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13698682 No.13698682 [Reply] [Original]

Please do not prostitute in front of your pets.

Last thread: >>13647675
Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/T2RCwdh8

>> No.13698685

What if your pet is a prostitute?

>> No.13698700

Anyone know if the Barrier trait is worth taking as a wizard?

>> No.13698720 [DELETED] 

I'm too shy and pure to even marry either of my 2 pets. Any time they try to share sleep I kick them out.

On an unrelated note I've notice that both of my pets have a { } surrounding their names which was not they before, does anyone know what would cause this?

>> No.13698728
File: 819 KB, 1154x768, rumia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm too shy and pure to even marry either of my 2 pets. Any time they try to share sleep I kick them out.

On an unrelated note I've notice that both of my pets have a { } surrounding their names which was not there before like the bosses you find in challenge quests, does anyone know what would cause this?

>> No.13698736

The {} gets added if you have them spend AP to get the "chara quality up" option.

>> No.13698819

Post from previous thread: The scientist in Port Kapul can remove body parts at the cost of 3 life (NOT HP), I believe.

Barrier's awesome on a melee character. Are you often running out of mana, though? That's the key question. If you can't cast, you're stuck with inferior damage unless you want to hybridize.

On an unrelated note for anyone, would the +dodge and +damage at low health from obstinate and brave traits be very effective, or is +dodge basically no good at higher levels? A previous thread indicates your dodge basically quadruples when you're at 1% of your HP, while damage presumably goes up with a similar formula. Add onto that fury and other buffs, and holy sheets.

>> No.13698830
File: 600 KB, 791x825, 1433539341789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nevermind on that damage formula.

So, would you live your life on the edge? 6 times the damage and 4 times the dodge% in exchange for living your life at 1% HP? You could wear Green God Thorn to keep those numbers low, so you don't heal it back too quickly.

>> No.13698836

Well isn't a major threat at high levels mostly magical damage? You can't really dodge that.
The damage increase from Brave looks fantastic but I spend the vast majority of my combat time at >90% HP.

>> No.13699234

It's good a trait to have regardless of being melee or ranged/caster.

Before taking the trait ask yourself if you have mana to burn, very good ways to recover it, or high magic capacity.

If you are constantly feeling mana starved as you storm, dart, or beam things into oblivion then do not take barrier. However, if you do have the means to sustain yourself, barrier pretty much increases your survivability considerably.

I'm personally waiting until I cross the 20,000 mana mark on both my character and pet before I give them barrier.

>> No.13699710

Mana caps at 2000, anon.

>> No.13699735

I'm guessing he meant MP.

>> No.13699772

>6 X 2 from rampage X 10 from charge attack
>guaranteed criticals means guaranteed hits no matter your accuracy

Just hope you can proc timestop a few times.

>> No.13699853

Dealing 120x critical damage is nice, but being at 1% hp and taking 10 turns per attack means that basically any attack that hits is a kill.

And your opponents only need to kill you once to win.

It's not worth it unless your HP is so high that the enemies aren't threats anyways.

>> No.13699872

Not to mention that any elemental attacks won't give a damn about your evasion.

>> No.13700153

Hey guys, I want to play piano for a living. Whats an easy way to do this? I played the original elona for hours on end but never really learned much. Are there any tips and tricks that would be helpful?

>> No.13700949


there isn't much to say, once you get ensemble performing is super easy, just get some jaguar warriors/blaze lions/glare tigers to perform with you. Eventually you will want summon spirit and meteor to clear out party time quests and then summon spirits to play for.

>> No.13701049

I want to become a whore and have a lot of pets around, preferably male, even some animals.
How do I do this?

>> No.13701077


carry around a stack of beer, you can only bang people when they are drunk. To raise charisma you need to find some other way to make money and invest 50 in shops that will rapidly raise your charisma.

>> No.13701155

>To raise charisma you need to find some other way to make money and invest 50 in shops that will rapidly raise your charisma.
Prostitution makes loads of money, and raises charisma.

>> No.13701189

Does someone know when these certain lines are triggered?


>> No.13701623

Ill be honest. How do I do that?

>> No.13702116

Right, starting out as a pianist you'll want to train your performer skill to a good enough level to take on party quests. You can do this by going to the Cyber Dome and playing for the punks and other people there. The reason why you would want to do this is because the people at the Cyber Dome aren't as prone to throwing rocks at you if you perform poorly.

Get your performer skill to 30 and level up to gain access to the ensemble special action. Once you have that, get a pet and gene engineer the perform skill into them. Once that's done you can use the ensemble ability so that you and your pet can both perform at party quests. Ensemble should lead to easier party quest clears. I should also note that you do not need to give your pet an instrument to take advantage of ensemble. The performance skill alone on your pet should be enough.

If you choose to pick up casting invest in magic vendors so that you can find and buy scrolls of wonder. Bless stacks of them and read them to gain spell stock of meteor and summon spirits. Then just do what other anon said at party quests.

The higher level your summon spirit spell the higher level spirits come out. If you manage to impress them you'll gain a higher score at the end of party quests leading to higher tickets which you can exchange with an NPC in South Tyris for goodies.

>> No.13702264

I'm pretty sure Insult is used when they use the Insult special action at the very least.

Also, can you give them multiple lines for each section and they'll choose randomly?

>> No.13702274

I've never bothered with performer myself. How much money can you make early on? I'm assuming you need like 20 performer to not get stoned to death.

>> No.13702355

Performing at party quests can earn you a nice bit of money early on. On average I earn about 20-30k each party and 700-800 tickets. There are better money making methods but performing still continues to be relevant later on due to exchanging tickets for various items such as hero cheese, magic fruit, happy apple, speed upper, etc.

>> No.13702662


I already found out about 2 of them. Only these are left:


The translation for Insult2 didn't make much sense. Multiple implies when you are doing some multi-action magic of some kind with your pet.

>> No.13702687

Is learning the most useless attribute in elona+? Like there is practically no other effect than boosting the skills related to it?

>> No.13702701

>multi-action magic of some kind
Do you suppose it has to do with the "Over-Ray" special action?

>> No.13702705

You've got it completely backwards, actually. Learning's the most useful attribute.

>> No.13702746


learning now has a chance to massive boost exp gains in any skill, the chance gets higher the more learning you have

>> No.13702956

I hope so. I'm new and I don't have most special actions.

I tried Preaching (with dem crashes), though, which in the wikia says is a skill you perform with your pets, but no lines appeared.

>> No.13703189

I'd say Charisma is the most useless once you have enough to hit the 15 pet cap. It's the only attribute that has no effect whatsoever in combat.

>> No.13704090

The random +XP it gives is the only way to train skills past the absurdly high value where you stop getting experience normally.

>> No.13704154

Anyone here know how talk text for your allies work?

I don't mean the usual what to say when, but with codes. Such as {player} let your ally say your name, {nptc} is the ally's target. There were posts about it on /rlg/ yesterday.

I am trying to change color of the text with [r,g,b] but it doesn't seem to work.

>> No.13704243

How grindy is this game?

>> No.13704256

It's 100% grind

>> No.13704268

Good. I want a grindy game. The MMOs I've looked at are all quest based bullshit.

>> No.13704271

Not only do you have to grind to gain EXP in a particular skill, you have to grind a way to keep the EXP modifier (called potential) up so you can grind more efficiently.

>> No.13704375

Pomf is dead guys, fix the broken links in your pastebin.

>> No.13704464

what happens if a pet stops time with diablo/rankis or a similar enchantment? Only the pet can act, or you can as well?

>> No.13704518

Only the pet will act, it'll spend its turns closing gaps/attacking/whatever if theres a hostile on screen, and then it will return to you and use a Wait command until the timer runs out. Pretty interesting to watch but a little annoying if it activates on an enemy it just killed with nothing else around.

>> No.13704738

>buy a sage helm
>Mag-abyss drops from the next lich I kill
t-thanks. But not being able to see pumpkins is very annoying, are there any other reliable ways to see invisible foes?

>> No.13704786

If you've reached Lost Irva you can grind Awakened dungeons until you get one with the see invisible enchantment.

>> No.13704802

I carry a yacatet coin around for that since I don't really do guns/bows anyway, thats what magic dart is for.

>> No.13705234

potion rain works, if you don't have the gear.

>> No.13705245

Is Elona+ stable, now? I used to play Elona 5-6 years ago and it was still untranslated and had a ton of bugs.

>> No.13705260

The translation wont be much better, but things have changed significantly just in the last year. Its really not worth sticking to vanilla anymore considering Noa dropped the project years ago.

>> No.13705270

>The translation wont be much better

The translation of regular Elona was pretty choppy, too, to be fair.

>things have changed significantly just in the last year.

Such as?

>Its really not worth sticking to vanilla anymore

I figured. How does one stop being a vanilla Elona pleb?

>> No.13705287


Biggest one off the top of my head is platnium cost to train skill potential has been massively reduced, the cost raises much slower and caps at 10.

In addition there have been various buffs and changes to pet stat/skill growth that have made it much less of a resource drain to train your pets instead of replacing them.

>> No.13705292

>I figured. How does one stop being a vanilla Elona pleb?
Check the pastebin and grab the latest version, which is still 1.45, and the changelog has decent details about all the fun stuff added. The further back you go you start getting into machine-translated territory so best to just jump head first and look up the wiki as you run into new things.

Here's a tl;dr on the changelog, some of the more notable features. http://elona.wikia.com/wiki/Elona%2B

>> No.13705342

To add onto that, the game feels much bigger now with the extra 1.5 acts being implemented (so long as you follow the wiki). The power curve is more obvious, and there's a more significant postgame so you can really massage your grinding glands.

>> No.13705487

Does the warrior class feat work with 2 shields Martial Arts? If no, I wonder if I should stay a thief or change classes to warmage or predator.

>> No.13705493


If you're not a performer you and your pets will have shitty hp and mana all throughout the game.

If you're not a performer you would have a hard time training a random pet from 800 spd to 2000 spd since you can only rely on dungeon speed uppers and hermes potions which have unreasonable small medal cost. I guess it's time for you to grind Performer

>> No.13705506


If you don't have tons of rings that allows you to see invis you must not be hanging out at Noyel daily. They appear really often

>> No.13705521

Also this: http://elona.wikia.com/wiki/Music_Ticket

I'm at the level where I can earn 700 -1200 tickets from one quest. That's a speed upper after about every 8th party time quest.
Before I earned only 300+ with only 1 pet. I brought out 3 god reward pets, a littler girl and a miss vamp only to perform with me. After 3 level 350+ dungeons they had enough money to spend on training their charisma and performer potential. Everything else they have is on 400%...

