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13728884 No.13728884 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread: >>13706250

The guide: http://pastebin.com/hwhGL66a

Please avoid shitposting and being off topic - follow global and local rules. Instead of replying, report and ignore!

If you have a question about a certain item, please provide as much information as possible so that we can help. Usually, your measurements, equipment and habits are our best indicators.

Please limit your own posting so that the thread can live longer - ideally 4 days or more.

Don't forget to take it easy!

>> No.13728895
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>> No.13728929 [DELETED] 

>tfw no perfectly clear cylinder onahole

>> No.13728979

I want to get the puni hole spdx but i can't justify spending 88$ on shipping costs so i think i might just get a dx from queen cat. Am i making a mistake going cheap?

>> No.13729046

The amount you spend is entirely up to you. I wouldn't say it as a mistake, but as an alternative. I took quite a long time in deciding whether or not to spend money on a hip and its shipping. I could have easily ordered other holes, but I stuck with it. You should consider the differences between the two and think if you deem the difference worth in the change in price.

Only label it as a mistake if one option is a no brainer or when it's a clear waste of money.

>> No.13729049

Yesterday I managed to cum hands free for the first time, using only some lube and 2 fingers.
I suposse that's not related to onaholes though.

>> No.13729149

Get the hard version, much more realistic ass.

>> No.13729307

I'm mighty jealous though.

>> No.13729704

You know, I've thought about that, but I can't really see any advantage to using that over just strapping the holes onto my pillow like I have been, save maybe angle of insertion.

>> No.13729909


Why would Ruri have a closet of sextoys? Also is that a bulge in the top left panel?

Why would she have a dick?

This is not okay. I am going to have to have this artist arrested on blasphemy.

>> No.13730501


Has anyone used this? Is it good? I've never used a prostate stimulator before.

>> No.13730622

>I've never used a prostate stimulator before.
Get an Aneros and follow the wiki

>> No.13730770

We have a wiki?

>> No.13731521
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Has anyone tried using tampons to dry onaholes?

>> No.13731535

Lurk moar.

>> No.13731565

Thanks that's what I needed to know.

>> No.13731686
File: 56 KB, 460x288, Toucan_1448853c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont bother its a pain in the ass.

>> No.13731816

i have one, never had any luck with it at all. feels nice but thats about it.

>> No.13731890

Copying this here since he didn't show up >>20178502

It's alpha-version grade-0 bottom of the barrel. I'm using my phone and a Google Cardboard headmount. I don't even have any software that does headtracking, yet, or that was specifically designed for VR, so it could be about a thousand times better than it is, and it's still amazing.


I used TriDef to stream side-by-side stereoscopic video to Moonlight on my phone.

I use the following software:
Klub 17

Or even just watch POV vids with the VR headset. Even just having your entire vision taken up by the video dramatically enhances its impact.

For a onahole I use the Lilith Uterus.

>> No.13731933

woah woah woah

Youre telling me i can get VR for 40$?

>> No.13731963

And I'm an idiot.

That's right. Apparently even this shitty setup is a massive improvement over nothing at all. Hopefully someone else gives this a spin.

>> No.13732023

Whens Mi-Nyan coming back

>> No.13732292

>tfw was temptes to buy one at a convention
>one display had

>'Warning: feel inside!'
>'Put figer from bottom to feel'

>try putting it in
>juggly at the bottom
>squishy too

I don't know anymore. Are they disposable or reusable?

>> No.13732303

Read the guide, it'll tell you how to take care of it. Most of the ones you find are reusable. Clean them after every use and you won't get an infection like some dumb fucks.

Oh yeah, the starch thing mentioned in the guide works wonders. Makes your onahole go from feeling like sticky mush to actual skin.

>> No.13732311

You need to give us more info on your onahole or maybe some pics. We won't know if it's reusable or not.

>> No.13732313

Alrifht, I don't live alone, I just want to know if it makes a lot of noise or not and if anyone has a similar situation, where do you hide them?

>inb4 in the guide

>> No.13732317

Sorry, I was at a convention, was just a random one, though, I will be back in a couple of hours with one that I'm interested in, but I can't remember the prize.

>> No.13732332

I keep mine in a shoebox labeled "past pay stubs" under my bed. It does make a bit of a queefing noise if you start going rough with it, but it's something that can be easily masked. For example, I run a fan by the door. The people I live with know I'm not used to New England humidity, coming from California, so they pretty much expect me to run the fan nearly 24/7.

Wrap it in a towel and some clothing to take to the bathroom like you're just gonna go take a shower. If you wash it over the sink, it'll just sound like you're splashing your face or swishing water. If you wash it in the shower, it'll just sound like you're cleaning yourself. Obviously you're going to need your towel kept in your room for this to work. You can use the cover story of "dude I just found out everytime you flush, it sprays poop particles all over the bathroom." I actually have been keeping my toiletries in my room before I bought an onahole, so there was no suspicious change in behavior on my part.

>> No.13732341

>Obviously you're going to need your towel kept in your room for this to work.
I normally just shove mine in a pocket and make a dash for the bathroom. This works especially well with cargo pants or during the winter when you can wear warm clothing to cover your pockets. You need the outside clean first though, of course.

>> No.13732346

Nah, I find draping my towel over it and carrying everything under-arm is the most inconspicuous way of going about it.

>> No.13732353

That also requires you not to leave your towel in the bathroom and possibly change your habits so you don't. It's great for dorms and the like, but I'm providing an alternative.

>> No.13732359

Also, the booth I was in had some left and were selling it for $3 each iirc. Do you guys suggest cheap ones like that? I'm not home infront of a computer so I can't check the prices at the moment.

>> No.13732372

Usually no. Those are most likely to be disposable. I assume that onaholes sold at cons tend to have jacked up prices or a poor selection.
You seem new to onaholes and your lack of knowledge is really showing. Do your research before buying.

>> No.13732381

>$3 each
Almost certainly disposable and therefore not worth it. I'd put money on those being Tenga eggs, but again, it's better to drop money on a reusable hole and some lube.

>> No.13732382

Yeah i'm reading the guide.

>> No.13732387

Nah, it's one of those "get what you pay for" types of things. The median is about $50, with the nicer ones toward the $100 range. Or if you want to get real fancy, you can shell out $300 for something modeled as an entire hip with a vagina and anus. But you know, good luck sneaking that around.

>> No.13732392

You'll be better off reading the past few archived threads as well, or as far back as you have the time for.
You can always find links to the previous thread in the OP.

>> No.13732399

Oh right. The guide will mention this, but stay away from those gimmick onaholes. Those are the ones "modeled" after "YOUR FAVORITE ANIME GIRL!"

I personally have one of the NPG Meiki no Syoumei series, but people here say the Tomax Venus Real and Lilith Uterus models are pretty freaking good.

>> No.13732531

Speaking of not getting an infection, is there any reason why a Tenga Spiral would develop dark yellowish spots after only being used three times? I'm cleaning it with soap and water after each use, drying it, and the yellowish spots are only visible on the side you hold while using it. Not the spiral side.

>> No.13732545

Are you storing it spiral side out? Is there anything on your hands or surfaces that might be getting onto the hole? There's a possibility such a thing is normal for that material too.

>> No.13732546

I have no idea about tengas.

>> No.13732557

I'm storing it spiral side out inside the see through case it came in. I washed my hands before using it, and it didn't contact any other surfaces. I'm also using a lube that won't damage it. I'm really not sure what it could be! It'd be great if that was normal for the material so I wouldn't have to worry about wasting my money.

>> No.13732570

If you're storing it spiral side out it's possible that you aren't getting it bone dry so whatever part is contacting the stand stays wet for longer than you'd think and the chlorine or whatever else in your water is causing that discoloration. Being in that case can't be helping. It's probably nothing, but you could always disinfect with peroxide or toss the hole if you're truly concerned your dick is going to fall off.

>> No.13732574

Damn it, you could be right. I would hate to toss it due to how hard it was to buy under the radar, but my dick is pretty important. I'm not storing it that way anymore if it makes any difference, but I'm not sure chlorine can be disinfected with peroxide. Don't Spirals have some kind of antibacterial thing in them?

>> No.13732613

Chlorine IS a disinfectant, no need to worry about that. That's why tap water is treated with it in the first place. If I'm right about the water thing then discoloration and a likely unnoticeable change in texture (not even very relevant here due to location) is all you've got to worry about. So disinfect it, leave it to dry on both sides from now on and see what happens.

For the next time you need a package on the sly look into Amazon locker or a PO box as well.

>> No.13732627

Thanks anon! I really appreciate that.

>> No.13732784

really? I think tampons work great for drying unflipable onaholes, I wish I could use them more than once, easy to fit it deeply with the tube

>> No.13733045

There's one and it's full of dicks.

