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>> No.13706227

I've got a bit of a new question - are CCed Heavy Armours really worth the effort? I gather the main enhancement is an improved attack rate, but those guys' attacks are pretty shoddy and their main strength is in tanking enemies so that your other units can kick their asses.
So I wasn't sure if CC-ing them is that much of an asset.

>> No.13706236
File: 12 KB, 224x125, Fat Friends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bravo, anon!

>> No.13706279

Yes, because they can still get stronger and do their job better. Same as any other class.

>> No.13706326

Valerie's sleeping and Calliope, being the prankster she is, drew on his face using magic and a paint brush.

>> No.13706335

Anon, this is comedy gold. Please do more.

>> No.13706367

I can't play for some reason, it loads, and once in the menu, I can't click on anything, or right click on it, nothing happens, it is running there, but nothing happens.

Works on my laptop though.

>> No.13706381

>More HP
>More DEF
Are you really asking is it really worth it?

>> No.13706391

Who's Conrad's daughter? Or is it just for the story?

>> No.13706403

>Be bronze archer in the Prince's army.
>The soldiers are training in front of the castle.
>We archers have the day free, so I go make small talk with them.
>Talk a bit with Phyllis, she's always looked kind of wierd to me but she seems good hearted.
>She's actually pretty nice, even if she's very dedicated to training.
>Oh shit, the Prince is coming straight towards her.
>He hands her a fucking ruby.
>Everyone around looks away, Katie and Aria are staring and grinning.
>Here we go again, I just can't fucking compe-
>Wait, she just took her sword up?
>Holy shit she's attacking him.
>What the fuck man, that's the Prince Phyllis what are you doing.
>The rest of the soldiers have gathered around, and are at a loss of words.
>The Prince manages to beat her (of course).
>Phyllis compliments him, tells him his swordsmanship is impecable.
>He's kind of confused but returns the compliment.
>Fuck it, I start cheering.
>Everyone applauds Phyllis for the amazing match she just gave.

>A week later.
>Phyllis has become quite popular for being the first girl that resists the Prince's charms.
>Half the castle has tried to hit on her, but she remains impasive.
>She just got CC'd today, so I decide to go to her room to congratulate her.
>I approach her door.
>There's a fuckton of flowers forming a way up to it.
>Oh god please no.
>Open door.
>The Prince is right there, on the other side.
>We stare at each other for a moment.
>I close the door.
>I hear Phyllis from inside saying "Who was that?".
>I wonder if Conrad's playing today.

>> No.13706413

I dunno, it just seems like other classes get much better bonuses for being upgraded like longer range, blocking more units etc.

>> No.13706416

No it's canon, one of the plat bandit girls.

>> No.13706431
File: 128 KB, 534x627, 1409917871878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We stare at each other for a moment.
>I close the door.

>> No.13706435

Archerbros has hard life ;_;

>> No.13706441


If you're using them at all, it's worth it. It takes conscious effort for me to use them though as my usual routines (DH, Phalanx 2, dailies) don't ever need them.


Post these on harem-battle.club. It'd be a waste to let them die when the threads disappear.

>> No.13706452

I guess I could do that, but what part of the forum would they belong in? The Aigis section seems about gameplay stuff mostly.

>> No.13706480


For now, put it in the Aigis section or maybe General Discussion.

Kotono, we need a fanfic section.

>> No.13706549

>Be bronze archer in the Prince's army.
>Hanging out with my best friend Russell.
>Turns out he's become fond of Dina, kinda like a little sister to him.
>She's really impressive, possibly the best heavy infantry in the army despite her size and age.
>As we're talking, we spot the Prince and Dina walking together.
>Wait, don't tell me... no, no, that's impossible, the Prince wouldn't take advantage of a little girl like that.
>Oh, he's just buying her ice cream, how nice of him.
>They head back to the castle.
>It's getting kind of cold, so I say my farewells to Russell and head back inside as well.
>Passing through the heavy armor's barracks on my way to my room.
>...wait, that noise sounds familiar.
>I get close to the door where it comes from.
>Oh god what the fuck those moans are from Dina.
>Are you kidding me Prince you sick fuck that's illegal.
>The moans have stopped.
>The Prince walks out, doesn't actually see me.
>Dina walks out as well, satisfied expression on her face.
>Aigis, please tell me that thing on her hair is ice cream.
>She spots me and blushes like crazy.
>I freak out right there, what the hell happened, the Prince is a pedo, is she hurt?
>She stares at me like I just killed a puppy.
>"How old do you think I am?"
>"Huh, like, 9 or 10 years old?"
>She sighs and pulls out her ID.
>She's 27.
>What the fuck.
>She's even got a degree on art history.

>Next day I'm hanging out with Russell.
>Not sure if I should tell him that he's actually the little brother.
>Not sure if I should tell him his "sister" is getting banged by the Prince as well.

I think I'm going to stop, I'm running out of ideas and I feel they're getting worse.

>> No.13706572

I'm dying. Really, we need a fanfiction section of just for this on Harem-battle.

Getting worse? These are still great! But if you're getting tired there's no need to push yourself.

>> No.13706595

Maybe I'll continue some other day then.

>> No.13706611

Hmm, I can add another level to the artist corner. Writing can be considered art, right?

>> No.13706645

A scanned aigis doujin? Is this real life?

>> No.13706676

All these stories make me wonder what Jerome's daily life must be like. That suave fucked of a bro must get at least twice as much pussy as the prince.

>> No.13706678

Suave fucker of a bro*

Can't delete my post for some reason, goddamnit..

>> No.13706679

I've always imagined he's either the Master Roshi of Aigis or he himself has an harem somewhere that he got years ago and now he instructs the Prince on how make his own.

>> No.13706690

>I feel they're getting worse.
Nah, you're doing fine. But if you're running out, well nobody's forcing you, you know?
Get a break, write more later if inspiration strikes.

>> No.13706695

>Sadpanda plugin is bugged and doesn't recognize my account.
>It's not on ge hentai.

Fuck's sake.

>> No.13706700

>using that broke crutch of a plugin
It's just deleting two-three cookies, IT DOES NOT FUCKING NEED A PLUGIN

>> No.13706751

I'm currently waifuing this girl and planning to farm her up to skill awakening, but what exactly it does? Shorter CD on skill I get, plus she gets assassination while it's up? Why does the wiki entry have it in three lines?

>> No.13706780

>10 serum drop once in the past 12 Vampire runs
45.9% my ass.

>> No.13706836

You should probably clear your cache.
Or do the last mission.

>> No.13706838

Is there any concrete evidence for clearing cache for "refreshing your RNG" sort of shit?

>> No.13706858

No clue. But it never hurts so there isn't a reason to not do it.

>> No.13706940

It has a loli witch in it so it's on the ex

Sasayuki is doing another Aigis doujin for C88 if anyone cares, the circle pic he drew was Nanaly and Spica so it might be about them.

Defense boost for everyone and assassinate for her

The defense boost increases after the skill ends, and can increase 2 times, on the second use it's +25% def and +30% def on the third one. Of course it's cooldown is a whopping 75 seconds though.

>> No.13707186

From old datamining, we know exactly what variables the RNG takes into account. So yes.

>> No.13707205

I'm interested in the specifics, any idea about them?

>> No.13707219

What does that have to do with the cache? Can you give any actual information? Every time this is brought up, the best people come up with is "eh, just because!

>> No.13707253


Yes it can. Please do.

>> No.13707263

So I've seen a list posted once or twice on forums.

Off the top of my head, I believe these were the main ones that the dataminer found to be used to calculate RNG:
Time (like most RNG)
Your Actions in game
Your Computer (Aigis grabs a bunch of numbers from somewhere on your computer and uses them).

Apparently the reason DMM added in that last one (numbers from your computer) was because people were manipulating their cache, then testing it out on maps to try and break the RNG. I'm not sure how successful they were, but apparently enough to get DMM to make a move.