>> No.13705563


Your question is a little troubling. What do you want to get from warrior class? There's no class proficient in Martial Arts since all races are already proficient in it. Or are you looking for a class proficient in Tactics? There's none.

>> No.13705583


In the long run, when you don't really care about an additional melee attack since you already have at least one of those as an enchantment in your equips and your Eye of Mind is already at level 500 which is really easy to do, being a Warmage has more worth unless you're a Light Armor fag.

>> No.13705613

I'm asking if the class feat would work with no weapons. You know the 5% chance to attack again, like wearing the twin edge or the gemini.

I'm a medium armor fag perhaps later heavy armor, and I meant to say Claymore not predator. I just don't know if the pierce would work with empty hands or it's a weapon only thing. Reading the feats on the wiki made me ponder if it would even work.

>> No.13705631


Brave plays means you can't really fast fun grind. Like putting some buffs and just pressing F till the filthy mob dies in a random awakened dungeon floor and just pressing your hotkey for healing when needed.

You have to analyze your situation per turn when brave playing. "What do I do first? Kill first this monster in front of me with Decapitation or recast Mist of Silence to that X spellcaster? Or maybe one of these two titans in front of me already has its gauge near full and cast Pulverization so I should teleport it first. Is there a nightmare sheep that I still missed so it can't cast retention?"

This kind of playing is slow but efficient since you kill things faster. Mistakes could happen since you're not perfect even with practice.

>> No.13705637

>I'm asking if the class feat would work with no weapons. You know the 5% chance to attack again, like wearing the twin edge or the gemini.
Yes, it works with any form of melee attack.

>> No.13705641


That's kinda easy to test on wizard mode tbh. Just look for a random steel armor on a high level awakened dungeon and see if one of your damage on it becomes ridiculous as a Claymore.

>> No.13705671

oh right. wizard mode. I keep forgeting that.
Also you can see if the claymore class-feat triggers. You become Charles barkley for a moment, twist your wrists and slam a jam for that piercing attack.

>> No.13705720

Claymore works rather nice. only found a grief shield yet, and only tested it on my other char' pet dragon that CAN get to high level dungeons.

Tested on a sandbagged lion as well on my lvl 30 melee dude, the damage wasn't that impressive but I guess it's because the target has low level defense. I think I prefer claymore. Will probably change to it as soon as I start to encounter stuff I can't 1hko with shadow step crits.

>> No.13705740

whats the best monster to breed as exp fodder for other pets? Is there something around lvl50 with at least 200 breeding power?

>> No.13705774

Level a putit to obscene levels and then breed it

>> No.13705804


Inefficient and waste of time. If you have free time to even manage a ranch it's for mandrakes, trolls and/or putit farming.

>> No.13705810

Problem is that the higher level a critter is, the lower it's breeding will be. Same reason why people feed potions of descent to their ranched pets.

Your either invest in the monsterball shop in south tyris or you take up spellcasting and go full retard on dominate books.

>> No.13705880

Since we're talking about ranches.
Is there any way to obtain eggs, aside breeding creatures?

>> No.13705898

feeding them a love potion sometimes causes egg-laying

>> No.13706389

Lucky dagger.

>> No.13706637

The best for this is summoned spirits.

>> No.13706639


Is there a problem getting eggs via ranches? You could literally get hundreds in 5 minutes; that's including the time you spent on the trick and gathering them.

>> No.13706672

Is there a cap on food bonuses?
If I feed my pets a food that increases resistance, will it stop gaining fire resistance once it eats a lot of it?

>> No.13706698

Yes. I think the cap is 'normal' but don't quote me on that.

>> No.13706711

Does total gained AP have an effect on getting AP from enemies?

>> No.13706713


>> No.13706760

Not everything is on the wiki, you stupid little shit.

>> No.13706776


>> No.13706845

And these things are on the wiki, you illiterate little shit.

>> No.13708042

Does the spirit level correspond to spell level, or is there some other formula?

>> No.13708062

Nah, I was planning to start my future playthrough with self-imposed restrictions (including no deeds) and I was curious to see if it was possible to craft large picnic baskets anyway.
Thinking about it, I am going to use only one pet, so they aren't that mandatory.

Only spell level.

>> No.13708073


Level 160 summon spirit with a maxed out enchanced spell from equips (at least two including a Vital Flayer) + magic equip special action = Level 400 spirits.

>> No.13708096

I can't get the Juke box from Garokk. I have a million damn BGM discs in my inventory but there's no option to have it made.

>> No.13708104

You're playing E+ right?

>> No.13708107

Yep. 1.45.
Do they need to be ID'd?

>> No.13708127

I don't think so, though I haven't done it in an eternity. I assume you read the wiki, you're really sure you meet the requirements, that you're not counting playback discs in your total, and are talking to garokk and not miral?

>> No.13708131

They're definitely BGM discs, I crafted them all myself right then and there.
The only thing I can think of is that perhaps the wiki's listed requirements are not actually everything that's required.

>> No.13708143 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 410x85, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To illustrate the benefits of Learning, I decided to find the overall skill XP gain you receive as a function of Learning. Note that not only does the size of the % bonus you receive randomly increase with Learning according to the formula 0.1[ √(Learning ] + 2, with a min of 200% and a max of 500%, but the % chance you have of getting the bonus in the first place also increases, using the following method as described via the wiki:

"The game first rolls a random number between 0 and (Learning + 49), and then checks whether or not it's higher than a random number between 0 and 999."

Putting the two together, we logically see how the overall increase in XP gain ranges from close to 100% (that is, a modifier of 1 or no actual gain) at 0 Learning, to 500% (that is, a modifier of 5 or quintuple our normal XP gain) at infinite Learning. What we're interested in though is what the function looks like in between those two Learning values, since it illustrates the benefits of Learning stat increases.

The function I came up with ended up being piece-wise, due to the size of XP bonus % formula having an arbitrary cap of 5, and having to work around an issue with the strategy I used to derive it. Here's the function in plain text:

x = Learning

f(x) = (.1*sqrt(x)+2)*(49+x)*(50+x)/(2*(50000+1000*x))-(49+x)*(50+x)/(2*(50000+1000*x))+1
for x < 900

= (2*(49+x))*(50+x)/(50000+1000*x)+1
for 900 <= x <= 950

= -(x-950)/(50+x)+5*((x-950)/(50+x)+499.5/(50+x))-499.5/(50+x)+1
for 950 < x

I've attached a plot of this function. It illustrates an interesting fact about Learning - it actually increases it's returns point for point as you increase it, up to 900 learning when gains quickly begin to drop off. Going from 300 to 600 Learning actually provides greater returns than going from 0 to 300.

Some numbers:

At 0 Learning, your overall XP modifier is 1.0245, a bonus of only 2.45%.

At 300 Learning, your XP modifier is 1.477.

At 900 Learning, your XP modifier is 2.898.

>> No.13708150
File: 6 KB, 822x526, XP Modifier as a Function of Learning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To illustrate the benefits of Learning, I decided to find the overall skill XP gain you receive as a function of Learning. Note that not only does the size of the % bonus you receive randomly increase with Learning according to the formula 0.1[ √(Learning ] + 2, with a min of 200% and a max of 500%, but the % chance you have of getting the bonus in the first place also increases, using the following method as described via the wiki:

"The game first rolls a random number between 0 and (Learning + 49), and then checks whether or not it's higher than a random number between 0 and 999."

Putting the two together, we logically see how the overall increase in XP gain ranges from close to 100% (that is, a modifier of 1 or no actual gain) at 0 Learning, to 500% (that is, a modifier of 5 or quintuple our normal XP gain) at infinite Learning. What we're interested in though is what the function looks like in between those two Learning values, since it illustrates the benefits of Learning stat increases.

The function I came up with ended up being piece-wise, due to the size of XP bonus % formula having an arbitrary cap of 5, and having to work around an issue with the strategy I used to derive it. Here's the function in plain text:

x = Learning

f(x) = (.1*sqrt(x)+2)*(49+x)*(50+x)/(2*(50000+1000*x))-(49+x)*(50+x)/(2*(50000+1000*x))+1
for x < 900

= (2*(49+x))*(50+x)/(50000+1000*x)+1
for 900 <= x <= 950

= -(x-950)/(50+x)+5*((x-950)/(50+x)+499.5/(50+x))-499.5/(50+x)+1
for 950 < x

I've attached a plot of this function. It illustrates an interesting fact about Learning - it actually increases it's returns point for point as you increase it, up to 900 learning when gains quickly begin to drop off. Going from 300 to 600 Learning actually provides greater returns than going from 0 to 300.

Some numbers:

At 0 Learning, your overall XP modifier is 1.0245, a bonus of only 2.45%.

At 300 Learning, your XP modifier is 1.477.

At 900 Learning, your XP modifier is 2.898.

>> No.13708174
File: 12 KB, 1639x177, LearningXP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And if we want to look more closely at the diminishing (or at some points enhancing?) returns of Learning, we can always find the derivative of the function.

>> No.13708185

Is it that useful to have the plot go beyond 2000?
I thought skills capped at 2000, or is that just the cap for the "base" stat?

>> No.13708189

That's the cap for the base stat, you still receive the benefits of equipment/buffs/potions that take you past that.

>> No.13708567

I got the juke box. What the wiki failed to mention is that you also need to have 10 platinum coins.

>> No.13708595

Is the 2k AP mana shield ability worth it?
I don't really want my meteor to eat half of my mana, I'd rather take the hp hit with resistances and attribution shield+wet status and cure of jure myself right after

>> No.13708648

Half of the RPG soundtrack pack is screwed up.
mcIntro is in there twice which causes everything after it to be one entry off.
No wonder I thought some of the music selections were questionable.

>> No.13708652

How do you start off as a Fairy Pianist? I usually just start killing shit on other characters but this one dies from a gust of wind.

>> No.13708696

Find a machine gun or a book/rod of magic dart. Good fucking luck with that Fairy. 1s equip requirement is a pain in the ass.

