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13746769 No.13746769 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone playing anything right now?

>> No.13746888

It's out?

>> No.13748313

Nope. Never.

>> No.13748326

No, I never liked the brown palette.

>> No.13748330

Playing Mabinogi. Moe MMO are dead.

I might play this if it's ever released in english.

Maybe even on the original Japan server if it's good and they don't ip block.

>> No.13748337

Are people still playing FFXIV?

>> No.13748353

Those are some lewd females. I don't like how everyone looks the same though. Same height, same body, same face, just different hair and clothes.

>> No.13748373

>Gunslinger Stratos
Is that the game that has the girl with the giant sleeves?

>> No.13748385

So how was cosmic break 2?

>> No.13748389


>> No.13748735

i want to play maplestory 2

>> No.13748748

What happened to ToS?
I have been reading about a RO successor since 10years ago

>> No.13748788

I'm playing but honestly I don't even have fun with it, I just play because there are 0 other recent MMOs that are decent. I can't find a class I really enjoy in this game and the gameplay is just so boring even compared to other MMOs.

At least Blade & Soul will be coming to the west later this year, that game is at least somewhat active and fun, I don't like how Korean the character models are, but I remember all the environments looking really nice when I was trying out the Chinese version.

>> No.13748891

OP is ToS


>I don't like how Korean the character models are
Probably the main thing that's going to drive me out of playing MMORPGs, racist as it sounds.

>> No.13748943

It will be in cbt forever, until the day you decide you're too old for MMOs. Then it will be released.

>> No.13748962

do NOT bully me i just want to take it easy in maplestory 2

>> No.13749063

It's so dead. In a year or two, it'll be at FFXI's population and rate of decline prior to XIV's release. The job system could have been something interesting, but instead, everyone's locked into using a handful of viable cross skills from a small selection.

And there's nothing to do. Dungeons? Again? More? Holy shit, it's boring. And the "PVP" sucks. The game looks beautiful, but it's extremely repetitive.

>> No.13749273

>And there's nothing to do. Dungeons? Again? More? Holy shit, it's boring. And the "PVP" sucks. The game looks beautiful, but it's extremely repetitive.
This is every MMO though. What else is it that you want to do?

>> No.13749289

>I don't like how Korean the character models are
Are asians really this autistic?

>> No.13749389

Elaborate on your thought

>> No.13749417

I dunno if they look Korean or not, but I dislike the character models too. The body proportion is really fucking weird.

>> No.13749430

I'm not quite as negative as those other people. I found the expansions story content to be fun and enjoy the dungeons and the raid instance they released. The fights are fun. PVP does blow but hopefully it will be better when they remove the dumb faction restriction on it.

Yeah there isn't some amazing amount of cross class variance but these games are going to tend further and further away from having variance or complexity in character builds since most people agree on one things to do and everyone does that.

I do have a guild of people who I really enjoy playing with so that definitely helps a lot, but in the end I think the game is in a good place. It's WoW with housing and a dye system, basically.

I don't think combat is boring, but yeah you're working your way through a pretty set rotation and using cooldowns as needed. I honestly don't know what people expect out of these games. You'll never get DMC combat out of an MMO and even then those games eventually stop. I just want something that won't give me carpal tunnel syndrome.

>> No.13749461

Why do you even care about that?

>> No.13749555

The comment doesn't seem like it makes sense. Perhaps it will if expounded upon.

>> No.13749566

No, I'm talking about your dislike for korean characters.

>> No.13749580

Not even him but have you seen their proportions? It's uncanny valley at its worst.

>> No.13749588

What do people disliking overly Korean looking character models have to do with Asians being autistic?

>> No.13749589

korean is bad because they are gook

>> No.13749596

Because only asians care about that.
Nice argument.

>> No.13749598
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>> No.13749600

what game is this?

>> No.13749641

Also people who don't want to play as asians.

>> No.13749646

Why do you want to play a game where you're an ugly midget?

>> No.13749654

ragnarok online

>> No.13749656

I tried Tera this week and god it made me want to shoot my eyes out.

Nothing but fetch quests and monster grinding.

Seriously, has nobody learned from Dungeons and Dragons online? And open world MMOs like Ragnarok Online are essentially dead.

>> No.13749664

But RO is nothing but grinding.

>> No.13749669

And hats.
And cards.
And good music...

>> No.13749673

I'm waiting till the Japanese beta of Maple Story 2. No date yet though as far as I know.

>> No.13749679
File: 118 KB, 494x433, tfwnoblackcat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been playing WAKFU. An update just came out the other day that changed a lot of spells for every class. Combat is turn based. If you liked FF Tactics you'd like it. Also doubles as a farming simulator. Unfortunately it isn't made by superior asian overlords and is made by the French instead.

>> No.13749690

Dofus was shit and by extension this game is shit too.

>> No.13749697

is fucking tree of savior ready yet or what

i'm ready to be a slutty healer

>> No.13749698

Unlike Dofus its free to play and isn't needlessly complicated.

>> No.13749735

>This is every MMO though.
No, it isn't. These action type MMOs are relatively few and far between, although there does seem to be more of them with every passing day.

>What else is it that you want to do?
Meaningfully PVP. Why can't I invade the other faction's outer territories for profit? Also, I'd like to be more unique - with the current job system everybody's doing the exact same thing with their classes, all the time, or they're gimp and inefficient.

In fact, why couldn't they make it like FFXI? More spells, equipment and abilities than you shake a stick at. There was no "rotation" bullshit then. The combat required you to think dynamically, rather than doing the same fucking actions over and over or compensating for a different boss and doing a slightly different set of actions over and over to defeat it. Everyone in FFXIV seems so self serving, too, it's horrible. It's all, "find a sucker to do a dungeon via roulette automatching, treat them however you like, take all the loot, never see the sucker again". It's trash uncharacteristic of Square Enix.

That's what FFXIV boils down to. Vomiting up the optimal list of actions against a mob, and sticking to it until you've won. Arguing over loot. Putting on loot. Grind more weeklies. Self harm.

>> No.13749740

>No, it isn't.
Yes it is. What MMORPGs have more than just grinding enemies, doing dungeons, or ganking newbies?

>Meaningfully PVP.
Either Play Eve or a fighting game.

>> No.13749750

>What MMORPGs have more than just grinding enemies, doing dungeons, or ganking newbies?

I think a large part of /jp/ was very into RO so when you play a game like FFXIV it doesn't live up to your expectations even if it has some good qualities

>> No.13749780

I played RO a lot too. It was literally just grinding enemies and gathering materials forever. /jp/ imagines a lot more about it and then gets hit with reality every time they try to play it again.

All it had going for it was cute enemies, good music, and and more interesting world than just generic medieval world.

The Diablo-like battle system was a bit more fun but this is because enemies exploded in loot, people and other things might pick up the loot, and you weren't just held to one enemy at at time that runs back to its area when it strays too far. In the end it's just grinding and you might as well just go actually play Diablo or something.

I wish other games had cute enemies like that though. I can't think of anything that's really fully captured that.

But on topic, there was nothing to fucking do except grind and occasionally precast Storm Gust on the entrance to the castle.

>> No.13749790

It's open world grinding is what I mean. Not 'kill 20 sheep, kill 20 munchkins, kill 20 hamburglers' or whatever the fuck they tell you to do.

Add in 'go deliver this to buttface and this game is nothing but fetch quests and monster grinding quests.

There's no exploring the world, no discovering new monsters to kill, no sharing with your friends the best places you found to level.

Just go do this alone ... ad infinitum and even then it's done poorly. Goddamn even Eden Eternal had group dungeons you were forced to do. At least then all the fetch quests and monster quests led to something you got to do in a group.

Tera is awful.

>> No.13749798

WoE or play around in the PVP arenas

>> No.13749821

>occasionally precast Storm Gust on the entrance to the castle.


>> No.13749827

RO is open world. You're thrown into Rune Midgards and well, good luck bub.

Wanna level on porings for 4 hours? Go nuts. Wanna go kill Madragoras or Peco Pecos? Cool. Wanna make a group of friends with a tank, healer, and damage dealer to kill Mist Cases? Uhh, ok, why not?

You can spend an afternoon grinding Karakasas to make hats, or you can spend an afternoon with your buddy with the full support priest killing nightmares, or you can spend an afternoon fucking around with your guild hunting MVPs.

Nobody told you what to do and it was epic.

