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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 176 KB, 1362x955, top_system02_chara01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13582789 No.13582789 [Reply] [Original]

Yoru no Nai Kuni gameplay footage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5Bx8vyVDnA

Ar Tonelico For Lazy People Pack™:

Contains torrents for the games along with the emulator installer and bios. Plugins are automatically included. Thanks to Anonymous for this.

Note: Newer emulator downloads than what is in the lazy pack can be found here: http://pcsx2.net/downloads.php
Note2: If you encounter sprite glitches, try a Version >= r5101 from http://pcsx2.net/svn.php

AT2 Raki bug patch - http://www.mediafire.com/?bp8ydy03ml7r5xa
You shouldn't need this if you're using a new version (0.9.7+) of PCSX2. Thanks to anonymous for uploading this!

Latest Technical Data Compilation Room Issue:

Latest Toukousphere Translation can be found on the top of this page:
April Fools TKS:

Ar tonelico 2 Relocalization Project. Beta patch already out:
http://w11.zetaboards.com/Revatail_Hymmne/topic/10690289/1/ (You need to register to access the subforum)


>> No.13582878

Is this the yuri game?

>> No.13584104
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>> No.13585553

Yoru looks fucking amazing! Day one import!

>> No.13587067

From what is shown, it looks pretty damn good considering Gust's previous record for action RPGs.

>> No.13589016

Better quality https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdwVdr5JM8E

>> No.13589043

So, it comes down to Gust swooping as low as fishing for the yuri fanboy crowd? Into the trash.

>> No.13589203

Note that they are probably in desperate condition, and pandering fags probably the easiest thing they could do.

>> No.13591617

The entire AT series is inspiration to me from the concept to the music. I'm lacking in good design images though. Can you guys post either amazing outfits or architecture from the series?

>> No.13592172

One reason why I like GUST Games is because there always is a decent amount of flat chests. Right now I'm a bit irritated about the bust sizes used in Yoru no Nai Kuni.

>> No.13592194
File: 267 KB, 600x819, Yoru-no-Nai-Kuni_05-31-15_008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least the ghost is flat.

>> No.13593474

Shit, I forgot to make a new save after deciding to go hunt for Misha's song. How much will I miss if I decide to not restart to pick Aurica's route?

>> No.13593712

Most of phase 2 is different depending on who you went with. Misha's route is definitely the more interesting one, though.

>> No.13595652


This looks like it can be popular enough in the West to justify English release, and PS4 version means there's some chance of seeing it ported to PC.
...yes, I'm still mad about Ciel.

>> No.13596877
File: 128 KB, 960x544, シェルノサージュ_1 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instead of feeling mad about something you can't change, why not get started on moon now so you can be with Ion sooner?

>> No.13598134

Not him but being a Vita exclusive bother me more than nonexisting translition.

>> No.13598204

Aurica a shit. Misha best. Follow your heart.

>> No.13598245

I have considered this statement and will agree that the flat-chested characters are always the best in Gust games. Coincidence? I think not.

>> No.13599547
File: 202 KB, 643x869, ynnk_top_sel01_chara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of the Manas from the pre-Arland games.

>> No.13599556

I'm not really irritated about the sizes themselves. But I am irritated with how much focus they've given to showing them off.

>> No.13603546 [DELETED] 

Why is this not in /vg/?

>> No.13603557

Are you bored, and looking to stir up trouble? Please post in other threads for that, thank you!!

>> No.13603600 [DELETED] 

I take this is admitting you belong to /vg/?

>> No.13603624

It could go either way, but I don't want to mingle with people that post in boards starting with 'v', so I'm fine with it being here. Besides, this has been discussed over and over and no one really gives a fuck anymore. But of course, you know all of that, or else you wouldn't be so confrontational about it.

>> No.13603632 [DELETED] 


>> No.13603672
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Why don't you go back wherever you came from?

>> No.13603698
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>> No.13603709 [DELETED] 

Learn to use SAGE you fucking newfag.
Thanks for the proof you belong to /vg/ though.

>> No.13605650

I was looking to see if I could get Atelier Iris for ps2 but the prices are practically the same as ps3 games like the arland and dusk series. I guess I can just download them instead.

>> No.13606190
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>> No.13606923

Oh man, this actually looks decent.

>> No.13606934

If you like weeb and/or indie games, not getting the Vita is a mistake.

>> No.13609310
File: 146 KB, 960x544, シェルノサージュ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13609344

Vita in current state is kusoge station. I have ps3 to play jrpg and CielNo is the only game on Vita i'm interested in. Beside I would never play my weeb stuff in public.

>> No.13609514

>Vita in current state is kusoge station.
I don't think that's fair. We've gotten P4G, Demon Gaze, Soul Sacrifice, Ciel nosurge, upcoming Yoru no nai, upcoming Ray Gigant, upcoming Death under the Labyrinth, Project Diva, IA/VT, Ys, Ken no Machi no Ihoujin, Freedom Wars, Phantasy Star, God Eater 2, a ton of VNs I can't even name like Saenai, Yuuki Yuuna, and those are just the exclusives. Beside that there's stuff like Atelier, Danganronpa, Steins;Gate, VLR, if you haven't played them yet.

Dungeon Travelers, Tales of, Makai Shin Trillion, Eiyuu Densetsu, Blazblue

Of course there's also stuff like Senran, Neptune, P4 Dance all night, Akiba Strip, Sorcery Saga, Toukiden, Gravity Daze, Shantae, Tearaway, SAO, Moero, Monpiece, EDF, and a ton of remastered indies, if that's your thing.

Calling Vita kusoge station is uncalled for.

>> No.13609696

Exclude stuff that also available on PC and PS3 and only kusoge remain.

>> No.13611967

The only kusoge in there is Persona.
All the Personas are kusoge.

>> No.13613831

Apparently there's a bug in AnS where the Lv1 TxBIOS don't work at all...

>> No.13613848

There's nothing wrong with persona 1 and 2.

>> No.13613994


Yes. I'm still working on it. It will be finished.

>> No.13618506
File: 804 KB, 1280x720, Ar nosurge Ode to an Unborn Star(8).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this allowed?

>> No.13620131

Nay's buttcrack was so distracting.

>> No.13620264


What's the problem?

>> No.13622186

She needs something to entice customers to eat her shitty food.

>> No.13625232

[x] Buttdevastated

>> No.13625640

Dude, it's kind of insulting to me if you reply to my posts like two or three days late just for an opportunity to apply that /v/ meme you just learned. Please consider the quality of your posts.

>> No.13628976

What's the track that plays when you fight the guardians after you get the FFT divider?

>> No.13629022

jimmies = rustled

>> No.13634463
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>> No.13634470


>> No.13634532

so lets see

>Shurelia with big boobs
>Ion but not Ion
>some sharl

Yes a new game i''ll buy it thanks GUST!

>> No.13634586
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>> No.13634600
File: 1.21 MB, 1364x695, 08 片霧烈火 - METHOD_HYMMELI_.wav.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AT music makes some cool spectrograms.

>> No.13634629
File: 783 KB, 1364x695, 07 KOKIA - EXEC_REBIRTHIA=PROTOCOL_.wav.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rebirthia Protocol beginning

>> No.13634646
File: 1.18 MB, 1364x695, 06 Yoko - EXEC_METEMPSYCHOSIS_.(2).wav.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Odd grid or web pattern in METEMPSYCHOSIS

>> No.13634738


I have never played these games but I've been listening to AT song quite a bit and I want to know what this code-like language is. Could someone explain it or give a wiki link?

>> No.13634803


>> No.13635023
File: 152 KB, 960x544, シェルノサージュ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of the last church dates make me wish I was born in an age where VR existed.

>> No.13635323

Being the weaker MegaTen games of their day is a problem. Devil Summoner kicks the shit out of early Persona.

>> No.13635465

Yuri focus, no lolis... what do they even expect?

>> No.13635539

>yuri focus
No. Somebody even asked during the stream if it was yuri and they got told to fuck off.

>> No.13636966

>yuri focus
You what.
>Somebody even asked during the stream if it was yuri and they got told to fuck off.
Because it's obviously yuri but they're not going to say it outright. See Arland, Nanoha, etc.

>> No.13638156


>> No.13638831

Thank you

>> No.13638974

Why are GUST games so buggy? I've had AnS+ and CnS+ crash on me five times already.

>> No.13639100

It's because Koei Tecmo doesn't give a flying fuck about quality as long as the money keeps rolling. Why else do you think Gust released nothing but subpar titles recently?

>> No.13642115

So I've made the Ar no Receive tube, and gotten to the point where Ion says that she will ask Nelico about what happened, but it has been a few in game days and still nothing.

Do I just keep waiting, or is there anything I need to do?

>> No.13642143

Are you on offline?

IIRC, you have to tap to trigger a talk with Ion, then wait a few real life days. Ion will then talk to you and give you the robot recipe.

>> No.13642159

Yeah, offline.

Already waited a couple of real days on top of a few in game days. I suppose I'll keep waiting and tapping, making extra date items to make sure I haven't missed any of them.

>> No.13642177

Make sure you have triggered a tap talk with Ion talking about the missing memories. After that, just check in for ten minutes every day, you'll get the recipe. Maybe start playing Ar nosurge if you haven't already, since the beginning of that game happens at the same time as Ciel.

>> No.13642216

Grabbed JP copies of AT1 and 2 a few days ago. What am I in for?

>> No.13642254

Play it using PCSX2 on a computer. I'm fairly certain there's gamebreaking bugs in both games >>13638974 Also it lets you use save states and various quality-improving hacks.

As for the games themselves, they're pretty good. The gameplay is piss easy though; I hope you enjoy plot, world-building, and dialog.

You will also need to read some supplementary material if you want to appreciate all the details, like most of the content on the wiki http://artonelico.wikia.com/wiki/The_EXA_PICO_Universe_Wiki

>> No.13642269

Thanks, will do so then. It's a shame though, I grabbed a few ps2 games precisely to play them on console since I like the more "authentic" experience.
>I hope you enjoy plot, world-building, and dialog.

>> No.13642298

>I grabbed a few ps2 games precisely to play them on console since I like the more "authentic" experience.
There's nothing wrong with playing them on the consoles per se. Just save often and take a look at http://artonelico.wikia.com/wiki/Glitches
although I don't know if all of them are present in the JP version.

>> No.13643120

>I'm fairly certain there's gamebreaking bugs in both games
That's not true. I've never heart of those. Only the localized versions appear to have "gamebreaking" bugs.

>> No.13643125

That's funny, because >>13642298 link even says that one of the gamebreaking bugs appears in the JP version too.

>> No.13643138

I see. Still it's the only one for all of the three games that appears in the Japanese version from that article. So there aren't game-breaking bugs. And they aren't in both games.

>> No.13643349

Yeah, I've triggered the missing memories talk.

I've given it a google and apparently I've got over 100 hours of making things in order to get all the materials for the robot recipe, so I'll start working on that now. I've also seen that the events at this point might change if linked with Ar.

How far is it safe to progress in Ar without spoiling myself of Ciel stuff?

>> No.13643373

After the first boss fight, episode 15, Ar's plotline joins where Ciel leaves off. There's a lot of crafting/diving content before then, you have plenty of time.

>> No.13643380

>I've given it a google and apparently I've got over 100 hours of making things in order to get all the materials for the robot recipe, so I'll start working on that now.
Since you're offline, you can skip time so it isn't that bad. You do know that when you're crafting something, you can press the components list to craft any missing items, right?

>> No.13643397

Cool, thanks. Just finishing off XenobladeX at the moment so not starting Ar right away, but it seems I'll be finished X before Ciel at this rate.
Yeah, just a bit annoying having to make the same things over and over. I imagine it would have been pretty annoying for those playing the online version.
>You do know that when you're crafting something, you can press the components list to craft any missing items, right?
Found out 3/4 of the way into the game, wish I had noticed earlier.

>> No.13646967

How much memory do you need if you want the physical version of Ciel Nosurge Offline plus all its DLCs?

>> No.13648505

The voice pack dls are about 1.6gb total.

>> No.13648531
File: 140 KB, 800x1326, 037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New screenshot for Yoru no Nai Kuni: http://www.4gamer.net/games/301/G030198/20150609108/

>> No.13648749

This thread itself is 2 weeks old. What is your problem?
How can you even play GUST games without being a yurifag?

>No. Somebody even asked during the stream if it was yuri and they got told to fuck off.
How the fuck is it not yuri? You're making no sense.

>> No.13649001

Christopholos loli is cute.

>> No.13649242

Not sure where the guy is getting the "told to fuck off" thing from, but the yuri did come up during the stream.

Producer said that it was left up to the player's imagination, but igurashi and mao both noted there were some pretty steamy scenes.

So yeah, it's yuri but not OFFICIALLY yuri.

>> No.13649403
File: 1.99 MB, 500x281, 8c1c395ce1cfc37a66730476bbcc885c.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing is officially yuri in Japan. I don't think even Yuri Kuma Arashi is officially yuri.

>> No.13650405

I've been reading the Ar Tonelico wikia. There's all kinds of shit on there I completely missed in my playthrough of the games. Particularly about Reyvateil lifespans.

I knew third generation reyvateils need the life extending agent every three months or else they'll die, but I didn't know that even with that they never live past 40 years old. That really puts a bummer on some of the endings in AT1 and AT2. Like Cloche, Luca, and Aurica.

>> No.13650422

You mean all of the endings. Shurelia basically lives forever (and will continue to NTR after your death, hope you're happy Shurelia fags), Misha and Mir will outlive Lyner/Croix by 50+ years.

>> No.13650435


Yeah I guess with Shurelia it sucks too. I don't think it's quite as bad with Misha/Mir. They will outlive you by decades, but at least you still get to live a full life with them, unlike the halfbreed reyvateils where it's a lot shorter time period. Cloche and Luca are, what, 17 or so at the end of AT2? That means either gets to be with Croix for about 23 years. It's like marrying a woman that you know ahead of time will contract breast cancer and die at 40 no matter what you do.

>> No.13651739

After the events at the end of AT3, the 3rd generation reyvateils may be able to get far enough away from the song servers to reduce the damage, at the cost of not being able to cast song magic.

>> No.13652089


Aren't all the pureblooded reyvateils going to slowly die off after AT3? Or was that just Saki, Finnel, and Tyria? I was confused by that when I played it.

>> No.13652220

In a summary of the novel set after the events of AT3, Saki and Finnel seem to be living as normal beta-type reyvateils, while Tyria dies as a result of her exertions in the game. Finnel and Saki's health problems, I think, were resolved once Saki shed her status as a Will of the Planet, and the other Wills stopped inhabiting them. No sign that the average beta-type reyvateil was dying any faster than before.

>> No.13652944

Surge Concerto artbook release date pushed back to 10th september...

>> No.13653354

Weren't Finnel and Saki fixed at the Rinkernator in AT3's story? Tyria gets fixed by her sisters after AT3.

On the flip side, that means that pureblood Reyvateils won't be able to explore the new planet unless they set up more tower relays, but if they set up tower relays, then the 3rd gens can't escape. Hopefully they manage to fix Tatoolist Disease.

>> No.13654987

That's sad. Would be nice if they attach some small bonus for pre-orderers

>> No.13655089

I'm not an expert, but I thought the scene at the Rinkernator was only an intermediate-term patch job, and not a cure. If Saki had continued with the miracles, and Finnel continued to host all those Wills, their problems would eventually recur.

>> No.13656343

Now waiting on Atelier Sophie.

>> No.13657967

Yeah it was just putting more fuel in the telomeres, the exertions killing them in the first place were still there

Nobody would engineer some betas to kick it so soon

>> No.13658001

IIRC Tyria put enough in them so that they could live normal length lives even with the Wills in them. Of course if Saki kept using miracles she'd still be screwed but Finnel should have been fine.

>> No.13658170
File: 57 KB, 483x548, cutest mass murderer in the history of vidya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm almost finished with a playthrough of AT2 using the new translation.

It definitely fixes a number of wonky lines from the original, but I think it's too literal at times too. Like "Maiden receiving favor from the goddess" or whatever it's called.

>> No.13658536

Saki was a real psycho now that I think about it. Who would willingly turn people into confectioneries?
Even Finnel's masochism wasn't as bad by comparison.

>> No.13658619

Turning people into confections was a skill usable in combat in Atelier Iris 1. I don't remember which character could do it, but this was an essential method for generating certain ingredients.

But with Saki, you get the feeling that she isn't really aware that she is killing all those people.

>> No.13658663

Alchemists get a free pass on all moral choices. You don't go subverting the natural order and expect to come up smelling like roses.
In regards to Saki, I'm frankly surprised that she has managed to function as long as she has. Her mental skills are lacking to say the least.

>> No.13658669

She's a Will. Killing and death aren't concepts that she would know. War is literally like two kids fighting over a toy to her (hence EP=NOVA being what it was).

>> No.13659229

I dunno, EP=Nova sounded like an act of war to me

>> No.13659257

This sounds like war to you?

>> No.13659263

Fine, torture, whatever

Betrayal from my favorite artist, maybe.

>> No.13659294

Ah, you're just upset because you don't like EP=NOVA.

>> No.13660595
File: 794 KB, 1920x1200, what she said.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

80 EUR for AT1 and 60 EUR for AT2 on eBay aren't that fun either. Whoever owns the rights to these games should just put them up on PSN as PS2 Classics. At least AT2 is confirmed to work fine that way (on CFW PS3s obviously) with the same compatibility fixes as Mana Khemia on Japanese PSN.

Speaking of AT1, it turns out that the line on the pic related that I couldn't decipher was simply borked by NISA. Or at least that's how aquagon explains that it doesn't match his Hymmnos:Lexicon wiki page.

>> No.13661599
File: 691 KB, 1920x1200, was px058 flip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AGTH hooking the text (hooked by ArtMoney) from Japanese version.
RAM addresses of message boxes are fixed in AT1, so you only need to enter the appropriate address in the table just once, save it and it will work as is when you load it in the future.

In other news, PCSX2 has received a relevant update recently, enabling proper upscaling in AT and Atelier series:

Lazy People Pack™ now needs even more love from less lazy people.
And we somehow lost half of the OP thanks to all this fresh blood around it seems.

>> No.13661796 [SPOILER] 
File: 707 KB, 1920x1080, 1434578397993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hooking the hymnos with AGTH? I wish I was that smart when I played AT.

>> No.13663938

The Hymmnos alphabet is easy to learn, shouldn't take you more than a few hours tops.

>> No.13664301
File: 92 KB, 960x544, 2015-06-16-222701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, it has been a week and I still haven't received the robot recipe in Ciel. I just hope I've missed something and haven't encountered a bug.

I've started Ar while waiting. Based on up to the first? credit roll from door 12 I was expecting it to be about exploring the new planet and them all trying to survive in it. Instead it seems to have gone in a completely different direction, and I seem to have had that twist spoiled for me. I didn't even recognize Casty until I heard her speak. And I remember seeing people mention Delta, but I didn't expect him to be Ta-bo at all.

It feels pretty different from Ciel, anyway. I quite like the genometrics part. Not done enough of the combat to form a proper opinion of it, but if I don't care for it I have all the plugins from Ciel I can put on to whiz through and get to the story. I've heard it is really easy though, so might be worth turning the difficulty up so I can give it a proper shot.

I'm also hoping that by progressing in Ar and doing the world link with Ciel that it may trigger the event where I get the recipe.

Still, I find it so odd they released it before even finishing Ciel. Was it out from before door 11?

>> No.13664365

I haven't played Ciel, so I don't know how these things correspond, but Ar Nosurge was released in March of 2014, while セカイパック Vol.11 wasn't released until April.

And, eventually, you do get to explore a bit of the new planet.

>> No.13664805

You need to keep talking to Ion daily. Initiate a ton-ton conversation while she's cooking, reading, drawing, etc.

You'll get the Ar noReceive tube recipe first and need to keep talking with her daily after completing that for the robot recipe. It takes 3 days of conversations.

And yes, the end of Ciel was spoiled for us all when they released the Ar nosurge trailer. Very frustrating turn and indicative of KT's meddling with Tsuchiya's vision.

>> No.13664836

>You need to keep talking to Ion daily. Initiate a ton-ton conversation while she's cooking, reading, drawing, etc.
Yes, I've been spending at least half an hour every day with her for the past week.

>You'll get the Ar noReceive tube recipe first and need to keep talking with her daily after completing that for the robot recipe. It takes 3 days of conversations.
It was over a week ago that I made the Ar noReceive tube, and have gotten the first two days of conversations. The last one was her saying she was going to try asking Nelico, and I've had nothing since.

I wonder what sort of benefit they thought they would even get by selling a sequel which spoils the ending of the first game, before the ending was even out. Surely it could only end badly for everyone involved?

>> No.13665416

You might be missing some Nelico conversations. Send Ion out and see if you can get Nelico to drop in.

>> No.13666290

Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be that either, Ion has been out plenty the past week and I've waited for Nelico.

>> No.13669482

There is a bit of a twist, but Delta lost his memories so doesn't know what's going on, just like you. All the puzzle pieces will come together eventually. Obviously something went wrong, but what?

The combat is the best in the EXA_PICO series. Feel free to bump the difficulty up to Hard or Veteran. The game begins easy, since it is a game after all, but it'll get hard very quickly. Especially on Veteran, bosses can kill you from 100% in one defense turn if you aren't careful.

>> No.13669502

Is your game and Vita patched up to the latest version?

>> No.13669861

>The combat is the best in the EXA_PICO series.
I still think AT2 had the best combat system so far. Attack phase was timed and made me feel actually involved instead of spamming 1 of 2 combos every wave.

Defense had unique patterns and had much more interactiveness unlike 'hit x in 2 seconds or so prior to attack', plus 2 reyvateils on the battlefield offered some really flashy stuff with synchro and such.

The only downside is targeting was pretty iffy about who you wanna attack.

>> No.13669897

New trailer for yuri game


>> No.13669898


I also liked AT2's system the most.

Although the Girl Power system let it become trivially easy.

>> No.13669907

I guess the system is okay, but AT2 was unbearably easy. Even if you unequip everything by endgame you risk your vanguards murdering everything before you have a decent song charged up.

Ar nosurge is actually difficult.

>> No.13669976
File: 115 KB, 585x500, 1244564148449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dat soundtrack.

>> No.13670162
File: 107 KB, 960x544, 2015-06-20-001411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I suppose it gives it a sense of mystery that way. I'm still not used to how they look now, but I suppose that is what happens when they group up.
Just rescued Sally, on way back to Felion now. Seems Jill is back to her old antics.

Bumped the difficulty up to Hard for now, will see how it goes. It feels that I've only been getting 1 or 2 battles in between a bunch of story/other content so far, although maybe that is just because I'm still at the start of the game.

Yeah, I think so. As long as you are connected to the internet and have the vita updated, it should show any patches yeah? I've also pressed the button with the arrows in a circle to try and update things, but nothing new.

>> No.13670236

The game becoming trivial after second boss and IIRC veteran difficulty provide additional content of some sort so you probably want to bump difficulty agane later on

>> No.13670292

Are you married? Did you do all the dates? Offline version? Crafted all recipes?

>> No.13670356

Right, put it up to veteran for now. Seems I'll need to improve a bit with the combat, highest rank I've gotten is a B so far. Even then though, it feels like the exp piles up very fast, I'm leveling every battle or two.

Offline version. I think I've gotten all the dates done (crafted some extra date items just in case), got 6 hearts. Crafted everything I've got the recipe for.

I think the only thing I have to do is listen to more of Ion's bedtime stories, but I doubt they have an effect.

>> No.13670544

I tried to learn hymnoss once, then I thought that I could learn japanese instead and so I do.

>> No.13670550


>> No.13673674

Have you finished repairing the mini-quasar? Not sure what you're stuck on, pretty sure they've fixed all the bugs.

>> No.13674017
File: 153 KB, 960x544, シェルノサージュ_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, finished repairing it a few months ago.

Done a world link will Ar after progressing a bit more, and thought that I had finally triggered the event. Turns out that I just got a note suggesting that Delta is a sleeper agent or something.

I really have no idea what to do now. I just hope it triggers before I get to see Ion in Ar.

>> No.13675295

Worst case, you'll have to make do with the let's play or summary of Ciel.

Do you have a save from before crafting the ar noreceive tube? I'd also try re-crafting the tube in case some flag wasn't triggered properly. How much HymP do you have?

>> No.13675361

Unfortunately I've just kept a single save...

I suppose I could try re-crafting then. I think I should have plenty of HymP for skipping time. Although I've already had 2 of the events after making it triggered, so not sure if it'll help.

>> No.13675720

Well, googled around to see if I can find anything I've missed, nothing yet.

I've seen event 2 on here (starts around 5), but event 3 just won't occur. Is there something you are supposed to do between the two of them, or was it just wait?

Well, on the way to recrafting it now. This will take a few hours...

>> No.13675822

The only problem with this game so far is that everyone is a cow.

>> No.13678006
File: 2.63 MB, 1800x2520, 527484bf739097ae80d4bb54ba9e0534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best cumdumpster

>> No.13678024

Why you have to be so rude? Shurelia is a respectable tower administrator.

>> No.13678230

How many men has she stolen from other girls, do you think?

>> No.13678377
File: 259 KB, 720x1080, jd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No matter how many times I play this game, I always pick her every time. It's compulsive, I can't even control it. I was so set on finally picking Luca, but alas

>> No.13678948

>"Just so you know, I might snap and murder you at some point"

>> No.13679382
File: 212 KB, 1440x1080, pcsx2 2015-06-13 22-10-26-43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know it's hot isn't it?

>> No.13679500

It's not hard to decide when other two are worst girl in the series.

>> No.13679515

Oh come on, they can't be worse than Saki and Finnel

>> No.13679587

But I like titty monsters.

>> No.13679606

Both of you are so boo.

>> No.13679628


>> No.13680176

She's a fucking retard.

>> No.13680517

What? I generally don't get why most people pick her over Aurica given how messy she and her route is, but putting her in front of everyone??

>> No.13680522

What's her verbal tic in Japanese?

>> No.13680533

Judging from japanese audio its 'boo' too.

>> No.13680605

So I spent half of yesterday making the Ar noReceive tube, and still didn't get the event.

Well, time to try and speed through from door 6. Is it fine to watch multiple events at once without any negative effects? I still want to have all possible dates etc finished in my save file.

