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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 11 KB, 256x256, Windows-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13843586 No.13843586 [Reply] [Original]

If you find a visual novel that doesn't work with windows 10 post it here. Post what happens when you launch it.

So far most games worked.
Engines tried:
kirikiri, bgi, willplus engine, both nitro+ engines, QLIE, liarsoft engine, CatSystem2, innogrey engine, minori engine, nscripter (lol)

Parfait ~Chocolat Second Brew~”Re-order” doesn't work.
When launched it does nothing.

>> No.13843598

I'm in beta build.

How do I upgrade for free from here?

>> No.13843616

I think you can only upgrade for free if you own a licensed copy of windows 7, 8 or 8.1.

>> No.13843682

Lots of games tested by this guy:

Some games require running in win7 compatibility mode, nodvd don't work,...

>> No.13843684


Try with this.

>> No.13843693


I'd be careful with upgrading If you have a older Nvidia card though. I'm NEET so the last gpu I bought was from 600 series and It has become noticiably worse with each driver release. Be careful, dudes!

>> No.13843717

What drivers are you using? I have gtx 660 and would like to try them and see the differense.

>> No.13843830

Who cares why would you install W10 ever

>> No.13843872

ITH doesn't work.

>> No.13844268


Why not waiting instead until all the bugs and shit is patched out?. I always wait for a SP at least before switching to a new OS.

>> No.13844289

That's kind of a deal breaker if ture. You know if VNR works? I believe it uses a modified ITH to do most hooking.

>> No.13844394
File: 1.67 MB, 3664x3688, BOTNET_compressed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would anyone switch to Win10? Just because it's the new hot thing? Some people fall for marketing so easily

>> No.13844599

Reminder that Windows 10 is going to fuck you in the ass with hardware DRM. This is not the kind of DRM anyone can bypass once it's cracked (assuming it will ever be).


>> No.13844613

Anyone with windows 10 can test HF applocale, and a something IE based?

>> No.13844635
File: 285 KB, 725x780, 1415640818246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the future so scary and unfriendly?

>> No.13844648

Pic is fake, that was only for the beta version.

You can turn almost everything off in the Pro version.

In the home version you cant turn some off permanently and you have forced automatic updates.

>> No.13844690

>you can change the color of the button and have it say OFF
>implying its still not sending receiving NSA's malware

>> No.13844778

The IME button is finally centered in the taskbar. Totally worth it just for that.

>> No.13844830
File: 1 KB, 199x26, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with this font?

>> No.13844933

>You can turn almost everything off in the Pro version.
It should be opt in, not opt out. Most people don't know or care enough to turn them off, that's the point and that's why it's dangerous. Nobody reads the terms of service either.

>almost everything
Important keyword.

>> No.13844949

Yup, almost.
Everything can be turned off, but after some hours it turn itself back on or back to basic option in the pro version.

In the Home version it just wont let you.

Not sure how the enterprise version works but /g/ says everything can be turned off.

>> No.13844984

Yes, and I'm saying that is irrelevant.
The picture depicts how all those "features" are embedded in the operating system and that most of them are turned on by default, and even some turn themselves back on as you say.
Even if some of those that were grayed out aren't now, it's still outrageous.
Most people don't know or care enough to turn them off, and people who do care will have to travel through menus with the insecurity that they left something on by accident.

>> No.13845186

I have a laptop with a Geforce Go 7400. Can confirm, does not work with Windows 10.

>> No.13845393

Just a protip for my jaypee buddies, do NOT "reset Windows" from the control panel right after you've installed it. I just tried it and got stuck in a boot loop (with error INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE), and others have had this happen to them as well. Better wait for someone to suss it out.

It asks you in the fucking installer if you want to join the botnet. And if you forgot it then, there's a new "Privacy" section in the settings that has the words "Privacy statement" underneath everything you'll want to turn off.

The only thing that turns back on is the built in antivirus. Which is only on if you don't already have a third party antivirus.

>> No.13845403
File: 183 KB, 1145x700, 1388386347505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Botnet 10.

