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13573888 No.13573888 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>13559793


Lord of Valkyrie links:
>Game link:
>English wiki:
>Japanese wiki:
>/jp/ player list:
http://pastebin.com/URgv8JPA (embed)
>Grind table by an anon:
>Required strength for explorations and their rewards:

Millennium War Aigis links:
>Game link
>Japanese ULMF thread:
>English ULMF thread:
>Japanese Wiki #1:
>Japanese Wiki #2:
>English Wiki
>XP chart
http://i.imgur.com/okVV7hJ.png (embed)
>Vid anon's channel:

Miscellaneous links:
>Staff Twitter:

>> No.13573932
File: 135 KB, 561x335, ss+(2015-05-31+at+08.10.06).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to beat (1*) Castle Retake? I have some other levelled units. But this is all the CC. I've tried the videos on youtube and that Japanese site with lots of Aigis vids. Nothing quite cuts it. I've tried my own stuff and mixing strategies, nothing seems to work. Do I simply need to overpower it with a bunch of CC stuff in a month or so?

>> No.13573943

Yes. Castle Retake is a huge difficulty spike, and it's basically the way the game tells you to slow down and level up your units. So don't be lazy and just CC some units. You've got most of them at level 40 dude, it's not going to take that long.

>> No.13573944

You may want to CC your healers...besides that, which part are you having trouble with, exactly?

>> No.13573951


Tomorrow I'll re-invent the no-Premium, no-Event strategy I used to pass it. You'd almost certainly need at least a CC'd witch to that team though.

>> No.13573964

The balance. Or moreso, the consistency of difficulty and level/CC requirements in this game is wild and very chaotic.

Yeah I'll CC at least Alissa next. I want a non-silver healer to CC though, getting quite sick of silver units. I've been planning on dumping a bit of money on this and going to town with premium gacha. I've heard of clearing your cache before each roll for better luck--is this legitimate?

And the part mostly is the start of the rush. Either the gargoyles go through or the black armour fucks my asshole (and multiple unit's) I've gotten through before for later shit dies to the massive armour cluster. And if I get through that, the Lich rapes my asshole. I'm not concerned about the Lich since I just want to pass it (1-2*)

Yeah I've seen the difference between non-CC and CC'd Witch. It's amazing. Well, like every other unit really. I'm thinking of CCing Alissa then Calliope. I just need Monday daily N to smile upon me and give me some more platnium armours. There's no way I can currently do H (sadly--I'm ready to CC lots of units)

>> No.13573976
File: 87 KB, 1583x806, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damm.. 1200 to maxed Karma and 700 for her to become immortal princes... IF it's her event i think i'll just aim for that 700 mark, everything beyond that will be an extra

If it's the monk's event, how hard is it?

>> No.13573996

Here's the ref I used to clear the early bit.
It should work even w/o CCed Valerie.

Looks simple enough. Apprently it's a farm-type like Maribel.

>> No.13574007

Follow this strategy http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm25210762

He only uses a single CC'd archer. Everything else is level 30 max.

>> No.13574089
File: 802 KB, 960x640, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, just watched nasu's video on it and it seems far more doable than get 700 drops for me atm
Either way i need to bump a few levels on my main team to be ready.

Currently working on a third healer (since i fucked one and rather start preparing a new one), with that said, who should i focus on next? right now i'm working on that healer then leeane and then i'm clueless

>> No.13574094

Is there anything worse than your internet taking a shit for 4 seconds after you've spent 6 stamina?

>> No.13574109


The same after you've spent 8 stamina. Actually, the same after you JUST SAW plat armour drop towards the end of Monday daily.

>> No.13574113

Parroting from a wiki comment:
"If it's Rin's event (monk) train your meele fighters. Mission 1-3 are quite easy but mission 4 is meele only. Ninja are life savers here but you will need a lot of tanks, valkyries, bandits, princesses and others to take everything down (with monk boss hiting for like 500 and without heal that's a lot!) "

>> No.13574251
File: 90 KB, 426x582, Clissa_Render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and without heal that's a lot!



>> No.13574317

The same thing happening on a 90/12 Event Map.

>> No.13574416

Wait, will Cuterie actually be useful for once?

>> No.13574676

I know Liana cops shit for not being as useful as the other black units, but is she worth leveling just for her stats?
It would feel a bit wrong to let a black unit rot in storage. Will we even get her event after they've put her in gacha?

>> No.13574679

She is definitely worth using.

She costs a little bit more than a normal black would, but she's still a strong healer with a very useful skill.

>> No.13574770

So, someone mentioned it and it seems quite important so I made a thread about events being missed.


I've also enabled guest posting in the MWA forum for those of you that don't feel like registering. This is an important opportunity to let them know what we don't want to miss out on!

>> No.13574902

Are any of the event units lolis? Is that why they've been skipped?

>> No.13574951
File: 656 KB, 960x640, Miko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiho is a borderline loli I guess. The other events potentially getting skipped no.

>> No.13574991

If Sybilla can pass as loli. I don't she has problem with it.

>> No.13575008

It probably depends on how flat they are in their CGs, I dunno if Sybilla has boobs or not since I don't have her.

>> No.13575016

From Gold Rush: Claire is short and kind of DFC; Bella is out right loli.

Yurina I think is flat, but tall.

Odette isn't loli.

Roana definitely isn't loli.

Shiho is flat, but doesn't really look loli because of those love handles.

>> No.13575018

There should be rips for all the EN units on sadpanda and most of the JP ones.

>> No.13575024

Yeah I've seen the HCGs before but I can't remember if she's flat or not. Probably not since she's in the game

>> No.13575026

She's got sizable breasts in her CGs. You can see them on her portrait if you look for them.

>> No.13575037 [DELETED] 

It's on exhentai. Her boobs small than Sybilla tho.

>> No.13575043

>pink hair
>dat ass

C'mon Nutaku devs, work some localization magic.

>> No.13575053

Yurina looks kind of small chested I guess because of her outfit, but in her scenes she's not small at all.

>> No.13575080

With that dicksucking lips, she look like loli single mom in your average chinese cartoon

>> No.13575161

Damn, Kuremisago, that is a cute picture. Now I'm sad that there's no plushy of Anya in a Dorania suit. ;_;

>> No.13575222

Fedora is worth using and she's basically a buffed Fedora.

>> No.13575265

What? Liana is honestly more useful than half of the Blacks in the game. Her usefulness has never been the issue, people who got her are ass-blasted because she was originally an Event unit; so there's a possibility you can get her later on through an event unlike all of the other Premium Blacks.

>> No.13575307

She's definitely useful, but I wouldn't say she's better than any but the worst 4 or so blacks.

>> No.13575319

How useful is Sybilla compared to other black units? Upper tier, lower tier? Top 5, bottom 5?

>> No.13575348

My biggest problem is she's pretty much all around worse than the black healer she replaced. And they didn't even bother reducing her cost to be in line with other non event blacks.

>> No.13575382

Probably would be considered second best possible roll. Underneath Nanaly depending on who you ask I guess.

>> No.13575397

Really? She's that good? Why?
What makes Nanaly so good, too? She's an archer, right?

>> No.13575402

We don't have a use for her either, since we don't have maps with paralysis-inducing enemies. That and the increased cost means Camilla/Chydis are better replacements.

Currently? She's probably mid-tier, or more accurately, a good duelist (like other princesses), but not much else at the moment. Nanaly is obviously superior to her and everyone, Despara is pretty damn strong too, and Berna is better at assassination and (dodge)tanking.

But once Sybilla gets awakened, that's when she'll truly start to shine.

>> No.13575406

Nanaly has Quadra Shot when CC'd, which decimates anything except high-defense enemies/bosses. And then her skill awaken ignores that even, when she fires five arrows and ignores defense. She's probably the most broken unit in the game.

Sybilla (and any other princess) is only better than Nanaly against armored enemies. The gap closes a little further when Sybilla awakens, since she's able to fire sword beams that also ignore damage, do just as much damage as her melee attack, and can also potentially assassinate.

>> No.13575440

The very fact that she's a Healer puts her above them in general usefulness because you need a Healer in 99% of the maps. A lot of the other Blacks are better at their specific usage, but they don't always have a place on the map you're doing.

You know that that's only half the effect of her skill right? People use Fedora all the time even though she's just a shittier version of Liana, without the Status-Cure. Liana also still has the stats of a Black Rarity Healer and Black Affection Bonus which gives her a big leg up on basically every Healer other than Seria and Black Iris.

>> No.13575485

Liana's skill duration is garbage, though Fedora's isn't much better. Liana also doesn't get a boost in attack/heal power, unlike Iris/Camilla/Chydis, so her black-tier stats don't actually make her better.

Chydis is still more well-rounded than her, and is (or was, anyway) much easier to attain and level.

>> No.13575556

I'm just salty I was cheated out of a godly healer because it was a loli

>> No.13575569

Nanaly's awakened skill would be considered much more broken if it ignored defense. I'm pretty sure it just keeps her attacks from being randomly deflected by high armor enemies during it's use.

>> No.13575573

Just glancing at the wiki, not even taking AW stats into account...

