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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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13870516 No.13870516 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>13861220

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill

>> No.13870528 [DELETED] 

First for elitism

>> No.13870534
File: 184 KB, 312x308, Le annoyed Mahiru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second for fuck non-virgin heroines.

>> No.13870541

Is there any visual novel, translated or untranslated, where the protagonist is a siscon and the sister is a brocon so they're just madly in love from the start?

>> No.13870544

Yosuga no Sora?

>> No.13870546 [DELETED] 

5th for text hooker general

>> No.13870550

The protagonist in that kinda seems more like he just fucks whoever he wants and doesn't care rather than having a sister complex.

>> No.13870552

Imouto Paradise 1&2 and Imouto Style.

>> No.13870556

Why do people keep talking about this guy? What's the context? Why is he talking about fairness?

>> No.13870559

We all know you are the same person by posting style and unique IP. Try harder next time.

>> No.13870578

While we're on the subject of incest, what are the best onee-san VNs?

>> No.13870592

>fuck non-virgin heroines.
Don't mind if I do

>> No.13870605

Enjoying Tyrone's sloppy seconds?

>> No.13870666

You can't see IP on 4chan.

>> No.13870675

Different person, but I don't understand what's wrong with a girl having had sex before? It's not like it "dirties" a person, they can obviously wash after having sex. If anything it makes them a more reliable person to have sex with because they have experience and know what they're doing. It's good to have someone to guide you through it rather than just winging it and possibly fucking up. Plus you don't have to be the one to take their virginity so you don't feel bad about hurting them, because it really is painful. The only issue I can think of is potential STDs or something, and first of all, why would you be having sex with a woman dumb enough to get involved in that? Second, when does that even come into play in eroge? I've never heard of a single one where STDs are a factor. Which means there's an untapped market there, but not one I care about, anyway.

>> No.13870676

Satan confirms.

>> No.13870689

Could someone seed amatsukaze on http://sukebei.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=201065 or http://sukebei.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=358443 (nyaa says it has one seed, but actually it doesnt)?
I've found copy on depositfiles, but its 11 files, gonna take ages to download.

>> No.13870742
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>> No.13870743


>> No.13870768

That game is shit anyway.

>> No.13870882

So was Sorcery Jokers actually any good?

>> No.13870892
File: 36 KB, 500x500, c802402charab3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not like it "dirties" a person, they can obviously wash after having sex
Its worst, she accepted some guy seeds which means that she is filfty and your dick could get dirty with some other guy cum. There is some dude genetic waste inside the girl.

>sex with because they have experience and know what they're doing.
You dont have to be experienced to give good sex, Wakoto and Sera from LxC series were first timers and they learned many h stuff watching or reading. Dont need some used up hag explaining how many guys she blowed as a "credential".

>Plus you don't have to be the one to take their virginity so you don't feel bad about hurting them, because it really is painful..

The thing is that giving your virginity despite knowing it will hurt makes it much more sweet, knowing the girl will withstand any pain for your pleasure. Used goods giving you their vagoos will not be any special.

Purity is pretty important which is why Nun heroines are my favorite.

So fuck used goods, thats some 3dpd BS.

>> No.13870894

>Purity is pretty important
No it isn't. Fuck off.

>> No.13870897

Yes it is.

>> No.13870901

This virgin vs non-virgin discuss is just as opinionated as the art discussion, except you can prove the girl is virgin or not I guess.

>> No.13870905

It was decent enough, better than anything else by 3rdeye.

>> No.13870906

But oh well, I shouldn't participate in it.

Too tired now.

>> No.13870907

It's a 3rdEye game. If you have played their previous stuff, you know exactly what to expect qualitywise.
It's not horrible in my opinion, but falls flat at times and didn't really live up to its full potential. Still, if you're into that shit you'll probably enjoy it.

>> No.13870911

Virgins are objectively better which is why is so highly regarded in many religions.

>> No.13870915

Just stop dude, don't add fuel to the flame.

Fap and let fap.

>> No.13870919

>Fap and let fap.

I would be okay with that if people didnt tried to add sluts to our moeges.

>> No.13870922

At least 3rdeye staff sure loved it.

>> No.13870926

Just ignore games that do, dude.

>> No.13870935

Problem sometimes some heroines look good on design and then they turned out sluts, that makes for such dissapointment.

>> No.13870937

It's the same for non-virgin players anyway, they get disappointed when supposed-sluts are virgins.

You guys aren't all that different in that regard.

>> No.13870939

Then go play the other 28420248 moege with boring virgins.

>> No.13870944

>Its worst, she accepted some guy seeds which means that she is filfty and your dick could get dirty with some other guy cum. There is some dude genetic waste inside the girl.

Dude, I don't think you understand how the human body works. Like, at all. No wonder you rely so heavily on eroge to fulfill your needs.

>> No.13870945

Its amusing how non-moege eroge in Japan is full of sluts and otaku are paying thousands of dollars for them. And even memespring had only 2-3 very vocal retards spamming memes on bbspink, rest of posters actually kept asking mods to ban them and just ridiculed virgin-kids.
Really shows how exagerrated is issue and how cowardly are vn devs.

>> No.13870950

Hey, so what's the moege in question with a non-virgin heroine that's got people talking about this? I'd like to play it.

>> No.13870952

That's because games like Dies Irae or Muramasa are aimed at edgy 13 year olds instead of otaku, so they can have sluts in them.

>> No.13870954

Hanasaki Work Spring.

>> No.13870956

Uhh, you just implied that virgin-fags are mentally less mature than 13 year olds.

>> No.13870959

Non-virgin players shouldnt touch moege, go play chuuni and storyges for that. Or Nukiges.

Will do so.

Dont care she accepted some guy stuff inside her, she is used goods no allowed on moeges.

Hanasaki Cucksprings.

>> No.13870965

Whatever works, guise, just buy the games you like.

Keyword is "BUY".

>> No.13870968


Why do kids throw this word around so much? It doesn't even make any sense anymore, they basically use it for "thing I don't like that involves a woman".

>> No.13870969

>she is used goods no allowed on moeges
You mean it's not allowed for you because you're an autistic mouthbreather who gets jealous when cartoon girls like someone other than the equally pathetic protagonist that you self-insert into.

>> No.13870972

Uh, it says this came out in March. Why are people talking about it in August?

>> No.13870974
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>mfw ugly wota try to convince themselves that maybe if they settle for non-virgins then a girl will fuck them

>> No.13870977

If I ever like a game, I'm going to make it a meme so people spam it like hanasaki work spring.

