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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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13757279 No.13757279 [Reply] [Original]

Be honest, do you ever wish you were Japanese?

Boy or girl?

>> No.13757296

Why did you put the question mark outside the surprise box?

>> No.13757312 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 637x618, 1388094699951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure my life would have been shit regardless of where I was born.

>> No.13757319

No I would have to give up my massive cock

>> No.13757324

Four inches isn't massive, Jacob.

>> No.13757328

I don't think I'd be the same.

>> No.13757364

I wish you would fuck off to /a/

>> No.13757394

It's not like your hand would complain, anon-kun.

>> No.13757431

I wish you would fuck off back to /q/.

>> No.13757437

I really like being English.
Why would I want to give up my blue eyes, white skin, and square jaw?
Why would I want to give up my omniscient language and culture?
Why would I want to give up my objectively superior morals and manners?
I can go to any country in the world and people will suck my cock just for being me. You can't say that about Japanese people.

>> No.13757442

Yes, America sucks

>> No.13757448
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>I can go to any country in the world and people will suck my cock just for being me.

>> No.13757457

Gomenasai /jp/, my name is Ken-Sama.

I'm a 27 year old American Otaku. I draw Anime and Manga on my tablet, and spend my days perfecting my art and playing superior Japanese games. (Disgaea, Final Fantasy, God Hand)

I train with my Katana every day, this superior weapon can cut clean through steel because it is folded over a thousand times, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on earth. I earned my sword license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.

I speak Japanese fluently, both Kanji and the Osaka dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about Japanese history and their bushido code, which I follow 100%

When I get my Japanese visa, I am moving to Tokyo to attend a prestigious High School to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become an animator for Studio Ghibli or a game designer for Square Enix!

I own several kimonos, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to Japan, so I can fit in easier. I bow to my elders and seniors and speak Japanese as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.

Wish me luck in Japan!

>> No.13757468

Looks like projection isn't just a river in Egypt.
Stay mad shitskin.

>> No.13757473
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>> No.13757484
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>Looks like projection isn't just a river in Egypt.
>Stay mad shitskin.

>> No.13757487
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>> No.13757488

Another quality thread.

>> No.13757489

Sometimes i pretend to be JAV by sticking a bunch pencils and spoons up my ass while sipping my own semen. it started out as a joke at first with my dad but then it became more intense eadh time i did it. arigatou for reading all of this /jp/...[/spoiler

>> No.13757524

Considering that the vast majority of my hobbies is somehow related to japan it would certainly be convenient to be japanese.

>> No.13757540
File: 39 KB, 208x204, 1430187347240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would like to be a japanese girl

any kind of girl really

as long as not a shitskin


>> No.13757545 [DELETED] 

It'd be hard to be a girl because if you don't stay fit you'd just be unattractive.

>> No.13757555

Even if you're chubby it's pretty easy to get a boyfriend as girl. As long as you're not downright fat things should be fine.

>> No.13757561

How's that any different than my current situation?

>> No.13757571

If I was I could understand and use apps involving Sawashiro.


>> No.13757572


I guess if I were Japanese I could at least go to aokigahara and kill myself.

>> No.13757622

If I was fully Japanese I would be good at Touhou.

>> No.13757656

probably a little bit since I get sick of the anti-white propaganda
but I'd rather stay who I am and live in a guilt free society like grorious nippon

>> No.13757864

Hot. Why don't you use my cock instead?

>> No.13757909

What is this adorable creature?

>Be honest, do you ever wish you were Japanese?

I did. But I grew out of it.

>> No.13757932
File: 965 KB, 1280x720, chizuru_16b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wish I was better at learning Japanese. Knowing how much content they produce every week or every month that will never get translated breaks my heart. Plus then I could make cute Japanese friends online!

>> No.13758009
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It's an anime character.

>> No.13758154

Fucking weeaboo loser.

>> No.13758176

No. I sometimes wish I were a finnbro instead.

>> No.13758186

It's the best character in her show.

>> No.13758249

No, but I wish I were a crossboarder like you OP

>> No.13758250

I wish i was a cute little Japanese girl!

>> No.13758259

Nips are ugly.

I don't want to be ugly.