>> No.13733085

If Tenga toys are porous, couldn't some of the peroxide be hard to wash off? Peroxide might be harmful to the groin.

>> No.13733576

If Tenga toys were porous they'd be hell to clean. Even toys actually MADE of foam manage to keep the surface so smooth that's not an issue, so he'll be fine. Peroxide breaks down fairly quickly and is water soluble on top of that, so it's all okay.

>> No.13733589

So how bad of an idea is it for the overall life of the toy to flip a Uterus Soft inside out?

Using rolled up paper towels seems to dry the hole pretty well, but I'm still somewhat nervous about it.

>> No.13733669

can't you let the tampons dry and stuff it back in the applicator?

>> No.13733879

I dry the insides thoroughly with no need to flip the toy inside out. Been using them for over a year with no problems whatsoever.
Onaholes aren't exactly cheap so I want them to last as long as possible.

>> No.13733894
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>wash with soap and water.
>let drain for a minute.
>squeeze out excess water.
>insert paper towels/tissue paper/whatever you have into onahole.
>squeeze with paper inside.
>remove paper.
>apply cornstarch inside and outside of the onahole.
>put cornstartched onahole into a bag.
>put back into onahole storage.

Is this not in the pastebin?

>> No.13733901

I wouldn't apply cornstarch to the inside of an onahole. The outside is a must though.

>> No.13733917


eh every sex toy manufacturer usually bundles "refreshing" power which is cornstarch anyway. and it keeps the mold away from my lilth uterus which I've had for a little over a year.

baby powder is the problem.

>> No.13733952

tampons become bigger after they absorb water, so they dont fit the applicator again

why is baby powder bad?

>> No.13734201

Would dish soap be too harsh I assume?

>> No.13734353

Anti-bacterial hand soap should suffice. Dish soap may be hard on the soft onahole materials. Just a drop of hand soap will do, and rinse thoroughly with lots of water after.

>> No.13734462

I have a few venus soft holes and just wondered. As the material seems similar is there any semblance of sensation between groping your venus soft and busty ai-chan, or does it feel like totally different experience?

>> No.13735294
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>> No.13735595

>why is baby powder bad?

it is cornstarch with extra stuff that can damage your holes you are better off going with the core product.


I haven't used dish soap but why not just use hand/body soap?

>> No.13735702
File: 163 KB, 1200x900, double-face-main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ordered this from Amazon a few days ago.
Had kept an eye out for it for a while.
Some really big pros and cons about it.
The hole itself reminds you of Slut Announcer. Same material, many of the nubs on the inside feel the same as slut announce when you touch it with your finger. One I stuck my penis though it was amazing. I don't know what stimulates me so much in the end maybe the choke point in the middle but in pure stimulation it's amazing. The major cons about are I don't know if my dick is too big (which I doubt at barely 6in) or I was too rough but the entrance to the two inner holes broke. The wall between the first and second tunnel broke. And the wall separating them also got a rip in it. I'd hoped it lasted a bit longer but it's still stimulating as hell at the second go. I like sticking my dick through the top hole then going through the hole in the wall and constrict into the main canal.

>> No.13735744


Dish soap is probably a bad idea as its usually a lot harsher and meant for washing grime and heavy oils off dishes, whereas hand soap is more gentle and suited for skin which is close to the material of onaholes.
Hand soap is really the way to go, unless you want to risk damaging your onahole for no good reason.

>> No.13735879

How do you disinfect an onahole?

>> No.13735889

You clearly couldn't even be bothered to read the few posts above you.

>> No.13735892

None of those posts explain how to use peroxide to disinfect one, which is what the post I linked mentioned. They just mention using antibacterial soap.

>> No.13735919

Anti-bacterial hand soap with a thorough rinse and dry is good enough. I personally wouldn't bother with anything else as it might damage the onahole or even worse, the skin on your dick.
If you are not lazy and take good care of your onaholes, you wouldn't need to resort to such measures to disinfect it.
However, you're free to try whatever you want to disinfect your onahole.

>> No.13735930

>I personally wouldn't bother with anything else as it might damage the onahole or even worse, the skin on your dick.
Then why did someone in this thread recommend it? I don't mean to challenge you, I'm curious.

>> No.13735936

Wash as usual, shake dry, pour peroxide into hole. It'll bubble a while while the peroxide does its thing then stop at which point you dump out the peroxide and rinse well then dry as usual and you're done. You can also soak the things in a bowl or something if you're concerned about the outside.

That was me. Disinfecting is for extreme cases when you're concerned you might've fucked up a little with your cleaning regimen, otherwise as he said it's really not necessary.

>> No.13735939

Thanks! That's really useful.

>> No.13736159
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What's a good tight loli but DURABLE onahole? I want something tight that will stay tight and take a few beatings from an average sized dick.

>> No.13736386
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Wishing I had a method to shop online, buying from stores is damn expensive... That said, no regrets. What could be better than fucking a piece of warm plastic?

PS how long should I be leaving the warmer in the hole for? Package says 2-3 min warm up and then 5 min in hole but pastebin says 25-30 mins for best results. Seems like an awfully big time difference, no?

>> No.13736402

Did you read the warmer guide? Go look through the past threads, look for a large clipart-esque image posted in the first few replies, and somewhere under that should be a graph on time, temperature and wattage. I think the filename is warmertime, but I can't remember. I'd post it but I'm not on my computer at the moment.

Computer USB wattage doesn't do much, and it takes quite a while(30ish minutes) to reach just above body temp.

Do regular tests, touch the warmer with your lips and finger the insides to feel if it's warm enough for you.

>> No.13736406

It really depends on what you plug it into. A usb wall adapter will charge it the fastest, but it could potentially melt it the fastest.

>> No.13736433
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>> No.13736446

what the fuck

>> No.13736451

My nls arrived today. I ordered a tube of peaces, Ride's Nurses Uterus & Magic Eyes's Maiden. Anybody like a review?

>> No.13736470

Please tell me this is not USD.

>> No.13736478

Aight thanks. Ended up going balls deep after just 10 minutes and it was ok, but I think I'll let it warm for longer next time.

HKD. Still ended up paying more than double on everything though welp

I'm interested in Ride's Nurse

>> No.13736602

I kinda wish I'd ordered the hard version, which I may do next order anyway. Found it similer to their Nurse's anal in texture/material. The 'cervix' part is kinda cool, but can't help think its a little bit too soft. But yeah its a decent hole for a good price, Ride have yet to dissapoint.

>> No.13736632
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Saw these at Anime Expo over the weekend and thought of you guys.

>> No.13736637

Anyone had any creative ideas on using some sort of automatic machine for your onahole?

Something like this:

>> No.13736805

I heard there was a new version of the Venus Real at some point. How would I be able to tell if I have the new one or not?

Also does anyone else have issues lasting in the Venus?

>> No.13736830
File: 1.88 MB, 320x240, Home-Alone-2-Marv-Electrocuted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Humpus.
I removed the silicone on the ring attachment and use it sometimes for onaholes.
It's pretty strong and battery have always lasted more than long enough for long sessions.
It can go very fast too, almost scary fast.
At slower speed the motor can have some trouble with heavy onaholes.
Works great with Venus Real and ZXY for example.

It's not meant to be used for onaholes though and the receptor socket broke because I bent sideways somehow. Had an e-mail conversation with them and their technician, where I explained how I broke it. Since I was honest he decided to send me spare parts so I could repair it myself easily, even though I've had it for a couple of years.

If you decide to get one just remember, the warranty does not cover using oneholes on it.

Pic related, when it keeps going full speed after you cum.

>> No.13736851

Perhaps I should visit conventions more often.

>> No.13736878


>> No.13737051

If I'm not mistaken every venus real sold on daimaoh after 2015.5.20 is a new version, you can see the difference on it's page (scroll to the end).

>> No.13737054
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I almost passed out when using my hole just now~

>> No.13737062

What hole did you use anon?

>> No.13737072
File: 101 KB, 500x700, 1377373221411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lilith Uterus Soft. I squeezed out as much air as I possibly could, and pushed my glans snugly inside the womb.
Then I started slowly pumping on and off between a few of my favorite doujins, until finishing around 10 minutes later strongly. By far the best session I've had yet.

>> No.13737076

I can't read Japanese so can anyone explain in detail what changes they made to it?

>> No.13737079

Damn that sounds great I've been trying to catch a Lilith Uterus Soft on daimaoh but the always run out of stock in a matter of minutes.

>> No.13737090

They strengthened the bottom and added some texture at the entrance along with a crevice that's supposed to reduce the loss of lube during the session. Mostly QoL changes.

>> No.13737092

is it gay that i was turned on reading that?