Just stick to Windows 8 or anything before that.

>> No.13845462 [DELETED] 

how the fuck do i read the dates on that shit


>> No.13845466

Year/month/day, like everything else that is japanese.

>> No.13845504

>Parfait ~Chocolat Second Brew~”Re-order” doesn't work.
>When launched it does nothing.
Use compatibility mode like everyone with a brain did for years.

>> No.13845525

>post it here
No. How about you contain it to your /vg/ thread, and your numerous /jp/ threads?

>> No.13845531

>When launched it does nothing.
I don't know what board you're from, but you're obviously beyond help.

>> No.13845716

I don't know how it is now but I remember the average guy from the jay knew more about computers than the average /g/ user.

>> No.13846120

Eroge is very important.

>> No.13846159

such is the consequence of deleting /prog/ and banning all of your friendly techno-savvy denizens on sight.

>> No.13846429
File: 176 KB, 441x421, 1429148914198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like the staff, especially moot, was trying to ruin /jp/ and the textboards.

I had hopes in you, MVB-sama.........

>> No.13846435

text boards are now completely gone...

>> No.13846442

HF applicable doesn't work for me so I just completely switched the locale to Japanese then most games work.

>> No.13846446

If /jp/ too was deleted, it would probably be beneficial for my life.

>> No.13846449

Windows 10 has a new Japanese font, Yu Gothic. Unlike Meiryo, which was heavily hinted for display on screen, Yu Gothic is a font for printing. So I'm assuming that Edge is using Yu Gothic instead of Meiryo for whatever reason, and that's why it's ugly. But even western scripts are ugly in Edge, so I don't know what's up.

The insider preview actually had Yu Mincho too, I need to see if I kept an ISO because that was a great font for big text on Anki cards.

>> No.13846460

/a/ loved the shit out of Windows 10, especially their -tan. What a bunch of retards.

>> No.13846467

Microsoft doesn't even give a shit at this point. They've been pretty open about being a blatant botnet.

>> No.13846475

I don't know what you're trying to justify. You just keep saying "B-But you can turn it off!" when the criticism is about why are they there in the first place, and why are they on by default. You haven't countered that yet.

Anyway I don't see the hurry to switch so early, especially if it's just cons and barely any pros. Not to mention most of us play eroge or doujin games which are optimized for Windows XP anyway.

>> No.13846492
File: 37 KB, 157x276, 1388565996687[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never believed that shilling thing but it's hard to believe so many people are loving what it's a literal keylogger.
Or maybe people are just this fucking stupid? Even /g/ is eating all this shit up.

>> No.13846519

If only there was an operating system that respected your freedom.

>> No.13846528
File: 65 KB, 480x411, stallman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use Linux on my laptop and Windows on my computer (because video games).

>> No.13846553

I'm not arguing for Windows 10. I'm arguing against stupid people spreading misinformation. The OOBE gives you the option to opt out of all the notable privacy violating features of Windows 10 up front, and you can find the other more minor things pretty easily in the settings (like samples submission for the antivirus). When configured properly, Windows 10 is no more nosy than Windows 7. Which is to be expected really, because Microsoft is a business, and it tends to be bad business to piss off your clients. If you really think Microsoft is spying on you, even when you opt out of everything, then you ought to take a moment to imagine what a shitstorm there would be if it was discovered that Microsoft was collecting trade secrets from every organization using its software.

>> No.13846605

The fact those options are there in the first place is pretty fucking bad by itself.

>> No.13846615

>I'm arguing against stupid people spreading misinformation.
And yet again you're missing the point. Saying that there are several privacy violating features that are enabled by default is not "misinformation", it's a fact that you admit in the following sentence. No one is saying that they can't be disabled, that was never the argument.

>When configured properly, Windows 10 is no more nosy than Windows 7.
So, if you have to go through hoops to configure it so it's no more nosy than Windows 7, why not just stay with Windows 7?

