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13593290 No.13593290 [Reply] [Original]

What happens if you make it all the way to the final stage in a Touhou game then decide to die to fairies 3 times and not use a continue? Does Reimu just like stand there, go "shit guys, look like we're not doing this. give me 20 aiight?", and then fly all the way back home?

>> No.13593315

losing isn't canon.


>> No.13593341

Then what happens if I beat the game with Reimu and Marisa? Did Scarlet just go ahead and decide to do it again so Marisa didn't feel left out or something?

>> No.13593365

It's actually a very hard question because supposedly all the games are non-canon, there is a true canon route where everything happens (even losing as part of the experience) and everyone resolves the incident.

>> No.13593370

Some of the bad endings are like that. Your Touhou goes home all pissed and sets out to try again.

>> No.13593415

What if Scarlet wanted to cause another incident but Reimu and Marisa are both hungover or sick or something. Would she just like get super disappointed and mop around the rest of the day because nobody gave her any recognition.

>> No.13593418

Depends on the intensity of the incident.

Reimu didn't want to bother with the snow incident too because it seemed harmless at first.

>> No.13593450

Maybe the human villagers could just get really pissed off and send a cease and desist letter to the trouble maker. Or threaten to invent Xanax causing everyone to stop giving a shit about youkai.

>> No.13593769

Is the source of that info your ass, anon?

>> No.13593806

secondary thread

>> No.13594162

I shall repeat it then, the extra stage in IN where everyone somehow have met or know Kaguya.

>> No.13594432

>the extra stage in IN where everyone somehow have met or know Kaguya.
>all the games are non-canon
I can tell that you're not the brightest kid on the short bus, but please try to not contradict yourself.

>> No.13594479

Even the gameplay part has hole since it only has one team meeting Mokou when the prologue means to invite all of them, so the real event should be all of them meeting Mokou IMO.

>> No.13594502

What if one team simply got to Mokou first, or the others got lost? It's not really much of a plot hole if there's a reasonable explanation for it.

>> No.13598483

It actually is. It was mentioned that Reimu ends up winning anyway because she keeps re-challenging whoever beats her.

>> No.13598639

The fairy manga mentioned that Reimu lost to fairies once, although being used in masse as small fry.

The plot is more intricated than that, both routes are canon but only Reimu finishes it most of the time, Marisa probably reached the library and then stopped, while Reimu finished everything.
For example it's known that Reimu finished SA but Marisa said that she also went underground that time, so she probably stopped her investigation at a certain point, probably at the palace since she knows very well where it is.

>> No.13598743

On a more serious note, what exactly alliws someone to be an incident solver? I know Reimu and Sanae are important as shrine maidens and Youmu is with Yuyuko who has a very important role. But what about Sakuya and Marisa? To the best of knowledge Remia isn't that important in terms of occupation beyond being a powerhouse with influence over vampires who are troublesome creatures and Marisa is pretty much an independant human who befriended Reimu at some point.

Can any human resident of Genoskyo who is proficient at danmaku solve incidents should they choose? Why don't full Youkai ever do it intentionally on their own?

>> No.13598752

They are doing it alright.

See the youkai helpers in IN, Youmu and now Reisen.

>> No.13598762

Youmo is half and I thought raisin go retconned?

>> No.13598781

Youmu being playable despite being a hafu means it's not strictly a pure human business.

Reisen case is either a typo or a play by ZUN since she's still an alien rabbit recognized by both other people and even herself, not a human.

>> No.13598800

Hypothetically speaking whats happens if a large amount of residents act up in a "non-incident" way. Like lets say a large group of humans ally with youkai and many willingly let themselves be turned into vampires.

Grimfags asside who think Yukari slaughters them all, who deals with this? It seems inevitable.

>> No.13598832

Human villagers that let themselves get turned into vampires, or any type of youkai, would be killed. If they were from outside te village nobody would likely give a crap, but villagers need to stay human on penalty of death.

>> No.13598833

There's always a mastermind behind every incident.

Find her and bring her to Gensokyian justice.

>> No.13598848

Well that's exactly what I'm saying. More outsiders are showing up in Gensokyo because of the barrier. Sooner or later there will be some Youkai who decide said outsiders are worth more than just food, entertainment, or company. It's not much of a stretch to say many human villagers would abruptly hop onboard. Single cases like the count are easily snuffed out but if it mainly concerned youkai and outsiders it could go under the radar and then happen rather abruptly. Afterall it's in human nature to hop aboard something appealing, interesting, and different if it seems benefitial to oneself.

I'm not saying it'll happen or ZUN will make it happen but in a real world scenario its more than feasible. There are always people who go against the grain.

>> No.13598912

Outsiders will most likely only ever end up being food or more villagers, and even if there were some that would become youkai, the villagers likely know they're supposed to stay human, especially after what happened to the count. And if, by some small chance, more villagers do start jumping on the youkai bandwagon, to the point that Reimu would have trouble snuffing them out on her own, it would be likely that youkai like Yukari would start exterminating the villager youkai as well to help enforce the rules.

>> No.13599126

What I'm suggesting is a snowball effect. It seems to me the balance is awfully fragile and if Yukari were to just go ahead and dispose of the deviants the end result would be majorly damaging regardless of what happens. Youkai as a whole aren't exclusively out to get humans, they exist because of humans so it's not impossible to say that they'd be willing to use them for their own satisfaction and goals. If such a thing were to occur what would end up happening would be a major group of residents in unrest.

