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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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138740 No.138740 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever used your powerlevel in public?

At a con, I participated in 2 anime quizzes, 3 name that opening games, 2 anime drawing games and one japanese gameshow quiz.
I won first prize in every single one of them.

I wore a box on my head to hide my identity though. (L'arc-en-ciel's smile album cosplay)

>> No.138746

wow. red collar is gosu. check out that perfection

>> No.138752

I did once drop 'L dies' onto a bunch of fucking annoying high-schoolers talking about how awesome Death Note is on the bus, as I was leaving it.

That's about it, though I do have "RON! RON! RONRON! RON! RON! ROOOOOOOOOOO~N" as my txt ringtone and the IOSYS remix of Cirno's theme as my regular ringtone.

>> No.138758

I don't actively hide the fact that I enjoy jp stuff now and then.

On the other hand, I don't actively push jp stuff on everyone else at every opportunity.

There are other things to talk about.

>> No.138761

I can't use my powerlevel in public lol. Last time I did it everybody in the universe became fags.

>> No.138771

>I do have "RON! RON! RONRON! RON! RON! ROOOOOOOOOOO~N" as my txt ringtone and the IOSYS remix of Cirno's theme as my regular ringtone.
rapidshit nao

>> No.138776

I'll see if I still have the file. I cut it out of Ep 25 (24?) of Akagi about a year ago, and I've reinstalled Windows since then.

>> No.138786

I had chu chu lovely as my ringtone for a while, then nyan nyan. Now it's kefka's theme, though. Which is slightly less weeaboo.

>> No.138787


In high school, there was these kids that always kept annoying me by asking me every week "Hey, did you hear about [insert generic shonen here]". I then got fed up with it so everytime they would mention an anime, I would yelling spoilers.
We don't talk much anymore.

Also, some people I knew didn't believe the fact that death note existed before the english dub. That was when the first episode came out.
Therefore, I proceeded to tell them what happens in the next episode and also mentionned the fact that L and Kira dies. Most of them stopped watching Death note from then on.

>> No.138788

I hide my power level even when I notice others' power levels around. I have only exposed it to 5 people.

>> No.138794

Meru-meru for my text message ringtone. It's probably too quiet for anyone to hear what it was, even if they noticed. That and I've discussed a few anime series in public with close friends before.

>> No.138804

I try to subtly reference stuff, like with my ringtones, and the like. Being bluntly obvious is no good because it doesn't filter out the raging fucktards, but if I see someone perk their head up when they hear Cirno's theme then I know they're probably worth talking too.

>> No.138809

I have that, too. I also have the pipipi as my voice mail ring.

>> No.138820

You're a dick, but at least you got lulz out of it.

>> No.138823

In high school (private high school), I was the only asian there. That being said, everyone though that being asian = understand all asian languages.

Long story short, I bluffed my way into making everyone believe that I was able to speak 8 languages (I only know 4 languages).
I'm now in college, on my way to university and to this day, my friends still think that I'm fluent in 8 languages.

>> No.138825

Can't find it, sorry. I did find "Håll Om Mig" by Nanne Grönvall though, so the searching wasn't a complete waste.

>> No.138861

I actually facepalmed in the gallery of an onstage blindtest contest in a convention.

I facepalmed so hard that my neighbours turned around to watch me.

Seriously, I don't know if either my powerlevel is already that high, or if the newfags's level is THAT weak.

>> No.138867

The hell is a blindtest contest?

>> No.138873

I use my laptop in public, which has the Gurren Brigade emblem as the wallpaper. Some guy I knew in passing saw it and said why is this so familiar, I immediately said something stupid referring to Gurren Lagann, and he was ecstatic.

I've dropped subtle hints to animus but don't talk to people enough to really expose my powerlevel enough. I do have an Asian friend who went to Japan just two weeks ago, he's a bit more of a weeaboo than I am, and I discuss things with him, but all the while it just feels slightly embarrassing to talk about anime in public.

Ironic. I've always wanted friends I could relate to.

>> No.138874

My main ringtone has been ROW ROW FIGHT DA POWA but I'm thinking of changing it to Mononoke dance.

