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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 20 KB, 300x300, japanese prime minister and his loli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13825733 No.13825733[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How much racism did you have to deal with when you visited Japan?

When I was in South Korea, people outside of Seoul, older people, would regularly come up to me and spit in my face and call me white devil.

Is there any difference between Japan and Korea in this aspect or are Japanese also very angry about us dropping atomic bombs on them?

>> No.13825747
File: 142 KB, 1918x932, img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Japanese are a bit racist but they're nothing compared to Koreans.
You may get a few funny looks but nothing of the caliber you described.
Koreans are some of the most vile, hateful people on the planet

>> No.13825755

Bullshit, no way USA is not the reddest on the map. We all know that white people are the most racist ones.

>> No.13825783
File: 148 KB, 2500x1645, 1425740564186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13825785

Fuck off crossie

>> No.13825795

Depends on where you live in the us

>> No.13825799

>come up to me and spit in my face and call me white devil.
I'm so sorry op :c

>> No.13825838
File: 404 KB, 850x713, ps3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13825847
File: 2.91 MB, 266x176, 1435329975515.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo real talk I would swing on any ANY mother f'er that spit even NEAR me believe that I don't play ya dig

>> No.13825865

One old drunk guy in Shinsekai spit on the ground before me, shouting "Gaijin" at me once. I don't think Japan is very racist apart from the occational loonies though.

>> No.13825877

see, gaijin is a racial slur and should be considered offensive. a good, respectful jap who knows his place will say

>> No.13825908

European countries are a lot more racist than USA since they have no Social Justice there, outside of progressive countries like UK, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland. Not just Eastern Europe, even Germany, Austria, France, Italy, Switzerland - very very racist places.

>> No.13825920

Both Gaijin and Gai-COCK-oo-jin are racial slurs.

The proper way to address whites is "mastah".

>> No.13825942

It's showing people who openly admit to being racist. In the USA a lot of people are racist, but most people don't admit it, at least not to strangers.

In the red places I assume there's not really any stigma against racism and people are more open about it.

>> No.13825945

When visiting everyone will be uber polite. However if you start trying to live in Japan things get more difficult.

>> No.13825947
File: 2.88 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_0346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not much, just a street advertiser asking if I came to the country because I watched anime. More of a stereotype against themselves more than anything.

Nothing hateful or worth getting worked up for.

>> No.13825953

>Not much, just a street advertiser asking if I came to the country because I watched anime.
Oh my god. I'd kill myself if I looked like such a huge weaboo that even Japs can tell I'm here for the waifus.

>> No.13825955

>spit in my face and call me white devil
Medium kek

>> No.13825964

Funny, because kek comes from Korea.

>> No.13825965


>> No.13825991

masuta means proprietor, e.g. of a restaurant. i know this because i watched a j-drama once.

>> No.13825999

Shinobi means Ninja, I know this because I watch Naruto.

>> No.13826004

Honestly, if your young and white, people will think you are possibly a weeaboo.

>> No.13826015

Been in South Korea (I have a couple of friends from there from when I estudied abroad for Erasmus) and in Japan (a friend is working there), didn't face racism at all, in fact people approached to us, asked us from where we were (Spain), etc. I also I think we stood out a bit, I'm 6'2" and I'm the shortest of my friends.

I had a great time both times.

>> No.13826018

Wrong, kek comes from World of Warcraft.

>> No.13826026

Nope. Only if you're unattractive / have glasses / look like a nerd.

I am a manly white stud and nobody ever asked me if I am there for anime.

>> No.13826031

What means weeaboo nowadays? I really can't catch up with the times, words in 4chan evolve to fast and I don't spend enough time in /jp/.

>> No.13826036

>Japanese asks you if you like Naruto
>"Yeah, I think is tasty"
Nice save

>> No.13826058

i wonder if rural japan is more or less racist

i want to visit the countryside!