>> No.13870978

Just a bunch of people who care a bit too much, really.

Virgin losers vs non-virgin losers turf war.

It's getting really tiring.

>> No.13870979

Because idiots think pushing forced memes is still funny 5 months later.

>> No.13870983 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting?

>> No.13870986

Shitposter is EOP and doesn't know anything about recently released games. Besides, why bother to come up with new trick if old one is still effective?

>> No.13870987

2D isn't 3D. I read VNs either for the story or to fap and non-virgins help me do the latter.

>> No.13870989

>mfw you're posting this as a virgin
>mfw I don't have a face
>mfw you look behind you right now

>> No.13870990

So what's the hip new game? Doesn't have to have any virgin drama, now I'm curious.

>> No.13870994

Fairytail reqieum or Sorcery Jokers.

Nukige wise there is the new Battleship game by One Up.

>> No.13871002

Is she used goods if she was raped? What if she's still pure inside?

>> No.13871007

Then she'd be a tumblerite, which is just as bad

>> No.13871009

As a virgin loser myself, I prefer purity in soul not in body while virgin losers just care for the hymen.

But this makes devs go around it by making incredibly slutty virgins and they just don't care.

>> No.13871017

>Who are you quoting?

>> No.13871018


...Do you even understand the words you speak or do you just toss around random buzzwords to fit in. What is your first language? Russian?

>> No.13871019

>Stema Jokers

>> No.13871025
File: 65 KB, 827x316, rape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anything worse than out of route rape?

>> No.13871030

"Purity" is overrated in general. People are people. If I love them, I love them. If I don't, I don't. There's no need to act like love has all these specific requirements, it is what it is. And it is a beautiful thing no matter what kind of love it is.

>> No.13871031

In-route rape?

>> No.13871033

but the le cuck meme is all the rage these days

>> No.13871034

I think I understand your post. I was about to type something similar.

>> No.13871035

As said, fap and let fap.

Don't bother people taste in people.

>> No.13871040

Prostitutes with a heart of gold is one of my favorite archetypes so to speak.

>> No.13871042

> care for the hymen
Past neonatal stage, the diameter of the hymenal opening (measured within the hymenal ring) widens by approximately 1 mm for each year of age. During puberty, the hymenal opening can also be enlarged by tampon or menstrual cup use, pelvic examinations with a speculum, regular physical activity or sexual intercourse. Once a girl reaches puberty, the hymen tends to become very elastic. In one survey, only 43% of women reported bleeding the first time they had intercourse, indicating that the hymens of a majority of women are sufficiently open to prevent tearing.

>> No.13871043

Is Elf still alive?

>> No.13871046

If she's ever imagined having sex she's already ruined.

>> No.13871048

I care about both.

>> No.13871049

>If she's sentient she's already ruined.
You may as well just go fuck a cardboard box at this point.

>> No.13871050


Still alive.

>> No.13871053

That makes me wonder how far this has been taken. Has there ever been a heroine that doesn't know what a penis is?

>> No.13871054

Any in-route rape VNs that are not nukiges? Also not any of those mind-break corruption VNs.

>> No.13871057

I don't play much lolige but there are some like that out there.

>> No.13871058

> Has there ever been a heroine that doesn't know what a penis is?
This is actually very common trope with lolis and sheltered ojous.

>> No.13871059

Aoiro Rinne.

>> No.13871062

The best kind of heroine

>> No.13871063

You should look into NTR type C games.

>> No.13871066


I'm looking into yaoi shit for my gun and violence need.

>> No.13871071

I don't really play lolige but I guess it makes sense for those. As far as older characters, I've seen ones that don't know much about sex, but usually they're at least aware of the basic concept. Closest I've seen to being completely sexually unaware is Rio from Dracu-Riot, but even she had some vague idea.

>> No.13871075
File: 881 KB, 1152x720, 2015-07-28_04-23-34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clockup's latest nukige had one of these, she was endearing in her own way.

>> No.13871078

> As far as older characters, I've seen ones that don't know much about sex, but usually they're at least aware of the basic concept
I've encountered completely clueless ones in various rape/chikan nukiges. There are also non-human heroines like that.

>> No.13871083

Always have faith in Clockup!

>> No.13871240
File: 203 KB, 1280x720, hakoniwanogakuen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hakoniwa no gakuen. I played the trial and I didn't like it.

What bothers me the most is that the characters don't really seem to care. They do some half-assed attempts to get out, they talk a little, joke around a bit, all while trying to find out who wants to kill them.

Pic related: the boys are waiting outside while the girls investigate a figure they saw near the girls' toilet.

None of them even seem to be scared. I can't take this game seriously. And the fucking bgm.

>> No.13871290

But that's true.

>> No.13871339

Hey guys. Due to some real life stuff, I haven't been able to finish a VN in over 4 months. What were the best new releases in that time period?

>> No.13871346

Depends on what you like.

>> No.13871350

I tend to like pretty much anything, but ATM I'm looking for some standard moege. Bonus points if it has good comedy.

>> No.13871351

Hanasaki Work Spring is pretty good.

>> No.13871359

Pretty x Cation 2 is fun.

>> No.13871361

Well meme'd

>> No.13871364

Stop calling it a meme, you obnoxious fuck.

>> No.13871377

Evenicle and Bansenjin.

>> No.13871387

It's not a meme?
Because outside of any joke, it's just mediocre.

>> No.13871664

Can someone tell me what is "nakadashi"?

>> No.13871679

Well if you don't find something to be funny, don't fucking call it a meme. That's not what meme means. Meme means an idea, behavior, or style that spreads from person to person within a culture.

Just call it not funny.

>> No.13871680

Google it.

>> No.13871688

Angel Beats!
Best VN of the year.

>> No.13871697

In all seriousness, how did that turn out? I liked the anime, though I am aware not everyone holds that opinion. All I know about the VN is that it took an extremely long time to come out and is only part 1.

>> No.13871701

Calm down.

>> No.13871711

Hanasaki is the best moege that came out this year.

>> No.13871712

I had no idea that had already been released, how was it? Not really a fan of typical Key games, but Angel Beats seems different.

>> No.13871715

> how was it?
Even key fans are pissed at this half-assed shit. Its full-price vn at quarter of normal vn length.

>> No.13871717

I just finished the Aiyoku no Eustia prologue. It was supposed to last 4 hours, but I took about 6. I'm liking it so far. The grammar is easy and the lines are not too lengthy. Who played it already? Is the game any good?

