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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 776 KB, 1280x720, tsuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13757583 No.13757583 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>13736601

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.13757923

Im playing PxC 2. Im looking forward to any eroge with nameable protagonist. Finished PxC 1.

>> No.13757924
File: 519 KB, 1024x1152, 1358324300490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been reading DI at a very slow pace, only touching it every few days. Kei route was full of boring fighting but Marie route seems pretty good so far.

Have some chachamaru

>> No.13757931
File: 455 KB, 1296x758, kurano kunchi no futago jijou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go

>> No.13757935

Was Tsuki 2: Crossdressing Boogaloo as good as the first? I'd be interested in the imouto route but I feel like the other girls might just end up being filler.

Then again that's sorta what happened with the first so I'm probably answering my own question here. Still, Luna and Ursula routes were great, and Asahi was a surprisingly likeable protagonist.

>> No.13757938

>Read that name as のぐら
I'm convinced I have dyslexia, but only in Japanese

>> No.13757941
File: 149 KB, 640x480, それは舞い散る桜のように_2015-07-06_37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing Comyu. It's alright so far. Compared to RuiTomo the plot is more interesting, but I'm liking the main character a lot less than I liked Tomo.

Also playing Sorechiru. As someone whose favorite VN is OreTsuba, this game is fantastic. I hear the individual routes get pretty bad, but I'm still on the common route and loving it.

>> No.13757946

Shame you are missing on Maito's voice, it's pretty great for his rants.

>> No.13757965


>> No.13757971

Is he voiced in the Complete Edition? I tried to install it, but it kept asking me for the master disk or something.

I kind of like having him unvoiced though. I ended up turning off the male MC voices in OreTsuba After Story because I just couldn't get used to them.

>> No.13757987

Holy crap, is that Aoi Nishimata?

>> No.13757998

Do EGS scores tend to be accurate for less popular games?

>> No.13757999

Ahhh, looks like Hiro's back on staff at Navel. I knew it looked like Navel and was a bit surprised that that would be Nishimata's work.

>> No.13758008
File: 1.39 MB, 1600x900, y-you too.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've just cleared my first route, I went for Azusa.
Picked based more or less entirely on her adorable design.
She gets much cuter as the route goes on too, that alone merits giving it a go in my opinion.
Also she gets abit less rude, which was a bonus.

This is my first Cation game and the quantity of H-Scenes seems a little overblown, at least more than I'm used to and I do read a fair amount of moege, would've preferred more icha or something at least.

>> No.13758028

I don't know how you're supposed to tell whether a subjective score is accurate or not.

>> No.13758030

No. Scores rarely are as people tend to enjoy things for very different reasons and it's hard to put VNs in any kind of objective scale.

I'd say it's even worse for less known titles than for popular ones as you can usually get some kind of idea about the kind of games something is, even if scores are mostly worthless, but for less popular ones you rarely get even that and occasionally the reviews make a game seem completely different from what it actually is.

Scores are mostly worthless in reviews anyway, which is why I'd recommend you to give a game you're interested in a shot. You're probably going to pirate it anyway so it's not like you'll lose something by forming your own opinion.

>> No.13758049

Because I assume most of the time they rate on the most important parts of a VN: pacing, good heroine routes, etc.

You're right but I'm lazy as fuck and it takes a while to get into a VN.

>> No.13758092

>Because I assume most of the time they rate on the most important parts of a VN: pacing, good heroine routes, etc.

Most of the time japs don't seem to care. It's hard to say what is good in any of those anyway. Some people like a lot faster games, others prefer long, drawn out stories; some like certain things (like character drama), others absolutely hate them and so on. Some people absolutely hate what you like and someone loves the things you don't like.

All scores are 100% subjective and will never be that useful in telling if you'd like something or not.

>> No.13758114

I remember quite some threads ago some anon shared his method of appraising scores.
Basically a painstaking method of looking for people with similar scores and weeding out the ones who vary too much.
I know scores are very subjective but if you can find some 'kindred spirits' who share your tastes it helps.
Nobody has the time to spend afew hours trying every VN they might be into.

>> No.13758130
File: 31 KB, 283x400, CJnSZhwUkAApVVR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like this image confirms the heroines for Lose's next game.

>> No.13758136

That works only if the game you're looking at has been played by someone like that and they have enough reviews that you can tell their tastes. It's fine if you want to know if you should play big, popular games but for anything else it doesn't do shit.

You'll probably know if you like the game couple of hours in anyway, which is about the time it tends to take for me to read enough reviews to learn bunch of people's tastes.

>> No.13758217

LxC 2 has the most ammount of ichaicha, the first one is kind of held back by drama.

PxC 2 will have less appends than the others.

>> No.13758279

LxC 2 is somewhere in my backlog too I believe.
Considering I am rather enjoying PxC 2 I reckon I'll get round to it sometime soon.
I'm actually going to miss the e-mote system once I finish this though, really has enhanced the game well.

>> No.13758316

Official announcement can't be far away.

>> No.13758374

I'm salty that that front bitch is so popular, she looks bland as fuck.

