play other stuff, come back to the safari once you can clear most 12s

>> No.14090967

What's the best IIDX pre-IIDX Red?

>> No.14091189

9th or 10th
6th style if you love avex

>> No.14091703


decent songlist and a shitload of TaQ

>> No.14091743


>> No.14091908


>> No.14092157

Man after playing at the arcade this KOC suddenly feels a lot less enjoyable to play with.
I miss the clacky sound

>> No.14092159


>> No.14092528

what the fuck is that one instrument nekomata uses in everything

>> No.14092596


>> No.14092724


>> No.14093009

When Copula is out

>> No.14093013

If you have the money get dao with sanwas or mod koc (pain in the ass). Well worth the investment

>> No.14093327

if you have the equipment and skills make your own controller, it will be cheaper and better than a dao

>> No.14093347

questionable, I'm pretty sure DAO can mill the aluminum turntable base and provide a PCB for cheaper than most people can do a one-off
Everyone's using Sanwas and Omrons, it really doesn't matter.

The only time you should build your own controller is if you're doing a full custom double deck for a cabinet build or you're really poor and need to shit together a controller for less than 100.

Or if you really like the look of wood and leather.

>> No.14093359

definitely not. with proper searching, you can build a controller for under $60. it wont look great, but it will be much better than a koc.

>> No.14093370

>better than a koc
Wasn't your original argument that you can make one better than a dao? For that price, no, you can't.

>> No.14093423


Are there any tutorials on how to build one?

>> No.14093454

>cheaper and better than a dao

I'm pretty sure a set of sanwas, including the start/eff/vefx buttons, and 10 omrons to go along with it, and a 600ppr encoder already run over 60 dollars.

There's no way you're going to build something better than DAO for less than he charges unless you live in a shithole country that charges you an asston for customs and tax.

Personally I just used my experience (and mistakes) from building a ghetto SDVX controller with http://sdvxii.pancakeapps.com/LEONARDO , scrapped together arduino code from various sources, and used the button measurements at http://i.imgur.com/GIgubRN.jpg and http://i.imgur.com/gXULcW4.jpg to mock my shit up in illustrator, then sent it to a laser cutter with layers of acrylic, then stacked the shit on a cardboard box and put all the buttons into it, then wired them.

>> No.14093560

would it be possible to play LLSIF with a IIDX or pop'n controller

>> No.14093564

Should I get a FP7 in full blue setup or pink, any other cool colours you guys can suggest?

>> No.14093606

just use a random number generator and cross your fingers

>> No.14093732

If you mean the faceplate color anything but default is ugly as fuck
If you're talking about LEDs, white turntable with either pink or blue buttons is pretty

>> No.14093791

TT= red
246 keys= blue
1357 keys = white.

That's how it's done, son.

>> No.14093818

>questionable, I'm pretty sure DAO can mill the aluminum turntable base and provide a PCB for cheaper than most people can do a one-off
This. Mass producing PCBs will obviously be a lot cheaper than a single board. It can cost A LOT depending on several factors. Definitely not the way to go.

At the very least order arcin or dao board, sanwas and then build your casing. It will cost you over $100 for sure unless you get buttons and switches for really low price and have the tools, materials at hand. Otherwise it ain't going to be cheap at all.

Let's be honest. Dao's products are reasonably priced. The only real problem is transportation and that's what makes it way more expensive than it really should be. Don't get me wrong. I'm all for diy. You can get leftover metal sheets for relatively low price. Make it look good. Plexi isn't too expensive and if you have the tools you can make it look pretty decent. Turntable will be the biggest problem by far and for that again I'd recommend getting dao's gear to make life a bit easier. The top can be built from some cheap material and sticking that non-slip ring on it. Getting metal base isn't worth it. Stick to wood or something and bevel it out. You can use daos sensor or build your own. It shouldn't be too difficult. Lots of other tiny things, but in general go for it, but don't underestimate what you're getting yourself into. You don't want to throw away money.

>> No.14093827

>wanting your IIDX controller to look like a korean knockoff

>> No.14093897

I mean the turntable / keys. Stardard TT (blue) with with blue 1/3/5/7 and 2/4/6 white? Or any other suggestions? I just can't decide. Thanks for helping anons. Also 1P or 2P what should I try out first?

>> No.14093917

pink turntable, 1357 white, 246 pink and then wait for pendual

>> No.14093928

Aren't those the colours of the notes in IIDX?

>> No.14093934

2P if you're a fag

>> No.14093946

Yeah, but it's the default color scheme for EZ2DJ machines

>> No.14093979

I could swear there was a green button somewhere on those machines.

>> No.14094094

>I'm pretty sure DAO can mill the aluminum turntable base
I wish there was someone that would sell turntables. That's the only part that makes a DIY controller hard to make.

>> No.14094223

how do i play infinitas

>> No.14094440

How the fuck do I change the floating hi-speed when LIFT is active?

I can use the keys but that does big increments. Using the turntable just changes how much lift there is.

>> No.14094516

If you cant buy a Dao, just get 7 Sanwas and a new PCB for your KOC

>> No.14094534

>sanwas for a koc
That shit requires a ton of dremeling and you need to make a new base because there isn't enough clearance for the bottom of the buttons.

>> No.14094721


If you're running it on blue stacks you can set tap points on the screen to button presses. Blue stacks recognizes controllers for input, so it might work.

On an actual mobile device I have no idea

>> No.14094906 [DELETED] 

These is exactly the colors I got for my Dao for that exact reason.

I'm not very imaginative.

>> No.14094908

These is exactly the colors I got for my Dao for that exact reason.

I'm not very imaginative.

>> No.14094922

Is jubeat actually good or is it just gimmicky shit?

>> No.14095036

i tried it and i couldn't find any good songs, it was all normie jpop shit

>> No.14095050

Hey bud, what's wrong with J-pop?

>> No.14095055

it's not denpa

>> No.14095066

What's your favorite denpa song from a rhythm game? It better not be fucking Nanahira.

