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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 378 KB, 1200x1721, LawsOfHRT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13762628 No.13762628 [Reply] [Original]

Is HRT still /jp/?
I haven't been here in years.

>> No.13762691


haha good for you, normalfag

>> No.13762712

Most of that stuff got banned when /jp/ became a "high-quality on-topic board" but the prison guards have been more relaxed lately.

I still wouldn't try it.

>> No.13762749

what a shame.
well obviously I don't. it's just a picture pendejo.

>> No.13762791

Go to the gay board for this shit. >>>/lgbt/

>> No.13762808

no bullying little girls

>> No.13762823

>well obviously I don't. it's just a picture pendejo.

I was talking to the character in the op. I am an esper, you know, and can communicate directly with fictional beings

I'm still not sure though, whether they exist and I just contact them, or whether I am the one giving them life when I attempt to make a connection, sorta like Yukari might do

>> No.13763219

What if I put my dick into your ass, would that grant you some clarity?

>> No.13763230

>Even a 42 year old man with a combover will always become a junior high-school idol

>> No.13763248

enema first, kudasai

>> No.13763275

Sure, as long as you do the cleaning.

>> No.13763276

I've tried a wig and crossdressing and it felt extremely good, like, I was jumping and laughing when I saw myself in the mirror.
My rational mind says I shouldn't even consider HRT because it's something dangerous, difficult, no guarantees of anything passable (even less so at my age) and there's no going back. However, I'm fooling myself with that reasoning, the only reason I don't do it is because I have a truckload of social anxiety and I can't even begin thinking about going to the doctor or saying I'm going to transition to anyone. I can't talk about this even with my online friends, I can only leave a message like this anonymously.
Frankly, I just want to kill myself, nothing is like it should be in my life and I don't see any way I could turn it around.

>> No.13763278

You're completely right. Crossdressing in private is (probably, I've never actually gotten to try it) fun as hell, but going for HRT over a fetish will fuck you up more than anything.

>> No.13763295

Dude, you should ask yourself whether you're actually feeling uncomfortable in you skin or if you just want somebody to accept you the way you are.
'Cause I think it's the latter, and the former won't help you with that.

>> No.13763308

i'm ftm and on hrt hi

>> No.13763386

Another reason why I find it really hard is that people think it's a fetish. Even if I would get more turned on by doing sexual things while crossdressing, doesn't that mean I just feel more comfortable in that gender role, sexually? Just because one bad doctor wrote up a bad theory long ago, that does not mean it's the truth.
But I don't do it as a fetish. I just feel happy in girl clothes, pretending I'm a girl. If I lived alone, I would crossdress all the time, I'd wear a victorian dress and a cute wig. I've thought about doing sexual things while crossdressing, but it does not feel right, I'd rather just look cute. I just want to be a girl. Another reason why I don't mention it to anyone is people might think, like you, that it's just a whim and I'm not serious, and I don't even know myself. The older I get the more it becomes just a statement, because you get more disadvantages like you are never going to be passable and you'll age quite badly. I don't want to blame myself for being very hesitant to put myself into a difficult situation for very maybe not enough returns.
I never knew you could transition when I was a teenager, it sucks, I only discovered in my late twenties (in fact, browsing /jp/ and the like, when people talked about "newhalf"), before I just enjoyed playing as girl characters in videogames. I even got into a mess pretending I was a girl in an online game when I was 14, but it was strangely addicting.
I often wish I had a cute girlfriend to just look at her and imagine I was her. I'd buy her clothes like if she was a doll, and pet her hair, and give her a lot of hugs. I think girls would find that disgusting though.

>> No.13763400

I'm male to male, on hrt for three years

never going to "transition", since I'm not a fucking normalfag to care

>> No.13763431

I'm interested, why do you do this and how?