>> No.13758418

Could somebody post one of these recommendation pictures?

>> No.13758423

Why do you care when you can't read them anyway?

>> No.13758432

The blonde is much worse

>> No.13758442

Black hair + red eyes is a tried and true combo.

>> No.13758450

Why? Because she looks less like a toddler?

>> No.13758459

She's just more bland-looking. The twin-tailed loli and the silver onee-san were the best girls.

>> No.13758474

B-But she has a uniform!
We know you moebuta love this!

>> No.13758476
File: 358 KB, 656x539, shoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm read shoin, so far it doesn't make sense at all but I'm not really far in and that's why I'm reading it in the first place.

>> No.13758496

Lose's fanbase is one of the worst anyway.

>> No.13758523

It'd be nice to know their fucking names. I'm guessing 124 name is "Hachi" though, just based on the filenames of her original images.

Fucking Lose. By the next game all their heroines are going to be average high school girls.

>> No.13758549

That's racist.

>> No.13758554

It seems I can safely stop caring about Lose.

>> No.13758559

I think I've seen this discussion before, so I won't engage in it beyond saying racism is not the word you're looking for.

>> No.13758565

where is the thread for translated visual novels?

>> No.13758574

/vg/ has one and then there is the translation status thread on /jp/.

>> No.13758580

Can anyone suggest me some games which have drama about the "protagonist", not heroines? I'd like to play with a protag who has a tragic past or have kinda depressing aura, but not hetare.

The closest example I can think of is もっと 姉、ちゃんとしようよっ's protag, he was blaming himself for their mother's dead and was making wall between himself and all heroines. Something like that would be great. In short I'm searching for protagonists which makes wall between himself and heroines at least until the heroine routes.

>> No.13758581


>> No.13758583

Muramasa, G-Senjou, Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm off the top of my head

>> No.13758592

Conboku, especially towards Saki and her route is all about him.

>> No.13758660

Muramasa's Kageaki fits your description to a T.
Also Haruka ni Aogi's protagonist in most routes. Especially Miyabi and Misaki's are more about the drama surrounding the protagonist rather than the heroines themselves.

>> No.13758755

It's better and more in line with the thematic of the prologue

>> No.13759055

Can anyone recommend a VN with a girl in the swimming club? I'm going through this list but any recommendations would be nice.

>> No.13759087


>> No.13759103

I just realized I still haven't finished one route in 星織ユメミライ. Talk about game of a life time...

>> No.13759123

It's very, very long indeed. Marika and Rikka ended up being the only 2 routes I played because they're the only ones I was willing to read that long for.

>> No.13759154

Don't worry anon, I'm sure your grandchildern will finsh it for you. Or they would, if you had any.

>> No.13759202

Don't worry, Rikka was the best route anyway.

>> No.13759205

Try Natsu no Ame.

>> No.13759213

Rikka was my favorite girl but Marika's route went the full mile with the wedding and having a kid. Rikka's felt lacking in comparison.

>> No.13759217

I will probably pass on this on account of not owning a PS2 but thanks.
That game looks pretty good, but the VNDB description gave off a pretty awkward impression. I'll keep it in mind.

>> No.13759238

Since when is owning a PS2 a requirement for playing PS2 games? There's a PSP version as well so you could even play it on a smartphone if you want.

>> No.13759262

Not like I can put my legally purchased PS2 Amagi game disk into my PC or smartphone.

>> No.13759268

You can, however, create a dump of your legal game disk and run it on a PS2 emulator of your choice.

>> No.13759274

Uh, yes you can? PCSX2 has supported DVD loading forever. Ripping the ISO is better anyway, though.

>> No.13759293

I meant that my disc drive is broken, and that smartphones don't even have disc drives.

>> No.13759304

USB DVD-disc drives are pretty cheap nowadays, it's what I use on my optical drive-less laptop.
Or since you own a legal copy you can simply download one of the myriad of ISOs of this game online.

>> No.13759308

So buy a used DVD drive for like $5? If you're willing to buy VNs that should be no hardship and you need a DVD drive to install them anyway. If you aren't, just pirate the damn thing like anything else.

>> No.13759310

>usb dvd disk
Wow, modern technology is amazing.

>> No.13759368

Yeah but at least the sprites of LxC 2 blinks and they have very fluid sprite changes. Like a character has like up to three sprite changes during their dialogue.

Not emote levels but enough to enhance the experience.

>> No.13759564

I also liked Rikka a lot at first but Marika's route just won me over.

>> No.13760137

Has anyone tried Euphoria?
Is it as good as people make it sound? I saw some sites bringing it up as something comparable to 終の空, so I'm a bit interested.

>> No.13760401

It's okay. There's quite a bit of actual plot in there too so it's hard to call it a nukige, but I couldn't really recommend the game to most people due to abundance of fucked up H-scenes unless they're already into that kind of shit or just want a dose of "why the fuck am I playing this".
Rinne's route is probably what the people were talking about and it's the only one of the optional routes I'd recommend doing if one just wants to get through the plot bits as it's pretty great, a lot better than Rika or the teacher's routes that don't really add any major stuff and have stupid endings. Though they were probably referring to events and that sort of thing rather than writing style or denpa.

