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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 323 KB, 488x600, nhby03Lwwk1suvno8o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13959357 No.13959357 [Reply] [Original]

No Elona thread in the catalog? Let's fix that.

>> No.13959485

Someone from last thread have asked this.

Wandering merchants drop the same items they sell.

>> No.13959533

What race should my first character be?

>> No.13959546

snail tourist inferno or gtfo.

>> No.13959554

Juere is the best choice. You can do whatever you want with it.

>> No.13959563

Elona quimperiana, common name the escargot de Quimper ("Quimper snail"), is a species of air-breathing land snail, a terrestrial pulmonate gastropod mollusk in the family Elonidae.


>> No.13959814

Can't believe I just lost 6 treasure maps and who knows what else.


>> No.13959829

Don't do anything dangerous when you're carrying 6 treasure maps and a lot of loot, bruh.

>> No.13959871

Yerles is the most vanila race you can be in Elona. It is the games human race. Their racial ability lets them earn a little bit more skill points than other races. The points earned may not seem like a lot but over time do add up. Aside from that there is nothing bad or particularly amazing about them so they make a good newbie class.

>> No.13959874

err race not class.

>> No.13961320


Thief is easy. 100% crit all the time and steal miracle gear off people you see.

>> No.13961327
File: 14 KB, 48x48, elliya.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fire Dragon Child Monster Girl. For anyone who wants it.


>> No.13961352

Kind of a noob question, but does anything bad happen from failing to pay taxes? I gave one of my bills to Gwen the Innocent, so I can't pay it. If anything bad does happen, is it based on the amount of time since I failed to pay a bill or on the number of bills I fail to pay?

>> No.13961394

You lose karma if you fail to pay taxes after a certain period of time.

>> No.13961404

Forgot to add that it applies -10 karma per bill missed.

>> No.13961498

>I gave one of my bills to Gwen the Innocent
So that explains the transformation to merciless, she learned it wasn't a gift you gave her.

>> No.13961992

Where's the pastebin? Has everyone pretty much just switched to manually updating their sheets and such?
I do myself, just mostly curious, specially since elona custom is being worked on.

>> No.13962003

only if you know what you're doing, anon

>> No.13962099
File: 1 KB, 48x48, 4chanCharUploadNOTBMP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand that to use the FireDragon I need to change it to pcc_body_XX but what about images like the pic related?

>> No.13962106

How do you update your sheets?

btw sorry for the samefag but how do I change my character's appearance like I do with pets (not shape change) through the [i]nteract menu?

>> No.13962121
File: 2 KB, 128x192, 123458678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you grab whichever you're using, the one from the latest game version, and paste the new sprites in place (usually at the bottom right where new sprites are added) and then save.
also: 'c'haracter > 'p'ortrait

you make a sheet with 4 rows and 4 columns, a green background, and paste the sprite once for each animation (moving left, up, down, right, etc) like pic related, and save as bmp

>> No.13962126

this guy, and about the custom player sprites, might take a little tinkering to get them all aligned, try using that sheet as a reference (if you want) or use some colored guidelines, maybe.

>> No.13962252
File: 1.38 MB, 1584x1344, edgycharacter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In case anyone's interested I slapped together a few sprite sheets for the 1.48 update, and also touched up the monster girl sheet a bit.
First is a non-monstergirl sheet.

>> No.13962257
File: 1.37 MB, 1584x1344, uguucharacter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next is a full-on monster girl sheet.

>> No.13962266
File: 1.41 MB, 1584x1344, character.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And last is my own sheet that's somewhat more balanced I guess. Well slightly more monstergirlish.

>> No.13962288
File: 610 KB, 818x647, pic#.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, don't do that. That's a convoluted way to use a single sprite.

Just name it pic_#, as in pic_1, pic_2, etc.

Put it in user/graphics.

Press i for interact.

e Shape Change.

Select pic_#.

>> No.13962495

Thanks ma8.

By the way does anyone know how to manually enable the toolbar/sidebar in gimp? I may have closed or disabled mine and I have no idea how to set thresholds or delete colors without it.

>> No.13962502


Up top.


Tool Box

>> No.13962508

Should have googled that. Sorry. Thank you anyway.

>> No.13962579 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 128x191, SamuraiBody.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back again with some basic questions sorry. I just wanted to find out if my BG was too dark and also how to put back the original blue BG. I've got a BMP version of attached picture as well.

>> No.13962591
File: 186 KB, 1440x900, SamuraiScreenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey all back again. I wanted to ask if my BG was too dark also how to make the background the original blue.

>> No.13962610
File: 213 KB, 1366x723, blue bg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Open original with the blue.

Press O for color picker tool.

Get blue.

Right click on layers window dialogue.

New layer.

Pick forground color.

Export as BMP.

Do not save color space data.

24 bit.

>> No.13962619


Oh. Also, it appears you deleted some parts of the body.

>> No.13962639 [DELETED] 

I have the original link. Are the parts minor or what?

>> No.13962654
File: 169 KB, 1365x722, ionno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't know. But it is these places.

>> No.13962659

I have the original link. Are the parts minor or what?

Also when I hit new layer my bmp with grey becomes blue. What do I do afterwords?

>> No.13962664

How do I fix it or do I need to start the whole process from the beginning?

>> No.13962673


You have 2 possibilities.

Spam ctrl + Z to undo until the missing bits all come back.

Start all over.

>> No.13962691

The problem is that the sprite has a blue shirt and at the first part where we delete the blue background..part of that goes away as well. So. What do?

>> No.13962700


Lower Threshold on magic wand to 25.

>> No.13962731

May have to go even lower. What problems can I expect?

>> No.13962734


Blue outlines maybe. Depends on if sprites have a transparent outline or not.

>> No.13962814

That's neat, thanks anon
gotta admit doing it that way was kinda annoying at times. Also locked at 48x48 which was... lacking, most of the time.

>> No.13962823

How can rid of transparent outlines? Also how can I merge layers?

>> No.13962866
File: 232 KB, 1364x719, how to remove transparency.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Try to put it in the game to see if a blue outline shows up. If it doesn't, then it's a none-issue.

Right click on layers window dialogue.

Merge down.

If you want to know how to remove transparency while preserving the picture:

Create new layer with a neutral color of your choice. Something that mix well with the sprite. Can be a color from the sprite itself.

Create new layer with that color.

Make a new layer that combines the original and the neutral color.

Go to Layer.



Delete neutral color.

The blue outline should go away in game.

>> No.13962891
File: 457 B, 128x191, SamuraiBody.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I selected foreground color for the new layer and merged down but I got pic related. Should I instead select background color?

>> No.13962897


Undo the merge with ctrl+ Z

Place the samurai layer on top in the layer dialogue windows by dragging it or press the up arrow.

>> No.13962922

Thanks for the tips but I need to recolor the sprite. Such is life.

>> No.13962924


Why? What's wrong with it?

>> No.13962986
File: 123 KB, 1440x900, WhiteWings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too much blue. Also I **THINK** I have a new problem. Too much white. See:

>> No.13962990
File: 11 KB, 128x193, ElvenKnight2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I need to recolor?

>> No.13962998


I don't see what's wrong with this. Put it in game and see if it works.

What are you trying to do?

>> No.13963022
File: 18 KB, 128x193, ElvenKnight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was the original screenshot pre-gimp.

Here's what happened when I finished a minute ago.

>> No.13963038


What are you trying to do?

>> No.13963046
File: 684 KB, 1440x900, Ingame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what happened when I converted the original screenshot from the Elona sprite generator to an in-game body.

Also I'm trying to follow your(?) instructions from the previous thread.Feels very Frankenstein..


>> No.13963169
File: 568 KB, 819x644, make sure its 128x192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh. Okay. I'm confused for a second. I thought you were trying to delete the wings.

The file size the website gives you is wrong. It is 128x193.

It is supposed to be 128x192.

Afterwards, it should work normally after you replace the blue. There is no transparent outline for this sprite so semi-flatten have no effect.

>> No.13963180
File: 72 KB, 128x192, pcc_body_10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here if you want it.

>> No.13963239
File: 805 KB, 1366x768, dresser example.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The in game equipment is interfering with your PCCs. IE the cape over the wings. You can turn in game equipment on or off wit a dresser. They are found in almost every town. There is one in the king's room.

>> No.13963330
File: 932 KB, 1440x900, Ingameagain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used paint to convert it to .bmp. Then I ran it through GIMP and got the same problem.