>> No.13737147

No, because you probably indentified with the narrator, not with the toy.

>> No.13737159

if anon had used 2nd person to refer to himself "he pushed his glans snugly" would that have been?

>> No.13737165

It's gay regardless. I wanna read about a qt girl masturbating, not some sweaty gross dude. Woe is me.

>> No.13737204

listen up Petrus, an onahole is simultaneously female and an inanimate object. imo its not gay.

>> No.13737286

Thanks! Damn, this means that me along with most anons here have the older version. I wouldn't mind hearing the experiences of someone with the new version vs the old.

>> No.13737515

I don't use onaholes. but I need to bump this thread.
Sorry for the interruption.

>> No.13737645


>> No.13737783

You don't use them, but instead admire them?

>> No.13737852

No, that's not it.
It's kinda complicated, and painful to talk about.
Sorry I brought it up.

>> No.13738006


Canadians beware.

>> No.13738018

Fuck, Canada is going down the slippery slope real fast.
Something must be done before the country becomes a shit hole from all the fear mongering.

>> No.13738032

Aren't sexbots already banned there?

>> No.13738133

Well, time for suicide
See you all in Gensokyo ;_;

>> No.13738146

>those comments
At least some people are still sensible.

>> No.13738181

We Canadians are living in the end times.

What do I do? I was never in the habit of downloading doujins so I only have a handful of pictures in my collection. Legal alternatives like disgaea and fate/stay night are okay but do not show penetration and ecchi can only satisfy me so far. If only this was 2006 when I could just go wardriving and find an unsecured WiFi access point in less than an hour. I guess I'll have to shell out some buttcoins for a Swedish VPN so RCMP won't be knocking at my door and I'll be forced to take the express train to Gensokyo.

>> No.13738331

That's actually not a terrible price.

>> No.13738338

They didn't change the texture at all, they added more material to the back, and added a groove at the entrance to trap lube better. I'm guessing they just needed to replace the injection molds, so they made a few minor changes.

>> No.13738373

Oh wow, those are the only two complaints I have about the Venus Real. Lube near the entrance just leaks out if it's just lying down, and after using it, the lube leaves a big wet spot at the entrance.

I'm kind of tempted to get a new version but this one is still working great after probably 100+ uses.

>> No.13739041

I am really close to getting a Puni Ana DX Hard Edition, but I'm afraid of how it could be treated in shipping. I live in the "south" of the US, so I'm worried that it could get me into trouble. Although I've never heard of anyone getting busted for that sort-of thing around here.

Any tips? It's a bummer because I'm not even in it for the lolicon. I just want my cock to feel good and it seems like a great toy.

>> No.13739061

Nah, shouldn't be any problem for you. Just go ahead and order it, hard edition is a great choice too!
Don't forget the Ona Tsuyu lube. If you're gonna pay that much to ship a hip you might as well take advantage of it and stock up on lube.

>> No.13739079

Standard packaging removal yada yada if you don't care for the loli aspect. Not like you'd get in trouble anyway, but it might ease your mind.

>> No.13739232

/jp/, I'm too cheap to buy one of these, is there a way to make one at home?

>> No.13739246
File: 172 KB, 537x758, 1425601954299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello /ona/ I'm an avid lurker and have like (6?) holes and it's been like half a year since I bought my last hole and I'm really feeling the need to get a new one. I've never had a TOMAX hole and I really want to see if they are amazing as everyone says.

That being said my favorite holes are magic eyes holes: rina, lolinco, mouth of truth, and not magic eyes but slut announcer. and I was just wondering what your guy's opinions are on lillith or succubus and if I should get normal or hard? thanks for the help guys, you're awesome

>> No.13739260

my favorite holes are butthole asshole lol

>> No.13739278

Actually bought a mouth of truth there on the first day when the shelves were still full of them.

>> No.13739311

I wonder if sex toy stores stock onaholes in America.

>> No.13739317

Sure! If you have an injection molding machine and a custom tooled high grade steel mold.

>> No.13739522

Just get a Venus Real and a Lilith Uterus in either soft or regular. (I personally recommend soft for the realism) If you get Soft then the inside will be around the same softness as most Magic Eyes holes.

>> No.13739758

Sup onahole thread. I'm a user of onaholes for about 4 years now and I'm wondering if anyone has heard anything about ona max revolution stock or a place that would sell one to level up the experience. Google hasn't been a great friend here for finding this automated hole-swappable machine so if anyone has seen some info I'd appreciate it.

>> No.13739766

that was very thoughtfully replied. Thanks anon.

>> No.13739989

>falling in love with your ona
This is a very strange feeling.

>> No.13740017

In addition to this, does the Puchi Som support a lot of third party onaholes? Does anyone own it?

>> No.13740028


>> No.13740536

Been out of the loop of the year or so

Any super amazing must-own hole that has been released over the past months?

>> No.13740546

>Venus Real

Isn't the Venus series designed for dolls? An anon once told me that it's wayyy too loose when used as a regular onahole

>> No.13740577

No it's not, what the hell man, where did you read that even?

>> No.13740580

One of these threads

>> No.13740591

It all comes down whether you're cut or not. If you're mutilated then of course it may seem like that, so when they state opinions they should include this fact too.
Another thing is you can always squeeze out the air, so you can ``regulate'' the tightness by yourself.

>> No.13740593

While we're on that topic, any point in getting something from the Venus line if I already have a lilith utherus? They look kinda similar to me

>> No.13740620

I myself bought venus real and venus clone. The difference between them exists and I'd say clone is 10% or so more pleasurable, so I'd imagine it's something like that between lilith and venus line too.
It all comes down to whether or not you're willing to spend money/have storage for a bit more pleasure than what you're getting right now, I doubt it'll be world changing otherwise.

>> No.13740786

Are there any stores that I can go to so I can purchase more water based lube without having to order more off the internet?

I'm dry and can't fap.

>> No.13740792

Do you not have pharmacies where you live?

>> No.13740901

Thank god, finally some normies.

Anyone have an SPDX review before I kill my wallet?

Main things I'm worried about is size (is it comparable to a real loli) and consistency of the material (too soft, too hard, just right)

>> No.13740905


>> No.13740977


Are there any clothes I can get for it.

>> No.13740983

Would it be bad if you put lube in a hole then didn't do anything for a day because you forgot about it?

>> No.13740990

No. Bacteria doesn't attack lube, it provides them no nutrients.

>> No.13740997

No bacteria would have grown so you don't have to worry. Just wash it ASAP with hand soap and then rinse it out with lots of warm water. Be sure to dry thoroughly otherwise mold will start to grow.

>> No.13741063

I left semen in mine for a day once. Luckily the temperature at the time hindered any mold growth.

>> No.13741329

I just spent 340$ dollarydoos then fapped and was filled with immense regret. I hate how much money I have just wasted.

>> No.13741355

That always happens to me

>> No.13741401

I need to leave mine for about 2 months. Are there anything I need to do before I leave?

>> No.13741411

Make sure it's clean and dry.

>> No.13741414

Powder them, make sure they are stored properly ( You don't want some insect to crawl inside)

>> No.13741439

This. Baby powder works perfectly

>> No.13741440


And when I come back, what are the best ways to clean it? In case there is mold or something.

>> No.13741521

If there's mold give up hope.
if you're desperate, use hot water. The hotter the better, and scrub. Warning, it will damage your hole if it's too hot.

If worse comes to worst, use bleach.

>> No.13741524

>Order Lilith Uterus Soft just now
>going to be my first Onahole
>hope I did good
I'm nervous /jp/

>> No.13741548

You can't go wrong with Tomax, you did good.

>> No.13741559

>They look kinda similar to me
The organic texture thing is about the same between them, but the canals are wildly different, especially the "G-Spot" and uterus on the Uterus. The experience isn't the same at all, but really it's a matter of cash.

Well, you can fuck up by ordering certain holes in hard, but he did fine.

>> No.13741565

Venus series is completely different from the Uterus. I have both and I much prefer the Venus Real.

>> No.13741663

The golden rule is to fap first before finalizing any purchase.

>> No.13741724

If it's perfectly dried and powdered on the outside, and stored in a cool dry place free from humidity, you'll be fine.

>> No.13741809

I don't understand. Why do people keep using this argument on the basis of feeling and sensitivity, when we can't even compare and accurately discern pain experienced by different people? While I agree that people can have different opinions, but being cut or uncut doesn't provide much basis for sensitivity.

Is there some sort of practice openly and commonly done in the EU or the US that leaves a horrendous aftermath for the patients back in the 80's/90's? I'm not aware of these things.

As someone who is concerned about dicks, I'm genuinely curious as to why people keep thinking this way.

>> No.13741830

You realize that some people get circumcised in adulthood, right? Pretty sure they're qualified to judge the difference.