>> No.13680643

The fuck is wrong with you? She's one of the sanest characters in the series.

>> No.13680653


Cloche is alright, if somewhat formulaic.

I would take either Jakuri or Cloche over Aurica, Saki, and Finnel. Jakuri over Tyria as well.

>> No.13680665

Yeah, except 'sane' is something either boring or out of place in both our and their world. My main problem is her route tho, considering how its based on her misinterpretation and in same time can't be solved by casual meanings and character interaction like you usually do with cosmosphere.

>> No.13680728

Tastes aside. Misha got more character development than any other character in the series.

>> No.13680746

Cloche wanted to be a good character but couldn't escape the cage created by writers who overdo with her tsundere side and made AT2 chuunibyou cosmospheres.

>> No.13680778

Not that it says much given she had no character to start with.

>> No.13680793
File: 127 KB, 800x800, 368032756105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13680898

Merely saying Misha has no definitive characteristics to start with.

>> No.13680923

Mind to explain further?

>> No.13680988

Her whole character is built on 'don't wanna grow up/responsibility', which is somewhat acceptable if you forget she's apparently wrong about her actual duty: being Star Singer for her whole life when its actually few decades or so. While Aurica has a clear disorder pattern (inferiority complex) and realistic solution to it, Misha does not show any characteristic besides what is tied to her 'not wanting to grow up' plot line. Worst part of it there's no solution to her problem, even if its not a real problem. Her route is solved only either by Shurelia sacrificing herself (and turning off an entire tower), or by making it up with Mir, who was an enemy of humanity for last hundreds of years. Most of her story involved 'I went there and did that' and usually devoid of any mental feedback from her. She got her age stolen but she kinda ok with it. She was used by Tenba here and there but w/e, they are decent guys. I can only remember her acting emotionally involved when bragging with Krusche, but go figure what kind of person that makes her if there was only mutual hostility between them.

Partly I blame her upbringing though, given she's Beta and was made for sole purpose of being Star Singer, so there's no parents or childhood, or anything what could shape complex personality. That all mostly my opinion obviously.

>> No.13681399

IIRC events in her cosmosphere clearly shown that deep inside she wants to become Star Singer (grow up/take responsibility) rather than run away (stay child/be selfish).
The only right solution here is become Star Singer despite all hardship because one can not stay child forever. But it's tought decision and she couldn't make it herself. At the moment when we meet her either way would be bad for her and this is the reason why she didn't care when her song and age were stolen. And this what Lyner role were - to grand her determination. The best part that it also affected Lyner - paladin who always looking for a perfect solution but this time faced with the harsh reality.
Her route route basically ends when she sing EXEC_CHRONICLE_KEY because nether she nor Lyner could know about events past this point and therefore make any decision to affect them.

>> No.13681785

>IIRC events in her cosmosphere clearly shown that deep inside she wants to become Star Singer (grow up/take responsibility) rather than run away (stay child/be selfish).
Sadly, not quite. Its exactly about her 2 conflicting parts: be responsible and fulfill her duty and be selfish and have fun with her life. And 8th level ends just on this massive paradox as her personae destroys her worlds and she makes a new one. After that tho whole issue is never addressed in 9th level. Lately, indeed, she proceed with singing chronicle key but I can't really say it's a part of her route, since she does it regardless.

>> No.13681862


>> No.13681891

My thoughts is that they could fuck themselfs for not giving dusk series proper conclusion.
I hope they wont reset all progress they made in terms of improving gameplay mechanics like they did with ps3 era ateliers so we'll finaly something better or at least on par with mana khemia

>> No.13682331

Are you forgetting Mir?

>> No.13683188

She can be admin of my tower if you know what I mean.

>> No.13683533

>when its actually few decades or so.
What's the evidence for this? It smells of a retcon.

>> No.13683567


However, and unlike what Misha has led us to believe, Star Singers only must sing for around 30 years. Once this time expires, they will be released from their responsibilities, and will be allowed to live however they wish in the city of Platina, while receiving full support from the government. However, a little before that time a new Star Singer will be created and trained to replace her, thus reinitiating the cycle. This measure was put in place because some of the first Star Singers got killed in accidents, and because the power they exhibit when singing Chronicle Key begins decaying after that span of time, so in order to keep Mir's seal functional, the singer has to be replaced.

It's "just" 30 years, and it permanently tires the singer.

>> No.13683583

The wikia is not evidence. It doesn't cite its sources.

>> No.13683621

There's a section called references on that page. There's a link in that section: http://ar-tonelico.jp/salburg/php/gps_temp/1104.htm

基本的に星詠は、次の星詠みに色々なことを教えて引退します。ですから、ミシャの先輩は沢山いるんですよ。 もちろん、不慮の事故で既に亡くなっている方もいらっしゃいますが。
そして、皆さんかなり誤解されて居るみたいですが、星詠の任期は、長くて30年程度です。任期の長さはその時期の事情にも依りますが、 星詠自身の能力によっても決まってきます。星詠は、その仕事が終われば後はプラティナが全面的に生活扶助を行いますので、 任期中は過酷ですが、任期完了後は自由です。
ミシャが「一生」とか「ずっと」みたいな事を言うから、まるで私が悪者みたいに思われてるみたいですけど、実際はこんな感じなんです。 まあそれでも、30年という任期はかなり長くて過酷だとは思いますが…。


>> No.13683685

Oh, right. That's Shurelia speaking, in response to a question from the audience. She, (well, actually Tsuchiya) is trying to make herself look better than is implied by the actual game. That is, a retcon. But whom are you going to believe, Misha, or cradle-robbing Shurelia?

And mea culpa on the citation thing here. In the past I have been disappointed in lack of sourcing enough that I didn't even look this time. My fault.

>> No.13683705

Shurelia might NTR all the guys, but she doesn't lie, and she's the most knowledgeable person in the AT universe barring Mir or Tyria perhaps. Certainly on Sol Ciel matters no one knows more than Shurelia.

And it's not a retcon so much as the universe's lore wasn't completely fleshed out at the time AT was released. That's why there's the most "mistakes" in AT1.

>> No.13683770

Well, she has claimed to have lived about 1500 years at the end of AT1, about twice the generally accepted value.

(See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2pRT_0eU0E )

>> No.13684196
File: 136 KB, 453x640, l_558174e5cbfbb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super cutie

>> No.13684219

I don't normally like short hair but that is 2cute

Since there's a slag in one of the screenshots, this is either still set in the Dusk world despite the name change, or Gust has become even lazier than usual with model reuse that they won't even update them between worlds anymore.

>> No.13684411

Live stream of Yoru Kuni and Atelier Sophie. Get your nico gold account ready!