>> No.14095127

Depends a lot on your playstyle. If you're pinky-scratching then playing on the side of your dominant hand definitely pays off. If you're wrist scratching using your dominant hand to cover 5 keys when necessary has its benefits. That added flexibility and ease of use of your pinky to cover 7th key (especially during stupid jacks) will make your life easier. Same goes for your ring finger. W/e you decide to use. One way or the other you'll have some weaknesses here and there, but nothing that can't be resolved with lots of practice! If you're new to this start with pinky scratching. Get it down first then try out wrist scratching if you want to and go from there. Makes you more flexible and able to control dense scratch patterns when covering keys with a single hand.
I'm right handed and went for 2p (because I'm a fag, right?) because to me it made sense to have my dominant hand controlling the dish. I go back and forth between pinky and wrist scratching. Can't say I have a problem with that and feel it was the right decision. Especially in BMS. There are few patterns and stuff I'd do much better 1p, because my left hand isn't quite as good, but then again I haven't put a lot of practice into those. In general haven't really had too many problems. Since I hit 1st key (7th 1p) with my pinky I play at a slight angle. Otherwise I'd turn my wrist in a bit too much. Makes it hard to hit and time notes. Standing up it's fine though. Go for whatever makes "sense" to you and stick with it. Any problems you'll face can be dealt with in time.
Btw don't stick to any playstyle you've seen and think is good. Take pieces of it, but try to play in your own way you find comfortable. Over time you'll make adjustments to perfect it. Sticking to fixed playstyle may seem like a good idea at first, but if it ends up not being true to your style you'll get frustrated. As a rule of thumb (ha) get your thumbs in there. Those are basics you kinda need to do. Good luck!

>> No.14095550

Why are there so many retards in the western community that think that you can't be good at the game unless you buy a DJ DAO with sanwa buttons and a 50/60 setup?

There are many people that can play overjoy level charts on JKOCs and keyboards and play hard CS charts using JKOCs and get good scores without any problems. People can even play songs on DP near the top of the insane BMS scale using keyboards (haven't found much info on how well, but unless ABCD found a controller and started using it, he's still dp bms insane kaiden on keyboard) so even keys being close together doesn't prevent someone from playing DP well. It's absurd how people take an expensive controller as a requirement to be good and not something that you buy for the comfortability and arcade feel/turntable distance.

>> No.14095559

not the guy you're replying to

in iidx probably kneesocks princess

I've taken a liking to Sharpnel and monotone's track in beatstream even though I don't play the game

>> No.14096055

Anything by Nanahira ³₃³

>> No.14096135

It's not about wether you can be good or not, it's about what's easiest to play well on. When people talk about ideal key setups it's mostly going by what makes timing in IIDX the easiest.

That sort of advice is probably not as relevant to BMS since with the timing and density of its charts it has a different type of challenge compared to IIDX.

Also some of these suggestions filtered through from some of the top rankers and you know people will eat that up in record time.

All that said, it's probably not nearly as important as people make it out to be.

>> No.14096157

Not him either but I like Kneesock Hime and the ARM one from Spada.

>> No.14096249

Why do people hate on venny and tux? I really have no clue. Some information maybe?

>> No.14096271

when the FUCK is goli gonna do eromanga...

>> No.14096280

SP Kaiden is so easy.

>> No.14096282

That miku arcade game is being ported to ps4

>> No.14096461

Who cares? Project Diva is trash.

>> No.14096475

Sure wish I could play No Crime [b] on AC.

>> No.14096478

Who said anything about controller being easier to play on? On keyboard you're reducing your hand movements a lot. Easier to hit strange patterns, etc. I thought it's about being close to ac kind of a thing. "True to the game" and what not.
Play on whatever you want. I bet you could be amazingly good on a guitar hero controller as well.
I find the physical aspect way more interesting tho. Hand control and such. Figuring out how to time stuff given the limitations how fast I can move my hands around, positions I can transfer in and out of quickly. That sort of a thing. Otherwise it's more or less all about reading charts.

Why 50/60? This will get way too light when you wear those springs in. Ideally you'd want buttons to snap back as fast and forcefully as possible without feeling overly heavy to play on. I guess there are people who play on really high hi-speed and mostly react to few chunks at a time. From what I've seen they tend to keep their fingers very close to the buttons and hardly raise them (BMS mostly). Probably gets very tiring on heavier setup if you don't "hit" the keys, but "click" them instead.

>> No.14096529

I'm trying to use a Madcatz Fightstick for LR2 (can't afford a controller right now and my keyboard is ass), but the rightmost buttons, LT and RT aren't being picked up. I try to map them but nothing happens when I do. Does anyone know how to fix this?

>> No.14096538


>> No.14096715

Thanks. It took me a while to figure out because they aren't mapped as regular buttons but axis Z(+/-). So if someone else has the same problem, you have to set stick/POV to show all axes in the options in order to be able to map those buttons.

>> No.14096741

Do you guys have any tips on how I could get one of my friends into rhythm games?

>> No.14096813

well osu is a good babby's first rhythm game that needs no special controllers. Sound Voltex is easy too but it needs a controller. IIDX isn't really a good game to start because its so damn hard to get used to the 7 keys and turntable

>> No.14096822

Osu is an aiming simulator, not a rhythm game.

>> No.14096829

*osu!mania 4k

>> No.14096836

hahahaha funny

>> No.14096837


>> No.14096852

this has been posted before.
mappers fault.

>> No.14096875


>> No.14096932
File: 1.02 MB, 1600x2400, GrooveCoasterTH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was playing Groove Coaster 2 waiting for the Touhou songs, but you have to buy them. At least I wanted an event and a free song...

>> No.14097056

Worst thing is that it's overpriced. I'd be willing to pay for it, but not at $5 for 4 songs.

>> No.14097158

You have to tap as well you know

>> No.14097252

Obviously not on /jp/, i'm talking mostly about sows and communities where there's an overlap with sows users. Telling people to buy a controller that costs a few hundred dollars when they're just starting to play and saying that playing on a KOC is a waste of time is something that people do there sometimes. They take it as a requirement and not something that you do to make it more comfortable.

And 50/60 because top players use it, the MADOKA cup uses 50/60 and the DOLCE cup uses 25/60. 100/100 may be the default, but it's not what people look for.

I mentioned keyboard for SP/DP just to mean that the layouts don't prevent people from being good either, and if people can be good on DP with a setup where the keys are closer together on a shitty rubber dome keyboard, they sure as hell can be good with a JKOC and not need a DJ DAO controller.

