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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1388017 No.1388017 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /jp/. How are you?
Hope everybody is taking it easy. So, out of curiosity, what other boards do you visit besides here?

I go to /v/ and /cgl/, and occasionally /x/, /a/ and /co/.

>> No.1388030

/jp/ doesn't go anywhere else.

/jp/ shows solidarity.

>> No.1389990


>> No.1390000

i swap between spending my chan time on /tg/ and /jp/ almost monthly

used to go to /a/ too, but then every thread became CODE GEASS CODE GEASS CODE GEASS CODE GEASS

>> No.1390012
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/v/, /co/, /toy/.Sometimes /u/ and /d/.

I try to avoid Ge/a/ss

>> No.1390014
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/m/ and /co/

>> No.1390017

/d/, occasionally /u/ and i check up every now and then on the touhou imageboard.

>> No.1390021

/tg/ seems to have a lot of /jp/ lurking around it without saying anything, I'm a fa/tg/uy too.

Other than than /co/ and nothing else.

>> No.1390030

/a/ occasionally, /d/, /hr/, /g/, /w/, /wg/, /po/, and /x/
Pretty much where I spend all of my time

>> No.1390034

/jp/ is pretty much the only board I still go to. I also sometimes look at /r9k/, /po/, and /c/ (when I first found 4chan, I spent like a year in /c/ before I started going to other boards )

>> No.1390037

/g/ /d/ /h/ ones a month or so /v/ or /a/ when gundam was airing i was going once a week on /m/

>> No.1390038

/g/, sometimes /prog/, rarely /tg/

>> No.1390039


Don't fuck with me or I'll pick you up and squat you.

>> No.1390047

I go to /prog/

>> No.1390051

/a/ /v/ /c/ /e/ /h/ /d/ and /z/

>> No.1390055

/v/ and /r9k/ mostly, /mu/, /g/ and /x/ if the usual boards don't have any good threads.

>> No.1390062

/d/ is still the best 4chon board.

>> No.1390064
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/v/, /g/, /m/ and /a/ but have to admit it has lately becoGEASS CODE GEASS CODE GEASS CODE GEASS XDXD. I just hope something will be left after the holocaust.

>> No.1390065

Besides /jp/, I also visit:

/mu/ - Used to be awesome, full of Pitchfork reading hipsters now though.
/c/ - Used to be awesome, full of deviantART shit and girls who care about "pairings" now though.
/g/ - Used to be awesome, sucked for a while, but is actually pretty awesome again. It's userbase is a lot like /jp/'s, and oddly enough it is probably one of the more mature boards on 4chan. /g/ and /jp/ are probably the closest things to "old 4chan" in terms of users.

I haven't visited /a/ since last spring. What an amazing nosedive it took.

>> No.1390068

What's with all the love for /d/? I only tried going there once, but I thought it was disgusting.

>> No.1390073

>it was disgusting

And that's why we like it.

>> No.1390080

/y/ /cm/ and /fa/

>> No.1390084
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Guess I'll throw my two cents in..

/a/, /c/, /k/, /w/, and occasionally /d/ & /v/.

>> No.1390086

Another /tg/er? Ditto!

>> No.1390091


>> No.1390089

/d/ and /jp/ are related

>> No.1390090


/d/eviants also won't be bastards to you about your particular fetish, because chances are theirs is just as weird, and they already know about a zillion more disgusting ones that they'll be happy to share.

Probably. Also normalfags get scared off by the stuff. "WHY DO THOSE GIRLS HAVE COCKS YOU FAGGOTS"

>> No.1390092
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ITT lies and slander.

In 4chon:



>> No.1390094

/a/ (for trolling) and /v/.

>> No.1390095

/jp/ only

>> No.1390097

But... /d/ is gross, and /jp/ is cute.

>> No.1390102

/jp/ is the cute little girl and /d/ is the rapist

>> No.1390103

So how many of you used to go to /b/?

>> No.1390106

There's more to Touhou than futanari. I don't even look at that stuff.

>> No.1390107

Usually /d/, sometimes /v/ and /cm/, /tg/ when I'm bored.

>> No.1390109

/a/ and /co/, keeping up with stuff I download.
And occasionally, a porn board.

>> No.1390110

Reported. Go back to /r9k/ with your "which boards you go to" threads.

>> No.1390113
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I'll just gonna repost this here

>> No.1390115

/jp/ and /g/ only

>> No.1390127

Obligatory NO U

>> No.1390126

/jp/ & /v/, sometimes /ck/ & /an/.

>> No.1390133
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/v/, unfortunately.

>> No.1390136

/g/ and /jp/ most of time

>> No.1390140

I used to, and I'm not ashamed to say it. The /b/ of four years ago was very different.