>> No.13741885

Well of course. However their experiences of immediate and long term post-circumcision pain/pleasure will vary from person to person, and that's where part of my question comes from. If results vary so wildly, why bother labelling uncommon results as expected outcomes? If anything, the most common experiences of short and long term post-circumcision, are the ones that should be seen as common outcomes. Even then, you could have a great number of people seeing differently and opposing that expected outcome because of some reason.

Even with all that info, doctors and practicioners are going to be different, along with each and every patient, along with the practices of both parties. We're drawing too short of a conclusion far too early.

I don't mean to add to the post count or go off topic, /ona/, but I think it's worth addressing.

>> No.13741993

just live a few miles south in US. you speak english well enough, or move to england or oz or other english speaking parts of the world

>> No.13742023

using mutilated is just his way of instigating friendly banter.
we have non loli-friendly laws her in england too, although they arent enforced. south east asia seems to be the only place where people are sane about this kind of thing. its a rough world, if SJW stuff gets worse in the future the US and canada cant look forward to a brighter future.

dark times ahead, stock up on loli.

>> No.13742073

Canadians got what they deserve for electing Harper.

>> No.13742114

Any update from the canadian anon who got into trouble for getting a cocolo?

>> No.13742153

Probably ded, see >>13738006

>> No.13742203

Yeah! Trudeau 2015 :^)))))

>> No.13742229

You're literally cutting off the nerves, that lets you experience the sensation. Another thing is you lose protection, you're constantly getting exposed to rubbing/friction whatever else. In other words you become NUMB.
I was just mocking the stupid practice.

>> No.13742243
File: 553 KB, 678x718, 1427114226677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fapping has gotten so boring.

My hand is boring. Onaholes are boring. Butt toys are expensive and I don't have tons of money to blow on a good one. Sounding seems fun, but I don't know much about it. I have no idea what other forms of masturbation I can do.

/jp/, please send help

>> No.13742260


>> No.13742276

I picked up a good google cardboard kit and am looking forward to cheap VR.


Also, try handsfree onahole use, it's revolutionary. I can't wait to combine these two things.

>> No.13742278

Stop masturbating, stop watching porn for a couple days, don't even touch yourself until you're like a horny dog on matting season, the point is to let the sexual impulse come naturally, after this masturbating will fell like the best thing in the whole world the problem is that for many people masturbating and "feeling good" is just routine, and it shouldn't be like that.
Take a brake.

>> No.13742301
File: 393 KB, 717x604, 1435308071291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't imagine VR will improve anything for me. It seems kinda neat, but I dunno.

I often take breaks from fapping; I'll go about 3-4 days without getting off, but even when I do decide to fap again it just ends up being incredibly boring.

>> No.13742318

There often is a thread on /g/ people sometimes talk about their experiences, I believe one is up even right now. You can always check out the catalog too, to make an opinion.

>> No.13742345

I have a DK1. You'd be surprised to find out how immersive it is.
Although I haven't actually used it enough to actually determine if the immersion stems from novelty or from actual value. It's just a bit too unwieldy to be convenient and comfortable on demand.

>> No.13742368

Aren't Oculus kits expensive?

>> No.13742381

Well, I had other reasons to pick up the Oculus Rift. But there are plenty of cheaper VR alternatives, as mentioned throughout this thread.

>> No.13742389

My hand feels like shit now.
My onaho hurts my cock too much.
I didn't have a good fap session in weeks.

Pls help.

>> No.13742792

Buy a softer onahole and some mild lube

You can now last longer without tearing your dick apart.

>> No.13742794

Not really, but it might be really thick. Could possibly be some evaporation of water. If so, just put a cap of water in with the lube, mix it up, and go at it.

>> No.13742816

Losing ten or so percent of the skin on the penis with light sensory nervous ends has little effect on the entirety of the somatic nervous system of the penis. The highest nerve density is in the frenulum and in the glans.

I agree. However, fapping habits, clothing, activities and hygeine affect the penis in more ways than you can imagine. Whatever your penis feels everyday will become its norm because your brain gets accustomed to the amount of signals it receives from the somatic nerves. Location of the activated nerves also matter.

Not really. Should you be numb to sensation, you should contact a neurologist. A simple operation that removes an area of skin and stitches it back together should not result in numbness. Your habits, clothing and activities will result in the norm of your penis. Arguments for protection need the same nervous treatment.

Not all circumcisions are the same. Some require frenuloplasty and some do not. Some result in a large skin piece removed, some have less than a quarter inch removed. You can have a cut penis for ten years and have a glans and frenulum that are sensitive to the point of pain, and you can have an uncut penis that has the same sensitivity as a month old cut.

Not calling you out entirely, though. I have seen handfuls of botched or unnecessary cuts and they seem horrendous and unpleasant. The nervous system does a ton of shit people often don't want to like phantom pain. The nervous system and the brain work together to attempt to normalize things it deems not normal. There are cases in which men who have never fapped for the first 25 years of their life and get cut reporting intense sensations in the penis five years post-op when they have sex/fap.

Each cut, doctor, person and penis are different. Anyone who gets cut due to cosmetic reasons are just idiots. Psychological and physiological systems work together and we can't have a basis of sexual stimulus because of this.

>> No.13742884

sounding isn't fun, I have to shove a metal rod up my urethra for medical purposes and it is awful

>> No.13742892


>> No.13742919

Inside a "Male USB hole warmer."

>> No.13742990

has anyone ever tried putting an onahole warmer up their arse?

>> No.13743030

Yes. It felt the same as any other sharpie, only slightly thicker. I didn't want to shove it all the way in because it didn't have a good cap. I couldn't get it warm enough fast enough because of voltage limitations, so I stopped trying to get it warmed. NLS also stated that they aren't perfectly watertight, so I unplugged it shortly after I remembered. Other than that, it's too straight to stay inside my butt. Maybe I don't have strong enough butt muscles to hold it in, but I don't know.

My butt isn't just a butt, it's another onahole for the one I love!

>> No.13743040

Can I love you?

>> No.13743056

How often do you powder your onahole? Do you do it every time you use it or every now and then? I just bought some corn starch and I'm not quite sure what is the best way to keep my onaholes in the best condition.

>> No.13743083

I do it after each use, but I will say now that you should powder it lightly, and clean out the bag frequently.

Ended up with too much powder, and last night I had clumps get into ona.

That shit will draw moisture like no other, and if you leave it for a while it starts to clump up.

>> No.13743086

Every time after drying when cleaning. On that very note, some holes are stickier than others and might need a bit more powdering than others. Some holes need a light sprinkling because they don't stick as much. If you're storage method involves a non-breathable layer such as plastic, be sure that the hole doesn't stick too much to the outside. If you want, put some powder on that plastic.

My heart is already set on someone!

>> No.13743121


>> No.13743139

What exactly does corn starching the outside of a hole -do-? Just got mine saturday, used it twice, but dont have any corn starch.

Also, is there a trick to getting paper towels all the way through? Because of the Venu Real's texture and shape, the towel just balls up at the first curve.

>> No.13743149

It's normally sticky, so it's bound to pick up dust and other things that can stain it. all that shit is really hard to clean off this type of plastic.

>> No.13743163

Holes will have varying degrees of stickiness, and this stickiness can accumulate dirt, dust and debris and can be absolute bitches to clean off. Powdering adds a safe layer of material that prevents things from sticking on it. Starches and powders easily go in water, so it's very easy to wash off and replace.

Powders such as baby powder, talc and starches are often used. There are no discernable differences, really, apart from talc being smooth due to van der waals and starches being rounded.

As for drying, make a paper towel strip, fold one end and pinch it between your index and middle, or index and thumb. Gently wriggle your way in the tunnel with those fingers. While holding the hole with one hand, put the end of the onaho on a table and keep wriggling your way to the end of the tunnel until you reach the end. You will have to squeeze the hole down with the rest of your hand i order for your fingers to reach far down enough. When inserted, gently roll the onaho around like dough so that the towel covers more area inside. Gently pull out the towel in such a way that it does not rip or is too abrasive on the tunnel.

Should the tunnel grip the towel too much, take a thinner strip of towel.

>> No.13743256

Thanks a bunch, will try this out after my next use

>> No.13744074

Not that anon but my guess would be some sort of liver or kidney infection. I would know since I had that before. Peeing was excruciatingly painful for a week and a half

>> No.13744133

Anyone have the gif of someone playing with an onahole (or maybe it was the penis equivalent) and just kind of pulling on it? Looked super squishy/gooey almost? Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask, seemed appropriate.

>> No.13744252

>It is unclear whether the cartoon renderings in Newcombe's possession were of girls or boys

>> No.13744272

Yes, there are video links in the pastebin in the OP

>> No.13744355

Does anyone know if the lube that comes with the MoT is any good?