>maxed out CC'd Liana with 100% affection: 582 attack
>maxed out CC'd Iris with 100% affection: 428 attack

Iris only needs 3/5 on her skill to surpass her. Camilla and Chydis don't need to level their skills at all to go beyond that.

So unless I'm missing something, Liana's stats do not warrant using her above a plat unit or even gold Iris, unless you basically need Fedora+ or to deal with paralysis.

>> No.13575580

>>13575569 is correct, it only stops her arrows from being Deflected. Which is somewhat pointless because if you were fighting something that had high enough Defense to deflect Nanaly, you shouldn't use Nanaly in the first place.

>> No.13575588

I wasn't sure what that "ignore defense" actually entailed. But if it's not deflected, it still does low damage, since the arrows are still mitigated by defense? That's a pretty silly secondary effect, but I doubt anyone's complaining about a fifth arrow volley and like the second poster said, Nanaly isn't anti-armor to begin with.

>> No.13575610

Nanaly's attack isn't ignores defense, even with AW. Spica is.

>> No.13575617

And all that is compounded by fucking 21 cost before CC

>> No.13575642

Well, she's only black archer in game though. It isn't surprise

>> No.13575652

Sybilla might not be as useful as Nanaly, but she's easily the cutest black unit we have. There's a reason she's the most popular unit in JP too.

>> No.13575663

Oh wait, Anya could compete with her.

Cutest black unit gacha, then.

>> No.13575665

I dunno, Nanaly is pretty cute.

Despara is definitely the sexiest black, though.

>> No.13575667

>Iris needs to use her 3/5 Skill to just barely be above Liana

The fact that she out-heals without Skills, and is only matched with Skill (which has to be leveled for some of those Healers) is a major thing by itself. Why do you think everyone shits on Maribel even though her stats are amazing when she activates her 40 second+ Skill?

>> No.13575694

Nanaly's h-scenes were pretty meh though. I still need to get most of the other black units' second h-scenes to make a complete judgment.

Point me to a map that we have where you need:
-unboosted healing that high, for the entire duration of the map
-that would justify Liana's increased cost and otherwise lackluster skill, instead of ~30 seconds for when shit hits the fan and other healers could do just as well otherwise.

>> No.13575728


Depending on how good your melee are; a lot of Extreme-Tier maps. For example, the Druid one awhile back that would send you back to back Avengers while you had to tank bullshit regen trees.

Most God-Tier maps as long as you have another high level Healer that you can place down first, unless it's a God-Tier map that's very lenient on cost management.

The new Majin Advent.

Or if you want to include Skill Awakening; Liana's skill gets the bonus effect of spamming Heal Regen on everything in her range on top of Range Extend + Status Cure.

>> No.13575731

On top of Iris being much easier to skill level and cost reduce, you can't compare Maribel's niche to a healer's job. Maribel is strictly for dealing with bosses. Healers are either supposed to keep units from withdrawing, or to assist with tanking bosses.

We currently don't have a map where every unit is taking 500-600 damage every second of the map. Most times, Iris with a boosted Prince is more than enough. Hell, you could make do with two Alissas/Dorcas instead with most of our current maps.

Face it, Liana's just not worth using right now, even as a black unit. Berna's niches are much more useful to new players right now.

>> No.13575735

>Doing Cloris's final trial for the first time
>everything's going well, that 3* and Cloris herself is practically in the bag
>suddenly this white winged eagle god descends and proceeds to two shot everything, even my Heavy Infantry and my Sybilla
>walks out of the map after crushing my dreams for a 1* rating
Alright, I'll bite. How the hell do I deal with this fucker?

>> No.13575737

It should've been obvious that I wasn't talking about JP Aigis, because their Liana is obviously different from our Liana.

>> No.13575755

You're not expected to be able to beat it if you're just starting out. Your best bet is to use a bunch of CC'd archers and mages to deal with the witches that accompany the baphomet, then hopefully your ranged units can deal with the bastard before it reaches your HQ.

You could also try cheesing the boss with a rogue, but I don't suggest doing that unless you have Berna or maaaaybe Cypria.

>> No.13575761

I fail to see how that makes the information I posted any less valid. Those maps will be coming to Nutaku, Skill Awakening will come, Liana's skill can be leveled up with Rainbow Fairies like people would normally do with a Black.


>> No.13575762

Two mages right next to entrance. Witch somewhere around the bend in the left.

Should be basically dead by the time he starts getting around the second corner. If not throw down a blocker that can take a hit below your mages, wait until he's about to swing again, retreat, place another that can survive a single hit.

>> No.13575775

Just use witchs or mages. Your Sybilla isn't god

>> No.13575784

Because right NOW, Liana is THE worst black unit. Period. There's literally nothing she does that other healers can't do AND at a cheaper cost, and every other black has a better, more exclusive use than she does.

>> No.13575808
File: 788 KB, 960x638, mwa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks guys, managed to do it.

>> No.13575834

So I just checked their twitter, and Nutaku is coming out with a Taimanin Asagi game now?

>> No.13575849

Wasn't that announced literally months ago when they announced that entire batch of games at once?

>> No.13576340

>being this butthurt over a replacement healer due to technical difficulty.

>doesnt even provide a better alternative to nutaku on what they should do.

Yea you are making a great argument here m8.

>> No.13576967

Other than Karma's event, are there any others that require you to stock up on crystals?

>> No.13577010

I found Liana's event in jp and the amount of event items to farm for max reward is actually even higher than Karma's. This is the 90/12 map that one anon mentioned before and is 22 items maximum, you need 1500 for the min cost Liana, and for comparison 1200 is for min Karma, although Karma's last map is 60/6 and drops 10 items maximum.

So yes I assume the item farming events will require a stock crystals for the best reward.

>> No.13577049

Spica is insane. like, seriously insane.

definitely farming another one for CR.

>> No.13577075
File: 1.62 MB, 1197x799, Only used twice, purest elf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She really is good, I got her last thursday and she is now my second highest level.
with her skill and the prince out she jumps to 656 attack.

Also wasn't the prince supposed to get a boost to his ability at level 125? He's got the 10 extra attack and defense but thats almost worthless.

>> No.13577096

lvl127 +30% atk title
lvl149 +30%def title
lvl168 +50%HP title
lvl192 +9% morale boost title

also 100hp 10 atk/def every 25 levels until 200

>> No.13577104

Ahh damn, must have misread something then.
lvl 192 is a long way off but I feel weak without it.

>> No.13577241

>thinking I'm butthurt
>not providing an argument as to why anyone should use Liana in Nutaku now

Yeah, I'm done with you.

>> No.13577275

Does Aigis have a problem with Chrome? The game has been crashing in that browser for 3 days now.

>> No.13577286

Something got fucked and Chrome doesn't work well. Try installing Opera. I did and now AIgis runs fucking smooth, way better than it did with Chrome or Firefox.

>> No.13577326

Aigis runs like shit all of a sudden on FF and Chrome. Glad someone took my advice of Opera a few threads back. Not a single issue on Opera with Aigis.

>> No.13577368

Guess there's no other option.

Thank you, anons.

>> No.13577420

Make sure you're running the 64 bit version of the browser, that fixes most crashes, is still slow tho.

>> No.13577536

I think there's been 6 item collections events on JP so far. Karma, Claudia, Liana, and Nagi for sure. I think there was one for a strategist and one for a bandit too.

>> No.13577554
File: 179 KB, 616x425, snap0917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started playing Aigis yesterday and my team so far is this. I've rolled 3 times so far, couldn't be bothered rerolling until getting a black like some people do, although I don't get what is it with me rolling all of the def princesses.

A question I have is how should I be leveling my units? So far I've been focused on Lilia just because it's my only plat unit but I only did so because it was a safe bet since it'll probably be with me for a long time.

Also how different is the jp version compared to the Nutaku version? Is it a better idea to play the jp version if you can or is there not much of a difference?

>> No.13577590

Archer and healer to 30
Katie and heavy armor to 30
Mage to 20
Witch to 30
Archer and healer to 40
Witch to 40
Mage to 40

That's generally what you'd need in that order. Along the way level some other units to 30 as well but this'll be your main focus.

JP has a lot more content and changes to mechanics than EN, and likely will always be ahead. There's only two reasons to play EN in my opinion. One is translated affection dialogue, two is it'll pass through all the major events jp had, so while in JP if you started now you'd be out of luck with some units unless they do revival event, they still haven't happened in EN yet.

>> No.13577626

Level a Archer, healer, witch and soldier to 20 first, Affection goes to archer, healer then princess (to 100%) then your witch.

When it comes to taking a unit past 30, you have to start with your archer or healer.

Also its probably better to swap Phylis in for Crave, Phylis has the better ability and males may be stronger without affection but with it they tend to be weaker than females.

>> No.13577641

Playing on JP means you have to spend probablt less than 1% as much time grinding story missions. If you don't have lots of free time I think it's the only choice at this point.

>> No.13577700

Alright, thanks.

Last question though, anything I should note about spending crystals?


>> No.13577714

Maintain a permanent stock for events (~20-40), and only use the premium summon.
If you have a lot of extra, buying box expansions is viable.