∴ I don't want to be a nip.

>> No.13758359

I'm Japanese, but I couldn't imagine why you'd want to be me. Just learn Japanese, you turbonerds.

>> No.13758364

Yes, both at the same time.

>> No.13758387

Are you a cute sissy asian twink?

>> No.13758534

Well, never crossed my mind. Maybe to have my starting language as japanese and be able to play more games and read more manga, I suppose.
Considering most people here are american and americans are super racist, I guess they often thought about it.

>> No.13758941

Every day man, every day.

>> No.13759086

Japan has its own problems that differ from the US. Xenofobia, Fukushima, the youth not wanting to have sex, physically abusive shop owners, and a unusuall pressure on women to be extra cute. No thanks Yeah the US has its own problems: Shitty political parties, pollution, relligous assholes, privacy violations, and very bad food and drug management

Honestly i still stick with the US for now becuase it is what i am familiar with

>> No.13759101 [DELETED] 

We should send somalian bucks to breed their women.

>> No.13759119

Illiteracy also apparently a problem in the US.

>> No.13759153

Fuck foreigners. Sex is bad. I'm an M. Cute is great.

A lot of those problems of yours are not problems at all.

>> No.13759371


>> No.13759388

I'd fuck you

>> No.13759412
File: 20 KB, 1440x1080, weeabooalert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I'm happy with my life and I wouldn't want to change it drastically. But if I had to be reborn into a different life I'd want to be an average Japanese boy.

>> No.13759417
File: 96 KB, 900x955, 1436480579267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Mexican

>> No.13759425

You think that will stop my cock?

>> No.13759436

Will anything stop your cock?

Anything at all?

>> No.13759445

>anti-white propaganda
>stormfront actually believes this

>> No.13759449

Who are you quoting?

>> No.13759459


Your ass when I'm ballsdeep.

>> No.13759464

But I'm already a hikki NEET.

Would be nice to speak moon natively though, and the Japanese-speaking web seems less shit than ours.

>> No.13759467

I bet you're ugly as hell

>> No.13759468


>> No.13759481

>I'm an M. Cute is great.
These two are accurate for me. So I guess it doesn't matter where I'm from or what language I speak.

Though I guess I'd like to be a Japanese girl so that I could star in kinky JAV and indulge myself as an M.

>> No.13759495


Of course I am, I'm 3D. All 3D people are ugly as hell.

>> No.13761566

Being a girl sounds like shit. It's probably easy at first, but the downside seems to be that there's basically no endgame content. Sure, you can easily get people to buy things for you and that might be fun for awhile, but now what? Generally speaking, women don't seem to develop deep interests in things. I don't know if it's because they can't, but the only women I have ever heard of that were truly immersed in any interest or hobby were all clearly autistic. Every non-autistic woman that I've seen has a very superficial interest in the things that she claims to love and her time is clearly divided by how much socialization she feels the need to do. A man could pick up the same hobby and surpass her in a fraction of the time that she's invested because men are consumed by their interests and they don't have an overwhelming instinct to socialize and they don't have a "time of the month" that makes their emotions go all crazy.

The other problem is that you would never be able to feel safe. Look at that incident that happened in MMA when that male to female tranny got into the women's divisions and just destroyed them. He was a shitty fighter too and he had almost no technical skill, and he was fighting women who trained their asses off, but he still won because he's a man and he hits like a fucking truck compared to them. He was just slaughtering these women, most of the fights never even going to the second round before he knocked them out with sheer brute force. Only one woman managed to beat him and even though she had far better technical skill than him it was still a very close fight because every wild punch that managed to connect was still enough to almost knock her out.

It sounds like shit. You can dedicate your life to something as a woman and at the end of the day your own body and your mind is working against you so that you will probably end up as a mediocre version of a man who is doing the same thing with half the effort that you're putting in.

>> No.13761580

I'd fuck me, too.

Fuck off, you're not me, you /a/ crossie.

>> No.13761607

I still want to be a cute girl and hang around with other /jp/ cuties.

>> No.13762317

That's what your mom thought too.

>> No.13762341

That makes no sense.

>> No.13762363

Yes, since I really hate Koreans and Chinese.