The original sprite I made's problem is that the wings are sort of invisible and it is very VERY dark. Here's your screenshot first.

>> No.13963350
File: 534 KB, 1440x900, DarkSprite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the result of putting my gimp picture above ingame.

>> No.13963411


Haha. You saved the thumbnail. Click the picture to expand the picture first. Then Save. Then convert it to BMP again.


Lower Magic Wand Threshold to 25% so you don't delete the wings. The sizing is wrong. Make sure it is 128x192.

>> No.13963424
File: 452 KB, 369x313, dont save thumbnail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13963462 [DELETED] 

You are awesome bro. Awesome. Thanks man. Don't know what I'd do without you.

>> No.13963478

You are awesome bro. Awesome. Thanks man. Don't know what I'd do without you.

Btw do you know of a way of making the sprite dark skinned or otherwise without coloring the entire sprite? The generator isn't letting me chose skin color or anything like that.

>> No.13963537
File: 3.77 MB, 1366x722, opacity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There is a in game setting for that, but it does color the whole thing.

You have to do it yourself if you want to be specific.

Right Click on Layers Window.

New Layer> Transparency.

Set Opacity to less than 100%. Depends on how dark you want it.

Pick a color.

Use pencil tool to color it in.

Be as neat as you want. I am just showing an example.

>> No.13965845
File: 85 KB, 650x720, 1423440365289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to play elona again, but at the same time I just want to wait for custom to be fleshed out.
The struggle of not knowing nihongo.

>> No.13966001

I don't really understand you people. The story for this game isn't bad but it's nothing special either. The big things going for this game though is the grind, if you're into that, the customization of sprites, and the fact that the game can be challenging.

If story is important for you, you can at least take solace that most of North Tyris is translated and the cutscenes are translated on the wiki. There's also that side project to implement them into the English version of the game. There are also guides on the wiki that explain what's going on in the story and will help you complete the quests for the untranslated portions.

Sure, it's not the same thing as actually playing the game and reading what's going on comfortably while playing it but I don't see why people are holding back. If at all anything, you should take solace that when you come back and grind up to and through the already translated content more stuff will hopefully be translated. It's not like you can't just import your save into the newer iterations of Elona you know. Also, you'll be better prepared for new content after having grinded it out anyhow.

What I like most about this game is I can create my own goals and grind towards them. At this point I don't even really care much about the story as I've created my own. On a side note I'm still not sure why people who hate grinding continue to play this game to be honest. I don't think that part is going to change and if at all anything, will just get worst as new bosses and new content gets released.

>> No.13966062


For the side note, I don't mind the grind, I just want more stuff to do to alleviate it. I want more weapons in between the power of North Tyris weapons and inner god weapons. I feel like I'm losing things to work on.

>> No.13966112

Some of the South Tyris weapons are interesting whether they come from a chaos fort boss or a quest. There's also living weapons to find and the artifact fusion you can unlock once you've unlocked Lost Irva. Artifact fusion brings new interest to otherwise garbage artifacts. With artifact fusion you can add stats, resists, magic damage, and other things. I'm currently playing around with the idea of adding remote blow to a custom made weapon. Since there are some things as a melee guy you'd rather not go toe to toe against having that option for a remote blow is nice. Thankfully, the sp usage of it is mercifully low so you can spam it too.

I'm also wondering how I can tweak a living weapon to get the most out of artifact fusion. So yeah, for me anyways, I have plenty of things to keep me occupied before inner god weapons.

>> No.13966136


So far, I'm actually using the Pile Driver, which is a nice weapon. I had to abandon my about 200 levels in my weapon to learn another one though. I haven't really done anything with artifact fusion because I haven't bothered with the quest. Right now, the only thing I'm focused on is damage, which is what a lot of these weapons lack. Maybe it can be fixed, but I'm not sure how.

>> No.13966249

I'm that guy, I've already played lots and lots of elona, it's just slightly painful to play past north tyris because not even the most basic npc conversations are translated, and missing all the details such as item descriptions, backgrounds, and so on and so forth just piles up quickly making it slightly less enjoyable.

I've read through the story up to a certain point and it's nice, I just feel like the game doesn't feel very complete with its lacking translations at times. Is it wrong to look forward to the game being a little more polished?

I enjoy elona a lot, specially the relaxed sandboxy grinding moreso than any storyline, but having a more accurate/complete translation is just another thing for me to look forward to, just like anything exciting in new versions. At this point I come back from time to time, I'm just very excited about this in particular.

>> No.13966286

Where's the non-plebs here /jp/? Post your 4 digit stat chars and pets.

>> No.13966318

Don't think you're going to find a stronger two hand weapon outside of the Pile Driver. Even if you get the one of the melee Inner God weapons you'll be conflicted about using them.

One problem, is their weight. You'll need lots of flying scrolls to get them down to a reasonable level. Second, most, if not all, god weapons have the "brings an end" feature on them. Even though the wielders of these god weapons are so powerful that the shit that spawns from Ragnarok are nothing to them it still proves to be an annoyance that may make people reconsider using the weapons. Mages have it easier with god weapons, they don't have to swing the things around and can just benefit from the stats they bring but I digress.

Lets answer your question on how a two hand wielder gets stronger/does more damge. For you it will be about raising the two hand skill and tactics for a better damage multiplier. AP is a good option for it. Also, strength will add to your damage multiplier. Herbs will help there but artifact fusion can be a big help as well. Some of those cores increase strength so if you stack those core on equipment you can get your strength and likewise damage multiplier to higher levels.

>> No.13966403


I know about Two Hand and Tactics, I know around where you stop getting normal experience on them. It's just tiring. I want more variety in good two hand stuff. I was so disappointed when I found out that the Claymore I got in North Tyris is just about as good as stuff like the Dragon Slayer or Grandel which comes much later. I mean, what's the point of those things?

>> No.13966592

Two-Hand needs additional damage multiplier and a medium-armor casting percentage (92%) to complement its disadvantage to damage on Dual-Wielding (even 2 weaps) but with a heavy armor casting percentage (80%).

>> No.13966642


I'd like them to add a passive amount of pierce, like Martial Arts. Maybe a lower bonus, but even 20% might help a lot.

>> No.13966708

Can you explain to me how dual wielding does a ton of damage? Two hand damage dealing is rather straight forward but I know absolute shit about dual wielding.

My theorycrafting, if you can call it that, leads me to believe that most of dual wieldings damage comes from invokes. I would think the goal of dual wielding is to stack elemental damage invokes, magic damage invokes, and time stop on the weapons. Then find yourself an interlocking shooting mechanism item. Since dual wield prides itself on multi hits that increases the chance of triggering invokes and that interlocking shooting mechanism leading to big damage. It starts getting even crazier when you add more arms I imagine. The only problem I see is that the damage isn't always consistent. It looks to me that dual wield alternates between shitty damage and absolutely amazing damage if you can get your invokes to trigger.

Anyhow, that's how I understand dual wielding so I'd like for you actual high level dual wielders to actually tell me how it really is. What do you guys do to get tons of damage and what kind of numbers are you seeing? What's it really like as a dual wielder?

>> No.13966852

Have ... have you played with the custom E+? I just ask because Anna has quite a bit translated re: South, and I take it you haven't because for example you mention backgrounds not being translated - when they are.


>> No.13967263

This sir is absolutely right.

I've never even read the story myself. It's kinda nothing special and boring anyway.

>> No.13967501
File: 134 KB, 800x600, nimetön4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tip: the altar in South Tyris fort of chaos is unclaimed.

Now, I'm having trouble in choosing weapons. Started as a gunner, gave up guns for magic, realized magic lasering with Staff of Insanity plus Scythe of Void plus spell enhanced Elemental Staff is a crutch, turned to ##### magic damage hammer, realized invokes and non-magic damage is more important and now I'm pretty much equal in Two Hand, Dual Wield and half of the weapon skills.

Every non-random weapon except god gifts, haven't dipped in the Cradle of Chaos yet. Metal Wing of Vesda, Gemini, Gloves of Vesda. Rolled lightning damage on the unicorn drill and that's my absolute favorite twohand but I'd like to get back to dual wielding (when I get hit rates higher) but I can't decide on offhand. I haven't tested Dynamic Saber, Rankis has been an earlier favorite with cursed flying (do magic vendors stack flying? mine's lvl400.), Mournblade seems fine but still lacking.