>> No.13760411

How fucked up are we talking?

>> No.13760437

Rape, bondage, tickling, ahegao, electrocution, enema, fisting, diaper, scat, putting various things that shouldn't go into ass in ass, guro (mostly reserved for bad endings), cementing people and various other kinks. Though majority of it is just regular rape.

>> No.13760455
File: 913 KB, 500x375, 1380378911020.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>diaper, scat

>> No.13760850

Quick, I need eroge with super hetare protagonist! He must stay hetare until the end.

>> No.13760870
File: 142 KB, 1213x184, hetare autist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hetare autist is that you?

>> No.13761136
File: 241 KB, 600x600, 1335914023223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My face when end of Kasumi route

>> No.13761238
File: 100 KB, 640x480, a74a4845347b2c68ec9ffb5f03137343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished shoin, it was an interesting read, didn't see some of the stuff coming at all.
The one thing I didn't really get was who did he give the hair ornament to? The silhouette looks like Misa, which is impossible so it was probably Yukari, but then it's Hinata the one who usually 'finds' it, but I guess Yukari is the one giving it to her, since the title screen has it on her table.

>> No.13761721

When something is tagged with mindfuck on vndb it usually deserves it.

>> No.13761751

Dont know until the end because i hated the protag too much to continue but Hatsukoi 1/1 should be good for you.

If the company apologizes how shitty he was the your on something.

>> No.13761757

He's absolutely likeable in Kyou's route, especially once you reach the timeskip.
MIdori's route on the other hand, damn that was a piece of shit, I didn't even bother to touch Runa because I heard it was even worse in that regard.

>> No.13762061

Very nice.

>> No.13762362

Thanks, I went and tried it but you were right. It wasn't really that great. It wasn't as fucked up as I thought it might be, and the story was just kinda "pretty ok for a nukige" level and the writing was uninspirational. Why the fuck are these people comparing it to 終の空 I don't understand.

>> No.13762391

In the psp version of Himawari, I read the MC is voiced by Soichiro Hoshi, bu is he voiced in special scenes or something? Because I wanted to re read it and I get no voice from him.

>> No.13762398

Are you a gay?

>> No.13762570

He is voiced in the PS2 version only.
Or in the upcoming Vita version

>> No.13762599 [DELETED] 

Blaster is overrated.

>> No.13762896

Thanks, even managed to find it (hopefully it's the actual thing).

>> No.13763870
File: 574 KB, 659x542, 32r2r34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a nice room. I should also try and get a poster of Shusaku hanging in mine.

>> No.13763886
File: 464 KB, 659x543, 34643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I really like how straightforward this guy is.

>> No.13763919

Quite an oldie.

>> No.13764070
File: 122 KB, 1280x720, LOVEREC._2015-07-10_23-16-23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished LOVEREC, the ending twist is kind of overused but it was nice overall. It felt more like a HoneyComb work, though. Still, I loved Miyuki so much.
(Actual spoiler, no surprise box) - So all ero-scenes occurred in their dreams, even the harem route. So they're all virgins and never fucked in reality? That's kind of sad.

>> No.13764104

What the fuck, Seriously that sounds too dumb. Is there a proper reason for that?

>> No.13764106
File: 129 KB, 642x402, 01893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to say, I actually like the look of the PC98 original better, but I'm not going to bother with Japanese-made emulators if I can help it.

>> No.13764111

Haha I totally know what you mean. I have 5 different PC98 emulators installed and each is a clusterfuck.

>> No.13764113

Yeah, that looks a bit more shoujo-ish.

My first impression with Ai Shimai was the OVA so I'm fine with the Windows version designs.

>> No.13764121

Yeah well, most of the story occurs in a dream world because the MC was in some kind of coma after almost drowning in a lake. The thing is that their dreams are connected so they're actually having the same dream together when they are all sleeping at the same time, and when they wake up they remember everything, so it's not that big of a deal. But still.

>> No.13764135

I see, I thought that only sex scenes are in the dream , if its like that I guess thats acceptable.

>> No.13764144

That's just silly.

>> No.13764588

Thanks mate, uninstalled from my backlog. That's exactly like Natsuyume Nagisa and I hate that ending so much.

>> No.13764609

I didnt play Loverec yet but to be honest I dont think it'd be that hard at all. It feels more like Hapymaher, or most likely even softer than it.

>> No.13764846 [DELETED] 


>> No.13765132

I played through Chiho's route and couldn't bring myself to choose someone else's route so I had no idea.

>> No.13765150

It's revealed in Hitomi's route, which is kind of a true end and is unlocked after you finish Chiho, Miyuki and Nori. But if you weren't very engaged in it to begin with you didn't miss much. Miyuki's route was more focused in actual movie making, though.

>> No.13765160
File: 245 KB, 1296x778, impure slut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13765237


>> No.13765694

>It feels more like Hapymaher

Thanks for the major spoiler asshole.