>> No.13826062 [DELETED] 




>> No.13826066

You think the rural areas of your country are less racist? I don't think so.

>> No.13826067

>i wonder if rural japan is more or less racist
Is this a joke question?

Rural Japan is ultra racist. If you're a foreigner, then they will literally deal with you as if you're some animal that can barely speak a human language.

>> No.13826134


what is this meme? please explain

>> No.13826135

the rural parts of my country are much friendlier and less rude than the city people

fuck city slickers, i'm a country boy

>> No.13826140

Well, good for your country, rest of countries happen to be the opposite.

>> No.13826145


Seems to correlate with the age of the inhabiting civilization.

>> No.13826148

It's how a Social Justice Warrior on /jp/ reacts when triggered by people disagreeing with feminism.

He starts making the sounds pretty early in the video, then it just intensifies.

>> No.13826151

You're trying too hard, get out.

>> No.13826153

it is something that frogs make when they are screaming or in pain, like pepe the frog. People think that it is funny and like to call people "normies" if they seem like normal people and not a "true robot" from /r9k/. It's a little cancerous, but I like to see some of the drawings of that frog. Anyways.

>> No.13826160


>> No.13826164

theyll never understand what we are saying kek

>> No.13826166

what does feminism and social justice have to do with otaku culture

>> No.13826167

Is this for real? it sounds like staged, I couldn't stop laughing during the whole video.

>> No.13826172

That's a Toad.

>> No.13826173

what the other anon said, it's the command for laughing if if i recall correctly

>> No.13826174

I bet his favorite Touhou is Cirno.

It doesn't look staged at all. If it wasn't staged, then there wouldn't be that awkward "Mark Mark Mark. Mark? Mark Mark Mark Mark!" all video long.

>> No.13826178

It's the sound of a young child getting their ass reamed on counter strike over a decade ago

>> No.13826179
File: 81 KB, 625x445, Ironman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13826186

You cannot be a real otaku without being a feminist. Real men are feminist.

>> No.13826221

Wat. Korea likes America more than almost any other country on the planet.

>> No.13826336

no we don't

you think we're stupid? we know if China or North Korea attack, USA won't help us

>> No.13826356

Shit, they're getting smarter.

>> No.13826391


>> No.13826393

Whoa, whoa, whoa, let's not drag cute little Cirno into this.

>> No.13826542

Cirno is the #1 SJW waifu.

>> No.13826569

You're pretty fucking stupid if you don't think the USA is looking to restrain China's growth in every way possible, especially their military power

>> No.13826602

Current USA would just go unlimited sanction works. Going to war for the safety of Japan probably wouldn't be too popular despite us being bound by a treaty.

>> No.13826615

Shitty /pol/ thread.

>> No.13826625

>mexico more racist thatn the US

kek can confirm, still cant belive how butthurt everyone get with shit like trump cpmmments

>> No.13826639

No, anyone from Steven Universe is

>> No.13826643

I don't think you get how important Japan is. Especially four the lone superpower that has the biggest navy in the world. The US will go back and forth in order to protect Japan. That being said, China knows that and there won't be a war between the two. You also missed that this was about Korea.

>> No.13826654

That video is hilarious. I can't believe people like that exist in real life. Yet, I can believe it.

>> No.13826875

>It's how a Social Justice Warrior on /jp/ reacts when triggered by people disagreeing with feminism.
It's just one of you shitposters replying to each other. Fuck off.

>> No.13826895

It's a retarded "meme" from /r9k/, from the same people who brought you Pepe. Obviously, the worst kind of shitposting crossboarders.

>> No.13826908

Mad Jaypee feminist. Did you get triggered by seeing a fellow brother in pain?

>> No.13826949

which board generates the worst shitposters

i still think /pol/ beats /r9k/ by a country mile

>> No.13826994

I've lurked /pol/ at one point. The serious ones seem to stay in /pol/. Same goes for the discussions, the people that drag it outside are being ridiculed over there as well. They had some really neat small scale threads actually. Not sure how it's these days though.

