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1371459 No.1371459 [Reply] [Original]

Isn`t it sad, Saber?

>> No.1371472

>Do you want to find it out

>> No.1371483

How does Arcueid compare to Dark Saber? (Stronger than she was in life, right?)(

>> No.1371485
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>> No.1371486

thus is the power of angry manjew

>> No.1371491
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>> No.1371498
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Damn right.

>> No.1371506


>> No.1371512

Id rape one of his waifus!

>> No.1371527


>> No.1371524

Have some respect, HE DIED FOR YOUR SINS....sorta

>> No.1371529

Thats why I only rape the one that does not bother

>> No.1371534

rape/stay night

>> No.1371563

Would Jesus be his own class of servent? Healer?
Completely useless by him self, but if the master can work together with another competitor for the grail, Him and another servant could become an unstopable team.

>> No.1371565

He'd be a Caster.

>> No.1371567

Worst spells ever. What's he gona do, turn people's blood into wine?

>> No.1371568

Couldn't he just grab a random cup and bleed into it? Instant holy grail.

>> No.1371570

Summoning and complete h4x reinforcement.

>> No.1371589

>What's he gona do, turn people's blood into wine?

Most people.. In fact, I dare say all people would die with no blood.

>> No.1371593

Noble Phantasm : Holy Cross
Divinity : Ex ?

>> No.1371597

He should be a lancer instead, with the Spear of Longinus.

>> No.1371613


But Jesus never used that. That was what was used against him.

>> No.1371658

And Rider never used Pegasus, it just came out after her head was cut off.

Doesn't make it less awesome.

>> No.1371671

Well yeah but pegasus was never stabbed into Riders side.

>> No.1371680
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>> No.1371689

If we're talking about what he would use as a weapon, then he should be a berserker, and wield the giant crucifix thing.

>> No.1372205

I'm a bit fuzzy on the details, but isn't Jesus return supposed, AKA second coming, connected to Armageddon and the end of the world (as we know it)?

His spells could include "last judgement"- permanently sending the soul to hell (with no option to return as servant); ressurecting the dead; mass ressurecting the dead; summoning holly spirit; walking on water; transmutation; multiplying things; kicking out evildoes out of any holly ground; and hypnotic voice that makes people follow him.

Oh and he should have a couple of lives, Hercules-Berserker style.

>> No.1373100

If Jesus is as he is, then he would be beyond the reach of the Throne of Souls since his existence and power source would be beyond the throne of souls.

Even if he could be called as a servant, that would imply he'd be a copy of the original, aka a copy of an eternal immortal existence, that would as such not be capable of being duplicated.

If somehow we got around this, then none the less the problem of his life comes into question. He's a bloody pacifist, which means any skills he gains from the throne are going to be false, such as eye of the mind (Fake), which would entail an artificial method of balancing his lack of combative/strategic/geographic knowledge. As for stats, all other then Luck would be shit, and likely his luck would be "Ex" considering he'd have God's authority and protection.

Resurrection however I'm weary of since his copy would have to based on his mortal existence. And as such a large amount of his power such as summoning Armageddon, resurrecting, or anything else that you'd attribute to a god would be implausible.

For god sakes considering the poor son of a bitch dies on a cross without having done anything, I'd be pressed to say even god's protection might only nullify the most pathetic attacks.....

>> No.1373149

Nasuverse god is a hands-off God.

Which means that Nasu Jesus was just a magician.

>> No.1373177

I'll take Muhammad as a servant over Jesus anyday.

Motherfucker would be 5x the Caster in that his attacks would involve burning everything in sight to the ground.

>> No.1373178

and a girl

>> No.1373294
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>Worst spells ever. What's he gona do, turn people's blood into wine?

Jesus uses Blood to Wine!
Akiha was not affected.

>> No.1373342


according to Christianity, Jesus volunteered to be put on the cross. at any given moment he could have summoned "legions of angels" to come to earth, save his butt and massacre the Romans/Jews/anyone else.

but, he volunteered, so nothing like that happened.