>> No.13744624

I followed the warming guide saying that the recommended warming time is 25-30 minutes so I did that, after 25 minutes, my hole feels like it's boiling and the inside literally fucking deformed.
Then I remembered that we have 220v electricity here, I don't know if that actually matters but I found out that it only takes a full minute or two for me to warm my other holes without getting too hot or damaging them.

>> No.13744626

Kek, looks like you just wasted your holeorino

>> No.13744629

R.I.P. Roa, it's a piece of shit anyway.

>> No.13744634

Doesn't really make sense. If you plug a heater into a USB charger (even one that runs off the wall), 5 V can only provide so much power.

Besides, if it's your first time using a warmer, why wouldn't you check up on it periodically?

>> No.13744640

You mean you plugged the warmer into a wall socket and expected the same result as from a standard 5V USB port?

Good job, genius.

>> No.13744653 [SPOILER] 
File: 13 KB, 350x350, 1436365266350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for I have failed you anons.
I ignored the "Do not leave unattended" part of the guide, went off and ate dinner.

Yeah, I just remembered that the guide was referring to the usb port after I pulled out the warmer and felt the hole up. I can't even imagine firing my load in it after feeling that there was a fire in the hole.

>> No.13744673

You deserve it for being a retard and not having the brains to know how to keep a constant eye on it while it warms up.

>> No.13744699

>squeezed out as much air

About that, how would I go about doing this? I just squeeze my onahole as best as I can but I don't know if I'm doing this right.

>> No.13744736


>> No.13744807


Anyone wanna give us a tldr of this? planning on picking up a spdx when I head there next spring.

>> No.13744815

ok here you go
tl;dr: 4/5 stars

>> No.13745067

you suck it out from your onahole with your mouth, preferably with cum inside. Bonus points if it's your best friend's cum.

>> No.13746120

does anyone have a picture of a dildo in a onahole

>> No.13746215

Doesn't en-nls have enough thees pictures?

>> No.13746261 [DELETED] 


>> No.13746269

Sauce on that?

>> No.13746272

My first hole - the TOMAX Lilith Uterus Soft - came in today. As it stands, my shipment of Ona Tsuyu, a warmer, etc. is still in LA at the moment,
probably slogging through customs, so I gave in and gave the onahole a go. Needless to say, my lack of patience did not serve me well.

The package came with four items - the Lilith Uterus Soft wrapped in an airtight plastic bag, the aforementioned box (images can be found on the
Amazon page for the product), a thin packaging sleeve around the box, and a small sample packet of Honey Drops, some lubricant labeled
as "body massage lotion".

The box, as others have mentioned, serves as a nice container at the moment, but I didn't realize that it would be nearly four times bigger than the
onahole itself and not very discreet. I'll need to upgrade my container.

Some bulletpoints - a word of caution - I'm fairly certain I used it incorrectly, so read the following with that in mind:

• The product is more stimulating than other comments may lead you to believe - it is far away from sticking your dick in a cloud of vapor.
• It is very difficult to stay hard while using the hole. As someone who is quite a bit shorter when soft, this made the hole somewhat unusable.
• Honey Drops dries very, very quickly when exposed it air - almost faster than I can stick my cock inside. Internally, the product remained fairly well lubricated. This led to overlubrication.
• Perhaps because of the lube but probably because of air, the onahole was quite noisy - I was consistently receiving a vacuous noise on each stroke.
• I tried to squeeze out the air, but the tight grip required made it impossible to insert my only slightly erect dick.
• The onahole is much easier to use with both hands to help maintain shape.
• I ended up coming with my hands. I think I have grown overly accustomed to masturbation without a decent erection - I may need to take a break before approaching the onahole again.

5.5" - 6" erect, cut.

>> No.13746330

Almost all of those complaints are attributable to your own inexperience.

In time, your dick will grow accustomed to the pressure of being inside an onahole without wilting.

>> No.13746337

Some additional points that came to mind:
• I spelled cumming as coming in the previous post and this annoys the hell out of me.
• Because of how quickly Honey Drops dries, the entrance to the onahole was tight and dry, which hurt a little bit when stroking up and down the shaft.
• I'm looking forward to Ona Tsuyu.
• I didn't notice the uterus despite occasionally pushing to the back of the onahole, but my inability to maintain an erection may have been hampering my sensitivity.
• It's very fun to play around with, and neither the onahole nor the lubricant had any smell, which was quite nice.

Definitely. I'm not disappointed whatsoever, and just the thought of further testing and experimentation is already making me terribly aroused.

>> No.13746351

Just screen cap any video from onahodouga.net

>> No.13746358

>6" erect, cut
Same stats and equipment, minus the warmer. I've only used it twice so far (with OnaTsuyu). Had trouble feeling much, most definitely due to being cut; seems that uncut will do way better with this hole. Probably death grip also influenced my results.

>> No.13746454

Is virgin age entrance a good choice for babby's first onaholeand with a small dick (barely 5 in., erect)?

>> No.13746666

Squeeze hole and, maintaining pressure until you're inside, insert pengas, then squeeze hole again. Hole now has air squeezed out.

>it is far away from sticking your dick in a cloud of vapor.
The Real is more generally referred to when people speak of "fucking clouds." The Uterus in soft is an okay edging hole, but I feel like you might've gotten yourself mixed up here. Also, play with those lumps at the opening rather than the womb if you need more stimulation.

>It is very difficult to stay hard while using the hole
What? How? Anyway, you might want to try viewing some good smut until you're used to onaholes; I'm 6" cut and I've got no problem keeping a boner with even the stimulation from a Real.

>Honey Drops dries very, very quickly
It does, but you've got what's basically the improved version coming in the mail. For future reference adding more lube when the old stuff dries is really only something you can get away with for watery drug store lubricants. What you want to do is just add water to rewet it when this happens.

>the onahole was quite noisy
Squeeze the air out and watch your insertion depth to fix this problem. The Uterus seals tightly enough for this not to be a huge issue.

>The onahole is much easier to use with both hands
If I can use my Kunoichi one handed a Uterus shouldn't be an issue. Try holding the toy closer to the back. Are you deathgripping the hole?

>I think I have grown overly accustomed to masturbation without a decent erection
Try not masturbating for a week then using the hole. They were definitely meant to be used hard; if you don't harden up during the course of a fap you're probably jerking it pretty often anyway, give yourself a break.

>the entrance to the onahole was tight and dry
Try not to let this be a thing, it's bad for your hole. A little water will solve the problem.

>> No.13746725

With the Uterus Soft, should I worry if I can't really feel the Uterus part itself?
I've noticed recently that I feel more than I did my first time using it, so it assume it will improve with usage and I might eventually feel the bumps.
Alternatively I'm overlubing or the lube I'm using now that the HoneyDrops is gone (Lube Company Mastrubator, it was pretty cheap from Queencat) is just not good enough and needs to be thinned down slightly.

>> No.13746729

You just need to get used to the different sensations with a hole. It gets better over time.

>> No.13746780

Just enjoy it, it's easier to hilt her when she's on top anyway.

>> No.13746794

Not really, its one of the tighter and more intense holes that isn't really recommended for beginners.
If you want a high quality first purchase, a Venus Real might be a good one. The Lilith Uterus is looser so might not be great for your small dick. Others you can consider are the 17 Evo Soft, Roa, Rina, or Lolinco (which can also be a dick bully so be careful).

>> No.13747031

Where was this? I was at AX but didnt see this in the exhibit hall.

>> No.13747092

can best soup/Onatsuyu whatever be used for anal?

>> No.13747101

Yeah, its fine.

>> No.13747107

Just got my Mouth of Truth earlier this week, this is the first Japanese hole that I own so I'm not sure what to expect.
I got pretty hard when I washed it for the first time, but it might be weeks until I'm home alone to use it.
Also is it okay to seal it in a food grade plastic zip bag?

>> No.13747113

Yes, but you have to be sure its dry inside and out, otherwise you're going to get mold.

>> No.13747134

Which booth had 'em? I wanted to buy pantsu

>> No.13747150

sorry meant for >>13736632

>> No.13747241


>> No.13747474

I want to say 58 or 56. Around there in that corner. Forgot the name of the booth but they sold mostly figures. The onaholes and 18+ stuff was all on one side of their booth. You had to have walked in there to be able to see them considering how fucking crowded that hall was.

>> No.13747522
File: 74 KB, 1392x929, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayy lmao

Hopefully customs doesn't give me any trouble.

Also, I wanted to order some pantsu/panties for it, but NLS was out of stock of the ones that fit the DX. I can't get any from the store for obvious reasons.