What I'm asking is how would such a thing be handled? I don't want to call Gensokyo a zoo or a pen but in a way thats sort of what it is. At times in real life there are animals like Orangutans that are smart enough to escape or try to exploit the staff who bring them food or charm the people visiting to throw popcorn over the fence. What if these "orangutans" somehow found a way to get the other members of the zoo the uprise for a non-specific reason Animal Farm style. Living beings don't exactly like the notion of being treated as livestock, regardless of whether or not it's in their best interest (ie: the native humans, fairies, and weaker youkai). It wouldn't take much to delude them into causing very self destructive behavior under the belief that they're fighting for their own freedom.

>> No.13599161

The balance is very fragile. All of Gensokyo needs to ensure that the village stays human, because without humans to believe in them, the youkai will die off. I know as well as the youkai do that humans are needed in Gensokyo, which is why I'm saying that those that become youkai would be promptly killed. The humans left see that 'oh hey, if I become a youkai they're going to kill me' and stay human instead, and so the balance is maintained. The humans are likely aware of their part anyways, and so if they did rise up and all become youkai, they would just be killing themselves in a different manner because there would be no other humans left to believe in them. So, to sum it all up, they're all aware of the part they have to play, and like it or not, they're stuck with it.

>> No.13599170

Or say "If we all stay humans we'll remain in this shitty situation forever but if we all turn youkai then we die but also drag the other ones with us straight to hell"

>> No.13599174

But, as far as what would be done if a large number of humans did start becoming youkai? I don't think it would ever happen in the first place, and if it did, I don't know what would be done besides doing whatever could be done to keep the rest of the humans from turning. I just think that adhering to their established rules and methods would be best in keeping the rest of the humans human.

>> No.13599176

Sorry this example was drunkenly typed and somewhat poorly explained. Consider this hypothetical scenario and do so separate from the case of Gensokyo.

Lets say you create a magical box that stretches to infinity and is filled with nothing but good people, sunshine, and fertile soil. In this box there is a tube connected to the outside world but this tube is also somehow a being with a conscious mind. The tube brings both things essential to life like seeds to plant and medicine to cure diseases but also abominable things like drugs and weapons. As decades past and the town within the box grows people become complacent, comfortable, and to a lesser extent self reliant. Eventually people will rise up and demand the tube be sealed shut to prevent the abominable things from entering their realm, not realizing that the tube is their only source of fresh air and without it they'll all suffocate and die. They claim the tube is bad which it is, however the tube is also good. Yet they're so immersed in the goodness the tube once brought that they now possess, they only see the bad things coming from the tube.

What I'm trying to say is sooner or later there would logically arise a group of Youkai and Humans ignorant to the fact of how good they have it and without realizing the complications of their actions, start something out of life's instinct to control it's own destiny.

>> No.13599178

I really don't think their situation is all that shitty though, but that's just me.

>> No.13599187

Even out here we're all prisoners of society, but the human village is actually a prison.

I'd still go, though.

>> No.13599189

I just want to say that Reimu is lovely.

>> No.13599206

Humans imprisoning themselves and each other is actually to our own benefit. I find it hilarious how people want to be free and independent in such a way in the real world. It's like they don't realize the reason civilization erupted in the first place is because we chose to section ourselves off from the rest of the world.

Same goes with the "sheep" insult. We're literally pack animals. Thats why people who are isolated often times get depressed. It's fucking simple shit and yet for some reason everyone glorifies being an independent lone wolf.

>> No.13599217

And I'm definitely not the best at debating, but anyways.

I'm just saying that this wouldn't happen because everyone is aware of the part they need to play. When there are those that become blind to how good they have it and rise up, they are removed by the established rules. And so life goes on.

>> No.13599284

Won't things eventually reach a boiling point though. Like everything else controversial, not everyone with an opinion speaks out or makes themselves an example. For all we know there could be plenty of humans who practice magic and or are acquainted with Youkai yet seem normal enough to avoid suspicion but inside are actually pissed off for the non specific reason of disliking the power structure or wanting their vague idea of freedom.

It's like when theres a power outage and everyone starts looting shit downtown. Plenty of people doing it are criminals but a lot of others are doing it because others are doing it and they can get away with it. Thus the snowball effect.

If enough villagers and or youkai started causing shit Yukari and Reimu couldn't just go ahead and dispose of them all. Thats why they probably have vision on all the shit that goes down in the village. It's also proof enough that such a thing is a foreseeable threat.

>> No.13599337

It could reach a boiling point, but I suppose I'm just saying that I think it has a fairly low chance of happening.

>> No.13599392

Anyways, trying to loop back to the original question. Why is it that Youkai don't resolve incidents themselves? If Reimu never solved the problem of the scarlet mists surely someone else would have eventually.

>> No.13599418

SA's prologue makes it sound like they would have if not for the agreement with the oni.

>> No.13599452

No need to rely on Reimu or Marisa, she has a protag right there in her house.

>> No.13599471

Look at ISC. Most of the people going after Seija were indeed youkai. We can infer that youkai dealing with other youkai is commonplace, it's just never been shown before because the games happened to concentrate on humans.

>> No.13599476

Humans need to solve incidents because it's their job, just like it's the job of youkai to cause incidents. If not Reimu or Marisa, another powerful human would likely step up to the plate eventually.

>> No.13599859

You won't say that when she bashes your head in and kill you like she killed Count Nosferatu

>> No.13599870

Well, solving incidents is primarily the Shrine Maiden's job. Why take it on your hands when someone else is supposed to do it in the first place?