My theory is that part of the reason Aigis is so cpu-intensive is because of that last one, though I'm not knowledgeable enough on programming/computers to confirm if it'd be able to account for that much cpu-usage.

>> No.13707270

>Time (like most RNG)
Haha, what?

So you should clear your cache every day or some shit?

>> No.13707283

People usually just do it when they have a really shitty streak. Like 5 Silvers in a row from Premium Gacha, or they miss a 50% drop on an Event map 5 times in a row.

>> No.13707380

Most RNG pull numbers from a clock to make the result more random.

>> No.13707404

Did phalanx 2, only got a 1 flowers
Reset cache, did two more runs, got crystal, flowers, plat spirit, ruby
and crystal, flowers, plat spirit

Doesn't proof jackshit, I know. But hell, now my superstition is fueled.

>> No.13707427

Nope. The RNG is just one line code. They don't need to make it bloat more

>> No.13707431

You do know you can't make a program give you a random number without an RNG, right? The more stuff you put into it the more random it becomes.

>> No.13707449
File: 235 KB, 1197x801, rorororororororo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This lass.

follows the typical aegis way of daughters/younger sisters being one rarity higher.

>> No.13707462

Are there any Wolves Den X 3 star strategies that don't require two CC'd Witches? I keep getting rekt since I've only got one.

>> No.13707468

Aigis being so intensive was fixed a few DMM updates ago.

>> No.13707505

>The more stuff you put into it the more random it becomes.
Nope. It isn't how programming work

>> No.13707516

What about another blood related couples?

>> No.13707521

The default give random number command of the programing language of your choice does not pull the number from nowhere.

>> No.13707528

(Gold) Iris and Camilla are sisters.
Cloris and Belinda are stepmother/daughter.
Sybilla recently got an imouto named Patel.

Not sure what else.

>> No.13707548

These two cuties

The bandit is the younger sister

The vampire loli is likely Vincent's daughter

This loli is the lich king's daughter

>> No.13707551

They don't put easy manipulating numbers in it either.

>> No.13707565

The prince really know how to living in dream.
>Cloris and Belinda are stepmother/daughter. That hot as fuck. I'm only know they threesome in pictures on sadpanda but damn it.

>> No.13707572

Fuck. My keyboard is broken. sorry

>> No.13707581

They do not. Exact time, number of actions and product ID are among common things RNGs in video games use, but there are usually more things that factor into it. The more of these factors you have the more random your result is, at least theoretically.

>> No.13707610

It can be completely random with one paramater as long as that parameter is completely random.

>> No.13707611

The more of these factors you have the more random your result is, at least theoretically.

It's depends on algorithms, not factors

>> No.13707617

Ah. I'm missing the quote funtion. Time to go sleep now

>> No.13707790

Added it and moved the thread.

>> No.13707844

> Of course it's cooldown is a whopping 75 seconds though.
Well it's the baseline value before the global reduction from her class is factored in, right? So it'll be 52~53 seconds in actual practice.

>> No.13707921

Prince's morale boost is always active regardless of effects such as paralyses, right?

>> No.13708004


>> No.13708100

>one 10 serum drop in the past 16 vampire runs
What in the living fuck. Just as I'm about done with the event, I'm only getting 6 a run. I'm platinum mad. This has to be rigged to force players to spend more SC.

>> No.13708161

>Both my ninjas fail to assassinate the healing angel in the last wave

>> No.13708235
File: 312 KB, 960x640, 90813b75d70ce06b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's funny because he really does fuck lolis tho.

Or is everyone actually a legal loli?

>> No.13708294
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>> No.13708300
File: 169 KB, 947x630, ss+(2015-06-29+at+05.30.56).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lucky. I think. What's the droprate for the first mission serum?

>> No.13708306
File: 47 KB, 1277x715, ss+(2015-06-29+at+05.33.19).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the complete spreadsheet incase anyone's interested. This is all for 'Vampire'. I didn't include the last serum in >>13708300 and the first few Vampire runs and all of the other missions prior. So this spreadsheet doesn't show all 1200 serum, just the vast majority of my Vampire runs.

Now I can finally fucking do dailies and phalanx 2. Was getting pretty sick of the event. Now to stock up for feeding the new waifu.

>> No.13708319

Try two ninjas AND two rogues.

>> No.13708325

So as the final result, your sheet proved true the previous drop chance estimation?

>> No.13708338
File: 547 KB, 800x800, 50310796_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, the "43.40%" under the "10 drops" is the rate at which I was getting 10 serums. And all of these runs I 3* them. The sheet probably isn't very user friendly, but I understood it all since it's my personal sheet. If there's any questions do ask away. More than happy to talk about it.

I think I spent like 2 SC/day when I was comfortable with the farming. I think I 2* it a couple times while trying out different strategies but, whatever. Quickly found a refined/fast method. As you can compare between the two here,

Old: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2K9_Drrb5o
New: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZUFy33lkk8

Basically no longer needing to activate any non-reinforcement abilities and not needing to place Soma or Despara. This saved quite a bit of deployment time and let me AFK as soon as I've finished placing the mages.

>> No.13708676

417 serums. Level 121.
How impossible is it for me to reach 1200 now? Or at least, to 700?

>> No.13708683

Just go for 700, or at most 1000. Karma isn't a unit that needs cost reduction much.

>> No.13708684

>How impossible is it for me to reach 1200 now?
Pretty much.

>Or at least, to 700?
What's your crystals reserve?

>> No.13708688

You can reach anything if you're willing to spend enough crystals.

>> No.13708715
File: 174 KB, 949x634, Adele.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My free roll today went better than expected.

>> No.13708717

Lucky mother fucker. I've done ~500 2k rolls and never gotten anything above silver.

>> No.13708720

Holy shit guys. Nanaly got BTFO, the new awakening for the black bowrider loli let's her SEPTUPLE SHOT

>> No.13708724
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>> No.13708725
File: 380 KB, 960x640, f09e76968a71ae8f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13708728

~1 in 10000 rolls for a plat anon

>7 shot


>> No.13708733

....Why? 4 is retarded as it is. The fuck are DMM thinking?

>> No.13708742

Her face looked so small I just kind of assumed she was a loli without looking at her chest...

>> No.13708744

>Does this look like the face of mercy?

>> No.13708748

They're skill awakening, Nanaly gets to 5-shot and cannot be deflected.

>> No.13708767



>> No.13708787

Was that ninja at the front Saki? She looked useful as hell.

>> No.13708792

Yep, with skill awakening she can hit 3 targets at once.

>> No.13708793

Yes, that's her AW skill. Hits 3 mobs + chance to assasinate

>> No.13708798

I have 35 SC and only farming Vampire

>> No.13708818

Well if you go dump ALL your SC into Vampire and have average luck you'll get around 900 serums. Although there's also a question of having enough charisma for all this shit...

But yes you may get to 700 if you try really hard.

>> No.13708830

How good is Elizabeth? I might try to snipe her with my last crystals left if she's good enough.

>> No.13708839
File: 36 KB, 261x260, 1368816736879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 AW Aisha
Why is this allowed?

>> No.13708843

DMM version of Aigis looks so fucking retarded and bonkers. Can't believe that's what Nutaku's will be soon. Everything's way over the top and stupid.

>> No.13708850


>> No.13708853

A time frame is subjective in that way. To some, a year is soon. Or even very soon. To others, a very long time away.

>> No.13708858

>11 2k gacha
>2 silvers
2k gacha not that bad eh.

>> No.13708876

>100% Bernice expecting some huge scar emotionally and/or physically on her or some disability of sorts
>Nope she's just a prude
What the fuck. What's next, the same deal with Cypria?

>> No.13708883

>What's next, the same deal with Cypria?
Cypria is even worse, man. The first scene is her panicking and running away.