>> No.13763433

male to male idgi
like your body doesn't produce testosterone or something

>> No.13763443


anti-androgens yo

you can buy this in internet pharmacies that don't require prescriptions(QHI, don't buy from inhousepharmacy, they sell fakes) like I did for the first year or so

but then aforementioned inhouse started selling me shit and it fucked me up
so I went to gender therapist, told him how things are(want to change my body not gender) and he was like
>OK, you do some psych tests, write me autobiography and then I give you prescriptions kek

and I've been on legal anti-androgens ever since
took me less then two weeks to do it officially, and in the end I didn't even write that autobiography

theoretically, he prescribes me both anti-androgens and estrogens, but I sometimes don't take the latter if I don't feel like it. it's not like they can control how much of what I take anyway.

>> No.13763555

I wanna be a little girl as much as the next guy, but hormone therapy is a tad too fucked up for me

>> No.13763562

have you not read your VNs?

you have to sacrifice something to get something else


>> No.13763672
File: 1.78 MB, 2660x2660, 1434541246440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I often wish I had a cute girlfriend to just look at her and imagine I was her. I'd buy her clothes like if she was a doll, and pet her hair, and give her a lot of hugs.
Wow, just tugging at all my heartstrings, aren't you?

>> No.13763853

you're trutrans as fuck

>> No.13764954

This is my thought process as well. I do really think I would be happier as a female but I think I'd prefer to be unhappy as a male than something inbetween.

>> No.13766830
File: 126 KB, 1280x720, 1430544188614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feelio when i want to be a real cute real girl not some half assed prancing twinky trannyman

>> No.13766859

>Umineko is the only VN I have ever read.

>> No.13766862

>I often wish I had a cute girlfriend to just look at her and imagine I was her. I'd buy her clothes like if she was a doll, and pet her hair, and give her a lot of hugs. I think girls would find that disgusting though.

You should try signing up on a dating site and post that you'll do this, see if anyone goes for it. Not necessarily to actually follow it up and do something with them, just to find out if there are people out there who are interested in that kind of thing.

>> No.13766865

Why is it called HRT? I don't understand that abbreviation.

>> No.13766877

Homos Raising Tits.

>> No.13766919

It isn't, but I don't care for the others

>> No.13767422

hrt makes you a cute girl

>> No.13767511

>If I lived alone, I would crossdress all the time, I'd wear a victorian dress and a cute wig.
Girls don't wear shit like that. You watch too much anime. You should go join those kigurumi faggots. The mask will even take care of your ugly face.

>> No.13767598

*normalfags don't

I had a girl, in my middle and high school who always dressed like that every day

>> No.13767605

Would you want to be her?

>> No.13767617
File: 142 KB, 530x700, ゆかたろ - いろいろつめあわせ④ (35481563) 11ページ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is wishful thinking. At best if softens your skin and gives you small or moderately sized breasts. But to look like a girl requires extensive reconstructive surgery and removal of lots of bone.

>> No.13767629
File: 141 KB, 601x583, 1337028652539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being lucky.

>> No.13767640

It depends on how early you start and what you begin with in the first place. In any case, natural girls also get surgery done to look cute.

>> No.13767648
File: 55 KB, 449x449, 1436399805318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose. But you are still going to look like huns.

>> No.13767668

I don't care about what others wear. That's what I feel like wearing in my house. What are you doing here, at the otaku culture board, with that mindset? (actually, I'm not interested in knowing)
And you get so angry at my post to go as far as insulting me. I admit it feels comforting to know there is someone out there with more issues than me.

PS: Don't bother replying to me, you won't have anything interesting to say anyway, lol

>> No.13767730

>you will never have a harem of mentally ill jpsie boys

>> No.13767748

I want to be part of that harem.

>> No.13767756
File: 1.33 MB, 1792x2544, t008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It pains me to know that the average anon in /jp/ is not pure of heart.

>> No.13767757
File: 2.08 MB, 400x225, 1384827547271.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ahem... slay the gay

>> No.13767809


>> No.13767819

That's fine, Umineko is the best one anyway.

>> No.13767946

get the fuck out

>> No.13768141
File: 754 KB, 1024x768, 1423603499786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

:the golf stick:
my murder weapon

:the dork golf ball:
