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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 41 KB, 800x600, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1359136 No.1359136 [Reply] [Original]

Good morning, /jp/. Good evening America. Let's get to business.

I figured out how to fix the gamebreakan errors, and discovered a way to find these errors relatively quickly. The process of finding these problem NSS files basically details:

1. Replace original NSS file with the inserted, translated one.
2. Start chapter.
3. Save the game in the chapter with NSS in question.
4. Load it.
5. Repeat from step 1 until crash. Then fix error in NSS file.

Not too hard, you think. Yeah, it isn't; you just have to do that close to 200 times. Am I just being lazy? No, because I tried debugging an unforgiving engine I knew nothing about for around a week. :\

Here's the link to the Wiki page with the details. A fully functional Chapter 1 is included for your enjoyment.

Thanks for your participation, if any, /jp/.

>> No.1359147


you guys have no one with any talent working on this project. everytime i come to /jp/ i see threads asking for help

>> No.1359155

nitro+ engine was here
tinfoil is a faget

>> No.1359164

So... about those unedited text files and non edited images....

>> No.1359163

its over, Chaos;Head is finished

>> No.1359179


go back to gaia

>> No.1359183
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So did you fix it? Fight on, I have faith in you.

>> No.1359212

>Good evening America

>> No.1360576

Age for horrid participation by the night crowd. My main goal is to ship this out before October 6, the day the anime that looks horrible comes out.

Max, our resident hikikomori image editor, is MIA and I have no idea what happened to him. If you can do a fuckawesome job of resetting scanlines, head over to #ensue and start editing. I've already done scanline removal, so it's just a matter of 2D perspective and replacing scanline curves.

>> No.1360587

I, for one, thank you for all the hard work you've done. Thank you.

>> No.1360651




>> No.1360661

I for one like scanlines.

>> No.1360672


>> No.1360684


>> No.1360697
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>> No.1360771

If you really finish before the animu, we'll love you. Yeah, lately you have been kinda fagets, but at least not as much as mirrormoon dudes.

>> No.1360774

Please, for god's sake PLEASE get rid of Comic Sans MS. Use whatever you fucking want, Segoe UI, Anime Ace or whatever, even fucking Arial but not Comic Sans.

I don't believe in God, by the way.

>> No.1360775

Comic Scans

>> No.1360785

Comic Scans

>> No.1360789

You're using ComicSans?


>> No.1360791

They did in some screenshots.

I think it was just a sick sick joke though.

>> No.1360796

Those screenshots were a joke. What was not a joke was that Comic Sans was everywhere in GUI images.

>> No.1360802

Did they take it out or something?

>> No.1360822

After /jp/ raged hard.

>> No.1360833

And this shows the downsides of wiki projects. Even if you do translate the thing, you still lack experienced staff for the other tasks.
And sometimes, even the translator can fail spectacularly. I took a look at the GnC translation here and there, ahahah oh wow

>> No.1360874

I see you're working with the bugs this time. Are you not getting help from Hongfire or something?

>> No.1360881

I don't see how it not being a wiki project would help against the whole "lacking experienced staff" part.

>> No.1360943

CH installer asks for cd-key. Where do I get it?

>> No.1360953


>> No.1360962

>A fellow /jp/ anon, TinFoil
Haha oh wow.

>> No.1360994


>> No.1361019

The events of the game start in four days.

>> No.1361027

I already got rid of your damn Comic Sans. I replaced it with Myriad Pro Black Condensed.

>> No.1361044

Fuck yeah playing time

>> No.1361118

why did my game crashes when Takumi went to the hospital ? :x

>> No.1361120
File: 23 KB, 800x600, 1222262566063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell.

>> No.1361128


>> No.1361136


Read the fucking thread.

>> No.1361138

Blame TinFoil.

>> No.1361148

man I dont know how you get "LOL" out of "ふひひ"

>> No.1361193

He did come online for a very short time yesterday, the first time in who knows how long...he said the following:
[09:19] * m4xwellmurder[work] has joined #Ensue
[09:19] <m4xwellmurder[work]> hmm
[09:38] <Guest1710209> o u didn't die
[09:38] <m4xwellmurder[work]> no
[09:38] <m4xwellmurder[work]> but for some reason
[09:38] <m4xwellmurder[work]> I don't really feel like talking to anyone...
[09:38] <m4xwellmurder[work]> so...i'm not sure why i'm here
[09:41] <Lohengrin> oh hey max
[09:41] <Lohengrin> whatup
[09:41] <Lohengrin> we love you
[09:41] <m4xwellmurder[work]> ...ok i'm leaving
[09:42] * m4xwellmurder[work] has quit IRC (Quit: Who's eyes are those eyes...)