>> No.13577720

They included a button which allows you to just instantly complete a mission, receiving the exp, gold and random amount of units as long as you have previously 3starred said mission and gotten all drops from it.

>> No.13577770

>They included a button which allows you to just instantly complete a mission, receiving the exp, gold and random amount of units as long as you have previously 3starred said mission and gotten all drops from it.
What the fuck? Why would you include this? And if they've added it, why doesn't Nutaku have it?

>> No.13577777

Because doing the same thing over and over is boring, anon. It only works for story missions anyway.

>> No.13577778

You have to understand that a large portion of the JP player base are at a point where story missions represent no sort of challenge whatsoever but are still the best way to acquire exp fodder.

>> No.13577785

No shit. Why doesn't Nutaku have it?

>> No.13577789

Because it's relatively recent?

A majority of the player base is very very new, "veteran" players started 4 months ago max lol.

The insta-completion button was only added 2 weeks ago in JP.

>> No.13577792

Literally the only reason I'm still playing this game and stayed on JP. Almost quit from the grinding I have to do before they added this.

This was only included in the update not long ago, Nutaku has a lot to catch up.

>> No.13577794


http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm25210762 worked quite well. I just about killed the Lich, but not like it matters. He still kills units. 3* in the far future. Time to run it more to get the silver drop.

Any tips for Dragon Hunting? Looks a lot like that Cloris mission. I'm guessing you sit ranged shit at the entrance.

>> No.13577796

JP just got it like what, last week? This week?

>> No.13577824

Failed the next two attempts, sadly. Placed the first heavy too soon and needless to say that died. This alone made me fail the mission.

Second time because I withdrew the soldier too early so a goblin barely got away. Of course this alone makes you fail.

The jap video is a very finicky strategy that only works for 1*. You can not do anything like this for 3*.

>> No.13577835


Refer to this:
Since your witches aren't CCed, I'd assume you'll need to tack on a healer. Otherwise, it's very easy.

>> No.13577842

I understand. Cheers.

>> No.13577936
File: 840 KB, 959x637, hunt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found a better setup

Obviously it only works with a CC'd archer, but this clears those dragons far faster

>> No.13578005
File: 809 KB, 959x637, LazyEdit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or just put some mages on the two top next to cave

>> No.13578019

>or just put some mages on the two top next to cave
Thats what I do

Dahlia is redundant, Clissa 1HKOs every goblin that comes out of the cave, the prince is still needed bottom right to stop 1 archer for a sec I think This is the only map where i dont need Katie at all. And Soma on my original spot does target dragons so your positioning is inferior git gud

>> No.13578022
File: 870 KB, 400x217, nutted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bashira's second scene

Oh jizzus, preserve my soul, for I have committed the sins of lust and gluttony, and then combined them into a more powerful, more twisted sin.

>> No.13578070

yea she's awesome... i miss mine... serves me well i guess

>> No.13578187
File: 835 KB, 960x632, 2kGold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's no black, but it's something from a 2k summon.

>> No.13578197

Fuck you fuck you fuck you.

>> No.13578214

Who should I use as second duelist apart from Kerry? Cypria or Conrad? I've been praying for a better summon, but no luck yet.

>> No.13578238
File: 947 KB, 266x199, 1415025968579.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13578266


Gratz on passing Castle Retake. Now someone needs to distill that video onto harem-battle.club as there will be more newbies who want to get to Dragon Hunting.

>> No.13578276
File: 1.84 MB, 300x240, 1401938477359.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13578316

Why is it every time I get a silver from 2k gacha it's a Daniela? Is this broken?

>> No.13578322

I haven't gotten anything above bronze in 2k. And nothing above silver in premium. Mine's broken more than anyone elses.

>> No.13578329

Might be your cache.

>> No.13578335
File: 38 KB, 442x103, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel.

>> No.13578343

>All those Danielas, staring at you with that lusty expression.

>> No.13578346

I even changed browsers and got two Danielas like 15 minutes ago

>> No.13578383

Already have a video of it there, but more may not hurt.

>> No.13578412
File: 851 KB, 957x639, CastleRetakeStars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just 3*d Castle Retake with my regular team. The start was Prince, Aria, Soma, Calliope, Aria's skill, Healer. For 1* a bronze dude who retreats in the face of the early black armour will do. Lich came down to Valerie being the last unit placed while Lich approaches so 2 healers can attend. Then put Anya down at point blank range.

>> No.13578465

How do you start DH? I place the archer in the middle then Witch on the right. If I place a healer then goblins get through the right or if I make a Prince then the Witch dies to dragon.

>> No.13578475

Witch, Archer, Prince, afk.

>> No.13578480

Witch would die to dragon.

>> No.13578482

Move Prince further up to tank the dragon shots.

>> No.13578493

Your Witch is shit then.

>> No.13578496

You can't do these 3 or 4 man tactics with low level units.
For example, my witch kills the dragon faster than it kills her. But she is a plat at 50CC40 and 100 affection.

What levels are your units?
Better yet, this is the kind of discussion great for forums so people later can come by and see what needs to be done.

>> No.13578497
File: 988 KB, 1838x630, fug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3*, but not AFKable as such. Looks like I need to CC Calliope. Too bad no plat armours. I have 5 SC again, shall I platnium for an eighth silver?

>> No.13578505

Of course. Pray to the goddess and thou shalt be rewarded.

>> No.13578508
File: 851 KB, 936x630, HOLFUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.13578515


Goddamnit, when will it be my turn to score a black? Getting Saki from trading post won't feel as good.

>> No.13578516

Is your Chloris CC'd? cant see how you're having trouble
Put a Very good duelist or a regular tank on the entrance of the cave and a healer next to it.


>> No.13578519
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>> No.13578530

I don't have a good duelist. Best would be a level ~25 non-CC Kerry. I have those silver bandits, but eh. They're not CC or high level (40 at most)

Nah no Witch is CC'd. Would a CC Katie @ entrance do? What about the dragon?

Also I CC Despara over all other Witches first right? Even over Calliope?

>> No.13578547

You absolutely should, but getting a black fairy would be pretty hard at your level. Might actually be better to cc calliope first if that's the case.

>> No.13578548

You might want to CC Calliope first, purely cause she's waiting for it but make sure you have the 3 silvers needed for Despara saved.

>> No.13578553

I have 2 black fairies.

>my level
59 Prince not good enough for blacks?

>> No.13578558

Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but I'm level 80 and never got a black ;_;

>> No.13578560

I've done the fairy rescue daily quite a bit. I got one (or both) from the E daily. About as "lucky" as I get. Don't forget all my other premium gacha (7) are silvers.

>> No.13578576

I think so, I had about 6 when I unlocked dragon hunting.
I've used 6 with a 18 bronze mage on my black Anya to save space since I've got another 8 just sitting there.
I've finally got a decent stock of 15 gold fairys meaning I won't get any EXP armours tommorow.

>> No.13578581

You have to hope for good luck on Fairy Daily; or be ridiculously overpowered and manage to clear War of Magic.

>> No.13578584

Congrats man. She's the one black left that I still want to get, so I'm pretty jelly.

You just made me want to roll my remaining 5 SC, but I really should save it.. Damnit.

>> No.13578601

Is War of Magic really that bad? I don't think I can even clear Solitary Battle 3 yet. 4 should be easy since I have Nanaly, though.

>> No.13578602

Meh, 20 gatcha here. Nothing above gold. Only thing good I got is 1 Mehlis and 2 gold Iris.

>> No.13578603

>CC Katie
Dunno how she would handle the mage that comes before the second dragon, otherwise yeah she should be enough.

>no Witch is CC'd
>What about the dragon?
CC'd Chloris can take it out without taking much damage.

>Also I CC Despara over all other Witches first right? Even over Calliope?
my Calli lvl36 is kinda of a cheap backup for stuff that passes through my anti-air army CC'd Chloris, Soma and Mehlis and non-CC'd Valerie, but on the other hand
Yeah CC her you lucky cunt

>> No.13578608

Cheers. After getting 7 silvers from premium, it was a needed change.

Also, what challenge is best for farming affection items?

20 gachas and that's all above silver? Fucking brutal. I'd love Mehlis and some non-silver healer myself too.

Cunt. Fellow straya cunt?

>> No.13578609

This question gets asked all the time in this thread, and people always completely ass-blasted when someone even SUGGESTS that they aren't able to do War of Magic.

Do you have 3-4x 50CC50 Witches with 100% Affection that are all min-costed?

>> No.13578623

God no.

I'll have 3 CC'd witches soonish, but I'll just shell out for the +5 UP instead of bothering to min-cost.

>> No.13578662
File: 114 KB, 479x534, ss+(2015-06-01+at+06.11.35).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come DH is so far down?

>> No.13578673

Missions are separated into "story sets" rather than by difficulty, cost, or mission requirements.

>> No.13578727

It's part of the balancing. Dragon Hunting is a very good farm mission compared to others, so to balance it out it was made incredibly annoying to choose.

>> No.13578746

Just click the scroll bar 3 times and it'll be there.