>> No.13846752

I would argue that that image posted above is misinformation, considering it says WINDOWS 10 BOTNET right above the part where they drew a big box around the privacy policy for the data you choose keep on Microsoft's servers (which is, you know, the exact same as for any other online service). Almost as if they're trying to imply that Microsoft is going to collect random files you have sitting on your hard drive just because you installed Windows 10. There's also the part where they call search suggestions (a feature already present in every major browser today) a keylogger.

Look, I agree that some of this shit is shady. But as you say, most people don't care, and those who do are the sort of people who already go through the settings and read the legal stuff. So let the plebs be violated, and the rest of us can continue to be vigilant.

As for reasons to switch, well in the short term that depends on whether you think features like virtual desktops and improved multi-monitor support are worth the minute or so it takes to turn off the botnet. Long-term, it's whether or not you want to fork over $120 to continue receiving security updates for your OS in five years time. You have a year to decide (or commit to installing Gentoo when the time comes).

>> No.13846765

>So let the plebs be violated, and the rest of us can continue to be vigilant.
The problem with this logic is that the more people let themselves being fucked the sooner this becomes the norm.

>> No.13846795

Everyone being fucked is already the norm.

Join the EFF if you really care about these issues. The $120 you do or don't give Microsoft is long-term irrelevant.

>> No.13846807

So your arguments are, idiots be fucked, and we're fucked anyway so why should we care. Great. I knew we wouldn't get anywhere.

>> No.13846810

Just because it's depressing doesn't mean it's untrue.

Except for the part where you are, in fact, perfectly free to unfuck yourself personally if you want.

>> No.13846834

1. In general (not just Windows 10), if only few people disable privacy invading features (or conversely, use privacy strengthening features like encryption) they might become actual targets, because you can then ask "Well then, what is he hiding?" In an authoritarian society the ones who refuse to be searched are the ones that are searched the most. This wouldn't happen if most, or all, people refused.
2. If people don't protest directly now, this will keep increasing until forced and total surveillance in the name of "convenience" becomes the norm. I'm not being a tinfoil hatter here, just looking back 10 years back is enough to know this is an increasing trend with no signs of stopping, especially with the increasing popularity of smartphones.
3. This might sound very weird to you, but I actually care for the privacy of other human beings behind myself too.

This also reminds me of that funny clause that says that if you encrypt your hard disk your encryption key will be automatically uploaded to the Internet, which obviously, is ridiculous.

>> No.13846855
File: 55 KB, 657x518, 1435654110915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7 still works, and I can still play Melty Blood, read VNs, and browse the internet.
What's the reason to upgrade?

>> No.13846909
File: 12 KB, 220x193, 132019781571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>total surveillance in the name of "convenience"
This. Like how you need an e-mail to create an e-mail.
Or a cellphone number.

A cellphone number. For using the computer.

In the future, pre-created e-mail addresses will be passed down to your family as a heirloom.

>> No.13846920

none yet, but they'll make one

>> No.13846932

>Windows 8

>> No.13846939

Of course VN shitters are the ones upgrading to 10.

>> No.13846973
File: 135 KB, 800x1320, 51234637_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In 2009 I created my gmail account. For a short time recently, I've wanted to shift to some other mail host, but I don't know which I should use. More importantly, I don't understand how I migrate the dozens of accounts I've created everywhere, most of which I've probably forgotten about, but will probably still need to access in the future, to my new account. Do you just do 'parallel running' until you gradually swap over all your accounts?

>> No.13846982

I've started using tfwno.gf

>> No.13847099
File: 271 KB, 640x942, send help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help, I can't play EoSD~PoFV games without it fucking up the fullscreen.

If I run it on vpatch, the screen goes all blank.

>> No.13847112

/g/ pls

>> No.13847146

Fuck this. Reverted the update, got W8.1 again.

I'll probably update to W10 when it stops being shitty.

>> No.13848855

>I'll probably update to W10 when it stops being shitty.
See you in 20 years.

>> No.13848871

Why the FUCK would you upgrade to Windows 10 when it JUST released? Besides the blatant privacy issues, too.

>> No.13849819

I find pretty sad to know that this is the truth.