>> No.13708885

Yeah. I was meaning the second scene. But this is what I get for expecting any sort of depth at all onto literal tacked-on h-scenes.

>> No.13708887

I sort of agree. Aigis start to look like a korean mmorpg with all those absurdly colorful sprites with insane magical gear.

>> No.13708891

Seems to be less about strategy (kek) too. Every DMM video I see is just "let me place my awakened overpowered piece of shit waifu and LAMO SHE INSTAKILLS ERRYTHING! XD AWESOME!"

Like what the fuck.

>> No.13708894

Except for the "how to do the giant fuck-you rush of regenerating angels with level 25 silvers". Or doing the previous maps with three bronzes, one bronze or no fucking extra units at all.

>> No.13708895

Eh I like the detailed sprites.

>> No.13708897 [DELETED] 

err test

>> No.13708900

Detailed sprites are good. It's just when there's shit like that awakened unit (forgot her name) that flings like 100 fireballs a second with obscene range. There are many other units that are similar in how absurd they are. Huge powercreep, too.

>> No.13708904

You talkin shit about my armageddon loli?!

>> No.13708906

yeah, she's shit and you should feel bad.

>> No.13708907

You could always just not use units that are too strong or are visually obnoxious.

>> No.13708909

Oh man you're just flooding with jelly.

>> No.13708911

yeah anon I sure wish to have some retarded unit that visually rapes my eyeballs and takes what fun is left in the game out. you sure got me.

>> No.13708912

They're end game stuff. People just threw too much money into the game and get a full team of them.

>> No.13708915

Those are all generally extreme examples of units. I'm pretty sure the average player who isn't dumping money, unless blessed by the demoness, won't actually have many premium blacks.

There's tough event units like Karma being a fine example of one but they're more unusual and won't necessarily win the map for you. Though they can take key positions in your strategy and save the day still.

>> No.13708919

Karma is strategic: where and when can I plug something with invulnerability in order to kill everything faster/with less other units?

>> No.13708924

You still have to skill awaken them even if you get the black.

>> No.13708930

Yup, event units tend to fill niches here and there. They can be extremely useful to beat some maps but is hardly at the level of drop in and win map.

Even for the premium units, not all of them are actually that good. They have much more plat/black units than we do.

There's >>13708924 too since some units don't actually shine until they get their AW abilities/skills.

>> No.13708933

I think you forgot to factor in that he already has over 400 serums, my estimate says that, even factoring in charisma, all his crystals should make him reach almost 1200, but probably slightly below that. 700 should be easily reachable with less than half his sc, and 1000 if he's willing to spend most of what he has.

>> No.13708938

Yes, I just quickly eyeballed how much can he get with those 35 SCs. To establish the high mark, you see? If it fell short, then there'd be no chance.
But that was triple the minimum he needed, so he's pretty secure in getting 700 total if he starts actively spending.

>> No.13708939

It's only children being a rarity higner than their parents. Older siblings will be a rarity higher than younger siblings. This is true for both sibling pairs in Aigis, Camilla and Iris, and the Pirate and Bandit Princess sisters.

>> No.13708945

Said loli looks terrible. If a different artist did her, maybe, but she's (in my opinion) extremely visually unappealing and has a aw skill that'd make you bored of the game the moment you get it. Quite frankly, I'd pass.

>> No.13709027
File: 10 KB, 269x65, serum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Few. I can make it in time.
Also when's the maintenance? This week or next week?

>> No.13709038

Managed to get exactly 1200 with my most recent run. I was lucky enough to get mostly 16 drops (2 out of the last 3).

Anyone know when the next Aigis event or first PeroPero event is supposed to be?

>> No.13709053

17 runs and still no Chloe.
Aigis pls.

>> No.13709064

Time to be superstitious and clear your cache.

>> No.13709233

So. How does the new map fuck everybody over?

>> No.13709240

Female only map. Nothing special.

>> No.13709273

Not >>13706549 but I'll give it a shot

>Be bronze archer in the Prince's army.
>Finally get to know this new mage girl, Mehlis.
>Barbastroff is so proud of her, how fast she is learning under his wing.
>She's easy to hang with.
>Although she doesnt stop talking when the topic of magic comes into play.
>If anything I find that charming.
>Be talking to her on a day off during lunch
>"Oh well, time for todays lesson". she says.
>She seems awfully happy about it
>I bid her goodbye and go to do something around the castle.
>Walk around a bit and come across Barbastroff.
>"Oh hey, lesson done already?"
>He just raises an eyebrow.
>Awkward silence follows.
>Until a familiar giggle comes across the hallway
>Its Mehlis.
>"Oh for fuck's sake...."
>And the pince obviously.
>Barbastroff just sighs HEAVILY and walks the other way.
>He mumbles something along the lines of "too old for her, what's he thinking?"
>The droop on his normally proud stance was noticeable.

>> No.13709488

Fuck yeah. Finally, Chloe after 20 runs

>> No.13709551

1-5: Spend my last 10 crystals on Premium gacha.
6-0: Keep them.

Unless someone tells me another recollection event is coming soon.

>> No.13709595

Anyone know if there's another collection event soon?

>> No.13709623
File: 1.27 MB, 1913x631, AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go fuck yourself with a rusty spoon Aigis.

>> No.13709663

There was one roughly 2 months after Karma's event on JP. I think there were like 5 events between them, but one was a gold rush and we don't know if they plan to skip around.

>> No.13709667

>"Oh hey, lesson done already?"
>He just raises an eyebrow.
>Awkward silence follows.


>> No.13709724

The Elite Guard event in PeroPero just started i think.

>> No.13709818

Um, that's only what Aigis looks like if you put like a few thousand dollars in.

>> No.13709823

No, that same guy first-tried that angel mission too by spamming aisha and overpowering the regen.

>> No.13709940

Well now that the new Peropero event is on I realize I actually need active friends.

My ID is 813764, I'll be active about the whole event.

>> No.13710191

>Reached 1000 serums and have decided to not continue with this fucking event any longer.
>First different map I play in two weeks is Golden Armor.

Feels good man. And now I've got an armor for Karma. When are we getting her? Tomorrow or the other day?

>> No.13710212

Should come right after the event ends, which is in ~13 hours I believe.

>> No.13710303

Another day, another non-witch silver from gacha and no farmable witches in any map


>> No.13710366

Hahaha, fuck me I just got 495/500 on the subjugation map, the 5 I missed were all bats from messing up my placement order.

>> No.13710386

I'm still at ~470 ;_;

>> No.13710392

holly shit, what the fuck is up with the Peropero event?
what am i supposed to do?
are there any strategies i should follow?
theres someone on my friend list who is breezing through high levels.
is it hackable?

>> No.13710395

Actually Sybilla is getting a younger sister and she's sapphire.

>> No.13710423

The strategy is to shill Nutaku money to get special cards that do more damage.

>> No.13710426

Sapphire isn't really higher or lower than other rarities, it's just sort of weird.

>> No.13710438

If you have any of the cards shown on the event page in your team they multiply your SED. By how much depends on the cards level. You can get at least the N one from normal gatcha, if not all of them.

>> No.13710442

also ive been going around just feeding all the N wild cards to some "S" girls and getting them to 100. i have 1 Sexy SR at level 100
and 4 N cards at level 100
im going for a fifth N and a Second SR
what should i be doing realy? i started the game with not a strategy.

>> No.13710472

>is it hackable?

>> No.13710488

It's a pain to be playing all the games on Nutaku. Three events going on at once.
Good thing I have no life to get in the way.

>> No.13710506

There are more games on the way, you're going to have to pick your battles.

>> No.13710526

Just got rid of some of my inactive friends in PeroPero. ID is 888460 for anyone interested.