>> No.13708735

What kind of attack spells are actually useful in southern tyris? I beat Zeome and everything before him with magic darts, nether eyes+nightmare, and chaos ball, meteor for aoe, so my other spells are barely leveled
I got to Chaos Wing Exossil and he totally destroyed me, he seems to have a huge magic resistance so darts barely scratch him, and all undeads also have resistances to nether, dark and cold, and chaos in his case as well.
I thought I'd level elemental spells and use lightning to kill him, got lightning bolt to level11 so far and got Itzpalt's feat as well, and even with elemental scar it feels much weaker than nether/chaos/magic etc. spells did on that level. Does it get better?

I can't seem to meteor him either, because he's wet due to water near his spawn point, and probably some fire resist too. Is magic just shit for direct attacks?

>> No.13708778

Thats pretty weird because straight non-element Magic is the only thing he's not nearly immune to. Elemental is the worst you can use on him.

>> No.13708789

1.46 is out. http://elona.wikia.com/wiki/Thread:16673

Major changes:
-Pets at soul mate level may craft an armor while sleeping at night. Tailoring affects light armors while carpentry the heavy ones.
-Decks may have an use now, you can get cards from clearing sub quests. A building in North Tyris has been added, also related to them.
-Throwing a duel glove to someone will makes it hostile, allowing to kill it with no karma penalty.
-Some nerf related to exceeding cargo limit.
-Something trade shopkeepers something.
-Each God can now drop an additional item, but they have no uses for now.
-You can attack multiple times with martial arts, granting you up to 7 additional strikes.
-Slave traders should now sell slaves of the right level.

>> No.13708797

That martial arts change is exciting. I wonder if that's per-limb.

>> No.13708824

Remind me how one safely updates the game?

>> No.13708833

Save on the world map.

>> No.13708861

Not a nerf for cargo, you can no longer be crushed by cargo being too heavy to move since you're not carrying it on your back.

Martial arts activates for each bare hand attack giving a chance of attacking up to 7 times + the bare handed attack for a total of 8.

2 new types of evolution added.

>> No.13708868

Actually, if you exceed your cargo limit by 2 times (e.g carrying 200g+ of stuff with a 100g cart) you won't be able to move.

>> No.13708878
File: 349 KB, 1603x1202, Kenshiro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can attack multiple times with martial arts, granting you up to 7 additional strikes.
I've been waiting a long time for something like this

>> No.13709295

I've done the first 4 steps of the new quest for cards in North Tyris, the quest starts at 50 cards in your deck and increases by 50 per step. The first completion netted me 10 insight lenses and the new candy item. 100 gave me 7 potential potions, 150 gave 3 potions of soma and 200 was 2 insight lenses. You get the candy item which I haven't figured out the use of for every completion.

>> No.13709305

Sorry, 200 was 2 Astral light pens. My bad. The candy is apparently a thrown item that stuns and recovers a unit according to the wiki

>> No.13709406

So martial arts not only lets you chose your elemental invoke, make your opponent anorexic and therefore lose stats or explode as a grenade but it can do that up to eight times? Explain me why that's not OP.

>> No.13709416


because for the first 200 - 300ish skill level where the entire game takes places martial arts is weaker then the majority of weapon types and still doesn't get much stronger then lightsabers for another few hundred levels.

>> No.13709445

How do you disable the warning/user rights popup when opening the application? I just started getting it after upping to 1.46.

>> No.13709455

message and log
disclaimer in title

>> No.13709648

I'm personally enjoying the 2k AP mana shield. My meteor, lv 55 currently, does around 5k - 50k damage to all enemies on the map and only 2k to myself. Considering I have 21k mp the 2k hit to my mp is trivial.

As I level up my character I'm guessing my mp will still scale to make the damage done to me through meteor trivial. If this is not the case in the future it doesn't matter. My rods will restore mp or Itzpalt's special ability combined with drain blood will insure I'm fine.

>> No.13709856

Not OP at all and I'm glad that Martial Arts got a buff. Martial Artists for the longest time has lagged behind in damage compared to two hand wielders. The differences in damage can really be seen when you get your hands on inner god weapons and yes you'll get them long before you cap Martial Artists at 2000. As an example the god breaker, an inner god axe, does 2d200 damage which you will get much much sooner before the 2d255 at 2000 MA.

The fact that two hand weapon users benefit from an extra damage multiplier source not afforded to the martial artist blew martial arts out of the water. When the martial artist gets to 2000 MA expect his two handed user rival to have obscene damage with the god breaker due to 2000 in his two hand skill which feeds into his/her other skills upping his/her damage.

I just hope with the buff that it closes the gap between martial artists and two hand wielders.

>> No.13709892

The God Breaker deals 2d200+32+40 due to weight bonuses, making it outright better than MA's 2d255 raw output.
It also benefits from the fact that weapon skills provide a higher damage multiplier than MA does, and of course 2hand.

>> No.13709972

You're both missing the point. MA should be what kicks in if you go full retard on equipping multiple shields and no weapons. It shouldn't be the uber damage skill it is now. Or at least 2 handing or dual wielding should get some defensive traits as well. Something like ripost, parry, or a few weapons with the enchantment that nullifies or reduces physical damage.

Right now my martial artist loses some damage it could have with two handing something big, but it can use the shield tonfa and a claw with a similar enchantment and laugh at physical damage.

>> No.13709985

I killed him with magic storm. What's your speed at? A lot of people that had problems with the main quest in South Tyris I noticed had lackluster speed. Try upping that stat...seriously speed solves a lot of problems in this game.

>> No.13710057

Going no weapons and only shields does not automatically make me extremely powerful. In order to even achieve uber damage I have to spend a lot of time training martial arts. Considering I spent the time I should be rewarded for it. Despite that, weapon users still are doing a ton of damage and don't have to work nearly as hard.

Also, I don't think two handed warriors are worrying about their defense that much considering everything is dying so fast. Even then I'm sure magic can make up for what they lack.

>> No.13710121

What is the picture in the OP depicting?

>> No.13710137

The golden knight a little sister and the artists PC who is about to get a little tail in a random shop.

>> No.13710160

The golden knight is waiting outside with the little sister while the main character is in the shop prostituting herself. The golden knight knows what's up so she's blushing but the little sister does not hence the question mark. The main character has bottles of liquor behind her back and in her bag on the ground which is used to initiate prostitution in Elona. So the OPs remark is right on.

I'm also reminded of the /rlg/ thread where someone prostituted themselves in front of their little girl and a post right afterwards had a guy who claimed he was raped by a lv 666 little girl leaving him a broken husk on the dungeon floor.

A later anon commented that the little girl who witnessed their master prostitute themselves probably went on to rape the other player. So yeah don't prostitute yourself in front of your pets.

>> No.13710195

Tips on starting as a Fairy or Snail?

>> No.13710227

Stay in towns, stick with non-combat quests. Have your little girl fight for you. Get to Yowyn asap and as much as you can for str/con/ler training from harvest quests and easy PP for gardening, weight lifting, riding, cooking, whatsoever. Use minions to kill for you.

>> No.13710316

What's a good first god for a performer that uses magic?

>> No.13710379

Start off with one that has a useful pet and is easy to raise favor for.
If you want to kumifag start with Kumi. This needs a veggie farm to be fast.
Opatos has a great pet and the weapon is hand tailored for her. needs mining.
Itzpalt, Jure and Ehekatl are fast to build up as well.

I'd go with Opatos or Jure first for the pet.

>> No.13710390

You won't be able to move,but it won't crush you.

>> No.13710427

Where do you get a Leash or a Tamer's Whip?

>> No.13710468

general vendor, goods vendor, random loot in dungeons like the puppy cave.

>> No.13710491

Usually the jewelry vendor in Noyel will have them. He also stocks lockpicks often, best to check there.

>> No.13710838

I was under the impression that it's not "on the world map" but "in a world map tile", or more correctly, on any map which is random and will reset once you leave.

>> No.13710870

That's correct. The idea is to not be anywhere static, so that all the static locations can be updated safely without you there to muck things up.

>> No.13710874

Is there a limit to how many of a particular servant you can have in your home? I've been trying to get a 4th magic goods vendor for ages and have never seen one.

>> No.13711167

Is dual wield worth trying to join the fighter's guild for?

>> No.13711230

You and me both. 350 hours in the game and still no 4th magic goods vendor. Oh well, it hasn't really affected me too much.

>> No.13711286

I would say not just for a skill, I like having any of the trainers visit my home and it's fairly easy to save enough incognito/disguise kits to get to the trainer while teleporting the guild master away.

I'm only 80 hours in, you're not giving me much hope

>> No.13711434

>That plat coin system change for training skills
>Firearms went from requiring 30 to requiring 7

Holy butts.

>> No.13711563

What are the pros and cons of pairing units up? I'm having trouble finding information on it.

>> No.13711610

They move at the same time, but at the slower speed of the two.
Only one can have time-stopping equipment, and you need to make sure that's the pet you start a pair with or they can't move during a stop. The first pet controls movement.

Only one can be hit by an indirect attack (bolts, balls, breath, etc).
If one is at lower HP, it becomes increasingly likely that the healthier one will block an incoming attack.
When one pet kills a monster, BOTH pets have the opportunity to earn AP.

This is all just stuff I've seen from practice.

>> No.13712023

What if you tag team a pet with yourself? Can you get the AP that way by, say, summoning ragnarok and killing dragons?

>> No.13712039

I'm not sure actually. I tried self-tagging only once and for some reason it seemed like my tagged ally got a lot less AP than I thought they were getting, but it's not exactly a scientific observation.
I suppose you'd have to try it out yourself.

>> No.13712227

Is Snail worth it? I know you get crazy AP from enemies, but you get less AP as your total gained AP goes up and when it saturates out, there's really nothing else going for it, not to mention the constant annoyance of having to deal with cleaners.

>> No.13712235

It's just for the fun of it, there are plenty of ways to get all the AP you need on other races.

>> No.13712392

Plainly and simply. No. Snail is not worth it.
It's a joke race and should only be chosen if you like to squeal and whine. Some call it a challenge but I call it masochism.

>> No.13712451

I wish there was a special action that would allow me to steal multiple stuff in one go. I want to be able to strip the big daddy naked before it detects me.

>> No.13712489

use the big music pack that was posted on /jp/ a while ago.

