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13981356 No.13981356 [Reply] [Original]

Arcueid's redesign: good or bad?

>> No.13981358

objectively shit

>> No.13981379

its ok

no better nor worse than the original, but still ok

>> No.13981387

I hope Nasu dies.

>> No.13981392

So gorilla hands and giraffe necks are in the past now? Good, but what with those flamingo legs?

>> No.13981400

long skirts are the best

>> No.13981405
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Who is this new guy? I can't believe they replaced Shiki.

>> No.13981413
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>> No.13981416

I had no idea arc had such amazing legs.

>> No.13981427

Those flamingo legs are amazing, let them alone

>> No.13981477

It's Persona 5's protag.

>> No.13981482

God damn he looks like a faggot.

They could have uses Shiki from the Manga, it looks ten times better than this.

>> No.13981486

I want to sink my teeth into her exposed thigh.

>> No.13981540

The hair should be left alone as well as the long shirt.
The long skirt gave her a strong presence and unique look, IMO.

Really like the new boots but that's it.

>> No.13981544

I had no idea arc had such anorexic legs

>> No.13981554

That's not anorexic, that's just low body fat. Try it some time, fatso.

>> No.13981608

That may have a lot to do with this new fucked up design. I thought for sure Arc had a bit more meat on her bones previously.

>> No.13982368
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>That's not anorexic, that's just low body fat.

>> No.13982373
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>> No.13982377
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>> No.13982381
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>> No.13982384

What is this generic shitslime.

>> No.13982394
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>> No.13982402
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>> No.13982406
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>> No.13982455
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> muh 'meat'

>> No.13982461


why does she need glasses if she is deaf

>> No.13982488

Better that than those small feet, which is apparently still a thing, like on >>13981405

>> No.13982597
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What happened to her delicious RACK?!?! This is a TRAVESTY! A motherfucking travesty!!!!

>> No.13983026 [DELETED] 

Best Tsukihime.

>> No.13983235

Will this bitchi get a route?

>> No.13983256

She doesn't look like Saber, so probably not.

>> No.13983270

it's still huge dude

they make bras now that flatten huge breasts and spread them out more so you can fit into more clothes

thats the kind of bra arc is wearing

>> No.13983424
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>> No.13983453
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Is this a bra otaku?

>> No.13983764

She's cute but she isn't the Arcueid I know. The short skirt was definitely a mistake.

>> No.13985177
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>> No.13985197

RIP granny skirt
I'II miss u

>> No.13985208

I don't follow this company's storyies. But man can their artist draw good. This is really nice.

>> No.13985441

would kohaku let me rub my face against her tabi

>> No.13985512


Why is he Gilgamesh with Shirou's hair and Kayneth's face now? Because of the newer anime adaptations of Fate, now everyone's going to resemble them to synergise the series and benefit from the hordes of recent English speaking anime only people? Is that what's happening?

She resembles a completely new character. Although, it does turn me on. That was probably the intended effect, but then, a redesign of Ciel done properly would have done so even more. Disappointing, but not nearly as bad as Shiki or Arc.

That's not Shiki at all. What is this

MKII - Super slutty Arc redux. She severely fractured her left leg, and her skirt became extremely short. Why is Ciel's skirt longer? What the hell happened?

>> No.13985551
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I really like these new designs except for Shiki's thick glasses.
I would have been quite bummed if they had kept the old designs which are way too old school. Although they looked quite good in Carnival Phantasm but were probably not "serious" enough for the VN.
I wonder how Nrvnqsr will be handled.

>> No.13985560


>> No.13985574

Is this the one girl that lets you have anal sex with her? Why are bespectacled girls always the ones to let you have anal sex with them?

>> No.13987900
File: 339 KB, 1600x1200, Arcueid Yukari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing about Arcueid's look is the fact she's been asleep for centuries and suddenly awakens to our present time. This would obviously make her not very up-to-date on her fashion smarts. Concerned about wanting to blend in a little better, I had imagined her to quickly observe what people were wearing and find whatever she could for cheap clothing at goodwill shops (never thought her to be the type to rob a clothesline, but who knows). Yes, the white sweater when oddly combined with the long purple skirt and pumps looks a bit strange, but this just made sense.

This new design for Arcueid makes it seem like she immediately hit a teen clothing store, maybe something like a Forever21 (irony intended) with a lot of cash.

>> No.13988003

Oldfags can bitch how much they want but they won't change it, so they will just end sucking it up in the end
newfags have grown in a world where anime is cpmpletely shit and tasteless, so they can't even begin to understand why that design is objectively bad
in the end there is only one real question:
why the fuck do you still care about Tsukihime in 2000 fucking 15 when the original author is the first culprit of selling out and shoving this creepy shit unmarketable for the big numbers mainstream market in the corner?

let it go anonymous

>> No.13990538
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Kuso designs

>> No.13992323
File: 310 KB, 820x1200, arcueid brunestud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Takeuchi: Maybe it's because I'm always working on galgame, but I'm somewhat opposed to changing a female lead's outfit. I feel a character's clothe is also part of his or her design, which is why Arcueid from 「Tsukihime」 has been wearing the same outfit for the past 10 years (laughs).

> Ishii: This makes sense if you really think about it, (laughs) but I also can't really picture Arcueid wearing anything else.

>> No.13992446


They want to create a "standard" design to make money more easily.

>> No.13992528


>> No.13993053

It's funny how money can change someone so much in a fairly short time.

>> No.13993418

How very, very interesting..

>> No.13993527

What happened?

>> No.13993664

Takeuchi sold out.

Some gross hairy mole old fat bald rich man wanted to buy arc and dress her up as his little whore. Takeuchi took the money without hesitation and arc was sold like a slave.

>> No.13994176

I want to be that rich dude.

>> No.13994253

Who's that? Was she in the original game?

>> No.13994305

a cutest and best paradin

>> No.13997108


>> No.13998576
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Akiha is the granny skirt girl now, it fits her character and story better. I will miss the charm of purple long skirt and babettes of Arc but having old fashioned clothes didn't help the story of her having knowledge of fitting the society after waking up.

>> No.13998734


Why is the hairband black! For what purpose!

>> No.13998737


To cash in on homuhomu.

>> No.13998761 [DELETED] 

im going to marry ciel!

>> No.13998781

longer skirt was better

>> No.13999451

>you will never sell out so hard

>> No.13999529

Cute but the old look was cuter and nice match with her bubbly, whimsical personality.

>> No.14007472

I like this design, he looks kinda faggot-ish, but it'll have a nice contrast when he goes full "rape the maids".

Or at least I hope that happens.

>> No.14007488

Arc has two ahoges. Does that mean she's a baka aho?

>> No.14007542

It means she's easy to fool and fuck.

>> No.14007548

When she inevitably Inverts/activates Origami, the black will pop against her red hair better than the white did.

Also, black is now her primary accessory color.

>> No.14008054

That reminds me, why doesn't her hymen regenerate? She must have been a non-virgin before becoming Roa

>> No.14008219


Wait, is this going to actually come out? I thought it was just Takeuchi drawing updated designs for the hell of it.

Is Sachi finally getting a route?