>> No.13684414


>> No.13684432
File: 142 KB, 1089x1089, bf52be794bc7b2f91facbcfa2a883b31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, I like yuugen better than Noco as main character designer. I wonder what type of character the customizable girl would be? Loli or busty? Or maybe adjustable all round? What if we can customize combat stats as well? Armored Atelier when?

>> No.13684859
File: 192 KB, 700x977, 26224631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is she the best?

>> No.13685007

So Yuugen and Noco are going to be creating designs for this game? How is that gonna work?

>> No.13685076
File: 734 KB, 2560x1792, gsdx_4x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd think that upscaling via increasing the rendering resolution won't affect 2D graphics (99.9% of AT1, that is) noticeably, right? I thought so and boy was I wrong.
If your toaster is capable of running AT1 in PCSX2 at 4xNative res, you should definitely try it, especially if you have 1080p display or better. It even makes Hymmnos readable!

As someone nearing the end of Phase 1 during his first ever playthrough of AT1, I have to say that Misha is light years ahead of Aurica as of their Cosmospheres Lv.5.
I get that the TOTAL COMMAND did it for the stronger contrast of Aurica's final form, but interacting with her so far has been hardly enjoyable for me personally. Looking forward to meeting with Shurelia.

>> No.13685080

Also, has anyone found a way to make AT1 any more difficult? I've been taking it easy (as in simply not running away from any naturally happening encounters) and now my team is at level 40 almost one-shots everything that moves...
I'm thinking of starting over while I'm not too far into the game. Does anyone have a cheat halving the XP gain or something similar, like not healing up on level up?
I'm playing European version (which is also the latest), SLES-54586. The cheating/patching thread on PCSX2 forums doesn't help obviously, although it makes messing with the game in debugger somewhat easier.

>> No.13685109

Everyone loves Misha, and is indifferent towards Aurica. She's just such a flat character (except for the breasts).

>> No.13685112

AT1 sprites are made of vectors or some shit. I remember playing mana khemia and at2 after iris and at1 and was very dissapointed because they lost this feature.

>> No.13685162


Shut the fuck up.

>> No.13685675

Where's the music collection anon? Haven't heard from him recently.

>> No.13685718

I'm right here, man.

Only one folder remains, Bonus folder. I will probably finish this at the beginning of July.

>> No.13686035


>> No.13686044
File: 674 KB, 213x310, シュレリア.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13686045

That's because Aurica suffers from an inferiority complex, and no one likes people with an inferiority complex.

>> No.13686106

>no one
Some people just can't learn.

>> No.13686134

It's an exaggeration/generalization, calm your tits. Same reason everyone hates Luca for "tricking" them.

>> No.13686139

You can start by unequipping all equipment and crystals, but AT1 is ridiculously easy and nothing will change that.

>> No.13686233

Aurica's 'repugnance' is nowhere near as close to Luca's hatedom. Moreover I'd put it on cultural dissonance. Western media generally loves to demonize any sort of socially insecure or brooding characters, while Asia (or at the very least Japan) is somewhat fond of that archetype.

>> No.13686275
File: 49 KB, 356x216, puni_02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But they had punis for so many games up until Ayesha. Reusing slags is minor, compared to that.

>> No.13686451
File: 148 KB, 1212x695, adsf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't they use a lewder character artist for the new Ateliers?

>> No.13687974

Unlike punis and generic monsters slags were part of the setting.
Because they dont appeal to this kind of audience. Thanks god.

>> No.13688026

They most certainly do

>> No.13688123

SC and yoru no nai kuni? Yes. Ateliers? No.

>> No.13688966
File: 1003 KB, 960x1335, a9354c7c051abb45353678e331cdfda9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happoubi is a god.

>> No.13690450
File: 2.38 MB, 3268x2000, 00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is more info about Atelier Sophie translated by a dude in /vg/.

>> No.13690454
File: 2.61 MB, 3268x2000, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13690519
File: 791 KB, 492x840, book.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would a book so hard.

>> No.13690528

I'm agree wholeheartedly.

>> No.13692403 [DELETED] 

>needing translations by some faggot

>> No.13692622

Who are you quoting?

>> No.13692906

Wow, they're reusing voice actors already?

>> No.13693519
File: 139 KB, 1280x1024, d53882cdd1e3414fca4654db4dbfd8da..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best at2 girl

>> No.13694186

To all people who finished AT1: which level did Lyner have by the end of AT1 in your playthroughs?
Do you think it's realistic for someone to reach level 90 by the end of AT1?
This is important.

I'm trying to find the best way to repair gameplay, and the prettiest idea I have so far is starting the game with Lyner at XP level 19 (instead of level 10) with all other stats remaining at Lv.10 numbers. This will effectively halve the speed of leveling with minimal amount of changes to the game (patching a single byte in the executable or using the cheat just once at the start of a new game).
Level progression data for the curious:

>> No.13694202

About 75-80. It's certainly possible if you fight every battle and maybe grind a bit near the end. I was around 80 first time playing but other times I was closer to 75 since I knew how strong the team needed to be to beat Mir.

>> No.13694325

Okay, I'm going to playtest and see whether it breaks anything or not then. Getting rid of HP restoration on level up does help at making items actually useful and brings some life into the combat, but it still ends too fast for my liking.
Anyone willing to try it themselves can use the appropriate .pnach for PCSX2 below.

<your_PCSX2_dir>\cheats\4437F4B1.pnach (which is a plain text file):
gametitle=Ar Tonelico: Melody of Elemia (NTSC-U) [SLUS-21445]
comment=Do not restore HP on level-up

gametitle=Ar Tonelico: Melody of Elemia (PAL) [SLES-54586]
comment=Do not restore HP on level-up

The checksum used in the file name of pnach must be the same as shown in PCSX2 console and in the filenames of AT1 save states (stored in \sstates dir). I'm assuming your game executable is untouched, but if it isn't (after forcing 480p mode or whatever), rename the patch in accordance with your ISO. Don't forget to enable cheats in PCSX2 main menu.
I'll make the patch for Japanese version too if anyone is interested.

>> No.13694359

When I played I think I ended pretty low at level 60 or so, but i skipped lots of encounters and generally play for plot

>> No.13694392

When I played at1 I just ran from every encounter until they become more or less dangerous which made progression faster and difficulty higher. Two birds with one stone.

>> No.13694649

Of course, if you go into grathnode recrystallization in a big way, Mir becomes easy, and the only challenges left are the optional battles with Kanade.

>> No.13694700


I had a tough time against Mir, but that is mostly due to me trying out my newly created Ar tonelico? against her.

>> No.13696192

>Ar tonelico?
I love these items in EXA_PICO games. There's the tea in Ar too.

>> No.13696805

>To your liking
So is it possible to customize Prafta as shota or maybe ikemen?

>> No.13697091

Call me a pervert, but those are some of the most impressively rendered breasts I've seen in a vidya. You can tell someone told the art team to focus on getting them right.