>> No.13712498
File: 861 KB, 1280x766, bills.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to pay them, now I fear I'll get hit by another karma hit again.

>> No.13712505

I want to give elona+ a shot. Any tips for creating an effective first character?

>> No.13712510

Read pastebin. There is a nice guide and general info to get you started. Your first character will probably be a failure as you will spend most of your time learning the game. This is normal. Hopefully your next character or characters will be better off.

>> No.13712519
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Just don't start out with a snail tourist or even the tutorial slimes will own you.
Starting with a golem or fairy will require you to know some of the game mechanics.
A thief, warrior or wizard can get you far.

>> No.13712589

>Probably spent an hour rolling until he got a funny name combo that he liked
>Has to end up abandoning that character anyways since he's permanently trapped.

Poor guy.

>> No.13712728


>not recommending snail tourist no future for real MLG gameplay

>> No.13712743


If you're relying on silly darts and lmao meteors for killing bosses then you're doing something wrong.

And why are you expecting a lightning bolt at level 11 to kill anything useful? Even if you multiply its current spell level by 10 I'd still call you a noob.

Get your elemental scar and any bolt spell to level 150 then come back here. Level 150 spells is still a pretty shit level but it can do something

>> No.13712755


AP gain is like halved or less than half. Tagging is not worth it for rushing-AP-for-speed for a pet since you also slow down so it's faster to just use knockout.

>> No.13712757


What? You can actually get a 3rd magic goods vendor?

>> No.13712796

Yes, I've got 3 in my home.

>> No.13712800

I wish the devs would get a brain and let us seal skills/spells of pets at any time we want.

>> No.13712846

How does scar+lightning compare to crystal spear? Is it possible to tackle the fuckhuge resists everyone gets at high levels?

>> No.13712925

How is this game compared to something like ToME? I'm in the market for a new rougelike.

>> No.13712994

Think Crawl, but VERY japanese.

Also there isn't really permadeath so much as minor/major setbacks on death. Although there IS a permadeath mode if you really want it, not really advised due the way you just kind of randomly explode whenever a way too strong monster decides to wander into your encounters. That and the length of the game.

Its a much more laid back roguelike you play over a long period of time.

>> No.13712997

In terms of grinding philosophy it's the polar opposite. In ToME, you can't really grind because consumables don't exist and enemies to kill for leveling are limited (even with farportals, you eventually run out of gold). In Elona, however, everything is centered on grinding. Grinding every individual skill, every attribute, level, spell levels, music tickets, little sisters, scrolls, potions, platinum, medals, and so on. If you enjoy grinding you'll love Elona+.

>> No.13713001

Elona+ will never be translated, will it?
The hundreds of hours I put into Elona were great. My English only peasant pleb self hasn't been able to get into Elona+.

>> No.13713014

Thank you.

>> No.13713017

Elona+ is translated the same way Vanila was. There are still unfinished parts in the game that are not translated. In those cases just use the wiki. If you just chose the English language your game won't be in all moonrunes. In fact the only ones I can think of are from the very limited nline content.

>> No.13713018


inferior in most situations, actually leveling elemental scar to a respectable level is near impossible. There are also many types of enemies that naturally have superior resistence to all elements except magic that get even better resistances when you are fighting them in awakened dungeons/panic/challenge quests.

>> No.13713215

I don't know why everyone is promoting crystal spear. magic storm is better in more or less all situations. deals more damage. never worry about getting mobbed. train up control magic and you can spam it even when pets are in the way.

>> No.13713228

I kinda skipped spear too. Magic Arrow is still great to snipe stuff though.

>> No.13713316

I play with pets. If I kill everything around me in 1 cast they don't get experience.

>> No.13713439

But Over-Ray!

>> No.13713464

needs a large number of pets, half a limit bar, and 10 SP. too situational. I'd rather have more damage per casting.

>> No.13713527

Good thing I run with 5-6 pets because I'm retarded like that.

>> No.13713580

Large number of pets isn't an issue late-game, which is when you have access to over-ray.
Half a limit bar is two or three turns of effort tops.
10 SP is nothing.

>> No.13713629

What exactly is over-ray?

>> No.13713705

It's a gauge-release-type ability you earn at 60 Control Magic (I think).
It gives you a boost to Magic, adds in the Magic stats of all your pets, then casts Crystal Spear using that combined Magic. Costs half the special bar.

>> No.13713748

Wow. I should have been spamming magic ball more than. I'm level 90 and I only have 56 control magic as a pure caster.

>> No.13714681

I haven't played in quite a while, but is there actually way to choose titles or do you have to sit and hit reroll to get one you want?

>> No.13714701

EloSnack lets you edit titles.

>> No.13714704

EloSnack is cheating.

>> No.13714778

Everyone cheats.

>> No.13714835

Being able to resurrect in a roguelike is the biggest form of cheating, so anyone who doesn't play that "your first death is your final" mode is cheating anyway.

>> No.13714928

What if we're not playing Elona because we wanted to play a roguelike but wanted to play it because we found it...fun? I contend that if you choose a certain setting Elona is a roguelike and if you don't choose that setting you're just playing a game and I'm totally fine with just playing a game.

>> No.13714939
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>save on my no future run just corrupted when my computer crashed and haven't backed up in awhile
Wow, just fuck all my shit up

>> No.13715005

That's impossible considering the fucked up characters I've seen in past threads that are either stat starved or so badly mutated that it must hurt to live. Luckily most characters can be fixed and you certainly don't need EloSnack for it. If you need to cheat at any game to derive fun from it you should probably play another game.

>> No.13715076

>wanted to play it because we found it fun
You filthy degenerate.

I bet you listen to music you personally enjoy instead of listening to 9/10 and up albums too.

>> No.13715163

Cheating to counteract bad game design is OK. You can't convince me I'm wrong.

Penalties on death is bad game design.

>> No.13715168

The gift items from general vendors and souvenir vendors are pretty fantastic despite their extortionate price from the souvenir vendors. One of the more expensive ones which I bought from a general vendor for 20k gold boosted an NPC from friend to soul mate impress all in one go.

>> No.13715243

Consequences for failure is not bad game design.

You can find those on 100+ invest furniture vendors occasionally, at significantly cheaper prices.

>> No.13715432


>Penalties on death is bad game design.

Explain this to me.

Back on topic, I was thinking of turning my shrine area where my healer hangs out into a hotspring instead. Is there a way I can change the sprite of my healer into something more appropriate?

>> No.13715480

Just got myself a wish in a dungeon, but I'm pretty well set with all the good stuff like happy beds/seven leagues/vindale. Should I wish for miromi, an astral light pen, or does wishing also allow for gemstones of rejuvenation/statues of kumiromi?

>> No.13715503

When penalties are "you lose X item/stat, which you can regain or replace with X hours of grinding," why have penalties at all?

This is Mario Bros technology that went out of style in 1990. Exiting Elona without saving (probably the most common type of scumming, to prevent losses on death) is the moral equivalent of returning to your last save in modern games.

>> No.13715521

The general idea behind punishments on death is to encourage you to not die in the first place.
Essentially it's to give you more reason to think a little about what you're doing instead of blind rushing. You can say it's bad design, and I can say you're a baby for thinking it's an issue instead of trying not to die.

>> No.13715526

For that matter, why don't characters start at 2k in all stats and skills? It's just time spent grinding.

>> No.13715558

Can't wish for precious items unless you're in wizard mode so no go on wishing for Kumi statues and those gemstones. I'd wish for the astral light pen if there is there is an immediate person you can and want to copy for a pet or their gear. If there isn't miromi is the next best thing.

>> No.13715587

If you intend at some point to collect lots of copied pets (in order to get the unique weapons in ST, perhaps), you probably should start gathering ALPs now. If not, just get a miromi.

>> No.13715599

However, past a certain point (Act 1), it's just a numbers game. More life, more damage, more stats. Only 1 in every 100 encounters presents a new challenge, the rest is experience-inducing mob trash where either your numbers exceed theirs or you die. Then you get to awakened dungeons, and there's a new thing to grind for to grind even further. What's to be learned from penalties that can't be learned from exiting and restarting?

Grinding is fun for a lot of people, me included. The literal opposite of grinding is stat loss and item loss - not fun.

Sidenote that I'm defining acceptable scumming very narrowly: Retrying a level 200 quest 20 times through exiting and restarting when you're at level 50 isn't acceptable to me, but if you're just trying to avoid the shocking loss of X piece of equipment that can only be replaced through 10 little sisters, go for it. There's definitely a range of sins you can commit.

The counter would be that grinding is fun. That's much of why people spend hundreds of hours on games like these or MMOs or JRPGs. It's a steady, reliable trickle of entertainment, and starting with mega stats would defeat the purpose.

>> No.13715696

I savescum when I walk into a room in a dungeon and die right away while at full hp because an Atlas or Ragnarok happened to be the tile diagonally adjacent to the door. Those things are bullshit.

>> No.13715791

Your own damn fault for walking into a room blind when you know enemies that can one-shot you can spawn. Stop cheating to cover for being a shit player.

>> No.13715867
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Yes we get it, you like to push an opposing viewpoint to the extreme because you find it funny in some twisted form of "irony".

>> No.13716001

No, I'm just sick of people bitching about easily preventable deaths. There's nothing in Elona+'s dungeons that should be killing you with no warning, and if there is it means you either need to stop getting in way over your head or you need to stop making lazy mistakes.

>> No.13716009

miromi gives you a secret experience of kumiromi. It's a good wish.

>> No.13716018

You're the only one bitching.

>> No.13716128

I think anon knows this. I don't think anywhere in his post was he saying it was a bad wish.

>> No.13716157

light pen gives you an astral light pen. It's a good wish.

>> No.13716594

What is music?

>> No.13717169

Seems a lot of people play with either a whole bunch of pets or magic out the wazoo, but I want to roleplay as a melee build without casting (haven't decided 2-hand or dual wield, is martial arts comparable now with the new changes?) with a single ally in battle, preferably humanoid ranged/caster and not goddamn bells. What would be my best option for pet, exile or just give guns/panties to a regular human?

Also thinking Kumiromi as my long-term god for shadow step spam.

>> No.13717215

Exile gets really weak in the late game, or i just couldn't wait for mine to do well. Get an archer, like the cute fairy to debuff for you, or a young lady, spend AP on it to semi-reclass her to ranged gun, throwing or bow user that throws potions. And prepare yourself that if you chug healing and buffing potions instead of casting the spells you are going to vomit a lot.