>> No.13871720

Far too fucking many choices. Mostly pointless, too.
Getting on a route is unnecessarily convoluted.
It's a copy of the anime in VN format with minor cosmetic changes up to the actual routes (which are quite late), so don't expect anything fresh. This is the worst blunder, in my opinion, I doubt anyone really wanted a repeat of the anime just in VN format specially because they were complaining about the anime being rushed and having other problems.
The routes themselves, which is what people signed up for (not a copy of the anime) are short and will be spaced over 6 fucking games, all full price, even though they are nothing special.

All in all, I'd be very surprised if it wasn't a disappointment to the majority of fans. I didn't particularly care about the anime but I did finish it back then which made me want to try the game, and I only finished a route before giving up on it.

>> No.13871730

>Is the game any good?
Do you seriously need someone to tell you "Yeah, it's good" in order for you to think it's good? Dude.

>> No.13871731

>Do you seriously need someone to tell you "Yeah, it's good" in order for you to think it's good? Dude.

Of course not. I'm ESL, so I don't express myself really well. I meant to ask if who played it thought it was good. Just trying to engage in some discussion about it. Nothing more.

>> No.13871739

So I am choosing next between Aiyoku no Eustia, TsuriOtsu and Evenicle. Which does /jp/ think I should read first? I'm equally eager to try each of them, so it's hard to decide.

>> No.13871742


>> No.13871745

I think you should try to think for yourself.

>> No.13871746

TsuriOtsu. Evenicle is shit, don't bother.

>> No.13871748


Taste is just too different for different readers.

>> No.13871749

Do people seriously read trap games outside of nukige? Fucking pathetic.

>> No.13871750

They are so different that its impossible to just pick one. What are you want to read right now? Fantasy comedy with gameplay? Dark fantasy without happy end? Good comedy moege?
Your mom is shit.

>> No.13871753

Eustia was kind of meh, haven't played TsuriOtsu, Evenicle is fun if you like the sense of humor.

>> No.13871758

Tsuriotsu is shit. Pick Evenicle if you want a fun little game and Eustia if you want a good story.

>> No.13871762

I have. That's why I've narrowed the selection down. I just don't really which I go with so I figured I'd let the thread decide.

Think of this as similar to rolling a die. I'm gonna read them anyway eventually.

I thought there are way more trap moege than trap nukige as far as I could tell.

>> No.13871771

TsuriOtsu is not your generic trap moege dumbfuck. Shut the fuck up if you haven't played it yet. Tusiotsu is much better than trash like Evenicle.

>> No.13871779

You aren't even trying, eh?

>> No.13871784

I feel like someone who's never seen Angel Beats might actually appreciate it a lot more. Especially since they'd be getting it for free.

>> No.13871786

Who cares if it's not the average trap moege? The concept is inherently flawed. It's also hilarious how MC always ends up fucking the girls, no girl would fuck a guy who voluntarily gives up his masculinity to become a cakeboy who acts more of a bitch than the heroines themselves. Trapge are jokes.

>> No.13871796

Care to explain how? The setting looks horribly generic and cliched, and traps are terrible anyway so I currently have no plans to play it, but if it actually has a good plot I might be able to be convinced.

>> No.13871808

>generic and cliched

Oh, fuck off. Don't even bother with this guy, he's a lost cause.

>> No.13871811

What's wrong? Fagboy can't explain normally without lashing out because his game is shit?

>> No.13871813 [SPOILER] 
File: 129 KB, 1280x720, 1438698821592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished fairytale requiem, such a nice game, I really like the artist so looking at it was particularly pleasant. Also did extremely well with an OST mostly composed of free tracks, the character themes were good too.
Gerda was also undeniably best girl in it, with the coat on she's so cute and in her bad end she's so paradoxically hot.

>> No.13871816

That is a really pathetic attempt to troll.

>> No.13871818

Nobody is trolling anon, Trap moege don't have a good image here due to them mostly shit.

>> No.13871820

Thank you. Your clear and reasoned response has caused me to see the light. "Guy wants to go to an all-girls school so he must dress up like a girl which will obviously fool everybody" is a highly clever and original setting.

>> No.13871825

Thinking of translating something. What's a good short imouto game I could do? Hit me with whatever, I'll pick what catches my interest. Just don't wanna start with something too long and end up dropping the project.

>> No.13871830

The setting is as generic as it gets. You can argue that what comes later is actually good, but trying to argue against a fact is foolish and you don't need to get defensive just because someone stated it.

>> No.13871831

Your English not have good image due to the mostly leave out them words you doing.

>> No.13871832

Are you really being autistic about typo? How old are you? 15?

>Who cares if it's not the average trap moege?

Yeah, you're either baiting or retarded.

The game has a good pacing, good comedy
and the characters in the game are amazing and well-written especially Yuusei, Ursule , Ion and Luna. It's your loss if you don't want to try it.

>> No.13871833

Translate this >>13871831

>> No.13871835

The new feng game

>> No.13871836

You're better off asking in the VNTL thread.


Apparently the trial has been translated already, though.


>> No.13871838

Maiden rape assault violent semen inferno.

>> No.13871841

To be honest I've never even played the game in question and I was just passing by. But it infuriates me when someone equates "generic" with "bad". Find literally any other reason to hate a game, but don't use that stupid cop-out reason.

>> No.13871842

That's not "typo", that's lack of understanding the meaning behind letters. You cannot misspell it like that if you know kanji behind it.

>> No.13871843

You should really ask the EOP thread though.

They don't think it be like it is, but it do.

>> No.13871844

France Shoujo.

>> No.13871849

Try attacking my point instead of my tendency to forget to cross-check my sentences before I click post.

>> No.13871850


How much autistic bucks do you get

>> No.13871851

"Your English doesn't have a good image because you leave out words."

>> No.13871852

Don't bother. You probably barely know any Japanese and your translation will be shit and you'll end up dropping it before getting through the first script.

>> No.13871857


>> No.13871858

This guy's legit.

>> No.13871859
File: 1.89 MB, 320x240, 1365534514398.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13871863

While generic doesn't mean bad 100% of the time, it means there's little reason to give the game a second glance when there are a million others that look exactly like it.

>> No.13871866

The only kanji in Tsuriotsu is 乙.

>> No.13871867

EOP projector detected.

>> No.13871868

According to who?

It sold, but it's mostly because they did a joint ad campaign with Yuzusoft (they're pretty aggressive in the advertising area, Sanoba Witch was fucking everywhere before the sale day).
Actually in moege awards Yuki Koi Melt (which was mediocre too) was winning the month until they spammed a link to the poll in their Twitter accounts literally the last day and surpassed it.
It's still not much of an accomplishment, this year has been pretty shit so far.