I guess amazon is my best bet right?

>> No.13747530

I hope you didn't forget to order lube.
Also if you change it from USD to Japanese Yen it will end up cheaper for you.

>> No.13747531


>> No.13747534

What's the obvious reason?

>> No.13747551

Grown man walking into a store to buy size 100/ kiddie panties?
From a store in a town where everyone knows him?

Nothing could go wrong.

>> No.13747568

Go the next town over. Problem solved.

>> No.13747600

Could have just gone to j list for that.

>> No.13747693

It was near the back and to the left. It was a really shitty booth with bad figures and a small lewd section.

>> No.13747852

Why is anyone walking into a store in the first place? It's 2015, guys.

>> No.13747854

but but, online stores have more variety
I still got a bottle of Pepe's (Paces)
also, I don't mind giving them more money, I support their business and the makers (Toy's Heart I think.) I've been waiting on them to make something new for a while. Hopefully they make something even better or a hard version.

>> No.13747863


>> No.13747948

I have a fuckload of holes now but I want to get the most realistic one for fapping along to my JAV movies.

Venus Real Soft or MeikI ZXY? Unfortunately the Venus very soft is sold out and at Omocha (and Daimaoh as usual).

Or something else? Price is no object.

>> No.13748014


Looks like I can get a very soft from QueenCat for £30.

Why the fuck do they not ship internationally? Guess I'll look for a US forwarding service.

>> No.13748020

Email and ask if they can ship to your country, if you have no official Daimoh supplier for your country they should help, pricey but whatever;

>> No.13748029

Real soft is great, very soft is too soft but it also works.

You can try shipito.

>> No.13748032

At least it wasn't at japan expo paris. I would've gone nuts if i knew they sell some there. Paris is Literally a 4 hour trip per train for 40€.

>> No.13748189

How do I stop feeling like human garbage every time I masturbate anally?

>> No.13748213

Thanks for the advice, you guys.

For the record, the second time was much better. And the third. And the fourth, fifth, and sixth.

>> No.13748224

If it's your sixth time after 10 hours you may have a problem.

>> No.13748261

Just used my Secret Twin Tales (Kana) one-handed between a folded pillow with Onatsuyu and some loli doujinshi.

I edged for like half an hour, I think I actually tricked my brain into thinking I was having sex.

If the higher end holes feel even better I might do nothing but masturbate ever again.

>> No.13748267

It's pretty close to actual sex, except for only one position working, although you can try angling the hole in different ways.

>> No.13748491

Venus Real Soft if you like soft holes for edging and a hole that has good durability.

ZXY if you like something with intense texture but breaks down in like 3 months of daily use.

Had to throw out my ZXY within 3 months, but my Venus Real Soft is still going strong after 7 months.

I'd go for Venus Real Soft for realism and for JAV watching.

>> No.13748552

Does anyone know anything about aphrodisiacs? I want to get horny out of my mind like I see with girls in H manga but I have no idea where to buy any or if they are actually good.

>> No.13748562


Get drunk with wine and take viagra.

>> No.13748595

Don't jerk for a week.

Buy a prostaste simulator

Proceed to do some serious nasty.

>> No.13748742
File: 15 KB, 500x444, 31JCKQNEZZL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody else here have an R-20 from toysheart?

Mine should arrive today and I'm very eager (read: horny) to try it.

Most "normal" onaholes have been too small and the Alien Fleshlight I've had a few weeks ago was too tight, so this thing is my last option.
Let's hope it's not a disappointing penis bully...

>> No.13748888

How about NOT sticking things in your button faggot. No one likes gays, they just tolerate them.

>> No.13748897

>Not buying onahips
You are one sad sad little man

>> No.13748900

quad god is right

>> No.13749059

This, this. Starve for a week and then destroy your prostate. My mind goes completely blank, I get so horny I almost pass out. I can only drool and think about cocks while cumming repeatedly, clenching my bedsheets for hours and moaning like a bitch in heat.
It's somewhat frustrating because you just want more and more. Can literaly only think about how good your ass feels and how much you want to get gangbanged by huge cocks. Damn, I'm so hard right now, I start panting just thinking about it. I wish HIV didn't exist so I could go to the local glory hole and become their cumdump.

>> No.13749110

I wouldn't recommend it, It might have some bactericide, and you don't want the helpful bacteria down there dying. It might also not lube enough to be safe. Buy something specifically engineered for anal, preferably made of natural ingredients, as your rectum will absorb stuff into your body, unlike your dick, so you don't want to absorb shitty chemicals.

Wash everything thoroughly. If you are cute, maybe you can record and show me so I can decided with scientific criteria if you have any basis to feel bad

>> No.13749139

The idea of glory holes has always scared me. What if someone just walks in and chops it off?

>> No.13749173

That can only happen to you if you are on the wrong side of the hole..
I think glory holes are inside clubs (I remember someone on /jp/ explaining the setting in detail from experience and it was a club) and sex shops anyway, so running away after cutting a dick might be quite hard. I suppose it can happen in some shitty glory hole in a public bathroom? I'm afraid I've never been to a glory hole...

>> No.13749474
File: 38 KB, 480x640, MPD3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got the Meiki Plush Doll? What is your setup?

>> No.13749516

That looks gross.

Also who's getting this?

>> No.13749563

Too old for me, also it's like fucking one of those furry pillows. Gross.
Lmao, bruh that video was hilarious. Also, too old. I will however look into the mechanisms used to make the badonkadonk jiggle.

I'm hoping to reverse engineer it and use that feature on other onahips and make a pussy that tightens up and lubes itself.

>> No.13749570

Holy shit shipping is fast.

It's already through customs and I ordered it yesterday. It's on the way to a place one town over literally <30mins away. It might even get here tomorrow, even if it didn't I could pick it up if I wanted it that bad.

>> No.13749687

>Why the fuck do they not ship internationally?
I think Tomax has agreement set up so that only one company can distribute their products per continent.

I was right! Stop fapping so much, Anon.

The Stack (TM) with a few additives works pretty well for that.

>> No.13749696

>what is nls global shipping

>> No.13749709

nls doesn't sell tomax products...

>> No.13749714

NLS doesn't sell Tomax.

>> No.13749975
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>> No.13750078

>that instapain from oversensitivy after cumming

>> No.13750098

Lilith Uterus has more empty space if you don't squeeze out the air too much, so there's less head stimulation. You can also try using condoms

>> No.13750128

Seems fun, i'll get some when I can, but part of the fun of onaholes is that you can cum inside of them

>> No.13750158

Haven't felt that in a while. I think I just got used to it.

>> No.13750198

Same here, eventually stopped using my lilith spiral wave because of it. Doesn't seem to bother me with my current holes though.

>> No.13750242
File: 516 KB, 540x960, BeautyPlus_20140923144229_save.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel ya brah

>> No.13750359

Just take a longer break. 3-4 days is nothing.

>> No.13750367

Become a prostate expert like me. If you find toys in this category too pricey, start with your fingers and lube, although I recomend investing in a beginner toy because it requires good training.

>> No.13750680
File: 303 KB, 1000x1500, virgin age entrance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a new hole or a discontinued hole?

>> No.13750714

Not necessarily /jp/ related, but does anyone else see this shit?


I can't tell if it's a joke or not.

>> No.13750727

Oops, didn't see >>13749516

>> No.13750915
File: 105 KB, 800x1203, young-man-showing-good-job-sign-10070630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't posted here in a while but I wanted to update you guys on my premature ejaculation.

Over the course of maybe 4 months I've went from bursting in 30 seconds to lasting 30 minutes with onaholes if I pace myself. I can now finally enjoy my onahole sessions and with porn.

From what I've learned, it really is just a brain thing. Stretches and exercises help a bit, but edging and telling your brain when to bust is the biggest part.

>> No.13750969

Pretty sure that's just the Virgin Age Admission with different box art.

>> No.13751045

Nice pic.

>> No.13751404


The name is in the link.

>>clicked on link and it says I already purchased this item.

>> No.13751445

self lubing onaholes, the future is bright brah.

>> No.13751527
File: 107 KB, 300x300, 1343077437631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an onahole that gently clamps at your dick with its soft artificial muscles
This is one of those things I can get a real boner thinking about but I'm never really sure how it actually feels.

>> No.13751722
File: 80 KB, 320x480, 201507-01-main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New onaho, gentlemen! Videos are in the first link. Weighing at 1450g, it's quite bulky and has a strange shape to it, but the internals look nice and squirmy, and even has those little rings on tentacles at certain places. At 6k yen, it comes with a small bottle of lube, and a 180ml bottle of lube called Premium Water Lube.


