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1369606 No.1369606 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/ I was reading some Tsukihime database and I came upon Tokie Jinan. Who is she, because the database describes her as "- Shiki's first person".

In before Tohno gland.

>> No.1369607

Shiki's doctor's daughter.

also his first.

>> No.1370150

Makes sense now, thought it was random when she asked him to marry her.

Shiki is a true pimp.
possibly Sion

>> No.1370188

>Makes sense now, thought it was random when she asked him to marry her.

I do NOT remember this part.

>> No.1370235

Shiki can even kill the convention of linear time.

>> No.1370274

Anybody got a transcript of Tokie and Shiki's reunion in Kagetsu Tohya? My interest is piqued by this.

>> No.1370329

Wait a second, what?

>> No.1370337

OH, her. Goddamn, I forgot all about her because she only appeared like, once in KT and was never mentioned again.

>> No.1370348

She's also mentioned in the Plus Period Book. Apparently, her and Shiki had one wild night.

>> No.1370350

A summary would be nice. I've never heard of that marriage proposal thing before.

>> No.1370409

I don't even know what she looks like.

>> No.1370417
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>> No.1370419

Shiki sure was an awesome, faceless self-instertion character.

Then Melty Blood had to screw everything up.

>> No.1370420

Shiki sure was an awesome, faceless self-insertion character.

Then Melty Blood had to screw everything up.

>> No.1370421

brb rapidsearch

>> No.1370424




>> No.1370425

Eh? But Melty Blood Shiki is just like Shiki from Tsukihime when using the correct choices to progress the story IIRC.

>> No.1370427


Except that we see his eyes.

>> No.1370428

Didn't we see his eyes when he was with Aoko at the start too?

>> No.1370440



>> No.1370445


3 god-tier female characters (Arc, Kohaku, Akiha) in the same harem, and all but one of the rest are decent at worst.

Shiki has the best harem ever.

>> No.1370449

Also, one of the most politically votile ever. Takes a special kind of man to control that.

>> No.1370456


No one ever said that Shiki didn't deserve a god-tier harem.

>> No.1370457

Arc isn't god tier, she is boring and annoying.

>> No.1370455

That was as a child, thus a different person altogether from the sexing machine whom you're supposed to be in the shoes of

>> No.1370459
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>> No.1370465
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>god-tier female characters
>Arc, Kohaku, Akiha

>> No.1370461


You're boring and annoying.


>> No.1370467
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>> No.1370470


>> No.1370474

If you're not smart enough to understand how awesome Arc is you should STFU you...MONSTER

>> No.1370472
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>Ciel Dude !jCAQrfmxiE

>> No.1370473

Apparently according to Japanese popularity polls, despite having a one time appearance she's quite popular.

Also Nasu makes fun to Yumizuka that Tokie slept with Shiki and she hasn't making her envious of her.

>> No.1370475
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Isn't it sad?

>> No.1370485
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Superior harem

>> No.1370486
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I only have rage at you... you...

>> No.1370492

this is pretty much true to me, however every other heroine is about equal in my book

>> No.1370489

She raped Shiki. I wish to be the boy raped.

>> No.1370496

They're very different characters, each with their own purpose.

Nasu stated that Tsukihime is supposed to "be a game where you can enjoy the girls". There Shiki is your generic h-game protagonist; at the time it's basically Nasu's self-insertion character. The female characters are the only ones who undergo any worthwhile character development.

Later on with the non-canon "fun disc" stuff (Kagetsu Tohya and Melty Blood) Nasu takes the time to develop Shiki as an actual character, rather than as some self-insertion. But all that stuff never happens in the canon timeline, so yeah.

>> No.1370523

Really now? All the correct choices in Tsukihime really show the same sting as the Shiki in both Melty Blood and Kagetsu Tohya.

Even if that's what Nasu said, Shiki as a character is already set up in Tsukihime. "Correct" Shiki in Tsukihime is not really an insert. Real insert Shiki dies a lot in bad ends.

The extension games only expand Shiki's already existing character based on the correct choices that lead to the non-bad ends.

>> No.1370530


Rena and Mion are pretty high up there on the awesomeness scale, and Satoko's fairly likable, but Rika lost her likability when the second season started. (in before idiots that insist that I need to like "dark Rika" because she had more depth than her first season self and because her dark attitude was justified, or believe that I think that think that moeblob was the only possible good direction that Rika's character could have taken)

Shiki has 3 awesome members, most of them are stand-out likable at some point or another, and the one that turns into an unlikable bitch whenever she finds herself on the battle field is pretty likable as well when she's just hanging out.

Shiki's harem wins.

>> No.1370525

random question, am I supposed to read "T-moon complex F" before the third one or what?

>> No.1370533

Only Mion and Rika works in that harem. And Rika is basically Akasaka's.

>> No.1370540

It's not rape if the woman's hot, moron.

>> No.1370569

Shiki fucking Hanepin... I don't even fucking know how Akiha would react to that...

>> No.1370585
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In during Tohno gland.

>> No.1370586


She'd definitely be a worthy addition to the harem.

Best minor Tsukihime character. (with Nanako as a close second)

>> No.1370592

Where's the sex?

>> No.1370605

There isn't any. Just like that one Arihiko's nee-san x Shiki doujin that I can't fucking find.

>> No.1370658


holy shit, the tohno gland has spawned more carriers

anything more to that pic, or is it just a one-shot?

>> No.1370672

Wait... so if the Tohno gland went into a woman...


>> No.1370667

It's from the Scribble Project series Renai something something.

>> No.1370677

carriers have arrived

>> No.1370683
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Not quite - its powers remain the same, as can be seen in the only known female carrier, Ordinary Magician A here.

>> No.1370699
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So similar.

>> No.1370721
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She slept with Hanepin, when was that?

>> No.1370731


Now I'm suddenly imagining a Sister Princess Setting, from the the Tohno Family spawned 1 guy and then a bunch of girls...

>> No.1370756

Too bad there is no Tokie or Ichigo/Ichiko (which is it?). Then Shiki's after life harem would be complete.

>> No.1370754

Shiki is eyeless but not an self insert. He was based on Mikiya for fuck's sake.

>> No.1370796
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more results of the tohno gland

>> No.1370804
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>> No.1370844

Canonically, doesn't he only become friends with Sion? Or does the gland kick in at some point?

>> No.1370847

Yeah, they only became friends. Didn't stop Sion from falling in love with Shiki though...

>> No.1370923

too bad the artist forgot to include aoko

>> No.1370920

Fuck the canon-stuff. Shiki did all the women in Tsukihime. I bet that in Type-moon complex X, he will also do all the female from Fate.

He is the Mankoto from Type Moon.

>> No.1370927

She feels love towards him, if Melty Blood were a VN you know they would've make fuck.

>> No.1370945
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