>> No.138879

They play music.
The contestants try do recognize the answer.

The worst part is that I couldn't take a part in it because the inscriptions were delayed until 13:30 and actually started at 13:00.

I was away at that time. FUCK.

>> No.138885

my ringtone used to be nayuki's alarm clock message, now it's takayuki's baka baaaaka baka baka baka baka baka baaaaka call, somewhere during the school arc

>> No.138886

I'm guessing they're all IIIZI MOOODO?

>> No.138889

>Håll Om Mig
rapidshit nao

>> No.138898

Anonymous delivers: http://rapidshare.de/files/38739850/Nanne_Gronvall_-_Hall_om_mig.mp3.html

>> No.138902


Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien?

>> No.138908

do you still have the nayuki clock message? I'm too lazy to rip it myself

>> No.138911

Asa da yo~

>> No.138913

i'll look for it

yeah. still haven't finished that yet

>> No.138924

WRYYYYYYYYYY as my SMS ringtone
Iosys' "Overdrive" (Reisen theme remix) as my ringtone
The only time i really exposed my powerlevel on public was Cosplaying as Faust (guilty gear) in some con (got stills to make myself aroun 2.5 meters tall)
and winning every single quiz in an instant (lucky for me, faust wears a bag over his head)

>> No.138938

Not even that much.

Fuck, there were fangirls on stage and took a whole minute to discover Inuyasha's opening! I don't even like it and I found it at the first seconds of the song

>> No.138941


>> No.138945

Gantz atarashii song as a ringtone & FUCK ... phone to shity to change the SMS ring

also second & >>138825 retransfer it from the phone .. can't be that fukken hard

>> No.138947


>> No.138949

OP here.

When I played it was easy as hell. For some reason everyone who was against me was black. O_o

They acted all cocky in the beginning saying how they were "anime experts" yet they weren't even able to recognize the lucky star ED.

>> No.138950

Which ending?

>> No.138951

Yo mufugga I know all abouts da animes bitch I'll fucking rape you in this contest yeahhhh boiiiiiiiii

>> No.138954

My ringtone is Doctor Kohaku Garage from melty blood. Everyone loves needle time!

Also, what album is the IOSYS remix of cirno's theme on? I have four of the things and I've never heard it.

>> No.138955

I would retransfer it, but that'd involve setting up my phone's shitty Bluetooth software on my comp, and it sucks hard so I won't.

I might grab my flatmate's SD card reader and transfer it that way though. Tomorrow.

>> No.138959

Ah yeah, also, my phonetone is the intro of Baccano.

Although it doesn't sounds that weeaboo.

In fact it doesn't sounds anything weeaboo, but the ones who know the show will recognize it. (Haha, zomg none)

>> No.138960

There are quite a few Lucky Star EDs....

>> No.138961

second on cirno's theme .. since i still have a shitload of tohou albums to download & it'd be nice to know which one it was in

>> No.138963


Only 7 people watched Baccano. 3 of those lived in Japan.

>> No.138965
File: 35 KB, 214x213, RAGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't remind me of it.

>> No.138970
File: 149 KB, 600x600, toho2-600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's from 東方乙女囃子 (Touhou Otome Bayashi)

Image related.

>> No.138971

Baccano is fuckwin. Just recently got a friend to start watching it.

>> No.138973

What? Really? I'm not really a lucky star fan so I wouldn't know.

Well, the one that played was the seifuku one. When it played, the crowd went nuts yet the other contestants just looked at each other cluelessly.
I won a gundam, some posters, some dvds and a yaoi manga which I sold to some fangirl cosplaying as L for 15$.

>> No.138975

That's the OP.
They do different EDs every episode.

>> No.138976

...You don't mean the OP, do you?

>> No.138981

Too bad there are no cons held near me, or I'd go unleash the fucking fury on some competitions.

Bag-headed or masked, of course.

>> No.138984

Oh I guess I meant the OP then.
Sorry, I never saw an episode. I've only seen a few clips on nicodouga.