>> No.13849932

>blaming people for upgrading to win10
This thread reeks of /g/. Stop being so shitty holy shit.
It's not the customer's fault, Microsoft promised a good win10 so it's Microsoft's fault here for being a liar.

>> No.13849950

I would guess that compatibility is about the same as Windows 8, which only really had problems with DirectDraw stuff for the most part.

>> No.13849972 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting, crossboarder?

>> No.13850111

This coming from someone who can't even get the quoting meme right.

>> No.13850192
File: 1.61 MB, 850x854, 1423674185703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't tell me who you're quoting yet.

>> No.13850230

>blaming people for blaming people
This post reeks of Tumblr. Stop being so triggered holy shit.

>> No.13850262

>This thread reeks of /g/.
Hilarious, coming from the guy greentexting.

>> No.13851750

global 6 - quality of posts

>> No.13852755

It works fine for me.
Just used it on Clover Days as an alternative to ITH.

>> No.13852887

Jesus Christ. They don't even pretend that they are collecting anonymous data. Uninstalling that GWX shit right now.

>> No.13853113

So the only way to play my chink loli games is to set windows 10 locate to japanese like in windows 7?

I didn't wanted to do that cuz when I did that back in 7 everything I wanted to installed on Japanese... So I was hoping Windows 10 would come with a new AppLocale or something.

Anyone tried https://ntlea.codeplex.com/ ?

>> No.13853141

Go back to Windows 7 you idiot.

>> No.13853144


>> No.13853171

Look at the thread.

>> No.13853177

I read everything just now.

What seems to be the problem?

>> No.13853279

I fully expect it to scan your drives for known cp signatures, like gmail does. And how many years did that guy get for owning loli manga? Hope you're enjoying that complete Comic LO archive.
And I'm not even talking about pirated software/music/video. Tor, vpn, seedboxes and truecrypt won't do shit.
Of course it won't happen right away, but I think it's not paranoia, but reasonable expectations at this point.

>> No.13853309


Use this if you don't want to change your locale to Japanese, it is open source so someone could help improve it.

You can even add it to the right click context menu by clicking the --> in the application.

>> No.13853314

>And how many years did that guy get for owning loli manga?


>> No.13853358

Use this instead, it has windows 10 support and is very popular with the chink visual novel scene which means it gets decent feedback.


Works way better than both NTLEA and the Microsoft AppLocale.

>> No.13853373

Apparently he got 6 months.

Also Canada

It might have quieted down recently, but the laws are still there.

>> No.13853385


There really isn't one yet. I'll never understand early adopters.

>> No.13853420

They say it's free now but will cost you money later.

>> No.13853446

First off, those laws technically apply to all porn, and even more generally, all "obscene" materials.

>Pursuant to his plea agreement, Handley today pleaded guilty to one count of possessing obscene visual representations of the sexual abuse of children in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 1466A(b)(1), which prohibits the possession of any type of visual depiction, including a drawing, cartoon, sculpture, or painting, that depicts a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct that is obscene.


>(b) As used in this section, the term “engaged in the business” means that the person who produces sells or transfers or offers to sell or transfer obscene matter devotes time, attention, or labor to such activities, as a regular course of trade or business, with the objective of earning a profit, although it is not necessary that the person make a profit or that the production, selling or transferring or offering to sell or transfer such material be the person’s sole or principal business or source of income. The offering for sale of or to transfer, at one time, two or more copies of any obscene publication, or two or more of any obscene article, or a combined total of five or more such publications and articles, shall create a rebuttable presumption that the person so offering them is “engaged in the business” as defined in this subsection.

Basically, "you are not allowed to engage in any step of the transaction of obscene materials."

I dislike it because it gives no strict definition of what "obscene" is.

>> No.13853452

>obscene visual representations of the sexual abuse of children
>that depicts a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct that is obscene
It's clearly not all porn but only loli porn.