Help anons?

Picture unrelated, don't have a shop up yet (can't decide on location). My Exile waifu pooped out a blessed enchanted dragon scale pope robe that had the sell price roll over to 1gp. It was absolute trash anyway. Sorry Monadorre.

>> No.13967710

Fastest way to grind ancient tomes for mage's guild membership? So far I've just been searching the first level of the Puppy Cave but the books themselves are pretty rare. Why is mage's guild membership so suffering?

>> No.13967725

Why they won't allow free pvp zones where I can wreck all the mages with my beautiful mace.

>> No.13967950

Not yet, I figured I'd wait for another patch or two for bugfixing and polishing, mostly.

>> No.13968023

how about grenades? sure, the damage will be shit, but the grenade invoke is basically the best invoke in the game.

>> No.13968067

Dual wield grenades. You know you want to.

>> No.13968089

Are they? I didn't notice anything special when I was using them.

>> No.13968139

The updates aren't breaking saves for me, but that's understandable. Still, it does fix a lot of the issues. That's all.

>> No.13968244


That is so Elona-ridiculous I love it! It would even fill out my nerve resist better than anything else.

... It's pretty ridiculous how spell enhance stacks though. I've got a couple of dominated kali that were twice my level at the time but I don't have the patience to deal with pets anymore. How should I prepare to not get wrecked by latergame content?

>> No.13968255

Nerve resist because everything else is already superb before attribution shield, I guess. Every immunity except aliens, poison and bleeding covered.

And since I opened my mouth already, ideas on AP usage? I'm buffing speed obviously, but other than skill points the other options don't really convince me. And do debuffs ever get reasonable against god-level encounters?

>> No.13968332
File: 26 KB, 153x143, New Problem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...How do I rid of the blue? Sorry to bother y'all again.

>> No.13968337

Accept that life is what it is, and that pursuing happiness is foolish.
Seek contentment, and you will find peace.

>> No.13968341


Show me the whole PCC.

>> No.13968431
File: 23 KB, 128x192, pcc_body_7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished one and it came out perfectly. Wanna see it?

Here''s the PCC

>> No.13968453


Oh nice. Keep it up and you will be making your own PCCs in no time.

>> No.13968502

That's the broken one though~

>> No.13968512


I thought you said it came out perfectly. Still broken? Need help or not?

>> No.13968575

I was talking about a different one. The one is linked before has a weird outline. I posted the picture above.

>> No.13968641

holy shit you're fucking inept.

>> No.13968682

Any recommendations on trading routes?
I never got into hauling cargo stuff.

>> No.13968698
File: 96 KB, 128x192, test5 cleaned.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pixel arts is unforgiving. You need pixel perfect accuracy. Just don't paint opacity at random and not expect problems. You were drawing all over the blue with an opaque player, of course it will shows up as blue blob in game. I did tell you to be NEAT.

Here, I clean it up.


No need to shrink a small Elona player base even smaller by chasing all the newbs away.


Port Kapul hauling Manboo, Tuna, and Inner Tubes to Noyel. Once at Noyel, read scroll of return with Christmas Trees and Snowmen.

Asuming you have your house next to Port Kapul.

>> No.13968726
File: 45 KB, 128x192, pcc_body_9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks man.

There's a problem with this. I think there is a slight disconnect between the white parts of the sprite and the blue lemme know if you need an in-game picture.

>> No.13968748


Compressed. Aliased. Broken.

Start over. Don't delete bits of it off.

>> No.13968859 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 128x192, pcc_body_9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first time around I tried to delete very very small parts of blue stuck between the arms and swords. I messed up, obviously. This time around I forwent that and I no longer have the white outline but there is a new one and it is blue. It is VERY small. Like a thin film that only covers the bottom of the sprite's robe on certain frames but since you can tell what the problem is with the art I thought I'd give you the PCC anyway. Where did I go wrong?

>> No.13968880 [DELETED] 

My first impressions are I think the threshold was too high which caused some of the hair to be deleted, I think. And I'm seeing some white on the left-most sprites in particular but I'm not sure what to do for that.

>> No.13968887

Or, since my house is in the middle, I could grab a haul, return to my house, go to the other place/buy from there, return...

No need for you to be near one or the other as long as you're along the way, right? You'll just wind up using return twice as much.

>> No.13968907
File: 50 KB, 128x192, pcc_body_9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I deleted my previous comments to combine them into one. Sorry if they just disappeared on you.

Right so I went back to the drawing board and pic related is the result. The first time round I attempted to fiddle with some loose blue backgrounds stuck between the sprites arms and/or sword the result is as you see above. Mistakes were made. This time around I chose not to do that and in-game there is a definite improvement on the other hand the outline, though far thinner and more local to the leftmost corner of the sprite's robe and only appearing on certain frames is still a problem.

I think I set the threshold(25%) too high which caused some of the hair to mix with the blue background as well as some parts of the left-most frames to be deleted. What can I do to fix this?

>> No.13968923


Give me the original before you try to do anything with it. I will do it and tell you how to.

>> No.13968946
File: 44 KB, 128x192, Original.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13969073 [DELETED] 
File: 3.76 MB, 1366x721, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Make 2 copies.

Magic Wand Threshold 15.

Select all blue.

Then right click on image. Select > Grow> 1 Pixel.


Choose a neutral color.

Create new layer with neutral color.

Layer, new from visible.

Layer> Transparency > Semi-Flatten.

Delete Neutral Color.

Replace blue. Export as bmp.

>> No.13969107
File: 3.76 MB, 1366x721, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magic wand Threshold 15.

Select all blue. There should be an blue outline not selected.

Right click on image. Select> Grow > 1 Pixel.

Delete. There should be no blue outline remain. Only some transparency.

part 1

>> No.13969132
File: 3.73 MB, 1357x720, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


To remove transparency.

Choose neutral color that blends well.

Create new layer, foreground color.

Make sure the image of the body is ON TOP.

Layer>Create from visible.

Select Visible layer of neutral color and body.

Layer> Transparency> Semi-Flatten.

part 2

>> No.13969151 [DELETED] 
File: 96 KB, 128x192, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Delete the neutral color. Just press delete. You should still have your selection from part 1.

Create new layer with blue color. Place it under visible.

Export as bmp. Do not save Color Space. 24 bit.

>> No.13969171
File: 3.77 MB, 1366x723, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Delete the neutral color. Just press delete. You should still have your selection from part 1.

Create new layer with blue color. Place it under visible.

Export as bmp. Do not save Color Space. 24 bit.

>> No.13969180
File: 96 KB, 128x192, test 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


These steps should be familiar by now.


>> No.13969328

Thanks man. I was following your instructions on my end and getting rid of the stray blue pixels is like peeling apart an orange individual bits of pulp, and all. Fairly tedious but it's what has to happen though. Thanks for all your help.

>> No.13969680

can't understand why you guys are having so much trouble with this? I literally do it in 5 minutes in ms paint

>> No.13969728


Takes me a minute or two in gimp. Some anon just don't know how to use GIMP and I am just trying to help him.



>> No.13969777

Dunnng-kruger has nothing to do with this.

This is an absolute basic photoshop/gimp/paint process, It's literally making one field the right color. I'm not >>13969680
but this is simple to do and the fact that 90% of the current thread is this one anon failing to do something so simple, and flooding the thread with it, is aggravating.

>> No.13969851

Is there any specific time for when an NPC's shop refreshes or changes it's stock?

>> No.13969873


Somewhere around 5 PM most of the time for me.

>> No.13969893

You guys have gone around something so simple so many times that the sprites turned blurry and shitty. Here's how to do it in paint:

1. Open sprites in paint

2. Make sure transparent selection is ON

3. Keep the color you want to replace (background or whatever) in the secondary button (right click)

4. When you cut sprites, they'll leave behind a block of that color, keep the color you want to replace it with on the primary button (left click)

5. Color the leftover square with the bucket tool w/ left click, let's say you replaced brown with green, all brown in the sprite or background will become green when you paste over it! Save as BMP and done.

Pretty easy way to replace/recolor, you can also just drop the sprites with transparent selection if they're already on a white background
(but make sure to make pure white slightly grayish on your sprites, can do the replace method and then just delete the background with white bucket coloring)

>> No.13969919

Thanks! For some reason I used to think it was around midnight.