>> No.1361195

>Who's eyes are those eyes

>> No.1361194

Looks like someone was attention whoring.

>> No.1361209

>[09:19] <m4xwellmurder[work]> hmm
>[09:38] <Guest1710209> o u didn't die
>[09:38] <m4xwellmurder[work]> no
He just waited in IRC for twenty minutes till someone paid attention.

>> No.1361234

Jebus, someone takes the time and applies the effort to translate a VN for those of us that don't speak moon, then you guys troll the hell out of him when he hits a snag, for shame, /jp/.

>> No.1361249


It could make sense if your name was 'Who'.

>> No.1361253

I, for once, am thankful for their hard work.

>> No.1361251

4chan has always been working like that. Just what are you complaining about?

>> No.1361254

What's your point?

>> No.1361295

There's a lot of us here that speak moon

>> No.1361304

I'm just annoyed at the need for perfect scanline edits.
m4xwellmurder has disappeared, and I'm not patient enough to do hours of re-editing because of those evil scanlines. This scanline thing is really scaring off image editors. Honestly, I think I'd prefer stroked text instead of massive edits.

>> No.1361312

I dont know though, I kind of disagree, sure its annoying that the whole scanline thing is getting out of hand. but I dont want half ass edits or anything...I would rather wait for top quality edits.

>> No.1361316
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Cousin Who is always missing at these family reunions.

>> No.1361343
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>> No.1361347

The protagonist is a faggot.

>> No.1361380

Mind clearing something up for the photoshop ignorant? Why are the scanlines so difficult to do? They look to me like a repeated series of constant color, or at most gradient, lines. Tinfoil said they're already removed; why is adding them in so difficult?

>> No.1361392
File: 54 KB, 800x600, 1222267925805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My imouto ;_;

>> No.1361399

Goddamn I don't like the main character already

>> No.1361419

It's not if they're already removed. Getting them to look right is tedious though.

>> No.1361424

btw how are the controls working? after the prolog, text won't advance when clicking the left mouse button, unless I click the right mouse button to call the menu, which pauses the game, twice to advance the text ... wat?

>> No.1361429

Works fine after that

>> No.1361454

Here is what I propose:

1. new IRC channel, run by me.
2. no, none of you can join
3. I'll unfuck the .nss file
4. I'll refuck the images using MingLiu instead of comic fucking sans
5. upload
6. shut the fuck up.
7. end.

>> No.1361476

You do that, and the translation team keeps doing stuff the way they do.
Let's see who manages to release a quality patch for the entire game first.

>> No.1361484

do it faggot.

>> No.1361507

There's no more comic sans faggot

>> No.1362833
File: 17 KB, 506x388, 1222290687999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nitroplus is very 2ch-informed. ww and all the Shift_JIS characters included. In that case, the only text in that line was www. Just remember not to RAGE and you'll be fine with the rofl and SUGEEEE!!!1!!1!! since they're the Japanese equivalents. Yes, in the original script it says SUGEEE!!!1!1!!

What do you expect, it's /jp/. I trolled you guys with this image before because you were giving the image editors so much shit. No hard feelings. (in before never forgive & forget)

Also, click the green heartbeat trigger for instant ecchi in Chapter 1. Topless and open-shirted loli imouto included in the deal.

>> No.1362849

>click the green heartbeat trigger for instant ecchi in Chapter 1

>> No.1362853


>> No.1362858

Got black screen in hospital, chapter 2. What the fuck?

>> No.1362886

When there's this green cardiac up-and-down thing on the top left corner of the screen and this annoying twinging sound looping. Click the red one if you're into shitting bricks or guro.

Can't say that about the rest of the game, though. Red does have some more guro later on, although you get a BAD END.

>> No.1362896
File: 225 KB, 420x796, 1222291608415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I believe that's an electrocardiogram, friend.

>> No.1362898


I saw something like that on niconico, so I'm not surprised.

>> No.1362902

but that line does not say www, it says "ふひひ" ill even post of screen cap of that very scene in Japanese....and it will say "ふひひ"

>> No.1362965

There are 5 places where green/red points appear in 1st chapter. Which one leads to loli?

>> No.1362986

Where the imouto shows up in your cargo container.

>> No.1363013
File: 62 KB, 1680x1050, 1222292761926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clearly that cant mean "LOL" if anything that has to be a "hah" or "hehe"

>> No.1363042

if you guys get it out b4 October 6th hero status

that having been said please get it out before November

>> No.1363050

She's not loli :<

>> No.1363154

fuhihi to be exact.
Change it if you want.