It also turns out that Kiyosan allows orders from overseas via paypal or cash transfer, there's another shop to add to the list. However, I think they have a handling fee of 1500JPY for foreign orders, but I am not sure if that applies to paypal payments. Should you be making an order with them, calculate the total weight of the items, add 200g for the box and look at EMS pricing through Japan Post for an estimate of shipping costs to your country. Be sure to ask them about fees, charges, shipping and tax. Unfortunately, you will need to have some knowledge of the lunar language to get around, but you should know what オナホ means. Should you use Chrome or Firefox, an extension/plugin called Rikai-kun or Rikai-chan should be available, and it will help in deciphering.


I have also noticed that there is another thread floating around. Please use this one until we hit page 8. The OP for that thread is different and did not see this thread. I will link this current thread to that one to avoid confusion and to save the hassle of having to create a new thread.

Take it easy, /ona/!

>> No.13751781

Looking to get my first onahole.

I know, every dick is a unique snowflake, you have to learn what works for you, etc., but I have to start SOMEWHERE.

Please help.

Not sure what to say: I take too long to cum, I'm a lolicon, and my dick won't have trouble fitting in anything (hah, what a surprise...)

I've been eying Secret Twin Tales for awhile. Any thoughts?

>> No.13751828

Why don't you start by reading the pastebin, faggot.

>> No.13751887

my package will be here soon and my parents are home, what do I tell them when they ask me "what did you buy"?

>> No.13751898

Computer parts

>> No.13751903

Sex toys.

>> No.13751910

I only just upgraded my computer so this won't work.

>> No.13751967

A girlfriend.

>> No.13752069

>Snek to turget
>Buy small desk lamp. It's like $10
>Snek desk lamp in, hide it until package comes
>"HURRR it's a desk lamp"

Or you can tell them "Yeah none of your business."

>> No.13752163

For a quality first purchase, get a Venus Real in soft with a bottle of Ona Tsuyu lube. Great to start out with and its something durable that will last a while too.

>> No.13752205

mom its a new rubber toy

>> No.13752221

>Venus Real in soft
What? No. Did you read what he said? He said he takes too long to cum and has a small dick and you're recommending a loose, low-stim patrician hole as his first. That's silly.

I've got to recommend Mi-Nyan here, it's a cum guzzler without running the possibility of being too tight or really having to get used to. If you want something domestic a Lilith Spiral Dots in soft or regular or a Succubus 2D Wavy Ripple in normal or hard. Both of the latter are available on Queens Cat.

The other guy's definitely right about the lube though, Onatsuyu is great and you can get it on Amazon. If you do end up making an international order make sure to grab some Golden Lotion to try out in addition to still buying some Onatsuyu.

>> No.13752275
File: 143 KB, 1493x1500, vPrL39a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got the sandworm.

>> No.13752324

I was thinking about getting Mi-Nyan as my first but it's out of stock at the moment on NLS. Any idea on how long they take to restock?

>> No.13752333

Should be fast, be patient if you really want it. And don't forget to stock up on lube when you order.

>> No.13752343

Alright thanks anon I'll do that. Was originally thinking about getting a tomax one but I wanted to order everything from the same place and Mi-Nyan looked appealing.

>> No.13752371
File: 45 KB, 375x500, 20150414_142104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13752378
File: 107 KB, 490x653, 20150414_144511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's the one that squirts eggs right? how does it feel to have them sent into you ass?

>> No.13752383
File: 643 KB, 3120x4160, lk0OZIM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my Mami ;_;
No, it's just a penetrable tentacle maw. Kind of like Alma Elma's tail from MGQ

I got mine on mystery color sale, pretty happy with what I got.

>> No.13752442

I'm new here. Does that feel as good as you would imagine just like in my chinese cartoons? How does it compare to tail pussy?

>> No.13752448

It's not tight but the thing is pretty heavy so it hugs you very nicely. My other toys probably are better objectively but it's also a fetish thing, you know?

>> No.13752460

I asked when I placed my order on Saturday and was told:
Nekokko Mi-Nyan: Mid-August
Nippori ver. Gokujo Namagoshi: in July

Order shipped via DHL from NLS on Wednesday, arrived in AU on Thursday, handed off to local courier this morning (not DHL), who tried to deliver this afternoon whilst I was at work and now I have to wait until Monday... And I have to pick it up from
their distribution centre because they'll just deliver it when I'm not home again. Fuck.

>> No.13752461

I like things that hug and touch me, yes. I definitely get the fetish thing. Thanks for the response. I guess I could give it a try one day at least, but not yet.

>> No.13752511

I did. Pls no bully ;_;

Shit, thanks guys. Much more advice than I hoped for.

Would you rank the Mi-Nyan above the others, for my use case?

Finally, any estimate of fast you go through lube? (Particularly this "Golden Lotion", if it's unavailable domestic. Minimize international orders, you know.)

Thanks again.

>> No.13752537

This is >>13752511 again, sorry.

>And don't forget to stock up on lube when you order.
Could you elaborate on this? Consumption rate or any recommendation other than Onatsuyu or Golden Lotion?

>Nekokko Mi-Nyan: Mid-August
Shit. Are their restock estimates usually reasonably accurate?

>> No.13752549

How's the texture inside? I don't see any cross section images anywhere at the moment. Can you provide images on the tunnel?

Consumption rate. Some like it sloppy(I find it hot as fuck, but messy) and some like it moderate. A bottle of ona tsuyu should last you a while unless you spill it all the time.

If you're pressed for lube, a packet of Base of Lubricant at NLS can make over a litre of lube, and that's still quite thick. It's 160yen and weighs like 12g.

Yeah. Order and pay when you can to get in the queue, since those in the queue for an item will get it post-restock, and even then you might not get one due to needing to restock again.

>> No.13752570

For what it's worth, I mostly go dry. Sometimes saliva, very rarely vaseline, but that's it. Sounds like I should be just fine for lube.

So the onahole biz is a cut-throat game? I never would have imagined.

Thank you kindly anons. Peace out.

>> No.13752573

>Order and pay when you can to get in the queue, since those in the queue for an item will get it post-restock
Can't even place an order for those two at the moment, you can only choose to be e-mailed when they're in stock :-(

>> No.13752581

About the best you'll get, I'm too retarded to get tunnel pics. Lots of bumps and ribs though.

>> No.13752582

You definitely need lube or else you'll chaff your dick skin. Onaholes are tight and rubbery so sliding doesn't work without lube.

>> No.13752587
File: 87 KB, 1500x1227, maw1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

image was eaten

>> No.13752650

That reminds me, are there any memory molding type onaholes out there? Like something that actually feels alive or something.

>> No.13752651

Oh shit, it's that bit. Well, I wish you luck for that, anon. I hope you get things sorted quickly for your order.

It's even worse when you have Restock:Random - up to the manufacturer. I've was looking into Kyonyu Punch as a chest to compliment a hip, but not only has the reviews I've read not be on par with expectations, it's also quite expensive. But generally, if it has a restock notice, you should queue up.

The fuck are you doing. Listen to this man >>13752582. You don't want friction on your dick against it. I handfap dry, but I never stroke and I have my own technique. You need lube for onaholes.

>onahole biz is a cut-throat game
The market is generally timid compared to things like shampoo. You'll get manufacturers that provide every inch and detail of their products, and some don't display internals like tunnels - which is bad. You'll notice these differences in low-quality holes. You'll have marketing schemes that involve jav idols and porn stars that don't really do anything for the hole apart from being a marketing strategy. You have other people that think cost directly equates to quality and buy items simply for their price and marketing because "it seems high end".

Then you'll have the electric ones such as the A10 piston/cyclone, Autoblow and such. Examples such as the Autoblow don't show a god damn texture, which is stupid. I remember seeing an ad for that hip advertised by a guy with a beard and it showed no details on the material and the tunnel. You will have people buy this for its premise and not have a clue what to expect.

The consumer market is usually filled with those affected by marketing. There are fetishists, who often have a good niche to fill, too(dragon dildo market), and often have funky contributions. It's a funny market, and it varies where you look.

Oh that's better than what I imagined. That actually looks quite interesting. Thanks for the info, anon!

>> No.13752683

Nah, chill, I'm definitely using lube withe the onahole. I just meant that I go dry with my hand, so it's not like I'm accustomed to huge amounts of lubrication. So it sounds like lube will last be awhile.

I didn't expect an *actual* analysis of the onahole market, but fuck man, thanks!

>> No.13752693

Y'know what I want to see? An estim onahole. Conductive internal sleeve, put one 'trode in pooper, on balls, taint, etc., and put the other 'trode (the onahole) on your dick.

And watch as it milks your dick. Maybe some muscle wire between the inner and outer membranes so the pussy actually contracts around you, too...

>> No.13752697

So, wait, electrical stimulation, is that what you're getting at? Would that actually work, or even feel good?

