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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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13733280 No.13733280 [Reply] [Original]

I just did my reps.
What's your excuse?

>> No.13733351

it's too hot recently

>> No.13733353

I'm too busy shitposting

>> No.13733574

I'll do them later today.

>> No.13733605

cute pic homie

>> No.13733666
File: 9 KB, 282x329, suspend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My brain is not good.

>> No.13733684

im shit

>> No.13733709

I don't know how many times I stopped learning after starting with some vocabulary.
I think I have learned the kanas 5 times already and some kanjis and grammar that I forget everytime.

>> No.13733710

i haven't done my reps properly in almost 2 months and i don't even have a job.

>> No.13733835


If that's the case, you've never even learnt them once.

What are you doing? Just looking at them? Are you never reading anything at all?

>> No.13734086

What's the point?

I just play touhou and shitpost on the internet every day

nothing will change in that regard

>> No.13734612

What are reps

>> No.13734902

I've had painful back surgery which involved inserting steel beams and pinning them to my vertebrae. At best, I can make it without pain meds, but its still too much to focus on reps.

I still read, though.

>> No.13734978
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I forgot but I'll do them later

>> No.13735074

I don't have any decks and I don't know which ones are good...

>> No.13735093

I just finished. It took much longer than usual today.

>> No.13735135

I have hiragana down but katakana gets to me because they're kinda similar. I can usually read them though. I've been putting vocab aside in order to focus on my classes I have coming up this fall.

>> No.13735145

I have trouble fapping more than once a day.

>> No.13735200

i don't understand how to use anki
i also feel discouraged because my japanese handwriting is very very poor

>> No.13735216


>> No.13735252
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>> No.13735259

why would you not learn how to write japanese if you're learning how to read and speak it?

>> No.13735262
File: 38 KB, 704x396, ohohoho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All your reps were for naught and have little to no application on your silly pursuits to read VN and watch anime without translation and subtitles.

You guys should just give up and learn something more practical like Spanish or something.

>> No.13735305

because no one is going to read your handwriten japanese, and there is a big difference between recognizing a kanji, which is enough to read text, and being able to write it on paper, it's wasting your time.

>> No.13735318

There is no point in learning any language unless you plan on living in a country where it's spoken.

>> No.13735322

Reps of what? I'm a gym otaku, so of course I've done my reps.

>> No.13735326

There's no point in doing anything.

>> No.13735329

Or to play video games.

There are only two languages worth learning:
English and Japanese.

>> No.13735337


And Hebrew.

>> No.13735339


I knew a guy who was studying Chinese and liked watching Chinese movies...It was pathetic. I tried to convince him to study Japanese and watch anime with me, but he refused for some reason.

>> No.13735344

>I tried to convince him to study Japanese and watch anime with me, but he refused for some reason.
I wonder why.

>> No.13735349

my ultimate goal is to live in japan, where i'd imagine at some point in time i'd end up writing in japanese
it's not much more effort for me to remember stroke orders, it just comes out looking ugly and hardly legible anyway

>> No.13735352


He ended up going to China for college to pursue an international business degree...What a waste of fucking time.

>> No.13735355

>live in japan

look at the weeb

what's the point?

>> No.13735357

What a shitty goal. Snap back to reality before it's too late.

>> No.13735367

i don't like living in america, and planning to live in the country in question is a good way to justify learning a language spoken in only one country
a lot of american expats seem content living in japan, what makes it a bad idea if you have a semi-realistic idea of what japan is like

>> No.13735377

That wash clear :p

>> No.13735386

What exactly do you plan to do there once you arrive in your "dream" country? Teach English?

You're a lost case.

>> No.13735408

okay, if for some reason you end up living in japan, in 2030 send me an email containing how many times and why you actually had to handwrite anything in japanese.


>> No.13735493

probably teach english lol
i'm a neet here so it's not like i'm throwing away any opportunities to have a Rich Prosperous American Life to be a miserable wage slave in japan

>> No.13735520

Because I just started today.
What's the best way to learn Katakana?

>> No.13735548

Japan has no need for unskilled neets like you. They already have a plethora of English teachers.

Even if you did somehow end up teaching English in Japan, your wages will be shit.

>> No.13735561


You're completely wrong about this (except the last part...You're 100% correct about that...). There are companies that will take literally anybody. Not saying that these are GOOD companies to work for, but they're out there.

>> No.13735565

Well I opt for the pen-and-paper method, for one thing.

I just took the JLPT yesterday, for another.

But mainly because I forgot my books at home today.

>> No.13735626

I literally think I might be dying. That's my excuse. I have severe pain in my abdomen frequently, weird rashes and swollen lymph nodes everywhere. can't focus on studying anymore.

>> No.13735633


Must be lupus.

>> No.13735645

Studying gave you cancer. RIP anon.

>> No.13735667


Go to the doctor, anon...3:

>> No.13735844

we can help you, don't trust doctors.


>> No.13736335

It amazes me that people get stuck on learning kana.

What chance can they possibly have to learn tens of thousands of words if they can't figure out how to do ~one hundred basic symbols?

>> No.13736730

Grinding. Just pound them into your head. If you think you have them one day then study them again another day because if you forget them you pretty much lose.

>> No.13736862
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If you could actually read japanese, what would it say here?

>> No.13736971

It says:
Tom Cruise is Cool

>> No.13736981

No it doesn't.

>> No.13737030

Jews go here

>> No.13737035


>> No.13737039


>> No.13737047


>> No.13737082

Anki got fucked after summer time change and I never unfucked it.

>> No.13737095

What excuse? I Ate breakfast,Did my reps and grabbed a shower.....

>> No.13741605


>> No.13741682

I learn them.
Start with grammar.
Learn some words while doing grammar.
Stop and come back months later and realize that I don't remember anything.
At least is easier than the first times.

>> No.13741699

Flashcards are the devil.

>> No.13748371



>> No.13749254

I finally did mine after 2 days of not doing them.
