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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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13786021 No.13786021[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever developed a crush on people you RP with, /jp/? Why does this happen on the internet?

>> No.13786048

because i have attachment issues.

Now though i just act bitter and watch from afar because i cant deal with real people.

>> No.13786061

I know I'll fall in love if i add a /jp/ on Skype.

>> No.13786065

You'd have to exchange pictures and like someone first before you can fall in love with someone!

>> No.13786067

no because i'm not a disgusting degenerate and i realized online RP was retarded gaiafag bullshit like 8 or 9 years ago

/jp/ used to know this too

>> No.13786120

I'm just too lonely.

>> No.13786138

But I'm too shy to show my face.

>> No.13786143

You'll have to do it eventually, you could show someone really far in after they have feelings for you but it's hard to accept sometimes because people tend to have expectations and they'll just be let down and feel like you've been leading them on all the while.

>> No.13786152
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>they'll just be let down
Maybe I shouldn't talk to people after all

>> No.13786222

I don't even care about that anymore.

I'm just desperate.

>> No.13786253

but if you're a top you'll be scary because if the person isn't as attached to you, you'll probably end up going crazy and threatening him and stuff...

>> No.13786256

I don't even want sex. Just be with someone.

>> No.13787334

I made a /jp/ friend last week after we tried some erp, now we play vidya all day and talk about lewd things sometimes, he's awesome.

>> No.13787355
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I'm so ugly that when I told my classmates during the last day of highschool dinner I told them "oh come on let's stop fooling ourselves, I know very well I'm ugly as fuck" nobody said anything. And I'm in good terms with them.

Also I'm awkard as fuck, I can't really talk in person to anyone because I'm shy like those slutty anime girls, except for the fact that since I'm ugly I just look like a rude autist.
One (online) friend aside I only have /jp/!

>> No.13787370

That's an awkward thing to say, I wouldn't say anything either because that's someone looking for validation, not honesty.

>> No.13787374

I wouldn't mind if you're ugly as long as we love each other.

>> No.13787382

I'm sorry, I don't really know what to say.
you can still make friends, looks aren't important when it comes to friendship..

>> No.13787388

This is false, I'm sorry delusional anon.

by the way, most of the ugly faces are way better with a new hairstyle and a good shave. Also, being ugly mostly only mattersm with online people, it's a funny paradox.

>> No.13787460

I'll be your friend.

>> No.13787484

I want a /jp/ to sit on my lap!

>> No.13787485

Kill me /jp/, right in the face!
Even being 'attractive' or 'normal' won't necessarily find you happiness.

>> No.13787498

I like attractive, white /jp/s...

>> No.13787504

amen to that, just try to find someone who will love you for you. Cheesy? yes, but it makes sense.

>> No.13787506

i would be both happier and more successful trying to find the holy grail

>> No.13787512

All I can say is just don't give up, anon.

>> No.13787549

Why white?

>> No.13787558

because I don't really like non-whites other than asians since I'm one too but if I had a choice I'd take a white /jp/ because they'll be more masculine and make me feel extra girly!

>> No.13787773

Who has the best butt in /jp/?

>> No.13787807

Wait a moment here. I'm pretty sure that I've already seen this thread.

>> No.13787823

You did I think janny snipped it. probably should snip this again

>> No.13787840

What do you do when your net friend starts ignoring you for no known reason?

>> No.13787841
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>> No.13787845

start feeling really sad
you can't push him and ask why he's ignoring you because you'll be pushing it and he might get angry and just outright removing you but just waiting for him to talk to you might end up in getting removed...

>> No.13787847

I wish I had a pet /jp/sie

>> No.13787851

I already had removed him a week ago because he had already been ignoring me for like a week. I sent him an email and said it wasn't permanent or anything, but I tried adding him back and it was declined.

>> No.13787880

find new friends

>> No.13787889

what a thread

>> No.13787891

What if he ignores you because he's falling in love with you and he knows he'll never have you cause he lives in the other side of the world?

>> No.13787895

You shouldn't have removed him then.

>> No.13787896

/jp/sies are not animals, Anon. As much as we sometimes act like or wish we were one.

