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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 336 KB, 800x600, capture_033_11072015_020259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13795928 No.13795928 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>13776636

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.13795968
File: 100 KB, 795x662, 262d2840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking forward to 罪ノ光ランデヴー.

The rural setting seems to be exactly the thing I like and the tagline いけないの、しってても is too promising. Hopefully it won't end up with some bland cop-out sins.

>> No.13796000

Same here. I really like the kind of ethereal/otherwordly vibe that the trailer gives.

I hope they keep that up.

>> No.13796075

I want to fuck the background

>> No.13796490

Is there any eroge with perfect pacing?
One with a decent length

>> No.13796525

Define perfect pacing.

>> No.13796584

Always something interesting happening, no dialogues or narration where the same information is repeated ad infinitum, that manage to be funny when it tries to be funny, where the exposition isn't just bland wall of text, etc...

>> No.13796618

Nah, I don't think there is.

Exposition in VN is gonna be a wall of text, whether you like it or not.

>> No.13796627

Basically something that doesn't make you press Ctrl button? I can name a few.

>> No.13796743
File: 140 KB, 1200x675, axanael5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno, maybe Axanael is what you're looking for. It has a short fun story, simple text, cool graphics and ends before you'll get bored.

>> No.13796766


>> No.13796772

Perfect pacing also includes not rushing the shit of stuff just to maybe give it a conclusion.

>> No.13796773

I wanted to kill myself when that bitch kept spamming これは事件?
This is a really bad recommendation, stay far away from that shit

>> No.13796780

Is it as fucking awesome as the OP?

>> No.13796789

No, it's pretty bad

>> No.13796791

Well, the vn itself reminded me the movie "Rat Race" for some reason, kind of comedy action packed.

>> No.13796796
File: 201 KB, 723x1024, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shimokura surely won't let us down again, right?

>> No.13796800
File: 85 KB, 422x445, shimokura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what you guys are talking about, Shimokura's writing is great.

>> No.13796803

I like the looks, guns and shit, hopefully it doesn't go down.

>> No.13796805

someone lent me their copy of LB-EX to install the game, but I have no idea what I need to play with no-CD.
supposedly it's easier than cracking vanilla LB though

>> No.13796819

Wow, is that real?

>> No.13796827
File: 570 KB, 800x601, Taataaruyoooooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This man knows :^)

>> No.13796868

Why is it that I never see native Japs criticizing Shimokura's writing? It's always pasty white nerds who've been studying Japanese in their basement for a whole 6 months who have all the complaints.

>> No.13796884

> Why is it that I never see native Japs criticizing Shimokura's writing?
Because you are filthy EOP and don't read japanese boards and blogs. Even EGS is full of rage towards him.

>> No.13796890

>Why is it that I never see native Japs criticizing Shimokura's writing

Source : thine anus.

>> No.13796895
File: 166 KB, 1024x576, KOREWAJIKEN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are just a vocal minority.

>> No.13796929
File: 40 KB, 597x568, xcv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13796980

Balloon tits.
Yeah, its a Minori game all right.

>> No.13797219
File: 86 KB, 875x608, ss+(2015-07-19+at+07.01.55).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone guess who the hell are those two? Since the game's title is "Tsuyokiss Festival" I'm expecting some older version of original's heroines, but none of them fits into those.

>> No.13797237

Probably Tsuyokiss NEXT FD?

>> No.13797260
File: 315 KB, 1400x875, sample-214c464125b40239e3dd13b1f664bcd1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still no one fits into those pictures though, maybe new characters. But I dont think they'd call "festival" for next's FD, most likely it will be a mix of original and next.

Also there are 2-3 wallpapers like this which have Tsuyokiss Festival title on them, but I dont know if its released by Candysoft or some fan made. I just wanna play some After stories of original game, if they make AS for all original heroines I'm gonna buy this game for sure, though most likely they wont.

>> No.13797262
File: 467 KB, 500x500, 007_96cb369a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13797280

Seems like a boring new heroine, I suddenly lost all of my hype. Also seems like there wont be any AS for original after all, just some appearance of old heroines, so fuck this game and this company.

>> No.13797284

>There's simple solution: move thread to board with japanese captcha and loyal mods.
The idea of having a Japanese captcha (perhaps having kanji appear and you have to type the reading, e.g. see 距離 and have to type きょり) is really interesting. It'd be too tedious for anyone who doesn't know Japanese to keep posting, but for anyone who does, it'd be trivial. Now I want that on some board. Maybe make it an experiment like /r9k/ or /s4s/. Though I guess as an English site, I don't know why moot or anyone else would want that.

>> No.13797333

If everyone's Japanese is so good there is no reason to make a new board or captcha because 2ch already exists.

>> No.13797358

There's a pretty good reason in that both 2ch and bbspink have god-awful web layouts. Japanese websites are almost universally god-awful and those two are no exception. I don't browse'm that often myself because of that, and because I never can find a good - what's it called - "website reader" for them.

That said, I just thought it was interesting, not that I actually want non-Japanese-knowing people to be blown the fuck out and be unable to post here (or something). It's just interesting that it's so simple to ban them access. Like, for Spanish or German there's nothing you could do, but thanks to Kanji, it's so simple. Very interesting.

