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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1373292 No.1373292 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, /pj/, God tells you that drinking five gallons of semen will turn into a little japanese girl.
What do you do?

>> No.1373301
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>> No.1373307

Does it have to be at once?

>> No.1373311

Does my own sperm count?! This is going to be so cool!

>> No.1373306

>five gallons of semen will turn into a little japanese girl

Take a trip to the sperm bank.

>> No.1373322

You're given 45 minutes.

>> No.1373323

Oh god, I actually remember those fucking banana's...

>> No.1373313

But I don't speak Japanese, this will just be messy and inconvenient.

>> No.1373330

Who doesn't?

>> No.1373336

Does it count if I wish didn't remember them?

>> No.1373337


You never will, either.

>> No.1373333

That sounds easy, as long as it has no AIDS or anything. It's just mucus.

Actually, I like having a penis. It seems way more entertaining than a vagina. It's probably cool to jam your penis into a vagina too. I never done that though.

>> No.1373334

I think you have the wrong board, this isn't /pj/ - Pajamas.

>> No.1373346


Thank you, Captain Obvious.

>> No.1373341

Wait for the hallucinations to stop.

>> No.1373352

I'd drink 10 if it turned me into a middle-european/american girl instead.

>> No.1373349

I'd give it fifty-fifty odds god is just fucking with anon's head there, though.

But I'd still go for it. Even if he's just being a dick, what the hell, it's just sperm. It's not gonna kill me.

>> No.1373369

You might wish that it killed you when you wake up at the hospital surrounded by an ashamed family after having your stomach pumped.

>> No.1373384


>> No.1373382

I'd like to transform into a finnish loli with drill hair.

>> No.1373386

What does one say in this situation?

>> No.1373397

I sometimes drink my sperm, so yeah.

>> No.1373398

get out. now.

>> No.1373394

Shut the fuck up, Goddamn, you are fucking killing /pj/.

>> No.1373396


Chuck Palaniuk, is that you?

>> No.1373410

Tell your family that God ordered you to do it.

>> No.1373424


Point. Still, I think the sheer fuckeduppitude of having been punk'd by the motherfucking Almighty himself would almost make it all worthwhile, even if nobody'd ever believe the story.

>> No.1373439

It's physically impossible to drink five gallons within one hour, so I doubt it.

>> No.1373436

Back to /Gaia/, please.

>> No.1373462

What makes you think God hasn't blessed you with super natural powers?
Have a little faith.

>> No.1373480

>What makes you think God hasn't blessed you with super natural powers?
>Have a little faith.
Good point, time to jump off a cliff God will protect me from harm.

>> No.1373506

"From now on I'll be atheist"

>> No.1373503


Enjoy your gift of flight. Be sure to jump through four hoops after.

>> No.1373504


He clearly meant within the context of a sperm-drinkan-for-lolibody trial. If we're assuming god is A) a sadist/perv who merely wants to watch anon guzzle a gallon of sperm or B) testing anon's mental/spiritual fortitude rather than physical fortitude, then I think it's reasonable to assume he'd grant you the stomach of steel, or at least increased cum-guzzling capacities of some sort, you'd need to go through with it.

>> No.1373540

I survived a crash with a truck without any scrapes.
The car slid on it's roof and stayed in the middle of the highway for all the duration of this while I wasn't wearing a seatbelt.
Do I qualify ?

>> No.1374908

I'm confused. Why would I need an incentive or reward to do that?

Though the turning into a Jap loli would admittedly be a nice bonus. I'd drink another five gallons then, while millions watched and fapped.

>> No.1374922

Nothing. I don't want to be a little japanese girl.
I like being myself.

>> No.1374920

but i dont produce sperm and i already AM a girl

>> No.1374924

Who said anything about a time limit?

>> No.1374960

Fat, ugly, not little. You'd be a fool not to do it.

>> No.1374965

Saya is so fat. *hiss*

>> No.1374962

But is god talking about, like, a really hot/cute loli of some sort? Because that would make a difference. Or would there be some sort of catch, like it'd turn out you'd be a loli with no arms or legs or something? Because I could totally see god doing that.


You need more training.

>> No.1374963

Why would you need to produce it yourself?

>> No.1374968

How would you even go about getting five gallons of semen? If I have to drink semen I sure as hell won't be drinking stuff that's been laying around for over an hour, so I'd want it fresh. Which means dicks, which means lots and lots and lots of fucking dicks because one penis will only give a small amount of semen.

Run out into the streets screaming, "I need to drink five gallons of semen, NOW!" And hope people will just flock to you? Even for an attractive super model it's going to be hard to get that many people.

>> No.1374972


I'm sure Paris Hilton knows how.

>> No.1374982
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Suddenly wind up force-fed 5 gallons of semen before my mind has time to process what she just told me.

>> No.1374987

Crushed my fucking DS.

>> No.1374985

I would sip that shit slowly until I was an old man.

>> No.1374991


That's not like you anon, sure I'll hey wait

>> No.1375006


Enjoy god summoning a truck/plague of locusts/etc. on your ass one second before your plan comes to fruition.

>> No.1375078

I tell him that drinking that much semen would be much easier if I were already a little Japanese girl, and ask him for a two week advance on the transformation.

>> No.1375097
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You could regain your youth and learn Japanese. Also, I'm sure you could find some donors to help you achieve your dream.

>> No.1375106

I'm jilling off to Saya

>> No.1375125

No thanks.

I treasure my manhood.