Shadow step spam works but I tend to just get my stamina back with drain blood. Never the less Kumiromi is an awesome choice if you plan on spamming Special actions. I'm torn between him, Mani or Opatos.

>> No.13717335

If buffs are gonna be limited, Opatos' damage reduction might be worthwhile.

>> No.13717360

Yeah well I'm not role playing. That's the other guy. What I have is a MA thief with buffs and heals and later on dominate plus summon spirit. That's why I started to think in mani or kumi. Problem is that only Opatos gives bonuses to strenght and constitution while the other two have either stamina regen or straight out damage.

>> No.13717548

>If the player owns a pet prostitute (via capturing a prostitute from Derphy)
Are pet prostitute only for capturing NPC in Derphy or can any pet work? For example, I want to fuck my pet dog, is that possible?

>> No.13717586

You can screw any of your pets.
Give them a sleep sheep and get them to Fellow or greater relationship level. They will randomly "sleep-share" with you during the night, or you could initiate yourself by squeezing them while over a bed.

You can also force yourself on your pets or other npcs by using squeeze over a bed while they are at a relationship level bellow Fellow. You need to have a higher level/strength than them though. If their master/slave level is low, they won't resist.

>> No.13717945

That's just me choosing to give my pets the shield tonfa/sealed shield and not using them myself. I don't see the appeal of playing carefully, otherwise, if I wanted to prevent dying I'd still be fighting sub level 110 dungeons rather than fighting element dragons at level 60.

>> No.13718391

Not that anon but I have seen plenty of people in the past complain about enemies such as bomb rocks and the god type enemies.

A lot of those encounters can be made easier through cautious gameplay and just being prepared such as having the necessary resists, rods, or just plain stats to overcome these ordeals. For example I never have been bothered by bomb rocks or such because I just survive after they blow up. Guess I had a lot of life or PV or something at the time.

Elona+ difficulty is odd compared to other games I've played. I would say it's a linear decline where the start of the game is the most difficult but as you go on the game difficulty lowers and lowers until you get to the point that you almost have to go out of your way to die. This is in contrast to normal games where games start out easy and get harder as you progress.

There's a lot of satisfaction to be had in conquering a game that shows no mercy when you begin playing it and imo I think cheat engines just cheapens the experience and the satisfaction to be had. My 2 cents on the matter though.

>> No.13718421


Is it strange that I've had problems later on? The start generally isn't too bad, then there's some difficulty until you get around the midgame. It's not too tough until late game, where everything is a struggle for me. I can't handle these level 350 enemies, they hit too hard and I'm not strong enough.

>> No.13718470

My experience has been different from yours then. Hard at the start but now the game is only mildly challenging. I haven't died in a very very long time. Last death was when I challenged Siva much too early I think. I'm currently doing lv 400 awakened dungeons with my little girl and I'm currently lv 255 in the void. Still going strong in both.

>> No.13718476

I wasn't really complaining about them, the only time I have trouble with them is in horde rooms or when I run into a corner that I didn't have vision on and they happened to be there.
I'm sure I would have survived the first hit when I first started doing 150+ dungeons if I bothered equipping a nullifies damage artifact like the sealed shield or asteroid belt but I gave those to my pets. I wouldn't complain that I got killed in 1 hit by something over twice my level which I've been doing since I reached the halfway point of South Tyris.

Honestly though I've manage to keep the game decently difficult since I didn't duplicate my kumiromi statues You can spike the difficulty up to the point you die pretty easily for most of the game, all you have to do is find a high level dungeon and awaken it. While most enemies besides the atlas and Ragnarock won't kill you in 1 hit I'd say it's still difficult to complete a level 200 awakened dungeon until you reach level 120 or so yourself unless you did nothing but get fat off herbs.

>> No.13718508

Cheapest way to train Charisma? Performing get's me killed and investing into stuff is too expensive.
Can't make money when I'm a fairy since everything kills me in one hit, fields are dangerous and Harvest quests takes a long time to gather because of shit weight.

>> No.13718523

Prostitution and/or trade goods.

>> No.13718532

My game was very easy because I did grind a lot, but when I got to Lost Irva all my Dungeons had a level boos from 250 to 500+ I'm having a hard time finding a 200+ dungeon to awaken. All I get is lvl 500 to 600 dungeons and a few lvl 20-30s mixed in as a joke. RNJesus likes to screw me over for some reason.

>> No.13718558

Worst offenders i've seen is the guy in vernis getting into a drunken fight with a local and, well you can guess where that goes.

Other was the Chestnut Giant, I had no idea that was a thing. Holy shit that was spooky though. Worst part is there isn't a dialogue for when he shows up so if you're holding right on the world map you'll get thrown instantly into battle and start dashing right at him wasting turns, except he gibbed me and my pets immediately afterwards so i'm not sure if I could have teleported away.

Im with this guy though, >>13718421
I haven't hit the Lost Irva stuff yet, but South Tyris is just plain strange, i'm still getting used to it after years of never actually reaching it. (Either from just getting distracted from the main story progression or the old "I forgot what I was doing time to make a new character")

>> No.13718563


Might be a difference in builds. I'm purely physical, and my ranged combat is extremely limited. I have to rely on taking hits and general long term survival, but that can be difficult.

>> No.13718670

What's the fastest way to raise karma?

>> No.13718692

Would people be interested in a comic about a loli golem/mutant adventures?

I'm good at making up stories and I'm not half bad at making art, mostly interested in just pandering for the /jp/ and /rlg/ audience for some practice and possible attempt to get a bit of portfolio running.

>> No.13718700

I'd read it, assuming the art was good. Got an Elona sample on hand?

>> No.13718717

This: >>13718700

>> No.13718753

Give potions of cure corruption to Pael/Pael's mom in Noyel. 20 Karma each.

>> No.13718756

So I guess this means grinding casino chips and gambling.
Bury events pls

>> No.13718762

You did say fastest, not cheapest.

>> No.13718768

Fair enough. I just wanna be able to enter towns without getting killed. That and buy shit from anyone outside derphy

>> No.13718937

What's the item limit for the salary chest?

>> No.13719041

I'm not even sure there is one. I'm pretty sure at one point I 10+ pages of stuff.

>> No.13719065

I have about 1000 skill points saved up now. Should I invest them in Swimming or Magic Device? My character is a pure mage so they do enjoy using those mana rods. But I also like casting Meteor, so I have a good reason to use a magaqua.

>> No.13719354


unless your magic device is level 200+ no. Swimming is also very slow to raise and is unlikely to require points

>> No.13719547

So what's the best way to train Magic Device? Quaffing snow?

>> No.13719599


hitting lots of targets with alchemical rain is likely the fastest way to train magic device

>> No.13719632

I don't know why I get the "x glares at you" message when i'm using alchemical rain with a fucking healing potion for my pets.

I don't know if this is actually doing anything to my favor with them or not.

>> No.13719643

Alchemical Rain effectively throws that potion at everything on screen. Throwing a potion is a hostile act, no matter what type of potion it is.

No, it won't affect favor.

>> No.13719647

Holy shit, that applies per target? Correct me if I'm wrong, but your total visual range contains 164 tiles, not including yourself. If the place you're in allows that many mobs, you could just build a box using 'Build Wall' spell, use summon spirits to fill it, and cast Alchemical rain for 6560 Magic Device xp per action. Please tell me this is possible.

>> No.13719821

I throw healing potions at my pets all the time and they don't get pissed.

>> No.13720500

If I use flying scrolls on my Kumi statues when they're stacked will they all reduce in weight?

>> No.13720625

No. Only one. Just tested it.

>> No.13720633

Well there goes my plan to roleplay as Johnny Herbseed. Thanks anon.

>> No.13720679

That's what your Golden Knight is for. You did collect all the god pets, didn't you, anon?

>> No.13720694

Yes, you can fill up your screen with spirits and hit each spirit that you see with a potion using alchemical rain. Don't even need to wall them up or at least I didn't considering they didn't really move that fast or at all for me.

>> No.13720708

Why do you need to reduce the weight of your Kumi statues? I'm assuming it's so you can carry them but why do you need to carry them? I just leave my statues at my house and every three days cast return or read a scroll of return and collect my seeds.

>> No.13720879

Guess he wants to milk them asap. I will probably do that myself as well.

Don't worry Anon. By the time you get there to have multiple kumi statues you surely will have enough weightlifting to drag them around, or just use 4d pocket.

>> No.13721355

Holy shit! Shining wave is just awesome! Now I'm really not sure whether to stick with Mani or switch to Kumiromi!

>> No.13721360

Anyone know if the 1.46 martial arts change means you can do more hits based on Martial Arts skill or if you need to actually have more hands to do the extra hits?

>> No.13721364

I'm too low level to know that. My MA is only at lvl 52 and I'm no mutant with extra arms. I never did more than 1 hits. I still have no extra attack amulet.

>> No.13721427

25 pages, I think

>> No.13721433


If you have everything including feats from a late game perspective and have a lot of wishes to burn, you'd most likely want a hermes potion or love potions (gives 3 of them per wish) or a flying scroll.

>> No.13721436


Swimming is not hard to raise compared to a lot of skills.

>> No.13721437


I already mentioned this maaany threads ago. One of the few things you should never mess up in Elona is Dungeon Levels. You've finished a single dungeon 4x or 5x your level while still having a shit party, skills, stats etc.? You fucked up.

There's barely any remedy for it except for just grinding all your skills and stats to a comfortable level in The Void until you reach a comfortable zone for your current Dungeon Level. That's it really.

>> No.13721451

Its based directly on your martial arts skill.

>> No.13721452


Atlas? I just press F in front of a level 420 {Atlas} while eating Doritos and it dies. My character's skills and stats (except Charisma and Strength) are also just around 400 and I don't have any pet so I don't think an Atlas isn't that much of a problem?

>> No.13721513

How do I make a beggar pet gud, /jp/?

>> No.13721519

Why would you use a beggar as a pet? Theres so many better options for low level.

>> No.13721532

'Cuz they're cute, mang. I can't help it, beggars are moe.

>> No.13721650

Gene engineering. Give them skills they'll need for however you want them to fight, as well as stats.
Every time you gene engineer something onto your beggar that's of a higher level than the beggar currently is, it will get significant attribute gains depending on what the attributes of the fused monster were.