>> No.13853573

Oh sorry, posted the wrong part from section 1466

>(a) Whoever is engaged in the business of producing with intent to distribute or sell, or selling or transferring obscene matter, who knowingly receives or possesses with intent to distribute any obscene book, magazine, picture, paper, film, videotape, or phonograph or other audio recording, which has been shipped or transported in interstate or foreign commerce, shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than 5 years or by a fine under this title, or both.

>...who knowingly receives or possesses with intent to distribute any obscene book, magazine, picture, paper, film, videotape, or phonograph or other audio recording...

That's it. It does not specifically define what obscene is. Its only through precedence that mainstream pornography does not constitute "obscene" materials.

>> No.13853812

It's free because we're the product.
Our personal information, specifically.

>> No.13853845

I hope they enjoy my NEET Hikikomori data.

>> No.13853999

They will when selling it to ad companies.

>> No.13854056

And then what?

Want me to buy their stuff with my nonexistent money?

>> No.13854467

You say that like you'll have the choice to block ads in the future.

>> No.13854547

Pfft I browse loli on Chrome for ages and that's probably worse than Win 10 could ever be.

>> No.13854597

Why not?
I can literally block the url ads use in my router.

>> No.13854815

Obscene is basically legalspeak for whatever happens to make normies feel icky that day.

>> No.13854902

Check your tense, yo.

>> No.13854910

my what

>> No.13854948

Seems like screenshot functionality was improved for some fullscreen games. Tried some stuff that would only show the desktop before and is now screenshotting properly.

>> No.13854952

Apparently, it's supposed to run more smoothly, be more stable, etc. Eventually there will end up being programs that require Windows 10 to run, but that will probably take several years (though if you're into games, I've heard DirectX 12 may require Windows 10, but I'm not sure). It will probably be worth upgrading in a few months when they've worked out the kinks and when people have found all of the datamining bits and how to remove them.

>> No.13854969 [DELETED] 
File: 1.32 MB, 1023x706, CKCa2AsUkAEV8Un.png:large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Lords of Japan,

My name is John, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on facebook.

Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I was captain of the football team, and starter on my basketball team. What sports do you play, other than "jack off to naked drawn Japanese people"? I also get straight A's, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.

Pic Related: It's me and my bitch

>> No.13860116

i don't even care, i watch all my hardcore loli hentai with all that shit on. doubt they'll do anything

>> No.13860226

Just register your own cheap domain (some TLDs cost less than $5 per year to register a domain) and pay for e-mail hosting someplace. If you're not paying, you are the product.

If you ever want to change who is hosting your mail, since you own the domain, you can change the host whenever you want, without disrupting all of the accounts you have set up with various sites.

>> No.13862060

Not that guy, but what's a good cheap place for e-mail hosting for my domain? I've been using GoDaddy for a while but it seems like they bumped it up a lot, paying like $95 a year now which seems like a lot for e-mail, for 5 users with unlimited storage. (Don't want to go for less because I'm using it for a business and a bunch of people need access.)

>> No.13868206

Makohunter doesn't open up. I'm also having trouble with dll's such as d3dx9_42 and _43, I know this is related to directx files but the problem is while trying to install older directx versions they are out of date for w10. Does Steam games directx files can help this ? Also, Microsoft Applocale sorta works but while trying opening Fate Hollow Ataraxia it shows a system locale error, only by changing the region it works without it.

>> No.13868262
File: 2.06 MB, 1718x938, disabling settings definitely did something.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Thinking you can turn it off

>> No.13868551

Windows 10 is Tentastic!

>> No.13868808

Holy shit, I hope those penguintards are brewing a decent OS.

>> No.13869073

Who wrote that?

Who keeps bumping this shit?

>> No.13869104

Just block those urls on your modem.

>> No.13869139
File: 102 KB, 710x959, 1438589046532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In your firewall of choice, make sure you block the IP in this image so you don't send your information to the Singaporean military.

I'm not too sure how this guy found out his explorer.exe was sending TCP packets there but I guess it'd be good to block it anyway.

>> No.13869939

Just remove Cortana/searchui.exe. As in delete the shit. Problem solved.

>> No.13873720


Upgrade the free license and revert to your old system. Then you have a choice, should something change in the future.