>> No.13765971


>> No.13765972


I'll just pretend Nori end is the only end, thanks. Best girl, etc.

>> No.13766008

>all this shit

Good games when

>> No.13766010

Who are you quoting?

>> No.13766013

Sorcery Jokers and CM3D2 look goof

>> No.13766017

X fuckin D

>> No.13766058

Kill yourself.

>> No.13766082

Okay, so Lose is now doing 2nd round of clothes voting. http://www.lose.jp/wp/imp
Seems like it never gonna stop. New way to market their game?

>> No.13766097

holy shit why are there so many options

>> No.13766098

Kill yourself.

>> No.13766103

Nigga this is a fraction of the previous options

>> No.13766115

Yeah, it's less that before. These are probably the finals. Seems like SS軍装 didn't make it. Some people from here previously voted for it, I think.

Also you can see the names of the girls on their swimsuits now.

>> No.13766120

It made it for some of them.

>> No.13766121

It's probably not even a 10th of what they were before

>> No.13766127

My bad, I didn't check all of them. Thought the choices would be the same for all of them.

>> No.13766151

It made it for main heroine. Voted for SS uniform for her again, hope we will get h-scene with it.

>> No.13766155

At this pace I'll end up consuming my entire backlog.

>> No.13766163

Isn't that a good thing?

>> No.13766170

Femdom or normal?

>> No.13766175

If we get that uniform it better be femdom

Otherwise what's the point

>> No.13766190

>Sorcery Joker
>Maboroshi no Dystopia
>Shinku FD
>Imouto no Seeiki

Best month?

>> No.13766201

>Maboroshi no Dystopia
The setting sounds interesting but looking at the character pages indeed the MC sounds like an asshole.

>> No.13766204

>MC sounds like an asshole
Do you want another yasashii MC or something?

>> No.13766206

No. Are those the only two options you have in your head?

>> No.13766234

>Imouto no Seiiki

What? This game is cancelled because the main heroine VA got sick right?

>> No.13766237

Nah nigger, they just changed the VA.

>> No.13766241

They got a new one, Akino Hana.

>> No.13766246

That was fast. I thought recording would take much longer.

>> No.13766249

Am I the only one who can't get enough of Hetare MC's? I just feel like I connect with them better than larger than life, "alpha" MC's. I also prefer their tendency to live a simple life without all the bullshit that happens around.

>> No.13766255

Hetare autist, please die already.

>> No.13766256

fuck lantis

>> No.13766259


>> No.13766265

My only problem with some alpha MCs is how high the gary stu levels get.

>> No.13766266

do you think she really sick?
im calling bullshit

>> No.13766270

I also thought that they were going to postpone it, but they didn't. I hope they aren't overworking themselves. They haven't released the OP movie yet, they might be on a tight schedule.

>> No.13766271

New tigre game, but not kinugasa? But kinda relevant to remi? Seems like worth trying, but hope is low.

>> No.13766283

If he's not nice or a jerk, then what is he supposed to be?

inb4 human bean.

>> No.13766294

I'm not even him, but I'm apparently championing his cause now.

Not to say hetares can't have Gary Stu moments as well (they do.), but they're a lot more down to earth about it which is less irritable. Nobody likes a braggart which a lot of "alphas" tend to be.

>> No.13766297

Yes, yes you are.

A lot of the time they end up coming across as too much of an asshole for my tastes.

>> No.13766312

Is hetare the /jp/'s dream?

>> No.13766317


>> No.13766318

Who names a character まくら?

>> No.13766322

A perfect harmonic existence.

Never bother anyone but never hurt anyone either.

He just is.

>> No.13766324

It's a hint about what she's good for.

>> No.13766327
File: 13 KB, 165x102, soft pillow.JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it fits though

>> No.13766342

Who names a character 8620?

>> No.13766346

>never hurt anyone either.
Do you actually read eroge or are you here just to shitpost? Or maybe you're the type that just skips through half the game.

>> No.13766348

What kind of art /jp/ consider as above average? I keep hearing people complain about Key's art being bad eventhough I consider it above average.

>> No.13766352

I don't play much moege but the ones I play feature guys who never actively hurt anyone, at best it's a misunderstanding.

>> No.13766357

>What kind of art /jp/ consider as above average?

Kurehito Misaki, G Yuusuke, Bekkankou (muh sameface) etc.

>> No.13766360

As if hurting people "passively" is now a good thing.

>> No.13766362
File: 573 KB, 1280x960, JNR-8620a.JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13766365

I'm gonna fuck that train

>> No.13766371

I hope its nickname because she's train ota or something, instead of actual anthropomorphic loli-train.

>> No.13766372

/jp/ is sfw board faggot

>> No.13766376

>anthropomorphic loli-train

That would be retarded.

>> No.13766379

>actual anthropomorphic loli-train
That sounds pretty great, not gonna lie.

>> No.13766380

We already have warships.

>> No.13766382

If she's literally a train I may actually play the game.

>> No.13766386


>> No.13766407

If you can't help it, yeah.