>> No.13578775

her scenes are pretty fucking great. you'll have trouble farming a black spirit for CC though, pray to god and try farming Spirit Rescue N.

>> No.13578784

I have 2 black fairies. And yeah, her first scene was decent. Kinda let down her attack isn't any different (graphic). Y'know, being a black rarity and all.

>> No.13578788

I think it's Phalanx 2.

Fuck it, I'm gonna roll my last 5 SC.

>> No.13578793

it's the same for all witches. same happens with mages.

>> No.13578794

So long as all 3 are Calliopes the +5UP will help, you need 34(39 with the +5 UP) unit points or its failure.

>> No.13578806

Not up to it (stuck on Toxic 3) so I'm just farming Low Cost 1.

>> No.13578835

you're exaggerating a bit. you might need that setup to 3 star it, but you can just complete it with a more regular setup.


>> No.13578859

He starts with the standard 10 + 5 UP active, then places 3 witches with 39 points total, a 16 cost (-1cost) Despara, a min cost plat Adele and a min cost silver Caliope.
He lets 2 enemys escape, despite having spent so much on the game that he can mincost a plat and lower the cost of a black.
That video confirms what I've said.

>> No.13578876

No, you only need 3 mincost Caliope or this setup https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GbpHMfNP9bA

>> No.13578894

A min cost plat Belinda, I'm sure everyone has one of those laying around?

>> No.13578938

I don't see how either of your videos is helping your argument at all.

>> No.13578943

You don't need 3 min cost 50CC50 Calliopes, let alone 4. That's all.

>> No.13578990

Nope, you just need enough luck to get both Despara Adele. Then use them with 2 Calliopes, buy the +5 Cost for Sacred Crystals and still only get 2 stars; right?

Or alternately you could have spammed crystals on the Bellinda Event and hoped you could get enough copies at 8% drop rate to min-cost and probably 5/5 her skill which the average player would have needed to spend about 10-20 crystals assuming average luck; and that they get the last level from Rainbow Fairies instead of duplicates.

It's like saying b-but you don't actually NEED to use Leeanne as a Heavy Armor, you can just roll Deine instead!

>> No.13579230
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Finally a second Melissa... Thx Swedcarp

>> No.13579288
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You make me feel kinda bad about my indecision on whether to eat or raise these spares.

>> No.13579298

>trading cards won't ever hapen

If you have them it's up to you, i would like to 4M a pair tho

>> No.13579486

Visual changes don't really happen much until awakening and skill awakening.

>> No.13579490

Yeah. I've just recently noticed that the CG art for characters are actually their sprite's CC.

>> No.13579517

I really want a feng shui and there's one with boosted rates up now so I blew a bit of money for 6 rolls on gacha. Didn't get anything from the boosted rates but I got Su and Anelia, along with one of the 5 gacha golds I still don't have. But still no feng shui dammit.

I'm glad to have Su since I didn't have a good vampire hunter, but at the same time I'm not sure how useful she is, I do already have some good plat archers.

>> No.13579771

I think you all need to git gud. DH is a 3 drop map. CC'd Cloris where she is in the pic, CC'd archer on the left most spot, Prince next to Cloris on the right most path. That order. 3 drops, map done.

>> No.13579879

This is assuming your units are strong enough to handle it.

>> No.13579894

Well, considering how much harder the maps to unlock DH are than DH itself; if you're having trouble doing DH with an afk-friendly strategy, you're doing something very, very wrong.

>> No.13579935

I've been doing DH since my units were like level 35. Nanaly got me past the blockade. Bless her.

Sure, I can place all my units and go afk no problem. But I can't place a mere 3 units. Especially not without a healer. I can probably do it with 6 without any issue, maybe less if I felt the need to try it.

>> No.13580133

Vampire hunter seems useless to me (level 65), do people actually use them?

>> No.13580402

Why archer left most and not in the middle?

>> No.13580432 [DELETED] 

i tried with archer middle and she died to the archer and mage, failed the mission, lost 37 sta...

Being in the leftmost alows her to take on the foes at the right timing

>> No.13580468

My CC Daniela kills all archers and mages without ever being hit once by anything.

>> No.13580470

Vampire hunters are really really good.

when CC'd, they fire three shots at a time, fire slightly slower than archers, and while they have a little less attack, that won't matter since they fire 3 times.

A level 40 Khuri can out damage a level 60 gold Claire, and there's a 110 attack gap between them. Some maps even require you place a VH instead of an archer because of this.

>> No.13580473

>full charisma
>tiny bit of XP to level up
This feels dirty. There's no real efficient way to use this, is there? Wish there was a some other char sink.

>> No.13580502

I think the fact that they have permanent double shot makes them great for one-shotting fragile enemies I guess, like maybe shooting down a swarm of goblin mages without giving them a chance to fight back, or super fast bats that an archer might not have time to kill since they can't one shot? I think they're also supposed to be tankier in general maybe? Plus Su is almost a hybrid witch.

I definitely see them used in various videos, but of course with their relative rarity, nicheness, and more difficulty with armor, they aren't as popular as archers, among whom there are those who laugh at mere double shot. But really, what class is as popular as archers? (oh yeah healers)

>> No.13580513

There are on JP

>> No.13580543

Shit I forgot they got triple shot. They really are good huh.

>> No.13580570

I think it's partly an issue of range. To get the most use out of a Vampire Hunter you normally need to have them placed right at a corner to give them more firing time. This also means you need to know the enemy paths (including flying) ahead of time.

>> No.13580666

I still only have one....I got a stupid sword from that tsar.

God Damnit man....God....Damnit

>> No.13580714

maybe because you got satanic all of a sudden

>> No.13582112

I have so many golds to CC... hope I get a fair amount of plat armors today.

>> No.13582230

How viable will the new event units be? Should I save plats for them?

>> No.13582239

>failed one armor H because I forgot placed unit
Guess I need go to bed now.

>> No.13582250

>First Armor H of the day.
>3 golds and 1 plat.
>Cool, nice start.
>Second Armor H of the day.
>3 golds and 1 plat.

Oh goddess Aigis, please tell me that's my cache and that today I'm going to drown in platinum armors. You know I need them.

>> No.13582268

I know how that feels. I've gotten 3 already. Today is going to be a good monday, I think.

>> No.13582291

I got 2 exp armours already, too.
blew em both on my Bernice, if I get any more they belong to Aria.

>> No.13582327

Is there something wrong? I got an error after trying to log in and when I successfully did I got the Day 1 Log-in present again.

>> No.13582407
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2K GACHA. Rolled about 8 times tonight.

My first black unit!

>> No.13582452

Too many people rolling my witch waifu...

>> No.13582475

>2k gacha
>Black unit.

What are the fucking chances?

>> No.13582493

less than 0.1%

>> No.13582638

You motherfucker, earlier at that time I rolled 8 2k gachas, all while thinking of getting Despara.

>> No.13582694

>Get inspired to roll gacha a few times since I'm swimming in cash from today and last week's monday.
>Get a bunch of silvers and two Barbastroffs.

I don't know how to feel about this.

>> No.13582999

Lucky, I've spent like a million gold and never gotten above silver in 2k.

I've also spent like 40 stamina on Monday extreme today and only gotten 1 plat. Guess I used up my luck rolling a black...

>> No.13583672

so when are they going to add majin tier dailies for farming black armor, time fairies, 7 diamonds per run, and 4x demon crystal drops

>> No.13584022

I've gotten 3 EXP armours so far, can only handle 2 more, surely I won't be that lucky.

Also we really need the proper exp table list for Aigis in the OP, I've been lazy and haven't checked and used EXP armours on plats at 46 and golds at 42. Doing this is so annoying.

>> No.13584026

The good link mentioned,

>> No.13584040

>so far
Over how long? Just today? H?

>> No.13584050

Those tables are a total eyesore.

>lvl 40 and 678 exp left for silvers
>lvl 40 and 69 left for golds
>lvl 41 and 281 left for plats
>lvl 42 and 644 left for blacks
Above is assuming you use 1x plat' armour with 3x of the corresponding fairy.

Alternatively, http://millenniumwaraigis.wikia.com/wiki/Unit_XP

>> No.13584217

strange, i got 4 already out of 6 runs
really nice, but strange nontheless

you do realize how far behind we are, right?
those missions DEMAND you have awakened and decent level units, we don't even have aw

>> No.13584251

i play jp dude

>> No.13584309

Doing todays H

Missing the point, I'm not trying to reach 50 to CC, I'm trying to reach level cap. For golds this is 60, plats 70,etc

>> No.13584376

>messing around with unit stats in cheat engine
(only on the active map, note, no permanent changes)
>give unit 10k health: ok
>give unit 1k+ defence: ok
>give unit 1k attack: no dice

Fucking weird.

>> No.13584381

That XP table is THE SAME ONE as in the OP.

>> No.13584414

Kinda makes sense. Attacking is how a unit does stuff, hp/def are how other stuff do things to a unit, so maybe that's related to why.

>> No.13584423

Your archer will get caught up shooting the dragon otherwise and get behind on killing the mobs on the right path which the prince and Witch take care of. IIRC this allows either the mage or the archer to get in range and start attacking. Plus you have to wait longer for the last ogre to get into range and die.