Besides Pure Connect was a better moege, EGS agrees.

>> No.13871869

That's not a kanji, that's the letter Z. Idiot.

>> No.13871874

How is that a cop-out reason? Doesn't it drain your will to play when the same settings, characters, and dialogue is used over and over again? Most of the time these elements aren't even executed well.

>> No.13871877

What's the best selling one so far, Sanoba Witch?

Yuzusoft is a very popular brand if I'm not mistaken, aggressive advertising aside.

>> No.13871879

A good point, but in a case like this it should also be apparent that it warrants a second glance from the fact that people are talking about it in particular.

>> No.13871880

Everyone take a look at this fuckin' fag.

>> No.13871884

No, I agree, femdom is disgusting. Maledom is disgusting too, though, equality is best.

>> No.13871885

Why is this thread so fast now? I can't take it easy like this.

Also Sorcery Jokers is hitting literally 3rd place this year in EGS, I just can't stand chuuni but if it's so good I might give it a try.

>> No.13871886

Haha, it's funny because Kanade totally was gay.

>> No.13871890

Before you know it these threads will only last for a day or two just like I certain other place.

>> No.13871891

It's really not that good. I'm pretty pissed it's somehow getting attention it doesn't deserve.

>> No.13871892

It doesn't really deserve it, I mean, it's a nice game, has some good stuff in it like Fiona or Ruu and her Yuno poses, but nothing to warrant that scores.

>> No.13871895


Femdom is amazing.

>> No.13871896

I like all three. But most of what I read is vanilla anyway. Reading too much of either maledom or femdom leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

>> No.13871897

>According to who?

According to me. Both Sanoba and PxC bore me to death.

>> No.13871898

Which is exactly why I was asking someone to explain why I should care about it, since it looks awful.

>> No.13871899

Common opinion everywhere is that its stema'ed by 3rdeye employees. BBSpink and other places don't rate it highly.

>> No.13871900

Thanks, I'll take the serious suggestions into consideration. I felt like this would be a better place to ask because most of the people in the other thread don't actually know anything about untranslated games. Just what people say is good. So while it will benefit them, they are not the right people to ask.

>> No.13871901

It's still almost 100% ステマ at this point.

>> No.13871902

>can't stand chuuni


>> No.13871905

Everyone tastes are just different so that there's really no consensus.

It's better to play and find out yourself.

>> No.13871906

How is it "amazing"? Getting treated like shit or bossed around by a bitch is now considered great? Is it because it feels kinky due to being a role reversal? I don't get it.

>> No.13871907

You shouldn't. People (and me) just like it because Luna was a great character.

>> No.13871910

That's hilarious because I actually regularly frequent gfd-oriented tumblrs. Don't generalize about an entire website.

>> No.13871911

>Yuki Koi Melt
That's a moege? I thought it was like Pure/Innocent Girl, where it's more of a nukige than anything else.

>> No.13871913

At 120 votes the stema argument starts running thin. I mean, I can buy that at 20-30, maybe 70 then those games tend to start a free fall, like what happend to 12gatsu no arcadia, a piece of shit with an 85 average a week after it was released.

>> No.13871915

What the hell does "sutem" mean?

>> No.13871916

sutema, stealth marketing.

>> No.13871917

Literally stealth marketing or nowadays shilling.

>> No.13871919

Why do you not have rikaichan installed?

>> No.13871921

Look at the accounts casting the high votes. Even now the stema is still going hard. Very few of the high voters have more than 10 votes, many only 1 or 2. It's honestly a pretty impressive effort.

>> No.13871925

That's some /pol/-tier paranoia. People just like the game, get over it.

>> No.13871931

It's what I don't understand, they didn't try so hard with idea, which most definitely is not 80 material.
At this point, I'm almost convinced people like the game and most of the voters are just teenagers who rarely play eroge.

>> No.13871933

You can check it yourself, you know.

>> No.13871938

Check what?

>> No.13871943

Look at the people who voted on it. Or do you really believe there were that many people waiting for the Sorcery Jokers release date to make that their first eroge?

>> No.13871946

I can't find Sorcery Jokers thread in 2ch. Is it just me?

>> No.13871948
File: 84 KB, 800x600, omake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished いつか、届く、あ空に。

This was my first vn from 朱門優 and I'm definitely impressed.

The common route was very good. The text was very straightforward and didn't waste any time on anything insignificant.
The characters were also very fun and had their own distinct personality. I really enjoyed how the towns fairy tale was told at the beginning and brought up at the relevant time.

I honestly didn't want the common route to end because I knew the game was going to change after it.

The routes were very short but still interesting.
Except 傘's route which felt extremely rushed. The protagonist starts liking her out of nowhere. The route does include some more plot that completes the game but in a weird way. Also, what the hell was up with that tank? Didn't fit at all.

>> No.13871949

Rikaichan is a fucking crutch. Only bitches use it.

>> No.13871954

San's route is mostly to tie up loose ends of what happens if you don't choose Futami and to lead better to the extra scenario.
It needed to be similar in length to the other routes, I didn't find them particularly short though, pretty standard.

>> No.13871960

Maybe if it worked for VNs.

>> No.13871967

That's what ATLAS is for.

>> No.13871970


>> No.13871979

Imagine if posting that actually forced the person to the other board.

>> No.13871987

Don't wish for the Godly gifts we don't have.

>> No.13871988
File: 129 KB, 420x635, 主様あぁ!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13871989

Yeah I guess her route was only for the lose ends. They could at least include something more than her eating udon from her umbrella before going to her route though.

>I didn't find them particularly short though.
They could easily be 3 times as long honestly. I appreciate that they weren't though.

>> No.13871990

What's /jp/ opinion about Fortissimo?

>> No.13871996

I thought it was great.

>> No.13872001

The best chuunige I've played.

>> No.13872007

I approve of this post.

>> No.13872012

Asairo is more that case, the game is basically a super long route with a side girl for plot integrated, never for romance.

>> No.13872013
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>> No.13872015

It's decent.

>> No.13872022

Kinda bad.

>> No.13872027

I still don't get if he's saying "it's not fair" or "it's fair, isn't it"?

>> No.13872029

That's wrong, it's not fair.

>> No.13872030

Alright. Really looking forward to the other shumon games. Even got the 2 aru LNs since I heard they are good.

>> No.13872042

What /jp/ can say about Hello, World?

>> No.13872047

It's a great game, for a couple of routes.

>> No.13872049


>> No.13872055

Speaking of Fortissimo, how do the releases work? Is EXS the definitive version?