>> No.139026

every time my cell phone goes off at work.


love the looks on ppls' faces too when that happens

o/w my power level remains well suppressed

>> No.139043


It's all fun and games before someone looks up the lyrics, and finds out that you watched Moetan

>> No.139046

I have a question about those quizzes. Do they ask questions about anime of the past few years or back to VHS fansubbing days?
I might join in next con I go to but I have no idea what kind of questions they ask.

>> No.139084

It was a Bleachfest the last time I went.

>> No.139093

Well, they only go to a few years back. I think the oldest song that they used was the first inuyasha op.

>> No.139102

Oops, didn't read it correctly. But yeah, the answers still goes. The oldest animes that they mention are tidbits from inuyasha and sailor moon.

>> No.139113

I deliberately raise my power level to make people leave me the fuck alone when they are ranting about football or some shit to me.

>> No.139119


Why did that instantly make me think "ANDOU?!!"

>> No.139120

My power level is ok. I just started playing Touhou but I don't have the patience for VN's (excluding Kana and the really really oldschool ones).

No one knows though. NO ONE KNOWS. Except you of course anon.

>> No.139137

The only moments where I release my powerlevel are on the net, some forums and with other friends.

But their powerlevels are still in training.

When I said that Clannad probably ate me something like 100 hours, one of them flipped off.

>> No.139149

i surprise the unsuspecting with my incredible wit and reaction time that i was granted by anonymous

my ringtone is d-technolife
the signature in my text messages says "ja ne" (later) but people always ask me who jane is.
i used an FMA watch as a normal one
i wrote death note across the front of my black sketch book before i bought a real one. i think this made people think is was suicidal or something...
my ipod is loaded with jpop and i guard it like my life. not that anyone but an extreme weeaboo could enjoy it. (actual artist, not just HURR so and so's theme song)
i write in japanese on almost all of my margins
read doraemon untranslated in class an nearly no one notices.

>> No.139152


That's...that's pretty weeaboo, even for /jp/

gb2 gaia

>> No.139160

>not that anyone but an extreme weeaboo could enjoy it.
So ultra moemoe song that I'm dying of diabeetus?

Except rare cases, even I can't stomach theses.

>> No.139163

>read doraemon untranslated in class an nearly no one notices.
Is the only thing that shows any signs of powerlevel. Others just shows signs of you becoming a generic low-tier weeaboo.

>> No.139175


>> No.139179

What's a mid and top-tier weeaboo?

Oh wait, I know the toptier, Debito, am I right?

>> No.139185

Aka generic shonenfag.

>> No.139186



>> No.139190


I know he's not the only one, but he's the most noisy one.

>> No.139198


I know he's not the only one, but he's the most exposed. After all, getting a new japanese identity and all that.

Too bad that Japanese people can only consider him as a undercitizen.

>> No.139206

not really, ali project, crystal kay, unverworld, yui, yellow generation, utada hikaru, m-flow etc. when i say weeaboo i use it lightly as anyone with interest in anime or japanese culture. the extremely "hardcore" fangirls that wear those loveless shirts in public are dead to me.
also NO U to others.

>> No.139215

danny debito

>> No.139217

you fucking faggot

i was actually going to watch that shit. Thanks.

>> No.139219

That's alright... Nothing too much fruity.

I remember making listen to a total casual zero-powerlevel some X Japan (X, by the way).

He fukken loved it. And he didn't even love Japanese, he's more the kind to throws "NIP NOP CHING CHONG" whenever he hears some moonlanguage.

>> No.139222

Finished reading the article.
Yes, he is top-tier.

>> No.139228


Other than that, power level suppressed.

>> No.139236

I have heard of him but never realised how much of a fucking weeaboo he is.
He even has a koseki. God damn!

>> No.139246

ringtone is an instrumental of Voyage 1970 that IOSYS did.
text message is the beginning of Usatei.
Background on comp is Kafuka holding a fuckhuge knife - but there is no face.

>> No.139269

power level is completely surpressed here

but I do have a merzbow song as my ringtone, gets me alot of strange looks.

>> No.139389


Why is Baccano so... uh... unpopular I guess would be what I'm looking for. I heard about it in passing somewhere and only recently checked it out. The world needs more Mafia animu, and the OP is awesome considering I tend to like jazz.