It's not a good thing, but it's not a bad thing either.

>> No.13766430
File: 106 KB, 780x551, 1432945253251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bekkankou (muh sameface)
But it's not sameface anymore!

>> No.13766436

Yeah, I know. It's still pretty similar though. And I kinda like the original more. Maybe the new one will grow on me as I play the VN.

>> No.13766458

She went from Feena to something a bit more different, the change is welcome.

>> No.13766463

It's not a dream, but the reality.

>> No.13766467

Hetare is love!

Hetare is life!

>> No.13766480

Underrated artist.

>> No.13766492
File: 618 KB, 1280x720, d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He certainly got a lot better over the years, if you check out the progress with August games.

His characters look good when facing the viewer, but from a profile they end up weird, like Tamamo here.

>> No.13766494

The problem is that usually it's not that he couldn't do anything but that he doesn't. The general attitude of a hetare protagonist is incredibly selfish, at least in my eyes.

>> No.13766500

It's a trolley thought experiment.

Rather than saving 3 or saving 1, I leave it to their fate. That's what it means to be hetare.

>> No.13766511

>Rather than saving 3 or saving 1, I leave it to their fate

Coward is not hetare.

>> No.13766512

I wouldn't call them selfish so much as they like being neutral. Not good, not evil. Just doesn't want to take sides on anything. Period.

>> No.13766515

...lotsa hetare are cowards or used to be cowards until half their routes in.

>> No.13766527

It tends to be less wilful neutrality and more unwillingness to take the initiative to commit to either while letting someone else make that decision for you.

>> No.13766537

Reluctant hero is not the same thing as hetare.

>> No.13766542

Not discounting the fact about their tendency to be influenced easily, but at the start they don't have strong feelings for a particular side or person unless something dramatic happens.

>> No.13766545

A lot of hetare tend to be reluctant heroes though.

>> No.13766574

I honestly think we're thinking of different archetype.

Hetare means good-for-nothing. It's not an unwilling hero but a cowardly or useless one. A reluctant hero would be someone who doubts himself but does the right thing despite that, while hetare is someone who may know what the right thing to do is but doesn't follow up on it. Hetare is not the guy who doesn't want to get involved, he's the guy who can't take the opportunity or make the decision.

>> No.13766576

Mean to be for >>13766545

>> No.13766581
File: 776 KB, 2932x2248, Kiha07-41JNR.JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

114cm has キハ07 written on her shorts too.

>> No.13766583

Who's to say you can't have traits of both with hetare being the dominant one? The two often overlap each other usually as vehicles for character development. Particularly true in fantasy settings.

>> No.13766586

I'm gonna fuck that train too

>> No.13766617

have somebody tried the trial for ソーサリージョーカーズ? it seems interesting.

>> No.13766652

Remember to vote for SS uniforms and spats.

>> No.13766659

In a character you could. The thing is, we're talking about archetypes instead of actual characters and especially in a medium like VNs where the archetype applies outside adventure stories. >>13766512 doesn't even describes hetare as much as it does part of a typical hero's journey. Hell, even >>13766542 is kind of a miss. Neither of them are traits that are associated with hetare archetype in particular. A hetare character wouldn't necessarily have either of these traits and actually most outside certain kinds of stories don't.

>> No.13766802

> One month ago, one of his childhood friends, Korobu, had slipped like her usual klutzy self and died in an accident
> Korobu
> slipped like her usual klutzy self and died in an accident
Japan, plz.

>> No.13766827

What's a good VN to start with?
Planning on going with 蒼の彼方のフォーリズム and できない私が、くり返す

>> No.13766833

相州戦神館學園 八命陣
天ツ風 ~傀儡陣風帖~

>> No.13766864

Go with something that interest you.

>> No.13766866

What, you mean first visual novel in Japanese? Read whatever you want, though I recommend a nukige you like just so you don't kill yourself.

>> No.13766868

Am I the only one who thinks the left looks better? The lineart makes it pop out more while the right is boring as fuck to look at.

>> No.13766883

The left is literally all their games with a new dress.

>> No.13766887

And the right is literally every moege ever.

>> No.13766898

It's not like sameface is that big of a deal considering the vast majority of their character is brought forth from the writing. Not to mention most anime faces look pretty similar anyway.

>> No.13766981

takayama kisai?

>> No.13767162

>Due to sheer desperation one of them saw their daughter playing pretty pretty princess and thought she would make a great prototype for an erotic game. Unfortunately this was apparently without snorting their preferred magical pixie dust of creativity so the thought process ended there. All of which means we have something that amounts to a generic high school romance with a fairytale skin and some awkward fake emo jammed so far up your chimney no fairy godmother will save you.


>> No.13767172

I don't really mind "average" work, but when something has small elements that stand out positively I tend to favor it. It could still be very much quite average when it comes to the style.

Key (Itaru Hinoue in particular, but Na-Ga as well) just feels like the facial proportions are awkward most of the time so I end up disliking them. The only one I found nice from Key was CO2A/Komatsu Eiji.

