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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 20 KB, 360x240, Rinko+Kikuchi+Z2dwVTqFhhZm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13802636 No.13802636 [Reply] [Original]

Is it true that Japan hates Rinko Kikuchi because she wasn't an idol?

>> No.13802639

Why don't you ask /int/, you retard?

>> No.13802648

Because /jp/ - Otaku Culture = Idols

>> No.13802680

FUCK idols

>> No.13802728


>> No.13805296 [DELETED] 
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I've never heard of this.
I haven't ever heard of Japan hating her either.
I'm not really a fan of hers, but if we are to assume that Japan hates her than it would be for only one reason.

That reason would be because she does not fit the Japanese notion and boundaries of what a Japanese woman is.

Japanese women in pop-culture media are charming in a sweet complacent way and often with very feminine attitudes. You can see this in Japanese women in Japan who hold new reporting/anchoring spots, tv hosts, the music industry, and acting through all the decades.

Rinko is very bold, tall, and striking with a very forward presence. This would be similar to more of an Modern American woman like that of Janice Cole.

If by some chance your accusations are true than its because Rinko does not fit the personality traits of Japan's definition of womanhood.

>> No.13805307

She's a loose woman.

>> No.13805309
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>> No.13805310 [DELETED] 
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Also a trait of media made American Women

>> No.13805316

No, American women are not loose. American women are gaping flesh hallways covered in vagina meat.

>> No.13805325


Nerds pretend they don't like her because they think it makes them more like the nips.

And not all the nips dislike her. It is like saying "Does all of America hate (insert Brtiney Spears pop type singer here) because she doesn't represent puritanical socon values???"

>> No.13805330

Japan: "We don't like her."


>> No.13805333

I only heard that she just isn't very famous in Japan.

>> No.13805350

1. nude in foreign movie
2. 4/10 in japanese idol standard
3. pacfic rim is about japanese girl love white man, this piss them off.

>> No.13805355 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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Cause she's never done anything really substantial over there. She's never done a movie that's shown she can really give a 5 star act.

>> No.13805385 [DELETED] 

>3. pacfic rim is about japanese girl love white man, this piss them off.

>> No.13805418

What's the japanese notion of a man?

>> No.13805422

salaryman, politician, pedophile.

>> No.13805533
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>has the blunt force of a tank rolling over naked flesh

>> No.13805540

Yes, the mainstream media does promote that imagery.

In Japan, all Americans are fat pedophiles.

>> No.13806715 [DELETED] 

The Japanese notion of manhood is largely undefined other than having a stable job.

Japan lost a great sense of manhood after ww2 and they still struggle with what it means to be an adult man.

Japan is ''Super flat''

>> No.13806784

I TRY!, OK?!, leave me alone

>> No.13806824

That's not just Japanese "problem" though.

>> No.13807054


Japan hates anything that reminds them of fat Amerika-Gaijin piggus.

>> No.13807122


>> No.13807549

hey disability san, read anything good lately?

>> No.13808676 [DELETED] 
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That is vastly and hugely all the deeper problem in Japan though. You go to other countries and they still have models to look at as sources of manhood with many men looking to their own fathers as such. They don't do that in Japan really.
What do you mean? What form of reading? Maybe we can talk about in a thread you make>?

>> No.13808761
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Why did you put problem in scare quotes? Lack of clear roles is the main thing killing modern, advanced societies. If you want to demolish traditional gender roles as outdated, fine, but you can't just leave a void in their place, you have to establish new roles so that people know what the fuck they're supposed to do in their lives to be appreciated and admired by the society around them. Currently the only thing on list seems to be "get money somehow" and a whole lot of question marks after that.

I don't know who it was and can't be bothered to google, but somebody put it perfectly: "A modern man is like an actor on stage who's never been told his lines, but only what he mustn't say."

>> No.13808773

manhood, especially japanese manhood, leads to things like nanjing.

>> No.13808954

Never happened.

