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File: 325 KB, 700x625, ff149d5b238997f31ed00a39606da604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13529570 No.13529570 [Reply] [Original]

Go to sleep on time, eat your herbs, and don't do capsule drag.

Last thread: >>13499555
Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/T2RCwdh8

>> No.13529647

Why are speed rings so desirable?

>> No.13529652

This isn't 2hu.

>> No.13529682

They can give up to +28 in speed. +28 in any stat is amazing, let alone speed which has a bigger impact than pretty well anything else.

>> No.13529692

They give you more speed which, if your overall speed is high enough, gives you more turns to do stuff against slower enemies.

>> No.13530034

I focus on high PV/DV gear with status immunities on them, but Speed rings are probably also really good is they're a good one. I usually just see crap like 15 and under.

>> No.13530188

Alright got my first BBQ set.

Is there a way to reroll the Quality? Mine is a Manic BBQ set.

also what is a good material to shoot for raw cooking bonus? I am keeping this one in my house and will try and make my next one portable with Dawn Cloth.

The wiki says using change mat scrolls on furniture that already has a quality (Manic,Godly, etc) makes it turn to shit or something ambiguous.

>> No.13530228

200 hours later I finally have an altar in my home.

Praise the gods.

I put my home RIGHT next to vernis.

Would it make more sense to move it to the crossroads west of Palmia or should I wait until South Tyris and just rebase there?

>> No.13530271

Jumping off last thread's conversation, what's the wisest way to develop your spellcasting abilities? Just go cuhrazy with magic dart/magic ball and watch the damage ramp up?

Magic can be pretty opaque/too deep for many new players, which may be why they prefer melee/ranged to start.

>> No.13530299

Yeah, just spam your attack spell of choice. If stock is a consideration, only do so above a given potential threshold.

>> No.13530301

Pretty much just dive right in. Magic dart, heal minor wound, are what I started with and as my casting increased and I found different books I branched out from there.

>> No.13530305

and hero

>> No.13530353

After doing a quest in South Tyris you'll get a house full of maids that you can use as a base in South Tyris. I'm not sure if you can or can't put up an additional house in South Tyris but the maid mansion is something to consider. As for house relocation I guess just move it somewhere you think is useful to have a house at. Also, it would be useful to have a house with lots of land surrounding it. You'll probably want your farms, store houses, and shops nearby but I guess this is all up to preference.

>> No.13530385
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It is done...

should I kill Orphe for his sword/figure/card?

or will it fuck me over later in the story?

>> No.13530410

Grats anon.

As for killing Orphe it's up to you. Without spoiling anything you'll meet him again so you'll have another chance if you decide against it for the time being. Or, if you venture far enough in the void you can meet him there as well.

>> No.13530417

The only "quality" that matters for cooking is tied to the utensil itself, not what the utensil is made of.

A lame candy barbecue will give the same bonus as a madam's favorite griffonscale barbecue.

>> No.13530431

Do it now, you lose your chance later. No consequences, aside from a karma hit.

You do meet him again, but he's a different NPC at that point.

>> No.13530454
File: 453 KB, 802x602, sword.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does the gear he drops different the first time you meet him? I met him a second time and I think the only thing of note that dropped from him was this sword.

>> No.13530466
File: 43 KB, 447x335, you lost me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright this is silly... I've been looking for this for hours and can't seem to find it.
Help me Obi wan Kenobi!

>> No.13530493

Speed rings are desirable because they're a base ring type, much like seven league boots are a base boot type, which means that the same things that make your favorite randomly generated ring excellent could potentially find their way onto a speed ring, which would then be even better than excellent.

>> No.13530500

He has a different sword later.

>> No.13530508

Uh oh. Looks like I've missed his original sword then. Maybe I can get the original from him in the void...

>> No.13530517

North-east-east of Noyel.

>> No.13530522

It's two steps west and one south from Noyel. Try harder next time kouhai and maybe I'll notice you.

>> No.13530529

does milk from ranched animals give stat gains?

>> No.13530566

Thanks guys. that was helpful.

>> No.13530690

Is it possible to git so gud that confusion won't interrupt your casting?
I happen to shoot everything with chaos eye and sometimes casters cast trough confusion. It's rare but it can happen.