>> No.13749834

Theres a fine balance between letting players have free reign of what to do and restricting them. ArcheAge tried to let players do whatever they wanted and that game is literally already dead and buried because of the retarded mechanics they put in.

>> No.13749836

That's not more than just grinding though. That's just romanticized grinding.

At least >>13749790 had a substantial answer.

Also I'm going to ask you, why aren't you playing RO?

>> No.13749837

I've never played it so I'll have to assume you're correct

>> No.13749849

Basically there was a system where you gained Labor Points every few minutes while online. The rate of accumulation was a very small fraction of how fast you could spend it. Example: you gain 5 points every 5 minutes. It takes 20 points to cut down a tree. If that system wasn't put in it would have been a decent game.

>> No.13749854

Why does any game use a stamina system? That shit killed Valkyrie Sky.

>> No.13749855

Isn't ArcheAge originally a P2P game in Korea and the labor system introduced when it goes F2P?

>> No.13749863

Supposedly the labor gain was 1 point per 5 in Korea. Got buffed to 5 per 5 here and it still sucked. To stay competitive you had to level like 4 different characters and chug labor potions (which were purchased from the cash shop or sold by jews on the market) every 30 minutes.

>> No.13749873

A friend runs the ToS >lebbit thing
the dev team asked for their emails to contact (read: give CBT invites to) for "future events"
Beta soon

>> No.13749876

I'm really looking forward to Tree of Savior, but I don't wanna spoil myself by looking into it too much. I want to go in there fresh and just experience the game. Its been so long since theres actually been a good game that I can sit back and enjoy.

>> No.13749885

Too bad it's not a good game though.

>> No.13749894

Our opinions are not the same. I may find it enjoyable.

>> No.13749897

It's not an opinion, let alone mine.

>> No.13749900

I think you're better off reading a bit about the game. I don't expect it to be amazing at first, but over time it should be a pretty nice game. The developers in general seem to have a vision, while at the same time being slightly amateurish with various aspect of the launch outside of Korea.

Something being "good" or "bad" is absolutely an opinion.

>> No.13749904

While not an MMORPG, is anyone on /jp/ playing Splatoon?

>> No.13749908

I'm a bit skeptic about the majority of /jp/ owning a Wii U.

>> No.13749949

poop being stinky or fragrant is absolutely an opinion.

>> No.13749953

I agree with that opinion, however I have personally met individuals who held a different one.
This is without getting into why poop is a bad example (instinctively repulsing, etc)

>> No.13750006
File: 76 KB, 900x506, gunner-witch-classes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one on /jp/ playing or played Skyforge?

How is it in terms of gameplay? The game looks really good.


>> No.13750009

Dung beetles probably find poop very appealing.

>> No.13750048

Dung beetles don't have the capability to hold opinions.

>> No.13750255

I'm playing FFXIV. I joined a FC full of kind people that welcomed me, so now I am too scared to log in back again. I think I will just cancel my subscription.

>> No.13750275

>kind people that welcomed me, so now I am too scared to log in back again
I know exactly what you mean. Whenever someone sends me a friend request in other games, even if they were nice during the match we played, I get scared and reject their friend request.

>> No.13750807

Arguably the character models look like moomins with those claymation tier cowfaces so it's the worst part by far.

It's a good thing they're changing it for ToS.

And no, what are you talking about Ragnarok plays nothing like Diablo.

>> No.13750900

RO is very similar to D2's combat.

>> No.13751069

Diablo had shitnergies. Ragnarok doesn't have much except a few skills sharing properties and enabling others to do other stuff as opposed to just scaling alongside.

Diablo had less simplistic skill trees.

Diablo had no job changes.

Diablo had no WoE.

Diablo had no Merchant class.

Diablo had no Asura.

Diablo didn't have Pecos.

Diablo didn't have linking souls.

Diablo didn't even fucking have a Korean class at all, just Assassins that kicked people around but with less fancy gameplay and more mashing 3 buttons.

No I don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.13751101

I just hope ToS gets as much doujinshi as RO in the future.

>> No.13751106

just the combat dude...

>> No.13751127

That's argurable, as I said.

You were rarely rotating that many skills in Diablo 2 to begin with unless you were playing Necro or some shit.

Most of Ragnarok's gameplay is what defined the genre for Koreans at the very least, it's very solid in terms of redefining what a MMO was back then...I specially liked the whole concept of many classes, it drew me to the actual lore of the game and made me learn much more than Diablo ever taught me about the classes.

>> No.13751129

Phantasy Star Online 2 when?

>> No.13751131


Just the overall spamming attacks and potions into hordes of enemies style combat, not any of that other stuff in the game system.

>> No.13751141

Circa 2011???

>> No.13751144

Yawnest "MMORPGs" there are.

I wish that for lots of mmos. It's all FF, Tera, and RO.

>> No.13751287

SAO will be a reality any day now, right?

>> No.13751328

/jp/ seems to hate every mmo. What's the point?

>> No.13751338


>> No.13751383

I'd rather that one MMO eromanga where you could fuck people and they ended up fucking their catgirl daughter.

/jp/ likes RO and that one Jap moe game I forget with the cat ghosts that shut down. Mabinogi was liked in the past. /jp/ tends to play MMO betas, burn out, then quit when they start.

>> No.13751403

>What's the point?
Sucking virtual dicks, duh.

>> No.13751450
File: 444 KB, 853x741, 1436332503376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if we're talking about korean mmos
like mabinogi and ro
does anybody play dfo

>> No.13751460

Didn't know that it was already translated man. OR that it wasn't that good I the first place. I just wanted a good phantasy star game.

>> No.13751712

He said anyone, where does this majority come into play?

>> No.13752281
File: 651 KB, 2560x1440, 2015-06-09_446532744[-2086_-6_-60].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been playing Black Desert. Anyone else?

>> No.13752365
File: 29 KB, 512x384, 1411403055839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do, but I'm pretty sure I don't wanna hang with you guys. I've heard from someone there you guys hang on IIRC for some reason and that's not tru/jp/

>> No.13752381

#DFO is /vg/.

Of course it's not just /jp/.

>> No.13752391

But I want to hang with you. ;_;

>> No.13753000

That other anon replied for me, and depth, but as an addenda, I might as well

I've already played EVE, and although I maintained a good k/d and isk ratio in pvp, all the alliances I was ever in crumbled the moment I had to go on periods of inactivity.

>Yes it is.
No, it isn't!

>What MMORPGs have more than just grinding enemies, doing dungeons, or ganking newbies?
Even fucking Runescape and WoW have more things to do than FFXIV. FFXIV is just a corridor of dungeons and equipment from those dungeons. Every so often, SE pushes a button, and niches open in the sides, letting people catch up with ilvl x equipment by using some consumable when they resub. That's it. If you for some reason decide to drop all your gear in FFXIV or FFXI now, you're all kinds of fucked - what kind of MMO is that? "Progress" in FFXIV is basically tied to dungeon grinding and equipment.

>> No.13753119

>Every so often, SE pushes a button, and niches open in the sides, letting people catch up with ilvl x equipment by using some consumable when they resub.

Maybe I didn't understand you right, but there is no item or consumable that magically gives your gear or levels in FFXIV.

All you did was list 2 games, but you didn't say what they had that made them different. I've never played WoW or Runescape so I don't know what makes them different.

>> No.13753221

i don't want to hang with you either
every jaypee i played with was always an autist or a liar
i play trualone

>> No.13754069

>Maybe I didn't understand you right
You didn't. I assume you didn't get the email because you're already subscribed.

"When logging into [...] 10 silver chocobo tickets [...] exchange for level 120 equipment."

Seems pretty clear to me that it's going the way of FFXI, with catch up campaigns to try and claw back users who've left.

>but you didn't say what they had that made them different
I already did that in my first post.

I assume the only reason you're playing FFXIV is because you have people to play it with, or you're too invested. You're certainly not playing it for the "interesting gameplay" which requires you to press less buttons than a shipping crane controller, but is far more repetitive.

>> No.13754111
File: 213 KB, 637x900, 195827349e73311f941aa2bd8c901e411bb4ed8b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh, both responses were actually me because I was responding to two different posts.

Anyway, I don't play RO because I have nobody to play with. I quit after Sakray was closed (played since Beta) even though I never played Sakray. It's just about when the last of my friends quit. My guild had broken up three times and I was not in the mood to start looking again. Nobody I knew was playing anymore so I went on to Trickster until Trickster closed.

Since I went back to college I found a buddy in a class who was interested in playing RO and I played faithfully until he quit. I haven't played again since October.

I think my dancer was about level 80 (I am not a girl) since I restarted on iRO classic. I am not going to play that rebirth abomination.

>> No.13754173

Oh boy another thread of "hey guys play the game I'm playing!" that leads to nothing.

>> No.13754310

Is RO2 any good? The class system looks interesting, as does that of RO.

>> No.13754458

It's a WoW-clone, a shitty one. Nothing like RO.

>> No.13754686

i was several months ago

i was a tamer and it had a fun time

the game would crash often though and this was too stressful so i've left it alone

>> No.13754706

I want to play FFXIV with /jp/ and make friends!

>> No.13754750
File: 172 KB, 525x700, 41457079_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey now

Sometimes a /jp/sie will suggest a RO private server and people will play for a week before getting bored!

>> No.13754811

I played for the first few weeks of the JP open beta but I got tired of the constant rubberbanding and my computer couldnt run it very well above low settings.

When they add female blader I will be playing it again for sure though

>> No.13754955


>> No.13755044

no because I broke my processor while trying to install it

I guess there are some old k-mmos that might run on my old machine

>> No.13755051

You're that guy from /v/ who made that other thread, you can bugger off.

>> No.13755168

I didn't know about that campaign, but it only gives you 120 equipment which is useless now with heavensward out. The main story quest gives you that level gear within a few hours.

I'm still playing FFXIV because I think it's the best "new" MMO out right now. It's not perfect and there's a lot of shit that pisses me off about it(vertical progression), but the good outweighs the bad. For me at least. I also play alone because I'm bad at talking to people.

I saw your other post, I don't know why you would expect good PvP from a final fantasy game. PvP sucked in FFXI and it's the same in FFXIV, PvP is just a side thing for shits and giggles.
It's also funny you use FFXI as a comparison for good combat. I agree with you on the vast equipment,elemental, and spell system it used but the combat itself was slow and boring. Auto-attack a mob to build TP using a skill every minute or so! You would stand still for 90% of the fight. Raiding was different, but it was the same concept.

I don't know how far you made it in FFXIV, but the combat isn't as bad as you make it seem. I have shit load of skill to use and I'm never standing still in fights.

If you have a fun/new MMO you're playing right now please share it. I would love to find something else to play. I have too much free time.

>> No.13755244

What new MMOs have lolis in them? Playable, NPC, enemies, whatever. Does FF14 have lolis or just those gross little tarutaru looking things?

What are some ToS enemies? Are they cute and/or lolis?

>> No.13755268

>Does FF14 have lolis or just those gross little tarutaru looking things?
Just gross tarutaru

>> No.13755277

>Auto-attack a mob to build TP using a skill every minute or so!
That's a strange opinion. XI's combat is well paced, that's one of its strengths. Or at least, that's what it was before Adoulin. I don't know what it is now.

>Auto-attack a mob to build TP using a skill every minute or so!
I'll be frank and tell you that you weren't playing properly. Even before Adodolin, you should have been using a weaponskill every 15-20 seconds at least. If that's your idea of melee combat in FFXI then you were almost certainly playing gimped and I've no sympathy for you.

>You would stand still for 90% of the fight.
Walking around a mob systematically to perform combos with the same two groups of 3 actions is hardly better. FFXI has exponentially more actions - a job's spell list can easily be equivalent to a number of FFXIV jobs actions, with more mechanics and effects for different situations. It's much better than "Hey, stand here and you'll do a little bit more damage" or "do this after this, and you'll do more damage" until your hand tires.

>the combat isn't as bad as you make it seem.
It's much worse than what I make it seem, I mince words when I write. Status effects aren't important, detrimental status effects are trivial to remove, and both are usually impotent. The game holds your hand constantly - especially worthy of note is the fact that enemy area of effect attacks have an area of effect painted on the ground.

In FFXIV, the fights have been quickened and simplified to the point that enemy attacks are either largely trivial, or instant party cripplers. There are two FFXI job's worth of actions in the entire game - FFXIV's job system is unjustifiably dumbed down.

>I have shit load of skill to use
Heh. No, you don't. Counting all the actions one by one in FFXIV will take you less than fifteen minutes. For FFXI, it'll take hours.

>I also play alone because I'm bad at talking to people.
You play alone because you abuse spoilers.

>> No.13755335

And then there's the fact that you can view threat, and enemy mob behaviour is extremely predictable. It's little wonder most of the players are extremely poor at the game, when it doesn't drive them to become better. All it does it drive them to become drones. FFXIV just takes the worse parts of WoW, and wraps them up in leftovers of FFXI dev team.

The combat in FFXI was far, far less monotonous. Even assuming you were terrible at gearing, and building TP, you must have noticed the plethora of job abilities, weapon skills and spells at your disposal, something which FFXIV just doesn't have. Not to mention the variety of gear effects and such which is absent in FFXIV.

>PvP sucked in FFXI
It was much more enjoyable than the trash in FFXIV. Any idiot can figure out that a dragoon is trying to combo onto you, and it would be a good idea to stun and cut him to pieces. Wow, it's so skilled! It takes almost as little attention as the PVE.

>or instant party cripplers.
Instant party cripplers, with fucking ages of delay, making it possible for old men to get out of the way. It's a babies game, by and large.

>but the good outweighs the bad.
You haven't actually mentioned any of the good bits of FFXIV. I'm not sure I should be taking you seriously when your posts come across as wiki knowledge and mildly uninformed. Have you actually played either of them? Or are you just "trolling" me, in the post-Facebook sense?

>> No.13755403

why are the posts in these threads always so fuggin long

>> No.13755464

mmos are serious business kid...

>> No.13755491

mmos are erp bait, so you will expect people who likes to write things even if its shitty

>> No.13756550

How is Cabal II going? Anyone trying it?

>> No.13756642

I have like an hour of playtime and so far it's a little glitchy, but that was expected of my considering it's fairly new, but other than that and a teeeny bit clunky combat system its pretty meh.

>> No.13756743

It's been almost 10 years since I last played FFXI so forgive me if I don't remember every single thing. The last expansion I played was treasures of aht urgan or whatever it was called.

I don't know when you started playing FFXI or how long you played it for, but I heard they made it more casual friendly with a certain expansion (abyssea?). Looking up some videos or Adoulin they definitely made things faster and added more skills.

Anyway, I think you're a bit blinded by nostalgia if you think the combat was the best thing. Yes, all the different get gear combinations you could do was awesome (horizontal progression!). But it was still sloooow. There really weren't that many job abilities. Many of them were useless or situational. You make it sound like you were always using something when you weren't. Again, this might have changed with updates. The game is also 10+ years old so it's not fair to compare it to newer games.

Despite that FFXI is still my favorite MMO. It's the MMO I put the most time and effort into and the one where I accomplished the most. I don't hate it by any means it's just kind of funny that you used FFXI's combat as a comparison.

As for FFXIV, there's no reason to try to convince you it's good. You already made up your mind and it's all opinions anyway. I'm still curious how far you got into it and if you did endgame stuff. If you did that's cool.


>> No.13756994

I'm having lots of fun in FFXIV
Playing on Phoenix server if anyone wants to make friends

>> No.13757048

>lots of fun


>> No.13757108

What a waste of a post. It amounts to "no", and you still haven't listed any good points about FFXIV to even attempt to counter mine about it being monotonous trash for the lowest common denominator.

>I put the most time and effort into and the one where I accomplished the most
>But it was still sloooow.
Yeah, and it took you a minute to weaponskill. I get the feeling you played it, and then dropped it because you couldn't figure out how to gear properly. Of course, FFXIV makes that much easier for you - everything you need is on a single piece of armour, in small amounts. No gear switching, nothing.

>it's just kind of funny
But you still haven't responded articulately.

>I think you're a bit blinded by nostalgia
I think you lack reading comprehension and the ability to construct a cohesive argument. I'm saying FFXI is less of a shithole than FFXIV, I've listed points as to why I think that, and you're responding with "it was still slooow. You're autistic! XDDXD".

Please kill yourself out of this discussion, and of /jp/ until you've played more MMOs than WoW clone trash, kudasai.

>> No.13757123

>a minute to weaponskill
I mean, you were either incredibly bad, or playing naked.

>You make it sound like you were always using something when you weren't.
But I was. I don't think you appreciate quite how obtuse you sound. The abilities, weaponskills and spells I used in a single solo NM fight - even on White Mage or Paladin - were easily more two FFXIV jobs worth.

>> No.13757124

FFXI was quite slow though.