Sorry for getting off the topic of VNs; I saw that post on last thread and was incited. I'll stop now.

>> No.13797366 [DELETED] 

I have it already implemented on my imageboard. Can make separate board for discussion of vns in english if people here would be willing to move there.

>> No.13797379

post it here.

>> No.13797382

>on my imageboard
Is this legitimately your image board or are you referring to 4+4 chan? I'd be interested either way, I guess. Always like more eroge discussion.

>> No.13797386

A good topic though, I think we need a separate board for all vns.

>> No.13797389

So how about those EOVNs. Pretty good aye.

>> No.13797390 [DELETED] 

No, completely my own (my server, my domains, my own software). Its in russian tho, but adding english interface isn't too hard.

>> No.13797395

Have fun discussing with one or two other posters. Any *chan other than 4chan is not relevant.

>> No.13797398

Why are all Canadian posters such poor posters? It's on par with Aussie posters.

>> No.13797401

Given that this thread is slow as fuck and 50% is offtopic discussion anyway, a VN specific board wouldn't be too wise. Maybe a /jp/ 2 that only allows Japanese-knowing posters would work.
Drop that link man. Though, do Russians even learn Japanese?

>> No.13797405

LOL, what we will do with all the Russians?

>> No.13797407

Canadians really suck

>> No.13797408

subhuman detected get him boys.

>> No.13797409

> Given that this thread is slow as fuck and 50% is offtopic discussion anyway, a VN specific board wouldn't be too wise. Maybe a /jp/ 2 that only allows Japanese-knowing posters would work.
4chan has some slow boards i don't see nothing wrong.

>> No.13797410 [DELETED] 

> Though, do Russians even learn Japanese?
We even have semi-active untranslated vns thread going, dobrochan.ru/vn/res/13791.xhtml

>> No.13797411

They don't even believe in vaccines. How stupid can you get?
>There is even a required reading paper titled, “Cancer is not a Disease – It’s a Survival Mechanism,” with no response from oncologists. This claims that cancer keeps people with “underlying sicknesses” alive.

>> No.13797413

>first reply is Dies Irae
That's great.

>> No.13797416

That's edgy autism.

>> No.13797424

holy shiiiiiit fucking canada

>> No.13797433


Need help here, does this page talks about a program that allows you to edit the game name or the protagonist name?


>> No.13797444

Took them so long to make a fandisk. I need my Cherry after. I hope MC stop being a faggot and properly confess to her.

>> No.13797446

タイトルバー is not protagonist.

>> No.13797448

Okay thanks, it just seemed weird they listed MCs on the graphic.

>> No.13797454

Some comments for games definitely mention protag and heroine names, so no idea.

>> No.13797482

Why do you need to ask us? You can't open that page or something?

>> No.13797497

Im just not clear because the page is about eroges where the MC is nameable or unnamed and that part of the page is not clear just as >>13797454 have said.

Im guessing is a program to change the eroge name but it lists protagonists for some reason, maybe im missing something so why i asked.

>> No.13797555

Is Ixrec the best English language eroge reviewer?

>> No.13797761

Does he even review anything anymore?

>> No.13797992
File: 298 KB, 1282x720, b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Kana so lovable?

>> No.13798095

i need to heal, I need an healing VN. What do you suggest?

>> No.13798112
File: 155 KB, 798x599, nanatsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is the epitome of healing. Couldn't stop smiling when I read it.

>> No.13798142


>> No.13798369

Finished Evenicle. Overall I'd still rate it lower than both Mangnum and Rance 9. The characters just weren't that entertaining compared to the chuuni witch or Kanami.
The game system is pretty shallow but perfectly adequate for what's needed. The only fight I had problems with was V2 and its automatic party wipe. Though I probably was over levelled most of the game. Still one of the better games they made.

>> No.13798768

Also any impressions of Dropeko? I completely missed it.

>> No.13798823

Good taste.

>> No.13798879

So, moe games can't be kamige?

>> No.13798884

No, the implication is that the game was better for not shoehorning in moe. Not that no moe games can be great.

>> No.13798910

>No, the implication is that the game was better for not shoehorning in moe
Maybe you should work on your reading comprehension instead of just looking at the picture and making things up.

>> No.13798946

Why are you so mad?

>> No.13799110

Is there even anything worthwhile coming out this year aside from Sakura no Uta?

>> No.13799121

Isn't Tonakoi RAPE coming out? Should be good.

>> No.13799122

While I have my doubts about Sakura no Uta, I'd say it depends on what you like.

>> No.13799148
File: 151 KB, 1277x714, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This scene right after a talk about Oscar Wilde

I'll be damned if there isn't a homo route in the full game.

>> No.13799289

In bbspink there's a single thread for each company or game (depending on the board), it's just a hassle to check them all, I prefer the pace of a single comfy thread or board.

>> No.13799457

Did the girl in the left show up in Muramasa during the dream sequence?

>> No.13799551

I need source. Google doesn't help.

>> No.13799567

... Are you serious?
>that art
>"in the full game"
>recent events

>> No.13799593

I don't keep up with the latest meme games, sorry.

>> No.13799601

You're not serious, okay.

>> No.13799665

Sakura no Uta.

>> No.13799719

I'm not this memespouting shitposter>>13799593

I don't keep up with Sakura no Uta because I never played any Makura games or something written by Scaji.