>> No.13530778

>kill my first big daddy with my dual wield character without taking hardly any damage at level 22
>fucker kills my increasingly worthless pet
What should I do with little sisters?

>> No.13530807

I just collect credit, the scientist has never had anything I want to buy.

>> No.13530851
File: 281 KB, 799x600, ZA WORLD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I went back to the scientist to get a ball so I could bring her back.
Do I want +20 luck or should I try to see if I can manage to put a 2.0 weapon in my offhand?

>> No.13530873
File: 175 KB, 1001x714, Clipboard02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first God heart in 3 characters. This one dropped from an element dragon.

>> No.13530876

I only get gemstones and statues of Kumi.
I can get happy apples, mana fruits and hero cheses from music tickets, and I tend to stipmine forest dungeons for 4 leaf clovers as well.

>> No.13530882

I went with the apple because I'm afraid of what would happen to my hit chance.
What are gemstones?
The wiki is really bad about how you search for things.

>> No.13530886

I think he is referring to the second god rewards that aren't consumed on use.

things like ehektals coin gem, jure healing rain gem, and manis laser but I could be wrong.

>> No.13530888

It's unclear whether he's referring specifically to this item ("gemstones of kumiromi and statues of kumiromi") or to any of the various gemstones available in-game ("statues of kumiromi, and gemstones")

>> No.13530896

There's not much point in getting more than one of Yactatect's gem stone as you can only use it once per month, no matter how many you have.

>> No.13530898

I was referring to Kumi's gemstone.
I can't get any regular gemstones for little sister anyway.

>> No.13530905

You just have to own them already.

>> No.13530921

you can get duplicate kumi stones?

do they share a timer or are you replacing one dropped on death or what?

>> No.13530946

Indeed you can get Kumi gemstones, and they have all separate timer. Currently I have 4 statues and 3 gemstones, workin on getting more!
Also, start working on performance so you can get these and just buy your future happy apples from here. http://elona.wikia.com/wiki/Music_Ticket

>> No.13530990

Also where are the magic stones?
I cleared the crypt of the damned and the ancient castle but I haven't found any after killing the bosses.
Tower of Flame is terrifying.

>> No.13531010

Those are only mentioned in your journal.
Press j, they are under "quest Item"

>> No.13531035

Here's my spell grinding method:

Step 1) Overload cart to 10 speed
Step 2) walk around on property tiles till sleepy
Step 3) Check shops for stockpile items, use Kumi statues, yacajews gem, etc
Step 4) Rest till hungry
Step 5) Eat herbed herb for bloated, this is important
Step 6) Cast Divine wisdom
Step 7) Place corner of wallet or other item that works on spell's hotkey, make sure it stays
Step 8) Read berserk
Step 9) Once mana bar is empty sleep

Good way of getting your buffs and magic storm up. If you're going to be overcarting anyway it's the most efficient use of your time.

Turn them in, don't receive reward. Once you get to south tyris do the quest to get the kumi statue. Once you have it redeem all your rewards for kumi statues and swim in herbs. Your stats will skyrocket.

Alternatively work on your summon spirit spell and get alchemic rain.

Make sure to have lots of stocks of resurrection to. The karma hit is real.

>> No.13531052
File: 370 KB, 1024x768, miromi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm gonna make it...
Barrier is truly amazing.

>> No.13531079

go go go!

>> No.13531082
File: 408 KB, 1024x768, MY ITEMS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp. A bittersweet victory. I have emptied 26 rods of mana, lost my Fron and two four-handed bells of termination. Shadowstepping around a sandbagged monster makes the aura of retention irrelevant.

>> No.13531085

Does he have the same teleport prevention Inner Ehekatl does? I realized all inner gods may have the aura.

Good luck anon. I believe in you.

>> No.13531087

Did you get the sickle?

>> No.13531090
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>> No.13531109
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>> No.13531112
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Congrats, Anonymous!
Here. For your troubles.

>> No.13531116

>Going through morgue
Arrow Serpent Byakudan "FUCK" 517/10/10
Was squashed by a scalework cheap table in Your Home.

>> No.13531242

Is there an easy way to find certain monsters?
I want to get a twin edge.

