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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 14 KB, 294x325, tonberryking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1369064 No.1369064 [Reply] [Original]

I don`t know. I just need to vent right now since I feel very angry and it doesn`t seem to really be because of any reason...I am tired of Japanese things, Japanese way of teaching, seeing Japanese everywhere. I liked it better when I was far away from these things and liking them from the comfort of my own country. I miss American things, familiar places, American way of teaching, and seeing English speaking people. I am tired of not being able to understand and to be understood since I cannot convey my thoughts into Japanese language well enough. I am so frustrated.


>> No.1369069


>> No.1369071

kakkoi monogatari aniki

>> No.1369081

You call this a new topic? You slow piece of shit!

>> No.1369088

>>Epic "weeaboo goes to 4chan and gets pwned" saga

>> No.1369203

See this - This is why if you're an introverted self-diagnosed aspergers' fucktard over here, you're going to be an introverted self-diagnosed asperger's fucktard over there.

There's no reason why you should go to Japan for NOTHING but the animu. The language is hard, but it seems he should have taken more time studying in the states before heading over there. I wouldn't want to go for a serious trip to Japan, especially out of Tokyo without a JLPT Level 3 certification.

>> No.1369212
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Oh, I just got it.

>> No.1369239

>I really hate how everything is in Japanese, everyone talks in Japanese, all the papers and intructions I receive are in Japanese. This really pisses me off especially because I have no idea what I need to study in class and what will be on tests and such because all our syllabi were in Japanese. I have no idea what is going on around me. Why can`t you all just learn god damn English?
haha what the fuck did he expect? EVERYONE IN JAPAN SPEAKS JAPANESE BAWWW

>> No.1369247

English is a superior language so I agree with him.

>> No.1369257


"Superior" is arguable, but it is indeed better formatted.

24 letters, more sensible sentence structure, and much more fluid meanings.
But that makes it hard for even people who speak english to understand each other sometimes.

>> No.1369259

maybe he'll kill himself

>> No.1369261

this faggot is tonberryking? lawl.

>> No.1369265


>But that makes it hard for even people who speak english to understand each other sometimes.

The only time I've encountered this problem was due to foreign accents.

>24 letters


>> No.1369266

OP's probably weeaboo failed at getting Asian pussy as a white dude which is like impossible.

>> No.1369274
File: 62 KB, 300x225, 1222410295829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha what a faggot

>> No.1369277
File: 238 KB, 600x500, 1222410330911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1369286

>The only time I've encountered this problem was due to foreign accents.

Accidentally the whole bottle, etc.


... 26.
I mean 42.

........... so I'm bad with thinking of letters as numbers. Sue me.

>> No.1369291

Categories : Anger, Anxiety, College, Current Events, Hikikomori, Japan, Japanese, Japanese Study, Life, Mood, Myself, Sad, Study Abroad, Tired, Tonberryking, tripfag

>> No.1369290

>Accidentally the whole bottle, etc.

How does that relate?

>> No.1369293


It's a series of words in english that at first glance make sense, but at a closer look clearly do not.

>> No.1369297

No, it's incorrect grammar. People not using English correctly is not a fault of the language itself.

>> No.1369299

Tonberryking, huh. Kind of funny that another shitty weeaboo is eating his own words and hating his holy land.

On another note, I'd like to tell him to man the fuck up, as this is what happens when you move to another country; I did an exchange program myself and never found any major problems to complain about.
Fucking kids and their "Why do *I* have to change?" entitlement complexes....

>> No.1369314

shameless self-advertisement

>> No.1369317

He doesn't consider upstarts like J and U real letters.

>> No.1369322

>I have no idea what is going on around me. Why can`t you all just learn god damn English? Or at least tell me in English what I need to do for class. I am so annoyed by this.

>> No.1369323

I've never really like G myself.

>> No.1369324

I've never really liked G myself.

>> No.1369335

>There was a “Tripfag” thread on /a/ today. You were mentioned many times. And you are correct in /a/ is tsundere for you. I’m sure if you ever come back you’ll cause a large scale flame war. : )

>> No.1369342

Culture shock. He'll either get over it or freak out and run away screaming into the night.

>> No.1369456

maybe he'll pull an applemilk and slowly work his way into the japanese porn industry.

>> No.1369751

You'd love to work as a performer in the Japanese porn industry, and you know it.

>> No.1369758
File: 37 KB, 250x230, 1222420733438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1369761

I like TBK. Who is with me? TBK and Athens are probably the best tripfags around anyway.

>> No.1369766

>I have never really grown out of being rather angsty and depressed when the going gets tough. Being here in Japan I seem to have reverted to being back in high school or rather it might be always like this when I am thrusted into new situations. I am not good at making friends and seeing other people converse who are in their own groups and doing there own things makes me feel rather left out, but then on the other hand I like doing things on my own without being burdened by other people. In other words, I want the satisfation of having people around me to feel better but having nothing really to do with them or something like that.

>I don`t know. I just need to vent right now since I feel very angry and it doesn`t seem to really be because of any reason. Most of it is jealousy, and lack of whatever on my part. I just feel very bitter, depressed and hateful. When I am like this I just get this feeling that I need to become better than everyone else. I get this feeling like I need to become stronger to crush all those who are rejecting me when in fact it is me who has rejected them.

TBK is basically anonymous anyway.

You faggots who insult him for his lack of social skills are normalfags and girls.

>> No.1369784

Someone hack his blog. I miss the days when we bruteforced tonberryking's tripcode.

>> No.1369787


You are nothing more than a bully.

>> No.1369794


You do not belong here.

>> No.1369791

>TBK is basically anonymous anyway.
He is now that he has stopped using a name. Before he was a faggot.

>> No.1369796


Imo being a tripfriend is honestly more about the social interaction. For example, there are regular nightly OT threads on /a/ where we gather and chat together.

>> No.1369798

Then please go back there and return here only when you are ready to be Anonymous.

>> No.1369799

And you dare call others 'normalfags' who 'don't belong'?
No one comes to 4chan for the social interaction

YOU are the CANCER. YOU are the one who doesn't belong.


>> No.1369803

Silence woman.

>> No.1369814


Those threads are only you changing your tripcode.

>> No.1369812

You're a woman.

>> No.1369818


>> No.1369816

I'm a man. Why can't you women be nicer?

>> No.1369831

Anonymous' gender is never in dispute. You have yet to provide a picture of your penis, athens.

>> No.1369853

I'm not an attention whore. And doing something like that seems rather undignified.

>> No.1369869

I am a pirate.

>> No.1369870

god, athens, this must be the fifth or sixth time you've mistaken me for a woman
really, I'm flattered, but I have a penis

>> No.1369866

Men are bastards.

>> No.1369876

Women are adorable.

>> No.1369881

You are an attention whore because you use a name to draw attention to yourself. Posting a penis with no face and no tripcode would actually be less undignified.

>> No.1369883

>I'm not an attention whore.

>> No.1369891


That's /b/ behaviour though.

>> No.1369927

Then continue to have no dignity.

>> No.1369987

Well I don't expect you to post a pic of your tits do I?

>> No.1370054
File: 4 KB, 130x100, 1220663674234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I expect YOU to.
I've already done it to death.

>> No.1370562

