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1378889 No.1378889 [Reply] [Original]

It's past five o'clock.

Time to get drinking.

>> No.1378907


I don't really drink often (read: practically never) but when I do, I don't really care at what time I'm doing it.

>> No.1378910
File: 175 KB, 500x514, 妹.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mai imouto!

>> No.1378913

Alcohol is for normalfags.

>> No.1378918

What he said.

>> No.1378921


>> No.1378924

I just woke up after passing out in a different timezone. Great story.
I'll see myself out.

>> No.1378986
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>> No.1379024
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>Time to get drinking.

I approve of this.

>> No.1379039

Where's her other hand?

>> No.1379048

She lost that arm in the war, you heartless bastard.

>> No.1379055

I always drink something at night while I'm playing some videogames or browsing /jp/.

>> No.1379058

I've never gotten drunk in my life.

>> No.1379064

Neither have I.
I don't even know how to ride a bike.

>> No.1379073
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Funny, I actually am having a beer right now.

>> No.1379070

Oh my god. Plese tell me you're kidding?

>> No.1379072


I can't ride a bike, either.

>> No.1379083

She must be fucking GAR if she can still strike a cute pose like that after a war, then...

>> No.1379103

I also, have never gotten drunk. I have however, rubbed a loli all over.

>> No.1379109


>> No.1379118

I am not big on drinking but I would totally go drinking if I was in Japan they seem to have a lot less retarded meathead assholes, and angry drunks than bars in the states. Not to mention they are light weights so I would seem like some sort of megatank to them.

>> No.1379135

One of these things seems like a good thing to do.

>> No.1379138
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You have, also, never used a, comma correctly.

>> No.1379164


Ah, skip it and get a motorcycle anyway. If you ever need to leave your room, that is.

>> No.1379183


Lightweight? You need to spend some more time in Japan.

In fact, a lot of Japanese people can drink quite a lot.

>> No.1379188



>> No.1379207

It moreso has to do with the fact that they usually weight a lot less than westerners. Culturally they have about the same tolerance but weight is a huge factor and lets face it Japs are some skinny people.

>> No.1379208

how does i use coma?

>> No.1379220
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I'm having some hot Chocolate, milk, and Kahlua.

Its a bit feminine, but screw that, its delicious.

>> No.1379226

It's past the time I woke up

Time to get drinking.

>> No.1379230
File: 142 KB, 954x740, 1179199155922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never gotten drunk, but I do drink. I'd like to keep it that way.

>> No.1379240

I'm sorry I have to work for a living; gotta get there somehow. You have a better idea?

>> No.1379253

I'm serious. I have never gone to a party, I have never gone out with friends, I have never had a conversation with a girl other than my mother and sister, I have never looked someone in the eyes for longer than 3 seconds, I have never gotten drunk. I can keep on going but I'm rather tired.

>> No.1379261
File: 946 KB, 1020x1280, fever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bikes/cars/motorcycles suck in general. I ambulate all over the place. Nobody can stop my ambulation. I have ambulation fever.

>> No.1379265

I'm allergic to anything that isn't clear liquor, and everything else I'm pathetically intolerant of. I had a glass and a half of tequila at a wedding, and later threw up.

I'll go through life never knowing the pleasure of being inebriated. WHY MUST YOU DO THIS TO ME ASIAN GENES

>> No.1379268

Still wating on an answer. If you're going to complain about my commas then you must be willing to teach me how to use them correctly, right?

>> No.1379275

Lifelong teetotalers. Do you know about them?

>> No.1379278

I didn't complain, but it does seem a bit off to me as well.
I understand the speech pattern you're going for, but "I, also," might work better, I guess?

>> No.1379281

I can't drink because I take antidepressants, hurr.

>> No.1379282

And here, in this non-place, you aren't special. Stop blogging.

>> No.1379283


>> No.1379285

Go drink with your sister.

>> No.1379286



thats a stupid way to go thru life, thinking evrybody owes you something

>> No.1379325

>And here, in this non-place, you aren't special.
I wasn't going for that approach, nor should you care whether I consider myself special or not.

I rather not, I'll drink with your sister though.

>> No.1379331

If you're going to bitch about something and not do anything about it, you're just making things worse.

>> No.1379376

god i hate people like you, only would get drunk in Japan WTF!!! Go grow a pair of balls, go out and have some fun. America is a great place to hit the turps

>> No.1379382


>> No.1379459

The point of my post is that I have on many occasions. Honestly sometimes it wasn't to bad but god do I hate the typical college crowd.

>> No.1379506

You don't need to go to a bar to get drunk.

>> No.1379528


This picture makes me want a bottle of Grolsch.

>> No.1379934

>how does i use coma?

Back to /b/ with you.

>> No.1379940

real men get drunk in their rooms by themselves, jack off to a porn then pass out

>> No.1379948

Wow, we're probably the highest percentage of real men of anywhere in the world, save perhaps Japan

>> No.1379951

>jack off

>> No.1379980
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>> No.1380073

Ah, drinking. A wonderful pastime. The sweet, light floating sensation of a good buzz, counterpointed by the heavy feeling of a belly full of liquor. It's a small piece of heaven.

I favor pretty much any liquor, or most dark beers. White wines are good, but I stay away from the red, as it hits me too fast (anything - ANYTHING - except red wine, I have a huge tolerance to, but red wine is my Kryptonite).

In fact, I'm drinking right now. Bottle of Sam Adams Boston Lager. Here's to you, /jp/sies!

>> No.1380121
File: 114 KB, 530x605, 1222578690495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you kidding me? It's not just a party thing you know. It just sounds like you are underage.

I love getting DURNK, putting on some Merzbow and playing some Touhous.

>> No.1380126


Now now, we can't all own fleshlights.

>> No.1380156


Hey, I'm also drinking some good lager. To your health, /jp/! Because if I don't quit drinking soon, mine won't be any good anymore.

>> No.1380163

One more year before I can buy alcohol.

Sweet, precious vodka.

>> No.1380169

Translanon, you keep posting with that name, but have you actually done anything yet.

>> No.1380189

I keep posting while on breaks from what I'm translating.
That doesn't mean I've been on break all day, I just flip between the two.
Expect something tonight or tomorrow morning, as I'm still in the process of putting the translations into doujin pages as we speak.

>> No.1380195