>> No.13970115

You can get a bunch through the spell wizard harvest. Outside of that there is no real easy way to farm the books. You need to keep your eyes open for them as you do random dungeons. Leave the Puppy Caves and start doing other dungeons.

The AP traits are good. Charm and barrier are popular and the other two are nice if you like to live your life on the edge with constant low life. Barrier is good for both warriors and mages alike too. As for debuffs, silence is still reasonable against the gods. It may be a bit difficult to get them to stick but very effective when they do. Against god type enemies, all the debuffs are worth it. Shouldn't have problems debuffing them and you should use whatever you like against them.

>> No.13970240

Sorry for flooding the thread I'll try to keep posting to a minimum unless the content is more varied(?).

>> No.13970257


Don't bother restraining yourself. Elona threads are not very active anyway.

>> No.13970306

I have been doing other dungeons and having little luck. I've found about 4 books over the course of this game and I'm already on level 17 in Lesimas.

>> No.13970340 [DELETED] 

I'm gonna sound like a retard but how could I use your method to recolor a small part of a sprite without breaking it like if I wanted to recolor robes or hair, for example.

>> No.13970355

Its all RNG for the books anon. Pray to Ehekatl that you find them.

>> No.13972519

I don't really mind, personally, just thought there was a lot of running around on a simple matter!
I use paint all the time and never had issues so maybe give those steps a try sometimes (hope I explained clearly enough)

>> No.13973768

So is there any reason to NOT do martial arts now that they proc x number of additional attacks, or is it not as amazing as it sounds?

>> No.13973823

Also a bit late on this reply, but that only works for pets, doesn't it?
The other convoluted sheet method lets me use them for myself (I don't really care about the lower-quality sprites with animations, since monster/npc sprites tend to look better, I end up using those)

>> No.13974189

You did and I tried my hand with them. I can see how they could be used to tinker with block-ier(?) shapes like rectangles and squares but it seems a bit difficult to recolor a circle for instance without losing details. Still that's what GIMP is for.

>> No.13974213

As long as the circle is within the rectangle, it doesn't really matter what the shape is. Can always use the other tool to cut shapes if necessary, though.

>> No.13974268

Martial Arts has always lagged behind because of its damage multiplier and not having anything to make up for it aside from pierce. However, now that it gets additional attacks maybe its damage will be more in line with the other two melee types late game. Expect to grind for a long time to get respectable damage even with the fact that you now have multiple attacks.

>> No.13974287

Also, from what I've seen, the multiple attacks have a sense of randomness to them. For example, sometimes you'll hit 4 times in one attack, another only hit twice, and maybe you won't even proc multiple hits.

>> No.13974298

Well of course, proccing 7 additional hits all the time would be a bit on the overly buff side

>> No.13974553

>defLoadFolder. "" The saved game in the folder will be automatically loaded after launching the game. (Use a folder name under the \save folder. ie."sav_player" )

Oh cool, I didn't notice that option before.

>> No.13975003
File: 684 B, 48x48, ElonanScythes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what do I do with items like these? I understand that if it had some sort of character sprite I'd save it as char#.bmp but what about items? I really want to use this.

>> No.13975053


It's cosmetic only.

Name it plan1.bmp

Put it in user/item

Copy and replace.

There is also a plan1.txt.

Write what you want for description. Cannot modifiy stats in Elona+. You can only modify stats in Elona OMAKE.

In game, go to Garok Workshop.

Talk to Garok, choose 2nd option.

Pay 1 platinum coin.

Enter 1.

Choose item you want to cosmetically change.


>> No.13975064
File: 2.01 MB, 816x645, camping with happy bed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Example of what you can do with that.

Happy Bed and Sleep Sheep is made into a big tent.

>> No.13975176 [DELETED] 

Let's say I pick some item and it becomes a scythe. Can I then make another item a Scythe or change the original item into a sword or what?

>> No.13975211

Can I just delete all the text in the .txt file except for the parts to do with rendering the EN version of the file. Like %TextdescriptEN1 etc. For some reason the flavor text is having some trouble aligning itself.

>> No.13975337


Blank lines need something in it.


No Data.
No Data.



>> No.13975356
File: 340 KB, 586x368, ssil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone please translate this? She has stopped giving me rewards after the treasure maps for 500 cards.

>> No.13975397


Is an example of what's under JP.

>> No.13975408


Whatever program you used cannot display Japanese characters. Use something else.

>> No.13975531

From here on is still under development. Gather in advance for the time being.

Being able to see stats at the side like that is through use of an item right?

>> No.13975554



Press C to open character page.
Tab to skills page.
Press * to track skills you want.

>> No.13975605

Ah, thank you.

>> No.13975869

Can I give a potion of cure mutation to the girl in Noyel or does it specifically have to be a potion of cure corruption? Where can I get the latter?

>> No.13975903


Have to be Cure Corruption.

Get it from winning 4 time in a row in the Blackjack Casinos. Not that hard. Especially if you have super high dex or its your lucky day.

>> No.13976134

Is it ok to kill little girl's on board quests in the outskirts or will that count against me later on?

>> No.13976152



Little girls are NOT Little Sister.

>> No.13976212

All monsters on board quests will be hostile no matter how peaceful they usually are.
You only have penalities if you kill named NPC's(karma loss).

>> No.13976253

OIC thanks. So it's ok to kill 'little girl' but not 'little sister' that accompanies big daddies?

>> No.13976316

If you kill the little girl you may feel guilt in your heart but it has no real consequences in the game. Little sisters you don't want to kill. Unfortunately, when you kill little sisters it reduces the spawn rate of big daddies which you will need to show up to get the little sisters. The little sisters can then be turned in for a repeatable quest reward that lets you get a copy or replace a lost precious item you've already found.

>> No.13977483

With the little sisters, can I turn them in even if I don't have an item I want a copy of, or should I make them wait in town until I have an item that I want copied? I noticed the question about the reward, so it might be a dumb question, but I don't want to waste little sisters.

>> No.13977582

Have them wait at town until you have something you want.

>> No.13977621

The count is preserved.
Let's say you need two sisters for a thing, and you deposited five, you can get two item, for 2 and 3 respectively.
If you had deposited 6, you'd be at 1/4 of another reward.

And the count do not decay, so no reason to not regularly deposit them, if only to empty the pet slots.

>> No.13979365

Elona+ Custom 1.48.2 is out!

You can now track potential.

More things translated.


>> No.13979385

Are saves broken when changing version ?
Can saves from regular elona+ be used ?
Can saves from custom be used with regular elona+ ?

>> No.13979414


No. I did it multiple times.

Yes, I converted multiple times.

Yes, but remember to disable potential tracking before you return to regular or it will be stuck there as the regular cannot turn it off.

>> No.13979425
File: 48 KB, 328x839, 1403936109728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13979855

Can you rename pets and if so, how?

>> No.13979889

Interact with your pet by pressing 'i' on your keyboard. Then select name in the menu.

>> No.13979908

Thanks, I am blind.

>> No.13980033

Will /jp/-sama forgive me for playing on overdose mode?

>> No.13980041


No. We're going to find you, and make you stand in Etherwind until poison drips from your hands and your voice sounds like a truck running over a chicken.

>> No.13980050

That sounds incredibly lewd.

>> No.13980167

You think there's something to forgive because you do not stand to play with such a crutch.
Go back to the grinding side, it feels better.

>> No.13980233

I've heard that's possible to find a really high-leveled (500+ or something like this) random dungeons later in the game, but I've seen only ~200lvl mobs max in wiki. so do their levels scale to dungeon level or that applies only to dungeon bosses?

>> No.13980287

Yes, in normal dungeons the regular enemies will conform to the lvs stated in the wiki for them with the boss getting a boost based on some calculation related to the dungeon danger level. For the most part, this arrangement will be a challenge to players for a good amount of time.

Later, players will unlock Lost Irva and gain access to awakened dungeons. Awakened dungeons are a bump up in difficulty because unlike normal dungeons all the creatures in it scale like the dungeon boss. Also, there are floor hazards such as gas that does periodic damage to you and everything else on that floor, floors that don't allow for teleport, and other stuff.

Then there's the void. a dungeon that goes on and on and gets more dangerous as you go deeper in it.

>> No.13980427

Thank you for the answer. Seems like these awakened dungeons are what do I want, and it inspires me to grind more to get on enough level.