>> No.13827004

Now this is some serious feminist mangina salt you got here. Why browse /jp/ instead of Tumblr?

>> No.13827011

it was a trick question, /o/ has inexplicably generated our worst shitposters all time

i've been browsing /jp/ since tumblr was an unpopular, inoffensive content sharing site that could be linked to without issues and long before /pol/ existed

the real question is why you came to /jp/ to take a huge steaming dump on it (it's probably because you're from /pol/)

>> No.13827017

>i've been browsing /jp/ since tumblr was an unpopular
You've been browsing /jp/ for entire 2 years? WAOW

Why did you leave Tumblr? Not enough feminism?

>> No.13827030

Toxic masculinity that permeates our culture says women are a prize to be conferred after adventure. I will not stand for this. I will keep being a feminist on /jp/ until anime is over.

>> No.13827032

Confirmed for have never lived in South Korea.

>> No.13827037

>You've been browsing /jp/ for entire 2 years?
it was unpopular in the sense that people posted links to it and nobody knew what it was other than a content sharing site

let me guess, you're the shitter from 2012 who loves to brag about how he destroyed the former board

>Why did you leave Tumblr?
because after mik-cis died on us there was no reason for me to follow any

>> No.13827043

oh so you're not even 2 years old? ok

>> No.13827066

you do realize that i am referring to an era over five years ago and are now just pretending to be retarded, right

>> No.13827067

you seem to be desperate to convince ppl that you are older than 1 year, newbie

>> No.13827073

why would you drop the grammar you're using that's just sad, at least be consistent about it

i won't convince you because you're terminally retarded; the goal here is to put the fact that you're new (2012 at the earliest) and completely retarded on display

anybody who shills for another board in /jp/ is first, retarded, and two, an indication that said board is utter garbage (being /g/, /pol/, /tg/, and sometimes /mu/). at least the shitlings from other boards know they're not wanted.

>> No.13827089

you're all pretty terrible honestly

>> No.13827093

Remember when /jp/ used to take it easy?

>> No.13827097

Hi I am a girl and let me tell you, girls are the most privileged beings on the planet I feel like. I feel bad for men. I think you are not a good person.

>> No.13827100

Nobody puts "do not rape the maids" signs if nobody is raping the maids.

If people have to say it out loud there's an underlying problem.

>> No.13827108


>> No.13827109

Openly showing your love for Japanese media. It's just as weird as someone who likes golf, wearing a t shirt everyday with tiger Woods on it.

>> No.13827111


>> No.13827173

This is the most desperate shitpost on Earth.

I can see your tiny tiny penis from miles away, neckbeard.

>> No.13827204

Shitty /pol/ thread bumped by le reddit fedora meninist

>> No.13827205


>> No.13827216

At least learn your non-Tumblr website pronouns, you do it for free respectful nodder. Reddit is a feminist shithole and it is the feminists who wear the fedoras.

>> No.13827235

no, there's a cipher that switches the the letters you type to prevent cross faction chat under the guise of speaking different languages. When someone on the horde types "lol" it looks like "kek" to people in the alliance.

>> No.13827238


>> No.13827240

I wouldn't know, as I don't browse other boards or engage in off-topic shit, crossboarder scum

>> No.13827244

>Reddit is a feminist shithole and it is the feminists who wear the fedoras.
How do you know?

>> No.13827255


>> No.13827273

Not that person but I've never actually been on reddit except for a small boob fitting guide thing and I've always wondered, is it actually as bad as people say? Ive never used it because I didn't like the formatting of the website and I've heard so many bad things about that site.

>> No.13827283

How would I know?

