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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1385358 No.1385358 [Reply] [Original]

So I hear /jp/ plays this?

>> No.1385368

/v/ plays this. And that's horrible.

>> No.1385371

What is "this"?

>> No.1385375

La Qua

>> No.1385379

I don't play Gaia Online.

>> No.1385381

I quit when I reached 20. Too laggy as fuck to handle aggros. Not to mention it's impossible to get through later stages without any rope jumping, which utterly fails because of the horrendous lag.

>> No.1385388

What's this? Maybe I can give it a go now that I'm bored and all.

I feel for you. Living so close to serbs and all. Hang in there.

>> No.1385389

This is probably my future.

>> No.1385392


Some kind of less-chibi Maple Story?

>> No.1385398

My game is korean too. Also yeah it's kind of maple story with lag.

>> No.1385412


>> No.1385469

*glomps Croatia*

>> No.1385613

Also, /v/ does not play this shit.
They're waiting for final Runes of Magic product version.

>> No.1385616

I thought /v/ was SMALLTIME

>> No.1385621

>I thought /v/ was TIME PARADOX MODE
Yes, it is.

>> No.1385623

I heard /v/ and /jp/ play S4.

Although it doesn't matter to me. I've always been a sucker for JSR, even if S4 only LOOKS like it.

>> No.1385624

This game is shit, I know because I played it.
Laggy as fuck and battle system eats a fat dick.

>> No.1385636

I want a .hack// MMO that doesn't suck. Something based off R:2. But without the AIDA.

in b4 everyone's an Adept Rouge.

>> No.1385640

I would just settle for an MMO that doesnt suck.

>> No.1385644


You can only pick one:

2.Doesn't suck.

>> No.1385646

Spend some cash, and suddenly that's not as hard.

>> No.1385647

And needs an Open Beta, where when it closes the only way people can make accounts is by getting an e-mail from current members.

>> No.1385648

[X] Genuflect

>> No.1385649

There have been MMOs that did not suck in the past.

>> No.1385650

Oh, you.

>> No.1385660

To be honest, almost all of the good MMOs have some kind of pay to play going on, that's why no one can choose the good MMOs, even that flash game, Dofus, is very much fucked up without pay to play mode(what Gaia is trying to copypasta now with their own MMO! cool shit, bro!).
So yeah, MMOs do suck right now.
The best /jp/ can bet is jRO2 rebirth, the full product.

>> No.1385662

Wow suck balls and Warhammer even more.

>> No.1385663

I liked MMOs better when they were called MUDs.

>> No.1385667
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>Warhammer even more

>> No.1385670

Recommend me an MMO, /jp/. It does not have to be /jp/ related in the slightest. Free is preferred.

>> No.1385675


>> No.1385680

How is Requiem: Bloodymare? Anyone played it?

>> No.1385688

Have you actually played WAR?

The PvP is fucking orgasmic.

>> No.1385693

Yes i've played WAR and it was not orgasmic.

>> No.1385698

So you'd rather play a shitty Korean MMO?

Whatever man.

>> No.1385712

You've played it till what, rank 6. And you played an elf.


>> No.1385713

Who said that, i say it'd rather play a good MMO. But there are not really good MMOs but yeah i'd prefer a asian one over a western one.

>> No.1385714

looks like nothing but a side scrolling wannabe version of RO.

>> No.1385715

If i wanted to play something that good i'd play an RTS or FPS something that actually needs skill.

>> No.1385720

>Korean MMO

>> No.1385722

Protip: this guy was one of the worst casualfags ever.
A Ragnarok Online fan.
Trust me, you don't have to argue with him over his stupid concept of ''good MMOs''.

>> No.1385735

>this guy was one of the worst casualfags ever.
You must be like what 15 or something?

>> No.1385754

Faggot tries hard to look mature.

>> No.1385755

>A Ragnarok Online fan.
Haha, oh wow.

>> No.1385759

You're a 10 times bigger fanboy then me...

>> No.1386330

atlanica online is better.

it's like a bizarre mix of Final Fantasy, Ogre Battle, and Genso Suikoden.

good music too. plus fuck yeah fantasy alternate earth.