>> No.14097405

Introduce him to LR2

>> No.14097418

>mappers fault
>game doesn't break combo when you mash keys

yeah okay

>> No.14097662

lol how is it not a rhythm game, ofc it's a joke, yes. But this doesn't make any sense lol

>> No.14097664

Aim with your mouse, click targets.

>> No.14097665
File: 21 KB, 605x271, ripmymoney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fkn rip wallet

>> No.14097681

there is still music, rhythm and beats involved though :0

>> No.14097757

god fucking dammit all i wanna do is talk about rhythm games without having to deal with all of these weeaboo furry lgbt faggots

>> No.14097798

>no sanwas

>> No.14097799

That's always what rhythm games were about. That's the whole aesthetic.

>> No.14097922

I haven't played enough IIDX to get sanwas straightaway, also I don't have the money right now to invest into sanwas and people told me they weren't necessary.

Thus, yes, I'm a pleb. But a pleb with a nice controller lol.

>> No.14097996
File: 61 KB, 997x656, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add to that 100 euros customs. I think you did well anon. I'm living in a cave with a 13" crt and cheap pc I found when sorting through other people's garbage looking for food.

>> No.14098010

I'm so sorry for Europeans and their VAT.

>> No.14098021

>Buying Sanwas from Dao when you can get your won for $20 less

>> No.14098083
File: 32 KB, 609x267, Shipping Kills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good choice there. I got an additional $90 CAD in customs and $15 administrative fee when I got it delivered a year ago. Gotta love our boarder security.

>> No.14098098

Are you lost?

>> No.14098120

where are the furries at

>> No.14098128

tfw pump it up says I burned 600 calories today

>> No.14098138

It's a rhythm game, just not a very good one

>> No.14098141

they're all playing pop'n

>> No.14098150

maybe I should start playing it then

>> No.14098226

tfw no recent pump hdd data

i wish the trannies and furries would stop giving pop'n players a bad name

>> No.14098252

Got to make that money somehow! Oh yeah someone also broke ps2 connection. It was literally in pieces when the package arrived. Knocked small piece out of the casing as well. Glad they didn't break tt, buttons or something like that.
All in all it would probably cost less to fly over, buy it there or pick it up and fly back. All this to press buttons and listen to terrible music. Yaay! We be winners!!

>> No.14098261

Only 9400 more to go

>> No.14098328

600 only? I guess they refined their equation. I remember playing the PS2 version of ITG until I hit 1400 every day. Sure I burned off a lot but nowhere need what they showed.

>> No.14098500

I wish trannies and furries wouldn't openly show what they are when playing rhythm games.

>> No.14098540

I've never seen ether playing rhythm games

>> No.14098591

low levels, i've spent $50 over the past few days finishing the fucking bemani summer diary just to get murakumo in iidx

>> No.14098596

I sadly have seen furfags in their fursuits playing DDR and making gay ass movements while doing it, including but not limited to ass shaking.

>> No.14098849
File: 323 KB, 747x1045, c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As soon as I opened the package and saw their desperately pleading faces, I knew what had to be done.

>> No.14098860

Fucking retard, why would you do that, those aren't very to easy to get and you just jizzed it, at least jizz a lot of cum you short dick.

>> No.14098865

They're very easy to get; all you need to do is order them from Konami. Besides, it was still shrink wrapped. You didn't think I tributed directly onto the box itself, did you?

>> No.14098869

O-oh, sorry.

>> No.14098921
File: 337 KB, 1050x787, controller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm happy I took the plunge and paid $290. This thing is awesome!

>> No.14099041

Well shit. Just got my new Turbocharger, and one of the LEDs was dim and flickering a bit, so I opened the thing up to see what the problem was. I unplugged the connectors and found them to be corroded a bit, tried cleaning them off for the hell of it and then put the plugs back on. Now the LED wont even turn on at all.

Does anyone know where I can get an LED, or just the LED housing, for a microswitch? I found LEDs on gamo2 but I don't know if they give the housing with it too. I sent a Virgoo a message so I hope they can help me out. And one more question, how the fuck do I even remove the entire LED housing from a microswitch in the first place? Other than that the controller works great, but still a little disappointed.

>> No.14099055

I'm pretty sure tuxdude is somewhere on the spectrum, but I don't get why everyone shits on Venny. He's newer to the bemani community, but he isn't a total autist.

I'm also kinda jealous that he has friends to hang out with at arcades. When I was in highschool I didn't know anyone who shared the same interests as me so it would usually be me alone at the ddr machine.

>> No.14099154

Disregard this. Turns out the LED was just set right in the housing. Got it working again.

>> No.14099163

wasn't set right*
I need sleep

>> No.14099188

So do you guys play keyboard StepMania?

>> No.14099196

Nice selfposting venny. Kill yourself already

>> No.14099245

Ya got me :^)

>> No.14099299

Knowing Tuxdude personally, he's just young. I know I was worse than he is at his age.

>> No.14099305

Am I the only one that wasn't a fucking retard at 15? I never did any of the obnoxious shit that venny/tux/kitten do when I was that age

>> No.14099309

You're still a retard now.

>> No.14099375 [DELETED] 

Cmon man, the torrent doesn't eve have a scan of the cover and you do this.

>> No.14099384

Come one, we're all retards for still posting in /jp/ and actually expecting some serious results.

>> No.14099443


People talk about and shit on venny, tuxdude and EpicKitten, how come nobody shits on opm?

>> No.14099448

A couple questions because I hate posting on sows:

- What's the minimum display lag shown at http://www.displaylag.com/display-database/ I should be looking at to play IIDX 12s?

I'm shopping for a TV (instead of using my shitty small computer monitor) around 32"-40" (whichever ends up being reasonably priced), and I want to get something that I can actually get either locally or through something like amazon or newegg. Fuck buying from ebay.

- What's the minimal recent video card I would need for a dedicated bemani pc?

I'm thinking of buying either a mini atx case and finding a cheap mobo/proc combo, or just getting some refurbished Optiplex 755 from newegg or something.

>> No.14099451

oh, i forgot to mention i would be playing AC data and LR2 using a dao PEe. Maybe even CS if i'm assed enough to grab a ps2 and mod it

>> No.14099551

>What's the minimal recent video card I would need for a dedicated bemani pc?
Bemani games are not demanding at all. If you want something recent, go for a GeForce GT 730. It's $70, and supports modern features like DX12.