>> No.13721660

Dope. I'll get that scientist's quest done, snatch the skill, and do some mad science.
Thanks, Anonymous.

>> No.13721676

Feed it herbs, give it good equipment, pets grow much faster now, one piece of herbed food on a full superb potential pet will train every stat up b y one.

>> No.13721717

>Having a cart that is too heavy will now stop you from moving, similar to inventory weight.
rip in pieces noyel-port kapul trips

>> No.13721731

yeah ;_;

>> No.13721740

Regarding the cooking skill, how much does it need to be trained in order to produce top-tier food in a reliable way?
My cooking skill is at 40 and I get a steak/curry/grand parfait once every 20 cooking attempts with a barbecue set.

>> No.13721820

Don't know if it's the best way, but a fast way in real time to train is to give them a bunch of gold to get potential up after gene engineering some levels into them, going to a cleared dungeon (I like the bottom of lesimas because it resets), slowing yourself down (riding a snail takes little investment beyond gene engineering it up in levels so it doesn't die in one hit) and summoning monsters repeatedly. My pet usually kills everything in one of my slow turns and I can do it again next action.

>> No.13721890
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>Building Martial Arts Master while also using ranged
>Ranged damage is much higher than melee, thinking I should switch to dual wield gain better damage
>grind dual wield
>mfw 1.46

Also, does it stack with
>chance to deal an extra melee attack [#####+]

>> No.13721944

I'm at 90 and I regularly (but not reliably) get steaks. It doesn't seem like there's a guaranteed breakpoint past which you can't fail in cooking. I'd guess my spread is 5% garbage food, 70% mid-tier food and 25% higher-tier food.

>> No.13721949

Do summoned monsters give experience to pets? I'm pretty sure they don't for the player.

>> No.13721977

What 4th god gift should I get? I'm torn between Opatos' speed reduction one and Itzpalt's magic reduction one.

>> No.13721994

They can definitely raise their combat skills on them, if nothing else.

>> No.13722001


how advanced is your character? the speed reduction is rather important to have for finishing harvest time quests.

>> No.13722035

I've finished all the main content, I'm at about 110 level-wise. Gardening is basically maxed out through earlier harvest time quests and Kumi statues. I'm hoping this upcoming god gift will expand my grinding opportunities elsewhere.

>> No.13722253

Where's the best place to put my house? I just bought a deed of shack and I wanna move, but I don't wanna screw myself.

>> No.13722267


Centerish of the continent you are on or next to a town that has services you like. In North Tyris next to Palmia is a decent enough choice, promixity to tax box, close to Luminest, Noyel, yowyn and Vernis. You could also go next to Luminest for the spellwriter and double magic vendors or near Port kupal/Derphy for the double blackmarket vendors, etc.

>> No.13722289

>For nyou talk funny sakes

There's a word filter now?

>> No.13722300

There's always been one.

>> No.13722305

Really? Last I played, there were some really rude names and words in the death log. Oh, and has Mia's portrait changed? I remember her looking really cute with brown curly hair, but the wiki shows a generic portrait with silver hair.

>> No.13722316


you can turn it on and off, its on by default now

>> No.13722381

Hey /jp/, I got few questions:

1. Other than magic dart, which offensive spells are useful in North Tyris?

2. Which AoE spell in particular is the best to use there, cause I've been just spamming them all whenever I'm surrounded by monsters.

3. I never played melee character before and from what I've read, dual-wielding thief seems to be really strong in the late game, but is it just as good in North Tyris?

4. How does the dual-wielding thief deal with very quick/ranged enemies and more importantly, with huge groups of monsters?

>> No.13722416

1) Magic Storm and Crystal Spear
2) Magic Storm
3) Yes
4) Spells or a weapon you can throw such as rocks and ninja stars will help deal with ranged characters. Speedy characters need you to have a lot of speed yourself or if it's a bell a weapon with poison or bleed will take care of it. Huge groups of monsters can easily be taken out with magic storm and special abilities.

>> No.13722448

Probably all of them in you want to train them enough, though level gazillion magic dart doesn't really need backup if you are in the mages guild and can actually fight yourself. Lightning bolt is a decent penetrating spell that you can actually read and obtain early on, unlike crystal spear.

Not fireball. Most of them are either not in books or hard to get a hold of early so your choice is mostly limited by what you actually have.

Never played one, but I'm sure worse has cleared it.

Shadow step or thrown weapons like shuriken and grenades. For non-bosses, you can use wall creation to make chokepoints. Probably with enough mining and speed you could even dig angband-esque anti-summoning corridors.

Or grenades, see above.

>> No.13722482


in north tyris? almost anything works, resists are not high enough for your spell element to matter. Late game only magic element, fire element against very specific enemies and lightning elemental in wet dungeon levels or against specific enemies are viable.

Magic storm is the only long term viable aoe spell.

moderately effective but loses its advantage heavily in the late game or in awakened dungeons where monsters already know you are there and cannot be sneak attacked.

making your own walls/digging, having pets or simply teleporting enemies away with teleport other/rods are all very useful for dealing with multiple creatures. Alchemical rain can also be used to turn a mass of dangerous creatures into a random group of monsters that will probably be weaker

>> No.13722511

How good are crystal bombs if I have a fair level in throwing? Does my throwing skill level even matter? It's a throwing invoke, right?

>> No.13722522

I have a pet with a shotgun, who I would like to run up to monsters and fire in melee range. What actually seems to happen is it uses melee attacks instead. Will the "increase frequency of range" option fix that? I'm not sure if it will instead just shoot instead of closing in if I change that.

>> No.13723428

Copied from the wiki:
The way a pet's AI works is extremely simple: if it's not within the "proper distance" of its target, the pet will decide whether or not to move towards that proper distance based on its movement chance. If it did not move, it will roll for an action. If the pet rolls a melee attack while it's not in melee range of its target, it will use its ranged attack instead.

Increased frequency of range: Pet's AI will override its basic routine with a ranged attack. If both this option and the option above are activated, there will instead be a 50/50 roll to determine whether a melee or ranged attack is used.

As I can read I'd assume lowering it's proper distance too 1 or 2, increasing it's probability to move and then increasing it's ranged frequency would be what you'd want. You probably want to teach it zero shoot as well.

>> No.13724219

Do the buffs to Martial Arts this patch still apply if you're using claws?

>> No.13724598

Since you're still using Martial Arts I'd imagine so.

>> No.13724718
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Wow, I randomly got 'enchants your spells' on the Elemental Staff. I'm using the vital flayer + one other magic enchant item combo though, so I can't replace my Staff of Insanity with it.

>> No.13724941


>actually leveling elemental scar to a respectable level is near impossible


Bet you don't even have all your most-used spells at level 300

>> No.13724948

How does Total Bonus on Party Quests work? There's a limit to how much <unique npcs>s you can please? So basically you should just please first the higher leveled uniques if their numbers are too many?

>> No.13725100

I know that you can only have 15 pets but is there a way to make it higher via memory edits or is it hardcoded?

>> No.13725117

Having more than 15 is one of the features they said they would add but wouldn't add

>> No.13725169
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I thought getting AP for high INIs would be real hard. Even a level 360 awakened dungeon was enough to get 10k AP for a 19.5hr run on a Requiem.

>> No.13725417
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>> No.13725453

>There's a limit to how much <unique npcs>s you can please?

the number of NPCs you can please is limited by two things: the number of NPCs you can fit on a map (e.g. by summoning) and time, if you're using Perform to do it.

Here's how the point system works:

Each NPC gives Level+5 base points.
Each Noble gives an additional 200 points.
In addition, each Unique NPC gives a multiplier on overall point value, depending on their level. Inner gods (lvl 1200) give +420% IIRC.

When your time is up, your point total is calculated for NPCs still remaining. You then get points/10 in music tickets.

>> No.13726657
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>> No.13726685
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Well Kobolds ARE level 3.

>> No.13726744

Personally I stay out of dungeons altogether until I'm lvl 10, have a full set of gear and a pet in tow.

>> No.13726763

Never always maybe trust what monsters say about their own dungeons.

>> No.13726846
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So I made my character in Elona and I had dreams of becoming a famous musician by playing at balls and fucking groupies. Things however, have went horribly wrong. The only thing that appreciates my music is my pet cat seeing as how everyone hates my music so much they throw rocks at me. I've died many times due to this and have been losing money ever since.

I've had to eat bread while the baker wasn't paying attention to feed myself but now he has no bread for me to eat. I tried the puppy caves but despite a cave full of cuddly animals all I found was death and more death. The stuff I picked up seems to have been cursed and I can't remove them. I found that if I drank from the well in Vernis I could raise my stats but it seems this was a mistake.

I don't know what the hell happened but my character got pregnant. Shortly thereafter the town literally blew up and dragons appeared everywhere. Everyone started dying including me. I tried to get back my equipment I dropped but I kept dying. The silver lining is my cursed equipment dropped. Shortly there after the etherwind started blowing and I got a message to find shelter. Well I did by just staying in a house but the wind mutated me so much that I don't think I look much like my starting race.

So, how do I unfuck my character? my dreams have been shattered and I cry my abomination self to sleep every night. Should I just restart?

>> No.13726849

Is playing a melee golem even possible without riding, I wanted to be the juggernaut but I can't even catch up to kill them.

>> No.13726856

I've played Martial Arts Golem in the past and have never used riding. You just have to figure out how much they can move and position yourself so they end up next to you.
If you don't care about being pure or whatever you could also invest in some ranged combat options if you can't manage to get the thing next to you.

>> No.13727030

So, I was thinking of making the comic about a dual shield wielding golem and then it turns out that wasn't as witty and a good idea as I though.

>> No.13727045


>> No.13727182



But seriously, a couple of tips:

1. You're gonna need potions of cure mutation and cure corruption. They're pretty darn rare
2. Don't be drinking out of wells all day
3. Grind the shit out of performer before doing their quests.
4. Shelters are provided by innkeepers, talk to them next etherwind.
5. Find the goddamn quest board next time, I want it quests are shit money but at least they can feed you.
6. I've never seen a character so fucked up. I recommend starting again.

>> No.13727370

If I used secret experience of Kumiromi at level 10 to get an extra feat, will I get an extra feat at levels 20, 30, etc. or is it a one-time only and I've wasted it by using it so early?