Examples of what I find nice, in no particular order, would be artists like

Misaki Kurehito
Komori Kei
Takeya Masami
Gentle Sasaki
Noizi Itou
Ooishi Ryuuko

among a lot of others. It's probably rarer that I end up disliking art though, like in the case of Itaru and personally, Ishikawa Saasha.

>> No.13767181

> caring about green
What's wrong with you?

>> No.13767187

Kantoku (Cube)
Izumi Tsubasu (Palette)
Hontani Kanae ( SAGAP)

>Key (Itaru Hinoue in particular, but Na-Ga as well) just feels like the facial proportions are awkward most of the time so I end up disliking them

I know right? The eyes are really weird.

>> No.13767204

Green is the only part I read, unless a game actually looks interesting.
I was just about to mention Kantoku, he does some of the best girls.

>> No.13767210

>Green is the only part I read

Explain yourself.

>> No.13767211
File: 527 KB, 800x598, dies44.PNG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kei's isn't much better in terms of closure. Better than 'everyone other than main girl dead or in coma' though, I guess.

>> No.13767221

Not that anon, but green is hilarious. Blue just gives a description of the game.

>> No.13767226

Not that anon but there are better places for releases, but the green is occasionally amusing.

>> No.13767236

It's hard to believe that you two aren't the same person.

>> No.13767240 [SPOILER] 
File: 1005 KB, 245x130, 1436800306840.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kei route was full of boring fighting

>> No.13767265
File: 115 KB, 1920x973, It doesn't really matter but.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13767308

I know, I'm not expecting much from the rest either.

But I feel obligated to finish it due to all the hype and at least the the voiced protag makes it tolerable.

>> No.13767313

Why are you reading a chuuni battle VN if you find said battles boring?

>> No.13767316
File: 238 KB, 1920x996, top kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not doubting you at all, but that doesn't prove anything. (pic related)

>> No.13767327

I heard the story was pretty good.

And overall I still find it to be enjoyable enough to be an 8/10. I'd rather be reading it than the moege of the month.

>> No.13767368 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.14 MB, 798x599, 1436802642146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My guess is you somehow skipped Chapter 13, read it machine-translated or not read it at all. Or are simply dead inside to chuuni hype, which means DI probably wasn't for you in the first place.

>> No.13767532

>My guess is you somehow skipped Chapter 13, read it machine-translated or not read it at all
Epic meme bro, yeah anyone with different tastes than you must be using a machine translator.

>> No.13767540

>Or are simply dead inside to chuuni hype

>> No.13767543

You shouldn't be accusing people of machine translating to begin with. This thread doesn't need that.

>> No.13767545

Same as other anons. I like the green guy the most. Blue sounds like whats wrong with the VN fanbase.

>> No.13767548

What thread does need that?

>> No.13767575
File: 316 KB, 1200x1889, 043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watanabe Akio and Kuuchuu Yousai.

>> No.13767615
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>> No.13767954

That man seriously needs more work

>> No.13768436

RIP Clochette

>> No.13768441


>> No.13768449
File: 655 KB, 1280x720, naka no hito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm reading naka no hito nado inai, it's funny so far, hopefully I won't get tired of the comedy since I really need a light title right now.

>> No.13768454

Didn't they change the artist recently?

>> No.13768460

For their next game, I think they said they are working on another project aside from that?
Could swear I read it somewhere.

>> No.13768502

They hired a new artist, but that doesn't mean they fired the old ones. According to the artist's twitter, s/he is still working for them.

>> No.13768512

I want to think he's a guy.

>> No.13768514

I hope their new title flops.

>> No.13768516

I think Oshiki Hitoshi is working on something else, which is why they use another artist for the game. Sesena Yau worked on Prism Recollection couple of years ago so it's not like it's the first time they've used him.

>> No.13768524

>Sesena Yau worked on Prism Recollection
Guess that's why I thought the art was off compared to suzunone/kamikaze/sakigake.

>> No.13768526

Prism Recollection was an artist called Shintarou, actually. I think he's done some work for Front Wing too.

>> No.13768533

At least they tried to emulate his style, I guess. Still didn't look completely the same.

The new art is a pile of irredeemable shit.

>> No.13768534

Sesena was also credited. I'm under the impression Shintarou was the primary artist but they brought Sesena Yau in to do something.

>> No.13768556

Oshiki Hitoshi has been doing every other Cholette game. Kamipani, Amatsu and Prism were Shintarou's work and now they're using Sesena Yau who worked with Shintarou on Prism for Koko Kara Natsu.

>> No.13768561


>> No.13768565

If you had typed chochette it would properly reflect the spirit of the company.

>> No.13768643

That'd be great if there wasn't actually people here doing that.

>> No.13768742

If there are two protagonists in Sorcery Jokers, will they each get their own girls to fuck?

>> No.13768744

If gensou no idea is anything to go by, yes.

>> No.13768747

More importantly, will the protagonists fuck each other?

>> No.13768750

The world of eroge is not ready for that, as reminiscence proved.