>> No.13980520

Does anyone know what a Takstock does? Can't seem to figure it out.
Also is it necessary to give pets blessed restore body/spirit after they die or do they retain the effects? I think I've read this before but I've forgotten.

>> No.13980571

I'm on the process of making a melee pet from scratch that can solo Buildup Opatos due to that previous thread triggering me. I can't seem to find the appropriate weapon with a #####+ Holy Shield invoke though holy shit.

>> No.13980769

Elona+ item. When used it causes all allies in view and not under any status effects to gain 1~5% Gauge.

>> No.13981367

Can I train martial arts by hitting things and doing no damage? Or do I need to actually hurt things?

>> No.13981372


Pretty sure you can. But not on Sand Bagged monsters anymore, that was removed.

>> No.13982297

So I keep randomly losing money from a "malicious hand".

>> No.13982364


Keep money in kitty banks. Can buy them from general store. They have different deposit sizes.

Or if you are lucky, get items with "Prevent thief from stealing your money."

>> No.13982422

I've been reading conflicting stuff lately. When farming AP with the intention of boosting speed, should I save up AP to the max I can hold and then boost speed in one go, or is it safe to just boost as I get AP? Some places say that INI never changes, so that seems to mean that boosting speed won't affect AP gains, but others say otherwise. Also, is the void the best place to farm AP, or is there some better place?

>> No.13982749

Lucky dagger from Ehekatl is an easy way to remediate that issue.

>> No.13982798

Palmia Pride is much easier to get. Also you probably will be wearing this ring anyway.

>> No.13982933

2000 AP is the max you can have at any one time before you're forced to spend to make room for more AP. Assuming you have enough to boost your speed, you can spend as you go or save up to 2000 and then spend. The choice is yours and makes no difference in the end.

Your INI score is locked in place after character creation. It will never change. As for pets, their INI score is fixed as well with lower level pets having better ini scores.

Yes, speed boosting will not affect AP gains. What happens underneath the hood is your INI score and amount of AP you have spent so far are plugged into a formula and a number is spit out. This number is checked against every time you kill a monster to see if you gain AP. If the monster is strong enough(a calculation is done using their their stats) you'll gain AP.

In general, what you need to take away from this is that the addition of more speed is not what is making AP gains harder. What is making it harder is the total amount of AP you've spent. You'll need to seek out harder and harder enemies to kill as you spend AP. Since you're on the lookout for harder and harder enemies the void is a natural answer for this and to a lesser degree awakened dungeons.

>> No.13983369
File: 978 KB, 1291x768, Ive wasted my life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awhile ago you folks helped me become the Inner God slayer I knew I could be. Now I'm here to return the favor.

I killed the entire pantheon of inner gods. If there are any aspiring god slayers here, ask me anything you like.

>> No.13983422

What happens if you murder all the gods, anyway?
Can you even worship them anymore?

>> No.13983435

Haha that throne next to pies and refrigerator you must be fat.

>> No.13983443

You steal their essence for yourself.
You mold avatars ressembling the old gods so that the current world order hold, because being the Overgod don't interest you, adventuring is way too fun.

The charade will be maintained for as long as you care to. One day though, you'll stop adventuring and take your place as Overgod, ushering a new era of prostitution and bardkilling.

>> No.13983455

Well, her title IS Talented Hedonist after all.

>> No.13983462


>> No.13983465

You beat the game, but no there's not much fan fair. You get all their inner god weapons though which is nice. Yes you can still worship them, but my half assed RP is that my character is now the god of grinding, which as we all know is way better than magic or luck or fucking healing.

Talented Hedonist. Bring me more pies, and a beautiful korean boy.

>> No.13983476

>One day though, you'll stop adventuring and take your place as Overgod, ushering a new era of prostitution and bardkilling.

>> No.13983501

top cake

>> No.13983514

>god of grinding
No way something as overpowered as that is allowed to exist.

>> No.13983518

Thanks anon!

>> No.13983527

Actually I kind of like this too >>13983443

Still, what other force could possibly beat the entire pantheon other than sheer, raw, grind.
When you get to the point that you can kill them the numbers get so ridiculous that the game collapses in on itself. I've seen bomb rocks in awakened dungeons survive their own self destruct because they just have that much health

>> No.13983592
File: 8 KB, 48x48, tank preview.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a god damn tank.

Tank PCC. Can also use as a Riding PCC if you merge your hair to the body or disable the hair.


>> No.13983598

Proof of YERLES SUPREMACY right there.

>> No.13983607

How do you get Superb Potential on everything? I only eat Curarias and whatever other herbs my farm produces everyday, but I am still struggling to get out of Bad.

>> No.13983637

>Invest a shitton into every magic shop you can find (100+ shop rank)
>Buy potions of potential whenever they show up
>Gather a fat stack of potions
>Bless the pile

That's the most reliable method, anyway.
The rest are as follows:
>Drink out of Noyel's Holy Well like a fucking animal (the PC doesn't even use the bucket)
>A training machine will (very slightly) improve your strength potential (use these when the etherwind blows)
>Sleep on a nice bed
>Get a pet with a good cooking skill (they make breakfasts that improve your potential)

If you have a maid at your house:
>A guild trainer will improve one stat's potential for three plat (only if you're currently in one of three guilds)
>An adventurer with high impress will improve a single stat's potential for six plat

>> No.13983682

Herbs barely increase potentials as far as I've seen. Potions of potential are your main source. Get as many magic shops in your house as you can (2 for most people, there have been lots of arguments over this potential soft cap) and invest like crazy. Stock up on the things and track how your potentials are doing as best you can. You can also find them in dungeons, craft them, get them from treasure maps I think. Really anywhere decently rare items show up.
Picnic baskets are also an option though I didn't use them much. The maid house will give you a decent supply of them though.

My advice is to overload your cart after investing in magic shops, then pass time really fast on the world map, check your shops, repeat. This will also give you a huge stockpile of herbs from your farms/kumi statues. This way you'll always be eating herbed herbs, assuming you have enough statues, and you'll have enough potions to keep your potentials around 300-400. Once you do this your stats will skyrocket.

>> No.13983689

Actually ya, this anon describes it better >>13983637
Apparently I'm out of practice. Your main stat will be maintained by guild trainers, especially if you're overloading your cart. I can't stress how useful overloading your cart is, do it. Bless a happy bed and sleep on it. When you have extra resources get a dawn cloth happy bed and bring it to dungeons to sleep (this should be your second one, don't risk losing your only happy bed). Pet cooking is something I never used but was always jealous of, it would have saved me a lot of time but I'm shit at raising pets. Training machines are garbage but if it's raining then I guess.

But ya, make sure to bless the potential potions. I can't believe I forgot that bit. Never, ever, drink one unblessed.

>> No.13983745

In latest versions you can't move if your cart is overloaded.
Overweighting yourself+opatos' personal gift are the main source of fast time wasting now, along with the palace ( and you can combine the two of course ).

>> No.13983754

>Can't move your cart if overloaded
Holy shit that's a huge change. I'd probably still be grinding if that wasn't an option. Well glad I got my god slaying done when I did.

Tell me, have they added anything new to coffins of necromancy? If I ever play Elona again, which I'm sure I will, I'd be doing a gimmick build. Probably a pure magic device build mixed with other consumables like coffins. I know they have the necroforce abilities, but anything else? I know they had a surprising amount of updates in the last little while.

>> No.13983823
File: 1.90 MB, 1600x1805, meteor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, it's Torte Shortbread. Thanks for all the information you've contributed to threads past. It certainly has helped me out.

Yesterday, I was finally able to tap into the power you and maybe other god slayers in the past have talked about. The ability to quickly level up solely through one's own spells.

>> No.13983848

Oh wow, you've gotten pretty beefy. Surprised your still playing, it's been months. Still enjoying yourself?

>> No.13983849


I didn't know you can kill inner gods comfortably with such a shitty 58 Life. Did you just meteor them till they die? lmao

>> No.13983858

Barrier dummy

>> No.13983863


Barrier when you don't even have inner god weapons at the start? I don't think a 139 base Mana and 512 base magic could handle that

>> No.13983873

You can beat God Inside Ehekatl without getting physically attacked once so long as you're careful about liching and can outspeed her when she uses retention. Her magic doesn't do shit to a fairy that abuses artifact fusing.

Also I grinded to 600, killed Ehekatl, then stole her weapon with an astral light pen. Elona is about abusing the shit out of game mechanics, after all

>> No.13983885


Ah, so you astral pen'd. Now that's a smart way for cheating utilizing the game mechanics.