>> No.13827294

Because I read /r/dota2 for patch changes (Valve doesn't release official changelogs). Every now and then some attention whore posts her "oh em gee so epic cosplay" of some shitty champion she doesn't even main and it's still filled with compliments and any negative stuff gets downboated as fuck. Just recently some feminist tried to shill her patreon there and drew a 4th grader tier water color pictures of "the mean things Dota 2 players told her" and she was of course gifted Reddit gold twice, her post was gilded (whatever those things mean) and upboated to the first post for three days. Negative comments / disagreeing comments were mostly deleted by the cucks.

And this is literally some video game that 90% of it's userbase are actually what feminists would describe as "toxic males". And yet on reddit, it's all fedora feminist mctips. So when people tell me that this is pretty much every board on that shithole - I do believe them.

>> No.13827298

Are you a ladyboy too?

>> No.13827300

So basically you're a /v/ person who visits a /v/-type board and are shocked when all the people are retarded.

>> No.13827308

No, it is actually the exact opposite from /v/. At least the /v/ I remember (haven't been there for more than a year) was what, once again, you would describe as "toxic patriarchy".

Reddit, on the other hand, is something you would describe as "my home!".

>> No.13827310

I have had the misfortune of being there once upon a time.

Imagine if /pol/ and /b/ had a child and that child didn't at least have porn.

>> No.13827316

Bad bait. There are no /pol/ or /b/ tier boards allowed on Reddit. Anything that offends SJW gets removed from there.

>> No.13827317

I don't visit either /v/ or Reddit, so they can't be my home. You visit both, so they're yours. Not sure why you're so desperate to turn this around.

>> No.13827323

I refuse to have a conversation with someone that visits reddit.

>> No.13827328

picsofdeadkids is still around and seems pretty /b/ to me

though maybe /b/'s not what it used to be

>> No.13827331

>Racism in Japan
Japan is as racist as America.

>> No.13827348


>> No.13827366

No, sorry. I was born as a girl.

Wow thanks fir the warning you guys.... That doesn't sound fun.

>> No.13827367

Desperate feminism defence force (DFDF).

Not a single one of you will ever get laid in your entire pathetic feminist lives.

>> No.13827374

Nope, pretty sure that >>13827366 is getting wet when she sees me defend her rights on the Internet. I'm going to have consensual sex according to predetermined agreements with her, sooner or later.

*respectfully nods towards you*
You are so right.

>> No.13827382

>wet when she sees me defend her rights on the Internet
No, sorry. I don't like modern feminism and wasn't a huge fan of it before. The only thing I would support is trying to allow women in other countries to go to school and work. It is sad if she cannot learn.

>> No.13827389


>> No.13827392

Didn't you say reddit was feminist? So I should be anti feminist by your logic, right?

>> No.13827402

It is painfully obvious that you are merely pretending not to be a redditor. I can see your reddit mascot badge on your fedora from miles away, fatty.

>> No.13827405
File: 128 KB, 530x656, 2015-07-25-18-55-26-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try

>> No.13827407

>your reddit mascot badge on your fedora
My what?

>> No.13827412

I don't know how you call it. You're the expert over here. That white thing with orange eyes and an antenna.

>> No.13827428

>You're the expert over here
>white thing with orange eyes and an antenna
>reddit mascot badge on your fedora

I would argue that you're the one, that knows what he's talking about.

>> No.13827431

I am a girl, you loser.

>> No.13827485

Other girl reporting in
You sound like someone who shouldn't be on 4chan. You do not seem so nice and you seem like you probably have visited reddit, at least twice. You probably like 9gag and ragecomics and such.
You don't sound very kind.
You might be a "gamer grill"

>> No.13827496

Daily reminder that the only girls on /jp/ are pre-op trannies.

>> No.13827498

Did it take you only 8 minutes to recover from an anxiety attack after a woman was disagreeing with you and to come up with all the meaningless buzzwords?

>> No.13827506

No because that's someone else.

>> No.13827512

I can still see that those two post came from the same IP, moron.

>> No.13827519

I refuse to believe that you're this stupid.