I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not.

>> No.13697098
File: 597 KB, 850x2785, sample_088acd8f12bd13597ebf01ee2d859da5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only 5 days 'til Ar noSurge Plus!

I think this is the first non-HD-Remaster re-release of a game that I've actually been excited for.

>> No.13697132

And the NISA lists the LE they are selling at 11%-25% left.

>> No.13697252

The text in Ar plus feels way too small after coming from Ciel. I can understand it working fine on the ps3, but it isn't good on the vita screen. Would be nice if they had put more effort into the port.

Feel tempted to buy a Vita TV before continuing with it, but it'll probably just be a waste of 10000 yen.

>> No.13697256

Bastards won't ship to EU

>> No.13697282
File: 1.46 MB, 2964x1880, 1435204609978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scans for Yoru no Nai Kuni

Not sure where they are from though

>> No.13697287
File: 1.12 MB, 1998x1226, 1435204810100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those thighs
>That gap-moe with cute demons
>That ridiculously fluffy 2nd DT form

GOAT Heroine design? GOAT Heroine design Also, possible mount system for kiting in combat judging from concept art.

>> No.13697309

>links are dead
At least I was able to save the AT stuff.

>> No.13697360

You mean the music?

Every single thing from that list + some more is included in my collection, which will be completed in July, like I said here - >>13685718

No worries.

>> No.13697370

What exactly is it that you're doing, anyway? Because if I'm not mistaken, there are already at least three GUST sound collection torrents easily obtainable on the interwebs, which I can confirm to contain at least 90% of all available material.

>> No.13697371

The march of progress is always a good thing. If Gust steps up their body tech the games to follow will benefit.

>> No.13697373

I compile not GUST, but specifically the entire EXA_PICO collection into one huge torrent.

There are collections out there, but they are fragmented and often contain EXA_PICO + Atelier stuff, which I don't include.

>> No.13697469

Thanks for doing this - looking forward to it

>> No.13697473

Does anyone have the amazon jp link to the surge concerto art book coming out? is it only going to be available thru amazon jp?

also I hear it got delayed by a couple months?

>> No.13697493

Please, name albums, songs and authors consistently.

>> No.13697499

You are welcome.

Obviously. Even when the folder and files are essentially finished I spend 2-3 hours naming albums, singers, adding various shit to tags, etc.

A little part of me that is a perfectionist wants to do everything in ideal condition.

>> No.13697502

Don't forget to add ReplayGain information~

>> No.13697507

Perfect, thank you for your time.

>> No.13697534

You can find the music on PD. Materials and extras are hard to come by.

>> No.13697776

The character designs sure are great.

http://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/4775809636 Also available on GUST Store (no international shipping). Indeed it was delayed.

>> No.13697934

Not for Europe, sadly. Well, at least we have 40-50% discount on ArNo and Atelier titles during Big in Japan sale.


>> No.13698519
File: 524 KB, 820x869, everything except eschatology.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13698521

If you had to rank the Dusk games from best to worst, in what order would you rank them?

>> No.13698535


>> No.13698567

I wonder if they'll fix the BIOS bug...

>> No.13698598

Gameplay: E&L>Shallie>Ayesha
Characters: E&L>Ayesha>Shallie
Story: Ayesha>E&L>Shallie
Music: Ayesha>E&L>Shallie

>> No.13698889

What bug are you talking about?

>> No.13699230

None of the Level 1 TxBIOS equipment slots actually do anything. The bug wasn't even fixed in AnS+ JP.

>> No.13700672
File: 56 KB, 400x1000, Leila.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13700977

Go astost for that shit

>> No.13701485

Last time I tested some stuff in AT1 I accidentally it for 14 hours straight and forgot what I was even testing in the first place. So in case stuff happens again (and your AT1 ISO matches Redump database), place one of these in <your_PCSX2_dir>\cheats:

gametitle=Ar tonelico: Melody of Elemia (NTSC-U) [SLUS-21445]
comment=Lyner starts new game at custom XP level
patch=1,EE,2066BCF8,byte,00000013 // Lv.19 here

gametitle=Ar tonelico: Melody of Elemia (PAL-E) [SLES-54586]
comment=Lyner starts new game at custom XP level

gametitle=Ar tonelico: Sekai no Owari de Utai Tsudukeru Shoujo (NTSC-J) [SLPS-25604]
comment=Lyner starts new game at custom XP level
comment=Do not restore HP on level-up

The cheat must be applied before anything shows on screen, so while you could use built-in PCSX2 debugger/Cheat Engine/ArtMoney/whatever to achieve the same result, .pnach is the easiest way.
The cheat can be disabled once you save the game, because that save game will work on untouched game played anywhere (PC/PS2/PS3).

>> No.13701492

And having looked at PC releases of DOA5, Bladestorm and Toukiden, I'm not sure whether I want to see Yorukuni ported to PC as well anymore.
It almost looks like KT tries its best to put an absolute minimum of efforts possible into making the PC port just barely playable, and God forbid it turns out better than its console counterpart in any way, shape or form, especially the price.
Please keep releasing (GUST) games on PS3, KT.

It's the only Atelier game you don't own, isn't it obvious?

>> No.13702416
File: 94 KB, 415x500, 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even shittiest port better than 720p, 30 fps with slowdowns, and 10 sec saves.

>> No.13702517

This and the Gust fanbase is definitely one that would go the extra mile to make the port playable via mods and stuff, at least I think so.

>> No.13702925

So will it be Arnath or Arnas

>> No.13703109

Aerith or Aeris?

>> No.13704102


>> No.13705008
File: 33 KB, 799x723, PCSB00700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Note that Ayesha+, having been released in 2015, requires Vita firmware version 3.35.

(first 5KB of .pkg is enough for the proof, you don't need all 3GB of it)

Other Atelier games on Vita should work on 3.15+ (Rorona requires 3.15, Totori requires 2.05 and Meruru was released in 2013)

>> No.13706594

So did anyone ever end up ripping the Ciel Nosurge version of Class::EXSPHERE_NOSURGE; from that disc of fan-favorites Gust had at the last Comiket?

I have a version from Nico but it's kinda crappy quality

>> No.13708071

1. Ayesha
2. Shallie
3. Nothing, E&L doesn't deserve a rank

>> No.13708809

There's a limit with what you can do with mods.
FPS is a fine exemple of this because if the framerate is tied to the game logic then there's nothing you can do to change that as it would break the game. Running the game at 60fps instead of the usual 30fps would mean that the game (and the music) would run 2 time faster.

>> No.13709023

New PV niconico version:

>> No.13710895

That ass is fat.

Also there's no flat to be seen anywhere.