And I'm the kind of player who would sit for more than a day grinding away their skillsets in that shithole.

If anything I think FFXIV is so casualized to the point of being yet another irrelevant cashgrab that copies over WoW that I can't believe /jp/ finds it acceptable...

>> No.13757145

>FFXI was quite slow though.
I don't think it was slow, I think it was deliberate. Messing up an action in FFXI can mean a rapid death, whereas in FFXIV it means you lost a little bit of DPS, or your skill won't combo and you wasted a few seconds. With all the cast times, and ability timers, it required to to dynamically forward plan your actions, not just follow some predefined combos until you have an aneurysm. The consequences of inattentive healers are as usual for both.

>If anything I think FFXIV is so casualized to the point of being yet another irrelevant cashgrab that copies over WoW that I can't believe /jp/ finds it acceptable...
This I agree with. It's extremely bland.

>> No.13757169

Reminder that MMOs are dead.

>> No.13757173

not as ded as ur mum

>> No.13757257

>Yeah, and it took you a minute to weaponskill. I get the feeling you played it, and then dropped it because you couldn't figure out how to gear properly. Of course, FFXIV makes that much easier for you - everything you need is on a single piece of armour, in small amounts. No gear switching, nothing.
Ah, yes gear switching. Like I said all the different customizations were nice, but it was also kind of silly your character could do it mid combat. Let me stop mid fight and disappear for a second while I instantly change my armor. But I don't think you care about immersion and all that RPG stuff. Don't make it seem like it's something complicated, either. Accuracy/haste gear for building TP, STR/DEX/whatever multiplier your job/skill uses for weapon skills. Thunder spell? Thunder staff! Fire spell? Fire staff! I'm sure there's more but I never really played a caster. Everything was a macro anyway.

You didn't mention when you started playing, by the way. Since when was soloing NM's in FFXI a normal thing anyway? Trying to solo anything close to your level was near impossible for most classes, not to mention impracticable.

> Messing up an action in FFXI can mean a rapid death
Please jog my memory about all these difficult things you keep speaking of. The only thing I can think of right now that would cause rapid death is if a healer screws up a cure timing or if a ninja screws up their shadow tanking.

>> No.13757673

>Please jog my memory about all these difficult things
I've already done that. You really lack reading comprehension. Do I really have to hold your hand and quote the relevant bits?

>was near impossible for most classes, not to mention impracticable.
Now I know for sure that you haven't played FFXI since you were in your nappies.

>and it's all opinions anyway.
The difference was, I backed up my opinions with observations, while you backed them up feelings and outdated or overstated drivel.

I think it's time you returned to the /vg/ FFXIV thread. They'll be more appreciative of your dimming level of cognizance.

>> No.13759437

I'm glad no one is playing shitty Tera anymore.

Is anyone really going to leave their current game and play another though?

>> No.13759455

It was still slooow. You're autistic! XDDXD

And you paid for it!!!! XXXXXXDDDDD

>> No.13759585


Why is everyone going backwards in development quality and trying to do things they don't usually do as if that's going to be any different from anything else currently in the fucking market, thus, making more shitty clones(of Diablo in this case)?

It's like they're too deep into the shithole to notice that they've done better things themselves and they just decide to gamble with shitty clones.

>> No.13759710

I've been playing GW2.
I liked how different it was and the combat was satisfying, at least on the class I enjoyed the most (Shoutbow Warrior, tried Engineer but wasn't all that happy with it), I like how there isn't a clear rotation of skills per se and it's more based on the situation.
WvW and PvP were also pretty cool, I play on the lower tiers and it's pretty laid back (but also disappointing at times when people simply vanish from time to time and we don't have the numbers to put up a fight)
It's definitively not cute at all and I thought I'd escape from the cat autism from FFXIV threads but nope, western style catpeople are even uglier and disgusting. The magic dwarf race is also hideous. At least the plant people and humans/nords are somewhat okay.

>> No.13759724

Come on, I was hoping you would actually respond to me.

>I've already done that. You really lack reading comprehension. Do I really have to hold your hand and quote the relevant bits?
I was asking for a specific situation on a specific job. If possible, please make it one of the Zilart jobs because I have no idea about the newer ones. I'm curious to see what YOU mean by messing up an action means rapid death.

I'm starring to suspect you played FFXI after SE raised the level cap to 99. I don't know why you still haven't told me when you played.

>> No.13759932

>third most popular mmo
>no one

>> No.13760309

I'm leaving Aion for FFXIV and play as a Healer for the first time after 13 years of only playing Tank in mmos.

>> No.13761133

It looks generic as fuck. If it had cute graphics I might've been more interested.

>> No.13761165

That's the point though.

Grand Chase and Elsword were super cute and in some ways they actually made improvements/research on how to run a platformer MMORPG.

This thing is just...Diablo.

>> No.13761468

>Everyone in FFXIV seems so self serving, too, it's horrible.
It's how the game is made. A game full of instances and cutscenes where everyone is a special snowflake. In fact, if you try to play it with friends it's almost impossible. You have to do so much solo stuff that you end up having the same experience as opening a chatbox with your friend outside the game. Maybe, if you prepare for at least one hour running back and forth NPCs, you might be able to run the same dungeon for 20 minutes with your friend and two random assholes.
I wish they made a game so gorgeous as FFXIV and with a similar setting but without instances and total freedom to do whatever you want. I'm afraid the masses don't like that and it wouldn't sell, though.
I was really amazed by the game world the first time I stepped in, then utterly dissapointed when I realized I couldn't just step inside a dungeon and find other players, or that there was absolutely no point in interacting with strangers outside of instances.
The more they sophisticate MMOs, the less they feel like MMOs.
What is the difference, aside from having worse mechanics but arguably more content, from a game like Dark Souls 2, at this point? In Dark Souls 2 you summon up to 3 other people to run certain content until you kill a boss. I can open a steam/xbox/psn chatbox with my friends while I play, and I see the other players randomly playing around as phantom silhouettes.
I'm really sad that MMOs have developed into a solo, on-rails experience. 10 years ago I dreamed about MMOs going fully into the sandbox direction and thus becoming more of a virtual parallel world like they should be, instead of just a multiplayer game for people with a lot of free time.

>> No.13761471

Wall of text

>> No.13761475

Fucked up.

Meant for


>> No.13761491

>you end up having the same experience as opening a chatbox with your friend outside the game.
Exactly. It might as well be a chatroom.

>10 years ago I dreamed about MMOs going fully into the sandbox direction and thus becoming more of a virtual parallel world like they should be,
Agreed. Although graphics have gotten better, progress in functionality and content seems to have stopped altogether, and clones are all that's being made. FFXIV's a pretty Skype call with dungeons.

>> No.13761568
File: 141 KB, 1024x778, 1436695071851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>FFXI was better!
too bad no one plays XI anymore :^)

FFXIV is like a single player FF with online components - sort of like Final Fantasy Remnants. I like that.

>> No.13761651 [SPOILER] 
File: 24 KB, 640x480, 1436708995272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The combat in FFXI was far, far less monotonous.

Well, it used to be.

I miss the days of skill-chaining with double magic bursting. After Aht Urghan, it was all zerg and TP-dump, while BLM went off to go solo eternally. Then Abyssea happened -- which was kind of fun in a chaotic sort of way, but it pretty much killed off the last remants of party coordination skill.

Pic related is an old-fashioned FFXI party setting off a Light Skillchain.

>> No.13761659

>FFXI was better!
Who are you quoting, and why are you using emoticons?

>> No.13761669
File: 451 KB, 1026x743, NeutralCS10016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>play RO
>reach the point where you're geared enough that all you can do is hunt MvPs, farm to +12 your gear, or grind to max level
>no friends
Pretty much every mmo I play. You get in that border line between being a shitter and being fully end game geared and then you quit.

The only mmo I played for 5 years straight was RF Online, and that was because I met tons of people in game and we stuck with each other for quite some time.

>> No.13761677
File: 153 KB, 720x960, aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Given such a long time, it wasn't all rainbows and butterflies.
One guy, in fact he's in that screenshot named "Skygard", definitely the friendliest guy but also the guy we made the most fun of (because he always talked about girls he liked) died 2 years ago. We were wondering why he stopped going online on steam and someone found out on his facebook where his relative posted a picture of him. He got severe burns from fixing a car, something gasoline cigarette something, guy was a mechanic, and man the way he died is just so him, he was a very clumsy guy in game.

