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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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13639488 No.13639488 [Reply] [Original]


How do you feel about the deeper aspects of otaku culture becoming more known?

>> No.13639490
File: 27 KB, 600x337, n3UcU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels good.

>> No.13639494


>> No.13639518

It needs to stop.

>> No.13639545
File: 98 KB, 600x674, 1293602439950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not wanting to talk about anime with normies

>> No.13639553

fuck off lauren
stop spamming your shit article

>> No.13639588

do you think its really her? will she be my weeb gf if i ask?

>> No.13639627

Who are you quoting?

>> No.13639632

>very few fans harbor delusions about actually marrying their waifus or husbandos

I loathe normies pretending to be otakus.

>> No.13639635 [DELETED] 
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>using kike memes

>> No.13639659

Kaiku meimus dewanai!!!

>> No.13639664

This is a marketing technique where a forbes shill is trying to get us

>> No.13639673
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The girl in the article who said she is in love with Hina has good taste

>> No.13639766



>> No.13639825
File: 217 KB, 600x621, hina (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one of you is the Hinaguy?

>> No.13639836
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>on merchandise of his waifus, Maki and Onodera.

>> No.13639841

Shouldn't it waifi?

Isn't "waifus" latin?

>> No.13639842
File: 233 KB, 600x800, 30394787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forbes you are still a click-baity piece of garbage website and your magazine is time but for people who watch entourage

>> No.13639974

It's a girl.

>> No.13640066

Are you rich, OP? Why else would you be reading Forbes?

>> No.13640102
File: 39 KB, 1280x720, [UTW]_Fate_stay_night_Unlimited_Blade_Works_-_22_[h264-720p][0FF31339].mkv_snapshot_01.51_[2015.06.12_09.40.18].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can a girl like a girl??

>> No.13640120

>How do you feel about the deeper aspects of otaku culture becoming more known?

I am happy that we will soon be allowed to marry cartoon/game characters. I mean, marriage is a social construct that was designed to discriminate. We have to stop all those hurt feelings and a man marrying a fictional girl is as logical as a man marrying another man. The girl might be real in a parallel universe, and if there are infinite realities there will be a Miku that wants to marry you. How can you deny the wish of to real people just because they live in different universes?
I'll go to the US Supreme Court and ask them how they can discriminate against me. They are 2Dphobic. I say that as a trans-2D man.
Marrying 2D girls will also reduce the number of white children, a top priority.

>> No.13640124

>“My girlfriend knows of my waifu, and she’s fine with it because she has waifus of her own,” said Kim. “Even if I get a wife in the future, Asuna will still always be my waifu.”
What the actual fuck?

>> No.13640141

You forgot the part where it gives today's women a big wake up call, once they see that their beta orbiters & husband material "good guys" have replaced them w/ someone much more stable & efficient.

Even if they grow brains & start lowering their standards, it will be too late - as we will have no interest in them.

>> No.13640171
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I was also really confused. I feel like there are entire aspects of society that I'll never understand.

>> No.13640231

That was surprisingly sensical. That doc's got her head screwed on straight,

>> No.13640240


>> No.13640251

You heard me.

>> No.13640259

You guys are kidding, right? Because if you're not, you need to get the fuck out of /jp/.

>> No.13640267


>> No.13640612

Its just normalfags pretending to be ''nerdy'' like usual. Obviously its absolutely retarded-

>> No.13641235 [DELETED] 

>he didn't know you've been able to marry 2d for years now
Gotta work on that bait.

>> No.13642593

Didnt you witness that guy marrying Nene from love plus.

>> No.13642599

It's not quite incorrect, but just reading about this shit is cringeworthy.

Forbes must be doing quite badly if they're searching for readership in the ranks of the chronically unemployed anime nerd.

>> No.13642611 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13642624 [DELETED] 

But it's literally otaku culture...

>> No.13643478

How much is the author paying you to spam her article?