>> No.13531353
File: 312 KB, 1024x768, you CAN spell Opatos without OP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buildup Opatos is nothing compared to Insane Kumiromi. Kumi uses Shadow Step to oneshot you wherever you are, Opatos just draws you close and stands there like a rock.
Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck is TyousindouKen Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From Opatos Like Nigga Use Your Legs Haha
He has irreparably damaged 4 farm tiles though.

>> No.13531393

Only if you would look for monsters that have a "themed" dunbgeon like the minotaur cave, tower of fire, pyramid, etc.
Asuras have no such place as far as I know.

>> No.13531406

Kill him
It has no consequences and you will permanently lose quite a good unique sword if you don't

>> No.13531446

does choosing to lie on your back display your death in the log?

>> No.13531467

How much should I be worried about potential already being bad at level 10? I don't want my stats to be too low for my level.

>> No.13531515

Level is a poor indicator of strength. Stats and skills are more important.

As for potential, that's not good but there's not significantly much you can do about it at this stage. The best advice I can give is that you need to raise money for a castle then get three or four magic stores, then invest in them so they sell potions of potential.

You can make the potions yourself too, if you want, but I have more potions from buying them from my vendors and the one in palmia than I do from scrounging up resources in dungeons. Bless them before you use them.

>> No.13531666
File: 504 KB, 811x634, you are the godslayer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've inspired me anon. I can't let you show me up either.

Let us slay gods together!

>> No.13531684
File: 559 KB, 811x634, Im rock hard right now.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13531693


Guess I'll need more money then, I remember seeing those potions being extremely expensive at the Noyel festival, even though those prices are marked up by a lot I'm still expecting them to be around 300,000 gold or more.

>> No.13531716

Rejoice, they're only 25,000 a piece.
At 100 negociation, of course.

>> No.13531765

Well I lured one to the entrance of a dungeon.
Time for ultimate savescumming.

>> No.13531775

I thought that your potential in stats just naturally went up or down depending on how close you were to leveling the stat?

>> No.13531792

Nah, it goes down whe you level a stat.
And goes up when you sleep.

Look there for an explanation of how to into potential.

>> No.13531801


Well, that's gonna be a long way away. I've only put the potential from the Guild into strength so far.

>> No.13531846
File: 67 KB, 481x251, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get rid of this?
What's a good animu to watch while autistically savescumming for items.

>> No.13531869

Good job anon!

Options - Message & log - Disclaimer in title
gdgd Fairies

>> No.13531893

Also can I train dual wield skill with a claw in my third hand?
What if I am using a medium weapon in my offhand?
The wiki is really vague about restrictions.

>> No.13531978

Anyone having problem with the music ? I've never heard music before and even after installing the Wild Arms pack I never music.

>> No.13532015

I just used up all my potions of potential, so I talked to my only pet, took all the mats he had with him and brewed up 50 more potions. I can't get this many from just magic stores.

>> No.13532043

Which ones have you taken out so far? I'm going to hit Itz next for the buster book, plus I can get him in a month with no wish.

Sometimes I think I should get my fishing up. I have hundreds of saps but no angel tears.

>> No.13532060

Are you playing solo? Then yes.

If you have any pets with you just gene eng him fishing (and detection, mining, etc would also help). It works like pickpocket, just with materials and you need to take them from time to time by talking with the pet.

Sometimes I think solo players are screwed because of the sheer quantity of mats a pet can provide you with and the ability to do ensembles and syncro hearts...

>> No.13532077

Just had my second wish come up and I'm unsure what I should wish for.

I have all the skills I could want and already have a pair of seven-league boots.

>> No.13532102

Happy bed, easily

>> No.13532104

Already got one from a cupid,

>> No.13532122

How lucky. What level are you? Miromi might be a good wish for feats, that's usually what I do. Alternatively you could get an astral light pen for future use.

>> No.13532142

22, so that'd be two new feats.

I'll probably do the Astral Light Pen and save it for later... though I'm not sure who I'd eventually use it on. Thanks though.

>> No.13532155

Yacatect for an amazing shopkeeper, if you're a spell user you can get the vice staff. If you can kill a god you can get the inner god weapon without killing the inner god.

I feel like there are better wishes though.

>> No.13532186

Only Kumi and Opatos, they have been freeloading around since forever. I'm worshipping Lulwy aiming for the Tempest Collar, then I'll go for the sweet sweet Frisia's Tail.