Thank you.

>> No.13799734

Well, sorry for doubting you. It was a bit presumptuous of me to assume everyone knows about it.

>> No.13800133

How many EOP souls have you consumed so far in preparation for the Dies Irae anime?

>> No.13800175

Anime should be discussed in >>>/a/

>> No.13800195

Don't be a bitch.

>> No.13800230

Didn't care too much about the game, probably won't care about it when the anime comes out.

>> No.13800287

>meme irae

Why should I care?

>> No.13800403

I bet mememasa will be next.

>> No.13800938


There's a board for every VN there, goodbye.

>> No.13800945

No kanji captcha tho, and gabe as mod.

>> No.13800948

I could build a dynamic forum in python based off of the vndb db like that, but I love /jp/ too much...

>> No.13801001



>> No.13801009

https://vndb.org/t3984 this guy.

>> No.13801129

I find it weird that people are discussing the mysteries like that when the answer is explicitly stated (to some degree anyway) in Ep7.

>> No.13801162

I liked it until I saw it has 10 fucking different endings.
I wish I only played the true one.
Completely ruined the pacing for me.

>> No.13801176

Umineko attracts autism for some reason.
I guess they are attracted by the repetitive as fuck writing

>> No.13801222

That's one autistic faggot.

>> No.13801521
File: 292 KB, 1277x715, 浮気ワークスプリング!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13801530

No, not again.

>> No.13801532

Does her school not have heating? Why is she wearing her scarf indoors?

>> No.13801543


From TwoDePerf

>> No.13801559

Cute, would insert penis into.

>> No.13801563

> Why is she wearing her scarf indoors?
Hiding kiss marks left by her paramour.

>> No.13801692

Anyone here played Albatross Sky Butlers? It's looking like it's gonna get translated so I wanna see what the gang thinks of it.

>> No.13801814

Please don't bully Inori anymore. The blonde kouhai is the slutty one.

>> No.13801821

Sluts pretending to be pure are worse than open sluts.

>> No.13801844
File: 1.20 MB, 1280x720, 2DJGAME0281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hikari is the only pure one in the entire selection

>> No.13801857

Read >>13801821

>> No.13801867

Yo, I need a few more people to jump from a building with me and save the world in a few hours.
Any volunteers?
The more fucked up past you have the better.

>> No.13801902

Sure, you got any of that 聖水?

>> No.13801911

What is this meme

>> No.13801937
File: 469 KB, 1403x1001, deskt2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well meme'd

>> No.13802058

So I never got a straight answer about this one last thread, is there actual NTR in this game or was it just joke screenshots?

>> No.13802068

It's briefly mentioned but there's no CG if that's what you're expecting. It's more like "teehee, I might be cheating on you" but MC isn't really sure if she's being serious or not and at one point he has a slight mental breakdown, but he goes back to trusting her again. It doesn't go farther than that.

>> No.13802072

Wow, what a slut.

>> No.13802115

>>13802068 lied. Don't believe him.

>> No.13802133

There isn't. It's just a meme, ignore it.

>> No.13802142

There was NTR with vibe.

>> No.13802147

You won't know until you read it.

>> No.13802164

No, the screenshots are fake. The game pokes fun of moege tropes in it's dialog which made some people lose their shit.

>> No.13802167
File: 1.01 MB, 1280x720, feelsgood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inori threatens MC that if he doesn't satisfy her she might fuck someone else if I remember correctly.

>> No.13802176

It's a reference to Serial Experiments Lain.

>> No.13802182

The game literally comes with a built-in screenshot editor.

>> No.13802186

He knows. Reading comprehension, anon.

>> No.13802190

Which is why the answer should be obvious from that fact alone. Don't be retarded.

>> No.13802192

The joke was actually in the game.

>> No.13802195

No it wasn't, idiot.

>> No.13802196

This, it was during the cosplay H-scene.

>> No.13802199

Why are you talking about games you haven't played?

>> No.13802202
File: 218 KB, 1280x720, checkmate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Konomi was insufferable and I felt no pity for her attempts at getting in the way of the certified best girl.

Too bad there wasn't anyone who could stop the goddamn plot that nobody wanted from getting in the way. Nanoka's route should have been a Nanoka route and not a "dead girl gives birth to herself" route.

>> No.13802205
File: 28 KB, 808x83, oh really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13802209

Hopefully now he will take "whereof one cannot speak thereof one must remain silent" to heart.

>> No.13802217

Why the fuck are you trolling this hard?

I JUST fucking said there was an editor.

>> No.13802218

But that's something she says during said scene, which is one of the reasons people flamed the shit out of the game.

>> No.13802222

Because it can't be fucking photoshopped. Hurr. Motherfucking. Durr.

>> No.13802225

Dude, why are you entrenching yourself so deep into something you clearly don't know about. It was legitimately in the game. People who have actually played it know this. Why are you so adamant about this when you haven't even played it yourself? These (>>13776713) screenshots are "fake"d but >>13802205 is not.

>> No.13802228

He's just shitposting and you are helping him.

>> No.13802229

People flamed the shit out of a game for a joke line?

>> No.13802230

Someone photoshopped the joke into a game, that thousands of people then played? That doesn't sound likely, anon.