>> No.13983890
File: 347 KB, 728x916, 80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you say so anon, but the gods are dead and I beat Elona

>> No.13984023
File: 1.02 MB, 1603x602, char.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can vouch for Torte Shortbread that she has killed the entire pantheon. In the past, anon also posted pictures of doing so and told of tactics against them. That fairy has crazy powerful spells as well. I used her spell levels as a baseline to approximate when I could challenge the gods myself with my character.

I've been creating my own end game challenges which I've been enjoying. One of these challenges is raising a pet to be strong enough to solo both a god and its inner form. Foolish I know but I'm having fun with it.

If I had my way I would have Yuki, my pet, destroy the entire god pantheon and install Yuki as the new godhead. I would also astral copy each of the gods and create multiple floors beneath my house. Each floor beneath my house would be a customized hell for each of the gods where I would plop the astral copy of them in. I would try to make my house above ground a kind of heaven so to speak. I have horrible house decor skills though but one can dream.

Another anon also showed how rods can be the strongest thing in the game so I'm working on raising my magic device to look into this. I'm also been interested in the Elona Custom project going on that seeks to translate things and reincorporate cutscenes that were only available in the Japanese version. thhttp://elona.wikia.com/wiki/Thread:17104

>> No.13984047

Well I'm glad you're still having fun. Your pet is pretty scary, I'm sure she'll be the godhead in no time.

When I pick Elona up again, hopefully years from now, I plan on taking a page from your book and tenderly raising a pet or two until they're silly powerful as well. I also plan on doing a magic device build at the same time, most likely.

>Elona custom project
I've been studying Japanese for the last little bit. I'm almost up to 1000 words now. I still have a long way to go but I'm at least past the point of giving up being a possibility. Hopefully one day I can contribute to that as well. It never ceases to amaze me how active such a small community like Elona's can be.

>> No.13984574


You still haven't engaged against all the 8 Inner Gods at once. What you did is simple assassination any Elona brat can do.

>> No.13984652


>floors that don't allow for teleport

That's just a nightmare sheep casting Retention, Kai.

>> No.13984986

I'm assuming you've done it? That's amazing. Post a screenshot of your character sheet as proof. I want to know what kind of character can do that.

>> No.13985032

Anon no, he's just fucking around.

>> No.13985647

I like the excess of sinking 24 blessed flying scrolls into each of the god weapons that you've chosen to wield.

I was wondering how you keep your skill potentials so high. Assuming the famexplatcoin relationship doesn't cap out I can see it might possible to maintain reasonable potentials with upto 20 coins per quest and the occasional scroll of growth bought with medals. Is this what is happening or is there more too it?

>> No.13986225

I feel like my game has gotten a lot faster lately, namely travelling on the world and spellcasting, same settings and pc.
Is this something the newer versions?
Also is it normal that songs sometimes don't start?

>> No.13986241


Faster? Elona is not a very computer intensive game. So I never notice any problems.

Songs should always play unless the map doesn't have a song. Don't know what you are talking about.

>> No.13986251
File: 72 KB, 128x192, Elliya hair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished.

Hair like fire.

Looks like this >>13961327


>> No.13986252

I think he means like when music doesn't play when you start a hunting quest. I've had that happen to me a few times, but it's rare.

>> No.13986353

Happens every now and then when I enter towns/hunting quests or exit to world map.
The game feels faster animation wise, like turns elapse faster in the world map or when spellcasting, not sure what it could be, maybe it's just me.

>> No.13986370
File: 6 KB, 480x96, WhatdoWithspell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I do with pic related? I know it's some sort of mod for an animation but which one? How can I implement it? Also what are the limits of the animation mod capabilities? Would I be able to set fire balls or whatever as the animation for fireball or [f]ire?

>> No.13986398


Those replace animations.

They are named anime#, as in anime1, anime2, etc.

They are in Elona/graphic.

NOT Elona/user/graphic.

Only programmed for 5 frames of 48x48 pixels. Above this, you may get weird reactions.

>> No.13986410


Actually, there animations with above 5 frames and 48x96 frames also exists.

>> No.13986490
File: 4 KB, 285x16, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is piety the same as favor

>> No.13986497




>> No.13986592
File: 7 KB, 152x192, RidingPCC4chanExample.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it ok to use PCCs with background colors other than blue? What about those with watermarks like pic related( bottom right corner)?

>> No.13986604


Need to be blue or it will not be invisible. Change the color in MS paint.

You need to cut that one yourself to 128 x 192 pixels with 32 x 48 pixels per frame for it to work. The watermark is irrelevant as it should be cut out.

>> No.13987186

Mainly blessed growth scrolls and plat. The plat though only really keeps two to three of my used skills at 400% potential. Blessed growth scrolls keep everything at 400%. Having said that, I'm not using them as much as I used to. Some explanations for this are because skills are getting harder to train thus their potentials are not falling as fast and there's just a whole bunch of skills I'm not actively training or don't care about. I only have a handful of skills I'm training really.

I've kept my dungeon danger levels low on purpose as well. Right now they're sitting at around lv 550 or so which are really easy for me and I don't have any real incentive to boost them anymore. Since the dungeons are easy I can run them pretty fast for gold medals and to replenish my gold supply for me and my pet.

I'll awaken the dungeons if I can as well to get me more cores but since there's a cooldown on when you can awaken dungeons I usually end up hunting in the void.

>> No.13987812

I currently have 500 Medals saved up (I had a few more but I made a load of tokens of friendship.) It is suffering to know that I need another 8500 for myself and 3600 for each of my two pets. I think I average around 2 medals per dungeon.

On a slightly less depressing note. I'm at the point where I'm seriously considering artifact fusion and if I understand it correctly the best base artifact is one of Godly quality with as few useless enchantments on as possible and perhaps at least one special enchantment (crit. chance+, interlocking, etc.) Then the idea is to stuff it full of resists and perhaps any resist fear etc. that you might be missing. Is this inline with your thinking or are Kai and T.Shortbread decked out in a different way?

>> No.13987968

Can't speak for Shortbread but I'll speak for my character, Kai, yes, you pretty much have the gist of it and that's what I did. I have two equipment that I loaded with resists, my crappy shoes and my <unknown shell> necklace arty. By loading these two pieces I was able to get every resist to Superb#####+. Depending on what your race is or how good your other equipment is it's possible that you may only need to load up one piece of equipment with resists.

The fact that you have other equipment which you can load up on cores opens up so many possibilities. Artifact fusion is a powerful thing and people really should be looking into it. Two things that should stand out is the fact that you can add cores to the artifacts that can increase stats and skills. Also, yes these cores can stack. For instance, I had 2 cores that raised will 11 points each. I fused two of them to my hat and now my hat is showing 22 will bonus.

What this leads me to believe is that it might be possible, if you're patient enough, to build a weapon from scratch that can emulate an inner god weapons feature of providing immense stat boosts.

What I would like to do for my pet Yuki is load her gear with strength cores and improve tactics and two hand cores to really send her damage through the roof. I understand that this will take time but the fact that it's an option is nice. If at all anything, I certainly know what I will be wishing for in the future. More gain attribute scrolls so I can fully take advantage of artifact fusion.

>> No.13988654

Holy shit, my starter little girl is giving me miracle dawn cloth, crystal, etc gloves and I'm like lv 10 in the earlygame, nerf pls :^)

>> No.13989217

It's Torte.
I have fairy resists so I was able to be a lot more care-free with my artifact fusion, but it still only took me about two pieces worth to superb all my resists. I know my boots were the biggest factor in that but I can't exactly remember the set up, and I can't get my laptop to check right now.

Personally I think the best way to go with resists is to hope for a godly seven league boot and then fuse that, assuming it meets the criteria you mentioned. I find that artifact seven league boots have very few, if any, enchants on them and since they have the innate benefits they make excellent fodder for a permanent addition to your equipment.

Artifact fusion is an enormous jump in power, so look forward to that. Once you start doing awakened dungeons and can get jewels of nefia you'll gain a lot of stats as well. I made myself a crazy speed ring with those things, I think it gave me around 78 speed? Maybe it was 68? Either way, fusion is pretty crazy.