>> No.13827649

I don't care about girls /pol/ shitter just go back to your shithole

>> No.13827694

me vs humanity.

this is the only correct, moral, and just belief regarding other people to hold.

>> No.13827710

The thread seems like it went to shit, but I'll answer OP anyway. I went to Japan this summer for an entire month. I went to Okinawa for one weekend, and the rest of the time visited almost every area of Tokyo. Never one did I encounter any racism. I made some random friends there while at bars, and a lot of people even called me イケメン. Hard to say though considering the two-faced Japanese culture. I've observed from some of my Japanese friends I made at University, they are so willing to talk shit about everyone behind their backs. No fucking chill either, they'll even talk about their own best friends.

>> No.13827833


>> No.13827859

As someone who has been living in bumfuck nowhere Japan for several years, I can tell you that racists are few and far between. Actually, the only time that someone has said something even somewhat offensive to me was in Fukuoka, a relatively large city.

>> No.13827914

>they are so willing to talk shit about everyone behind their backs.

In my experience this is something everyone does, regardless of nationality.

>> No.13827923

>what is romantic love
you will never ever come close to the pleasure that is of the sex between lovers. you could have your fantasises perfectly fulfilled in real life and it still wouldn’t even come close. sex is ever temporary but our love is permanent and in the end you are just left with the transient of pleasurable(lowly) activities. you're better off with just doing heroin but even that doesn't compare to the sex between two deeply in love people.

now go get laid, you little stupid chimp, get go get laid. you will still end up dying alone and in pain one way or another.

>> No.13827936

Fedora feminist SJW mangina Redditor on /jp/ has revealed his true face.

>> No.13827951

babby learned some new words today!

i have mangina behind my balls lol

>> No.13827994

Just kill yourself please.

>> No.13828005

lol u mangina mad lolzzzz u madzzz looooooool dumb feminist tumblr tumbling tumblr fedora social justice warring female warrior amazonian landwhale redditing redditor fedoras everywhere lol muh wat

>> No.13828009

But you're the feminist (mangina) here.

>> No.13828020

Zero because I'm not an obnoxious Yankie?

>> No.13828021

,. -─ '' "⌒'' ー- 、            __,,. -──- 、.
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                 \∵ |  === .|/

>> No.13828028

Let's start this quiz with a disclaimer: gender is a social construct and this is a personality quiz designed to entertain rather than make any definitive statements.

>> No.13828056

Being in love is the best!

>> No.13828092
File: 155 KB, 850x879, 1342421212404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, never forget the importance of love, /jp/!

>> No.13828161

So are you saying I won't be able to live out my dreams of finding a pure Japanese gf? I always thought if I ever visited it would be like my animes.

>> No.13828514

if ya white you'll be fine. worse you'll get is stares and people saying gaijin.
my indian sister-in-law had rocks thrown at her, milk splattered on her car constantly, school kids locking her out of classroom/dojo because "no black people allowed".
if you're the one english teacher then most people will recognise you and it'll be fine. so yeah if you're white you'll be fine. nothing like real racism.

>> No.13828845

none because I'm asian

>> No.13828873

This thread took an ugly turn.

Anyway, this is romantic love:

>> No.13828904

>The serious ones seem to stay in /pol/.
Indeed.They still don't know shit about politics. I went there once and barely anyone could define the difference between authoritarian left, authoritarian right, libertarian left and libertarian right properly (basic shit).

>This thread took an ugly turn.
It was the intent from the beginning. They've doing it for a while. Beware of threads asking questions about Japan culture and politics.

>> No.13829086

>a pure Japanese gf?
Sorry, but even if Japanese weren't racist, you wouldn't find a "pure" Japanese gf.

You see, Japan, unlike Western countries, doesn't actually have like this concept of "purity". It only exists in hentai manga aimed at the lowest of the men who weren't going to even talk to women anyway. "Purity" is tied to this Western, Christianity-influenced way of thinking (also Middle Eastern since all Abrahamic religions do it, I guess). Japanese culture was influenced by Buddhism which gives no special meaning to the female's hymen.