Thanks for reading my blog /jp/.
Makes me wonder really just how many /jp/ faglets died during my stay on this board.

>> No.13761693

Which is why /jp/ called them FOTM MMO before /vg/ got made.
mabinogi, smto, valkryie sky, EE, Aika, cosmic break, vindictus, that loligolf game and god know what other shitty mmo /jp/ played.

>> No.13761711

requesting update. i know the english news are out of date on their blog, so i have to google translate their news...

>Q) following CBT or open the What and when ?
>CBT3 it may seem strange to the men who have participated in previous tests related to the reorganization of large width is still on the inside . Maybe it can be tested in a foreign country, or even likely to be FGT2 only thing not yet determined.
>Sooner or later , we invited several testers who has a plan of the comments. After the news so it will not take too long . Thank you for always cheering .

>> No.13761920

There is seriously no update.

You will see one when they have one in their official english website.

>> No.13762006
File: 303 KB, 1920x1080, 1430646119914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to go back to 2000-2003 when RO was fun, new, populated and interesting and I didn't have a care in the world and was excited to log in every day to see my friends.

I can't believe it's 2015 already.

>> No.13762018

You mean 2001?

>> No.13762022

I want to be a meme loving shitter in vanilla WoW again. Those were the days.

>> No.13762037

Don't worry, anon. Tree of Savior will save us. And if it doesn't, we can kill ourselves.

>> No.13762098

I wand to go back to 2009 when Mabinogi was still getting new content instead of being stuck with nothing for the last 3 years and unable to stop playing anyway.

>> No.13762184


Mabinogi has more content than other MMOs that are on life support for more than 5 years.

>> No.13762225
File: 1.57 MB, 1280x720, [FFF] Accel World - 18 [BD][720p-AAC][DFF0D08C].mkv_snapshot_00.04_[2014.01.03_14.51.01].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ToS isn't new or groundbreaking, it's just another pandering gook mmo. If it was something completely new like real life accel world it would actually be amazing.

>> No.13762231

Get out Trevor.

>> No.13762236
File: 1.26 MB, 1280x720, [FFF] Accel World - 21 [BD][720p-AAC][C3C548CB].mkv_snapshot_05.38_[2014.01.03_16.02.01].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not ''trevor'' you memeing subhuman.

>> No.13762237

Oh you, Trevor.

>> No.13762483

It has content but it's been the same shit for years. Nothing other than shitty storylines that you do in a day get added.

>> No.13762644

I want to play Peria Chronicles and take it easy with my pogeymon

>> No.13762918

Who are you quoting?

>> No.13762979

Are you blind? He's quoting what the other anon said.

>> No.13763058

Is that game happening? I heard it was shoved back to development

>> No.13763115

Well the episodic style story stuff keeps a lot of people hooked in the end. I enjoy it a lot personally and while I don't disagree I'd like to see more open world stuff, however I definitely don't want each content patch to be gated behind a bunch of EQ style farms.

I think in the end people need to realize that open world dungeons and the kind of things we had in UO and EQ only worked because they were very new games and areas were much bigger with a lot less people in them.

When you have a game that has cinematic cutscenes and a console release it's going to be looking to earn money, and being able to fit in as many people as possible is the goal.

>> No.13763135

you know what they say about ironic shitposting

>> No.13763445

I want to try mabinogi but damn the edgy models is hard to get through, I hope peria chronicles is as good as it (even though I don't know how good it is).

>> No.13764025
File: 159 KB, 670x899, 6d5ca0ff5aa94a94_1280623123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not even a similar game. Peria Chronicles is about catching enemies and making your own content. Mabi is more like a sandbox MMORPG with the remnants of what was originally a timing and knockback based rock paper scissors-esque battle system.

Also just toss some AA on and get over the Mabi models. They added some shitty tutorial in recent years instead of just dropping you off in the world and letting you fuck around though, so don't let that put you off either.

>> No.13764126
File: 552 KB, 640x400, pran.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss my pran.

>> No.13764156

You forgot ECO. I kinda wish I had joined in that one but I didn't really like it at the time it was played.

This seriously had the funniest MMO dialogue ever. It kind of makes me want to play it again occasionally.

>> No.13764880 [DELETED] 

I did.

>> No.13765078


Which class are you gonna be?

>> No.13765087

ur mum

>> No.13765141

The sluttiest healslut.

>> No.13766474

Man I miss Cosmic Break OB. Shit was so fucking fun.

>> No.13766566

>Cosmic Break OB. Shit was so fucking fun.
誰か助けてええぇぇ誰か助けてええぇぇ誰か助けてええぇぇ誰か助けてええぇぇ誰か助けてええぇぇ being spammed in impotent despair as no keys were ever given and time steadily ticked down.

>> No.13766700

Hey /jp/, what is the BEST MMO at the moment?

>> No.13766703


>> No.13766735

Ask /vg/.

>> No.13766761

The waifu class, Squire/Peltastaforgot

>> No.13766841


FFXIV if you want some high quality raid content.

>> No.13766924

FFXIV if you want a combination of instant messenger and virtual standing around.

>> No.13766933

FFXIV if you want shit.

A lot of things if you have a brain.

>> No.13766956

If you want good pve content, FFXIV is the way to go, don't mind trolls.

If you hate pve and you would prefer the minimum amount as possible, Aion and Tera are better for you.

>> No.13766967

There isn't an overall "BEST MMO". People have different tastes and preferences.

>> No.13766975

ToS could be our savior in ToS i belive. I want to belive anon.

>> No.13766995

FFXIV is dying and is primarily played by memers. No matter what server you join, expect to play with the young WoW audience at which the game primarily caters to. The game mechanics are stale.

>> No.13767021

>The game mechanics are stale

Not to mention the fact that all attacks in the game are delayed. Lets say a skill has a cast time, and at the end of the cast theres a 2 second animation before the game registers that the damage was dealt. You are a healer. You are trying to keep your tank alive. The boss just finished a cast on an ability that will kill the tank. The tank is already dead. There is nothing you can do. The tank gets to stand there for two seconds waiting until the attack registers so he can die.

>> No.13767031

Lower your expectations for now at least, it will be pretty bare-bone at launch/open beta, over time though I believe it has great potential.

>> No.13767034

Seriously, what went wrong with the MMO industry?
How did they go so wrong? We went from the world where we want to enjoy and live in to equipments progression and raiding after watching youtube video.
At this point in time, I have more fun playing monhun for my online fix than sinking time into shitty mmo.

>> No.13767053

>Seriously, what went wrong with the MMO industry?
They became too popular. They went from what you said, to cheap masturbation and FPS style instant gratification.

In ToS, how much does class affect appearance? I don't want to be playing with a horde of clones.

>> No.13767063

>how much does class affect appearance

All I know is theres a lot of female costumes with skirts that fly up during their run animation. And they are going commando.

>> No.13767070

We know there is a "per-class" costume with option to select previous classes' costumes, however there will be either craftable or cash-shop costumes on top of that, and headgear is visible regardless of the rest of your costumes. There's also customizable hair, I think.

>> No.13767077

It is probably why I enjoyed playing H&H even though there is zero mobs grinding or raiding.
Just exploring and trying to build a town and doing dumb shit. It is sad that salem is shit and flopped.

>> No.13767155


I don't think anything went wrong. We're simply navigating a phase of MMO design and history that is struggling with how to cater to people who want to be in a world/setting, people who want to conquer challenges, and the hardest type of player, those that want both.

Sometimes you don't just want to "enjoy and live in" a world, but you want an action story for yourself and your friends within it. You want challenges to conquer and overcome together-- and for it to not become just an endlessly repeating day, the challenges need to be fresh and new and allow you to feel like you're in a dynamic world, not just a static one.

I know a lot of MMO designers (zone and encounter) that really are giving it their all and they are struggling with how to do it. Hopefully we see some great progress from both the east and the west on this. I wish more MMOs crossed borders, because there are quite a few with some interesting ideas.

>> No.13767165


The problem with H&H was the constant Russian grinders who would be stronger than everyone else and there'd be no way to deal with it and they'd just go around killing everyone.

>> No.13767171

"All clear sir"
>I don't even know why I say that, is my captain an idiot? Can't he see the hordes of monsters right behind me?

Good for a few laughs.

>> No.13767179
File: 426 KB, 700x286, edeneternal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last time I had fun in an MMO was Eden Eternal and I still compare everything I play to it.

>> No.13767242

No, but I'm anxiously waiting for Tree of Savior.

