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1391709 No.1391709 [Reply] [Original]

Good afternoon, /jp/.

I'm a terrible Touhou player. Really. Playing since MoF, I've only unlocked two Extra stages and obviously haven't finished them (my best was 50% on IN and around 25% on PCB). What should I do to improve myself ?

Thanks for your help. Also ITT : SA's characters.

>> No.1391717

>What should I do to improve myself ?
I would suggest reading The Five People You Meet in Heaven.

>> No.1391735

Nothing much besides working on your concentration and reflexes, I think...
Oh and memorization, etcetc

>> No.1391742

/r/ing that pic of the really buff topless Suika
... Without the censor stars this time, goddamn.

>> No.1391749

>>What should I do to improve myself ?
Play Shoot the Bullet?

>> No.1391757


Play on Runatikku modo.

>> No.1391767

repostan' games

There are three rules to succeeding at Touhou.

1. Bomb More.
2. Practice.
3. Bomb More.

>> No.1391772


>> No.1391795
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Who uses Bawmbs?

>> No.1391858

People who have enough rupees?

>> No.1391874


Come back when you're... HNMMMM... RICHER.

>> No.1391898
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Does anyone have the tewi version of the dog?

>> No.1391907
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>> No.1391910
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>> No.1391911

Has anyone else gotten that error when you run the exe the game automatically quits when the title screen appears?

>> No.1391914

what is this ogre's name?

>> No.1391915

Are you running in a Japanese locale?

>> No.1391917

Yeah, actually it may just be my gamepad

>> No.1391921

PS you don't need to master touhou to like all the fan-made stuff that has come out of it.

Seriously, if you suck at shmups then just enjoy the game as best you can.

>> No.1391924
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You tempt me.

>> No.1391948


>> No.1391958


Why am I laughing?

>> No.1391968
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Left: Suika.
Right: Yuugi.

They are not that hard to tell apart.

>> No.1391971

Because you're underageb& that thinkgs fap is EPIC LULZ XD

>> No.1391974



>> No.1391977

Or maybe I'm a 26 year old who is easily amused.
Settle down, Francis.

>> No.1391979

A fapslock key would be really useful. Kind of like a panic button, I guess. Press it and all your porn goes away.

>> No.1391981


Actually it was a typo.
I meant Yuugi, but since I don't watch the keyboard, my hands moved of themselves as always and Suika was what they typed.
In fact I was SO unaware that I typed Suika that I didn't even know that until you pointed it out.

But yeah I meant Yuugi.

>> No.1391989

So you're a failure then? and so proud! (*゚3゚)

>> No.1391992

Because we're all rousing success stories here...

>> No.1392001
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Well, then... afraid what you seek doesn't exist. The stars are staying right there.
But seriously, in a pic like this, are you *really* looking at her boobs?

>> No.1392008

It does.


>> No.1392232


*an eternity of babelfishing later*

Okay, it does.

>> No.1392260


>eternity of Babelfish

Hohoho, this is why I love Rikaichan.
I now have a Pixiv account and I just wiggled through it in under 15 minutes!

T'really helps when you know what button says "registration" and "name" and "password" and "email".


And firefox if you don't use firefox.

>> No.1392274
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>eternity of Babelfish

Serves me right for not trusting the word of KYON, huh?
I'll try that, though.
Anyways, back on topic?

>> No.1392290
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Oh, one last thing though

>are you *really* looking at her boobs?

.... and her sexy muscles...

>> No.1392301


>> No.1392305
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What about manly Yuugi?

>> No.1392312

>Seriously, if you suck at shmups then just enjoy the game as best you can.

You must be from Soviet Russia. You don't enjoy Touhou, Touhou enjoys you. Actually that's the case with most shootan games.

>> No.1392330

OP: the most important thing to learn in Touhou is when you should hold still, when you should nudge yourself over a little bit, and when you should dive across the screen.

All of Touhou's bullets are either randomly shot, shot in the same pattern each time, or aimed at you. Learn the pattern for each and learn to find the "doors" and "alleys" in each pattern.

Bombing is also important but you should use it as a panic button instead of blowing through enemy spell cards. You'll eventually develop the sense of understanding when you're fucked. In most games (except IM) you can't react to the "death sound" fast enough to counter-bomb.

Finally, watch videos of really good players online. You might not be able to replicate their movements but you'll see strategies you never tried.

>> No.1392333
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A lot more believable than this...

>> No.1392346
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>> No.1392436
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But noodle arms?

>> No.1392504
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I mean, it looks like she's all skin and bones... How does she even support her own weight like that?

>> No.1392616

Another important technique that's not immediate obvious:

"Jerk: (also Cutback) Technique similar in concept to hoarding, but rather than attempting to "condense" enemy aimed shots, a player uses the "jerk" to create an "escape hole" in an otherwise-inescapable aimed stream of enemy shots. As the enemy moves the onscreen stream in the player's direction, the latter makes a sudden, brief movement in a certain direction: as a result, the enemy will readjust its aim momentarily, and if the player is quick enough he can then backtrack and slip through the momentary gap in the enemy's shots to the other side of the stream, escaping being trapped at the edge of the screen by the stream's movement."
(from http://insomnia.ac/archive/glossaries/shooting/ )

Divine Treasure "Salamander Shield" is a good example of a spellcard requiring this technique.