>> No.13710536
File: 27 KB, 422x243, SquirrelKebab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew it. Leave it to localization teams to get the name absolutely wrong.

Get it together Nutaku!

>> No.13710569

A lot of characters have names that are pretty ambiguous and don't really have proper ways to localize.

I mean, not to defend Nutaku's generally shit translation.

>> No.13710584

Lode/Load/Lord Witch doesn't make sense either which way. At least "Lode" sounds magical.

>> No.13710602

it took ~8 hours to get to 1200 grinding 7 nonstop if you need a benchmark

>> No.13710615


I wrote up my own ideas too:


>> No.13710637
File: 91 KB, 705x263, HelloMonday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monday welcomes me back!

>> No.13710651

You actually fell for Google Translate bait?

ウィッチ Try saying it out loud.
ロード is used for "Lord". Nutaku is also correct.

>> No.13710673

ロード is also used for Load, Road, Lode, Rode, etc. How was >>13710584 wrong?

>> No.13710678
File: 535 KB, 964x640, finally.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got it... Guess I can look forward to getting my first black unit tommorow

>> No.13710682

Do you know what a lode is?

>> No.13710693

I've heard the term "lode stone", so I assume it's earth-related. Probably not befitting of ice witches, but still.

>> No.13710721

Because the Japanese would almost never bother to use ロード as a loanword for "Rode/Load". "Road" might be used if they're discussing a western road though I guess. None of those three would make sense in this context though.

I'll have to second >>13710682
A "Lode" is a deposit of ore. Calling it a "Lode" Witch implies that either the Witch controls deposits of ore (none of the Witches do), or that the Witch is somehow made out of a deposit of ore (none of them are). Lode on it's own also has almost no magical/fantasy connotations, although lodestone does have a few, possibly because of it's magnetic properties.
Lord on the other hand would make sense in that it's a Witch that is superior to others (which fits because the Witch class changed into a superior class). Then there's also the fact that "Lord' is used in about 99% of fantasy/magical settings. I'd argue to use "Witch Lord" instead of "Lord Witch" though for English purposes, since "Lord" usually implies what comes afterwards is a name.

>> No.13710730

Dictionary says its a rich source of something.

>> No.13710747

Question here. If we ever get revival events, will the maps appear 3-star'd already?

In case I couldn't 3-star a map in one previous event and the same event is coming again, will I be able to 3-star that map by then?

>> No.13710750

It's not like lode is a word that pops up often in general conversation, unless you're a geologist. Or you actually use the term "mother lode".

I think we've sidetracked the thread enough with this conversation though.

Also, Lord Witch sounds stupid.

>> No.13710768

It should have been Lady Witch. End of discussion.

>> No.13710772

Yes, if you've already 3*ed them they'll show up as 3*ed already.

>> No.13710807

There are plenty of other classes than witch that have names with lord. It's definitely lord, there's no question there.

>> No.13710821

Okay. Going to leave Wolves' Den for now.

>> No.13711109
File: 25 KB, 343x260, gurk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear to God, the Gold Armour N mission's out to swindle me this time. Not only have I not gotten any platinum armour's out of it today, but I frequently only get 1 Golden Armour drop when I complete it.

I guess I should really start looking into what I need to beat the Hard one.

>> No.13711114

☐ Not REKT ☑ REKT ☑ REKTangle ☑ SHREKT ☑ RE- etc etc

(I'm sorry)

>> No.13711121

N is mediocre, bro. I wouldn't ever expect platinum armours. They're a nice luxury that occasionally get rewarded to you. H has 1x 15% so that's decent. You get far more gold armours in H too. I'm averaging like 5.5 gold armours a run. I got 1 platinum today so far (so what, 6 runs at a guess)

>> No.13711129

I've been doing Gold Armor H the whole day and I haven't gotten a plat armor out of it either. (Plenty of gold ones but my prince is swimming in gold right now) Let us weep together at our meager luck.

>> No.13711136

Finally managed to eek out 1k serum with my very last SC a moment ago. Pretty excited that while I didn't get a pefect Karma, Ill be getting my first black unit tomorrow.

>> No.13711145
File: 524 KB, 965x645, Karma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my pic

>> No.13711148

Fucking Peropero event is bullshit, and most of the units are locked behind a completely random paywall.

>> No.13711172

It keeps throwing stuff at you for doing nothing and you can get at least some new units from the free gacha. If you want everything you obviously have to pay but at least I don't care about that stuff anyway.

>> No.13711219

Take a look at how many of the "event units" are missing from the normal and rare gacha though. They're even missing from Guaranteed SRs.

Not to mention they're only available from rip off event tickets that also have the SRs you can get at any time included in the pool, and sport an insanely low rate of getting an SR.

I shouldn't have expected anything that's not Jewish.

>> No.13711227

You played a game that's basically card mobage #1693619 BUT with hentai. I don't know what exactly you were expecting.

>> No.13711234

>expecting to be able to get everything for free

Entitled much?

>> No.13711248

Did you look at the right list? You can get pretty much all of them from N gacha. There are two you can't.

>> No.13711279
File: 930 KB, 2200x1400, 1424772201310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I shouldn't have expected anything that's not Jewish.

First time here?

>> No.13711292

I spent the majority of the Pero I've saved up until now to normal gacha spam. I've got three of the special event cards already.
For once in a Nutaku game, I feel like I did something right.

>> No.13711293

There's 4 SRs you can't obtain from N, along with 3 Rs.

Sort of. But I've played other freemium games, and I'm used to them just offering extreme advantages, but not completely walling content.

>> No.13711306

I've played the JP version of pero and there are two things you should know. You don't need all the slayer cards and you won't get every card there is. If you put in time in events you can get all the free cards, but almost never get the ranking cards because of the whales.

This event might be an exception though since the ultra boss cards seems like it'll be out of reach for 99% of the players.

>> No.13711336

Ultra boss cards? I've never heard of any mention of those.

About the Slayer cards though, doesn't having them give you an immense advantage? Doesn't help that I've literally burned 180 or so gacha tickets today and only got the N one.

>> No.13711342

I've missed the alpha SR from N gacha 3 times.

Very sad.

>> No.13711368

I just bought 100 N gacha tickets with some of the pero the event keeps throwing at me. Got 2 of them thus far and I still have plenty of rolls left.

>> No.13711373

It gives an advantage sure, but the card from EP is only 100k ep. I only have the N slayer but I'm sitting at 17k ep right now.

You only need the slayers if you want to compete with the whales for the top ranking card and well I hope you have deep pockets.

Ultra bosses are spawn in the second half of the event, the have hp in the millions and you need to kill 300 for the card. Right now this is the first event and everyone is weak as hell so just about everyone is out for that card. once people get stronger it becomes a group effort with active friends using that hp half potion you buy for pero and saving up pero pudding from events.

>> No.13711402

That sounds horrible. 300 kills of the same boss with millions of health for a card? Ouch.

I have fairly deep pockets, but I don't exactly desire wasting money on things like these to keep up with autists.

>> No.13711424

Yeah its time consuming, but the game tends to be pretty generous with consumables, especially during the PVP events.

>> No.13711456

A PvP event would probably have been a better first event. I wager there's going to be some players leaving after this and seeing how retarded some whales are over top spots.

I've seen some people with like 800k+ EP already.

>> No.13711478

Yeah PVP would have been the best, even the ladder/exploration would have been better too.

Best advice I can get you or anyone is to shoot for 100k ep and take it easy and help friends so you get wildcards from kills so you'll be stronger for the next event.

>> No.13711480

Is it worth going for 1.2k Serums or is 1k good enough? I can make it but I don't have a huge SC stock.

>> No.13711489

The last tier isn't very important, but its your best shot at getting a perfect Karma. Otherwise, your only option is time fairies, which are very rare.
It's your call, I suppose.

>> No.13711526

I'm sitting around rank 150, but that probably won't last for too long seeing as I only have the N Slayer card and am a free player.