>> No.13584440

Person you replied to here. Forgot to post what I've ended up doing.

Drop Despara on the upper right and activate her skill when the goblins get in range--she'll 2 shot each one. Then in the center (upper part a little) I'll drop CC Daniela as soon as the second goblin from the right dies. She'll kill the two goblins near her just before the Dragon is in range (aggro) then drop Prince in the right side after the Witch has tanked 1 fireball from the dragon. Then inbetween the Witch and Archer, I'll place a heavy (just a little down)

Don't need a healer. After that, just AFK/alt-tab whatever. 3* all the time.

If you get the timings right, you won't need a healer and you won't need an additional unit killing the goblin that gets away to the left side.

>> No.13584447

No, that shouldn't be making a difference. All of them are just a statblock. But when I flip the HP and DEF, the changes show up on the map and the unit does become pretty much unkillable... but changing the attack stat doesn't reflect on the active statblock. Which is weird.

>> No.13584477

The guy I'm replying to is asking my THREE unit strat, you don't need to give me a 4 unit strat that uses a black.

>> No.13584480

Woops I'm a retard. Didn't even read the part where you *are* the guy I was replying to as well, lol.

>> No.13584481

I don't think you even know how to read. Well anyway. Happy trails.

>> No.13584547

Get 2 plat armors out of 4 run when wake up. Seems like Nutaku buff drop rate :^)

>> No.13584554

>been doing N as much as I can today and started with full stam
>no plats
Fuck you Hfags.

>> No.13584560

well if it makes you happy I've done 7 H runs today and no plat whasoever

>> No.13584565

They say misery loves company. Not I.

I just love to whine a little bit and poke fun and hatred at RNG. N is only a 5% each run so I can't expect a plat each time. I just have so many units that are ready to be CC'd (level 40-42)

>> No.13584569

The XP table is the useless one, I'm talking about the second, and third table shown, those are the ones that show when to use EXP armours, notice how its actually useful and tells you how you can use an armour at 1 and 40 on a silver to get to 50, or 35 then 46 then 54 on a CC gold.

Having these tables added would save having people repeating
>lvl 40 and 678 exp left for silvers
>lvl 40 and 69 left for golds
>lvl 41 and 281 left for plats
>lvl 42 and 644 left for blacks
>Above is assuming you use 1x plat' armour with 3x of the corresponding fairy.
every single thread, even when people are talking about CC units

>> No.13584590

The tables that are linked are god-awful in format. Hence why any sane person here basically ignores them.

>> No.13584649

What >>13584590 said. I can subtract 8k from a number on my own and it's EASIER than trying to figure out what logical pathways some faggot was going through when arranging those other tables.
And the obsession with matching them to a single point is blatantly idiotic when minimal gain is around half a hundred. And not like you'll be using level ones on it anyway, so it's more like a whole hundred.

>> No.13584651

How are they awful, they simple tell you when to use an EXP armour. Where else can you find the infomation in them with without having to use the first table and do some maths.

>> No.13584659
File: 118 KB, 1053x528, Really.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this hard to work out?
Why must we do the maths every time we want to check where to use an armour?

>> No.13584661

>they simple tell you
Presentation and ease of readability is the most important thing (above of course, information) and it's very important. If you have a treat a simple chart of simple numbers as some algebra equation, the format is very wrong.

Really. Literally literal. Really.

And see >>13584659 's image? They have to add on more information to make it that more tedious.

>> No.13584678

Just trying to simplify things so even a retard can read them, it doesn't take a degree to figure it out.

>> No.13584682

Well lets imagine I'm a new guy and I'm looking at that table.

What the flying fuck is "CC#"?
What the fuck are CC#1 CC#2 and so on?
The fuck does "rest" field even mean?
Because that's what's written in the table.

>> No.13584690

CC# CC#1 CC#2 are titles, rest is not as simple, but is clearly the exp you put into before using an exp armour, its not needed infomation, but better to have the maths there so people can work thing out.

>> No.13584697

But see, NO FUCKING WHERE it says that "CC#" is the "amount of armours you need to put in to get to level cap from here in case you are levelling using solely armors and no other units" and it's impossible to guess what that title means.

Thus the table design is idiotic. It simply CAN NOT be put into OP as a simple image link, everybody is going to ask for explanation anyway.

>> No.13584707

Why are you reading into it so much, its a table, you look at whats important to you and ignore the rest.
I didn't ask for the simple image link to be put in either, I asked for the whole forum page to be put in, you know somewhere that could explain things for people with learning difficultys.

>> No.13584714

I'm kinda in agreement with the guy on the table. CC should really be changed.to something more obvious like "amount of plat armors used" or something.
Couldn't work my head around it at first glance.

Well, >>13584659
that table anyway.

>> No.13584720

As it is people don't read the XP table in the OP post and need things repeated in every thread.

A forum page on using exp armors with all the tables and explanations would help cut down on this.

>> No.13584724

We should remake that table ourselves and put it in the OP. Actually make it have it make sense. It'll be a valuable asset for all of us here. As long as people are playing the game, people will be asking about it and people are just going to get fed up with eachother.

>> No.13584774
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I got a Platinum Armour from Golden Armor's Normal difficulty, which I hear is a rare occurance, so I'm pretty chuffed.
I've CCed one unit, a healer, so who do people usually recommend next? I've heard Katie's name come up a bunch of times, but I've also heard people recommend ranged units.

Also, I have to say, I underestimated the cost of getting a unit up to CC-ing levels. So I'm pretty glad the Golden Amour daily's come along again.

>> No.13584785

Best units to CC first are healers, archers, witches and Katie. Your choice.

>> No.13584806

The most solid bet is an Archer, though that may change with tomorrows event.

>> No.13584814

I'd recommend Katie. Ranged units tend to be considered a priority as their range upgrade is really useful, but Katie is very important as she gives you UP and is a solid unit in general.
You should also consider seeing what units are needed for monday's H daily as the chances of getting armors is greater there. Archers are useless for this purpose, but they tend to be a popular first CC as the range upgrade and affection unlock, both of which are very important for them, require CC.

>> No.13584850


Tomorrow is new event. Wait 1 day and see what's needed.

>> No.13584863

This, it could be monk or vampire event, if monk there are melee only maps.

>> No.13584869
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Thanks for the advice, guys. I'll give it a day.

>> No.13584874

>tfw I'll be at uni when it begins.

>> No.13584878

>For skipped events, Roana's "Danger of the Fairly Village" is a clear favorite. So that will be a priority request for us.

Looks like this will be whats coming after vampires and monks.

>> No.13584887

Was it confirmed at some point that the event comes tomorrow? I mean, there was still no official announcement for the upcoming one like they usually do, so I wouldn't be surprised if this is a 2 week break and the next event comes on the 9th.

Depending on that I would either play a few more rounds of Golden Armor or start saving stamina.

>> No.13584899

>Golden Armor H
First run: 3 golds, 0 plats
Second: 6 golds, 0 plats
Third: 3 golds, 0 plats
Fourth: 5 golds, 0 plats

Fuck you RNG.

>> No.13584911

I got three.

But I don't have nearly enough fairies ;_;

>> No.13584919

I don't have fairies either but still damn.

>> No.13584928

No. Nutaku only said they would be doing a "free gold" event tomorrow.

>> No.13584957

i did like a dozen EX runs and only got one

>> No.13584961

what are even the chances in extreme?

>> No.13584962

So those of you who are doing Golden Armor H, what setup do you use? I've only been doing N and I'm not sure how strong of a group I need to do H.

>> No.13584972

I think 20% per run. No clue what the rates for God are, but I think it can drop 2.

>> No.13584974

On jp I haven't gotten any platinum armors from extreme in 3 weeks.

it's suffering.

>> No.13584987


Same, I'll be at work. The usual torture.

>> No.13584992

I hope you at least got a plat from the demon lord's shadow.

>> No.13585000

First run: 4G, 1P
Second: 4G, 1P
Third: 4G
Fourth: 5G, 1P

I know you hate me.

>> No.13585002

Better than me.
>Down to 17 Platinum Armors
>Ran out of Fairies

>> No.13585006

That's when you use your crystals to farm fairies.

>> No.13585025

I've been blowing most my stamina on it outside of monday but all I've gotten was a single crystal each time, and one run a silver samurai.

I would be happy about the samurai because she's cute, if I didn't get her from 900 kills already.

>> No.13585058

Damn. I guess I'm lucky to have gotten one my first run.

>> No.13585074
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Prince and his mostly loli harem.

>> No.13585293

sorry, you didn't say so, i just assumed
my bad

>The XP table is the useless one
Well it's less useful but not useless, i use that up to today to calculate when it's best gold-wise to use a plat armour, i could use the other one tho


vampires OR monks*

>> No.13585347
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Today i had so much luck up to now, but i want to start tomorrow fully charged so that's it for today i guess

>> No.13585368

>and one run a silver samurai
Is the drop rate for silver really bad? I wonder if I can grind some Soma.