>> No.13727393

You didn't waste anything by using a secret experience. You'll still get the extra feats at certain levels but there is a cut off point where after x level the only way you're going to get anymore extra feats is to use secret experience. So pretty much you're just doing what you will have to do eventually.

>> No.13727416

miromis don't give you multiple extra feats no matter when you use them, but rather your level sets the maximum number of uses you can get extra feats out of.

You didn't fuck anything up.

>> No.13727454

What's the best way to farm tickets if I use the summon spirits + love potion alchemical rain method? How do I kill the non-uniques to summon spirits without killing the uniques, and how do I make sure the uniques aren't killed by rampaging spirits?

>> No.13727554

Quaffing from a well has a chance to "Swallow something bad!" and you'll have yourself a little chestburster waiting to pop out. Drink a dye, poison, or something else equally horrible to vomit it out and melt the little fucker inside.

Something attacked the something Dwells In Darkness guy in Vernis, and he swung the Ragnarok around. It happens.

When it says "Find shelter" you have to talk to the Innkeeper and select "Take me to the shelter!". General rule is if you can see the etherwind particle effect, you're getting the full force of the etherwind. You HAVE to be on a map without the effect showing.

Food can be a pain in the ass to come by sometimes at low level, stock up on some cargos of travellers food. You can't use it in dungeons but its better than starving to death on the world map.

Also just make a new character that thing is just plain done. It would take significantly longer to try and unfuck that thing than it would to just bring a new character up to your level.

>> No.13727579

Thanks for the help anons. Looks like I'll roll up another character then.

>> No.13727997


1. Get summon spirit up high as possible
2. Go to party quest, kill all nonuniques. Satisfy the uniques.
3. Dig / clear a section and wall it off with create wall. Teleport the uniques out.
4. Wait until 10 minutes before time limit
5. Summon until map cap, don't forget Magic Equip / spellpower gear
6. Alchemical rain
7. Teleport out, wait for end.

If spirits turn hostile because you hit them with Rain twice somehow, use Incognito.

Optionally, summon inner gods, sandbag and satisfy for huge multipliers.

>> No.13728002

Any tips for early game after you get all the skills? I'm trying to train up skills now but am constantly platinum starved since so many things started at 1.000 with 50% potential. I'm just roaming around doing hunting/harvest quests and delivery/escort when I can.

Gardening is way ahead of all my other skills, even though I wanted to do a more combat oriented build. I'm afraid to start a farm since last time I met some high level monsters on the farm that I couldn't even get kill.

>> No.13728106

Now that you have all your skills, gj btw, where are you at now specifically? Do you have a castle? Are you having stat potential problems or have you solved that by investing in magic vendors for potions of potential? If your answer is no to either of these then those are the next things you need to accomplish.

After finishing those two things you really should start looking into creating herb farms as the herbs you harvest will boost your stats considerably. I've heard of monsters wrecking people's shit at their farms but I've never experienced this myself. I mean, once you're like lv 30 I'm not exactly sure how the typical monsters that do show up on the farm can kill you. At any rate, don't let monsters keep you from making your herb farms as they are a great investment.

I've never really actively trained my skills as I just let them grow naturally through doing the things I was normally doing anyhow such as dungeon diving for plat and medals, doing quests, farming, investing, etc. Just by dungeon diving and completing quests the plat just came naturally and I never really felt plat starved. You can really stretch your plat by just focusing on two skills you want raised in a hurry. For instance a melee character may want to focus on tactics and weapon skill of choice. Ranged maybe firearm and marksman and for a mage maybe casting and literacy.

>> No.13728296

Sleep whenever you can, get a pet up to soul mate status and try to get those delicious breakfasts. If you're strong enough to make it to South Tyris, do so so you can milk the maid mansion for free picnic baskets. Its not a big boost to potentials but every little bit helps.

>I've heard of monsters wrecking people's shit at their farms but I've never experienced this myself.
Worst i've seen were a squad of shining hedgehogs I wasn't expecting. Cost me a potion of cure corruption but whatever.

>> No.13728683

I usually have my pet out when I'm going to my farms She can dispatch the random monsters easily. I only send her away when I'm going into my small room with the sandbagged monster. It disturbs me that my fairy keeps shooting while I'm just cooking my veggies and sip on the sandbagged lion's blood.

Interestingly my mount giraffe comes from my farm.

>> No.13728755

It's time for you to train your skills to the level they give Special actions.
Train pickpoket to at least 10 and equip a glove that adds ## pickpoket. I think 20 would be better but it can be done at 10.
Wait for or force snow or heavy rain. Doing so you can get access to the shelters. Get in a shelter and steal the skill book. Get out, get in again to steal another one. Repeat until you have books for the skills you wish to train, Your karma runs too low or the rain stops.
After you have your books, Pay PP for the skills potential and force or wait for heavy rain again. You can read skill books in towns, dungeons or in the wild repetitively as long as its raining heavily or snowing. Don't read them in shelters or home because time will advance to fast. This way you can level skills that are too situational, or need materials easily.
After you reached the skill level just wait for a level up while training something else.
You can find books for almost every skill except weapon skills. For those you have to spend skill points on if you want them to improve faster.

>> No.13728851

Is it possible to duel wield shields?
And is there a spell that reflects damage?
I want to be a fucking wall.

>> No.13728871

You can equip shields in all of your hands and shoot slot but it's not dual wielding. You gain all the defense and bonuses from all of your equipped shields/tonfas/claws but you get only one chance to dim, your "weapon" will be Martial Arts and your casting won't get further reduced with each additional shield only the first.
There is no reflect damage spell but there is multiple enchantments you can get on random gears or artifact gear, like the shield of thorns.

Be a wall! You can go full Havel with 2 shields and still deal massive damage.

>> No.13728873

You can grow like 8 arms and octo-wield shields if you want. There are a few defensive spells too, but I don't think theres any specifically that "reflects" damage. There is this though,
and you might be able to find that enchantment randomly on other equipment.

>> No.13728886

What's the best way to get more limbs on your character?

>> No.13728888

A) Be a mutant.
B) Doctor Gavela in South Tyris can add limbs. This service costs Life (not HP.)

>> No.13728963
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I maintain my insanity to not equip this ring, what a shame.

>> No.13728968

Its not all that great anyway, you'll find better soon.

>> No.13729172

>It makes audience drunk with haunting tones.
>Using the item inflicts the Drunk status effect on nearby NPCs. Appears on Gould's Piano.
Is this considered a hostile act? I know if you throw potions at NPC they get mad even though it's a health potion. What about this though?

>> No.13729192


Restart your irl brain also besides your Elona char.

>> No.13729201


How the hell could you conveniently summon gods in a party quest?

>> No.13729210

That could be a problem.

>> No.13729214


The first and only thing you should focus in early game is to raise your income from dungeon clearing and Kumiromi-slutting is never the way to do it. Gold reward from dungeon clearing raises as your deepest level of cleared dungeon goes higher. Max is level 360 I think for 999999 gold.

Raise all your damage related skills. When your skills reached a certain level, raise your current Dungeon Level. Get your skills/dmgspells to 80/100 then rush the main quest. Continue to raise your Dungeon Level along with your skills till you reach a level where you can farm AP for speed. That's it really

>> No.13729252

wish, obviously.

>> No.13729423

Does the chance to get a wish from a well decrease depending on how many wishes you've already gotten?
Say, if you get your first wish from a well, would the chance to get the second one from a well decrease?

>> No.13729479

The game tracks number of wishes made which decreases by 1 per year.

Basically the more wishes you've made per game-year, the larger chance that a triggered wish will "fail".
It gives a message something like "You feel a stroke of luck pass by" or something similar when a wish would have happened but fails.

>> No.13729500

Is there a way to avoid using whats in your hand for attacking?

>> No.13729503

And by this, I mean if both hands had axes, would it be possible to only attack with one of the axes?

>> No.13729548

No, you'll have to unequip one.

If you want the stat bonuses from the axe still try putting it into your Throwing slot. (You can throw it too albeit at a very short range.)

>> No.13729639
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You can get it on a lot of things if you reroll enough.

>> No.13729674

cat as a pet is just straight up overpowered

>> No.13729953

Define Kumiromi slutting. I'm under the impression that it's using Kumi statues and to get multiple statues you must do the little sister quest which involves killing big daddies. Why is dungeon clearing and killing big daddies mutually exclusive? You should be killing big daddies, which you find in dungeons, on the way to dungeon clearing.

Are you defining Kumiromi slutting as being a farm fag? Those farm fags can make a crap ton of gold you know. +10 food can sell for 1k or so and one farm gives you 65 or so farm tiles. So under ideal circumstances that's 65,000 for one farm worth of food. If you have 10 farms that's like 650,000 gold or a little bit less if you can't always get +10 food. Regardless, that's a nice amount of gold and if you need more just get more farms.

>> No.13729964

+10 cooked food that is.

>> No.13729996

Is having high magic resistance more okay than having a high reistance for individual elements

>> No.13730002


not in the slightest

>> No.13730020

Have both or die often.

>> No.13730021

I feel harvesting, cooking and selling 10 farms worth of food would take a lot longer than rushing through one dungeon.

Also do you happen to know if the scarecrows that are placed in your farm do anything? I've always left them where they were just in case but they're kinda a pain when harvesting all the tiles quickly.

>> No.13730030


>> No.13730031

If you don't have enough scarecrows, random monsters spawn on your farm.

>> No.13730058

not a big deal since you can get stray cats this way

>> No.13730063

>not a big deal
Well, yes, if at any point after the start of the game random monsters are a threat to you, you're doing something horribly wrong and need to reconsider your character.

>> No.13730086

oh god why does preaching in battle crash the game

>> No.13730091

It's been established a long time ago that anything that interrupts preaching breaks the game.

This includes hunger, battle, snowballs in noyel, etc.

>> No.13730174

a better question is "why are you preaching in battle"

>> No.13730179

Preaching hotkey replaced my cheer hotkey.

>> No.13730244

No bully anon. I'm sure you did some stupid things when you first started out as well.

>> No.13730249

Where did you guys build your houses/farms?

>> No.13730256

The most central area on North Tyris I could manage.
That little fork in the road just south of Vernis.