>> No.13802239

Not every mistaken, bellicose fellow is a shitposting troll. Some people make mistakes and stick to their guns.

>> No.13802242
File: 129 KB, 1280x720, 1435610003205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that was Photoshopped, we wouldn't be having this argument now, we wouldn't have had that pointless argument several weeks go and none of this debacle would have ever happened.

>> No.13802244
File: 107 KB, 413x646, 。。。.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read these in Haruka Sora's voice.

>> No.13802245

Because there's no source for these "thousands of people", you goddamn idiots. Just one guy who photoshopped it and is saying "Everyone is totally saying this!" And you idiots believe it because you haven't played it yourself. Fuck off.

>> No.13802246

There was Inori's thing, Wakaba's 'you don't fuck me hard enough so I'd rather use vibes' and Ayano 'I'm in love with a dead guy and I'll spend my whole route implying so'.

>> No.13802250

>And you idiots believe it because you haven't played it yourself.
That's a pretty ironic thing for you to say, dont'cha think?

>> No.13802253

>I JUST fucking said there was an editor.
How the fuck could there be a backlog/voice playback option if he made that screenshot in the editor?

>> No.13802255

That's a pretty retarded thing for you to say, I think. Retard.

>> No.13802256

Basically. There was also one route centered around a girl who used to have a crush (or at least it's implied it was a crush) on a dead guy which made some people mad because they couldn't deal with a heroine who had a thing for somebody else in the past.

>> No.13802258

Now I'm actually curious about Hanasaki. Passed over it before, but might as well give it a shot.

>> No.13802260

Because he made it in the editor and then photoshopped the option in. Are you FUCKING SERIOUS RIGHT NOW? No wonder you fuckers are so easily fooled by these troll images.

>> No.13802262

This one is particularly notorious one. He's also shitposting in VNTS now.

>> No.13802265

Hanasaki is probably the most discussed VN here this year.

>> No.13802270

Who the fuck do you think I am that I'm "notorious" to you? I almost never post here, but I saw these morons being morons and had to step in.

>> No.13802276
File: 1.18 MB, 1366x768, bestgirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hanasaki is my favorite moege this year. Top tier VA, nice art, good common route and cute heroines. The individual routes kinda flop but it still pretty nice overall.

>> No.13802280
File: 214 KB, 1280x720, cheating slut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I admit, I ctrl'd past this scene.

>> No.13802287

Except nobody actually discusses the game. It's incredibly pointless, especially because it's pretty obvious a lot of the vocal people haven't actually played the game and are just keeping up with the latest /jp/ memes.

It's pretty good. I picked it up just for Nonoka / Agumi Oto but I ended up liking the whole thing. Nonoka needed a full route, though. If it had that it'd be perfect.

>> No.13802291

It's still the most discussed game, the bar is set pretty low for that anyway.

>> No.13802311

The discussion wasn't even about the game itself, just the virginlosers vs non-virginlosers.

Well, I had fun.

>> No.13802315

What is this even supposed to mean, and where the hell do you think you are?

>> No.13802319

Why do many VNs have fucking awful looking text? I understand for the older ones but for a new game to come out with text like >>13802202 or >>13802242 is completely disgusting.

>> No.13802327

It's just a codeword, don't get mad by it.

Those guys have supported eroge all those years, I have nothing but respect for them.

>> No.13802330

That looks fine to me. You're just shit taste.

>> No.13802332

No its not good. Seriously I dont care about that cheating joke since its actually just a joke, but Ayano's route was definitely most annoying shit I have ever read in last 1-2 years. The game would have been so better without her route. Also the "true" route is feels more like just a bad ending, they have made it just for the sake of MC's past. They could tell that shit at common route too, I dont really see any point of that true route.

When you add the Wakaba's forced drama shit into those, Im not sure how can you accept this as a good game. Yes I liked Hikari's route and Nonoka & Kanna sub routes werent bad either, but thats just all.

In short its average at best.

>> No.13802333

Just change it?

Not the people in this thread.

>> No.13802337

Please show me what you think good looking text looks like.

>> No.13802339

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.13802356

Good to hear that. It definitely has some nice art, and the heroine designs themselves are cute.

>> No.13802362

Honestly I find the whole Hanasaki fiasco hilarious. Funniest thing to happen in a while.

>> No.13802364

This is in Japanese, I can't understand it.

>> No.13802366

What's wrong with LOVEREC.'s text? I had absolutely no problem with it. HareNochi's was still writing readings inside parenthesis instead of on top of the word, though I wouldn't call it awful just for that.

I'm pretty sure both games allowed you to change it freely anyway, in case you really want to use the Pokémon font or Comic Sans.

>> No.13802368

I actually do agree with you (except Kanna's route; that was flat out terrible) I really did enjoy Hikari's, Nonoka's and Inori's routes though. Maybe I'm just a simple person, but I think a game is good even if I didn't enjoy every route.

>> No.13802372

Why is she talking so calmly with a dick inside her?

>> No.13802378

She is used to much bigger dicks and got too loose.

>> No.13802381

Do you really have to ask?

>> No.13802387

I'm just glad to see someone put the work into conclusively proving me wrong. Everyone always leaves holes and they make it so easy.