Maybe if I'm lucky I can get into the 50-100 bracket, but I'm going to need to get the Slayer SR from gacha soon or I'll just abandon that line of thinking. Is there any difference between the ranking card given there and the normal SR version of it?

>> No.13711535

>Not awake when the Peropero event starts
>Behind by hundreds of thousands of EP


>> No.13711543

Normally the ranking card is only available as a rank reward, the SR from the gacha and ranking seem the some which is some weird first event thing I suppose.

>> No.13711549

If you have active friends you can still catch up.

>> No.13711570

You can min cost her during her revival event. On JP revival events compete with normal events for stamina though.

I think the odds to CR are doubled for those units, but potentially spending 250 revival crystals and not getting a CR sounds really painful.

>> No.13711591

i jumped ship for aigis, should i do the same thing for pero pero.
i mean having a bundle of x5 +x1 be the same price as x6 seperate is pretty shit. fuck you nutaku for not fixing it directly.
and you missed the N Wild Card bundle, its still cost as much as x6 seperate.
get your shit together nutaku

>> No.13711612

Thats not a bug if you are buying with pero, the bonus is only for point buys. They had the same thing in the jp version.

>> No.13711617

wow, i think im going to drop all of them now,
its a useless struggle

>> No.13711633
File: 19 KB, 284x117, fuuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you too, RNG.

>> No.13711638

I've seen at least one in the millions of EP already.

>> No.13711654

So should I be spending all my pero on N gacha now or what?

>> No.13711659

You can if you want to. The event hands out wildcards and pero like candy so if you want any of the cards there you might as well.

>> No.13711673

I fucking feel you, man. Check my last couple days: >>13708306
Fucking cancer. And that was when I stopped spending SC. Game's rigged.

>> No.13711686

Fucking Mehlis map only drop gayelf guys or somthing. 20 runs and still only dropped him. I want fucking Mehlis, damn it Aigis

>> No.13711734

Fucking this. I get 2x of those faggots every single run, making me hope that one of them is Leeanne so I can get my 4th Mehlis, but fucking nope.

>> No.13711778

If you pay attention to who drops what then you won't need to wonder.

>> No.13711797

Too busy AFKing.

>> No.13711937
File: 93 KB, 594x416, teamMehlis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You called?

>> No.13711955

Not bad. Make sure to add it here though.


>> No.13711986

>Seeing so many people happy with the Karma they got.
>I'm just sitting here crying as I missed the majority of the event by currently not having proper access to a computer or wifi.

D-Don't mind me. I'll just sit here in my corner and somehow make a noose out of grass...

>> No.13711993
File: 10 KB, 271x71, ss+(2015-06-30+at+02.45.06).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who here /perfectkarma/?

>> No.13712009
File: 186 KB, 544x529, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who Elaine here?

>> No.13712015

I've got 22 spare of Elaine. What the fuck, man. 12 spare Daniela.

>> No.13712059

Well that's too bad. Had you mentioned it sooner, I'd have been willing to grind it for you, being my fellow forum member.

>> No.13712064


>> No.13712092

Better yet, with 2 overpowered waifus

>> No.13712113


>> No.13712229

Man, everyone on my Peropero friend list has event cards out the ass

Whales get out

>> No.13712245

Don't complain. Whales keeps these games alive.

>> No.13712435

Could have been worse. My last two silvers were both Eunice.

>> No.13712463
File: 591 KB, 909x521, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have got 3 event cards including gangster and nazi without spending a penny or a pero. I also landed this gold maid too. Where is your god now?

also the guy, who has rolled 5 platiniums and 2 blacks as f2p player in aigis

>> No.13712464
File: 43 KB, 559x382, Efficiency.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 hours left
>all stamina used up
>used exactly the right number of crystals
>reached exactly 1200 serums, not a single serum over the cap

All according to plan.

>> No.13712469

Where did you get them? Mission reward rolls?

>> No.13712476

R gatcha with card reveal tickets.

>> No.13712477

Holy shit I just realised we get her in a few hours.

Also, can you go over 1200 even if you "get" more?

>> No.13712478
File: 106 KB, 558x438, storageproblems.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think in light of recent events, there's currently not a single roll in the world worse than Elaine. Not even Eunice.

>> No.13712481

>Also, can you go over 1200 even if you "get" more?
No, it's capped at 1200.

>> No.13712482

LoV got new update again and seems like we're getting SSR valks.

>> No.13712484

Good question, I don't really know. I just know that I genuinely reached 1200 since I was on 1194 and the last vampire run only dropped the 6 serums, so I can't tell if additional serums would be ignored either way.

>> No.13712507

i must be blind but how do you use half potions in pero elite guards ?

>> No.13712522

Is nazi supposed to be a special SR for the event? I used some freebie gold on the event gacha and she counts as an Elite Alpha SR in the count.

>> No.13712524

Is there a list of all the Peropero cards stats at 110?

Is there any downside to just saving all my wild cards for the highest SED? Is there any benefit to using mono-babe/sexy/moe?

>> No.13712623

Final serum count: 827
Well, can't say I'm too disappointed with how I fared considering I missed an entire 8 days of the event while away

>> No.13712642

>No plats this week

Well, fuck. Guess Karma's gonna go hungry.

>> No.13712683

I just did two spirit rescue N's, first time got nothing, the second time only a golden spirit (right now I need any spirit But the gold ones) is there a feeling worse than this?

Man your drop rate is fucking insane. I have farmed vampire for the majority of the event and I only got 4 elaines out of all of that. Went the whole 1200 mile too.

Welp, time to 3* Immortal beast. Let's go team Karma

>> No.13712687

Yeah, doing Spirit Rescue H and getting nothing but one gold 5-10 times in a row.

You don't know suffering.

>> No.13712715

I think we can all agree that spirit rescue is the worse daily mission out of them all.

>> No.13712721
File: 760 KB, 972x649, karma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At last. And only by the virtue of a unit that is basically a cheat.
Now what do I do with my life?

Also, Karma gets 29hp per level up. Bloody hell.

>> No.13712727

Her max affection stats were really underwhelming imo.

>> No.13712749

She's got the lowest bonus out of the blacks we've gotten, so it's not especially strange you'd think that.

>> No.13712751

Thankfully we get 2 a week! :^)

>> No.13712827

Where's the pero candy option in the peropero event? The event start mentioned something about using the candies but I haven't seen a chance to yet.

>> No.13712848
File: 177 KB, 791x389, TheTimeHasCum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, I have been waiting for this moment.

>> No.13712860





>> No.13712874

>obtainable G

Uhm... anon, what are you doing there? You don't have to do this, put down the Karma and let's talk about this like civil people.

>> No.13712876
File: 644 KB, 684x797, sluts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I do now?

>> No.13712878

She knows you can't satisfy her

>> No.13712887

Farm and CC two more Spicas.

>> No.13712888

Hope the next few events will give platinum/black valkyries, archers and preferably a new class "valkyrie archers" for you to cc.

Or you get a bunch of min costed CC'd silvers for when you need to fill the board with quick cheap units.

>> No.13712903

What's up with Aigis? It's constantly "loading" with a white screen. Never had this issue before.

>> No.13712927

finally I could 1star immortal beast and got Valerie. Needed him to CC my Mehlis ever since forever
Karma's skill is pretty neat, but mine has 3/5 skill with 11 sec, how would 5/5 look like?

>> No.13712940


>> No.13712945

Yeah same. Is Aigis down? Same deal no matter the browser.

>> No.13712954

The Nutaku one works fine for me, well as fine as it ever did, it will sometimes crash firefox but that is more to do with having dodgy internet.