Only times I ever unleash my powerlevel in public is when I'm with my friends, as we tend to discuss such things. Otherwise, the most I express is when I adapt speech patterns (which leads to some megas confused people, ze) or read manga to kill time, though the latter is usually after I buy it. I've seen some people give me weird looks for reading Negima though, especially when I actually go to buy it, since I have to wade through a sea of unsuppressed weeaboos loitering around the 'teen series' manga section, where all the Bleach, Naruto etc is to get to the 'Graphic Novel/Manga' section of Chapters further back into the store, where they keep Negima, Death Note, Battle Royale, etc.

>> No.139404

I'd rather die.

>> No.139999

I'm a 4chan level otaku. I don't talk with you chumps in anime club. I don't read your "anime magazine" with new releases I saw two years ago. I don't need to go to a club full of fat smelly people to watch Full Metal Alchemist all over again. I've got fuckin' live feed torrents of the newest animes you haven't even heard of, and figures from said anime being shipped to my house so I can masturbate on them. Go read your "yowie" on fanfiction.net, I'm downloading loli dojinshi and reading the fucking raws.

You keep wearing your naruto headbands and shit, socializing with your weeaboo friends. I'll be walking by, Anonymous. You'll never know that the master of anime had passed you by.

Because I suppress my power level.

>> No.140026

My ring tone is the Codec ring.

Because I can't afford a better telephone.

>> No.140049

Oh my god, that is some of the saddest shit I have ever read on 4chan.

>> No.140054

my powerlevel stays hidden - thats proof of superior powerlevel

>> No.140062

I use that sound too. And that's about it.

>> No.140068

wise words.

>> No.140117

Hey guys, you are no anime experts if you ever show it.
You are just weeaboos trying to supress it, but weeaboos are weeaboos because they CANT supress it.

ringtones are the absolute limit of a true anime expert, because nobody ever hears them since nobody calls anime experts.

>> No.140126

Touryanse ringtone.

>> No.140127

Pffft. Weaklings. The only anime-related thing I have IRL is an old DVD I got for Christmas years ago. I have never been to a con. I have never walked down the manga section in the Barnes & Noble. I have only said 'anime' irl only three times, and those were inside of my room while browsing the internet.

My power-level is unbelievably high. In fact, I'm a tripfriend posting Anonymously, just so you won't know who it is that has this Godly-level power-level.

I RAAAAAGGGEEEED at all the people you have ringtones.

>> No.140161

I always suppress my power level.

>> No.140173

I even refuse to facepalm in the real world. That's how advanced I am.

>> No.140176

I mimic everything guys my age do or have from there clothes to the way they talk, thus suppressing my power level completely.

Nobody knows i watch anime not even person that i constantly near me in real life.

And believe me i have a 4chan power level.

>> No.140194

i only show my power level thru the ringtone. not long ago, while im at my uni's cafeteria, some classmate of mine is talking about anime, and say how great they are. meh, when my ringtone rings, they didnt even know where's it from. its the instrumental part of wolf and spice's ED. u only know if u have the album

>> No.140203

i want a fucking desulevel, how much is it?

>> No.140206

how is facepalming animu related just because ppl turned it into a meme...

>> No.140231

You'll bring attention to yourself by using that negative gesture. It's best to just not say or do anything when you rage in public. Keep that rage in it's cage, yo.

>> No.140284

My ringtone is the MMPR watch beep.
My text message alert is meru-meru.

Other than that, I try to suppress my power level. Most of the weeaboo around here are still in high school.

>> No.140314

I have KATTO KATTO KATTO KATTO KATTO and "Reverse the guilt, reverse the birth(...)" as my message ringtones and MAU IKKAI as my calls ringtone. Also, when I`m with my /b/tard/weeaboo friend, we`re talking about everything in public places. One time we were discussing loli pr0n on bus. The looks we got from other people were priceless.

>> No.140323

I know who you are.

Damn you for managing to get Aya Hirano's signature.

>> No.140325

>I have KATTO KATTO KATTO KATTO KATTO and "Reverse the guilt, reverse the birth(...)" as my message ringtones and MAU IKKAI as my calls ringtone. Also, when I`m with my /b/tard/weeaboo friend, we`re talking about everything in public places. One time we were discussing loli pr0n on bus. The looks we got from other people were priceless.