So the short version is: Find one or two pieces you can use as permanent parts of your armory, these pieces should be godly with very few enchantments. Force feed them resists until you're nigh immune to magic. Stuff anything else full of jewels of nefia because why not? You should be leveling attribution shield anyway (unless you're doing an RP run or something) and the diminishing returns on resists past max superb are pretty bad as far as I've heard (but not personally tested). That said, high level attribution shield is a really noticeable difference in damage from my own meteor, and I have max superb fire resist without the spell, so maybe it's not too bad to go past it. If you have the extra scrolls don't be scared to test it out.

Also why do you need all those medals? Speed? Remember there are other ways to get speed. That said Kai had max speed when I was still buffing myself to get past 1000, and he went the medal route.

>> No.13989226

Unless they changed it since I last played you don't need scrolls to fuse nefia jewels, so feel free to go crazy with them. Also keep in mind that there is a maximum you can buff an item, and unfortunately it doesn't quite reach inner god levels. That said, like I said here >>13989217
I did manage to get a ring to silly high speed, that was on top of I think 60 or so CON and I believe some magic or will.

I think I tried to artifact fuse one of my god weapons at one point, but I can't quite remember the result. Once I get to my laptop I can check. If one of them has slightly boosted stats then it's possible to further buff them.

>> No.13989357

You're correct. Don't need the scrolls for the nefia jewels but you will need them for the resists and the jewel tear of god. Should of went further and explained that I would of used said scrolls to fill out my pets resists and take advantage of jewel tears of god so I can add magic damage to her weapon.

Yeah, I figured as much that there would be a cap which is formed by power limits. My only question is how high of a stat boost can you get if you find a really crappy godly artifact with practically nothing on it and you choose only to fill it with cores upping one stat? Even if you can't make an awesome one stat item I'm still impressed that you can probably still add an impressive amount of stats to your character even if the stat bonuses are spread out through several equipment pieces.

>> No.13989478

The cap on godly items is 3000 points. Considering it'll come with some enchants to begin with, let's say you get 2750 to play with. +1 stat s 20, +1 skill is 25, resistance is 100 per star.

Living weapon counts as a 1000 pt existing enchantment.

I prefer to craft pieces with full +res magic except a single +other res at the end. Since magic res resists other elementa as well this basically makes me immune to magic. I don't even take much damage from my 400k Meteors.

Inner God weapons are way over the enchant limit already so you can't fusion them. You CAN reroll with greater change material though. Also you can have a black cat lick it.

>> No.13989546

If you have a living weapon, then buff with the other 2000, THEN start leveling the living weapon, does it go over the 3k point limit?

In other words, do the bonuses you get from leveling the living weapon count towards the 3k limit?

>> No.13989552

Cool, thanks for clearing that up and the information on magic resist and inner god weapons.

>> No.13989581

You do. Though if you do the math it's not actually much of an improvement unless you're going for something you can't get with fusion, like spellpower.

I've also thought about using th 15-enchant limit to push Bloodsucking off the list, but, again, the benefit is pretty marginal.

Far as stat boosts go, they're actually not that impressive in the postgame tbh: +70 speed is peanuts on a 2000 speed base, plus since nefia cores are random you'll have to grind for ages.

>> No.13989591

5 days to make it from vernis to noyel.

Level 1.

13000 gold.


>> No.13989642

No, you'll probably have at least one bad encounter on your way to Noyel and it can end really bad for you or your escort since I don't think you can handle encounters well yet.

>> No.13989771

Wouldn't make it in 5 days even with 0 encounters and perfect weather.

>> No.13990030

Anyone have tips for a level 17 wizard looking to clear Tower of Fire?

I've stacked my resists to superb but I'm still getting killed in a few turns from the ambient damage.

>> No.13990114

Odd, with superb resists to fire and the ability to cast healing you shouldn't be dying to ambient damage. Maybe you need to come back later once you have more HP and MP. Also, stacking even more fire resist to put you past superb can't hurt.

>> No.13990427

Where did you go to teach her tailoring?

>> No.13990594

Been playing the latest version of Recompiled E+ (1.48) and my Little Girl can somehow makes a glove and cook a breakfast despite having none of Tailoring and Cooking skill. The frequency is tad low, especially the cooking, could be time related.

Anyway, without the related skills, they won't raise the skill level and will stuck in making a gloves and cooking an awful breakfast forever.

Earliest monster I could find is Spore Mushroom (level 4) for Tailoring and Rogue Wizard (level 10 Slave Master) for Cooking.

Been looking for Hungy Sea Lion to learn Carpentry but no luck so far. Gonna zap my stockpile of Rod of Summon Monster.

>> No.13990649

And apparently Hungry Sea Lion only give a leg body part and Eye of Mind skill. Now I'm not sure where to find Carpentry

>> No.13991161

try wearing a magaqua to make yourself wet all the time

>> No.13991931

>Get a Magaqua
>Get potions of resistance
>Get even more fire resistance
>Get cold resistance (boss has a cold spell)
>Get darkness resistance (same shit)
>Get magic resistance (same shit)
>Get scrolls/rods/spells of magic map
>Get scrolls/rods/spells of teleportation
>Magic map the area and reveal the stairs
>Spam teleport until you're on the stairs/close enough to the stairs

Get as much resistance as possible.
Just reaching the "superb" rank isn't enough, go beyond that. Once you have enough resistance (and an acceptable statline), the fire won't do dick to you.

>> No.13992861

Any ent will give carpentry.

>> No.13992884

What is Elona Recompiled?

>> No.13992897


English Cutscenes, more translation on untranslated stuff, 2 quality of life improvements. Pets use healing rain for you. Potential tracking.

>> No.13992905

Oh neat, is it separate from Elona+ or is it a new addition to it? What quality of life improvements?

>> No.13992916


Addition to it by Anna Banana on Elona Wikia.

2 quality of life improvement is pets consider your health and use healing rain. And you can track your potential to see if you should spend platinum on them.

>> No.13992992

Is it that all pets now know healing rain or that pets that can use it will use it when needed rather than randomly? Also I assume you mean attribute potentials? That's pretty good.

>> No.13993034


Only pets that knows healing rain.

Skills potential. Not stats.

>> No.13993039

Okay that's good, the alternative would be too easy. Can't you already see skill potentials?

>> No.13993066
File: 2.67 MB, 1021x684, tracking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not like this you can't.

>> No.13993070

Oh I see, so just a little convenience thing. Well that's nice. Good that we're finally getting the english story added. Is it complete? Like if I play right now will I finally get the whole story?

>> No.13993076


South Tyris is not complete. North Tyris completed.

Stop asking me menial questions.


Read the change log.

>> No.13993093

Any tips for raising my resists further?

>> No.13993856
File: 269 KB, 455x353, where.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where the hell this is?

I see tons of craters but none of them like this

>> No.13993877

This looks like the crater between Palmia and Noyel. There's 2 craters and a mountain (with 2 trees to its west and southwest) in a triangle in the SW of the snow area, this looks like the upper crater with the mountain just out of sight to the east. The trees also help, as they are just at the edge of the treasure map, next to the mountain

>> No.13993898

Follow the road east from Palmia. You'll see snow and probably two craters. It's in that area. Now that I've given you my shitty directions please just use this for all your treasure map needs.


It's a map and you can zoom in on locations if you left click.

>> No.13993986

Ah, found it, thanks.

>> No.13995303


>posting character sheet at all

A typical Elona pleb

>> No.13995396
File: 691 KB, 797x598, Yuzuho stats 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Haaaa? A Pleb you say? Let me see your shit char at 150hr playing time even if you're an obvious Kumiromi-slut. You don't have to worry, this char has low, non-existent skill level gardening but is enough to shame you.

>> No.13996088

I want to take some pieces of an animation from a different game, cut them up and combine the pieces in GIMP and then put the result into the game as an animation. The pieces are sprites from these sheets, is there a limit to how flamboyant the animations can be?


>> No.13996207


Depends on what animation.

Player Characters only have 16 frames of 32x48 animations.

Effects have limitation of size. 48x48 or 48x96 per frame.

>> No.13996418

Two of my pets died, how the hell do I remove them from my party

>> No.13996444


What? You can revive them at the bar. Costs money.

If you are going on a self imposed pet inferno permadeath mode, you have to revive them first to dismiss them. Think of it as paying for their funeral rites.

>> No.13996474

ah, okay

well, shit, now I revived my useless orc and there's no option to dismiss her

>> No.13996488

nevermind, i just had to make her a precious ally first
poor girl

>> No.13996516

Such hitler.