>> No.13712974
File: 31 KB, 208x199, 1278695975805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why even put spirits in the trading post? Like, there are so many ways to obtain spirits (two daily missions, a long list of challenge quests). And it's not like they are cheap in the trading post either. Demon crystals are such a rare commodity, why EVER wasted it on buying spirits?

Some kind of deliberate noob trap?

>> No.13712998

>try Tuesday H
>lose in a few seconds even though I can do all other H easily
Well now. What to do on this?

>> No.13713005

Drop rate for the dailies are absolute shit, though.
And most players who hasn't passed War of Magic will stick to Phalanx 2, which only gives up to platinum spirit.
Not saying that you should spend crystals on spirits, of course, but it's there as a desperate last resort.

>> No.13713105

>LoV Event ended
>3 Shion
>3 Titanne
>3 Pamela


I'm in the same boat.


>> No.13713131

Basically you need to spend a bit of time and effort to get 2 bronze soldiers and get them cost reduced to max. Around level 30 will do. Those in combination with silver soldiers&katie should be enough to quickly block the wolf rush.

>a desperate last resort
Very desperate

>> No.13713358
File: 78 KB, 424x141, fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now i remember why i hate tuesday dailies this much.

>> No.13713412
File: 124 KB, 959x639, gr07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let two wolves slip by on my first run, but 2nd run went really well. Kind of makes up for my shit luck on the last two maps. I still need to get a copy of Emilia for collection purposes though.

>> No.13713426

>Be a bronze archer in the Prince's army.
>We've been fighting off a vampire invasion for two weeks.
>They are really tough enemies, I don't even get deployed on the worst warzones.
>This one girl from the village, Karma, got bitten early on, and we've been securing this "serum" from the vampires we defeat to cure her.
>Whole army has been hard at work, and by now everyone has become pretty endeared to Karma.
>Final day arrives.
>We've gathered over a thousands flasks of serum.
>It's the day of truth.
>The Prince brings Karma up to a scenario in front of the castle and presents her.
>She's radiating, and she looks completely healthy.
>Everyone is cheering.
>The Prince makes a gesture to someone out of stage.
>Anna comes in dragging a cart that, honestly, looks like it's going to snap her spine at any moment.
>She goes up to them sweating and catching her breath.
>The Prince grabs something from inside the cart.
>Gives it to Karma.
>Wait, is that...
>A fucking diamond.
>And another.
>And another.
>This fucker had them prepared for just such an occasion.
>The cheering is dying out as the rest of the soldiers realize what's going on.
>Soon enough, Karma drops to her kness right there and starts giving the Prince a boobjob.
>Are you kidding me.
>The Prince starts dropping flowers on her head while yelling "VAMPIRE BOOBJOB WOO WOO"
>We all leave.
>Fuck this shit, we should have seen this coming from miles away.

>> No.13713436

Fuck's sake. *knees

>> No.13713450
File: 1.58 MB, 480x270, 1433867445261.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brilliant. Nice one anon.
radiating -> radiant

>> No.13713458

Ah, thanks anon. I'm not a native english speaker so sometimes I fuck up like that.

>> No.13713460

I got 3, but none of them reduced my Chloe's cost. OG struggles.

>> No.13713500


>> No.13713558

Is it me, or is PeroPero lagging a lot with firefox?

>> No.13713572
File: 152 KB, 912x881, pfff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That gave me a chuckle (the previous ones have been amusing as well)

>> No.13713681 [SPOILER] 
File: 109 KB, 958x789, 1435689939208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Upcoming Black Rarity Soldier


>> No.13713741

And so have I.

>> No.13713760
File: 53 KB, 640x480, What.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dun get it...

>> No.13713779

DMM, right?

Also, premium only, right?
a.k.a. another unit I'll NEVER EVER get

>> No.13713796

Is her unit cost low enough to make her usefull? We can't cr her that easily... or can we?

>> No.13713819

Ten bucks says no, she's gonna have to make up for it somehow

>> No.13713824

Her cost will probably just be 12/15, her usefulness depends entirely on her skill and maybe ability.

>> No.13713903

Call for Reinforcements IV

>> No.13713938

That would be retardedly broken.

>> No.13713949

But it would be beautiful.

>> No.13713990

JP version already has to much broken black units. One more black won't hurt anyone

>> No.13714013

Being broken is pretty much the entire point of collecting a black waifu army. http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm26514226

>> No.13714054

Figured I should post this here.

>Be bronze archer in the Prince's army.
>Hunt for some meat, bring it back to barracks for cooking.
>Wonder why the only cook in this army is Mortimer when the majority of members are women.
>Grumble about Prince's latest antics with other like-minded men.
>Lean back on bench and touch a damp spot.
>Conrad: "That smells of woman. Who had sex here?"
>Awkward silence. Everyone's thinking the same thing: 'who else?'
>Attempt to take everyone's mind off by mentioning tomorrow's activities.
>Mortimer: "We're gonna drag that lad away from all his pussy and party up!"

>One boat trip and a manly brawl later, get a pile of booze drops.
>Prince brings out his secret stash of Millennium Wine.
>Only silvers and above are invited to drink.
>Crash in bed early, none of the other Irons and Bronzes wanted to hold a consolation party.
>Next evening, continue the grumbling from last time.
>Mortimer: "I won't allow you to diss the Prince! That man is alright."
>What happened at that party?

>> No.13714099


>Be bronze archer in the Prince's army.
>Deployed in toxic swamp today, next to new recruit: Spica.
>It's her first mission in this army.
>Don't get hopes up, you know the inevitable future.
>Shoot down gargoyles and such, at least this is enjoyable.
>Spica having a hard time with her frail constitution.
>Prince doesn't even show up for this mission: "there's nowhere for me to stand"
>Be a sympathetic ear to Spica badmouthing Prince for sending them out here.
>Spica just shot down a dragon. It dropped a diamond as it died.
>Cough cough, can't take these toxic fumes anymore, where are the healers?
>Just before going unconscious, get relieved to make room for a healer.

>Back at the barracks, you wake up to see Christopher tending to your health.
>Couldn't it have been Alyssa or Dorca at least?
>Thank him for his work and ask what happened to Spica.
>Christopher: "In her room, being attended to."
>The way he said it already gives bad vibes.
>Sure enough, there's a trail of flowers near her room. You can still smell the swamp's acrid fumes on them.
>Prince comes out of the room, you hide.
>A while later, Spica comes out too. You ask her how she feels.
>She's gushing in a very roundabout way that the Prince may not be as bad as she first thought.
>Special mention for the diamond he just gifted her.
>Isn't that the same diamond that dropped from her own kill?

>> No.13714116

I can't help but think of the prince as a complete cunt after all these stories.

He should probably be grateful that Jerome even throws him a few women.

>> No.13714125

Dude, the Prince is supposed to be you. These stories are just poking fun at the game's mechanics.

>> No.13714136

The stories offer a better story than the game itself.

Self-inserting is lame.

>> No.13714145

Will Archerbro ever find a waifu?

>> No.13714151

"Fanon" of any kind is even worse.

>> No.13714161

>Prince doesn't even show up for this mission: "there's nowhere for me to stand"

This line got me

>> No.13714178

The real joke in these is that there is a bronze archer in the army.

>> No.13714196

Time to digest the latest LoV content:

New Megaboss! Rank 18.

Mecha-Chocola (phys immune version)
Force: 50/16
HP: 2.5m
Def: 8k
Time: 2h40m
Assist: 125k

Mecha-Chocola (magic immune version)
Force: 50/16
HP: 3.0m
Def: 8k
Time: 2h40m
Assist: 150k

Both have more or less the same loot table. SR Sylvia drops for assist, SR Chocola ONLY SPAWNS FOR THE OWNER. In addition, the owner of Mecha-Chocola can get +25 equipment drops.

SR Sylvia
Crit: 3
Bal: 33
Proc: 20%
2S2M: 10724 / 34514
4M: 12133 / 40786

Sharo-style nuker, but without Sharo's crit. Even more balance than Luka.

