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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 436 KB, 1754x1240, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13697307 No.13697307[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Cute little /jp/s can now get married.


>> No.13697325

I feel sick.

>> No.13697329 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 250x250, 糞スレb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13697355

>living in America

>> No.13697358

Nothing to be happy about.

>> No.13697381
File: 84 KB, 420x314, 1374578565588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice try to hack me, sir; but you can't fool me.

>> No.13697395 [DELETED] 

Just use a different PDF viewer you dumb shit.

>> No.13697529


>> No.13697570 [DELETED] 

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>> No.13697620

I think this is good for equality, I never saw any problem with this. But I wonder what they will complain about next? There's almost nothing left, besides free 2nd trimester abortions.

>> No.13697623 [DELETED] 

, - 、   
  ヽ/ 'A`)ノ  . - 、
   {  /   、('A` }ノ
   ヽj     )_ノ

>> No.13697692

bomb dis fukkin thread

>> No.13697801
File: 601 KB, 320x240, 1432888043520.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cute little /jp/'s

if they were cute they'd have fuckin' girlfriends lmfao

>> No.13697806

You're triggering me.

>> No.13697807 [DELETED] 

ト、      ,. ‐ァ
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>> No.13698002


>> No.13698009

Woah there buddy, I just wanna fuck /jp/sies not marry them

>> No.13698011 [DELETED] 

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>> No.13698035

Only logical conclusion. You can't have laws based on who has a chinpo and who has a manko. That's oonga boonga logic.
In fact, all legal benefits of marriage should be abolished because I don't understand why I'm being taxed higher for not being married. Not only am I tfw no gf but I also have to pay more. Fuck the government.
I'm glad about this news but I don't think this should be a thread in /jp/. Well, at least we can see some netouyos foam so there's that.

>> No.13698063 [DELETED] 

, .:´. : : : : : : : : : :.`ヽ、
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                ̄ハ         レ'´ノ.:.:.:l
                 i: :>/ ⌒ヽ _, ィ´i.:.l.:.:.:.:.|
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              / /      l/    / ,.   |.:.:|
               ヽ/     /   「  ̄ `7´    |.:.:.|
                l   /    !_ _/    ∧.:.:|
                |  /     !  /     | ヽ:|

>> No.13698104


What's with all the ASCII art, broseph?

Are you liek, an ASCII sorcerer or some shiet?

I haven't used ASCII since I was on the IRC back like, in 1997, dude.

Shiet's real ancient.

>> No.13698116

        ミ 彡
        ミ 彡
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       ミ 彡
       ミ 彡 ∧,,∧    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
       ミ ミミ ゚Д゚ 彡 <   It's SJIS you faggot.
        ミ ミ   彡.   \_______________
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         ミ   ミ 彡
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      ミ,,彡  ミ,,彡

>> No.13698122
File: 46 KB, 471x470, 1432335931324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could get married

>> No.13698126

fuck off you woodstock lookin motherfuckr

>> No.13698127

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      \ \|         \\/       \\/             \//   

>> No.13698154

Who knows, maybe they'll actually going to talk about actual problems.

For now I'll just enjoy 4chan getting butthurt for whatever reason I still can't grasp.

>> No.13698174

ミ:、      {{     ,リノ
    ヾ、    ″   〃´     ,. -
、      . -─- .       ノr'⌒
ゞミ、  /        \  r=彡'′               
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      、          /               
  rク  \       ン  ヾミx 、           
=彡′    ` ‐--‐ ´      `ヾミニ_~ 、        
     〃    、   ヽ、       `ヽ.       
     ノリ    }}   `㍉              
   r;'ノ    {{{      ヾミ=.、

>> No.13698183

"4chan" is not one one person silly.

>> No.13698254

\ │ /
                / ̄\
            / ̄~\ ∀・ )─   ヤマナシ~
         /        \
        /           \
          ∧ ∧             ∧ ∧
  イミナシ~ ヽ(・∀・ )ノ           ヽ( ・∀・)ノ   オチナシ~
           (  )             (  )
             < └             ┘ >

>> No.13698291 [DELETED] 

>all legal benefits of marriage should be abolished because I don't understand why I'm being taxed higher for not being married. Not only am I tfw no gf but I also have to pay more.
Thank you for this. I wanted to say it, but you nailed it. If I marry an employed woman, I shouldn't have to give her half of everything because she wanted to go fuck another guy. That's entrapment.

>> No.13698295

                     .rヘi !〃 ̄ ヽ}
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    ゛-Elニニlコ二li ̄   |圭圭|| l   _l       |      l ゝ--ゝ--───ゝ---- ゝ─────ゝ‐ゝ.ソ
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>> No.13698301
File: 27 KB, 400x246, 400px-Captain_Diomedes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13698303

    ┌‐―――――┬'  ̄).ノ l=l ./         \
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             \=\_   \=ゝ ゝ ノ ゝノ ゝ ノゝノ/
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>> No.13698310

>all legal benefits of marriage should be abolished because I don't understand why I'm being taxed higher for not being married. Not only am I tfw no gf but I also have to pay more.
Thank you for this. I wanted to say it, but you nailed it. If I marry an employed woman, she shouldn't be automatically entitled to half of my everything just because she has a vagina. Traditionally, marriage used to be the stereotypical "woman housekeeps and volunteers for the community man goes to work at the sawmill" kindof thing, but that started to change over 50 years ago to the point of not even existing anymore because now you need two people to work to pay for a mortgage! There is nothing about marriage now that is unequal, no implied obligations, no sexism. The world has changed.

Just because I want to show my significant other my undying love for them by proposing, that shouldn't entitle them to my financial ruin if they change into someone else.

>> No.13698314

| ̄ ̄|    __  
              | ● | |  /ヽo oヽ 
        ∧∧  |__| |   ll/ `ー´ソ十━ _
     (´・ω・) |   ,シ=[ニコニ'~゙ ̄/' ̄' ̄' ̄', ̄',\                 ____
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   ゛i''-,i__i__i__i__i__i__i_ /',__', ̄' ̄' ̄' ̄/',_',
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      \λ丿λ丿λ丿λ丿λ丿λ丿iλ ノ,/=/ ~~ 丿丿丿/=/

>> No.13698324

why is this gif so cute

>> No.13698337

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>> No.13698430

mods pls del

>> No.13698443

∧二∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
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       >=== > ―― >===ヽ ゝ ゝ ゝ ゝゝ ゝ/

>> No.13698475

this sure is a great otaku thread

>> No.13698485

                       ζ  (`・ω・´) 
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 (0)三)ニニニニニニニ)二二)_(    (   ╋   312 ヽ
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        ''' ̄ ̄'' ''' ''' ''' '' ' ''' '' ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄~''' '' ' '''

>> No.13698791

Can you marry all /jp/ yet?

>> No.13698804

The cute ones get big strong /jp/ boyfriends.

>> No.13698806


>> No.13698870

∧ ∧ ちんぽっぽ
         \  ( *‘ω‘ )
          \ ( o( ;><) せまいんです!
          / 二 二 二 ]
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