>> No.140326

I have KATTO KATTO KATTO KATTO KATTO and "Reverse the guilt, reverse the birth(...)" as my message ringtones and MOU IKKAI as my calls ringtone. Also, when I`m with my /b/tard/weeaboo friend, we`re talking about everything in public places. One time we were discussing loli pr0n on bus. The looks we got from other people were priceless.

But in other sitations I`m suppressing my power level. There are practically no /b/tards and weeaboos in my surroundings...

>> No.140329

Note that you should also keep the rage in a cage on the internet, too.

>> No.140332

I'm Anonymous, so I can rage freely.

>> No.140345

Wait... how did this happen?

>> No.140355


lol i wonder about that too

>> No.140365



>> No.140369


>> No.140386

I suppress my powerlevel with almost everyone except 2 close friends who know i am into VN and animu,and the only sign of my weeaboo soul is a FMA wallscroll and a DN replica.My ringtone is a rip of the Persona 3 battle theme though,i think it adds up

>> No.140389

same ringtone for me. of course, hardly anyone ever calls me and it's usually on silent when i'm at school, so nobody hears it anyway.

>> No.140421

>ringtones are the absolute limit of a true anime expert, because nobody ever hears them since nobody calls

Sometimes I think, "why the hell do I even have this thing" ;_;

>> No.140452

My power level is well over 9000, and the only people that know it are my parents, and they don't even know enough about it to comprehend how many broken scouters they'd have if they were to even pry!

Anime is generally accepted in the public around where I live, so it's not so much of a big deal that I have a shirt with a giant pentagram and Alucard's face on it (the only piece of weeaboo I own). As far as any of my friends know, I'm the same as them (they download bleach / naruto lol garbage shounen).

>> No.140454

Lol @ so ronery-ers. I get pretty many calls from various people but being in a weapons shop where are the people are hardcore military fanatics while your phone bursts with KAWAII NIPPON POP DESU is not a pleasant experience.

>> No.140500

My ring tone is Trombe from SRW OG for normal calls and IOSYS's FOE for when my parents call. I tend to do JoJo poses at random intervals and shout Ora ora ora at people that annoy me.

I've never done a quiz at a con because all the questions were about naruto, sailor moon, DBZ, and what ever's popular at the time.

I play touhou on my laptop during breaks between class and watch Kamen Rider during them as well.

>> No.140520

>I play touhou on my laptop during breaks between class and watch Kamen Rider during them as well.

For some reason, that sounds like me.

>> No.140529


I`d rage but I was too busy with laughing.

>> No.140547

what's to rage about?

>> No.140606

Just an MP3 Player full of Jpop/Various Anime Openings and endings other than that Power level is ketp down.

>> No.140628

I got promoted recently. I didn't expect it and so I did the pose while screaming PROMOTIONS!

I'm glad my boss already thinks I'm weird, so he didn't really bat an eye at this.

>> No.140640


> I tend to do JoJo poses at random intervals and shout Ora ora ora at people that annoy me.

>> No.140739


Fuckin'... What?

>> No.140784
File: 10 KB, 153x617, DESSU NOTTO, LOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I run something similar to OPERATION MINDFUCK in my spare time.

Everywhere I go, I draw pictures of things that are unnoticeable if you don't have a power level. Usually, I try to keep it fairly vuage, just in case the wrong kind of weeaboos are watching, but sometimes it's more obvious. Of course, I don't want it too blatant so I can weed out the Narutards and such, since I draw them on my belongings as well.

I've probably left no less than ninety marks behind, and I plan to make more, each one carefully placed so it will only catch your eye out of the corner of your vision, rather than stare you in the face.

It's really great when you hear someone ask what it means, but the real fulfillment comes from when somebody else recognizes it and draws their own mark next to mine. I don't know why I do it, but it's some of the only human contact I have left.

So ronery. ;_;

>> No.140789

I thought my power level was pretty high, but I don't recognize any of your marks.

>> No.140792


>> No.140795


You're kidding, right?

