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13691977 No.13691977 [Reply] [Original]

Where do I start in learning the Japanese language? Are book sufficient or do I have to find videos. I'm wanting to learn the Japanese language so I can read a visual novel that takes a fucking millenia getting translated and people keep saying it's easier and more time-efficient if I learn the japanese language.

>> No.13691980

finding a local class/tutor is what i reccomend

>> No.13691982 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13691992

this might be a good idea since it's summer break but I'm thinking of something that I can do at home maybe if it's not too much to ask

>> No.13692009

Ask Ken-sama to teach you his knowledge.

>> No.13692033

there are house visit tutors

>> No.13692042


>> No.13692048

I'm heading to the bookstore in a bit, any recommended reads for learning?

>> No.13692050 [DELETED] 
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>a visual novel
Not going to happen. Your motivation will disappear before you know enough of the language to read the one thing you're doing this for.

>The rest:
Every fucking time.

>> No.13692052

I don't think I'm gonna have a tutor since it'll cost a hefty amount and I'd rather learn from books I guess.

thanks for the link

>> No.13692084

kani wani

>> No.13692125

I found the pen and paper method was faster for me i was able to understand and memorize the hiragana alphabets in 60 days by writing them down everyday at the rate of memorizing 5 letters per day then rewriting all the previous days letters. Everybody learns at their own rate so just sharing what worked for me.

>> No.13692598

If you use Heisig for the kanas you can have them down in an evening and if you read a bit of japanese everyday (which you'll inevitably do if you are studying japanese) the knowledge will solidify. I think it's a more efficient approach. You can focus study the kanas only 1 day and move on to grammar, vocab and kanji immediately.

>> No.13692611

Just learn vocabulary. I recommend anki + core 2k/6k.

>> No.13692884

>memorize the hiragana
>60 days

Please be joking.

>> No.13693092


there's tons of resources. personally, what I did was jump in and translate japanese text in google translate, and try to figure out what it meant. it sounds weird, but it helped me get an intuitive grasp. I learned kana faster that way than trying to memorize, and I picked up 1st/2nd grade level kanji.

immersion also helps, if you're into japanese music, anime, etc. that will make it easier and keep you motivated. not that you can rely on pop culture osmosis but it's a complement.

Idk if my translating practice method would work for other people, but it did for me.

>> No.13693183

How does being into anime or listening to japanese music help? Both of these are my hobbies. I'm thinking they would help me catch words that I've learned and maybe learn how to pronounce them but that's it, are there anymore benefits in having these kinda of hobbies?

>> No.13693193


like I said, it's about immersion. the more you're listening to/reading the language, the more regularly you're exposed to it, the faster you'll learn. that's why people who go to Japan with a student/work visa learn much faster while they're there - because they're constantly exposed to Japanese.

like I said, osmosis from hobbies won't replace actual study but it really complements. it's also easier to study something you're interested in already.

>> No.13693267

Ah I see, yeah I hope I'll get this thing done asap cause I really wanna read that visual novel of mine

>> No.13693271

Learning to read Japanese is pointless if you can't speak it

>> No.13693295


they're closely bound together. I mean romaji are ok when you start learning, I think of it as training wheels, but to advance in Japanese you need kanji/kana.

>> No.13693353

That makes no sense.
I only need to be able to read it, as I'll never even get a chance to speak it, even if were to learn how to.

>> No.13695035

Mute people shouldn't be taught how to read.

>> No.13695055 [DELETED] 

I'm in college with a full time job. Is it realistically possible for me to learn another language?

>> No.13695080

why are you even here?

>> No.13695085
File: 101 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Seitokai Yakuindomo S2 - 11 [720p].mkv_snapshot_11.36_[2014.03.24_15.46.48].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To shitpost.

>> No.13695098
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You've got your priorities straight, dudester.

You're, OK in my book!

>> No.13695166

Just find a chart for Hira and Kata then start studying.

Once you have those two down work on Kanji, there are a little less than 2000 in common use in Japan. (That would be tested on if you ever take the proficiency test)

My only advice is that you get to studying. It will take a while.

>> No.13695696
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Learning moon is hard and not worth it OP. You should stop and maybe get a more fulfilling hobby like collecting and raising crickets

>> No.13697193

Try Imabi or Tae kims guide to Japanese.

>> No.13697224 [DELETED] 

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>> No.13697739

OP here. Found a neat little website where I can fill in the blanks in a hiragana sheet by dragging and dropping, seems fun and helpful

>> No.13697768

Doesn't it take, at most, 2 days?

Less than that for some peeps

>> No.13697786

Maybe I'll have it down in 5 days or less since I tend to get distracted easily