>> No.13872056

Improve your Japanese!

>> No.13872058

I think it has very shitty art.

>> No.13872095

The way he's smiling in the image makes it look like he's seeking approval rather than displeased by something.

>> No.13872114

There is nothing in the sentence indicating that, nor it being a question. Plus the first part of the passage makes it fairly clear.

>> No.13872136

I've been looking for things to play for an hour but I still can't find anything that interest me. Someone can give me a random recommendation?

>> No.13872144


>> No.13872145

Tasogare no Sinsemilla.

>> No.13872152

>evenicle is fun

Dankest meme.

>> No.13872166

Thanks, I actually have it installed long time ago. I get the feeling that I spend more time looking for eroge to play than actually playing it.

>> No.13872228

I wish this thread is purged from /jp/

>> No.13872244

Cause you don't want all these VNs you will never be able to read shoved in your face?

>> No.13872246

I wish 2hu/idols/whatever you're into is purged from /jp/.

>> No.13872262

We can coexist, please don't be so "hidoi".

>> No.13872272

>He doesn't remember half the reason this board was even made for

>> No.13872292

Sure you do, dear shitposter. Cannot stand being inferior brainless EOP, eh?

>> No.13872298

/jp/ should be purged, the whole board went to shit and anyone who cared left.

>> No.13872349

I still care.

Please don't be hasty.

>> No.13872355

be careful what you wish for tomodachi!

>> No.13872371

Fuck off?

>> No.13872398

Habluka said it's 10 times better than Saihate no Ima so it must be a kamige

>> No.13872452

>Yuki Koi Melt
That's a moege? I thought it was like Pure/Innocent Girl, where it's more of a nukige than anything else.

>> No.13872757

Well this thread sure went places.

>> No.13872759

People gives the word meaning, words evolve.

You are just out of the loop.

Its just not allowed, period. There is nothing moe about a girl defilled by some other dude. Might as well waifu a whore.

>> No.13872767

What is the problem with that Nukige? My problem is not nameable protag but i doubt thats enough to warrant widespread rage like Hanasaki Worksprings.

>> No.13872774

Girls in moege are pretty much sluts anyway. They sleep with the protagonist who virtually has no personality and no connection with the heroine, you can bet your ass they'll sleep with any other guy. After the game ends eventually she breaks up with MC and fucks some other dudes guaranteed. Can't imagine why you would waifu any girl from a moege.

>> No.13872780

And most of the time they give up their virginity after a month, sometimes even a few weeks. It's disgusting.

>> No.13872785

Honestly if a girl goes out with a guy for a month and she doesn't put out, she's a frigid bitch.

>> No.13872795

And what are you doing to improve this thread other than whining "waa mama this thread is shit ;(" cakeboy?

>> No.13872798

If she does she isn't wife material. We're talking about girls in moege who are supposed to be such, not some random slut you picked up at the club.

>> No.13872805

I need some titles with MCs that are assholes.

>> No.13872806

go back to your nigger ooga booga cave you sexist bastard

shut up virgin shitlord

>> No.13872811

Problem? If you're talking about the new One-up game, 星空のバビロン is genuinely good nukige. It has a combat element some may find a pain and most heroines have huge breasts (except the loli) but the art is god-tier and the sex good.Some people have bitched about all virgin cast (which makes sense in the setting where men are rare), because of course slut lovers have to.

>> No.13872823

>It has a combat element some may find a pain
Which you can completely skip if you want

>> No.13872841

>slut lovers

>> No.13872854


>> No.13872855

PurexConnect is the most funny moege in quite a while, also has an adult heroine if you are into them.

Thats not true though, yes those girls might fall for any guy but first comes first serves so in the end they are pure. Also its not like the men in general in VNs have outstanding personalities so the protag is still a decent choice all things considered.

Even better if its the most popular girl in school and she only had eyes for you.

>> No.13872864

Don't forget that the cast's profile on One-Up's site states their virgin status in it not mention Getchu and the like does as well, It was just a idiot who didn't do his research.

>> No.13872865
File: 290 KB, 800x600, 1_04d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So who is the purest heroine? For me it would have to be Sumomo from Nanatsuiro Drops, the sex scene didn't even feel right considering how innocent and non-sexual she was.

>> No.13872867
File: 813 KB, 1025x576, le snappy samurai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking finally. I almost thought this faggot would never man up. it took a stereotypically japanese bullshit copout for this, but I'll take it. here's hoping it won't be reversed right away, and I'll have to suffer through his whining again.

>> No.13872871

>You are just out of the loop.
You fucking shitposters come here like you own the place and like you're entitled to tell us we should know your shitposting buzzwords. No, fuck off.

>> No.13872887
File: 150 KB, 351x574, p2_s_warai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not shitposting though, you are just an antisocial that refuses to get in touch with times.

Dizzy from GG. She has a doujin game so she counts.

>> No.13872971

>You fucking shitposters come here like you own the place
They do own the place. Haven't you been following this thread for the last couple years?

These threads haven't been good for real discussion in a LONG time.

>> No.13873101

Fine, real discussions still happen, it's just that the quantity of suitposts (seriously? hundreds of posts about virgins every thread?) drown them out.

>> No.13873395
File: 297 KB, 1274x717, ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13873410

This is the anime, not the VN.

>> No.13873571
File: 338 KB, 1278x718, ss+(2015-08-04+at+11.35.10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently reading it and its definitely a moege. Its a little better than average but not too great; I liked all of the heroines, VAs are good, its not boring and I'm having some laughs at here and there. The only downside I've seen so far is there could be definitely more CGs, its not as few as Juukishi Bullet but they skipped many scenes without CGs which should have had.

>> No.13873578

But じゃない is tonal. Whether it's said with a downward or upward inflection determines generally which it is. So that anon wondering is fine.

>> No.13873632

Blonde's voice is so cute. I'm thinking about reading it just for her.

>> No.13873661 [SPOILER] 
File: 126 KB, 1300x782, 1438721861598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, no voice replay button, for some reason.

>> No.13873695

You know it's a doujin game, right?

>> No.13873703

This artist is really bad at drawing expressions. They should just stick to moege.

>> No.13873706

And? Good engines are available for free, there is no excuse

>> No.13873785

Yeah maybe if you can't read the whole screenshot and only know enough kana to read じゃない then it makes sense to wonder.

>> No.13873794

Yeah and her character also pretty cute, I'm enjoying all of her scenes.

>> No.13873810

Not even a hotkey?

>> No.13873815

Not that I've found.
And you can't replay them from the backlog either.

