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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 24 KB, 377x269, 1168560474203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1367025 No.1367025 [Reply] [Original]

Shit was SO cash.

>> No.1367034

Leave the image, take the commentary back to /b/.

>> No.1367183
File: 33 KB, 472x458, 1222382784080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1367188

I'd her voice.

>> No.1367189

Don't listen to this BUFFOON. I want to hear your clever commentary.

>> No.1367194


Is this all schlicking or is there actual sex?

>> No.1367192


Now I have to go fap to this. FOR LIKE THE 1,000TH TIME.


>> No.1367196

there's actual sex.

and a blowjob if you have the expansion.

>> No.1367204
File: 18 KB, 318x318, 1222383183636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you have the expansion
If you know what I mean.

>> No.1367243

Just imagine.

Another 20 years and we'll be able to play games like this in virtual reality.

We won't need 3D girls ever again.

>> No.1367257


But you can't have your own child that way. Don't you want a heir?

inb4 adoption

>> No.1367266

I'd settle for a really well-made little girl doll, but if we can have 2-D loli sex in 20 years that would definitely be something to look forward to.

>> No.1367270

Aaah, if adoption was a viable course of action for unemployed single males, we wouldn't need games like this in the first place.

>> No.1367275

>and a blowjob if you have the experience.


>> No.1367282

i hope someone finishes the DS port of this...

>> No.1367309

fucking seconded.

but before that, someone throw out an english patch. i am amazed that there isn't one since its such a popular game

>> No.1367322

Loli sex is the universal language.

>> No.1367338

oh really.


>> No.1367352

Who needs an english patch when you can fap to this all the same?

>> No.1367425

I want to know the story behind loli fucking

>> No.1367836

What do you need to get the blow job again? Got everything but that now.

>> No.1367890


Hizashi had a sequel?!

>> No.1367921


It's "Another Day" or whatever. Not hard to unlock.

>> No.1367926

I haven't seen this scene yet. And you can get her to give you a blowjob in Hizashi complement?

>> No.1367933

I'll be asking for walkthrough on that. Or specifically, what am I supposed to do to get it?

>> No.1367970


Get all the basic scenes in Day 4.

Schoolgirl outfit and nude at least.
My data keeps fucking clearing itself so I can't say for sure.

>> No.1367995


My Hizashi says it's 1.0, but it has a swimsuit, so that's just the title screen fucking with me, right? That it's really complement 1.5?

>> No.1368018

I have this problem. Anybody know how I can get the full version completely installed? I'm not sure if I'm missing anything, it saying 1.0 and all.

>> No.1368139

when she's in the green shirt, cum on her, not in her

Someone posted the completed save file, I think I still have it, let me check

>> No.1368152

If you do that'd be cool, all the ones in /rs/ are only for the 1.0 version.

>> No.1368173


here you go guys. I downloaded the game from TT, but i dont know what version that it

>> No.1368190

I've never been able to get past the green shirt part.

>> No.1368194

what version that is*

yeah, TT just says "Complete Edition"

>> No.1368208

thats the same one as on /rs/

>> No.1368218

then dl the other version?lol

what do you guys need help with? I pretty much got all the scenes except one.

>> No.1368231

I got the v1.5 extended edition

>> No.1368260
File: 139 KB, 650x509, 1222397131163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you guys need to know where to put the files?

also, tell me which scene you need help with

>> No.1368269


>> No.1368276


I'm trying to lick her pussy, but it only looks at it and you can spread but not lick.

>> No.1368306

It goes in the data folder right?

>> No.1368316

It's almost been a year since that guy from LAH forums has supposedly been translating this/porting it to DS.

God damn it.
/jp/ we should be able to translate a simple game like this, right? It's only flash..

>> No.1368343
File: 16 KB, 532x98, 1222397967553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we just assume someone else is going to do it, so we dont really bother i guess, lol/

>> No.1368359

I wanna do it, but I'm too dumb. I don't know where to start. I'll just yell at my DS.

>> No.1368360

Actually /jp/ this game is super simple to translate, its built completely in flash which you can decomple.

>> No.1368364

Also, fuck the DS thing for now.

>> No.1368372

Time to google flash decompilers then.

>> No.1368380

How do you use the savefiles you download?

>> No.1368399


or >>1368269 and open the html file

>> No.1368425

I'll check back in the morning. Still not sure what lam messing up on though.