>> No.1392631

It's called streaming.

>> No.1392653

I thought "streaming" was just slowing moving ahead of a stream of aimed shots. In most cases in Touhou games you don't need to move suddenly to create a gap in the stream, because it will end before you run out of space.

>> No.1392688

>and if the player is quick enough he can then backtrack and slip through the momentary gap in the enemy's shots to the other side of the stream, escaping being trapped at the edge of the screen by the stream's movement."

This is the reason I cant beat th11, only about half the time it works and since mah vista makes the game run on a steady 65 fps. Easy modo is then normal...I always get raped on stage 5 in norm or easy mode... If somebody knows how to fix this, do tell becuase this is the only th game I have that does this...(In other words my vista isnt quite as fail considering this is the only game problem I have encountered)

>> No.1392714


It's streaming. What you're thinking of is graze whoring.

>> No.1392735


There should be a way to force 60 FPS in the custom.exe, like in the other games.

As for level 5, what part are you having trouble with? Pre-miniboss Orin, miniboss Orin, post-miniboss, or Boss Orin?

>> No.1392738

streaming would be closer 'hoarding' under that definition. The point of 'jerking' is to move quickly, not slowly. Thus the bullets will follow you with much more space in between them, allowing you to (hopefully) go through this space and reverse direction.

>> No.1392746


Streaming is slow movement to keep an aimed attack in a small area, followed by a fast movement to open a hole, then moving back the way you came slowly. Rinse repeat as necessary.

Graze whoring is like that, but with a smaller movement to open a whole, and requires a lot more skill to do properly.

>> No.1392749

streaming includes a direction reverse? I thought it was just slow movement with aimed shots to maximize the time before you hit the edge of the screen, and to get graze.

>> No.1392750
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None will compare to the master.

>> No.1392756


That's how I've always defined streaming, since I use the term as a survival tactic more than a way to whore for grazes.

>> No.1392762
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You may have the muscle...
But you lack the true manliness!


>> No.1392782

The whole stage really considering he increased framerate makes streaming quite difficult..

>> No.1392795
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... who needs manliness?


>> No.1392800
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oh cant read moon so dunno wich is force 60 fps, just tell me wich one to change if so thanks...

>> No.1392805



Pre-miniboss streaming can be cut down quite a lot if you take your finger off the fire button every once in a while.

You're kinda fucked post-miniboss though.

>> No.1392823

90% of bullets here are aimed bullets. Just nudge a little, only the white balls are unaimed afaik
Can't really help you with this. The spellcard isn't really that hard once you manage to get once.
You can take your finger off fire until the aimed shots come, then you can just bomb away if you like. Then take off the fire button again if you can't stream/whatever the last part.
For boss I can't really give too much advice I really suck at it myself but:
First two non-spellcards the bullets don't spawn near you so for first one you can find safe spot above Orin (avoid being hit by Orin) and second it's propably easier if you're closer to the boss so it's easier to dodge the aimed bullets. For rest boss if you still have all lives you can pretty much bomb your way to win here.

Also 5FPS shouldn't be that big difference. I for one can barely notice difference when it's lower or above 10FPS the normal, maybe I'm just retarded.

>> No.1392962

Side note: I decided to go and try Marisa B.

Why do people think Satori's versions of Patchouli's cards are harder than her versions of Yukari's cards?

>> No.1393059

5fps makes an enormous difference if you're using an LCD, as LCDs are locked to 60fps and will drop frames if you go higher than that.

>> No.1393093

The first time you play Touhou, you play it like Space Invaders. You move back and forth frantically. You die a lot.

Then you realize that you can move up and down, too. You complete EASY MODO.

Then you come to understand streaming. If the bullets are aimed at you, you don't move frantically; you move slowly to one side in a very cautious, streamlined manner. You complete NORMAL MODO.

Then one day you realize that you can see the spaces between the bullets instead of the bullets themselves. You feel like Neo as he saw the truth behind the Matrix. You complete HARD MODO.

Finally, you realize that Touhou is not a two-dimensional game; it has a third dimension: time. As your mind thinks in all three dimensions at once, transferring the Z axis of normal experience to a Z axis of time, you finally realize how to be in the right place at the right time to beat the hardest of spell cards. You complete LUNATIC MODO. You have reached Touhou Zen.

>> No.1393112

I recommend training on Imperishable Night spellcard 214 "Total Purification" to learn this last stage.

>> No.1393143

Got an LCD laptop screen, oh and figured out framerate force, almost beet orin using marisa c on easy modo, but Im use to death bombing so I forgot to bomb alot..I sholud probably go back to reimu (a) cause then I can death bomb again.

>> No.1393159

OP should play better games.

>> No.1393168


This makes me feel much more awesome for playing it at hard mode profieciently.

>> No.1393217


And it makes me feel better as to why I can't beat Normal mode because I know fuck-all about streaming!

>> No.1393273

Play at least 30 mins a day, every day.

>> No.1393370


>> No.1393373
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