>> No.1390141

/b/,/cm/,/jp/ and /y/ mostly.
Sometimes also /a/ and /x/.

>> No.1390143

Hey, how come I almost always see Tidus when I click on /g/?

>> No.1390145

Camwhoring yaoi fangirl detected.

>> No.1390149

It's a very recent forced meme.

>> No.1390150

/g/, and now /v/ more. /v/ used to be my primary board. At one time /po/ was. I have a lot of free time, I should get into /po/ again before I get a job...

>> No.1390154
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I think it's a spambot most of the time (at least for today).

But we've had quite a few desktop threads, and for some reason (unknown to me, inb4 lurk more, etc.) Tidus' ugly face has been posted in these threads.

I even made a Tidus folder. FUCK.

>> No.1390156
File: 308 KB, 580x756, 1222785569478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>1390154 tidus folder
me too!!

>> No.1390162

oh lawd

>> No.1390166
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>> No.1390172

opening a portal to /g/


>> No.1390215
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>> No.1390278

So yeah, I spend time on /w/ and /u/ as well as /jp/ regularly.

I infrequently visit /a/ to see if they are done with chode gayass: ledouche of the fagbellion yet, and sometimes I go to /d/, but not very often.

>> No.1390287

i go to /v/ and /d/

>> No.1390296

/v/, /g/ and rarely /a/. Or /e/, /d/ and sometimes /h/ if I want to fap.

>> No.1390302

>if I want to fap.

This better be a mistake. I hope you meant: "if I want to see if there's something new to fap to"

>> No.1390347

other than /jp/, /toy/ and /cgl/

I used to go on /v/ and /b/ but they're dead to me.

I go on /jp/ most anyway.

>> No.1390356

i went to /toy/, but after i ended up pulling my z-bots out of storage because of them i decided i shouldn't go there anymore

in order of frequency /jp/,/tg/,/e/,/h/,/d/,/a/

>> No.1390382

Hello there!
/co/ /v/ and this

>> No.1390409

I go to /prog/ mostly
Also /h/, /e/, and /s/ when I get tired of gelbooru

>> No.1390423

Forget gelbooru, use this instead. It's 7 different boorus combined into one.


>> No.1390436

a c k

>> No.1390443

Are you that person who wanted to use toy language but ended up using perl instead?

>> No.1390446

/a/, go to /v/ and /i/ on occasion. /x/ and /c/ every once in a while.

>> No.1390458

Twenty. Other than /jp/, the only boards I visit are /d/ and /e/.
I left /v/ over a year ago, /b/ two years ago and never went to /a/.

>> No.1390468

You never went to /a/, been here over two years ago and are now posting in /jp/? This doesn't seem very realistic.

>> No.1390470

Don't go to /a/ anymore
Sometimes /m/ and /tg/
Rarely /b/

>> No.1390484

I never went to /a/ either. When /jp/ was made I had to go to lurkmore.com to read about some /a/ memes that I didn't understand. And before /jp/, I used to make visual novel and touhou threads in /v/. They hated it.

>> No.1390489

I have mis-clicked on /a/ many times (though less than I mis-clicked /an/ instead of /b/ in the sidebar) but never frequented the place. I left /b/ for /v/, then JAPAN TIME and Rage invaded /v/. I left 4chan completely when I left /v/, but came back when a friend mentioned /jp/ shortly after it opened. Said friend frequented /a/ and still does.

In before no friends, enjoy your ronery, etc.

>> No.1390494

Why is that so hard to believe? Not everyone here is from the so called "split".

>> No.1390511


Haha, I started visiting /v/ around the time when Japan Time and SAKURAAIIIIII was popular. I loved those days. Waiting for new characters in Brawl, and reading Sakurai's witty comments... that was fun. But then Brawl came out and /v/ suddenly became boring.

>> No.1390550

I usually go to /g/ and /a/. I almost completely abandonded /a/ after the split, but I started going back to get away from the yukkuri guro threads. Also, I like Strike Witches.

>> No.1390576

/ck/ /v/ /g/ /tv/ daily
/a/ every two or three days (seeing if I missed something, and I haven't really)
other boards occasionaly
haven't visited /b/ in over a year

>> No.1390599

/jp/, /tg/, /v/ and sometimes /x/

>> No.1390619

/tg/ /jp/ /co/ /a/ /v/
In that order.
I'd actually prefer to spend more time on /a/ and /jp/ than the other boards, but the threads here are relatively sparse.

>> No.1390923

I like how Parsee is /v/. This chart is pretty accurate all around.

>> No.1391081

None, I only browse /jp/. This place provides everything that can be found on other boards; it is the ultimate board on 4chan.