>> No.1368690

Where do the save files go? I tried data, but it didn't work.

>> No.1368730

I have vista aids, so it might be a little different.

>> No.1368896
File: 320 KB, 419x195, 1222403677421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I got a flash decompiler, just extracted this little scene and it came up to 600mB, most likely because of all the images are png.

Anyone interested in translating this? We might be able to do it, and it seems simple, there's not much text I believe.

>> No.1368926

Just your imagination.

>> No.1368923

I ... I think I see loli vagoo. God I need to play this again.

>> No.1368931

You're seeing things bro

>> No.1368946


I'll try to dig up some more info, but I was around when a loli board attempted to translate and uncensor the game.

They discovered that some (all?) of the art is uncensored but with a mozac layer on top. Heres a link with a post about half way down talking about it.


>> No.1368945

anyone has the link to the walk through to unlock all the scenes?

>> No.1368956

There project page with all the goodies.


>> No.1368966

Little Angels is still around? Wow, I found 4chan that way, well ... not4chan though that eventually found it's way here. They outlived everyone, renchan, not4chan, renachan.

I haven't been back there in forever.

>> No.1368983


>> No.1368995


>> No.1369023

I know Anon, but it's been a long time since they started working on it. As I stated in >>1368316 .

Also here's their official dev blog http://hentaids.littleangelshentai.net/?cat=5
The latest thing said about the project was:

"I am concentrating on finishing the translation of the original game, this project will continue when the translation has been released. ^^
Comment made by Sat on August 10, 2008 @ 11:51 pm"

Way too slow, I'm pretty sure we can translate the game in no time.

>> No.1370435

That's what I'm saying, but use Littleangel's data and info they found to give us a head start. We should dig deeper on this de-cencoring layer business.

>> No.1371127 [SPOILER] 
File: 31.00 MB, 512x670, 1222442864966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Image is the only one I have found so far.
But there's really no way to decensor it without actually redrawing everything that's censored, so just translating it would be fine.

>> No.1371193
File: 35 KB, 182x152, 1222444306495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sorry I wasn't clear, it appears that maybe ALL THE ARTWORK (INCLUDING THE ANIMATIONS) is UNCENSORED on its base layer in the .swf, with a CENSOR LAYER ON TOP.

Remove the censor layer and boom, uncensored loli fuckin.

Spoiler for uncensored example found in .swf

>> No.1371197 [SPOILER] 
File: 35 KB, 182x152, 1222444383753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sorry I wasn't clear, it appears that maybe ALL THE ARTWORK (INCLUDING THE ANIMATIONS) are UNCENSORED on its base layer in the .swf, with a CENSOR LAYER ON TOP.

Remove the censor layer and boom, uncensored loli fuckin.

Spoiler for uncensored example found in .swf

>> No.1371201
File: 3 KB, 39x45, 1222444426462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic of said censor layer.

>> No.1371219

Sadly it's not. Only that picture I posted was the only one I can find.

Also the picture you posted, I have never seen in the game.
So no, there is no way to uncensor it unless we redraw. Are you using a flash decompiler? If not you can get it off /rs/. Check it out yourself.

>> No.1371291


lol I was trolling a little bit, hoped to motivate someone into looking deeper. I used SoThink to decompile the files and I'v been checking every one for any signs of uncensored goodness.

>> No.1371306

There's an uncensor patch

>> No.1371322

Oh. I thought you were being ignorant and stupid. Got me good.

Looks like no one is up for translating it then.
Guess I'll wait for LAH a few more years, like every other faggot.

>> No.1371320

When's that new game of theirs coming out?

>> No.1371325


Link or fail.


>> No.1371329

When I first downloaded and played this, I remembered it being uncensored. This was years ago though.

>> No.1371352
File: 63 KB, 1024x768, 1222448323660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1371381


Please, do go on

>> No.1371562

I'm pretty sure that the ds port is just a prank.

>> No.1371572

It feels good man

>> No.1371588

lol no.

brb touching 2d lolis in public.

>> No.1371666

Here's a nice park you can go to and play the game: http://www.shropshirestar.com/2008/09/08/town-park-staff-to-quiz-adults/

>> No.1371815
File: 236 KB, 720x480, 1222457182115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1371889

Well, I'm going to play around with this and test it out, If it's actually possible to translate it, then i'll start up a project if anyone is interested.

>> No.1372045

Wow, England sucks.