>> No.13873880

Akagoei has the biggest asshole in eroge.

>> No.13873894

There's an optional route where he stays on Chachamaru's side.

>> No.13873902

Calling it a route is an overstatement.

>> No.13873978

Who exactly?

>> No.13874080

Kaito, obviously.

>> No.13874198


>> No.13874201

who is this fluid druid?

image search gives me nothing

>> No.13874212


>> No.13874249

>I never played the game but let me call you a retard anyway

>> No.13874272


>> No.13874306

thank you

>> No.13874349

Epic meme arrow my friend. Is this your first week on /jp/?

>> No.13874372

>Epic meme arrow
You're even worse than me by doing this shit. You're trying way too hard to fit in on a site that's already garbage in the first place.

>> No.13874427

Honest question, why do you need to specify "untranslated" in the thread title?

I mean these threads have been going on for a long time and they never used to do that before. People still got the hint back then and mostly stuck to untranslated discussion. Why the change in attitude?

>> No.13874436

Because people were shitposting about translated eroge every thread.

>> No.13874454

Because the visual novel thread on /vg/ already exists for translated games, and because there's already so little untranslated discussion on the Internet that we don't want one of the few places you can actually talk about them being flooded with bullshit about F/SN and Umineko.

>> No.13874458

Yeah, but why change the thread title just to acknowledge shitposters? You should have just ignored them.

Though honestly I haven't come here much in a while, but did the change in title seriously help diminish shitposters in any meaningful way? I somehow doubt it.
I would believe that except that for years before /vg/ existed this place was never flooded with translated bullshit. It was almost exclusively untranslated stuff, and the translated guys went to /a/ or /v/, or made specific threads.

>> No.13874465

Because it wasn't only shitposters, there were some genuine cases of people coming here expecting translated discussion as well. The title was changed to reflect what the thread is indeed about.

>> No.13874469

And what's the harm of changing the thread title?

>> No.13874473

Were there actually enough to legitimately hinder untranslated discussion? Or was it more a case of "I don't want to discuss my eroge in the presence of these inferiors" kind of deal?
Changing it to acknowledge shitposters will surely have a detrimental effect.

>> No.13874478

>did the change in title seriously help diminish shitposters in any meaningful way?
It helped against that particular shitpost. Too bad our dear shitposter was ready and waiting with different ones.

Anyway, this thread has been bad for years and it's only going to get worse. If you want to actually discuss VNs, you're better off just going to IRC or something.

>> No.13874488

>Were there actually enough to legitimately hinder untranslated discussion?
When genuine discussion combined with shitposting then yes it had a detrimental effect on the thread. Can we stop with the meta discussion now?

>> No.13874489

It would be great if you would shut the fuck up and accept the change.

>> No.13874502

>dat insecurity and defensiveness

>> No.13874514

Huh, well I guess whatever works for you guys then. I tend to prefer discussing VNs on /r/visualnovels myself so don't really care much either way, was just kind of curious about the change was all.
Damn man, did I touch a nerve or something? Chill, I was only asking a question and it seems to be answered suitably. I've no interest in starting a bitch fight over it or whatever you're trying to do.

>> No.13874523

Oh you.

>> No.13874601

The amount of irony and shitposting is ridiculous.

Please be a little more calm "kudasai".

We're all friends here.

>> No.13874615

wow, people on /vg/ used to be on /v/ before the board split, what a revelation

>> No.13874622

Please leave and never come back.

>> No.13874628

why would anyone having actual eroge discussion on irc want to come back to this shithole

>> No.13874634

I'm nearly at that point, to be honest. This thread is probably beyond salvation now.

>> No.13874680

I keep seeing everyone say this but I don't see enough people leaving.

>> No.13874690

What's the most feminist non-otoge VN you've ever played?

>> No.13874691


>> No.13874692

Go suck Moogy's dick some more instead of being an intelligent human being with opinions of your own.

>> No.13874697


>> No.13874706

The good posters left and were replaced by /vg/ rejects. That's how we got to this point. All that's left is for a few of the remaining stragglers to leave and this can be shitpost central 24/7.

>> No.13874711

Please have hopes.

>> No.13874727

Rance is hella フェミニスト.

>> No.13874755

What is the Cowboy Bebop of VN's?

>> No.13874760

More like people are just leaving for Reddit because 4chan is losing traffic and slowly becoming irrelevant.

>> No.13874764

But so is Reddit.

>> No.13874778

>Changing it to acknowledge shitposters will surely have a detrimental effect.
It had a one-time detrimental effect that everyone got over very quickly, except that it occasionally comes back when people (such as yourself, and maybe everyone else in this thread) can't resist shitposting about meta.

>> No.13874784

Even Reddit's untranslated VN thread is better for discussion than this hellhole these days, so I can't say I blame them.

>> No.13874787

So where are people gonna talk about untranslated VN's then? anime-sharing? Fuwanovel? or haha Hongfire?

>> No.13874801

I took a peak, and I don't see the appeal.

>> No.13874805

Well, see you guys in the next thread.

>> No.13874823

IRC. There are more eroge channels on Rizon outside of the Moogy zone.

>> No.13874837

I subscribe to Clepha's blog and chat in the comments.

>> No.13874843

How do you find them? The only ones I know of have that shithead there.

>> No.13874849

Recently, Neyuki no Genei.
It's about (economically) poor girls who were raised or blackmailed into being prostitutes. It has several moments where they comment about the sex industry, what the extreme objectification of women (and rewarding it with money) leads to. The MC at one point realizes that even though he was taught that human trafficking doesn't exist anymore, the sex industry isn't very different from it. The increasing stress level of one of the girls led her to snap and bring on disaster.
It's pretty explicit so you might say it's contradictory (Tumblr "feminists" would hate this), but even though I like rape scenes in my eroge, one of the bad ends with a long scene where they endlessly rape one of the newcomers managed to make me sick.

IRC is shit because you have a handle associated with you, eventually you start getting judged over your tastes and shit. It isn't worth it.

>> No.13874851


>> No.13874856

Sorry if it seemed like I was shitposting, I honestly was just curious about it. Anyway my questions were answered to my satisfaction so I've no intent of drawing the subject out any further.

>> No.13874898

This thread is way more of a judgemental hivemind than anyone on IRC.

>> No.13874907

They'll judge your posts, not your identity.

>> No.13874909

Better to be anonymous so I can call other people out on their shit taste while they call me on mine.

>> No.13874924
File: 35 KB, 632x345, ds9_32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DS9 because it has a literal feminist heroine.