>> No.13585407


I'd say the minimum to get started is CC Katie, CC Chloris and CC healer. Not sure how much else you need CC'd but you need to tank and hold on left (Katie->Prince, healer, mage) while you bombard the right (3 witches, optional tank).

My current setup relies on CC Mehlis and CC Aria for left (again, Aria -> Prince after the call).

>> No.13585413

It's certainly not good but do it anyway.

>> No.13585437

For those wanting to prepare for Monday Extreme, I'd suggest bringing 2 CC witches, a CC soldier, 2 CC archers, 3 CC healers, and a CC mage.

>> No.13585594

Fuck it, might as well use a few SC for more stamina to do some more Monday dailies. It's a better use of it than rolling another gacha.

>> No.13585608
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God damnit. Out of resources too

>> No.13585711

Better than being full on resources.

>> No.13585725

Just wait until you can do the first mission.

>> No.13585748

Extreme, eh?
i guess i'm ready for it then

>> No.13585753

But what if you got Sybilla? Or Nanaly? You're not gonna get them in dailies, anon.

>> No.13585758

Demoness please, I see through your lies.

>> No.13585763

But I have Nanaly.

Regardless, I might as well drop a few SC to try and CC my team faster. Maybe I'm just feeling desperate to get in on the Karma event.

>> No.13585775

Man, I've been farming Mysterious Beast forever. What's the next "put your guys in and afk" stage in the story mode?

>> No.13585782
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Well, I could use another Nanaly...

>> No.13585783

All of them on JP

>> No.13585793

Wolfpack is what I did next.

>> No.13585813

You mean Wolves' Den? Isn't that earlier in the story mode than Mysterious Beast, so it wouldn't be as good? Plus, it seems like it would be much harder to afk with all the archers running around, and that the only chokepoint doesn't have any long-range slots near it.

>> No.13585814

Who would want Nanaly when there's Su?

>permanent triple shot
>permanent increased attack speed
>awoken skill boosts range, nearly doubles damage, and slows enemies
>extra bonus damage to undead

>> No.13585835

Wolfpack is a 24 charisma map.

I wouldn't call it good for afk'ing either though, since it's got a fair amount of archers as well. Tower Overwatch after it is better, since you can practically go all-ranged after the initial rush of goblins.

>> No.13585837

No. I mean The Wolfpack. Almost no ranged units, all enemies get funneled into one road.

>> No.13585879

Come to think of it, I know Nanaly is hyped as the ultimate gamebreaker and stuff, but that's old news, how do the newer blacks on JP compare? Who are the top gamebreakers?

>> No.13585915

Oh. Guess I gotta climb a little higher then, I'm still banging my head against Return to Ruins trying to clear it.

>> No.13585917

What does your team look like?

>> No.13585938
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>> No.13585940
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This is what it looks like right now. Tried to keep everyone's levels up to par with each other.

>> No.13585959


Maybe try this out?

>> No.13586013

You need mages, bronzes is fine. Tanking at front of your base with mages and HAs

>> No.13586019

Why are you leveling up an Iron Heavy Armor?

>> No.13586026

I'll try farming a new mage, then. Most videos I'm seeing run at least two mages.

Mostly because he's lower cost than Leanne, so I can get him out faster in emergencies. Finally starting to get a bronze one I can replace him with, though.

>> No.13586029

Hey Irons have their uses, anon.

>> No.13586036

That is pretty bad. You should have another Leeanne and at least a Phyllis or two to replace those bronze and iron units.

>> No.13586038

Nope, they are completely worthless couple of maps.

>> No.13586042

I lost an "except for"

>> No.13586044

You just agreed to me while disagreeing with me. Make up your mind.

>> No.13586051


>> No.13586059

Should we make a thread for a list of players in LoV forums that can be asked to be comrades? Maybe include a variable to denote if said player is willing to help out fresh players and attack their bosses?

>> No.13586060

They're pretty worthless on those too because Bronzes can be reduced by -2 cost while Irons only by -1. So in the long term they actually end up as the same cost, but Bronzes have slightly higher base stats +10 extra levels.

Ignoring that though, Iron/Bronze Heavy Armors are useless because Heavy Armors are very reliant on levels. And Iron/Bronze can only get 30/40 of them while even Silvers can get 100. Even a Soldier like Katie will very easily out-tank him and cost less once you get some more levels on her.

>> No.13586061
File: 1022 KB, 733x730, mwa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I got outside my team. I like my two bronze soldiers though, since they're really low-cost and I can get them out instantly in case of a leak, plus 2-block. I'm not really using Phyllis because her cost is a little high for a one-block, when I can just use Crave.

>> No.13586065

Also, the reason people use Phyllis over Crave is because she can help farm Deployment Points on the maps that are very lenient at the start.

>> No.13586078

Phyllis has Call for reinforcements, which gives you unit points. That skill is literally the only reason anyone uses soldiers and Crave is mostly worthless. A Phyllis or two is going to solve all your unit point problems.

>> No.13586082

Phyllis costs 2 when you consider her skill. Also, Crave is one of the worst soldiers in the game.

>> No.13586084

Oh, I could've sworn Phyllis was a one-block. Well now I just feel silly.

Guess I'll start leveling her, then. The Royal Road seems like a really good afk farm, so I think that's next.

>> No.13586150

You may want to replace the Cypria with Kerry. Cypria tends to be too RNG to be reliably used while Kerry helps with Unit Points. Actually, you could just replace one of your bronze soldiers with her.
I would recommend replacing the other bronze with a mage but you seem to lack another one so I have no idea. Maybe third healer.
A second tank that is not interchangeable with some soldiers could prove to be useful.

You really lack units worth much so it's no wonder your team is a bit lacking.

>> No.13586155

Every unit has the same block as every other unit of the same class, not counting some skills that change block.

>> No.13586167


Pretty much follow this but make sure to use a bronze soldier to kill off the 1st mage on the bottom before he kills your bottom archer, and place the 2nd healer earlier if you have to.
After first wave of armors, swap Katie with Sybilla.

If its still too hard, level up Katie, your healers, and yourself. *healers are highest priority

>> No.13586169

Nanaly is still top tier.

We got some bullshit though.

Such as a healer that doubles defenses of any unit in range for 60 seconds
A pirate with a literal gatling gun for a skill that has a chance to instakill the target
A Onmyoji that has an aoe defense ignoring attack that stops anyone hit in place for about half a second with a skill that stops every unit in range for 5 seconds and gives you a blocker that can have 980 attack for 15 seconds you can summon infinitely with a short wait period and doesn't count for ally deaths.
Anna... who can increase the prince's attack and defense by 10% and even more with skill, with a passive that can give the prince +1 block, +10mr, health regen, or defense ignoring attacks, and she can cost a minimum of 2.
Immortal Karma, who can be immortal for 13 seconds and ignore defenses.
And our newest addition, a bow rider who is literally just nanaly except can be retreated for cost similar to a valkyrie and can block a single unit.

>> No.13586188

The problem with bowriders is that they can't awaken, so she has no skill awakening or awakening ability.

And how the fuck did you forget Aisha.

>> No.13586197

Well, I doubt they'll stay that way.

For aisha I don't have any experience with her class and never saw her in action, so I couldn't really describe it well.

>> No.13586217
File: 813 KB, 1155x900, 50507277_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her skill is basically:
Meteors drop down from the Heavens and obliterates everything on the map. I believe I've heard that you can increase her attack with buffs far enough that those meteors each hit for 3k damage.

Pic related.

>> No.13586224

Here she is vs. Phalanx 2.


>> No.13586237

Holy fuckin' shit

>> No.13586257

Add to that list an Angel that can hit 60% Magic Resist with her Skill.

A Dark Knight/Paladin who can buff her own Defense to about 2k, as well as giving a map-wide 20% damage negation buff to all allies. (This is the same skill mind you).

A Princess who can get 100% Evasion.

Not a Black, but Platinum Magic Heavy Armor Soldier Jessica who probably is the hardest hitting unit in the game with her skill up. (The Black version Grace has a Defensive Skill instead).

>> No.13586259

Wow...when can we have her?

>> No.13586266
File: 277 KB, 959x402, boringInterest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How boring
>this can be interesting
make up for fucking mind, Fedora m'lady

>> No.13586267

Only the Jews know.

>> No.13586283

No, Grace's skill multiplies both her attack and defence. Plus she's drawn by onigiri-kun so she's way better.

>> No.13586291

Oh whoops, missed that when I was skimming over all the Blacks.

I only have Anna, Anya, Saki, Nagi, and Sybilla ;_;

>> No.13586297
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I only have black fairies

>> No.13586301

I remembered there being a broken dark knight like that, but I couldn't find her. The closest one I found just increased her defense by 2.5, just putting her about 400 or so below Jeri, unless I'm missing something.

For the angel I personally wouldn't put any of them up there with Nanaly just because of the long downtime they have.

Didn't know if EN had the elf princess or not.

>> No.13586303

What level are you? How much money have you spent?

>> No.13586312

So how do Magic heavy armors work? I assumed they work like armors and become mages when their skill is up

Jessica has max 471 atk and her max skill is x1.8atk

How can she beat someone like Lyla who has max 903 atk and her skill is x2.4atk? Or is that because of the magic attack?