>> No.13768752

What? I thought people were complaining about the the scene having no CG.

>> No.13768859

Nukige often isn't that easy to read since it's intended to mature audiences and often has some dark elements. Moege are much easier to read since the situations are very mundane and the writing is very light.

>> No.13769682

All Japanese is equally easy to read, with some novels deviating from the norm and therefore being harder. Therefore, I recommended Nukige because they are generally shorter and have constant H-Scenes which serve as rewards for reading bits of SOL. Obviously, something from Dark Lilith would be fairly hard to read, while random nukige are pretty short and have no problems.

>> No.13769719

>All Japanese is equally easy to read
I wouldn't go as far as to say that.
There's a big jump in difficulty from your average moege to something plot-focused and info-dump heavy.

>> No.13769734

I don't really think so. If anything, plot-focused things are easier. Often, the hardest part of reading Japanese is deciphering slang and slurs, so to speak. Emotional, non-natural ways of writing. Those are all over the place in anything, including moege, while plot-focused things tend to have more clear and grammatical writing. It'd be more tedious to go through due to vocabulary but not harder.

tl;dr: Grammar is far much more of a problem than vocabulary in terms of difficulty for beginners, so a moege and a plot-focused thing wouldn't be too different in difficulty.

>> No.13769867

I can't believe I just read a decent post about that matter on this thread. Because I can't even believe there's still decent posts on this thread.

>> No.13769890

That's because you didn't.

>> No.13770001 [DELETED] 

>Grammar is far much more of a problem than vocabulary in terms of difficulty for beginners
I don't remember ever having trouble with grammar. Once you study it and practice, you're set. It's like learning to ride a bike. But vocabulary is constant trouble and learning. Even in my own native language I keep learning and forgetting words.

>> No.13770157

Someone kind enough to recommend a good eroge that deal with break-up? I can't find the tag for it.

>> No.13770197

why did you delete?

>> No.13770221

The osananajimi route in Hatsukoi 1/1 deals with that. It's pretty shitty though.

>> No.13770335


>> No.13770361 [DELETED] 


>> No.13770398

Are you lost?

>> No.13770424

Are you?

>> No.13770686

>All Japanese is equally easy to read

You definitely have no idea what are you talking about.

>> No.13770766

Can't you just read in between the lines?
>All Japanese intended for Japanese adult natives to consume is of roughly equal difficulty considering that standards in language have arisen with globalization. As stated an exception to this is when works intentionally deviate from said norm, however since most works are just standard Japanese intended for normal people to read it the majority of works are of roughly equivalent difficulty.
1% of novels are Finnegans Wake which are abnormally hard due to intentionally fucking with the language (or intentionally using outdated/obscure bits of language), 10% are children's books which are "easier" given that they contain less content and simpler ideas, and 89% are stuff like Dean Koontz or Stephen King or whatever that are pretty much the same difficulty.

>> No.13770774

>Blue sounds like whats wrong with the VN fanbase.

You mean actually enjoying the medium and what it offers instead of bitching and moaning about "generic this and that?"

>> No.13770793

Neither of them have any taste. Blue will gobble down anything with a little sister in it and green hates everything.

>> No.13770803

Still, Blue seems like he genuinely likes the medium while Green just reeks of pseudo elitism. At least the former knows what he wants in his eroge.

>> No.13770812 [DELETED] 

>Blue will gobble down anything with a little sister in it and green hates everything.

Not really. His impression is actually pretty useful and he don't eat everything.

>> No.13770822

They're both fun to read and it's nice to see both opposite opinions to form yours.

>> No.13770833

Eh, just as people get tired of constant 10/10 reviews, I got tired of Green's "ironic" ranting. If those posts of his are his real feelings, then he should just keep playing FSN or whatever ad nauseaum.

>> No.13770897

I don't think I should ask about this over here but anyway I heard that Visual art's has a online store that sells items for their game brand like key that you can purchase and import it? Have anyone heard about the site?

>> No.13770947

If you actually read the link you posted and followed a few links you'd get to the store pages easily.

>> No.13770988

Unfortunately those links at the bottom of the wikipedia page are not the site that I am referring to.

>> No.13771015

The medium has been crap for quite a while reflected on the decline on sales.

At least green guy criticism contributes something instead of blue supporting the decline of the medium.

Green even goes as far as explaining what his problem is instead of blue muh imoutos and muh lolis.

>> No.13771032

>"muh industry"
>"muh sales"

Do you even read what you type?

>> No.13771095

I hope all titles flop except the ones written by writers who actually try

>> No.13771109

I'm always curious which ones green actually thinks aren't shit. I look at the bottom to see what he has as his top 3 (if any) and only read his entries for those.

>> No.13771127 [DELETED] 

How do people usually purchase things from these sort of sites and import it? By using a third party like tenso?

>> No.13771141

Yes. The industry will fare better when quality increase wich is only with criticism which blue dont care as long as he has imoutos and lolis.

>> No.13771147

And green does criticism for the sake of criticism about completely retarded things and then reads fucking da capo.
That's even worse.

