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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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13757598 No.13757598 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13757620

Don't bother with uni classes
They teach at a glacially slow pace and you'll be massively disappointed with your progress.
It took a whole year for our class to go through a textbook that could have easily be learned in about a month or two's time with dedicated studying

>> No.13757632

I did at Brigham Young University. The biggest issue with Brigham Young language is the LDS church has tens of thousands of foreign missionaries. They then put missionaries who return home from 2 years of living abroad directly into 3rd year classes. This way BYU gets to dominate foreign languages studies programs by artificially inflating the skills of its students.

This has the added bonus of forcing students who don't go on foreign missions to 'catch up' by learning in 2 years of 1 hour classes and homework everything someone living in the country for 2 years gets.

Pure bullshit. We used the same Japanese textbook and curriculum as Harvard's Japanese language program (the Asian languages dean at BYU was a Harvard graduate) only BYU goes twice as fast. Literally. Twice as fast as Harvard.

After failing Japanese 201 twice I left for Utah Valley University where I got straight A's in Japanese.

So if you're Mormon and you go to BYU take your foreign languages at UVU.

>> No.13757637

I took an intensive Japanese class at my university.
You had to go five days a week for classes only in Japanese plus two normal classes.
It was probably one of the most enjoyable classes I took and I made a bunch of friends because you are forced to socialize and I even established a harem of foreign chinese girls to study with.

The constant socialization and rigorous schedule conflicted with my shut-in ways though, and eventually depression and sloth overcame my determination and caused me to skip classes, eventually failing out of the second semester class and dropping out of university all together a year later.

Now I am back to the hikikomori NEET lifestyle and I wonder if it is ever possible to truly leave it.

>> No.13757643

At my uni we didn't even learn kanji until the second year.

With that said, self-study isn't for everyone.

I only really started learning Japanese once I moved there. And even now I'm not as good as kids fresh out of school from actually good programs. Makes me jealous.

>> No.13757677

Line one of blog.

Line two of blog.

Finally, line three of blog.

>> No.13757679


>> No.13762162

whats college?

>> No.13769090

I go to an Ivy League university and my classes were fantastic, and the structure really helped for the first year. I've tried to self-study some other languages before and I'm too ADD to motivate myself. After that, I studied abroad and that gave me the foundation to where I can learn on my own and actually remember it. I also have friends to use the language with

That said, most people finish however many years of university Japanese hardly able to speak. Immersion is necessary to get any real ability.

>> No.13769092

Not trying to act all superior I'm a filthy idol otaku and will probably end up a NEET despite my fancy credentials

>> No.13769592

Just curious but, how does an Ivy League student end up on 4chan's /jp/?
> implying anon is actually attends an Ivy League school.

>> No.13769819

You think everyone on 4chan is a loser or something anon?

>> No.13769827

I hope your next trick is to act irrationally angry towards everyone.

>> No.13769840

Nope I just post whatever I want on any board I want too.

>> No.13769845


>> No.13769851

>actually being this normal and giving a shit about ivy
i bet you go ``muh cars'' too.

consumerist/materialist rofl, i thought we learned these things were bad and lowlier and stupider than nigger shit when we were 13 you idiot

>> No.13769869

>Implying I'm an AmeriCUCK
Nice projection btw.

>> No.13769924

I took intensive Japanese over the summer at a local college, something like >>13757637

That class was super helpful. Having an actual Japanese person coach you on pronunciation and force you to answer questions in Japanese and stuff really improves your speaking ability. But those classes aren't going to help you read a VN. Self-study will be way faster for kanji and vocabulary. Also it will be full of surface level weeaboo kids, at least at first. As classes get harder, more and more weebs with low power levels drop out.

After that I went to a Japanese university for 4.5 years. They made me take tons of Japanese classes. Some were useful, some weren't. At a certain point classes won't do much for you anymore. However as a foundation for actually speaking to people they are very important.

>> No.13769928


also, they force you to have a PERFECT HANDWRITING to the point of making a fuss if you write from the wrong direction or with a wrong hand

>> No.13775363

I actually had a positive experience with my Japanese classes up until 400 level. I was a Japanese major (yeah, I'm an idiot). Now I use my bachelor's degree to read visual novels while I look for unrelated work and try to get into nursing school.

>> No.13775383

Most of the kanji they had me learning in 400 level were not particularly useful. One of the words they had me learn to write was 電磁波 which means electromagnetic waves. A Japanese friend told me he had never written that word in his life.

>> No.13775399


>> No.13775511

I mean nowadays people hardly write anything in any language by hand. It's important to know how to read words like that though.

>> No.13775547
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Nice. I'm a Harvard dropout who is now just a NEET playing video games and browsing /jp/ all day while my parents constantly express their disappoint in me. I could post proof with my school ID and such but I doubt anybody would believe me even if I did.

I'll probably have to go back to school at some point.
