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1366132 No.1366132 [Reply] [Original]

Idolm@ster guest producer Kenshiro: http://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/6161752#pt_a
Idolm@aster guest producer Rei: http://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/6642593#at_a

>> No.1366138

holy crap

>> No.1366156

oh wow, i lol'd

and i don't even really know what idolm@ster is all about (groping lolis??)

>> No.1366188

Raising lolis into idols. Ranka gaem.

Holy shit, if you're going to watch any of them, watch the last Kenshiro one: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm4637952

>> No.1366231

What does that ``noomaru komyunikeeshon'' thing mean?

>> No.1366264

Normal Communication. It's how well you did in the scene. There's bad, normal and good.

Also, Souther guest production: http://www.nicovideo.jp/tag/将星のP?sort=f&order=a

>> No.1366279

Normal Communication. It's how well you did in the scene. There's bad, normal and beautiful.

Also, Souther guest production: http://www.nicovideo.jp/tag/将星のP?sort=f&order=a

>> No.1366318

Normal Communication. It's how well you did in the scene. There's bad, normal, good and perfect.

Also, Souther guest production: http://www.nicovideo.jp/tag/将星のP?sort=f&order=a

>> No.1366434

Guest Producer Shin: http://www.nicovideo.jp/tag/殉星のP?sort=f&order=a

Haruka-chan moe~

>> No.1366981


>> No.1366975


>> No.1367036

What the hell is up with that game?

Where is my 360 emulator?

>> No.1367053

Miki almost rapes you at one point during an electrical outage.

And while practicing posing for a picture shoot, she lets you do "whatever you want" with her.

You never get to see the actual picture, though...

>> No.1369171
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