>> No.13752710

Wait, have you never heard of estim? Seriously? Hell yeah it works.

Think about it--the sensation of touch is just nerves being actuated and producing an electrical impulse.

You can simulate that with external electricity, and it's like being touched. (It can also produces sensations that aren't possible via touch.)

Estim can actually induce hands-free ejaculation. (If you're curious, check xvideo)

But I've never seen estim combined with an onahole.

>> No.13752716

Yeah, kind of new here. I apologize. That sounds really interesting though, I never thought about it that way, even though I've read a bit about ultrasonic haptics and galvanic vestibular stimulation and other such things before. I'm not sure I want to step this deep just yet. I haven't even tried an onahole before.

>> No.13752724

>memory molding

Not with the current materials that we have for holes. I don't know of any material that has properties similar to memory foam, but still shows elasticity. We'll need a material that has a low Elastic modulus that shows Kelvin-Voigt properties - basically allows a very slow return to the original shape, and the later part of that elastic modulus to be very high. It'll be weird. You'll want a slow acting restorative force to act upon small forces, and a normal restorative force for larger forces. I think the best way to approach this is through dual layer where the inner layer is thick, soft and pliable, with the outer layer being firm.

You can try to have an inner layer of memory foam, but we all know what happens if you have too many materials in a hole. Shit falls apart faster than you can catch it.

If you want forces to act on you, I found this property: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electroactive_polymers

I literally grinned from ear to ear when I read about this for the first time; I grinned so hard my lips chapped. It's a great property, but I have yet to delve in polymeric property additives and modification. It's a great premise for development, and I'm sure they're already trying it for artificial muscle as a replacement for small-scale things.

You're welcome, anon. I would go into further detail about the market, but the character limit stopped me.

Might be interesting. You might be heading towards a new market, anon!

>> No.13752732

I swear, you read some of the most interesting and educational things on here. I love you guys.

>> No.13752741

Nah, nothing to apologize for. My perspective is a little skewed--estim is "normal" to me, now.

And I haven't heard of ultrasonic haptics or galvanic vestibular stimulation before, so thanks!

And there's no need to rush through anything. Just do what feels good, yo.

>> No.13752746

>you can configure when the shocks are applied ex. each time your dick goes past a certain spot in the onahole

>> No.13752748

>on /jp/
Give me some examples.

>> No.13752752

Literally an example 4 posts above yours.

>> No.13752759

This would raise the cost significantly, but you could interlace conductive and nonconductive rubber, forming n rings along the length of the sleeve, with each ring split into a top and bottom half.

Similar to certain anal and vaginal estim probes, you could achieve the ghostfuck effect.

Your virtual girl rides you and contracts around your while you just lay there enjoying it...

>> No.13752783

Well, in that case, just have separate discrete conductors at each ring of depth in the hole. That way, you can configure so that if you want it to shock you only at the deepest insertion, only electricity going to the deepest conduction ring will be active. If you want medium insertion shocks, then activate the circuit that includes the one in the middle. This can be done with a parallel circuit and digital switches for a "dumb" configuration. Other desired functions would have to require more complex designs and possible sensors.

>> No.13752787

These sound so hot, dear lord. Thank you, anons, for opening my eyes to something new.

>> No.13752793

I'm just glad I was able to contribute something to this thread, seeing how new I am.

>> No.13752810

That would be another possibility, but I was talking about the user going balls deep and staying there; no movement of the penis or onahole.

A pulse train would energize electrodes A and B, then B and C, then C and D, back to B and C, and so on. (Obviously, more than four electrodes would be possibly.)

And if the pulse-train were timed well enough, it would feel like you're thrusting in and out of the onahole, even though you aren't moving.

And this would all be controlled by a microcontroller; the thrust rhythm could be modified to be slower or faster, more accurate or less (I dunno, sloppy virgin fetish?) and so on and so on.

Would be quite the versatile toy, really.

>> No.13752819

And that is where I'm not so sure it would be necessarily what you want in terms of providing realistic feedback as if you were rubbing on it when it wasn't really moving. I haven't tried any of these things so I can't say for sure either way. It just doesn't sound to me like that would feel like how you describe.

>> No.13752821

I had an elaborate discussion about plastics manufacturing, heat specificity, control systems, and augmented reality on here a couple threads ago.

>> No.13752824

And I (not him) was one of the participants asking those questions from back then. I'm the same guy asking and talking about similar stuff ITT right now.

>> No.13752924

Wow. This thread rather quickly degraded into reddit-tier circlejerking. No pun intended.

>> No.13752952

Anyone know how to make it so your dick doesn't spray all over the place when you piss after fapping.

>> No.13752959

Sterile syringe, saline; irrigate the urethra.

>> No.13752964

No. Sit down or squat a bit. Uneven spread of tissue along the urethral walls will distort the stream and can even produce multiple streams. Alternatively, a catheter.

>> No.13752972

Best thing to do is just wait for it to go flaccid. Sometimes I wash my dick off in the sink with cold water to speed up the process.

>> No.13753017

>your dick doesn't spray all over the place when you piss after fapping.
What the fuck are you talking about? Is this actually a thing for people?

>> No.13753036

Most people's urethra doesn't open properly with half an erection.
I'm sure you've tried to pee with an erection and noticed at the very least that the stream isn't as strong.

>> No.13753040

Slightly, but only slightly.

Never does it "spray all over the place" like that anon said.

>> No.13753058

I'm assuming he was referring to a bifurcated stream; and, with a sufficiently high angle between the two streams, the effect might, indeed, be described as "spraying all over the place".

>> No.13753105

Happens when cum dries and blocks your urethra. When you try to pee it splits into two streams and goes all over the place, can reach your toes or the sides.

What, it's trivial. Just open your urethra so it's clear.

>> No.13753130

It has never been bad enough for me to the point that it goes on my feet or the floor.

My urine opens up whatever block there is. Are your streams that fucking weak?

>> No.13753162

bigger dick = bigger urethra = more room for urine to flow around obstructions = bifurcation

>> No.13753398

>/ona/ - splitstream piss

>> No.13753644

I know that a point was being proved here but this makes me sad in a way

>> No.13753654
File: 733 KB, 864x562, 1434692993767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's some westernshit what do you care

>> No.13753660

I have no idea what that image is supposed to convey.

>> No.13753668
File: 404 KB, 1353x1670, 1430658701358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You live under a rock or something? That guy caused the biggest cuckening in the history of the United States of cuck.

>> No.13753669

I don't know enough about these things yet to know that it's western shit

>> No.13753678

Oh, that. Well, I'm not American so your race relation issues don't really concern me.

>> No.13753719

Hey /jp/, do you think I have enough talent to make PMVs ? (From my lurking all I understand is that onahole threads always speak about stroking in rhythm or whatever at one point)


>> No.13753916

How am I supposed to dry the inside of the puni SPDX. I can barely reach the end of the tunnel with my finger let alone a cloth.

>> No.13753934

Use a chopstick or something.

>> No.13753939

Wrap microfibre cloth on a chopstick. Remember to be gentle.

>> No.13753967
File: 228 KB, 482x610, 1391485882200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Remember to be gentle.
I will.

>> No.13753989

I can't get the tunnel end even using a chopstick, the cloth just gets stuck. If I spray some onacleaner and then finger that stuff all around the inside will that make it safe to leave for a week or two without fearing anything will grow.

>> No.13754597

Does Queen Cat have a habit of screwing up orders?

I ordered a Lilith Spiral Dots and got a Succubus Dots. Should I even fight it? Or just keep it?

>> No.13754606

Just send it back if you haven't opened the plastic.

>> No.13754678

Stop being a pussy and contact them about it.

>> No.13754691

Contact them. They'll make it up to you.

>> No.13754700

I've already contacted them about it, what I meant by, "Should I even fight it? Or just keep it?" is that it's just ~$30, is the Succubus Dots worth keeping/using? It seems nice, but I can't open it up and try it out...

>> No.13754728

How durable are loliholes? Can they take it rough?

>> No.13754749

I wouldn't open it if I were you.

Of course, you're free to do what you will.

>> No.13754776

If you can, squeeze the labia/butt end with your hand to give you more room to wriggle your fingers in. If you can't, you could try those vaginal cavity opening devices to make insertion of a chopstick easier.

Don't open it yet if you haven't. Contact them about it, and chances are, they'll let you keep it because of shipping.

Hello, everyone! I hope a good weekend is coming for everyone. Here is the new thread, for archive purposes or in case people get lost.

New thread:


>> No.13754838

We're only on page 8.

>> No.13754860

>If you can't, you could try those vaginal cavity opening devices to make insertion of a chopstick easier.
Are you looking for 'speculum'?