>> No.13996926

I want to do some escort quests but my party is apparently full.

It's made up of a mad scientist(lv.6) and my little girl who actually accompanies me. How can I get rid of the scientist? I also have a maid btw.

>> No.13996937

Have you ever [i]nteracted with you pets? It's pretty obvious.

>> No.13996953


Party slot is full. Can increase it by training charisma.

Increase your Charisma either by investing or performing.

10 for 2 pets. 5 for each increase in 1 slot.

>> No.13996956

Set them to stay at town? I have my mad scientist currently at my house but even with that I can't accept the quests.

>> No.13996973

Tell it that you are going to abandon it.

>> No.13996984

If you don't want to get rid of it, but you want to have more space in your party, leave them at the Dojo.

>> No.13997107

That's so terrible. Why would anyone do this?
Can't afford it. A pity. Scientist is a go-go.

Is there any way of increasing party space? I'd like a squad of little girls as back-up.

>> No.13997177

At least there are some players who can prove their exploits. You're just a shitposter that has nothing backing his claims. Truly disgusting.

>> No.13997195


Are you freaking blind?


>> No.13997820

Where the hell do I get a fishing pole from if I don't have the pickpocket skill
I've been visiting merchants for hours now

>> No.13997833

the fishing merchant in venris doesnt have one?

>> No.13997840

The two fishing merchants only seem to sell bait
Do I need to invest into them?

>> No.13998022

Pretty sure they stay just bait. Should be the goods or general store, I think general. I always have them mixed up, not sure which. Investing could quicken the process. You can also find them in dungeon.

>> No.13998059
File: 333 KB, 798x597, purelove.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally did it. After loads of procrastination and manipulating the weather. Now I need a new goal.

>> No.13998127

How does procrastination and manipulating the weather lead to Jure moving in?

>> No.13998172


I leveled up to 176, got everything ready, but it was August. So I used Lulwy's statue to change the weather to heavy rain, used the training machine to make days go by quickly at home, then prayed in November and used the Astral Light Pen. I was going to do this earlier, but I got distracted.

>> No.13998195

Neat, but I'm a bit confused about how the astral light pen works now. I could of sworn the wiki said something about having to be twice the level of the creature you're penning or something. Was that requirement taken out or does it work differently than I think?

>> No.13998210

I think it is the opposite, the creature can't be more than twice your level.

>> No.13998232

Ah, I see. Just looked at the wiki now and what you said. It all makes sense now. Grats about Jure. Does she keep her abilities as a pet or are they gone? Regardless of what happens, still a nice pet to have considering the stats even after the god recruitment penalty.

>> No.13998245


Well, she heals herself, uses an attacking spell, came with the Holy Lance, so that's not so bad. Need to get her some money and speed though, I'm way outspeeding her.

>> No.13998331

You can start renovating your house. Now that you have a goddess living with you she's going to expect her own onsen, a bar of all the finest liquor Tyris has to offer, her own personal garden, her own personal fitness room, and the list goes on. At least you don't have Yacatect living with you. She's high maintenance and more snobbish than the other gods and goddesses. What's worst is she likes to tell you yes her master, how you are supposed to spend your money. Fucking damn it Yacatect.

>> No.13998409

People keep getting murdered in Vernis

what do I do

>> No.13998435

Talk to random citizens and accuse them of being a werewolf. Usually it is very obvious. Once you execute the correct person, the murder should stop.

>> No.13998501

I tried doing this, but none of them responded.

I did read something about a phantom or impostor getting killed in public just before I tried this, so maybe I was too late

>> No.13998803


Keep asking if they are a werewolf and eventually an option to accuse them will show up.

I found the actual werewolf and asked if they were a werewolf 3 - 4 times before I could accuse them.

>> No.13998816

There any consequences for accusing the wrong person?

>> No.13998831


Haha. No. Only positive.

>> No.13998872
File: 508 KB, 794x597, gift.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitch made a gift for me for the first time. Can't wait to see what is it.

>> No.13998893
File: 408 KB, 795x593, garbage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kind of useless.

>> No.13998915

Wait, what's this? Is this new?

>> No.13998946

My little girl makes Godly itens for me everyday.

>> No.13998950

I think it's been like this for a while. At least 1.47 version has it.

>> No.13998954

You should punish her using the gene machine.

>> No.13998958

How long is awhile? I finished my godslayer I think 3 and a half months ago. This would have been useful. So pets randomly use their crafting skills to make you things now? That's neat.

>> No.13999803

Neat it is. Though due to the code at some point you'll be wishing your pet would make a Godly anything-but-platemail (or if her highest skill was tailoring: hats hahaha.) The higher her crafting skill goes the harder it is to get anything but platemail (or hats haha.)

>> No.14000156

How can you get blackjack tokens?

>> No.14000415


I'll make a bet that those Godlies are pretty useless too. Such is life in Elona

>> No.14000423


Are there times you'd pick godly stuff over artifacts except for maybe boots? Only reason I'm using other stuff is for status immunity. I should probably get the sees invisible monsters effect on something else so I don't have to wear that Sage's Helm anymore.

>> No.14000436


Gathering spots at dungeons regardless of type sometimes yield them. "Sometimes".

>> No.14000450


The most valuable Godly item that is worth squealing about is an item with amount of enchants closest to zero and with a lot of stat maintains. It's an empty item except for maybe a single resist coming from the item material like ## nerve resist from emerald

An empty item grants more freedom for you to manipulate using jewels so that you can enchant them yourself.

>> No.14000887

Does mashing enter help with catching fish or am I turning insane

>> No.14001323

1. stat maintains cost 100pts of enchant each.
2. material bonuses also cost enchant. however, you can get rid of them by using a scroll of change material or material kit to change it into raw or lead. change it back after you've maxxed the enchants.

>> No.14001344

So the best items to enchant would be Godly items with almost no bonus?

>> No.14001390

Almost no bonuses execpt for things like extra crit. chance, extra attack, etc. that you can't get through fusion.

>> No.14001425

Did mashing A button ever help catching Pokemans? No! It was just a rumor forever perpetrated by 8 year old kids. You're probably turning insane for real.

>> No.14002552

'you can combine the corpses of putits (a fast breeder) with fish in a pot for fusion to make putitoros, which sell for a lot of money.'

Is this some kind of ruse?
It took me about 12 hours to set this up and now I get 3000gp like every 4 ingame days?

>> No.14002572

That IS a lot for a low level character, silly.
Also, is that getting capped by your negotiation skill?

>> No.14002812

But you know I don't really get why your will hardens at the farm.

>> No.14002968

>a lot
I am level 20 and that amount is trash. I get double that amount in a Hunting quest that takes seconds to finish.

>> No.14003022

Level 20 isn't low level.

>> No.14003044

At levels much lower than that, no player would have a Ranch to farm putits corpses. Or even balls to get putits (unless you fuck up your Gene Quest and live with Kokou).

>> No.14003074

I'm at level 20 too and can't afford a ranch.

>> No.14003181

Elona+ Monster girl Spritesheet for 1.48 is now up,
new link is on the pastebin.

Now complete with axolotl girl that's just as cheeky as the last.
sorry this was so late, I had to work up the spirit after that hdd crash

>> No.14005011

To veteran mutants out there, the dualwield casting malus only apply once no matter the number of weapons wielded right ?

>> No.14005019


>> No.14005103

Wonderful, thanks.

>> No.14005652


>> No.14006543

Hope you feel good, man. Really hope you feel better, thanks for this.

>> No.14006641

Starting a new char, decided to try it.
Not regretting so far, eye candy really is great at making a game more fun.

>> No.14006876


Guy playing elona.

>> No.14007294

How many times do you need to train a stat potential before it actually goes up

>> No.14007674
File: 787 KB, 1440x900, JUST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I solve this problem? All the PCCs are 128x192

>> No.14007719

Do you have a bigger body sprite that fits the clothing? Check the old_pccs folder for bigger body sprites if not.

>> No.14007750

They are all 128x192. Oddly enough though, my custom body sprites fit these clothes fine. I may have to use the sprite generator.

>> No.14007763

The actual body in the images in the oldpcc folder takes up more space in the 128x192 image compared to the ones in the pcc folder.

>> No.14007827


Why do japs prefer niconico? It is such a shit service. Can't even watch streams that already ended without being extorted to pay premium.
