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1353010 No.1353010 [Reply] [Original]

Don't chet...

>> No.1353015

My name isn't Chet, and I'm going to rape you anyway.

>> No.1353017

He has a good theme.

>> No.1353044

Cave Alice > Alice

>> No.1353047

I want to lick her, him, or whatever.

>> No.1353052

It's ok to be jealous...

>> No.1353057

I wish to be the Parsee's Papa.

>> No.1353131
File: 233 KB, 1333x1000, 1222130156988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My brother! What hath ye become? Hath ye forgotten thine roots, how ye ate the sheriff under thy bridge and humpeth drunk upon the trunk of his motor? Hath ye forgotten, the thymes we boozed hard in the August celestial plains? Hath ye forgotten, the gentle grogs of the gods under the rotten green cinnamon skies of Gensokyo? Hath ye forgotten, the thyme we raideth the Augustness of Ichi-no-tani, how ye broke the head off of the shoulders of Kiku Masamune and devoured his ichor? What hath ye become? Hath ye forgotten, the thyme we alehoundeth in the forest of bamboo, the thyme ye were CAVETHED RAVICIOUSLY by the great and wise Hakutaku? Wh-...

Befeck, wrong person. Ye hime o' the bridges look all the same.

>> No.1353136

Excuse me; wtf are you smoking on.

>> No.1353172
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Sake out of the Amerigan province of Californya, my brother! Puts wings on yer back!
Alas, we hath noth to discuss. I hath surfaced in the wrong thread.
Cheers, anon.