>> No.13532204

How significant are the huge -hit bonus values on inner god weapons? Does it mean that if you try attacking an enemy with them directly, you'll never hit anything?

>> No.13532219

>830 luck
>lose 15 times in a row trying to get potions of cure corruption
Clearly I need more luck.

>> No.13532227

I kind of regret wishing for the boots.
I like my hooves more.

>> No.13532241

You could always just crit.

>> No.13532328

A cheaper way to keep potential up (obviously less effective at first) in the earlygame, is to have a blessed happy bed and sleep in time everyday (before midnight), and have pets at fellow relationship with cooking, so they will make you breakfast and raise your potentials.

>> No.13532335

casino nerf too strong

>> No.13532359

Alright, i'm scratching my head about this.
Normally I gain spell stock from stacks of blessed scrolls of wonder, but recently I've been training memorization and literacy since I joined the mages guild.

For some reason, I'm not gaining spell stocks at all when reading books. My literacy is 52, memorization is 31. I read through 10~ holy rain books without failing, and my spell stocks remained the same. Other books seem to be doing about the same too.

Did I fuck something up or can you only re-learn spells from books once you deplete the stock? Can I not learn spells if the potential of them is at 400? Do I need a higher memorization stat before I see any progress at all?

I looked over the spell stock page, and cant figure out why I'd get 0 spell stock gained from 10 books.

>> No.13532412
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forgot pic

>> No.13532447

wiki has holy rain and healing rain as separate books, are those two the same or

>> No.13532478


>> No.13532480

Pretty sure that's holy veil or light or something of that nature.
Yeah some of the books have grotesquely WRONG names.

>> No.13532482
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>> No.13532490
File: 23 KB, 671x40, ss (2015-05-22 at 02.39.24).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god

>> No.13532566

How does it feel being number 2 at the voting box Suika Ibuki? Your long reign has come to an end!

>> No.13532586

As might be expected of a souvenir kind of stand, the stores during the festivals are at ripoff prices, mostly.

>> No.13532592

She's far from my favorite, but I think she's totes cute.
I also never vote because I forget all the time !

>> No.13532617

is voting working again?

>> No.13532655

Not sure if it's working or not but I do see new names on the voting lists and new names on the list that displays who is getting the most votes and some names rising and falling.

>> No.13532830

By the time you can kill an inner god, if you're a weapon user, you don't give a shit about a measly -460 to hit.

>> No.13533110

Does anyone have the info on how dominate works? I want to know what would give me a better chance of dominating my level 800 spirits, 400 magic device or trying to level my dominate spell (currently 150).

>> No.13533393

I could only guess.
But knowing how easy it is to reproduce the spell once successfully read a book I'd say using the rod would be more easier.
Don't bet on it though, it's just how a sadist game developer's mind would work.

>> No.13533416

That can be easily tested.
Pick a name. Any name. Preferably one that's not on the top 10 list but not the very last either.
Let's see if we can rig this by voting on him and only him... or her... it..

>> No.13533422

Remember to vote for Suika!

>> No.13533456

Making a gene.

What should I roll this time? I heard unarmed scaled incredibly high later but spells are just 2strong.

>> No.13533532

I voted and saw someone's vote count change. I think it's functional again!

>> No.13533562

Maybe let's try and bump up "recurrent hope arcuied"?
Currently has 9 votes.

>> No.13533718
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step up senpai

>> No.13533723

Be honest /jp/

do you save scum out of deaths and potential loss from wells?

>> No.13533728

I only save scummed once ever and it was because I dropped my fork on my keyboard and it made me kill myself with mana burst. It was pretty funny actually.

>> No.13533732

yes because I don't give a shit and no, that's what my pets are for.

>> No.13533741

Ever had a magic character? If yes and they got far, go unarmed.

If you've already become the god slayer then go for a gimmick character, like magic device or something. Get creative.

>> No.13533780

Damn just got to South Tyris and see that it is very mcuh a work in progress.

What the hell should I be doing here at level level 49 with shit attrib? (89 - 110)

>> No.13533863
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It's time

>> No.13533876
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His first form took a few more hits than ehekatl. Mildly worrisome.