>> No.13802409

Please continue.

>> No.13802417
File: 215 KB, 1280x720, exposed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13802420

She doesn't even feel it anymore. She just said she isn't satisfied and she might end up cheating if he doesn't improve to satisfy her. In other words, either she's quite lose or MC has a small dick.

>> No.13802450

Is Hatsuyuki Sakura good? I'm interested in it because pya.

>> No.13802452
File: 129 KB, 420x635, 主様あぁ!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13802462

I want a game like どうして、そんなに黒い髪が好きなの? but with brown-haired girls instead. I really like brown hair. Think it will ever happen?

>> No.13802471

idk dude my gf has really pretty brown hair that shines in the sunlight, maybe you should get a gf

>> No.13802476

maybe you should get lost

>> No.13802483

Brown hair does not have the same Yamato spirit straight black hair does so tough luck, I'd say.

Even blondes have a better shot because of gaijin lovers.

>> No.13802488
File: 399 KB, 1024x576, capture_028_13052014_114028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13802497

So you say but their hair was purple in-game anyway. Had to have a patch for legitimately black hair.

>> No.13802502

Are the 130cm VNs the best black hair games? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUygztsdvkg

>> No.13802777

Never played the game. Also, it seems very lazy to insert nazis in order to make the game interesting.

>> No.13802847

Even though the coloring is extremely lazy it looks good for some reason.

>> No.13802932

It reminds me of color manga pages.

>> No.13802963

Is evenicle worth playing?

>> No.13802968

Is anything worth playing? Is anything worth seeing? Is life worth living?

>> No.13802978


>> No.13802980

If you're interested in it.

>> No.13802997

If you care enough to ask the question than probably yes. One of the better ones.

>> No.13803125
File: 202 KB, 1280x720, どうして、そんなに黒い髪が好きなの?_2014-11-29_01-37-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13803212
File: 129 KB, 1056x839, 2015-07-13 094430-少女教育.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fapped for hours to this VN

>> No.13803298

Don't exhaust your dick too much because Shoujo Ramune is coming out next month.

>> No.13803636

Is the DLC completely leaked?

>> No.13803660 [DELETED] 
File: 490 KB, 420x315, 1393796822955.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayy what the fuck is going on in this thread, easily the worst general on /vg/ right now.

>> No.13803667

You seem lost.

>> No.13804239

Basic Gameplay. Basic Plot. Good Art. Lots of rape.

In other words, a game made by Alicesoft.

>> No.13804244

Yes. Prepare to be depressed if you finish it.

>> No.13804318

Any scans yet?

>> No.13804508

Isnt this month? Or was it delayed?

>> No.13804552

It's this month on the 31st.

>> No.13804791 [DELETED] 


>> No.13804878

Indeed it's this month, my bad.

>> No.13804881
File: 358 KB, 1274x716, rina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished the new sakura no uta trial.
Overall, I liked it a lot.
Compared to the old trial, the protag isn't a walking dead fish and Makoto and Shizuku are much more likeable.
Pretty funny sometimes too.
I liked the old Rina better though. She was way more endearing and had funny moments that were cut (or maybe saved for later).

>> No.13805473
File: 368 KB, 1285x578, ss+(2015-07-21+at+10.24.54).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New heroines of Sengoku Koihime X are here, but to be honest I didnt like at least half of them. Still its not that bad so I guess I can deal with that much, also most likely those are not all of new ones.

>> No.13805563
File: 2.35 MB, 2448x3264, 2015-07-20 14.18.52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little late, but let us begin.

>> No.13806048

not him but nothing beats MS ゴシック.
If you have the choice I always change to it.

>> No.13806362
File: 17 KB, 898x89, clockup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13806370

Recently they didn't make any good works, so not expecting anything.

>> No.13806376

Ma-ko Hunter was pretty good.

>> No.13806383


>> No.13806668 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.69 MB, 1294x776, 1437492248723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that was a sad ending. Satsukoi was pretty good and short, I liked it a lot. Especially the sprite art, which was pretty fantastic. Gotta say though, this CG (pic related) was pretty awful. For such a climatic moment, the angle was incredibly shitty. They went to great lengths to not show her face (for some reason) and it made the scene a lot worse. I liked the battle music (particularly the part at 50~ seconds), it got me into the mood. I wanted to link it here but couldn't find the OST anywhere so I recorded the audio with Audacity. The results are extremely subpar, which sucks. Anyone know where I could get it? Well, anyway. Overall I have a positive impression of Satsukoi even if I can't tell if the brevity of Nao's route made it better or worse.

>> No.13806673

>forgot to link music

>> No.13806765
File: 632 KB, 600x1508, Nep-VII-Nitroplus-Chan-Reveal-Scan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13806822

When the fuck are they going to port PP and Noire game to PC? Get on it CH.

>> No.13806902


>> No.13807144

Mizuki made that VN for me. Absolutely amazing girl.

>> No.13807147

>incredibly loving
Template of perfection.

>> No.13807159

Misuse of the quote function is not encouraged around here.

>> No.13807163

It was confirmed to be fine by the mods.

>> No.13807168

Neither is memeing and it didn't stop you.

