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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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13796432 No.13796432 [Reply] [Original]

Can we get a comiket thread going?

What are you buying/ordering at C88?

>> No.13796445


>> No.13796466

Still not too sure. Just gonna play it by ear this time. Nothing has particularly stood out to me so I'll just pick shit up as I wander.

>> No.13796548

What are some good upcoming games? Any demo videos up yet?

>> No.13797139

I'd buy something if I had the convenience of stepping outside to the nearest bookstore and bying a doujin or two for five bucks and not fucking having to ship it internationally for thirty.
So no, I'm not bying anything.

The japs can easily get whatever they want for cheap and yet they still don't scan anything.

>> No.13797220

Good luck trying to get a bookstore to sell doujins.

>> No.13797281

I just wanna go for the spectacle. Not really into comics. Am I wasting my time?

>> No.13797287
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im going to c88 (and japan) alone, if anyone wants to meetup id be up for it.

Any recommendations for doujins? This is what im gonna check out: http://i.largeme.me/daqftd.pdf

>> No.13797397

There's this if you're into Vocaloid


I'd pay you triple its worth if you could grab me a copy, the artist doesn't seem to want to sell it online

>> No.13797450

I can't promise anything, day 3 is my busiest day, but try to buy one.

>> No.13797453

>doesn't seem to want to sell it online

I hate these types of assholes.

>> No.13797462

actually nvm, I remember that artist, ill def get one thanks for reminding me

should i get more than one?

>> No.13797486

Just one for me would be fine + one for you too I assume

Mind dropping me an email so we can sort it out further?

>> No.13797496

c88shitposter@gmail.com, id be willing to ship if you're in the states, dealing with international shipping isnt fun
also if anyone wants to meetup for c88 email me, ill be there all three days, although day 3 is going to be pretty busy for me

>> No.13797599

>Go to Comic Market and buy this dōjinshi.Piece of cake, right?
Fucking hell that is ruthless

>> No.13798862

if anyone can tell me where honey lounges circle is ill buy you any doujin you want

>> No.13798900

Is there going to be another cosplay orgy, c87 was pretty fun

>> No.13798960
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Any European willing to do some third party service?

>> No.13798965

I hope we can have a series of enjoyable comiket threads /jp/, the same as we did a few years ago.

>> No.13800321
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What the fuck is this shit

I don't want to buy a fucking gold account, fuck.

>> No.13800342

So scroll to the bottom and keep going, you dip.

>> No.13800388

I'm looking forward to whatever hard rock music they have.

>> No.13800484

isn't there a c88 DVD torrent out there somewhere?

>> No.13800747

Why would you need that when the full catalog is online?

>> No.13800750


>> No.13800801


>> No.13802360

pay 5 bucks to be able to use their pdf maker

>> No.13802447
File: 14 KB, 253x253, vice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

light green = music

dark green = low priority
orange = average priority
red = high priority

blue = high priority and long lines


>> No.13804289

Will you be uploading any of the music?

>> No.13804741

Any music that isn't uploaded a week after i get back ill open and upload. The rest ill keep closed

>> No.13806087

When is it again?

>> No.13806445

I'm thinking of going since I'll be in Japan around that time anyway. I don't really care about doujin stuff except maybe the new Touhou game. I don't really know what I'm doing, though. Do you just show up and wait in line, or what?

>> No.13807754

August 14 - 16.

>> No.13807779

>I don't really know what I'm doing, though. Do you just show up and wait in line, or what?
Inhale mixed odor of kimowotas and fujoshits summer sweat.

>> No.13808232


Some doujinshi I've pre-ordered so far:


I also want to get a copy of TH15.

The thing I'm looking forward to the most though is Black Bastard's trial version of HEKATONCHIER. Since it's a trial version I don't think it'll turn up on toranoana/melonbooks, so I just hope some other seller puts it up (or somebody uploads it).

>> No.13810163

The scent of champions

>> No.13810308

I'm going to be selling shit at Comiket for the first time at C88. Come check out my unfinished game on day 3.

Any super rare shit I should be buying in the morning? This could be my last chance.