SR Witch Chocola
Crit: 10
Bal: 15
Proc: 19/21/23%
MP: 160/200/300 (!)
Cost: 42/50/60 (!)
2S2M: 6241 / 62854
4M: 6666 / 66666 (#@!)
4M Limit Break: 7645 / 87032

I have no idea what Limit Break is aside from "she reaches Lv 80". Presumably it'd be like Awakening in Aigis.

As expected of a plot character. Guzzles your MP, obliterates the enemy.

>> No.13714270

>Not having a bronze archer in your army.

>> No.13714290

guys help i still need 15 silver witches

>> No.13714313

>(magic immune version)
Ah crap, so I need to grind up another weapon to supplement my winstick?

>> No.13714328
File: 10 KB, 153x170, aigis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you waiting for?

>> No.13714418

I've been rolling like fuck, haven't gotten one in hundreds of 2k and dozens of base+ and like at least 20 premium summons.

>> No.13714442

Current LoV event:


There's some fodder available at the very end (20 stages). Your real completion reward is:


Alt. Mea
Earth (yes, she's changed element)
R -> SR+ -> SSR++
Crit: 18
Bal: 6
Proc: 34/36/38%
Cost: 16/38/58
2S2M: 20001 / 27225
4M: 23564 / 30924

Extreme beatstick deserving of SSR rank

Next event:


UC drops towards the end, and some +15 equipment. But as again, the real reward is:

Alt. Aion
R -> SR+ -> SSR++
Crit: 9/11/13
Bal: 12/14/16
Proc: 29/31/33%
Cost: 16/38/58
2S2M: 17431 / 35515
4M: 20049 / 40336

Yes, the C Aion you knew from before is back in SSR form. Still the same nuker style.

>> No.13714445

Has Karma been released yet? I can't find it in my presents screen

>> No.13714449

She goes straight to your units.

>> No.13714480

Whoops, thanks

>> No.13714488


That was what the previous event was for. Eckesachs is a shitty weapon but I got mine to +20 from all those +18 drops.

>> No.13714615

Only if DMM adds bronze females. Inb4 they're turbo-ripped barbarian "women".

>> No.13715079
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I always end up with the most useless units cause they can't be used for ranking up most of my units -_-

>> No.13715109

please go back to gaia

>> No.13715160
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hey, does anyone else get a wolf howl sound effect when enemies show up in Phalanx 2, despite none of the enemies being wolves?

>> No.13715177

Yeah, it happens on some maps even if there aren't wolves in the waves.

>> No.13715266

I think that while we often perceive the Prince as a lean, mean, cucking machine, he can be a bit of a bro, and give no-hopers a chance to prove themselves.

>> No.13715280
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I've always had a bit of a soft spot for this guy, ever since he spoke up during one of Katie's drill instructions, though he does strike me as a bit of an arse.

>> No.13715303

He can get up to just 13 less HP than a 50CC70 Spica.

>> No.13715322

You say that like that's a big achievement.

>> No.13715332

The Prince variates between ultra muscled, well oiled gladiator and pretty much a small shota depending on the scene. Compare, say, how he looks in Daniela's scenes and how he look in Leanne's.

Also, I'm sure perceiving him as "mean" just comes from the fact that he's a silent protagonist. He's probably just your average harem protagonist nice guy.

>> No.13715352

Leanne is just THAT. FUCKING. HUGE.

>> No.13715365

Oh I know that. That's part of her charm. But I meant that he actually looks a lot scrawnier than in the others.

>> No.13715470
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Sorry, I wasn't trying to say that the Prince actually is "mean" I was just using that old phrase, " lean, mean, XXXX-machine.
Again, I apologize for the confusion.

>> No.13715473

Aw shit, I have to finish reading that comic someday.

>> No.13715482

Welllll by submitting cucking into the write-in field, you kinda do add "mean" to the whole thing.

>> No.13715492

Prince is kind of a sadistic and proud in some scenes, not wanting to show affection or get too intimate with some girls during sex.

>> No.13715498

it's only the first issue of the series, or are you talking about Hitman?

>> No.13715499

You ever hear about maledom, anon?

>> No.13715517

Nah, I was talking about All Star Section Eight. I saw the start of the first issue on /co/ but couldn't stick around to finish it is what I meant.

>> No.13715957
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Daily mission result:
First N: nothing
Second N: 1 gold
First and second H: just the 2 golds.

Fuck this daily mission, why didn't I just grind phalanx 2 the whole day?

>> No.13715986

Doesn't Phalanx 2 literally have the same drop rate as N for Plats? Dunno about for Golds though.

>> No.13716522

So, I have bought some gold, rolled 6 silvers and a Conrad. Can I still count myself as f2p player?

>> No.13716656
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This time, LoV brought over the silly costumes too for the event. We missed out of these for the Idol one.

>> No.13716667


>> No.13716670

being f2p isn't about getting any benefit or not, it's about having the dignity not to spend money on a freemium game

which i certainly lack

>> No.13716806

still no chloe


>> No.13716888
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>> No.13716891
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>> No.13716903
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>> No.13716904

>blatant Rikka ripoff

>> No.13716905
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>> No.13716907

>autistic chick with odd eyes
Wow so original.

>> No.13716908

Thanks detective

>> No.13716909
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>> No.13716912
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>> No.13717016
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Awww yisss. What are the chances?

>> No.13717047

How am I supposed to play this PeroPero Elite Guard event properly?
How am I supposed to use my focus I encounter a boss?
Everytime I request support it gets finished off before I can seduce her myself

>> No.13717122


>> No.13717211

The closest I ever got to that was everything minus the diamond. Lucky fella

>> No.13717250

Depends on what you want, first you want to try to get at least the n slayer card and if possible the alpha slayer card to help your damage. Depending on your attack I wouldn't worry about getting any decent ranking and not worry about ep. You will get it eventually if you keep assisting and finding.

If you do want more points, either kill it yourself without asking for support or try to get the last hit or do most dmg to it before sharing. You'll get more points that way. Its not bad to just share finds and let them get killed because you get two prizes for every one while assists just give one.

I have been using an auto muse program so I can sleep and still use up my focus. I just have it set to attack slot 1/ slot 2 depending on if I have one of the bugged 8.7 mills up.

Supporting ranking is a lot easier to rank up in than ep ranking. I'm in top 100 of ep but top 25 of supporting.

Tldr for force is either save for 6 attacks and get the mvp, last hit bonuses. Or assist others in 1 attacks/6 attacks for more items and such.

>> No.13717342
File: 604 KB, 960x640, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are placing too expensive units for the map, i can go afk by time the first dragon appears with all silver+gold witch bitch

in the image i used spica cus i wanted to try her out on this map, but i usually place soma

>> No.13717484


>> No.13717498

Anyone else still getting support request emails from peropero despite saying no to all email notifications in their account settings?

>> No.13717506

Yes, I also get friend request emails. I've sent them two support tickets but I've still gotten 50 emails today.

>> No.13717722

>standard kinda-western-nun loli number three hundred twelve
More like.

>> No.13717727

..Although okay you got a point with those pins holding the dress together.

>> No.13717744
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>> No.13717763
File: 120 KB, 961x644, finally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally. I never thought it takes that much commitment to get even a single gold unit during the entire week of gold rush. At least the platinum units have a good droprate.

Got like 5 of those alchemist girls in the process of farming Mehlis, is she any good? If my moon is correct, she seems to reduce enemy defense by half when she hits them, which sounds like it could either be amazing or completely useless.

>> No.13717776
File: 92 KB, 1280x720, Toaru_Majutsu_no_Index_E01_13m_23s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely notIndex

>> No.13717780

>If my moon is correct, she seems to reduce enemy defense by half when she hits them, which sounds like it could either be amazing or completely useless.
From my reading of the skill and the discussion about it yes that's what she does. The debuff applies before the damage, so she always benefits. She doesn't throw them fast enough to keep 100% uptime for other units, though.