As a result, nowadays, Japanese girls get sexually empowered at a very early age (the cute ones in Junior High, at the age of 11-13, but this is not so much different from America or European countries). However, unlike the Western/EU countries, Japanese girls are not "sluts" for losing their virginity early, and nobody is going to ask them if they're virgins later, or check if they're virgin before marrying them and stupid stuff like that.

What's even more important is that Japanese people also don't judge girls based on their sexual history - they simply don't ask. So if a boy called Honda meets a cute girl called Toshiba, and they fall in love with each other, he would never think to ask her "hey how many cocks did you suck and ride before you met me by the way? you've got a real bad case of meat curtains". In Japanese culture, asking such "private" questions is simply considered rude, even among lovers. So Honda would be completely ignorant of the fact that Toshiba is a former JAV actress who did all kinds of sick stuff in her time (vomit, black people, etc.).

Purity simply doesn't matter to Honda-kun, because he wasn't raised in a typical patriarchal society that values this stuff. They often say that Japan needs more feminism, but I think this is the one thing our Western societies should take from Japan.

>> No.13829117

>I went there once and barely anyone could define the difference between authoritarian left, authoritarian right, libertarian left and libertarian right properly (basic shit).
Please elaborate.

>> No.13829139

> When I was in South Korea, people outside of Seoul, older people, would regularly come up to me and spit in my face and call me white devil.
Sounds similar to my experience in rural US. Got called a Jap and was told that they wouldn't serve me in a diner.

>> No.13829141

>Please elaborate.
He went to /pol/ to shitpost (threads like that are literally getting deleted by the janitor staff), so he got 3-4 shitpost meme responses in return and then his thread went to 404 where it belongs. Since he's a Young Mangina, this hurt his feelings so now he's spreading this as his "100% legit experience of /pol/".

>> No.13829143

I'm kinda interested in his basic distinctions.

>> No.13829144

>tfw Indonesian

They don't care enough about me to be racist towards me.

>> No.13829145

>Got called a Jap and was told that they wouldn't serve me in a diner.
O hmy god!! I am so sorry!!! Gomen, Gomen. Please me my pure Japanee gf!!

>> No.13829152

That's weird, I would expect you filthy fucking SEA monkey trash to be treated like the subhumans you are everywhere.

Indonesia is only one step behind the worst country on Earth, Philippines. You people are literally not human to me.

>> No.13829164

You seem to be quite triggered, friend. /pol/ is right next door.

>> No.13829173

Funny that you would say that you fucking underage piece of shit because Indoensia is a right-wing shithole that killed all Social Justice Warriors in its country, in cold bold, and they haven't even admitted it was a crime - the people who did the killing are literally celebrated as heroes to this day.

>> No.13829204

Well, the people who would complain are dead.

>> No.13829206

Every single Westerner would complain if they knew.

>> No.13829214

Damn dude, sorry that happaned to you. Where were you in US? Dixie land or some shit? They stuff doesn't fly here in NYC but I can see that going on in the deep south

>> No.13829309

I am a girl, not a dude.

>> No.13829324

Wrong double, kik comes from World of Warcraft.

>> No.13829348

Living in a society that places much less value on purity doesn't make them less slutty. And in any case not everyone necessarily will have the same opinion on this, just like how there are lots people in the U.S. who don't care about percieved purity when supposedly we are supposed to be puritan. It's stupid and pointless to attempt to generalize an entire cultural outlook.

>> No.13829353

>Living in a society that places much less value on purity doesn't make them less slutty.
Did you even read the post? That's the exact thing she said. Japanese women are bigger sluts than Western women because Japanese men don't care about a woman's sexual history at all.

>> No.13829360

i do not have an american accent
my accent is hard to place due to having lived in a couple of different countries
i encountered no racism during my visits to both the metropolis areas of japan and the rural parts of japan

>> No.13829366

I was more replying to the post I actually replied to, but whatever you say I guess.