>> No.14099597

So, is the soundtrack anywhere yet?
I really need that extended Cosmic Cat.

>> No.14099600

sorry to disspoint you, but she has nine holes.

>> No.14099605

But would that fit in a mini-atx case?

>> No.14099630
File: 21 KB, 300x225, 14-125-675-TS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure. It's a tiny card.

>> No.14099636

Sows exclusive m8, unless you go and buy it yourself.

>> No.14099644

It'll be everywhere in a few hours
Just wait for tomorrow

>> No.14099959

Alright thanks anon. I don't think that customs will be that high since dao only writes 45$ on the receipt. Which means 19% for importing into the EU and maybe some smaller fees for bureaucratic stuff.

>> No.14099975

Yeah it sucks, but I asked gamo2/dao about it and he said they would only write 45$ on the reciept so vat won't be THAT high.

But it also sucks when buying from g2a for example. I always think 'HEY what a great offer!'
>10€ Vat

and then the offer isn't that great anymore..

>> No.14099980

Nice dude, what colours did you pick?
Also where are you from?

>> No.14099992

Huh? I'm newer to the bemani community as well so some background would be nice. What autistic stuff did they do / do they do? lul

>> No.14100196

Damn now I'm having trouble waiting for the soundtrack.
If you find it outside of sows, please link. Couldn't find it.

>> No.14100298

stepf2 dot blogspot dot com dot ar
Probably your best option for the time being.

>> No.14100406

for a video card a 4670 is close enough to arcade accurate
pretty much any recent low/mid tier card is fine, fairly sure some APUs would be fine

>> No.14100593

Try to get as low latency monitor as possible while having little to no motion blur/ghosting. I'd say this is much more important since you can adjust lag in both LR2 and IIDX. Tftcentral is a good place to check for indepth reviews.
I do not recommend TVs unless you know exactly what you're getting. Many use strange filters and compensate in ways what seriously hamper the gameplay experience. Also keep in mind while less dense charts can be okay, once you push them together it can get tricky to read with ghosting and blur (fat notes).

For recent cards anything goes. Try to stick with ati, because nvidia doesn't always play nice with iidx (for example issues where non-aero windowed mode goes wonky, etc). Generally you won't have that kind of a problem with ati, but you can also get lucky with nvidia. It's a bit of a gamble.
I would highly recommend some older card with vga and perhaps svideo out. Helps to get perfect sync on CRTs if you ever find yourself going that route.

Get your pc combo as close to ac specs as possible to avoid running into annoying problems.
Don't use dedicated soundcards (there are probably some what work fine, not an expert) or offload audio to gfx (if there's an option for that). You want onboard realtek audio only for least amount of audio lag in iidx. It can make a HUGE difference. If you get AMD card don't even install AMD audio drivers. They're terrible. I went from clicks being almost half a second off sync to spot-on once I uninstalled those.

>> No.14100669

Nice! Sanwas + omrons? If not and you haven't played on them see if you can get them from rakuten or something in the future. I won't say they're necessary, but it'd be the best if you could try them yourself.

>> No.14101003

cum on mayumi

>> No.14101009

So then a 32" monitor is probably my best bet? I guess it would be better than a 22". I just wish there was an easy way to pick a TV for this shitty game.

>> No.14101069
File: 457 KB, 1920x1080, pieMatsuri-06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does gamo2 email you when they ship stuff or do I have to play the waiting game?

>> No.14101157

Well the size doesn't matter as much. Of course bigger monitors need good internals for low latency and low motion blur so it would simply cost a lot to get a good one, but you can choose whatever you like in that regard.
Unfortunately yeah, there isn't an easy way to pick modern monitors. It's super simple if you'd go with large CRT, preferably avoiding those HD ones with bad signal conversion. Other than that they're solid. You'll get great response time and consistency out of them. Might get one for free or only pay for transport from those who simply want to get rid of massive box taking up lots of space.

I don't think they do. At least they didn't few years ago. Just keep waiting and occasionally checking tracking to see where it's at (but don't rely on it too much for accuracy). It will come sooner or later. I ordered on new years which was a bad decision. Took almost two months for obvious reasons.

>> No.14101222

Real IIDX arcade machines are shitty and have a total of at least 60-80ms delay between input and and display anyway (the game itself compensates for 3 to 4 frames at HD 0.0 timing, and still people have to hit 1 to 2 frames before the note hits the red line). As long as your computer isn't garbage and you don't let the graphics card buffer a million frames, you can get an AC accurate experience with a shitty monitor. I would say avoid ghosting and processing more than latency. You can adjust for visual latency in-game anyway.

>> No.14101243

I have a friend in sows already so I could get an invite whenever, just I don't want to feel the pressure of needing to keep my upload rate fine etc, I know it's really easy but I have my issues.

>> No.14101248

Only download during freeleech then or abuse upload credit? Not difficult.

>> No.14101249

I was emailed my tracking number when they shipped, this was like 2 months ago. It was emailed as a change in the notes part of my order.

>> No.14101250

Then why don't you just get your friend to download it.

>> No.14101254

I know what to do, I was in private trackers before. It brought anxiety with it, I would rather not deal with it now. I'm not doing too well as it is.

We don't really talk much anymore, but if I asked for an invite he'd be happy to give it

>> No.14101263

Sows is the easiest private tracker there is. You only have to keep a 0.4 unlike almost every other tracker in the world.

>> No.14101268

Maybe it's worth the effort of finding him, we used to hang out in the same irc channel but not anymore

>> No.14101333

Thanks friends. The main reason why I won't do CRT is because I live on the third story of an apartment building with no elevator and no one wants to help me carry a fuckhuge CRT so it's gotta be some sort of flat panel. I just wanted something that isn't going to run me up more than $500.

Would running a 720p native res TV be better since AC is displayed at that resolution? Also is there a way to guarantee I won't be getting any ghosting and have access to at least a game mode setting on TVs to disable post processing without having to actually play on the TV first?

>> No.14101415
File: 355 KB, 768x1280, reni-32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long did it take for them to ship it? I ordered about a week ago.

>> No.14101421

If you want to download AC data you need to have a 1.05 ratio.

>> No.14101453

It took about 9 days from the monday after the weekend I ordered it.