>> No.13807172
File: 684 KB, 1040x826, アマカノ体験版 友だちになりたい巫女姫編_2014-12-15_19-15-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, they are all characters you can't help but want to dote on and can give you that warm, squeezing feeling in your chest, which is why I recommended it.
But Mizuki was good, indeed.

>> No.13807183

It was confirmed to not be fine, but if I post the screencap you'll say "oh, that was before I came to 4chan, so it doesn't count".

The only meme I see here is arrows.

>> No.13807185

You're trying to hard newfriend.

>> No.13807196

stop fighting against the new epic memes "kudasai"

>> No.13807201

You need to put more effort in, this has been done too many times.

>> No.13807215

>someone is talking about eroge
>but wait...he misuse the quote fucntion!
>i'll go autistic about it and shitting up this thread instead!! that sure will show him and somehow improve this thread quality!!

That's how retarded you look.

No, I'm not quoting anyone and I'm not even this guy>>13807147.

>> No.13807223
File: 365 KB, 600x847, 1419176478769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She remind me of a certain idol

>> No.13807228

Deliberately posting in a manner that belongs in /v/ and is known to garner negative responses here can be considered trolling, you know.

Also, it's "function".

>> No.13807232

I'm sure derailing the thread just because it triggers your autism is way, way worse.

>> No.13807242

It's called knowing which board you're on. Flipping out when you get called out on it is autism.

>> No.13807252 [DELETED] 

>caring about typo
>muh board culture ;((


>> No.13807253
File: 1.74 MB, 1040x826, アマカノ_2014-12-25_00-56-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've joked about it in various Kaede threads myself.
But that book in particular is drawn by the same main illustrator for Amakano, so it's no surprise in this particular case.

>> No.13807258

Board culture is a cancer not protected by rules.

>> No.13807261

And this type of poster is exactly what we don't want here, we've seen what happened to /v/.

>> No.13807262

I want you to know that /jp/ is a historically relaxed board, so your immature "you're posting incorrectly" junk is actually just as harmful to /jp/ culture as "misusing the quote function" is. Though, your whining initiates offtopic shitposting, while greentexting doesn't impact post or thread quality.

>> No.13807264

I'm so glad this crossie is here to shit up the discussion. I was almost enjoying this thread.

>> No.13807276

Everything was fine until one autistic nigger whining about greentext.

>> No.13807279

see >>13807261 and >>13807228.

>> No.13807286


Yeah, no.

>> No.13807288

People have whined about greentext for years, and these arguments have only been common recently. But two and two together to see where the problem lies.

Hint: it's you.

>> No.13807292

If you genuinely believe that, then you should leave to. If you don't want "the kind of person who greentexts" shitting up /jp/, than you should also not want "a guy who takes boards way too fucking seriously and derails threads with offtopic whining" on these threads. If you really care about thread quality, you'd leave RIGHT NOW and stop complaining about greentexting. But you won't. You'll stay, and whine, and shit up the board. Because in truth, you don't care about thread quality, or board culture. You just like hurting other people and feeling superior, as seen in your constant, derisive references of /v/. Anon, you are the problem.

>> No.13807302

>Y-you're the problem

Look in the mirror.

>> No.13807312

See, when someone whines this much just because he got told off about meme arrows, we know who the problematic one is.
You know it's not acceptable and it causes a backlash, so don't do it. If in that knowledge you deliberately keep doing it, your purpose and value to the board is obvious.

>> No.13807316

Did you just greentext in exactly the way you insulted people for? Is this an elaborate joke?
>it causes backlash
It's literally just one (heck, maybe two) autistic guy(s). I refuse to change to accommodate their nonsensical view of what /jp/ "should" be.
> If in that knowledge you deliberately keep doing it, your purpose and value to the board is obvious.
I say the same to your off-topic whining.

>> No.13807317

Just report, move on and let the mods sort it out. I'd recommend both sides of the argument to just stop posting, consider what you're doing and how it affects the quality of the thread. Be the bigger man and let it go.

>> No.13807320

>still being autistic.

Clearly. It's only you recently who is keep complaining about greentext. I bet you never contribute any discussion to this thread.

>> No.13807324

It's been months and mods still haven't banned the anti-greentext guy. Heck, I'd accept a ban right now, I know I shat up the thread. I just wish the mods would take him out.

But you're right. I'll stop and not mention it again.

>> No.13807326

>Did you just greentext in exactly the way you insulted people for? Is this an elaborate joke?
If you read the conversation it would be obvious that that post was made by the same guy who keeps using greentext just to start arguments.

>> No.13807331

It's everyone, as you'll see if you look up "meme arrows" in the archive. Of course, you'll probably say that all those occasions were me, given how much you like to hide behind "I am the majority". Ensuring that /jp/ doesn't end up like /v/ isn't off-topic.

Also, I should point out that >>13807302 is not me, and is in fact on your side, because apparently you're too obsessed with meme arrows to think.

You seem to be as good with bets as you are with posting outside of /v/.

See the first paragraph, it's not a "guy", it's a board.

>> No.13807340 [DELETED] 


>> No.13807342

Looked it up. Some of it are deleted by mods and the posting style is pretty similiar like mentioning about /v/.

Really, kill yourself

>it's everyone
Please, kill yourself.

>> No.13807352

Well, meme arrows have been associated with /v/ since their beginning, as you'd know if you'd been here. Mods agree, don't bother them about it.