>> No.13829369

Are you retarded? You were replying to a post that said >>13829353. Learn to read you fucking crossie scum mongoloid.

>> No.13829371

It's funny you should say that because the post you conclude as writing off all Japanese girls as sluts actually says word for word that they are not sluts according to their different cultural values.

>> No.13829372

Calling a bunch of Marxist-Leninists from the 50s "social justice warriors" is absurdly stupid. Might as well claim Stalin was an SJW and have done.

>> No.13829373

Just because they were a lot smarter and more peaceful than the SJWs of today doesn't mean they weren't proto-SJWs.

>> No.13829376

>Just because they were a lot smarter and more peaceful than the SJW
Communist revolutionaries from the cold war period actually went out of their way to shoot people they didn't like.

That's like saying that the Confederacy was made of proto-/pol/s because they thought black people were dumb. It's an ahistorical and completely retarded characterization.

>> No.13829383

>That's like saying that the Confederacy was made of proto-/pol/s because they thought black people were dumb.
Oh I see, you're just the same old triggered SJW that posts in every /jp/ thread.

Nothing new to see here, move on people.

>> No.13829387

>Oh I see, you're just the same old triggered SJW that posts in every /jp/ thread.
Even if you think black people are statistically (or inherently) dumber that actually has nothing to do with my post.

Your logic is still ahistorical and retarded.

>> No.13829397

Shh, Anita needs defending, pull off your fedora and fly away like Superfedoraman.

>> No.13829402

The lens with which you chooser to view all of 20th century history is framed in terms of language that was invented in an argument between hysterical tumblr children and angry video game nerds.

This is not intelligent. It is, in fact, fucking stupid.

>> No.13829403

Weren't you the one to make that reference in the first place? Your buttblast is showing.

>> No.13829408

Fedoraman pls go

>> No.13829411

>Weren't you the one to make that reference in the first place?
The great thing about my post is that it stands whether or not you think black people are stupid and criminal, because the actual point it's making is that describing historical movements as "prototypical" versions of movements made mostly of offended children on the internet is very dumb.

Since you lost your shit at my analogy, it's like trying to seriously argue that Diogenes was genuinely a prototypical /jp/sie as opposed to making the argument because it's funny.

>> No.13829423

I'm not even the person you are accusing of labeling various social groups, I just think your anger is amusing considering you're projecting.

>> No.13829428

Judging by the few times I went to /pol/, I feel like people go to other boards to have serious arguments about politics, while /pol/ is more like a news feed with an entertaining spin.

>> No.13829429

>I just think your anger is amusing considering you're projecting.
All I have done so far is point out that a particularly stupid way of looking at the Cold War (framing it in terms of Gamergate vs SJW) was particularly stupid.

The one projecting (in this case, anger) is you.

>> No.13829432

Oh my god ,you are so right. Have you embraced the feminine energies and acknowledge the destructive toxic masculinity inside you?

>> No.13829435

I'm seriously laughing right now, how does anyone take you seriously?

>> No.13829437

You can tell a board is really, really bad when they have people defending it full-time in /jp/.

>> No.13829438

>framing it in terms of Gamergate vs SJW
This is how you reveal your true form, SocJus loser.

It's not "Goobergate" vs SJW. It's normal people vs insane SJWs. Just because 90% of the population doesn't care about you doesn't mean they wouldn't think you're degenerate losers if they knew what you are.

>> No.13829446

>It's not "Goobergate" vs SJW. It's normal people vs insane SJWs.
I don't see why "normal people" would care about Anita one way or the other. I've never heard of her outside the context of Gamergate and wasn't the one who brought her up.

>> No.13829447

They don't care about her, but they care about effeminate loser men with mantits like you ruining society because they can't get laid or lose weight.

>> No.13829451

>They don't care about her
Then why bring her up in the first place?