>> No.13730267

What you say is true and rushing dungeons for gold later on is the best way to make money and a lot of it. I will argue though, that before you get to the point that you can do those high level dungeons, farming can make a respectable amount of money at much less risk in exchange for maybe boredom.

>> No.13730510
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A mature map for a mature dungeon

>> No.13730529

What's so mature about ice cream?

>> No.13730531

Two scoops. Kids can't have more than one or they'll ruin their appetite for dinner.

>> No.13730625

Wait, random fellows can join your party on a low chance? Is this a humanoid only thing?

>> No.13730647

Not sure what you're talking about but certain monsters and creatures, such as Pascal, Murder Knight, etc, can join you once you defeat them. This can occur regardless of your race.

>> No.13730652

Specific mobs with <> around their names will randomly appear in dungeons or the world map based on the encounter level. There are 6 throughout the entire game that will rarely appear, the winged snail, mad scientist, Isca, pascal, murder knight and lityou. Guaranteed to offer to join you after killing them though if your party is full you'll permanently miss out on them. Scientist and snail are basically useless but the rest are alright.

>> No.13730658

Can someone help? I downloaded this last night, played a little bit. Ran fine on wine. Today I added the monster girl sprites and wild arms music mods and now wine crashes at the starting menu. What does it mean?

>> No.13730669

The music
its always the fucking music

>> No.13730685

but i love wild arms. can i fix this somehow?

>> No.13730742

Manually check what's wrong with the mod.

>> No.13730802

There's nothing wrong with the mod itself, the issue is that wine won't run the MP3s trough wine correctly, an easy fix for this would be to convert everything to .wav or such but that's time consuming.

>> No.13731027

I really wish the magic resistance system would get overhauled.
What's the point of all these different spells when it's better 100% of the time to use the elementalless one?

>> No.13731054

I wish I could get all the trash spells removed from my spellbook so they'll stop cluttering it up.

>> No.13731253

Did they remove the Shield Bash feat?

>> No.13731270


it's a gauge release with a shield equipped now.

>> No.13731553

>can't buy way more christmas trees than you can carry and farm the shit out of rogues now

>> No.13731670
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cursed wonder scrolls

>> No.13731901

Right, but I want to keep all the good spells and I also want to read wonder scrolls when they're not cursed instead so I can get the hard-to-acquire spell stocks.

>> No.13732428

So I've got a ranch and assigned a juere swordsman as a breeder on it I think.
How long does it usually take for it to multiply?
Also will the plants on a farm wither or rot or something if I don't pick them in some time?

>> No.13732453

>How long does it usually take for it to multiply?
Anywhere from days to months. Just check back every so often.

>Also will the plants on a farm wither or rot or something if I don't pick them in some time?
No, you're safe letting them sit.

>> No.13732564

You can check a creature's breed power to determine how often it will multiply, creatures like putits with high breed power will quickly reach maximum unit capacity while my experience with creatures below 10 or so is that you might as well not consider them being able to breed at all.

>> No.13732839

How do you guys have all these stats? I've gotten nearly one hundred thousand turns in and I'm stuck a bit because my character archetype was all around the idea of being indestructible summoner, but suddenly the issue is that despite being able to cast buffs and magic and shit, I'm worthless when it comes to combat, and too reliant on pets.

>> No.13732847

Thanks for the answers anons.

A few more questions though. I have some item called "little ball" which description says it grants special powers or something, so what the hell is it?
Also are the jeweler carpenter etc. tools better if they're blessed?

>> No.13732850

They're used to catch Little Sisters that spawn after you kill a Big Daddy.
You turn the little sisters in at an NPC in the cyber dome and she will duplicate any unique items you've ever found at least once. This includes stuff like hero cheeses, god statues, weapons, and a cooler box. Do note that the weapons are only useful if you've lost your original one, because you can't have two of the same unique weapon in your inventory.

Lots and lots of herbed food.

>> No.13732856


Get a farm or more, Level your gardening by doing harvest and spending PP on it's potential. Get the cute fairy and/or Statue(s) of Kumiromi. You can ask for more statues in the Cyber dome after you got the first and IDd it. Herb your food to let stats grow rapidly.

Recruit magic shop keepers in your home and invest in them at least 50 for them to start selling potions of potential. This is a faster way but gets you less potions.
To have a better potion income level your alchemy and grab some gear that adds to it. Gene engineer the skills carpentry, detection, fishing and gardening into your pets and let them kill stuff. Ask them for the materials they gathered when they have a relationship of fellow or more by simply talking and chosing the right option. Craft potions of potential. In the long run this will make more but it needs some grinding.

TL/DR: by Kumi slutting also crafting and buying potential pots.

>> No.13733063

So, for someone who NEEDS to use two shields and a staff, would it be best to have one shield in the throw slot and one on the arm, or both on arm and staff on throw slot?

>> No.13733079

I honestly don't think it would matter, if you plan to attack things with melee you would use your Martial Arts for dual-shielding instead of whatever the blunt weapon skill was for staves.

>> No.13733099

Staves as a melee weapon are less efficient than just unarmed?

>> No.13733487


depends on the staff, the precious staves like the solar cane and elemental staff are both much better weapons then unarmed for quite a while and the staves weapon skill raises con which is initially more useful then strength

>> No.13733588

Why are my little girl and golden knight constantly giving me really awesome randart gloves on wakeup?
Also is eating a doomed raw engagement ring a bad idea?

>> No.13733594


it will make you vomit and lose weight

if it reduces stats it will also lower those stats

>> No.13733601

Would giving pets more skills that have a chance for them to get materials on killing enemies give them a higher chance to get materials? Or would this increase the variance of materials given?

>> No.13733603

Pets that like you and have a higher tailoring skill than carpentry skill will make you randart soft armor if you wake up in the morning. Higher carpentry skill means they make hard armor. Either way, higher skill means they can make more types of armor.

>> No.13733607

It increases the total quantity of materials received, and increases the types of materials they can gather off kills. For example, a pet without fishing skill won't harvest spring materials.

>> No.13733615

I should have thought of this when they were still level 20. Do you know what enemies would have gene engineering, gardening and fishing, the wiki doesn't seem to list anything.

>> No.13733629


tourists and goblins have fishing, vopal bunnies have gardening and nothing naturally has gene engineer

>> No.13733631

Meaning gain attribute scrolls, which I have to save to give my pets more resists. I guess I'll settle for those two, thanks for the information.

>> No.13733676

From when I was looking for low level monsters with skills earlier:

Goblins have fishing and mining
Farmers (from Yowyn) have gardening
Ents (easily found in the fire tower) have carpentry
Mushrooms have tailoring

>> No.13733713

he's a social justice warrior

>> No.13734103

Does anyone have a guide or rundown of what cargo to buy/sell where?

>> No.13734139


>> No.13734140


virtually everything sells higher at noyel and noyels own cargoes sell at port kupal for the most.

You can make piano cargoes with not that much carpentry and the materials are not that intensive so you can just find the trader and make piano cargoes on the spot to sell at every town.

>> No.13734146

Hold on. Both your pets are giving you gifts at the same time? Both of mine can but it seems only the one with the highest crafting skill gives me a gift.

>> No.13734215
File: 3.32 MB, 1601x1797, Char.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other anons are right on when they said herb farms but I'll try to sell you more on it. Your character is similar to mine in respects to traveling with pets and casting spells. I also use a gun as well but since you can train spells passively my spell slinging has actually surpassed my shooting. Still training my gun skills though but I digress. Your character just needs a catalyst to take it to the next level and herb farming is it.

Not only will herb farming help your stats but I found that it also takes the sting of death away as well since you can easily recover lost stats with it as well. How are your pets doing? Your herb farms will actually benefit your pets more than your character. While it takes an herbed in fusion recipe to up stats at a nice pitch for a player character it only takes a single herb to get the same results for a pet. My pet Yuki is stronger statwise due to this and has benefited from the herb farms tremendously. It's like I have a roaming weapon that tanks and does 8-17k damage for me.

I typically feed my pets Curarias as they provide good stat boosts across the board, are a common herb to harvest, and their satiation score is not too high meaning pets will end up eating more of the stuff in a certain span of time versus an herb that has a high satiation score. I'm finding this to be a bit of mixed blessing as I'll explain later.

I've been raising my pets speed and I'm finding that as I raise their speed they're becoming blackholes for food. Am I just imagining this or are faster pets hungry all the time? My pet Yuki has around 1400 speed now and she eats stacks of 1000 Curarias in like 10 rest cycles. If left to her own devices Yuki will single-handedly devours my whole supply of Curarias in minutes. She'll get a ton of stats of course but it leaves little for me and my exile. Due to this I've had to ration my Curarias, expand my farming operations, and when necessary switch Yuki to a non blessed Stomafillia diet.

>> No.13734221

>Am I just imagining this or are faster pets hungry all the time?
Hunger is based off actions taken, not time elapsed. A pet with speed N will get hungry half as fast as a pet with speed 2N. As speed increases compared to player speed, so does food consumption.

Likewise, as your character's speed increases, you're eating more per day.

>> No.13734248

How do you make characters without a title?

>> No.13734254

I think those are pets

>> No.13734258

I see, it's all starting to make sense now.

My quest for more farms continue and the sad thing is I'm not even a follower of Kumi but of Itzpalt yet with the amount of farms I'm putting down it seems as if Kumi is slowly infecting the world and I'm his herald.

>> No.13734264

Yuki and Yumeria are both pets. Little Girl evolved into Valk and the Exile evolved into Permanent Exile respectively.

>> No.13734290

What method do you use to pass time quickly to use Kumi statues? I've set up a storage house near Noyel and read my Swimming spellbook during snowstorms, which can last quite a few days. When the snowstorm does end, I can just use the statue of Lulwy and usually get another snowstorm. This is the only way to raise Swimming beyond level 151 aside from skill points, so it has that benefit.

>> No.13734297

I have knockout with my character Kai, useful feat for pet handlers btw, and beat a snail in the puppy caves to submission and balled it. I would then ride said snail because snails are slow you know. This would reduce my speed of 2000 or so down to like 17. I just chill inside of my house at 17 speed and rest to make the days pass very fast.

>> No.13734995

Does the amount of attribute XP you gain from leveling skills and spells affected by skill and spell potential? In other words, do I need to wait for Oracle to regain potential if I want to effectively gain Magic XP?

>> No.13735008


No, only the stat potential matters.