>> No.13767490

It's developed to use a keyboard (arrows and z-x-c) or gamepad rather than mouse and keyboard like a real MMO. It's already on thin ice.

>> No.13767493

Go play Shining Souls for GBA.

It can be done pretty successfully.

>> No.13767509

>Blade & Soul
I've played on chinese servers
it's not a good game

>> No.13767514

I don't see how playing a non-MMO on a non-PC is relevant to playing an MMO on a PC.

>> No.13767518

The fact that it has a similar playstyle to RO, except it uses gamepad buttons instead of the mouse.

>> No.13767525

Oh, instead of the Gameboy Advance Mouse™?

>> No.13767558

It's being developed primarily to purely use a keyboard though.

>> No.13767564

Tree of Savior? Yeah, but they said they want to make it gamepad-friendly too.

The point is, Shining Soul proves that RO-style gameplay can be achieved without a need for mouse use.

>> No.13767583

ToS isn't really RO style though. It's all slow paced. Probably because you can't just directly point enemies.

>> No.13767604

me too

I tried playing EE a year ago again, but it was dead

>> No.13767626
File: 528 KB, 1606x928, Eden Eternal _2012-07-23_22-12-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was fun for a few days.

>> No.13767670

EE was okay but I couldn't stand the art and coloring.

>> No.13767831

Your character looks like a dork.

>> No.13768229

Can you give an in game example here? Does the game actually calculate against my health 2 seconds ago to determine if I live or die invalidating all heals during the attack animation? Also you had plenty of time during the skill's cast.

Sometimes it can be a little funky, like when you're running into AOE animations but know you're safe because the little orange circle disappeared. Though it doesn't really bother me that much, it just feels like an idiosyncrasy.

>No matter what server you join, expect to play with the young WoW audience

Expect this in general. Even when that "I promise I'm hardcore" Kickstarter MMO comes out and you dole out for the 300 dollar package and wait 6 years for it to come out, you'll still be playing with people younger than you because no one your age has time for this shit anymore. Just fucking get used to it. Kids are pretty fun to fuck with and usually you can find some young professional types who aren't complete subhumans.

I think it's just clashing market demands. I feel like FFXIV has a lot more second lifey crap than most anything else out there so I can live with it.

>> No.13768248

>Just fucking get used to it.
You don't get used to wallowing in sewers. You get out of there as soon as possible and find something better to do.

And almost anything is better than FFXIV or wow.

>> No.13768253

I love playing with kids, makes me feels so young and happy inside

>> No.13768268

I guess you could hit up Project 99 or something, if you don't really like it? Find MMOs that don't want to make money?

>> No.13768270

Haven and Hearth 3.0 is coming soon if you feel like getting abused by Russians again.

>> No.13768271
File: 37 KB, 319x374, 1398510965044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kids are pretty fun to fuck


>> No.13768319

Don't write this this? It makes you look retarded?

FFXIV's being kept alive by hype, and a small number of dedicated players who won't drop it until it kicks the bucket. Of all the people going in, I really doubt any of them hang around for longer than a few months. Give it a year or two for the hype to fade, and the population will plummet into obscurity, as is the case with action RPGs. It's no different than flavour of the month Korean action RPGs, just that it's got SE backing and babying it.

>> No.13768329

Both of what he said deserve question marks on them.

>> No.13768399


>> No.13768405

Wait, seriously?


>> No.13768410

Yes, and from what I read, the latest version (used in the Indonesian pre-launch event) already got it implemented.

>> No.13768559

Good. Now that last thing I need to know is if we can turn the voices off separately from the other sounds. Though I guess it'll probably be possible to replace the voice files.

>> No.13768573

But that's wrong though. The developers are gonna include mouse support now as well due to feedback from closed beta.

>> No.13768576

You have like 4 sliders I think? IIRC, It's BGM, Voices, something else and probably master

>> No.13768646

>lockon based autoaim hotkey combat
Into the trash.

>> No.13768727

>Don't write this this? It makes you look retarded?

I was just trying to express being flabbergasted. You're always going to be mixed in with the LoL/Dota crowd, sorry. Beyond something like Project 99 I really don't know what kind of MMO wouldn't attract kids specifically.

I'd love to see some MMOs pop up that are happy to cap out around 2000 people per server and design a game around that server population, but I don't think we'll see that. Maybe someone just needs to make something with a premium subscription?

>FFXIV's being kept alive by hype, and a small number of dedicated players who won't drop it until it kicks the bucket.

You apparently know everything about MMORPGs so there's really no point in having a discussion with you.

>> No.13768739

>lockon based autoaim hotkey combat
Did you even see the video? The tester clicks the enemies everytime he/she attacks.

>> No.13768748

>I'd love to see some MMOs pop up that are happy to cap out around 2000 people per server and design a game around that server population, but I don't think we'll see that.
Every anime KMMO that's not Mablestory or RO

>I really don't know what kind of MMO wouldn't attract kids specifically.
What's with that anyway? Why do they try to hard to pander to kids when they bring over Asian MMOs? Aren't most Asian players adults?

Kids don't occupy all those western games like LotR or TOR or EVE or whatever do they?

>> No.13768753

>I'd love to see some MMOs pop up that are happy to cap out around 2000 people per server and design a game around that server population

You mean like those hub world mmos where people meet up and then go into instances?

>> No.13768804

I guess I didn't express myself very well. I meant more like something very open world, like UO or EQ. I feel like no one can do something on the scale of WoW without instancing. In essence instancing is a way for everyone to be a 'progression player' modern players probably can't handle contested content, or just plain don't want it. I remember when hunts were put into FFXIV people would invite so many people to kill the lowest rank hunt that it would die in a heartbeat and most people wouldn't get credit.

Speaking of KMMOs I was looking forward to Black Desert but apparently it's all casual shit now?

>What's with that anyway? Why do they try to hard to pander to kids when they bring over Asian MMOs? Aren't most Asian players adults?

I think it's just our culture. Kids play games all the time. I personally don't think FFXIV is so bad, but if you went to Balmung you probably had a different experience from me. Everyone in my guild is early to mid 20s with a few exceptions and while they're certainly not the typical crowd I interact with, they're all nice people whom I really like playing the game with now.

WoW and LOTR probably have their share of kids too. I'm assumming here we're talking about people under 18 and not like 8 year olds and shit. I'm just used to it, I think most people on the net are younger than me. You can always find good apples in these games.

>> No.13768835

If you mean the RO like open dungeons like earlier, that just leads to queuing up for bosses. I don't mind those open field kinds of dungeons though.

>I think most people on the net are younger than me
The 30 something's version of the 20 something's "I feel so old".

>> No.13768841

>You apparently know everything about MMORPGs so there's really no point in having a discussion with you.
It's not like you've contributed anything of worth, besides repeatedly saying "FFXIV is good! I'm only really playing it because my friends are playing it, and although I wish there were alternatives, it's good!" in this thread. Truly, the height of illustrative posts and discussion.

how do I filter autistic texts walls

>> No.13768843

The problem with MMOs is that they built like a single player rpgs with multiplayer instead of actually building gameplay upon social aspect. And the problem is even worse due to the people can't stop eating this.

>> No.13768853

>Black Desert
It's an incredible wasted potential it was it is, not even half of all the thing they promised are implanted in the game.


>> No.13768865

>they built like a single player rpgs with multiplayer
This is not a bad thing.

>they built like a single player rpgs
This is the more correct version, however.

MMOs need to cater to all play styles. If someone wants to solo, they should be able to solo. If they want to be in parties, there should be group content to do. If they want to make stuff, it shouldn't be annoying and/or take forever to make things.

>> No.13768866

Both of those were declarative sentences and undeserving of question marks. Are you two from Texas?

It's drop dead gorgeous, disregarding the fact that
>We are still discussing with our publisher as for how western service will be different.
it's going to burn.

>> No.13768878

Years ago, you'd get more play time out of an MMORPG than you would a single player offline RPG. In more recent times, it looks like it's the other way around.

>> No.13768906

Unsure suggestions are not declarations.

>> No.13768910

I am. Now that Nexon isn't in charge the game is even better.

>> No.13768988




>> No.13768993

gtfo back to /vg/ with your ''social play ``

>> No.13769000

Lets all play again and revive /jp/ village

>> No.13769002


I would never play with those /vg/ Balmung aspies

>> No.13769006

They're friends I made in game, and I like it on it's own. I like that it has housing, I like that they have a pretty fast content patch schedule, I enjoy the little episodic story content you get every content patch, I like raiding, Ravana EX is a fun fight I enjoy doing it. I mean fuck, of course I'm not talking about what I like because I'm mainly responding to your trite 'the scene isn't what it used to be' garbage. Get over it.