>> No.13643490

They called the gundam a robot.
I'm surprised that they were able to at least get the franchise right.

>> No.13644069

Lauren is just pissed her dumb bitch ass got dumped for a superior kind of chick. Fucking bitch

>> No.13644085

Is this "Lauren" more than just some shitty Forbes writer? Does she have a dark and troubled past?

>> No.13644086

Woah, easy anon.

/jp/ is a place where you're supposed to take it easy.

>> No.13647208

>Are you rich, OP? Why else would you be reading Forbes?

>> No.13647211

She's just a contributor, she doesn't even really work for them.

>> No.13647339


No dude, you don't understand. They're fictional characters. They can't freely say yes or no or anything, which means they can't consent or marry. This means every time you jerk off to them you're actually committing rape.

>> No.13648295
File: 291 KB, 1940x1091, waifu-1940x1091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She is cute.

>> No.13648365

I like the Himari figurine

>> No.13648476

It's nice to see an article by a major news outlet about stuff I like that isn't a bunch of lies and fear mongering.

I won't say any names so you're safe, CNN.

>> No.13651266


Why are cute girls such (cam)whores?

>> No.13651274

Why are tripfags such (attention)whores?

>> No.13651309

Why are you such an ass(hole)?

>> No.13651341

Why can Shinji (not) redo?

>> No.13651368

They really think $500 is a lot to spend on one character? I've spent that in just one month on my waifu.

>> No.13651417


4.0 when?

>> No.13651493

I could buy everything with my waifu in it and it still wouldn't come out to $500 unless I decided I should buy identical copies of everything.

I guess people do talk about the whole three-copies, one for storing, one for admiring, and one for using.

>> No.13651514

This is the first article from a western I've read that was simultaneously honest and respectful. I'm honestly happy.

>> No.13651606


These weirdos are the bread and butter of this board, man. /jp/ is the only place that will except em', excepting possibly /d/.

>> No.13651620

Yeah, but when you're talking about characters from entry level shows like SAO they have shit tons of merch, $300 is like, what 3 figures of Asuna? Don't forget these are people with jobs and thus disposable income so it's not a lot to them.

>> No.13651704

>waifu/husbando shit

kill yourself.

>> No.13651778

If you actually watched the video you would see that she's not serious and it's just a joke for her stream fans.

>> No.13651797



>> No.13651919

Okay? I don't see how you can think she is serious when she doesn't know who the character on the daki is.

>> No.13653626

Cute is justice!
You are wrong.

>> No.13658385

It depends Anon, if your waifu is from a quite old show you may have a hard time to find merchandise of her and when you find them they cost a lot.
I had to pay 400usd for a 60cm doll of my beloved.

>> No.13658909

I feel like this nyanners incident where a girl uses this otaku hobby to gain more popularity but then completely drops it when she finally earns a megaphone is becoming more common. It'll be hilarious as usual when they step on a landmine because they don't share the same passion about it as the pioneers

>> No.13658988

What happened to her?

>> No.13659061

Either that or they move on to more "accessible" fandoms. How many do you think Homestuck or MLP fans were former anime and manga geeks?

>> No.13659202 [DELETED] 

I wish my entry entry level sao waifu had $300 in merch. Even useless Silica has more crap to buy of her.

>> No.13659204
File: 309 KB, 662x936, Silica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey. She was adorable. That's all the work she needs to do.

>> No.13659206

I wish I was able to spend $300 on my SAO waifu. Even useless Silica has more merchandise.

>> No.13659210
File: 157 KB, 299x361, 15a3f51e1cc8c1db468e2d0088010b53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry anon, she is adorable. I'm only mad because Lisbeth has less merch. Nothing personal.

>> No.13659828

>entry level shows like SAO
If only there was such thing as non entry level anime.

>> No.13664174


>> No.13664206

It's fourth declension, so the plural would be waifus, with a long vowel as the last u.

>> No.13664213

That company must make so much money off retarded otaku posers. One of the best business ideas I've seen.