>because they can't get laid
Yeah, you're lost.

>> No.13829454

Who are you quoting you fucking SJW crossie?

>> No.13829455

The average person in this case being a non-trogolodyre who realizes that Anita was just fishing for attention?

>> No.13829456


>> No.13829458

You're incorrect. Anita is just a beautiful strong feminist flower that has nothing to do with feminism. The terrorist attacks have nothing to do with Islam. Islam is a Religion of Peace.

>> No.13829467

The average person doesn't know who's in charge of China, and neither knows nor cares about some loud, angry activist who got a lot of attention on the internet.

>> No.13829476

You mean the Jews aren't in charge of Islam?

>> No.13829479


>> No.13829485

Dude, you took an inch and went a mile. If you are referencing something from /pol/ or mainstream culture, I follow neither.

>> No.13829487

Who are you quoting you fucking SJW crossie?

>> No.13829488


>> No.13829506

Hey, it's the faggot from the uniform threads! Hey lil' guy, you gonna shitpost here too?

>> No.13829509

/jp/ - otaku culture

at least with the uniforms you could have made some cultural or fetishistic argument about it

>> No.13829511 [DELETED] 

















>> No.13829525



>> No.13829535 [DELETED] 

















>> No.13829543 [DELETED] 


>> No.13829546

you skipped the part where you fall off your chair

>> No.13829547

WITNESS IN THIS THREAD: The Cultural Marxist SJW feminist mental breakdown.

>> No.13829554 [DELETED] 

4chan thought my post was spam so I haf to keep cutting things out :((((/(((((((((((

>> No.13829562 [DELETED] 

Everybody above >>13829511 needs to kill themselves.

>> No.13829570 [DELETED] 

Reported so hard my reporting hand (right, fyi) gained a life of its own, clicking my mouse rapidly for 3 hours straight with such a tenacity it became clear arthiritis was the least of my worries, so clear was it that I could lose MY ENTIRE HAND to this bizarre possession. Suddenly my mouse smashed through my floor, pulling down my report hand as a hapless hostage. Smoke filled my bedroom and I woke up god knows how many hours later in a small village south of Aokigahara.

The people of this modest commune emerged slowly from their shacks, all of them viewing me with what I can
only describe as suspicion mixed with awe. Suddenly they began throwing spears into the air and running towards me. I SHAT BRICKS, but then they GRABBED ME and LUNGED ME INTO THE AIR, praising my name and kissing me. The chieftan came down later and over a feast-for-one explained I was to be crowned The Chosen One, the Kamisama of Reporting foretold in Nihonese folklore to appear in the year 2012. At this moment an old Japanese woman - she must've been 85 years old at least - began doing some kind of dance, spinning around in circles whilst singing "Sorairo Days" and throwing confetti into the air. I was DOWN with this state of affairs, let me tell you.

For 300 years I trained with the chieftan in his private dojo, reporting shitty threads, every day becoming quicker. At first I could report 10 threads per minute. After only 2 weeks I was up to 5 threads per second. After a century my KTPM (kuso thread per minute) rate rose to and stalled at 200 per second.

On the last day he graced our planet, my sensei bestowed one last task to me: the reporting of this thread, the shittest of all shit threads.

I did not respond with words. Rather, through our eyes he knew I would obey.

This one's for you, Otousan.

>> No.13829573

of all the things to filter they picked that?

4chan is the worst

>> No.13829583

I fell off my chair

>> No.13829589

I live in a village too, it is called Konohagakure.

>> No.13829601

What happened to /jp/ in the past few days?

>> No.13829657

Summer happened. Just come back around September or October.

>> No.13829680
File: 67 KB, 788x232, CJ5XiFQXAAAdFxw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only white people can be racist.
You made that appaling off-topic thread in order to deny that fact and hurl insults at Asians.

>> No.13829711

get out of /jp/... why won't meido come back and sweep up the trash