>If you mean the RO like open dungeons like earlier, that just leads to queuing up for bosses. I don't mind those open field kinds of dungeons though.
My only frame of reference for that stuff is EQ where things were just kind of a race and sometimes waiting lists were established. Instancing is just here to stay for the foreseeable future.

>The 30 something's version of the 20 something's "I feel so old".
I don't really feel old, but when I see someone bitching about kids I kind of assume they're experiencing the same thing rather than some college freshman getting upset at 16 year olds to feel more adult.

>> No.13769097



>> No.13770311

Old School Runescape

>> No.13770581

You almost gave me heart attack, jeez.

>> No.13771071

Why have so many people on 4chan played that "literally who" game? Or is it just some vocal group who really liked it?

>> No.13771078

It was the go-to online game for a brief generation of deprived children.

>> No.13771241

You got the wrong idea. Every MMO with instance zones is pretty much a single player MMO with multiplayer because they forbit social interaction on gameplay level. To make it more clear, look at the WoW and his clones. The only massive social aspects - trade and open world pvp are very minor. The main aspects of the game is dungeons and pvp inside battlegrounds. Both are instances so you can make a server with 20 people and they will have close to full game experiense. Could you call the game with 20 people a multiplayer RPG? Yes. Could you call it a MMORPG? I couldn't.

>> No.13771346

There's not much you can do with a crowd of thousands of people except stand around.

>> No.13771369

What game experiense are you projecting?

>> No.13771388

I'm just using logic. Party exists because you do things in small groups regardless of if there are other groups around. What can 1k people do together that's not some large scale team based PVP or standing around in a town or maybe whacking some HP wall while the server lags to shit? You're lamenting people doing things in small groups, but what else are they gonna do? People outside your group are background decorations at best and people who are killing the monster you want at worst.

>> No.13771403

Randoms can annoy me, I can annoy randoms.
Randoms can help me, I can help randoms.
In short, non-formulatic encounter.
It can't happen inside instance nor single player/coop game in general.

>> No.13771426

Oh wow, someone else that tried that one! Valkyrie Sky was really amazing when I played it in beta, but then they added a Stamina system. I still really enjoyed the game for a while, but then they added gear durability, and by that point, the game just became an awful chore to play.

I don't know why devs seem to look for ways to kill their own games.

>> No.13771433

I think it's developer's lazy way to counter bots, but ended up encouraging it.

>> No.13771448

You clearly projecting some game experience.

>> No.13771470

I get what you're saying, but honestly, as far as I know they tried designing FFXIV 1.0 to be exactly like FFXI, and it famously failed miserably. It seems to me that a FFXI-style, old era MMORPG just doesn't prosper nowadays.

I agree it's sad that things today are all so orchestrated and forcibly organized instead of classes and other content being designed really loosely like in FFXI and RO and just thrown out there and hope it works. After all, all that mattered back then was if you could kill anything, not if you were viable at everything.

But thanks to WoW, people pretend to not want, but in truth expect, the same things from an MMORPG.

>> No.13771566

>Oh wow, someone else that tried that one!
It was a /jp/ FotM

Nope. I'm just pointing out the nonsense that's being spouted. It's like people who complain about no endgame and don't even know what they want for endgame.

In fact arguments are usually just variants of "I want the freedom to gank/greif newbies"
See: The first line of >>13771403

To whom I also ask, is meeting people outside of instanced content not interacting? Can't you annoy them then? Can't you get randoms to help you before entering the instance? Do you want to enter an open dungeon all alone, find out you can't solo it and then beg people happily soloing for help?

If devs want to get rid of bots they need to stop putting annoying, menial, bottable shit in their games.

>> No.13771575

The people who played few WoW clones and believe that this is what MMO is are the big part of the reason why the genre is so shit.

>> No.13771613

Isn't WoW a clone of EQ?
Either way, it doesn't matter if they make a good MMO or not, until the old mmos croak and give up their playerbases, people are just going to keep playing WoW and RO and whatever other old game they're established in, and new ones will attract a few in it for the flashy graphics for a while.

>> No.13771629
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>Isn't WoW a clone of EQ?
its lead designer played EQ to death

>> No.13771682

Here's a real history question, besides EQ and UO, what is there to copy? That is, what are the real core gameplay mechanics? Or is it just butthurt MMORPGs didn't become UO? Mabinogi, RO, and Eve are the only other original MMOs I can think of. Eve isn't really all that great if you aren't into the idea of rampant ganking or doing repetitive and boring tasks, and Mabi has so many flaws despite being nearly out of the box of MMOs in everything except that it relies heavily on instances. RO is copied by some games but it feels like just a game where you mash monsters and that's it.

Speaking for myself, I just want fun field (that is non-quest based, non-dungeon based, non-raid based) grinding and to be able to dress up and be cute. Maybe a relevant item making system where you need to make items and people actually have to replace their equipment with new ones and not just with better ones.

I honestly think character customization is the biggest lacking part of MMORPGs. It's either an after thought or some sort of "have at it" okay to make the ugliest things you ever saw. MMORPGs need calculated customization.

>> No.13771684

I think you overestimate wow babies. The ( main ) reason genre went to shit is because in attempt to get more shekels devs tried to appeal to wider user-base by casualising everything into oblivion. Look at your average mmo player now, its schoolkids, lazy housewives or idle office workers.
What kind of sub genre said people want? Action rpg, 3d shooter, and of course with shiny colorful graphics. The easier the better. Targeting system? No, too hard. Crafting professions? No - too complicated. Complex pve with challenging bosses? NO. Grind - anything but that.

>> No.13771694

>relies heavily on instances.
I seriously think this is where MMO went wrong.
If I want to play game that is based around instances, why don't I just play 4players based game like PSO or Monhun? These games are superior and they aren't based around the concept of tank, heal and spank/dps.
I mean it is monotonous to just press F1, F2, F3 and then rinse and repeat spamming hotkey and looking at cool down.

>> No.13771700

>Complex pve with challenging bosses?
Raids are shit and need to be removed from MMORPGs. Maybe even the whole concept of bosses. A new idea needs to happen. Maybe something based on just having a few powerful monsters or I don't know.

>in attempt to get more shekels devs tried to appeal to wider user-base by casualising everything into oblivion.
I think it's more from the userbase themselves whining all the time about everything that slightly inconveniences them
BAAAW Kill stealers!
BAAAW They looted my drops!
BAAAW They have things I don't!

>> No.13771702

what should I play if I want to meet a smelly little NEET Japanese virgin girl?

>> No.13771710

Mabi isn't like that. For that matter, PSO is more instanced than anything. Going into a dungeon which is an instance doesn't take away from the rest of the game.

I think instanced dungeons are fine. Your party can go in and fight shit and not have to worry about inconveniences or queuing up. There's not a lot gained from there being other parties around yours. Every time people mentioned instances they take it to some PSO like extreme. Although I'll admit I never played WoW. Maybe the entirety of WoW is just a hub and then you never see anyone else outside cities. I don't know. But instanced content isn't bad in itself. Also it's been around forever, so if MMOs made a mistake with it, then MMOs are flawed right from the get-go.

Incidentally, in Mabi's case, normal instances are spawned by certain items, so if you were doing the normal version of a dungeon for some reason, you could go with multiple parties by using the same item. It's something they should really have played up more.

>> No.13771714

Maplestory JP server.

>> No.13771719

How long does it take to go across the world in FFXIV, by walking or chocoboing? Not very long, I'd think. I'd even say it's about the same, if not shorter than much earlier MMOs.

I think instances and instanced dungeons are a lazy way for devs to make the game world "larger", without having to make the main world bigger. Compared to what we expected newer MMOs to look like, the ones we have are pretty damn small, especially once you ignore instances. Combined with matchmakers and autogrouping tools, and a way to teleport to the instance, and the world becomes even smaller, with some areas never being traversed ever again. Consider the lack of freedom in character creation and class creation, and you have a very dull game.

>> No.13771730

>Although I'll admit I never played WoW. Maybe the entirety of WoW is just a hub and then you never see anyone else outside cities. I don't know. But instanced content isn't bad in itself. Also it's been around forever, so if MMOs made a mistake with it, then MMOs are flawed right from the get-go.
it sort of evolved over the years. At the beginning when people wanted to do dungeons, they had to travel all the way to the entrance together or alone while there was the risk of being ganked. Later streamlining happened and people only wait in cities for their queues to pop.