>> No.14101476
File: 6 KB, 365x114, dao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, so there's no need to panic just yet

>> No.14101596

I picked default colors, I was cheap.

Just default buttons, but I did order omrons from akishop for $27.

>> No.14101760
File: 2.06 MB, 4160x2600, IMG_20150916_181743_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now do i what i did to mine
the black plastic scratches 2 easy

next best thing to a rbc2 for a white controller

>> No.14101883


>> No.14101978

Get a 24", a 22" will leave a big letterbox on the top and bottom when you play HD IIDX

>> No.14101989

Keeping your ratio isn't that hard, just download some of the freeleech stuff and wait a couple of days, while you do, just use the seeding bonus to buy some GB of upload and use the "Save the world" feature every day. You'll be downloading the soundtrack in less than 2-3 days.

>> No.14102011

Can you do localhost on spada data?

>> No.14102051


>> No.14102059

How do people make long sessions (6h+) less boring, tedious, painful, annoying over weeks, months? No drugs plz even though it'd be the best way to grind shit

>> No.14102075

if you're asking this then you're probably not having fun

>> No.14102107

You can do localhost on anything with an ea3-config file.

>> No.14102222

By enjoying the game they play

i mean if you don't like the game then don't play it for 6 hours holy shit

>> No.14102223

Obviously not. It's fun to work on timing or hard-clearing, but pushing the limits kinda isn't. It's one long jamfest. Sure it helps to make progress fast, but boy it's annoying as fuck. There aren't any goals or much to pay attention/look forward to. BP can be all over the place and very dependent on random. If you get lucky and manage to get low bp it makes grinding the song even more annoying, because you won't hit that low bp anytime soon due to shitty consistency on those charts. Same with timing. Get lucky random, great score, but you won't repeat that for a while. Simply put there isn't much to "do" during that grindfest period and since you don't magically get better overnight it gets old fast.
I mean I assume this kinda applies to people who are basically bad at the game and not yet at the stage where you're working on specific problems, weakness, etc

>> No.14103584

It's alright to download AC data as long as you seed, right?

>> No.14103590

To make up ratio, I mean*

>> No.14103602

just wait for pendual

you can get tricoro and probably even spada publicly anyway, no reason to use sows for anything but pendual right now

>> No.14103637

But it's not coming for months

>> No.14103776

It's okay even if you don't seed, as long as your ratio is 0.4 you can still keep your account and play AC data, but you still need to be power user to download.

>> No.14103829

Once again, proof?

>> No.14103930

Well, it's not like I need to upload 25GB again. I just have to get my ratio back to 1.05

>> No.14104141

In that case, get to that ratio, download the data and just make sure you stay above 0.4

>> No.14104221

Are there any trap songs in IIDX?

>> No.14104276

Todestrieb I guess

>> No.14104315

Not yet but probably in the next style

a bunch of trap has been coming out of the doujin scene recently it's the new meme genre

>> No.14104351

Not sure if you guys know what I'm referring to.

I mean stuff that sounds like this or similar after the drop:


>> No.14104484

Anyone else think that for 21st style they should have gone with a casino theme? Spada is awesome, but that would have been fucking sweet

>> No.14104557

you mean like these songs that all came out like less than a year ago

taqumi and Glitch Lortnoc - Traptastic Voyage
Yooh - 安息の地~TAKABATA~
しょっぺ人 - UNKOSONG 2015 (tpz Bootleg)
DJ Genki & Camellia - Gravy boat

>> No.14104564

Well tricoro did have https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bS2_-1pEHHM so you have something to hang onto

>> No.14104581

Remove all denpa shit

>> No.14104894

uchuu sensou is actually a good song

>> No.14105062


>> No.14105206

looking good, thought about a pink setup at first as well. Got blue now though. I hope my order arrives soon :3

>> No.14105250

*cough* getaseedbox *cough*

>> No.14105255

Sanwas + omrons? Not for 290$ lmao..

>> No.14105681

pop'n has the best denpa.

>> No.14105688

pop'n has the best bemani music overall. i really need to get around to building my asc

>> No.14105993

Not much proof, but the release date on wiki is apparently wrong. So, it might take a month or two more, but we should find out soon anyways.

>> No.14106003

Ha, I figured. Well, at least get omrons when possible. They're generally much better (more clicky less mushy) and last longer (depends). Again not saying they're absolutely necessary, but want you to test them yourself and see how you feel.

>> No.14106007

i suck at hitting more than one note at the same time

>> No.14106088

haha wow that sounds like massive shit
it would fit in right next to the denpa and edm

>> No.14106091

popn has too many buttons

>> No.14106177

Still waiting for the 10 key double scratch whoosh knobs dance pads rhythm game

>> No.14106579


A synthesizer?

>> No.14106646

No what should be made is

>Eleven Pop'n style keys
>Five FX keys underneath
>Two footpedals, and a stomp panel between
>Four turntables, in each corner of the entire setup, each with a woosh knob on them
>IR sensors a-la Dance Maniax
>steering wheel specifically for Eurobeat songs
>Powered by Kinect™
>osu! scoring and ranking

>> No.14106704

>osu! scoring and ranking
The fuck outta here.

>> No.14106723

Why are most 2dx 11s sooooooo shit (music-wise, charts are fine)?

>> No.14106840

So what's the deal with bemanichannel and why it's hard to get into

>> No.14106912

Japanese only. Need to be l33t for obvious reasons. If bemanichannel gets to be as "open" as sows they'll be in a lot of trouble.

>> No.14107230


>> No.14107409

Illegal as fuck so covert as fuck, makes a lot of sense

>> No.14107438

Is the digital version coming before the physical?

>> No.14107697

I want to start playing Beatmania, what is there for PC and what do you recommend?
I like DJ Max, but it's a shame that they only made 1 game for PC, and I prefer playing rhythm games on PC than on PSP.
Used to play Osu! osumania, but after starting on DJ Max it isn't the same.

>> No.14107713

The recent Beatmania IIDX games' hardware are basically modern PCs, so there are are arcade rips you can play on your PC. The torrents are a bit hard to find if you aren't on sows, the secret club you should find out about if you lurk enough, but there are a few with a few seeds. For starting you can play Lunatic Rave 2, it's a simulator and is pretty good aside from the random crashes. You need BMS files which you can easily find on the web

>> No.14107745


>> No.14107749

I think I'll try LR2 then, since my PC is a bit old, so it probably can't even play Beatmania.