>> No.13807357

Idol threads have basically been a separate community from the rest of /jp/ since forever, and the last 4 are blatant shitposts, so I wonder what you're trying to prove.

>> No.13807364

I couldn't find any greentexts on /jp/ that someone responded to with ">memearrows" or something. The vast majority went unnoticed. It seems, anon, that the culture of /jp/ has integrated meme arrows into it. The times have changed. Just as generals used to be banned and are now commonplace, you have to get used to how things are now.

>> No.13807374 [DELETED] 

>d-doesn't count

That's some epic meme my friend.

>> No.13807381

>People greentext all the time on boards
>The "who are you quoting" response is now banned

Thing is greentext is part of many boards, /jp/ is the one few boards with autists angry about it despite being integrated into /jp/.

Stay mad.

>> No.13807383

>ooh nice
>i always wanted to post like this
>i like green its cool
>good to know its accepted now

>> No.13807384

I wasn't the one who originally complained about it in this thread, and I don't really mind it as long as it's not done in full meme fashion (as in, no >mfw shit or greentext stories)

But people like >>13807374 who are doing it just to try to rile people up shouldn't be defended. Also, if the greentext is only a single post, the person whining about it is also only a single post, so you could ignore that just as easily as he could ignore the greentext.

>> No.13807405

It's not banned, just deleted, occasionally. Same as meme arrows. Also, that "things will change now that I'm here" mindset is pure neo-/v/, which isn't welcome here.

>> No.13807410

>I'm itching for some Natsuno Koori.
>Can anyone recommend me some recent ones featuring her?

>> No.13807418

Dracu Riot
Tenshin Ranman

>> No.13807419
File: 52 KB, 894x113, ss+(2015-07-21+at+09.34.07).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it mean there'll be After Stories for original heroines too?

>> No.13807422

Thanks for proving >>13807228 right.

>> No.13807424

>Same as meme arrows
Not really. The only one i have seen deleted was one that said he was reporting a post (i guess falsedly).

You just have to accept change and stop shitting the thread.

>> No.13807463

>I was expecting something from this year or last year
>But I well I haven't read some of them, thanks.

>Y-you're welcome, I guess?

>> No.13807497
File: 35 KB, 771x80, ss+(2015-07-21+at+10.04.09).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I understand it correctly from this part, There must be after stories of original game as well. Or more like I'm not sure if there are after stories for every of them, but there must be at least a couple.

So time to hype I guess.

>> No.13807498

>>13807422 applies to you too. As >>13807340 and >>13807410 proved, only shitposters type like that.

>> No.13807514

And going by this thread, only real shitposters give a shit about it.

>> No.13807527

Does anyone knows where can I get Tech gian or push scans? not the older ones, I just need this month's.

>> No.13807528

"NO U" is only considered a valid reply in boards like /v/ or /b/, thanks for proving my point again.

>> No.13807529

I'm so glad /jp/ is more relaxed now
yukkuri shite ite ne, minna san :O

>> No.13807531

Every fucking thread.

>> No.13807533

>while i dont hate sakaki kasa, i dont know if i want after stories of the original heroines written by him instead of takahiro..

>> No.13807534

I dont really care about the green text thing, but dont fucking misuse spoiler button.

>> No.13807540

Don't tell me what I can't do. :)

>> No.13807542

Of course Takahiro is the better one, but since he is done with candysoft I dont think he'd return just to write after stories. So gotta take whatever we can, I'm fine as long as I saw some mature h-scenes of original cast. I might even buy this game if they make after stories for all original cast, not just otome and 1-2 more.

>> No.13807543

Graduating with Mizuki-senpai!

>> No.13807544

This question reminds me, why does issued titled September come out in July for magazines like this?

Sorry if it's a stupid question, I never bothered to look into it.

>> No.13807547

Why is this a thing? It almost always looks like shit.

>> No.13807561
File: 569 KB, 750x1107, Mary.Clarissa.Christie.full.1316682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's cute, and you have shit taste.
Japanese version of famous british mystery writer Agatha Christie agrees.

>> No.13807570

I don't think it looks bad, but it often falls into overaccessorizing.

>> No.13807572

About as a cute as puckered anus. She would look better with the same eye color.

>> No.13807575 [DELETED] 

Epic surprise box XDDD. Upvoted.

>> No.13807576

So fucking cute!

>> No.13807580
File: 138 KB, 588x441, 메아리4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the
>you have shit taste
part. Not to mention how plot-relevant it is in her case.

>> No.13807587

It's just a feature that some people like. Many times it's just a purely visual thing that gets your heart all fluffy for reasons you can't quite understand, but sometimes it's to hide some magic demon eye or an actual health problem.

>> No.13807619

>Being this much of an autist.

And your reply is r9k tier, you proved our point again.

Matter is you dont decide what is or not allowed, mods do and they are okay with it so deal with it or keep being mad.

>> No.13807624

ayy lmao

>> No.13807633

Ebin meme arrow there, but see >>13807183. Also, parroting my words isn't a valid reply either. See >>13807533 for proof of which side is the obvious, deliberate shitposter.

>> No.13807635

Ladies, you're both very cute.