>> No.13771751

I don't consider PSO or Monhun as MMO but the gameplay mechanic based around 4players taking on huge bosses for a session superior to any MMO raid bosses that I have played.

>> No.13771755

>Later streamlining happened and people only wait in cities for their queues to pop.
Having to eat a burger, solo some content like crafting while you wait, or sit in silence with some grouped party members is what's killing MMOs.

If you run the risk of being ganked every time you want to do a dungeon, it necessitates finding people you like working with and can work with well. With matchmakers, it's a one shot deal, you're standing safely in town staring at the back of your character's head, and if those people you're matched with aren't on your server, you'll never see them again.

There isn't even limited cross server trade, or cross server friends lists in the vast majority of modern MMOs. There were in older ones, and there wasn't even any way of interacting with those people, because it was too complicated or tiresome or whatever for devs at the time to implement.

They really are what ordinary people would call "second jobs" (first jobs?) at this point. Socialising is clique based, rather than individual based. Just sign up to the guild, be greeted with lukewarm greetings, and you're in, until you feel uncomfortable with the silence after a few days and ditch them to solo once more.

>> No.13771758

There is Lineage 2 with geniously simple PvP system and seamless open world dungeons. There is Wyrm which is very underestimated medieval EVE with hugeass seamless world where people killing dragons not because they they drop weapons and gold chests but because people want to make an armor from their skin and arrows from their fangs.
And EVE aren't all that simple, PvP and missions only part of many things you can do.
You can see what average MMO player is from this thread. They talk about dungeons, bosses and loot like this is something specific to the whole genre and not to specific games.

>> No.13771767

One thing trying to play RO again has taught me is that if you want to make a big world, you need to put something in it. Playing RO without warping around the maps or to cities is such a fucking chore. It's fine to admire the scenery, but after a while it becomes such a pain. Either make every major area have something worth going to it for or let us bypass it for in game money or something. If you want to force people to see it, make some sort of automated public transit so they can go take a piss or something while they wait. (Eve is good here, with random shit you can scan for or automated jumping. -insert next poster's blahblah about risking being ganked and highsec carebears here)

>> No.13771778

Wurm, not Wyrm.

>> No.13771781

>There is Wyrm which is very underestimated medieval EVE

All I can think about is two knights slowly circling one another, occasionally striking with their weapons and waiting for their opponent's shield to break.

>> No.13771786

>Raids are shit and need to be removed from MMORPGs. Maybe even the whole concept of bosses. A new idea needs to happen. Maybe something based on just having a few powerful monsters or I don't know.
So you basically don't want bosses killable only by a group of people of multiple group of people?
You want to play solo or something?

>> No.13771792

I played the GC version for 1000+ hours and had a Humar level 182
Without online.

My best weapon was the Chain Sawd ;_;

>> No.13771795

>if you want to make a big world, you need to put something in it.
But that's a chore, why not simply have masses of empty space to give the illusion of a large game world? It saves time, and it's so much easier for devs t do. I mean, it helps to keep the frame rate up, and make the game weigh less in memory, so it's good, right? Right? Left?

>or let us bypass it for in game money or something.
That, combined with a lack of things in between, reduces the need for cooperation greatly, I feel. There should always be a reason to walk somewhere instead of having a desire to teleport. As soon as you implement teleports, devs concede "this entire space is shit now, and will never be used again from x point or x level until a future update puts a quest npc to talk to on the way to another npc there" and the game enters a spiral of shit. Autonavigating taxi systems are good, though.

Don't blog or abuse spoilers here.

>> No.13771798

Nigga, what makes EVE a EVE is a sandbox world where everything function on players. The combat mechanics is a very minor detail.

>> No.13771804

Not him but I don't need to play MMO to kill bosses. I can do it in single player games and instead I want to experiense something that I can experiense only in MMO.

>> No.13771820

You don't get it. MMO boss is something impossible to solo. And that one thing that mmo can offer. You team up ( with real ) people to complete otherwise impossible challenge. You are not superhuman batman and world doesn't rotate around you that what mmo about.

>> No.13771840


You can beat the shit out of many Ragnarok bosses alone.

This is one of the things that make the game so competitive in the field of PvE, because the bosses are open to everyone and they can jack it off before you.

That kind of thing is rarer these days and it shouldn't be.

>> No.13771841

>You want to play solo or something?
Yes, honestly. I don't like the dynamics of having to be part of a group or worse, told what to do by some geek-ass nerd.

>So you basically don't want bosses killable only by a group of people of multiple group of people?
No. I just don't want to fight boring ass HP walls where dynamics are "run out of the killzone to not die" or whatever the hell dumb shit they do to make it seem "hard."

You want party content, have us fight a balanced party of enemies. Have them with like tanks absorbing our attackers while we try to push through to their healers and ranged attackers and their melee attackers try to wear us down. I don't like single monolithic bosses. When I hear "raid", I imagine something like 100 people charging into orc county to kill all 20,000 pig-faces there and having to fight everything from orc peasants with pitchforks to orc shamans and powerful heroes/warlords. Instead, when I look it up, it's like people fight some giant monster who kills half of them unless they stop attacking it when it starts flashing every 20 seconds and takes 2 hours to beat. And then newer MMOs try to impress with even bigger monsters who instant kills 80% of the group every minute they haven't died and take 3 hours to beat.

>> No.13771859

Yes I can. In any party based rpg.

>> No.13771875
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Yes by playing superior game like monhun or dark souls.

>> No.13771914

Superior to what? To mmorpg? I remember Ken-sama claiming that Japanese games are superior to western. But to claim that two games are superior to genre itself. Thats whole new level, unless you are being ironic.

>> No.13771936

>You are not superhuman batman
Then they should get rid of levels and stat increases, because you will be one day.

Honestly, you should be able to solo them anyway if the game had PVE mechanics beyond "i kill u now hue" such that a skillful person could eventually whittle down a powerful boss.

>world doesn't rotate around you
True, but I feel like MMOs should be more like table top RPGs where you and your party do your own thing and you can converse and meet new people everywhere else.

That's another problem with the base. Some people are true internet nerds who just want a few friends to play with where as others are extroverts who just want to be around huge groups of people all the time, the stuff the other group goes online to get away from.

I think instances too, in the sense of dungeons, not whole worlds, also allow opportunities to not be static. If they did it properly, you could have the dungeon be a different experience for your party each time. Even when you knew what all could happen, there's the chance you could get the worst possible combination of stuff or have an usually easy time.

The main appeal of MMOs for the MMO part to me, are market places. Although some games seem to prefer auction houses and stuff to fields of people selling things. While it's convenient, it kind of takes away a social gathering aspect.

>> No.13772918

Vindictus isn't a real MMO, but the combat is probably the best out there if you include it.

>> No.13773067

What's currently the most popular MMO in Japan and South Korea, respectively?

>> No.13773136

I believe for JP it's FFXIV and PSO. But japan isn't really a thriving MMO market in general

>> No.13773145

In South Korea it's probably Lineage or DFO.

>> No.13773237

I think vindictus combat is much worse than Black Desert, PSO2, or even Tera for that matter. Movement is too floaty and combat is too mashy.

>> No.13773432


>> No.13773518

>In fact arguments are usually just variants of "I want the freedom to gank/greif newbies"
>See: The first line of >>13771403 (You)
I complained about -endgame- being instanced, you can still grief newbies in those lobby based mmorpg, because newbies will still kill stuff in the lobby.
What I want is to still able get those non-formulatic encounters in the endgame playthrough.

I'm glad ToS developer thinks those non-formulatic encounters are the essence of MMORPG.

>We didn't create instanced dungeons or layer separation because we wanted to capture the basic MMORPG essence. We know it's impossible to expect all the players to act mannerly in this kind of game. Realistically for every good/kind player there's also bad/mean players, and with this thought in mind we think that stealing is a part/element of the genre [that they can't necessarily fix without removing a lot of player interaction].

>Conversely, a high-leveled player might see a low-leveled player struggling with a boss and help them out as they are passing through. We want a user's experience to be varied and rich [?].

>> No.13773587
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>Release date(s) WW September 3, 1998
How the fuck they manage to get more money than dota2, csgo and hearthstone when the only servers left are the japanese and the korean ones?

>> No.13773896

Wtf is crossfire?

>> No.13773942

P2W korean FPS