>> No.14107779

What are your specs? The games aren't really that demanding, they've been running on the same hardware for a few years

>> No.14107780

If you can run LR2, you can run AC data

>> No.14107969

It feels so good when you finally clear a level 6 chart for the first time after getting raped by them for so long.

>> No.14108087

I just read this thread: http://osu.ppy.sh/forum/p/4514188 and realized that osu is ranking iidx songs now, ignoring konami's takedown request. Can we inform konami legal of this and make them remove all songs from iidx, sdvx and all other bemani games or games made by konami from osu? We can't legal sows, but maybe we can legal peppy, since he makes money from it. Peppy is probably scared of the osu player base expanding too much, since osu lets you download mp3s of any playable song so you can argue that the game lets people download artists' songs for free illegally and he makes money from it. More popularity = higher chance that someone can fuck him up legally.

>> No.14108164

What does /jp/ think about Groove Coaster 2? Considering playing either that or Jubeat.

>> No.14108179

It's pretty fun. Extremely simple to get into but kind of difficult if you can't follow the constant camera screw.

>> No.14108225

If I get a seedbox, can I transfer my current downloads to it? Or would I have to download again?
How does it work

>> No.14108324

I dont want to fuck up Peppy. The ranking and scoring system of osu! might be shit but it's still a very well programmed game with well thought features, and is free to play with no real advantages to paying supporters. But most of all, I think puush is a wonderful program and it's peppy made

>> No.14108555
File: 9 KB, 348x440, bemanitools.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have my FP7's firmware updated to the latest (1.04). However, the turntable seems really sensitive. I have it set at these settings in the picture, and the middle in the mouse settings on Windows 10.

It's hard to select just one song in SPADA.

>> No.14108573

did you try lowering the sensitivity

>> No.14108589

iidx songs that were put up before the takedown are still ranked, but they're not available to download anymore.

>> No.14108592

Yeah, but when I do that it still skipps songs sometimes.

>> No.14108608

lower it more

>> No.14108655

I'm saying that they started ranking maps after the takedown. The takedown request was on August 27 2014, they revived two maps on May 15 2015, ranked them on May 25, and ranked a few other iidx maps after these. The new maps are available for download, I guess that they're thinking "it was a year ago, they totally don't care about copyright infringement anymore, right guys?" now. Some maps are osumania maps, so it can be taken as stealing iidx songs for a game that plays like iidx and takes something similar to a "premium" payment.

>> No.14108688

Just played smooooch・∀・ for the first time ever (newer player)

Why did everyone get their dicks wet over this song? It's pretty meh. The animation is cool, but the song is average.

>> No.14108694

I dunno, maybe it's catchy.

Personally I'm not a particularly big fan of it. Flip Flap and Insane Techniques are better songs from him.

>> No.14108728

Bad Apple in IIDX when?

>> No.14108798

It's a fun song

I like insane techniques better, but flip flap isn't that great

I unironically want more 2hu and vocaloid in iidx. Watching all the old players get bent out of shape over it is pretty funny

>> No.14109207

If hypothetically we inform Konami about this and they sue Peppy into the ground and osu gets shut down, where will the osu! community go? Other rhythm games. So please don't.

>> No.14109596

Go to your PCs mouse settings and lower sensitivity and/or disable acceleration

>> No.14109601

Are you afraid they'll be better than the rest of us?

>> No.14109606

It's a good simple straightforward fun chart. Great when you just want to feel you're decent at the game.

>> No.14109644
File: 253 KB, 824x1018, ` (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking love this meme

>> No.14109658

Oh my god this sucks so bad. You'll get it eventually! Great job anyways.

>> No.14109763

Actually if Peppy makes money off of it they'll probably get to him relatively soon anyway

>> No.14109788

wait how is that a meme

>> No.14109794

That's true. I still enjoy the game because it is well coded and peppy and the rest of the staff always have good ideas to implement for further verisons of the game. Plus, like you said, it's free, even though I always buy supporter.

>> No.14109798

Doesn't make it okay to make money off of someone's work

>> No.14109825

I don't know really because I started off sows with having a seedbox already, but I guess redownloading the torrents won't add to your ratio / download. Thus you could just dl everything again onto your seedbox because they have a really high download rate. I just checked my seedbox overlay but it has no option to upload any files except for torrents. I guess you could upload the files to the download folder using an FTP client (I use filezilla) and then add the torrent file to the webui of your seedbox. The seedbox will probably not download anything form the torrentfile / swarm because all files are there already. If it still does you can try to check the file in the webui. This might work, but it was just a possible solution that came up on top of my head. I hope I could help you out, good luck anon.

>> No.14109826

I didn't say that, did I?

>> No.14109828

How long does it take dao to proccess my order? I know that shipping is about a week, I think.

>> No.14109872

No you didn't and nor did I say you said so

>> No.14109883
File: 32 KB, 394x372, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 great at the very last note


>> No.14109895

Alright good. You are right though, I still don't want to fuck up peppy though despite the fact that it isn't okay. It might ruin one of my favourite rhythm games. Yep it's one of my favs, cause it's fun (well except of the ranking system lol)

>> No.14109899

Yeah that doesn't happen in real IIDX
I guess you're playing easiestjudge LR2

>> No.14109920

What setting is closest to real IIDX?

>> No.14109956

he doesn't make much off of it

>> No.14109965
File: 191 KB, 771x675, WP_20150915_00_21_29_Pro_2_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

taiko time!

>> No.14109993


>> No.14110053

i cleared 8dan before 7
try that or just disregard dan mode because its kinda stupid

>> No.14110221

I don't think it's about the amount, it's about the fact he makes money, at least that's what matters to courts.
One of the strictest ones in LR2 if you're playing easy judge charts. I don't remember, it's been a while since I messed with LR2.

