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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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>> No.13776609
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>> No.13776612

Well it was long in the making.
Wonder what it will do for gravure, anything that is "stimulating the sexual desire", or however it was worded.

>> No.13776645

We already knew this

>> No.13776649

Good, about fucking time. Get fucked babymetalfags.

>However, manga, animation and computer graphics are not subject to punishment under the revised law in light of freedom of expression.

This is all I needed to hear anyway.

>> No.13776658
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The real question is why would a bunch of mostly american neets even care?

>> No.13776662

The guy who tried to get it banned too will probably keep on going until he gets his way.

>Keiji Goto, president of the NGO Think Kids, is among those who thinks the new law doesn’t do enough to restrict child porn. He says he plans to lobby members of the government and political parties to classify illustrated works in the same league as photos and films of real people.
>It’s a battle he’s familiar with. In April 2010, Goto and some other volunteers asked that computer-generated depictions and comics be included in the legislation to prohibit possession of child porn. Those restrictions were dropped, however, when the law won approval.
>He says he’ll continue to campaign until child pornography is abolished in all forms.

>> No.13776695
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ty for protect children japan

>> No.13776748

>says the pedo on /jp/

>> No.13776784

You know, if Japan one day does indeed ban loli in manga form, I still have half a decade worth of Comic LO and other less glamorous loli magazines stashed on my harddrive. By the time I finished fapping to all of these, I might as well start again from the beginning because I already forgot most of it. Porn for a lifetime.

>> No.13776818

But there's no future for it...

>> No.13776959

Does this mean Jr. Idols are kill?

>> No.13776999

Difference is, while CP looks bad and doesn't even contribute to the market since it gets sold in shady ways, lolicon media has actually impact on the money they get.

>> No.13777003


Doubt it, given that it's not porn.

>> No.13777025

It'll be fascinating to see what this does to crime data, if anything.

>> No.13777040

I'll never understand how normies fail to foresee the consequences :
- pedos are busy fapping alone to their pictures without annoying any fucking one
- society removes their right to see their pictures
- society will be surprised that they can now only go and look for the real thing

>> No.13777074

He also hates anime in general, which is one of the reasons why the industry always unites to stonewall anti-loli stuff legislation/research, because it is a slippery-slope in a politically passive country like Japan. It's actually a trait lots of anti-lolicon campaigners have, they hate anime and manga and are using loli as a vehicle to attack the former.

>> No.13777097

People should log the stats since the law change like they've done for other countries and prove how absurd and damaging legislation implemented for "moral" reasons is.

>> No.13777262

Not /jp/

Fuck off

>> No.13777934


>> No.13778032
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