>> No.13787902
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>> No.13787913

then it's better to end it before anyone gets hurt
you should always talk about it first before parting ways. sometimes its hard to just be friends especially when either one of you has feelings for the other.

>> No.13787914

I know that, but I want to fix my mistake. It's not like we've only been friends for a few months, it's been multiple years. I can't just drop it.

>> No.13787915

Do you love him?

>> No.13787918

Yes. Not romantically if that's what you mean.

>> No.13787928

I know how that feels, I had to remove one of my friends because I was falling for him and I knew that he wouldn't like me back. sometimes I still get really sad thinking about him and want to add him back but I know it'll never work out and I can't handle being just friends.

>> No.13787938

>tfw I friendzone everyone who falls in love with me

So this is why this happens? Lame.

>> No.13787946

It only happens with people I really like. I can be friends with normal people and I've experienced people that liked me too but those guys were kinda off and abusive and tried pushing me to like tjem back.

>> No.13787953

Yeah there's a lot of losers out there.

>> No.13787960

This thread is really gay.

>> No.13787965

You have to at least tell them. Now that I'm not on his friend list anymore, all I can do is email him and hope he responds. For all I know he might not check his email anymore. The waiting and the doubt is awful.

>> No.13787966
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Yeah, even when we say things like "no homo" or "im just pretending to be gay" I still feel something for him. I've been really busy lately too so I haven't been able to be with him and it's hurting me inside a lot. He's an idiot but damn if he isn't the cutest person I've ever met on the internet.

>> No.13787976

I couldn't, I was really uncomfortable with seeing them online and got really scared.

>> No.13788350

What does /jp/ cum tastes like?

>> No.13788379

Like your own.

>> No.13788384

I'll let you taste mine

>> No.13788439

Is it sweet?

>> No.13788445
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I never felt the need to show them a picture and neither did they, so I don't really have a mental picture of them beyond what we communicate. And I don't feel like we need anything more than that either. I love being with them despite that.

>> No.13788565
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>people you RP with
did i miss something?

>> No.13788567

I just want to be lewd with fellow /jp/ers

>> No.13788588
File: 138 KB, 600x900, 0309a1c31f21ef6ac959c1f7f8aece7b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have two /jp/ firends, one is really pushy and the other is shy. I don't fall in love with people on the net though.

>> No.13788595

I'm being lewd with 3 /jp/sies right now. One of them is already my pet.

>> No.13788644


>> No.13788651

I'm gonna turn them into my sissy lewd bunnies~

>> No.13788662

how big is your cock

>> No.13788676

What kind of answer is that?

7 inches, uncut

>> No.13788682

Question* fuck. my mind is full of cock right now.

>> No.13788688

that's big enough to hold with two hands...

>> No.13788692

almost a cock that two /jp/sies could work at once~

>> No.13788694

Your mind is full of cock and you're intent on turning others into sluts for your own use?

>> No.13788696

I don't like sharing though, sorry!

>> No.13788700

It can't be helped. Just slut things.

>> No.13788701
File: 549 KB, 1034x821, Cirno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is gross!

>> No.13788710

I'm a bigger whore, so it would choose me

>> No.13788711

Only girls are gross.

>> No.13788719

I mean I want a (big) strong /jp/ bf because I'm not really into other girly guys.
I think it'd be fun if I had one and we shared a big cock together...

>> No.13788725

I don't really like girls either, but this thread is definitely gross! It's making me feel weird!

>> No.13788728

Fuck off.

>> No.13788732

Making you feel weird in your pants, anon?

>> No.13788741

I-I don't know!!! Don't ask me q-questions like t-that!

>> No.13788743

Maybe I should check you down there. Don't want a qt anon like you to be in pain.

>> No.13788747

i wanted to say this but i couldn't be bothered

what's the point of fighting it

>> No.13788749

Just some post-ironic funposting. Harmless, really.

>> No.13788849
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Alright who wants to go on a date

>> No.13789139

>What do you do when your net friend starts ignoring you for no known reason

It's over, they'll only keep you around for if they're desperate or bored.

>> No.13789148

I just made an anon wet his panties.

>> No.13789723

I wish that was me...

>> No.13789780

tfw had 3 /jp/ gfs already

>> No.13789811

I developed a crush on a 3D girl that I am friends with on Steam, send help