>> No.13874930

Worse than hiding behind a handle. You that thin skinned your feelings will get hurt since everyone will recognize your shit tastes by name alone?

>> No.13874931

Do you get to rape her?

>> No.13874943

I don't really like the idea of having to develop a whole online persona just to talk about eroge without my opinions being disregard. There's nothing worse than trying to "fit in" to an online community.
Far too much effort just to shitpost.

>> No.13874944

I'm just more comfortable by the fact that we can say whatever we want here without reservation. It's something I have come to enjoy over the years around here, I even enjoy the shitposting.

>> No.13874949

If you like having a handle so much why aren't you posting with a tripcode?

>> No.13874954

IRC is definitely more about buddying up with other people on the channel than it is actually discussing anything. I quit it for that reason.

>> No.13874994

Why bother when I will just get banned from channels for expressing my opinion.

>> No.13875006

I've been posting on 4chan for many years and, while there's some great discussions here and there, the entire "Your taste is shit" drivel never produces any. In order for discussion to happen, both participants need to have some interest in the game beyond "it's shit, and so are you for liking it". It's like people are afraid that accepting you like something and talking about it in a friendly manner means the place is a hugbox and circlejerk and the only acceptable attitude is acidity.

This however is also a result of topics getting crammed into generals, specially when they are as varied as eroge. Some regulars will feel like that one thread is not big enough for everyone and will try to kick out anyone who doesn't like stuff that is similar to their own taste. Factions form and they attack each other, threads become meta-posting and eventually someone gets angry for real and goes on a trolling crusade. Except since we're anonymous, factions don't really exist (fortunately), but that doesn't stop shitposting at all.

If someone doesn't like a thread, they can ignore it and visit the threads they have an interest in, but this isn't the case in a general. It's detrimental to boards, topics and the site in general.

The freedom to say whatever the hell you want and even troll/shitpost are great, if we hated it we wouldn't be here, but if that's all there ever is, it gets old quickly.

>> No.13875020

only from shit channels

>> No.13875029

The purpose of a tripcode is to gain credit where credit is due for posting content, not to attention whore.

>> No.13875043

All channels are shit.

>> No.13875062

It's great seeing the thread hit bump limit in less than a day but how many actual eroge discussion we have in this thread? 0?

>> No.13875082

There has been discussion, but not much which is expected because of so many titles there are out there. You can't expect that many people to have read the same titles you have.

>> No.13875479

For everyone who's curious about Sorcery Jokers


>> No.13875507

I'm playing 虚ノ少女 at the moment. I was wondering: Do I need to get the あの日の思い出 ending first before I can get Yukiko's H-Scenes on Jan 6 during the second run through?

>> No.13875515

It's like as if Green stopped drinking the hateorade and actually played a VN from start to finish.

>> No.13875525

I'm glad to hear that someone who literally reads VNs in romaji liked it.

>> No.13875541

Do NOT talk shit about Clephas-sama.

>> No.13875551

This is the guy who called Doshikuro a shitty Nukige, opinion automatically discarded.

>> No.13875556
File: 25 KB, 1116x231, 1433338330709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13875559
File: 76 KB, 1692x95, 1433340557608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13875575

He has a point though.

>> No.13875581

Hi Clephas.

>> No.13875589

>Avoid Mayoeru Futari, it is awful.

Whatever you say, Clephas.

>> No.13875593

Niceme.me. It's like I'm in /vg/.

>> No.13875595

You would know.

>> No.13875605

What point?

That actually learning Japanese isn't realistic and you're doomed to using crutches forever? No, that's just Clephas being dumb.

That the JLPT is about speaking and not comprehension? What the fuck?

That text hookers are somehow faster than just reading normally and not having to keep switching your attention between windows? That's retarded and makes no sense.

No, Clephas is simply a moron who doesn't know Japanese but likes to talk like he does.

>> No.13875613

When people talk about text hookers being faster, I think they mostly mean it's faster copy-paste to your online dictionary.

>> No.13875627

So what would prefer people here to talk about the most? Celeb talks or Virgin talks.

I prefer virgin talks in my opinion, everyone should be concerned about their girls purity.

>> No.13875628

Sure, I'm not saying they're a bad tool if you use them properly. But for someone who knows the language, as Clephas claims to, they're not going to make a significant difference for a fucking moege.

>> No.13875634

Not in Clephas' case. He literally cannot read even kana, he needs TA to show romaji on top to understand anything.

>> No.13875639

Personally I prefer eroge talk, but I'm apparently alone in that opinion.

>> No.13875646

You should stop slandering him. He never said anything about reading in Romaji.

>> No.13875651

Let's start then. What are you currently reading?

>> No.13875652

Katawa Shoujo.

>> No.13875654

Well eroges are dying so its not like you have too many options.

This thread is hurt by have prejudices about Nukige and seems more like a moege general.

>> No.13875666

There's nothing wrong with nukige that isn't wrong with eroge in general.

>> No.13875672

Kill yourself.

>> No.13875675

I don't think there's any real prejudice against nukige. It's just that the people who read them pretty much stick to their own thread. Almost nothing but moege and nukige are released these days so it's only natural that this thread ends up with mostly moege discussion.

>> No.13875683

I think I need to filter "eroges are dying". I know you're that one fag that keep whining about eroges are dying and complaining about people posting about moege.

You really need to kill yourself tbh.

>> No.13875685
File: 37 KB, 1475x111, clephas_romaji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course he did.

Also, I've asked him to read an image with simple katakana text, and he couldn't, he had to call someone else to write it down for him.

>> No.13875686

You guys seemed like you kicked out Nukiges like you kicked translated VNs.

The Nukige thread just appears to be a containment board that you created.

>> No.13875692

You are crazy.
I've posted here about nukige I read plenty of times and got some discussion. Nobody took offence about it, and it was definitely more polite than moe/chuuni game "discussions".

>> No.13875693

>You really need to kill yourself tbh.

Not until i see the market die and then being console exclusives were devs will no longer have to rely on porn to sell and will rely more on writting.

A golden age of VNs if you must.

>> No.13875697

No? It was just some guy who read nukige with machine translations who decided to make a new thread because he didn't feel comfortable among people who actually know Japanese. And for whatever reason, it stuck. Nukige were never kicked out in any way.

>> No.13875703

>golden age of VNs
That already ended 10 years ago.

>> No.13875711

The industry peaked in 2009 and it's all been going downhill since.

>> No.13875714

Thats the thing, you purge VNs that are translated like you seem you purged Nukiges.

It can begin again, honestly with Sekai and Steam being the rage i can picture console VNs starting to take off.