>> No.13717826

>Burn 200 N gacha and 15 R gacha in peropero
>Get one SR
>It's a dupe


>> No.13718086


I know that feel, worst feel is when you use a reveal too just to get a dupe SR even though you're missing more than half of them D=.

>> No.13718090

Apologies for the grammar but i want to try this badly.

>Be bronze archer in the Prince's army.
>Be in guard duty on the gates of the base.
>Thinking about how the manly "Woman of Steel" Leanne suddenly became more girly and somewhat really cute after hanging out with Prince.
>"Well he may be a pimp but if He can help them to solve their personal issues I guees I´m ok with that."
>Spot Leanne wearing a cute sundress.
>"Yep, I´m ok with that."
>Leanne reaches to Cloris who is drinking tea under a umbrella.
>Leanne: "Prince says he want to try something and wants you and your daughter to come to his room later."
>Cloris: "Mmm... ok."

>> No.13718114

Well, it's the thought that counts but.. aren't these supposed to be... funny? It just ends abruptly so there's nothing to really laugh about. You should try changing it up a bit.

>> No.13718122

To clarify, you have a good start but since it just cuts off, it doesn't really stir up any emotions or anything.

>> No.13718143

I don't really understand this story to be honest. Maybe it's because I don't know who Cloris's daughter is, but it seems a bit disconnected. It started out with the Leanne thing, which looked like it was going somewhere, and then it abruptly ends by calling Cloris to the prince. What's the meaning behind that?

>> No.13718159

Cloris' daughter is Belinda. We had her as part of the English version's first event.


>> No.13718162

Cloris' daughter is Belinda and Belinda's scenes are a threesome with her mom.

>> No.13718180

Sorry the last part was the archer thinking to himself it was supposed to be something like

>Cloris: "Mmm... ok."
>"Ah today is calm day as usual!"

>> No.13718250
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page 8, new thread?

>> No.13718279

We don't need one until page 10 really.

>> No.13718302

Only a few hours left to get one, anon! Better hurry up and break out those crystals.

>> No.13718757

Yeah, just woke up, gonna use my sta on it, burn a crystal, grab the 3 star for the next two, then start burning crystals until I get Chloe or run out.

knowing my luck, I will just end up with hundreds of these cocksucking silver fairies.

>> No.13718771

I'm hoping for a revival of her Event soon, so I can farm copies for Skill up (and Cost Down hopefully). Only one Niel copy, that I need to save to CC Chloe.

>> No.13718991
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Nothing but this map ever since it was introduced, finally got her last day with 2 hours left. jesus christ.

>> No.13718999

Enjoy skilling her up. Hope you hung on to all those silver drops in that map.

>> No.13719016

Only got 2 silver angel drops in that entire time, all I ever got was silver fairies and more silver fairies.

I got quite a few silver valkyries though, so by hurting my gold a lot since I skipped monday daily entirely I can get a handful of them.

>> No.13719028

I've been skipping mondays too... having less than a million gold is scary.

>> No.13719158
File: 8 KB, 158x85, poor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does one even save up gold? The gold I get from monday dailies is not enough, so I often find myself spamming Deep Forest Road.

>> No.13719174

I dunno, I spam 2k frequently and feed fodder even to things around level 70 sometimes. Only things that really hurt my gold are awakening and if I want to do unit trading. Do Monday more?

>> No.13719194

When you farm Dragon Hunting, you usually can't get rid of your gold faster than you get it, so from that moment on, you're fine. With return to ruins, it's still a bit on the edge, but should be managable if you make use of the mondays, unless you're levelling high level units. Anything below that will make you broke faster than you can say "oh look, I have money - wait, where's it gone?"

That's my experience anyway.

>> No.13719202

Good to know I'm not the only poorfag around. Just cleared Monday extreme the other day so I hope my life is going to get better now...

>> No.13719217

Monday extreme is where it's at.

>> No.13719224

How many more armors does Extreme drop compared to Hard?

>> No.13719225

Same amount, better rates.

>> No.13719233

Got Nanaly during the Karma event. Finally have the chance to level her up and raise her affection. My god, it feels so good to have her just rain death on people.

>> No.13719254

>less than 7 arrows at once

>> No.13719256

Same, but 3 star gold is 15k.

>> No.13719299
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>> No.13719306

Oh yeah, some of those dialogues actually forshadowed some stuff, huh?

>> No.13719327

This gold rush is traning arc.

>> No.13719342

Looking forwarf to EX-Roberto.

>> No.13719349

I hope Bashira gets something to keep her relevant ;_;

>> No.13719380

b-but she gets quad shot!!

>> No.13719755
File: 25 KB, 336x210, She+doesn+t+know+how+it+ends+_79fb3d713c7f7919620bb8118719cbe3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did I expect an erection there?

By the way, which unit should I focus on for the next event?

>> No.13719787

No one knows because no one knows what the next event is.

>> No.13719791

We don't know what the next event is. DMM gives them to Nutaku in a somewhat random order.

>> No.13719812

Are you asking about the Nutaku or DMM version?

>> No.13719835

I heard someone say that next event was probably Roana or Lian or something.

But nevermind. We won't know till the official announcement, I guess.

>> No.13719848

Roana was priority during the survey, too... so what's so good about her?

>> No.13719855

Nothing, morons just voted based on who looked the hottest. She's a nearly worthless unit.

>> No.13720210

The monk event might be one of the possibilities since Nutaku were teasing Monks or Vamps before Karma's announcement.

That event seemed kinda simple, the usual high leveled 2-3 units of each class is probably what you should prepare, someone posted a vid of the last map being done with just silvers.

There is one map with only melee spot units though, so maybe get like 14 melee units ready since we don't have heal armors or silver ninjas yet

>> No.13720373

IIRC the last map of the monk event is easy if you level like, 2 archers, a valk, an armor, 2 healers, and a mage or something.

>> No.13720869

Nanaly ended up being the one to get a range buff. Poor Stray.

>> No.13720929

Hot damn, all this delicious new art.

>> No.13720956

And holy shit all these buffs. I'm not even mad about the lack of new event.

>> No.13720962

>Class: Pegasus Rider: Recovers Cost When Enemy is Defeated.
Time to dust off my Liddy.

I'm wondering if Cornelia got any buffs, one of the few black units that I've pulled from gacha.

>> No.13720968

She did.

>> No.13720973

Oh man awoken Olivier doesn't look like Asuna anymore. And she buffs dwarfs now too. Shit, that gold rush really was a training arc.

>> No.13720980

But seriously guys they buffed almost everything in the game.

>> No.13720983
File: 441 KB, 911x630, 1435816989319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking good now

>> No.13720995

But now that she has her ability before awakening, I don't feel like awakening my level 80 Olivier...

>> No.13721034

But that game-changing +5 MR!

Still a bit longer for my Sibylla awakening art, those damned teases. Also 310 range on Nanaly is totally whack, yo

>> No.13721061

my firefox is crashing when I play Aigis.
What to do?

>> No.13721064

Try another browser.

>> No.13721067

Oh good point actually, I guess I will awaken her. With units like Olivier and black Iris (who just got an attack speed buff), magic damage is generally my only defensive concern.

>> No.13721071

We need a new thread soon. Buffs that Nutaku won't get edition.

>> No.13721082

It does that to me too, I changed browser and it still did it. I think it's just a problem with the internet.

>> No.13721127

Made the new thread


>> No.13721466

getting tired of posting this on almost every thread. PUT THIS ON THE OP ALREADY FFS:

Switch to the x64 version of your browser, its most likely a ram spike >4GB, making any non-x64 app crash. been using x64 Firefox for over a month without a single crash