>> No.13809090


>> No.13809094


pick 1

>> No.13809103


>> No.13809110

Face it China, everyone throughout history has wanted you dead. The Mongols, the Japanese, even your own people have tried to kill you en mass.

>> No.13809184
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>> No.13809934

I've been reading artofmanliness.com that has some good takes on this. I honestly don't think it's that big a problem (even with all the anomie we see), just something that used to have a simple answer but now is much more convoluted. But hasn't everything gone that way?

>> No.13814787 [DELETED] 

Why does /jp/ hate Rinko Kikuchi?

>> No.13815301

isn't there a containment thread for idols

>> No.13817360
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>> No.13817415

>that site
kill yourself

>> No.13817430

Is it true that the West only cares about Rinko Kikuchi because she starred in an autistic nerd movie like Pacific Rim?

>> No.13817437


Nah they like her because of THAT other movie.

Yes you know which one.

>> No.13817440

Also any of you fucking faggots seen Treasure Hunter yet?

>> No.13817512

>any of you fucking faggots
woah ur tough

>> No.13817573



>> No.13819892

I really think this was just so offensive. It was possibly the biggest american stereo type I've e:er seen. I hope gumelio considers the entire film a shameful experience, cause it was shameful.

Tom Cruise made the Japanese cry all across Japan because real effort was put into understanding the culture and Gom Cruise genuinly respected Japanese culture for what it was in the past and how that past narrative plays into Japn today.

Grant it many Japanese film makers considered it more hollywood propoganda, but the general populace that saw the film wee touched by it and even going as far as generating a nationl feeling of pride for their homeland.

Guimelo went full force the opposite way and displayed his looked down upon behaviors as if they were fully acceptable in Japan as normal or loved characteristics.

Flabergasted at how much control guimelo gave to the american writters and producers on this peice of crap movie HOLY SHIT

>> No.13820003

Quality /jp/ posting as usual

>> No.13820047

Is it true that I hate idolfags shitting up the board with 3D?
Yes, it's true.

>> No.13820060

just like the holocaust amirite lmao

>> No.13820064

most people here only know her because she announced she will marry sometani shouta

>> No.13820109

if idols belong to /mu/, touhou belongs to /vg/

>> No.13820583

>I really think this was just so offensive. It was possibly the biggest american stereo type I've e:er seen.

Have you ever watched Memoirs of a Geisha? Mako isn't even close in comparison to that trainwreck of a movie.

>> No.13820831 [DELETED] 

Yes I did, but to be fair it was tge first 10 minutes and the last 15 minutes.

They really botched the trdtional and modern roles Geisha had. Like wtf. They made her a prostitute. It was based off a book, but goodness it was a work of fiction that was ill advised at wht a geisha was/is.

Then the whole "Muh father complex". Tye ending was degenerate and unsettling.

>> No.13820884

Fuck the Jews. The Holocaust never happened, but they certainly deserve one.

>> No.13821950

you okay?
never mind.

>> No.13821959
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>Gom Cruise

>> No.13822069

I wish I was fucking some faggots though...

>> No.13822559 [DELETED] 

Bumping cause we're being raided

>> No.13822775 [DELETED] 

Not letting the spam tke this one

>> No.13823903

rinko is Cute

>> No.13824678

Japanese do not like females who appear strong/active or are in strong/active roles.

>> No.13824708

that's been in their culture (that hasn't been destroyed) since always, so that's fair enough.

>> No.13824714

it's been in every culture since always

>> No.13828068

That doesn't sound too psychologically strong, does it? lol males

notice that when they actually go to war they end up ptsd ridden crybabies after it? lol, strong my ass.

even in ancient war they end up a bunch of fearful crybabies lol.

lol humans are so fucking retarded

i'd post some baby gore but that would offend your muh culture society tradition muh babies idiocy

>> No.13828073

Oh please do so this terrible thread can get vanned.

>> No.13828077

nah, suck my mangina ROFL