>> No.13533895

Yes when i die from overcasting during training spells, no otherwise.
I don't drink normal wells.

>> No.13533943
File: 341 KB, 1280x768, Released own mana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god he's mad. He's spamming mana burst. His space retention is up soon so I can teleport out of this but contingency activated on the first mana burst, so it'll one shot me. He's almost dead though, almost.

>> No.13533958
File: 493 KB, 1280x768, Barely visible godslayer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, two down!
Decided I didn't want him getting close to me with that mana burst so I kept him off screen and spammed meteor. It was risky as my mana was dropping fast from barrier, but it worked.

>> No.13533974

Grats anon. Btw what level is your magic storm spell?

>> No.13533982
File: 764 KB, 1280x768, fourty thousand extra mana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yes.

Who should I do next? Anyone but Mani, he's last. I also don't know if I can take Lulwy yet.

Thank you. It's at 654.

>> No.13534004

Is the book a melee or ranged weapon? Also, I cast my vote for Yacatect.

>> No.13534014

Melee I believe.

I was putting Frisia's tail in my ranged slot to avoid accidentally walking into a putit and causing the apocalypse, but now it's unavoidable. Welp.

>> No.13534055

Just checked out hyper Yacatect. She might be a bit of a challenge. See, I remember when God inside Ehekatl hit me with her melee weapon when I first fought her, it wasn't pretty. Yacatect has a ranged attack, the reason I'm also scared of Lulwy. Not only that but her coin invokes mist of silence. I can just rod of holy light it but it's still worrisome.

Still, I'll give her a try next. I can also use that opportunity to turn her into my shop keeper.

>> No.13534073

How about Jure or Kumi then?

>> No.13534079

Nah I'll give Yacatect a try. She'll be tough though. She even has attribution shield, contingency, and speed on her unique skill.

Jure is going to be weird. I'm worried I won't be able to keep up with her healing and I'll just need to grind my meteor level even more. Fury effects meteor right? How can I get myself fury?

>> No.13534106

Why can't I return to my North Tyris home.

I hate this.

I can hear the potential potions inventory cycling from a continent away.

>> No.13534140

Where are you at that you cannot return back to North Tyris? If you're in South Tyris all you have to do is cast a return spell/read a return scroll or walk to the South Tyris North Border and hitch a caravan ride to take you to North Tyris.

>> No.13534184

The ability Rampage works like fury. You should already have it.

>> No.13534189

Just too lazy to return to border, carvan, return to home.

Yes I am that lazy in a grindy game with 220 hours played.

>> No.13534213

Ah ok, thanks anon. I always thought it was just an ability called "fuy", or maybe weapon invokes. Frankly I was too embarrassed to ask.

>> No.13534226

How dare you be lazy in a grindy game

>> No.13534263

I have been giving mage guild books forever and the guild leader still won't give me the damn guild quest.

How does one check guild rank?

>> No.13534272

Same as all others, in the journal.
There's just your rank though, not even a "guild" somewhere.
Like for example just "thug" or "associate".

>> No.13534285

Journeyman Rank.29?

fuck my ass... level 5 huh?

is it a linear progression from 29->28 per completed book point quota or does it vary from like 29->13?

>> No.13534312

Is the best way to train luck simply eating something with "maintains luck" for the bonus then eating raw +luck attrib gear?

Is there a way to see current luck?

>> No.13534449

You can turn in stray cats to the dog cop, you can also mine forests for 4 leaf clovers.

You might also be able to get a rabbit ranch and farm their tails, but I don't know if it works that way.

>> No.13534755
File: 568 KB, 1280x768, I even checked the spelling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am upset

>> No.13534851

I would of made the same mistake too. Seems to wish for him you just type in opatos. Not his full name with title.

>> No.13534888
File: 1.08 MB, 848x602, Are You Discontent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That means I must post this centipede face meme at you.

>> No.13534892

This is one of the few times I would have save scummed but it saves right after. I guess I'll just grit my teeth and bare it.

I guess I'm glad I don't have to fight him in Noyel during the festival anyway. I'm not sure how but I feel it would put me at a disadvantage.

thx bby

>> No.13535037
File: 775 KB, 960x716, 1422576335416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you guys relocate Your Home to South Tyris once you beat the main quest?

or do you keep it in the north?