>> No.13875719

>Also, I've asked him to read an image with simple katakana text, and he couldn't, he had to call someone else to write it down for him.

There's no need to lie. You don't know him and I know him.

>> No.13875723

Everyone just ignore this retard. He's been shitposting since few threads ago.

>> No.13875724

In what way is that "purging"? People are more than welcome to discuss nukige here if they want.

>> No.13875727

If autists here could ignore retards and shitposters, this would be completely different thread.

>> No.13875737

But no one does, like you could get flamed or something. Its just strange that in these threads Nukiges dont get at least little discussion.

Nukige threads are slow as hell for some reason too.

Im not trolling, im just saying that with a western market being opened VNs devs will go were the profit is and thats with non H console (PC fanbase hates the idea of no H so they are disregarded in this scenario) VNs will become a trend.

>> No.13875747

It might just be that not that many people on 4chan play nukige.

>> No.13875753

I don't talk about nukige here because people are only into boring vanilla shit.

>> No.13875756

Dont see how that is possible, on hgg there is much talk about it wich is mostly MTs but were are the japanese Nukige players? Again there is some kind of stigma when it comes to Nukiges.

>> No.13875760

>Nukige threads are slow as hell for some reason too.
Because there is rarely a title that pops up that everybody plays and most nukige are fetish based, kind of a double whammy.

>> No.13875767

>Western Market

You mean the same market that's more than willing to pirate the shit than pay bucks for VN's they've read ages ago? Yeah.

>> No.13875772

I prefer moege so I don't play nukige often. Doesn't mean I hate them or that I'd flame someone for talking about them or whatever. I suspect there are a lot of people like that in this thread. It's not some conspiracy against nukige players.

>> No.13875786

The whole blue board situation doesn't really help the Nukige thread

>> No.13875794

I hate to resort to greentext but

>Eroges are dying guys!!
>why no nukige discussion? It's all your fault
>moege general lol
>wester market, steam shit and sekai project will bring eroge to golden era!
>not trolling XDD

That's how you looks like. Please just kill yourself and stop shitting up this thread.

>> No.13875910

You get rape nukiges like crazy, i doubt anyone into nukiges doesnt like rape, at least the mindbreak ones.

You cant pirate Vitas or PS4s, so pirating its not an option.

I guess im just being paranoid.

Okay i can see how this is a problem, too bad /h/ mods are faggots so we cant have a general for Nukige VNs there.

I dont understand the hate for greentext here in /jp/, its not like the board isnt a huge meme in itself or that has any sort of higuer quality content.

That being said im mainly talking of VNs with more meat in the writting (Which are meant to be read than fapped to) getting its way on consoles while we stick to Nukiges as the porn side of the VN medium.

>> No.13875919

If you're enjoying that game and enjoyed its predecessor, you might want to look into reading the novel 魍魎の匣. No intention of being inflammatory here, but I've heard that 殻ノ少女 and 魍魎の匣 are similar enough to the point that the former is a "rip off" of the latter. I don't really know what this means. Just passing the info along.

>> No.13875953

>The amount of irony and shitposting is ridiculous.
>Please be a little more calm "kudasai".

I chuckled

>> No.13875970

This thread was fine as a general for a long time, although the more recent trend of EVERYTHING becoming a general has definitely been a turn for the worse.

>> No.13876017

Maybe after you learn how to spell "writing" properly people will take you more seriously. Fucking EOP scum.

>> No.13876230

New thread when

>> No.13876262

I know spanish so im not an EOP, toma eso puta!

>> No.13876314

When this one reaches page 10, dear shitposter.

>> No.13876352

Wow, a fucking beaner. Even worse.

>> No.13876359

Don't feed the retard please.

>> No.13876374

Ameriburger capullo.

>No quiere que me alimenten.
>Me alimenta.

You would had thought people figured out posts like this have the opposite effect.

>> No.13876380

Assuming everyone who hates your kind is a burger. Just shows how your brain only operates in your shitty New World continents.

>> No.13876409

Sos un Britcuck?

Just as bad then.

>> No.13876434

Nope, just stop trying border hopper.

>> No.13876547

Well you had to be an aussie.

Everywhere you go you must also shitpost.

>> No.13876859

So, I checked /r/visualnovels since someone here suggested it but I don't see many discussion about untranslated VN there. The untranslated VN thread is pretty dead and the other threads there filled by shits I don't care about like localization scene and Umineko.

I guess /jp/ is still the best place for me.

>> No.13876870

> The untranslated VN thread is pretty dead
It has more on-topic posts than threads here ever had for past year.

>> No.13876928

Why do you keep coming back then.

>> No.13876960

Way too long. Good concept and has some great parts but there's no reason for it to have almost 4MB of text.

>> No.13877026

Wow, so edgy, almost as edgy as Trump. You sure showed him.

>> No.13877180 [DELETED] 

new thread >>13869644

>> No.13877198


>> No.13877206

This is not going to work no matter how many times you try.

>> No.13877215

It worked, look at all the replies he got.

>> No.13877220

Why is this thread become so dead when we reach page 7++?

>> No.13877223

Who cares about replies, We'll just make our thread when we are at 10th page. Eops can have fun in that, I dont have any problem with it.

>> No.13877227

This. Its actually better for us if they shit up own general instead of our.

>> No.13877748

I'm playing エロげスレの歴史 and am currently going through 2011. How far back in time do I have to go before this gets good? It's the same old shit I see in 2014-2015.

>> No.13877773

You can go back forever, unless it takes you to another site it isn't going to improve.

>> No.13877775


>> No.13877781

>this gets good
I can't help but laugh seeing these two in the same post. You were deceived, it's shit from beginning to end. It's long as fuck and it has a ton of writers, and they didn't know what to write half of the time so it's filled with inane shit to inflate its word count. It does get particularly bad towards the present but in the end it was never good.

>> No.13877847

And now we see the /v/ invaders trying to pretend it was always as bad as it became after they started coming to the thread.

>> No.13877850

Here we see the newfag trying to pretend he has been here since the inception of the universe and he knows what he's talking about.

>> No.13877861

Thanks for proving my point.

>> No.13877862

What point were you making exactly?

>> No.13877934 [DELETED] 

Epic meme fam XDDD. Upvoted!

>> No.13877965

Someone make a new thread.

>> No.13877986

Why don't you make it yourself, fuck-o?

>> No.13878093


>> No.13878123

VNs about astronomy are so boring.

>> No.13878139

They never do anything with the premise either.

>> No.13878672

New untranslated VN general