>> No.13810625

Nothing because I'm not japanese

>> No.13810810

I'd be more inclined for a not day 3 meat up this summer if there's going to be one. Day -1 or 0 are fine too since nothing has started yet. I have work the day after day 3, and comiket is already enough suffering as is.

>> No.13811020

That's pretty cool that you're actually selling stuff at comiket

What's the game about? Is it hard to get a booth to sell stuff?

>> No.13811082

if you've got a game yes
manga is another story

>> No.13811137

I'll come visit you on C89, if you're there.

>> No.13813764

Started out as a Binding of Isaac clone, now it's more like Nuclear Throne I guess. Simple top down 2D thing.

It wasn't hard to get a spot but I hear it's supposed to be. I think it might actually be easier to get a spot with a game rather than doujinshi. Games are way less popular. Having a foreign name might help when you apply too! Affirmative action.

Not sure about C89 yet. I might double down and make this game not suck and try to release a 1.0 at C90. We'll see how it goes at C88 I guess.

>> No.13813962


Are you sure they are even attending? I just did some searching in English and in Japanese and could turn up nothing

>> No.13814086

If you could find his pixiv, I can do the rest. I really don't know much about the circle other than their names of honey lounge and hachimitsu

>> No.13814095

Any /jp/ meetups like the last summer? I wanna beat that mod this time.

>> No.13814113

Nice selection. Good luck.

>> No.13814119
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Three of us are planning to meet up for day 1 and 2, if you wanna join toss me an email c88shitposter@gmail.com


>> No.13814164
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also still perfecting this, removed some bad artists and added some better ones http://i.largeme.me/pvtdrd.pdf

>> No.13814268

Will there be a day 3 meetup also? I'd personally prefer that. I tend to go hard when I get into drinking so I don't want to do it on a night before one of the days since I like to get there at the first trains.

>> No.13814276

I'm planning to go early on day three because that's when I have the most shit to buy.

>> No.13814285

Wonderfest meetup anyone

>> No.13814289

I go early all days, because why not. It's part of the fun. But 5am starts + heavy drinking don't mix terribly well.

>> No.13814298

How early would you go on day three? My hotel is in akiba, and I was thinking about planning to arrive at 10am to big sight, maybe departing my hotel at 7-8am.

Are lines really bad for popular booths like ishikei and fatalpulse?

>> No.13814308

I catch the first train that I can and usually end up at the Big Sight at around 6 or so. And then sit there for 4 hours waiting to move.

>> No.13814317

Damn, I guess i'll try the same then on day 3, I don't have much to buy on day 1 or 2. If you want to meet up just email me, I've spammed the address in this thread.

>> No.13814358
File: 14 KB, 777x151, c88 forecast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least we're in for good weather. The rain on C87s day 2 was pretty miserable. Don't forget that it's going to be hot as sin inside the halls and to dress for the weather.

>> No.13814393


I was actually able to find a link to his pixiv, but it said that the account had been either closed or removed


It also appears that the artist Hachimitsu has worked with a different circle called neonsign, but I couldn't find anything for that group either

>> No.13814400

well fuck
thanks for the help dude, need anything scanned or ripped?

>> No.13814487


No problem, sorry I couldn't find anything more useful.

You don't have to go to all that trouble, but if you're in the area i would like to see the new book from grand-nauts they are at 東セ05b on day 3

>> No.13815385

Dammit milgtang, don't you have any paid leave?

>> No.13815408

Nope, need to save some more leave for fuyucomi since it falls midweek and I only get the 31st off. Was the meat a giveaway?

>> No.13816039

Added to my list.

>> No.13819251
File: 2.95 MB, 5814x4096, aef1ab3148ccebbdf6eccfe3f7796f76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do anime production companies sell stuff at comiket?

I tried to search for ufotable (for fate stuff) in the web catalog but couldn't find anything

>> No.13819275

type-moon will have a corporate booth

>> No.13819453

Ufotable and shaft will always have booths with retarded lines.

>> No.13820343

Is there somewhere that they show what and where they're selling at C88 though?

>> No.13820394

ufotable: https://webcatalog-free.circle.ms/Booth/119211
Seems like they are selling F/SN cells and some kind of "goods" celebrating the second season.

Shaft: https://webcatalog-free.circle.ms/Booth/119215
Nothing specific. 40th anniversary...