>> No.140803
File: 5 KB, 85x511, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stealth Weeaboo Media Player Display

>> No.140809

dont worry, they're just retarded.

>> No.140812

No, I'm probably retarded. I assume its Death Note from the file name, but I wouldn't know otherwise.

>> No.140825


I write phrases that are understandable for 4channers in various places (school lockers, restaurants` restrooms, clothes shop`s dressing cabit etc). I also sometimes include such phrases in school reports or in presenations. I`m currently in third class of High School so I can do those things without the danger of getting expelled or something. One time I included a CHARGIN LAZUR in an official presentation about our school for exchange students. When they were watching it, I noticed that few of them laughed when they saw it while all the other people were like "WTF". Then I ran away because my computer studies teacher turned towards me with murder in her eyes.

>> No.140831

Death Note? Enjoy baiting fat emo weeaboo girls.

>> No.140838


In order it's:

1. The Skull on the Rules Page of the Death Note.

2. The star used on Lucky Star.

3. >>140792 (Haruhi's armband)

4. Negi's staff, from Negima.

5. Al's blood seal. This one attracts the most faggots, so I'm probably just going to drop it and try a more obscure one.

>> No.140840
File: 275 KB, 500x376, rfslaptop01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess I just won the game.

>> No.140844

>One time I included a CHARGIN LAZUR in an official presentation about our school for exchange students.
I hope you get cancer and die. I have stupid /b/tards at my college that pull that shit off all the time. Spouting memes is not funny, cut it off.

>> No.140864

pic or it didnt happen. also im slightly interested.

>> No.140869

oh nvm pic was related.
i dont really watch haruhi and and stay clear away from lucky star but i got the others.

>> No.140881

you should get rid of death note too now that its on adult swim. that or just put spoilers underneath it.

>> No.140882


I`m not doing that all the time. It was just a one-time incident because I had a bet with my friend to "do something stupid like the things you`d do" on the first day of exchange program.

>> No.140895
File: 16 KB, 387x447, 1204246111838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, I don't want to run into any whales.

Unfortunately, I need something to replace the ones I leave out.


>> No.140899

i draw memes onto different things i do around school.
ex: made a children's book version of a novel and drew pedobear into the story without anyone noticing.

>> No.140909


You'd best be careful with that.

I'm all for giving another Anon a good laugh, but something doesn't feel right about writing shit like LONGCAT IS LOOOOONG and IMMA CHARGIN MAH LAZAH everywhere.

It's bound to increase overall levels of faggotry.

>> No.140922

silhouette of kamina's glasses for gurren lagan?
and a swastika for bleach and bankai. its a popular show but very vew know that it relates, or the original meaning of the swastika. 卍解

>> No.140929

its never obvious. maybe a pedobear looking over the margin of the paper or a shoop going over something i intend to erase on scratch paper.

>> No.140936

I'm talking about narutards and of course I do the punching motion. It'd be a travesty not to.

>> No.140965


Congratulations, sir. Now you look even more retarded. Narutards are made for ignoring and beating up. By making ORA ORA sounds and motions you`re just like a narutard doing "shadow clone jutsu" (or whatever it was), if not worse. After all, it`s natural for narutards to be retarded.

>> No.140973


I want to do this. I need to make an mp3.

>> No.140986


>> No.141002


I can upload you mine. Want?

>> No.141005

i talk to myself like kyon

>> No.141003


...Wow, that's pretty cruel. I'd understand if it was a teenager, but an 8 year old? Let the poor kid enjoy his a-- Wait, why are you or your cousin watching Naruto? Get the fuck out.

>> No.141011


I have it too, but not as a mp3 file. I recorded directly from the TV

>> No.141010


Don't.. a lot of people do that?

>> No.141023

Other people usually think that people who talk alone are freaks. Not even related to powerlevels.

But if you mean talk to yourself, like "Mental dialog", yeah, it's pretty normal.

>> No.141024

i think we can all agree this is the best thing to do lest we get DBZ 2.0 and have little fucktards yelling rasengen across the room.
>kamehameha flashbacks....
pay attention to the next mainstream anime to hit the states and prepare all fillers. maybe we can find out sasuke dies or something hillarious and break the heart of millions of yaoi fangirls.