>> No.13807641
File: 1.33 MB, 6000x2600, 108_Celeste_Luvendass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AYY we need more alien waifus.

The obvious shitposter are those ones with "who are you quoting" that got their posts deleted and you are one of them.

This post wasnt shitposting but >>13807159 is wich enabled the others and thus why the thread derailed.

You are the shitposter.

>> No.13807648

See >>13807228 and >>13807498. The obvious shitposter is the one who does this with the express purpose of pissing others off (and failing, because all he does is prove me right).

>> No.13807669

>Known to garner negative response.

Negative response? Literally only this thread in /jp/ goes bonkers about it, so why not use an universal acceptable response just because someone will go full autist about it? You and your kind dont control what one can and cant post.

You are a full of yourself shitposter.

>> No.13807671

Nice OELVN, /vg/-kun.

>> No.13807675

I rather have Hanasaki discussion than this greentexting shit. Nobody fucking cares about greentext, just shut the fuck up already.

>> No.13807676

See the first line of >>13807331. You and your kind belong in /v/, as you just demonstrated.

>> No.13807700


Again from /jp/ and from these same threads, its you and some others that goes full spergs on it.

Wich is why your "who are you quoting" got banned, because you shitpost. And you demonstrated being from r9k.

>> No.13807710

Inori is fucking SHIT.

>> No.13807715

This way of trying to hide behind "I am the majority" is so /v/ it hurts. Also, that wasn't me, and he didn't get banned either.

The only thing I demonstrated is that the only obvious and deliberate shitposting here is on your side, as seen in >>13807498. But I guess you'll just "NO U" that again, I expect no more from /v/.

>> No.13807719

I'm pretty sure she's fucking a lot more than shit.

>> No.13807749

You are shit.

>> No.13807760

So Inori is fucking him.. sasuga inran bicchi.

>> No.13807783

This meme need to stop.

>> No.13807789
File: 99 KB, 780x484, b21e67cb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this newly unveiled VN.

>> No.13807794

bump for an answer

>> No.13807814

Why is this art still acceptable in 2015?

>> No.13807821

The fuck are you talking about? It's perfectly fine.

>> No.13807825

Black-hair looks like her body is being squished together horizontally.

>> No.13807829

Man, look at that quality art. It's so good, you can immediately tell that not just one, but multiple artists collaborated on it. Also whoever they were, they sure did a convincing job at replicating the art style from your typical early 2000s eroge. It sure appeals to my sense of nostalgia.

>> No.13807831

Looks like something that should've came out 8 years ago. But then again most art looks like this anyway.

>> No.13807832

Why should anyone care?
It's not that bad. Kind of generic but each character looks different.

>> No.13807836

Looks modern to me.
generic and not particularly attractive, but modern

>> No.13807847

I wouldn't say terrible, just "mediocre" and has some really noticeable style clashing. Probably just some new company trying to get a quick buck before failing horribly and dying after a single game or-

Wait, this is Lump of Sugar's new game? Oh well.

>> No.13807859

What does good modern art look like?

>> No.13807865
File: 75 KB, 1129x761, 019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13807974
File: 403 KB, 1200x1698, 00001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess what's arrived:

Original short story included

>> No.13807980

With Inori and Ayano in the cover I can't help but wonder if they are simply trying to stir up shit.

>> No.13807986
File: 36 KB, 259x317, ss+(2015-07-22+at+12.19.45).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of terrible art, what the fuck is this? I'm not gonna accept this monkey as my beloved otome.

>> No.13807991

Kinu looks better with long hair, but I want to see Sunao, she's probably dropped the twintails by now.

>> No.13807997
File: 473 KB, 800x600, image00935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well having twintails at 25-30 years old wouldnt feel right for sure, and I also have no problem with kinu & nagomi. But seriously what the fuck is this otome, I cant see any similarity between those two except having same fucking blue hair.

>> No.13808007

The short story is about Hikari, so it looks like they wanted to play it safe with the only good heroine.

>> No.13808010

>Kinu looks better with long hair
No, they ruined her.
They ruined everyone, actually.

>> No.13808125
File: 25 KB, 300x346, 2015-07-21_19-05-29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you

>> No.13809180

Candysoft should just ditch their main studio and go full lolige. 通心ぼ looks fucking great.

>> No.13809367

They cant make anything decent except tsuyokiss and loliges anyway, so when the tsuyokiss time over most likely they'll just go full lolige.

>> No.13809376

Gun Knight Girl is pretty good.

>> No.13809397

The author left Candysoft, though.

>> No.13809420

I heard about it time ago but never started it because of the fear of it being anti-war shit like Gunjou no Sora wo Koete.

>> No.13809890

new thread when

>> No.13809902

I will make it right after you kill yourself.

>> No.13809903

Way to be an asshole

>> No.13809928

Alright, I made sure that anon died by his own hands by teaching him the pleasures of autoerotic asphyxiation.

Now make with the new thread.

>> No.13809962

Don't be rude.

>> No.13810106


New thread.

>> No.13810290

That's a pretty bad reason not to play either of these games.

>> No.13810347

I mean, every damn military-related media have been anti-war, CoD included.

Doesn't mean the military stuff isn't cool as fuck

>> No.13810726

Complete issues? Not a chance. You might find some photos somewhere but I don't know where.
