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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 665 KB, 1024x724, EoSDSleeping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13880003 No.13880003 [Reply] [Original]

Marry one
Kill one
Feed one
Enslave one
Teach one
Gently walk home one

>> No.13880010

What are you spoiling?

Isn't that an /a/ meme? Is that where you're from?

>> No.13880011

I want just to marry them all - why not? I want to go live in the SDM and live that Arab oil magnate life. Then I can be concerned mostly with loving them all the time.

>> No.13880022

I'd rather play a better game

>> No.13880058


Kill Patchy. Teach Fran. Marry China. Enslave Meido. Feed little devil. Gently walk home Ojou-sama.

>> No.13880088

Woah, dem Flan hips.

>titty Remi

>> No.13880221

It was either this picture or one with everyone on revelaing qipao outfits