>> No.141041


Enjoy your CRAP QUALITY.

For all of you interested, here`s KATTO KATTO, Reverse the Guilt and the other Last Arc Warachia`s monologue in mp3 format and in good quality. And 119kB in total.


>> No.141064

Actually, I forgot. I can just Susie the game files.

I'm brilliant. Thanks, though.

>> No.141068


You're awesome, dood. I was getting tired of hearing the background music interfering with Warakia. Also, do you have the other character's dialogues?

>> No.141089
File: 39 KB, 704x396, 1204660106565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The orange logo? You might be sending out the wrong impressions, though.

>> No.141133


Another person with a Trombe Ringtone.

Hello there, co/m/rade!

But then again...

You seem like a faggot.

>> No.141136
File: 27 KB, 99x100, 1204660443116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Depending on how you do it, it's normal.


Alright, but I've never even watched a single episode of Gurren Laggen, and I'm not sure I want to use a swastika.


I've never watched it, though I plan to. Why would it be sending the wrong idea?

>> No.141148

Pedo anime.

Well, it's not, but it's easier to make an argument towards that fact than it is to defend against it.

>> No.141161

well, it's just a "no", so you might be mistaken for an average weeaboo

>> No.141180

True, but it's used pretty much everywhere in the series. Even on those accursed censor blocks.

A cool thing to do would be some of the coding graffiti that Isako uses in Dennou Coil but, again, somewhat generic. Also very difficult to draw.

>> No.141184


Almost all of them. Requests? I can`t upload them all because of shitty connection, but I can take requests.

>> No.141196

gurren? pretty much but the last episode was awesome as fuck.

>> No.141209

What? No! I was talking about Kodomo no Jikan.

...how is GL a pedo anime? It's not even cute, not pedo!

>> No.141228


Could you upload Hisui, Myiako, Nanaya, Red Arcueid, the two Akihas, Neko-Arc and that woman that gave the glasses to Shiki (forgot her name)? If not, then just Len is fine.

>> No.141237

Could someone post the Meru Meru one?

>> No.141267

a batch of all sounds would be appreciated

>> No.141303

Pedobear t-shirt. Just himself, no seal or nothing. Is that technically about powerlevels?
And I have and sometimes wear a jacket with a bunch of iron-on stickers. (e.g. GITS Logo, NERV Logo)
Powerlevel spills out at anime shops too. Was talking to some guy bout the code geass s2. Sonofabitch doesn't like shana. Sigh.

>> No.141312

Wouldn't it be better to just tell us how you're getting these, if there's an easy way.

>> No.141334


In February 2007, Arudou commented on Kyōgaku no Gaijin Hanzai Ura File - Gaijin Hanzai Hakusho 2007 (Secret Foreigner Crime Files) a mook (magazine/book) published by Eichi Suppan on January 31. The mook contains images and descriptions of what the magazine says are crimes committed in Japan by non-Japanese, including graphs breaking down crimes by nationality. The magazine includes a caption describing a black man as a "nigga", an article entitled "Chase the Iranian!" and calls Tokyo a "city torn apart by evil foreigners."[24] Arudou posted a bilingual letter for readers to take to FamilyMart stores protesting against "discriminatory statements and images about non-Japanese residents of Japan."

/r/'ing "Chase the Iranian"

>> No.141347


Not for me, I have no way of getting them myself.

>> No.141348

no, that's /b/tard shit

>> No.141361


Does Len say anything?

Exctracting now, will upload when done.



>> No.141385

>>141361Does Len say anything?

Only the White Len does, don't bother with the normal one.

>> No.141472


Checked normal Ren`s voice files, she only has cute loli moans. Heh.

Converting now. It takes shitload of time because there are 960 files.

>> No.141476

What's the difference between "powerlevel" and "weeaboo level"?

>> No.141797


Sorry, I can`t upload the files now because my
internet said fuck you to uploading. I can try later or in the morning (in 7 hours), or you can give me your email and I`ll send it there.

>> No.141843


Any is okay for me.