>> No.14110228


>> No.14110301

i have a really soft spot for kyatorare lol

like space prim is really good too but kyatorare is really fun to actually sing even if it's not that good a song; almost all other prim are kinda boring (kuruizake) or fucking retarded (cheerleader) although miserables is good too i guess

>> No.14110308

underrated post

>> No.14110330 [DELETED] 
File: 85 KB, 556x410, CPLi_1GVEAAFZIV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14110341

fucking finally

>> No.14110342

from what i've read before normal is the closest but still a little easier

>> No.14110363
File: 233 KB, 556x410, popn_ec_loc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14110636

i hope it's not close to real IIDX cause I'm pretty sure that's fucking jubeat

>> No.14110658

oh what is that what a perfect score is called in jubeat
now I feel retarded, I'm sorry. How hard is that to achieve?

>> No.14110746

Anyone know if I should buy 400ppr encoders for my SDVX controller? I have 24ppr ones and they're jittery as fuck.

I probably should have just dropped the extra dosh and bought a turbocharger.

>> No.14110810

in the facebook groups

>> No.14110946

Download ealocalhost. Launch it. Press 'start'. Play. Not sure if you need to change pcbevent to 0 in ea3 config or not

>> No.14111060

>perfect everything in IIDX

probably pretty damn difficult

>> No.14111122

>get 1 great near the end of a song
>lose potential for getting world record and beating a rival's score

fuck ddr, why the shit isn't EX score on by default, why is it only used in tournaments
one great and your score is fucked, fuck this game

>> No.14111129

No I meant how difficult is getting a perfect on a song in jubeat

>> No.14111145

14000 results on Youtube. Can't be too hard.

>> No.14111550

He's afraid the fucktards (which there's a lot of) will play AC data in public.

>> No.14111669

Who knows. Maybe Pendual will be the last data release or they'll stop providing it once infinitas is out. Would be kinda cool to get more people playing iidx and perhaps get some of them into insane BMS stuff. That shit is too dead

>> No.14111690

We're getting DDR2014 and Lapistoria too.

>> No.14111898

Unless Infinitas is actually going to get an international release, then AC data will probably not stop coming for a while.

>> No.14112017

Well we have legit ac. Kinda expect infinitas to be international. Bit silly on Konami's end not to do that, but hey, it's Konami

>> No.14112234

quit all vsrgs for taiko

>> No.14112333

taiko is fun

>> No.14112338

the fuck is a vsrgs

>> No.14112515

A term created by someone who really hates taiko

>> No.14112701

Vertical Scrolling Rhythm Games.

>> No.14113138

What taiko sim is the best?

How hard would it be to USB mod this thing >>14109965?

>> No.14113150

Taiko jiro, and there is a why to make the wii controllers to work on pc, I don't remember how, but you have to buy some things to make it work.

>> No.14113200

Where can I get songs for it? I found one song bundle but it was deleted

>> No.14113206

You have to search very carefully, there are some on chinese webs, some on youtube, and one blog I don't remember its name, if you don't find anything, I can upload my folder of songs I have, but almost all songs are oni.

>> No.14113259


>> No.14113431

>there is a why to make the wii controllers to work on pc
Why would you waste time configuring bluetooth shit instead of just ripping out the electronics and installing a 10 dollar USB encoder?

Honestly, I'd like to know what the difference is between the cheap Chinese clones I can get for 30 bucks, and the official models that cost 80+. How does the sensor even work? Can I buy better versions for a dollar and install them into the chink clone?

It's really fucking annoying how little info there is out there on controllers. All this shit is probably on SOWS, but nobody wants to give out invites so I can read the forum and not download the AC data that gets leaked everywhere.

>> No.14113447

New pop'n announced, noice.

>> No.14113515

round1 got fucking four crossbeats but can't get a single new popn

>> No.14113590

>four crossbeats
Is Capcom so desperate that they're giving them away in bulk now?

>> No.14113606

how do I stop getting angry when I play like shit?

>> No.14113613

Every time you play, your muscle memory and hand-eye coordination improve. No second you play is going to waste, even if you're not doing well.
What wall are you hitting right now?

>> No.14113621

moving from muzukashii to oni in taiko
I feel like I can read the patterns but my hands wanna do their own thing and it's infuriating

>> No.14113983

Retarded question

I want to play maimai because hitting a washing machine reminds me of my retarded childhood staring at loads of laundry going in circles

How the hell do I get started, do I actually need gloves, what special card system does Sega use and where do I scan it, do I need to know moonrunes for the menus, etc.

>> No.14114269

I played a bit in Japan so I can answer partially. I'm pretty sure gloves makes it really more enjoyable and easy, every great player I have seen was using them. I didn't, and it was pretty frustrating to have my hands stick on the screen for slides. I do not remember what card Sega uses, but just ask an employee of the arcade station and he will sell you one. You don't need moonrunes that much because the menus don't have a lot of options so you'll just learn from experience how to change genres/ difficulty and things like that

>> No.14115121

What numbers do you guys use for your timing in iidx? I've heard various numbers that people use to get it as close to AC as possible.

>> No.14115353

Wash your fucking hands with soap, i have no issue with touch screen sliding with clean hands.

>> No.14115384

as not the guy you're replying to

My hands are always sweaty. It runs in the family.

As a result my hands will either shit up the screen by leaving a film of salt water on it, or they'll have dried up recently and be clammy and disgusting.

It would be very nice to have a cloth there, but I usually bring my own whenever I visit an arcade anyway for that reason.

>> No.14115416

Similar problem on IIDX for different reason. I use minimal amount of baby oil. Works great

>> No.14115455

Jesus fuck playing IIDX after drinking just a bit of beer is a terrible experience.

>> No.14115707

You're weak. Sipping whiskey occasionally and doing as good if not better

>> No.14115844 [DELETED] 

Report peppy's copyright infringement to the RIAJ (Recording Industry Association of Japan)

You can use the contact form here: https://www.riaj.or.jp/inquiry/e/input (english) or here https://www.riaj.or.jp/inquiry/j/input (japanese)

>[explaining that there are infringing packaged downloads for songs and that some of them can be seen in (search result link) or in (beatmap link) /// give them as many infringing links as possible]
>Click on a song title to view the download page.
>If you are not logged in, an image will show up saying "CLICK TO LOG IN". If you are logged in, it will say "DOWNLOAD BEATMAP" and give you a .osz (.zip) file that contains a .mp3 song file.
>You can find more of these downloads on the following link: https://osu.ppy.sh/p/beatmaplist?q=tv%20size and on many other links

Change the wording at least a bit.

Note that the character limit is 800. You may need a character counter like this one: http://www.charactercountonline.com/ to avoid going over the limit.