>> No.13712538

New PV out on youtube
Yoru no Nai Kuni: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRVkblR73Vs
Atelier Sophie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qn32j4f00oo&feature=youtu.be

>> No.13712555

Is doing the four screens at a time PV a new trend?

>> No.13712576

Why do they have to release GUST games in Japan first and then they start localizing/announcing it for the west? Why can't they do simulations releases?

>> No.13712639

What a stupid question. Do you also expect, e.g., Naughty Dog or Bethesda to announce simultaneous localizations for US, Japan, China, Spain, etc.?

>> No.13713269

That's really weird comparison.

>> No.13713291

That way they get to judge if it's worth localizing by reviews and copies sold.

>> No.13713320

I can't even read Japanese well but I keep preordering every new Gust game and struggling through them.This is my curse.

>> No.13713566

There are many games that get simultaneous releases in US, Europe and Japan.

>> No.13714457

When was the last non-FF JRPG that got simultaneous releases in US, Europe and Japan?

>> No.13714764

Is there supposed to be a gigantic difficulty spike when you go to the plasma bell in AT1? Out of nowhere the enemies are incredibly hard to kill, and they also do ridiculous amounts of damage. I like the spike with how retarded easy the game was up until that point, but god damn it's a bit too over the top.

>> No.13714803

Ar nosurge Plus is available on the European PSN for anyone interested.

>> No.13715878

Confirmed, although you'll have to search for it as it doesn't seem show up in any categories yet

>> No.13715930
File: 331 KB, 700x792, 1428039732133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's nice to see that PSN's abysmally slow download speeds aren't limited to the PS3... HURRY THE FUCK UP I WANT TO TALK TO SARLY ABOUT SCIENCE SHIT

>> No.13715935

Dark Souls 2.

>> No.13716087

Gotta love how on the new outfit des
criptions some words just cut out ha
lfway through and start up again on t
he next line. Nice quality control the
re KT...

>> No.13717363

Oh no, Sarly's swimsuit is really cute...

>> No.13717366
File: 165 KB, 1000x1390, an-nelico.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate how I can't use the touchscreen to select stuff during Genometrics. In fact, I have no idea what the touchscreen is used for at all. The PSN store says the game uses it and the rear touchpad, but I haven't seen any use of either yet...

Also thread needs more useless bunny who's only good for her sex appeal

>> No.13717392
File: 151 KB, 960x544, シェルノサージュ_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you are not trying to say that Nelico is useless.

The touchscreen is used during 禊ぎ

>> No.13717429
File: 109 KB, 750x1300, an-nelico-render.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like one small little change that made things a little more immersive: you can't have the purification chat about a specific purification location when you're not in that location. So to talk about the Quanturv baths you have to actually be there. It's just a nice little touch.

That and the tutorials actually acknowledged the existence of the L1/R1 attacks in combat this time around

>I hope you are not trying to say that Nelico is useless.
It's a touhou joke

>> No.13717503

Ooh, there's actually a 'Talk' option at Synthesis shops now, so you don't get thrown into a shop scene when you just wanna buy ingredients. That's nice

>> No.13718343
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Finnel a best

>> No.13719771


She really needed to have tits. The fact that out of the three main girls the only one with actual tits ended up being Saki is to that game's eternal detriment.

>> No.13719981

So what does touchscreen during purification actually do? All I managed to do was to get Cass to kick Delta in the shin...

>> No.13720161

Damn this LE is small as fuck.

>> No.13723230

What exactly are you supposed to do in Ar Nosurge to get a battle score above "B"?

>> No.13723242

Simply move further in game.

>> No.13723256

You pretty much have to preform very well, like use the least amount of turns, and do a ton of combo multipliers with every group. Its essentially impossible at the start and becomes piss easy to do later in the game. Its just a way to get more money and points to use when you dive.

>> No.13723262


I see. Well it seems like the AT games were similar in that it got easier to get a "S" the further in you got.


>> No.13723830
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I have no idea. I don't think it actually has any purpose other than the stuff like you mentioned, as you sure as hell can't select which body part to install a crystal to with the touchscreen.

>> No.13724926

>new AT2 relocalization beta

>> No.13725854
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>> No.13728223
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>Now it is my turn to save everyone!

I hope my game doesn't bug out this time.

>> No.13728513

The miniature Ion in front of Pram and Ney just looks wrong.

>> No.13728532

You should mention that this is an incremental patch, and thus needs an earlier patch as well. Besides, it looks like the base ISO required is from some undub version of AT2. Why not base it on the original Japanse version to begin with?

>> No.13728559

Because she really is just a miniature Ion. Straight scaled down rather than younger

>> No.13729851
File: 56 KB, 604x470, autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Barely made it through her route. Autism incarnate.

>> No.13730217

Yeah it was a shame. I liked her design but she's just so terrible

I couldn't do her route because it felt like chatting up a 10 year old

>> No.13730238
File: 82 KB, 900x1300, at3-akane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akane route was the best route, but NISA's translations were kind of crass.

>> No.13730302 [DELETED] 
File: 1.09 MB, 1000x1412, 1359281105658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's beat the heat with the NEET /jp/!

>> No.13730323

>Akane will never be your slave

>> No.13730841
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>> No.13730899 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.13730914

I like the body suit a lot more than the leotard she ended up with

>> No.13730941
File: 182 KB, 1000x1330, an-kikotsuyahime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you do it with song magic?

>> No.13730973

I swear her design was totally meant to be Ar nosurge's Kanade/Raki equivalent

>> No.13730980

Wait what the hell, tapping the rear touchpad makes Delta dance?!

>> No.13730993

If the construct has a vagina and the girl doesn't stop singing till you're done.

She's made of dynamic-d so it's basically the same as static-d except it needs a stream of energy to continue existing

>> No.13731023

To be fair, Ra Cielan song magic doesnt have to be sung by girls, they just never had any guys singing on screen, so you could probably sing it yourself.

Lets be honest, back when Ra Ciela was around someone probably sold G2 Trons that were programmed for that sort of thing.

>> No.13731095

Don't you have to really concentrate to sing song magic though? It'd be more likely there'd be song magic brothels than someone selling Porno Trons

>> No.13731180
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She's more waifu material than slave material

>> No.13731229

Wait I think I recognize that artist.

Shouldn't he be making stuff for the monstergirl threat?

>> No.13732485
File: 1.69 MB, 3104x1746, DSC_0038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was at Tokyo and bought these two for ~8k yen total.

How badly did I fuck up?

>> No.13732503
File: 118 KB, 960x544, シェルノサージュ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good choice, anon.

>> No.13732505

Can you read Nip?

>> No.13732506

Only passed N3, working my way up to N2 now.

>> No.13736927
File: 128 KB, 960x544, シェルノサージュ_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yukata Ion for Tanabata.