>> No.13771155

I'm sure eroge writers all over Japan eagerly read over all of green's criticisms every month and are doing their best to take his extremely well thought out and in-depth advice to heart.

>> No.13771633

Please excuse me for posting this here, but the VNTS thread is almost dead.

I'm looking for a version of Fate Stay Night with an English translation, as well as whatever other patches I should have, but I don't know which one to get on Nyaa. Is this one okay? http://sukebei.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=12070
I've never played the game before to my shame and want the most authentic experience, so I wasn't sure if I should get the all ages one or the r18 one.

>> No.13771657

You may want to google and look around a bit for answers as I doubt anyone here has had anything to do with the game for years.

As for authenticity of the experience, I remember the translation being kind of awful for F/SN, but I guess it'll do.

>> No.13771670

>I doubt anyone here has had anything to do with the game for years.
I know, I'm sorry for bringing it up.

I assume I would want the R18 version, though, right? I can probably find an English patch easily enough, I just need to have an idea of which version of the game to download.

>> No.13771672

Type-Moon games are kind of notorious for bad english translations. F/SN and Tsukihime aren't that great and the team translating Extra didn't even get the full scripts so they had to do a bit of improvisation.

>> No.13771679

https://vndb.org/v11 seems to indicate the realta nua can be patched with H-scenes and such, which makes me think it's probably the most complete release even though it came out in 3 parts.

>> No.13771691

I guess I'll have to deal with it then; I'm nowhere near the level required to read a childrens book, let alone a visual novel. Thank you for mentioning Tsukihime though, I've also downloaded that.

Thank you, I'll go after those then.

>> No.13771711
File: 1.44 MB, 1294x776, 2015-07-14 08_11_42-サツコイ~悠久なる恋の歌~.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised by how straight-up superior Satsukoi is to Tonakoi. More funny, more interesting, better female cast; the works.

>> No.13771731 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.63 MB, 1294x776, 1436876583449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, and don't read the VNDB character page for this game; it has mistagged spoilers and I couldn't figure out how to correct'm so they remain.
Basically, I know that this douche is a murderer. This whole time I've been wondering why green-hair doesn't have an image on the sound select screen... if he kills her I will be so angry

>> No.13771983

>Green even goes as far as explaining what his problem is instead of blue muh imoutos and muh lolis.

Please, the green guy is just some bitter fuck who probably doesn't read eroge anymore and just writes stuff because eroge is his only area of expertise and because he wants to ruin the fun for everyone.

>> No.13771989

Who's the arbiter of quality in this case?

>> No.13772102

瀬尾順 is probably alcot's best writer, so it shouldn't be that surprising.

>> No.13772123

I've yet to accumulate knowledge like that, though it's good to know a name to follow.

>> No.13772184

What is the latest kamige to read?

>> No.13772192

Why the OrcSoft classic.

>> No.13772251


Such as? I need to know your standard.

>> No.13772257

Whatever you like.

>> No.13772258

Long and black.

>> No.13772269


>> No.13772990 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.61 MB, 1294x776, 1436901015858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just me or was the OP for Satsukoi a little out of place? I mean, here it has that guy smiling, right after MC killed him with his bare hands. Not to mention there was a whole rising action, climax, etc before the OP even came up. Pretty weird.

>> No.13772992
File: 843 KB, 1280x720, 眠れる花は春をまつ。_CG鑑賞_2015-07-14_12-10-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hair in this was pretty hot.

>> No.13773010

I dislike it too when things have long prologues, having the OP come in so late feels weird.

>> No.13773012

I mainly just dislike it because it makes me feel like a slow reader; OPs are one of the fews ways of gauging "how far" you are in a VN.

>> No.13773029

VNs should just come with progress indicators, like grisaia did.
Many times I've stopped reading something because it seems like it still has an hour or two left just to go back to it the next day and having whole 10 minutes left.

>> No.13773037
File: 429 KB, 800x600, 黄昏のシンセミア_2015-07-14_12-23-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish more games would do what applique did with Sinsemilla's flowchart.

>> No.13773042

So I've been wondering, is that VN actually about weed or what?

>> No.13773043

I don't really like flowcharts because the parts aren't really good measures of length.
Baldr Sky's was great though, most of the individual units were pretty even.

>> No.13773049

Sinsemilla would be more bearable if it was about weed instead of half-assed youkai plot in rural setting #whoevencaresatthispoint.

>> No.13773063

He has good points on many things, like harem protags not earning them and the stupid premises of many eroges.

And as many said he is at least entertaining.

Those who just dont consume everything the industry trows at them. Criticism is important as is support of worthwile products.

>> No.13773144

What to play next, さよならを教えて or muvluv tortilla chips?

>> No.13773160

>muvluv tortilla chips
Is that even worth playing?

But Japanese mythology, rural setting and incest are the best combination ever.

>> No.13773170

You do know those two are not actually two different people, right? They're caricatures both written by the same guy.

>> No.13773174
File: 17 KB, 187x244, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to the guy in the middle then?

>> No.13773221

He became a nendoroid.