>> No.13586315

I have Nagi, Deine, Su, Iris, Farune(there has to be a better romanization of her name but idk), and 2 fucking Oliviers.

>> No.13586320

Yeah, but they can still block and stuff with their skill up, unlike some classes

>> No.13586333

Ignoring the Prince.
With her Awoken Skill active she has 1498 Defense. But she has the 20% chance to nullify on top of that. With Prince it's something like 1850 I think, depending on Prince level and title.
Julius would have 1152 without his Skill Awakening, 1728 with it.

She can still tank casters even without her skill (they'll target her just like they'll target a ranged unit).

Magic attack + splash + she keeps her regular attack speed. So with her 2.3x attack skill + about double attack speed she hits about 4 times harder than most mages (excluding the Black one and I think the Collaboration Platinum mage).

>> No.13586339

So what the best unit freebie can get in jp version?
Or you only get gamebreak units by being good goy

>> No.13586347

Level 153, I spent $00.00

You can get all units for free. Start clicking that 2k Gold Gacha.

>> No.13586352

Anyone could get any non-event unit in any roll. It's just not likely.

>> No.13586419

If you don't skill awaken her, the black angel can get up to 30 seconds uptime, 15 seconds downtime. If you do skill awaken her it's 30/35, but it doubles her stats other than hp, and angels already have fucking monstrous stats.

>> No.13586451

How do they compare to Dina's awoken skill?

>> No.13586483

Depends on Defense/Magic Resistance of the enemy. Magic Resistance (at a level where it would actually matter) is actually very rare on enemies, but basically everything has Defense. So I'd honestly say that both Jessica and Grace come ahead in pure-dps even though if you set both Defense and MR to 0, Dina would.

>> No.13586548

How long has it taken you to get to that level?

>> No.13586608

I think about 5 months. It'd take a lot less on Nutaku though because on JP there are basically non-stop events and event maps normally give worse XP/Charisma than Story Missions.

>> No.13586623

Stop bragging ;_;

>> No.13586790

>she seems pretty shit to be hone-
>what the fuck is that?
Japs get the most OP and laziest shit ever. What the fuck.

>> No.13586891

Last event, someone made a video showing them clearing the last map with the only units they brought to it being Nanaly and Aisha.

>> No.13587147

>nearing the end of Monday
>out of char and stam
>not a single plat armour
Fuck. N just doesn't cut it. What do I need for H? CC'd Witch, CC'd Katie and CC'd healer?

>> No.13587175

I'm in the same boat on two different accounts. One of them only did H.

>> No.13587208

>two different accounts

>> No.13587217

Yeah, I play two accounts. Is that confusing?

>> No.13587223

You've misunderstood. Why play on two different accounts?

>> No.13587230

Because I can and I have the time.
Why not?

>> No.13587293

CC Katie is the most important

As long as it's no unit has to tank two armors at once, you should be able to do with two lvl 40 50% affection healers and lvl40 witch instead of the CC Healer and Witch if you don't have them

>> No.13587444

I have a 50CC31 100% Kate. 40 100% Alissa and 40 0% Dorca--these are my only healers sadly. Have 50% Calliope, Cloris and Despara that are 30-40

Where and what do you place the units in H?

>> No.13587523

Jesus fucking Christ, I finally beat Castle Retake.

After that nightmare, I think I'm ready for anything that's not named Immortal Beast.

>> No.13587540

Yeah, Immortal Beast has 3x lich at the end.

>> No.13587548

Join the club, anon. I beat it just yesterday then just after rolled my Despara <]:^)

DH is a damn good upgrade from tower overwatch. Was getting tired of that shit.

And one of those hybrid goat things (forgot the proper name--Behelet or some shit? Starts with B I think)

>> No.13587552
File: 48 KB, 851x280, ss+(2015-06-02+at+03.51.21).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, found it.

>> No.13587555

Well, Yeah it has a Baphomet and a few dragons.. but honestly it is the lichs that make it hard, nothing else.

>> No.13587579

I only can 2* Immortal Beast. Killed them isn't matter but those Lichs always attacked my mages first.

>> No.13587585

Gah... I have 2 blacks and they couldn't carry me through that shit as easily as Despara could have. You lucky bastard.

Happy about DH, though. Even Remnant Vanquish 3 is pretty decent for unit xp.

Part of me is really hoping that it's not Karma event today.

>> No.13587706

Liches attack whichever units were placed last and are in range, I placed my 2 tanks (Bernice and Sherry) last with a shitty 30 Kerry behind them to soak damage if both tanks go down.
After my roughly 6 tanks/duelists died, they would kill my mages then my healers due to when they were placed.

>> No.13587783

I start with Katie at the right entrance and a witch at the second spot from the top on the right, then prince above Katie, and then a healer that covers the three of them.

Once the reinforcements is ready I put an armor on the left entrance and an extra healer if the Prince/Katie needs one, if not put one healer for the armor and just wait for it to kill the ogre. If the armor is weak you can have a range unit help it kill the mobs.

Then place mages at the entrance, remove Katie, and a roadblock just one down from the entrance as most of the enemies go down right, some of them go left but it shouldn't be too hard to kill those

Like the anon said they always attack the last placed unit in range until they reach a roadblock, so you can put out an MR unit behind the main tank after you put the tank down, which will cause them to start attacking it instead of the tank once they get in range. Easier said then done though since they'll start attacking any replacement walls you put down first.

>> No.13587918


That's hilarious.

"Alright, let's pick on weak ones first. Like her!"

"Run for it, she's gonna use her skill!"


>> No.13587943


>> No.13588340
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>> No.13588371

Now if only they moved those two Luv games away. They an eyesore when mixed with the games people actually play.

>> No.13588385

Well apparently people still play them, given the contest they run.

>> No.13588387

On my page I don't see that, but I have a new game called "Hellfire Girls", which looks similar to Lord of Valkyrie but with 3dpd japanese women.

>> No.13588388
File: 1003 KB, 1339x620, hellfire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then suddenly, Hellfire Girls appears.

>> No.13588398

3DPD but I may as well try it to kill time for the Aigis daily renewal

>> No.13588401

At least its Japanese women, and not old American whores (not saying white women are ugly, but I mean look at the Luv games. They choose an old ass hag as their mascot).

Anyways, tried it for 1 minute, got a Tsubomi card (I got tons of JAV of her anyway...so meh). Overall, the graphics looks like something some kid could make and toss on newgrounds.

>> No.13588435

I absolutely agree.
Seems like the game is not working as it should though? Why am I running missions without losing any stamina? Oh well, better keep spamming missions.

>> No.13588438

Nevermind, I'm an idiot. Free until level 10. Whoops.

>> No.13588503

this new game is slow as fuck. Just keeps loading stuff with every action. I'm using firefox, is it the same in all browsers?

>> No.13588529

Not sure. I'm using FF myself.
I attacked a guy in PvP and he seemed weak, but all of a sudden he has high tier cards and seems to like attacking me, which deprives me of Eros points and a PUZZLE PIECE?
Not sure how to feel about this PvP nonsense.

>> No.13588535

Using chrome and yes

>> No.13588549

So, bad on both? Must be the game's own thing.

Unless one of those guys recommending Opera for Aigis shows otherwise.

>> No.13588555

Wow, to day I got 5 plats out of 11 run. Did Nutaku buff drop rate for next event or something ?

>> No.13588557

I just got my 5th plat armour for today, I'm doubtful there will be an event since there's no maintenance

>> No.13588561

I got a stretch of ten with zero and only finally got one.


>> No.13588609

No event today, probably got another week of rest unless they do it later in the week again.

I hope they start it on Saturday.

>> No.13588616

so in this new game, does porn happen on limit clear? which is only available to Rare and better cards?

>> No.13588620

Oh yay I finally got around to starting serious farming so I get a little more time to gear up.

At least get some fairies to CC things with.

>> No.13588753

hellfire girls are just plain unplayable. Its like it makes queries to player database every time it needs your data, instead of caching it or something. So fucking slow

>> No.13588763

I just play Lord of Valkyries or do something else at the same time.

>> No.13588839

Wtf is this game about?

>> No.13588846

about being shit I would guess

>> No.13588848

It's another LoV style game

>> No.13588860

>Its like it makes queries to player database every time it needs your data
maybe after the whole cheating thing in aegis they decided to do this. Making the game unplayable. The loadings on every click are just horrible. Won't play unless they fix that and will not recommend to anyone who wants to try

>> No.13588873

Looks like they are working on it maybe?:
Message from management
2015-06-02 00:00 Update
We are aware of the situation regarding long loading times and disconnects. We fixing these issues.It might take a couple of hours. Thank you for your patience!

>> No.13588880

No, this can't be antiechet. LoV already runs everything server side and doesn't have such problems, does it now?

Plus, actual cheated stuff is just a string of numbers. It'd get moved in instantly. So it's something else.

>> No.13588896

Looks like it just got fixed. Massive improvement to waiting time.