>> No.1386334

I liked Ragnarok Online

>> No.1386354

Did anyone ever play Silkroad Online (SRO)?

Terrible game; practically nonexistent GMs, overrun with botters, laggy as hell...and yet I still managed to have fun. Funny how playing with a friend can make the experience infinitely more bearable.

>> No.1386362

Latale has the worst mobility in a MMO

>> No.1386378

Played it for a couple hours then shit got very boring very fast.

>> No.1386385

Anything with a friend can be fun. Real life friend that is.

>> No.1386435

I really enjoyed Dream of Mirror Online. I think you all should give it a try. You can multi class and play as lolis

>> No.1386450

>I play Generic Korean MMO. It has lolis, and some other menial features. You have to pay to get anywhere, but since it's free I play it anyway because I'm too cheap to buy an MMO with actual development costs and too fucked to care.

>> No.1386471

Im not going to even bother sageing you.

On a side note: most all MMOs are repetitive and money sinks. That is the point.

>> No.1386474

Not the one you quoted but I'd like you to suggest a good p2p mmo.

>> No.1386487

I'd like you to suggest a good mmo

>> No.1386491

>real life friends


>> No.1386494


>> No.1386502

I just looked up DOMO and found out that it doesn't just have lolis, but FLYING lolis. Still, not enough to make me play it.

I tried out LaTale last night and yes, it's laggy shit. The crappy combat made me actually feel like playing Grand Chase again, which I had mostly quit because of grinding boredom, but it's still way more fun than this. I also wasted god knows how much time just trying to come up with a character name because the shitty creation screen gives the same generic message whether it's a name with invalid characters or a name that's already taken (and it allows you to input all sorts of symbols, including some Alt-keypad ones, but only letters and numbers are actually allowed it seems)

>> No.1386509


Found your problem

>> No.1386510

I liked Tabula Rasa. Has fun combat and the cloning system is real nice.

>> No.1386566

Silk Road online is more like Bot Road online, DOMO is terrible for many reasons one of it being repetitive 3d graphics.

Ragnarok Online to me seems like the best MMO i played for 2 reasons, most adaptive stats and skills you can just go all luk and suck or find a balance, everyone is different, many build based on a crap load of stuff, the only game where i actually find the grind to be fun, you can mob you, can hunt for headgears and shit but still custom sprites for your armor and shit would be even more fun, the second reason being the gears are not so defined by level but by cards and are usable by everyone also certain mobs drop certain stuff and theres a database of it.

On the other side some find the grind to be boring and so do i it needs more quests and things you can do, it needs a better PVP system with more skill(as in player skill not skills in game) and tactics, WoE is okay but there could be something else. All in all the game is outdated and if it would get an 2008 engine with nice sprites and better overall system it would be awesome, 2d top down is just superior to shitty 3th person view 3d adventure like MMOs.

>> No.1386568

I played the Tabula Rasa beta (got TR beta + release keys and CoH key for subscribing to Auto Assault at the time it was canceled), but I found it pretty meh. The "feels-like-FPS-but-not-really" nature of combat got annoying, and the suckiness of most weapons and skills made it start feeling way too one-dimensional.

Maybe it got better after release, but I quit while it was still beta... I think that's when I started playing Trickster Online, lol (I've spent more time playing that than any other Korean MMO, most I quit in a matter of weeks)

>> No.1386575

>Ragnarok Online
>best MMO
Kill yourself.

>> No.1386579

It got better. plays like halo3 meets spells. Still doesnt make since that weapon melee does more damage then shooting, my only real pet peeve. Weapons do pretty good damage, but it depends on your class and stuff as well.

>> No.1386590

To me it is, just like shitty people think Portal is the height of game design so i think Ragnarok Online is the best MMO for me it's 2d it's animelike and it's fun, WoW was nice but i cant stand shitty warcraft universe and blizzards 3d cube headed graphics.

In my opinion Ragnarok is everything i want in a MMO more or less it's far from an 10/10 score but i prefer it to an 9/10 Wow.

>> No.1386722

Portal was actually good though.

>> No.1386742

I agree based on playing it, overall or review opinion is usually worth shit.