This could get most of the anime opening/ending beatmaps and any songs from these companies https://www.riaj.or.jp/e/about/member.html removed. osu is pretty much filled with these maps, so it will take a huge hit.

If a song gets a takedown request on youtube, it will sure as hell get a takedown request on osu, since you're downloading songs directly on it.


You can also send something similar to konami and send them the links in this pastebin: http://pastebin.com/YP5QLMCt

The link to their previous removal request: https://gist.github.com/peppy/99e6959772083cdfde8a

And the link to the newly ranked beatmania iidx songs: https://osu.ppy.sh/p/beatmaplist?l=1&r=0&q=iidx&g=0&la=0&s=4&o=&r=0&q=iidx

Don't separate links using just new lines, you have to separate links using two new lines and a few spaces if you want to do that, otherwise the links will be broken. You should just separate links using spaces instead.

>> No.14115850

nah, fuck off.

>> No.14115864

why? they'll all just flock over to BEMANI games if osu gets booted. no thanks.

>> No.14115874

why hate peppy this much anon?

>> No.14115877

If I play noticeably worse than usual, it usually means I'm not in the right mindset to play or I'm tired as hell, so I call it a day. I stop before I get really mad or otherwise I might not want to play the next day because of how awful I was the day before. Since I don't have a Bemani PC and have to bring my desktop down two flights of stairs, it's very easy for me to be like "fuck it I don't feel like it today", which just leads to stagnation or reverting in skill if I avoid playing for too long.

>> No.14115888

He is profiting from something he doesn't own, and doesn't pay for licenses to do it.

>> No.14115893

Are there any 7k pop'n charts for LR2? I know where to find iidx but not pop'n.

>> No.14115979

casual players that are there just for anime songs will stop playing it, i don't think that they would play any other rhythm game

animu kawaii desu uguu retards that use hentai skins will get bored of the game since they can no longer play the latest anime's opening/ending (there are a lot of these retards in osu, and the average player age is somewhere between 12 and 16)

touhou and vocaloid songs won't be affected, and that's what sound voltex has, so for most of the remaining players there is no point in switching to that, as osu!standard/taiko/mania/catch the beat is everything

peppy will take a hit on how much money he gets from supporters when the anime songs are gone, and he will probably have to take supporter off unless he wants to get sued for making money from other people's songs.

>> No.14116034

Where can I find tricoro not on sows? I don't have enough ratio to download it there.

>> No.14116061

Don't be a cunt

>> No.14116079


Hi peppy. Are you in Australia right now?

>> No.14116095


Check the archives, there was a magnet link posted a few threads ago.

>> No.14116099

Go ask him

>> No.14116105

You would think that with the popularity of osu, a lot of artists would notice and take action for it. A lot have, actually.
Most just don't care.

>> No.14116261

Search "tricoro hdd" on baidu and it's the first link. It's fine as long as you get a pcbid and use psun.

>> No.14116273

Does anyone have a link to a pop'n hdd? I grabbed Tricoro and SDVX on baidu, but I'm having trouble finding sunny park or even fantasia.

>> No.14116281

Can anyone please give me the insane bms.zip torrent link?

>> No.14116283

Well said. About the same here expect I know how to stay calm. In general I try to keep in mind if I can't do something in game it obviously means lack of practice. Knowing that I can stay calm and just keep pressing buttons (jam!!) until I improve. It will happen sooner or later, always. So, since I've been there many times over the years I know very well how it "works" and these days I don't get frustrated at all no matter how bad I do.
Basic understanding of what practice means including the physical and mental part of it helps to stay on track. Just know improvement doesn't happen overnight and it will be fine.

Getting angry or frustrated usually happens when people practice something way above their skill level. You want to find that sweetspot where you have this sort of feeling you can do better in few tries or on a next run instead of practicing something over and over again knowing very well you won't be able to do it anytime soon (maybe for weeks or months). There is a place for "grind hard shit until your hands break", but it's something you have to discover for yourself at the right time instead of trying to force it without understanding where it belongs and when. It's all about finding the right balance to maintain motivation without getting frustrated. It's sometimes good to feel "god dammit -10 AAA, I could've done better", because it makes you focus more, etc. All in moderation. The easiest way to go about it is to just jam a lot. Forget about timing or clearing and press buttons at the level you're relatively comfortable at (barely clearing or not, but being able to read notes and hit them for the most part).
As for doing bad one day and not wanting to return. Yeah, this does happen. Again, if it happens all day every day you probably want to work on your base rather than trying to force something you can't do. Figuring out a system where you improve some aspect of the game even by tiny bit every day helps to keep going. Keep it up!!

>> No.14116288


>> No.14116294

fantasia: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:cee841516762079312975e04c82929f5339c4224&dn=DJHACKERS-L39

sunny park: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:39c2723689ee0daa9235908ab14faa65f1177cbd&dn=M39

>> No.14116296

Thanks anon <3333

>> No.14116309

Thanks a lot.

>> No.14116344

Where did you get SDVX?

>> No.14116352

I can't remember the link, but it was on the baidu cloud storage thing.

You're probably better off grabbing the magnet links from the archive though. It seems to have every game and you don't have to deal with shitty dl speeds.

>> No.14116375

SDVX 1: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:a2628baafcc446f59f64844753f562f37632a85e&dn=KFC-2013052900

SDVX 2: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:e290b6fed5569a8455dad436b88498bcf1bb6de7&dn=KFC-2014012900

>> No.14116384

It depends on how you play but gloves are usually needed because your hands would probably get hurt if you play level 10 songs and above. If you're just starting and only play level 9s and below it's fine if you don't wear gloves.

>> No.14116422

I love you

>> No.14116516

Actual poster here, no clue. Get a ps2 one and converter iirc

>> No.14116640

Have fun playing the tutorial and having 10% of the song list every time you play.

>> No.14116815

dance evolution full non-chinese hdd



>> No.14116847
File: 2.93 MB, 4128x2322, 20150919_093056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I leave it for a few hours, my FP7 turntable looks like that. I stick it back and it stays while I play my session. With what should I glue it down?

>> No.14116867

My FPS's center sticker does this too, I really want to glue it down but I don't know if I'll ever need to get at the screws under it

>> No.14116980

When DanEvo 2 becomes a thing... If it ever does....