>> No.13588965

yes, the loading times decreased. But they are still there, which is bad

>> No.13588992
File: 567 KB, 719x486, melee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So on the chance that the next event is the monk one with melee only maps, how are your melee only teams looking?

Mine is probably decent enough, and I've got 7 other lvl 30 units I could swap in, just in case.

>> No.13589019

The map becomes laughable once warrior priests are added but I guess you won't see that until the reprint. You can use ninjas though if you have any.

>> No.13589241

So of the around 2 dozen classes that don't have any black units in them (around a quarter of which are gimmicky unique event units that probably don't count), which do you think the next black that DMM makes will be?

>> No.13589336

Should I be talking about jp aigis here or at the dmm general? The latter obviously makes more sense but it feels like there's more people playing aigis here.

>> No.13589349

No one really talks about Aegis in the DMM General to be honest.

>> No.13589369

Yeah the thread topics aren't really divided very sensibly imo. These threads are like 90% Aigis, so maybe we should split Aigis out from the other two threads? Not sure if that would kill the general nutaku threads or help them by people wanting to talk about LoV not having to wade through 100 other posts.

Regardless, there are several people in the Nutaku threads playing DMM Aigis.

>> No.13589372

Guess I'll post here then.

Tried out jp version after hearing about the auto complete, so far so good. Relatively motivating to play as well with a star event that still has some time before ending.

The auto complete really saves you a hell lot of time getting rid of charisma, I hope nutaku implements it earlier although I'm not sure how likely that is. If going by normal schedule we probably won't see it anytime soon...

Also did I start on an all ages version or something? I don't see any hcgs when raising favorability here.

>> No.13589375

No, they haven't buffed any drop rates, although I have gotten 5 plats yesterday even though I only run N.

>> No.13589378

I think the reason LoVs isn't discussed here is that it's very hands off game. You go in and have your team autobattle bunch of monsters then wait for Stamina, while occasionally going to a boss battle and clicking a button. There simply isn't all that much depth compared to Aigis, which makes it really hard game to discuss for an extended period of time.

>> No.13589388

Dmm.com is all ages. Dmm.co.jp for 18+.

I play on all-ages/android like 99% of the time since the porn isn't really that interesting and a decent amount of reprints are all-ages/android only for whatever reason.

>> No.13589392

I, for one, really enjoy Hellfire Girls! Hope we see more BDSM games in the future!!

>> No.13589402

I see, didn't really think too deeply into things when registering and starting and yeah it doesn't really matter much, can find the hcgs on ex anyway. Out of curiosity though, is it possible to jump between the two? Seeing as I assume the 18+ ver has no convos instead.

>> No.13589404

18+ and All Ages Versions use the same account, so you can switch between the two whenever you want.

>> No.13589408

Is skyfallen H not worth it? Did it for the first time and it seems worse than N, or I just have really shit luck.

>> No.13589410

Welll you SHOULD have gotten a HCG in the tutorial. What did you get in the bonding screen?

>> No.13589413

Fair enough.
A conversation.

>> No.13589422

Ah, so they work like the guys.

Also IIRC I read that AA and 18+ versions can have different events running at the same time. By switching you can do both.

>> No.13589424

Somebody asks this sort of question fucking daily because none of you fucks understand what RNG is.

>> No.13589439

Almost makes me want to play JP along with Nutaku

>> No.13589443

>events every week
>TWO events at the same time
Why would you not.

>> No.13589446

It's actually extremely rare for two events to run at the same time if you exclude Reprints. Like, once every three months at most from what I've seen.

>> No.13589447

>In Japanese

I wouldn't even know what to do.

>> No.13589452

You know most of the buttons from Nutaku and you can ask about the rest.

>> No.13589456

I mean the events themselves

>> No.13589462

Wiki and google translate. Or also ask.

>> No.13589466

Click on the ulmf jp thread on OP over there they translate event for you.

>> No.13589478
File: 233 KB, 958x635, Untitled3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anything useful I can do with gold male units I don't want? This asshole has showed up 3 times already.

>> No.13589482

He's arguably better than Katie since you can cost reduce him. That's what I did.

>> No.13589486

Male Aria. CR him or don't the choice is yours.

>> No.13589487

Well normal events and large subjugation events have been running together for a while. There's no subjugation event now, but if they keep with what they've been doing there should be a new one this week or next.

Use them as awakening fodder.

>> No.13589488

Male-Only maps. Also, male units usually give a lot more XP than female units. For example, a level 1 Gold Female gives 250 XP base while a level 1 Gold Male gives 750 XP base.

>> No.13589509

30CC him and skill up your good soldiers!

>> No.13589570

You got him 3 times because if you pay attention to the event info, there's increased drop rates for him and Jerome.

He's actually quite a good unit.

>> No.13589704
File: 694 KB, 973x650, betterthanexpected.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fairy H, took my mainline team instead of my anti-dickwolf team in.

>Everything went better than expected.

>> No.13589715

So was your Sybilla skill level 1 or are you enjoying a failed skill up now?

>> No.13589730
File: 315 KB, 661x580, cutest waifu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 for 2 mate

>> No.13589775

Are those fairies to skill up Sybilla only available on H? Started the game a few days ago and I've got Sybilla as well, wondering if I should try going for those fairies even though I can only clear E.

>> No.13589787

don't waste stamina on H until you're like lvl100, the daily is complete bullshit. Drop rates are also very bad, you're better off with challenge quests for your gold/platinum fairy needs meanwhile, and black/rainbow fairies can wait. Princess skill is mainly a nice bonus, they can wreck shit even on base level

>> No.13589797

You can get the experience fairies from challenge quests (higher level ones give rarer fairies). The main purpose of the daily fairy quest is for the rainbow fairy.

On days with no events/dailies or on days where you don't care for dailies, do the challenge quests to get fairies and affection items. It's also more efficient to do these than to do the Wednesday daily.

>> No.13589801

>Wednesday daily
I disagree, H has very good drops, and only costs 3 stamina too. But until you can do H, its not worth it, yeah

>> No.13589802

So the Wednesday daily is completely worthless?

>> No.13589823

No, it's great, especially once higher difficulties come out.

>> No.13589827
File: 9 KB, 546x147, ss+(2015-06-03+at+04.23.12).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always thought it's decent at least. Especially for male affection items.

>> No.13589857
File: 9 KB, 677x141, ss+(2015-06-03+at+04.31.28).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Male items here.

>> No.13589864

Well its arguable. E and N yeah. H is pretty good, although challenge quests don't use charisma, and its good if you need the fairies too.

The male wednesday daily on the other hand is very useful as you can only get male affection items from those and login bonuses. It's just more difficult due to rarity of male healers and the fact that the Nutaku version doesn't give us a free Christopher like the JP version does.

>> No.13589873

Nutaku should give 1 free Christopher to all accounts or so. Maybe hitting a certain requirement.

But for A Toast to Men (at least E & N at anyway) you can just use 4-5 archers and 1-2 mages with a Prince and you're set. I remember using level 10-15 archers and a level 1 mage and a level ~30 mage and always 3* easily. Prince wasn't high either (40 at most)

>> No.13589987

Next Aigis event confirmed for next tuesday. Plenty of time to rest.

>> No.13590003

I wonder if I have enough time to get ready for it. Started about 5 days ago, got a team of ~level 25 each, one black and one plat (Cypria) and my prince is 36.

>> No.13590020

These breaks between events suck.

>> No.13590100

You should be able to make it. We just need to know what event it is.
I've needed them so badly, got so many units to level and affection up still.

>> No.13590140
File: 656 KB, 960x640, NisBest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Runned only N today
>3 Black
>2 Rainbow

won't bother with H anymore, N has proven to be better for me

>> No.13590172


Two reasons:

1) We've already discussed and figured out the basics when the game (and expeditions) first came out.

2) The current event is very un-exciting. So we get some R+ units who are as good as R++ but what else? Nothing. Most especially: no new bosses.

I mean ok a few more SRs got added to the gacha but new valks is not a deep discussion topic. Everyone who's been around for a few months has full SR++ teams that can wreck the current roster.

The main topics of discussion in LoV is from new bosses and loot. The screams of jelly as lucky fags boast of first drops. The re-assessment of priorities for force budgeting. The dilemma of whether to item gacha or card gacha.

>> No.13590406

I don't hate you because you're lucky, I hate you because you don't understand high school math

>> No.13590421


Also, I just noticed silver and black are actually the same girl with dyed hair. What the hell?

>> No.13590470

I think you should look at the iron and bronze fairies.

>> No.13590493

I forgot those existed.

>> No.13590496
File: 190 KB, 576x424, 1431462791661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fairies get more shapely the higher their rarity
>You can't keep fairies, level up them and use them for your harem to save them from their cruel fate

>> No.13590508

I really don't understand why there's no fairy scenes. They could give them out when you use them for CC or something.

>> No.13590538

New thread?

>> No.13590574

Migration time~

>> No.13590578

I'd imagine it to be somewhat related to the fact that fairies are just recolours. Iron and gold, copper and platium, silver and black, and Rainbow and Time use same graphics just with a different colour palette.

>> No.13592935 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 248x249, heypaul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nice trips