>> No.13535042

I posted the spell formula in the last thread, I think it was. Maybe it's two threads back now.

The formula itself should be the same for magic device, but I don't know how the "power" is calculated for rods. I might look it up sometime, we'll see.

>> No.13535132

Does blessing chests before opening increase contents?

>> No.13535169

Lumiest5ever, yo.

>> No.13535228

what's so great about an out of the way shithole?

>> No.13535238

I've kept my house in North Tyris. The maid mansion in South Tyris is fine as a home away from home and the free picnic baskets the head maid gives is always nice.

>> No.13535253

I hear it is not actually a home?

Can you use book shelves and get trainer visits?

what about magic shop/bartender NPCs?

>> No.13535299

Nope to trainer visits. Don't know about bookshelves but I have stored my stuff at the maid mansion.

>> No.13535350

No magic vendor shops but some of the maids can identify your stuff and call back your allies. You can customize the place, have a salary box, and a freezer as well. So yeah pretty much a home away from home to rest up, get something to eat, and maybe store and pick up some things.

>> No.13535612

As a mater of fact it does count your vote. What I'm curious about is that how come that the top 10 are always the same, and it's been like that for years.

Submitting your alias is what doesn't seem to work.

sure. Lets do it.

>> No.13535613
File: 75 KB, 557x125, GreatestParent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13535655

Happy apples cost 50k music tickets.
Work on your performer, a pet's performer and summon spirits!

>> No.13535719

I love Elona because of crazy stuff like this.

>> No.13535744

She can't say she doesn't even give a shit...
Wonder if there's a Reuken fanart about this.

>> No.13535753

>two magic vendors
>right by the beautiful sea
>full of interesting people to kill
>statues of lulwy to spy on everywhere
Filthy mainlanders, all of you.

>> No.13535797

How is Lumiest a shithole? It's the second richest city on North Tyris and is ranked number 1 in the arts. If Lumiest is a shithole I'd hate to see what you think of Derphy. Unless, you're secretly a Derphy resident that is just jelly of folks living in Lumiest!

>> No.13535825

I'd like to see what Derphy residents think of themselves and their neighbors.

>> No.13535887

Should I drink out of every well I see or no?

>> No.13535910

No, there's always a risk the well will mutate you, summon monsters, get you pregnant with an alien, and god knows what. There are some good things that can come out of drinking from a normal well such as good mutations, stat increases, wishes, etc but take into consideration the risks noted earlier. If you want, you can let your pet drink from normal wells so that stuff will affect them instead and maybe they'll draw a wish for you to use.

I wouldn't drink from normal wells but the well in Noyel by the church is a good well to drink from. Most of the time the well there will give you good stuff. Just don't ever try to refill it with potions and junk. Let it refill naturally by waiting a year or so.

>> No.13535923

How do you live in Lumiest. I could only buy property outside the city... Unless you took refuge in the sewers. In that case it IS a shithole. Literally.

>> No.13535931

Don't drink from wells unless you want to get pregnant with an alien that will burst through your chest and then infect everyone in the city. The alien infestation might be too hard for you to combat leading to a town you can't visit anymore until much later.

>> No.13535957

Never said I lived in Lumiest. I've visited it though. Great city, unlike Derphy which is a den of prostitutes, alcoholics, cheats, and other filth that have been made outcasts by more civilized cities.

>> No.13536172
File: 178 KB, 840x517, Clipboard02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sure love my pet's material gathering ability.

>> No.13536183

I have a problem with werewolf attacks in Lumiest.
There's an attack every damn night and there's two werewolf detectives hanging around, but none of the civilians can be accused of being a werewolf.

>> No.13536251

I don't know, we all have the same thing happening to us with no chance to resolve the problem.
I once found a werewolf in Vernis, accused her, the towns people massacred her, but the midnight werewolf attacks keep continuing.
It's either a way to clear stuff out of NPCs inventory or it's still an unfinished or just untranslated quest.

>> No.13536276

Do you think resetting the problem town might fix it?

>> No.13536286

Reseting it will only restart it.
Just accept it. You will learn to disregard it most of the times.

>> No.13536406

In fact, he should summon gods there.
Hilarity will certainly ensue.
Unless they can't be targeted by the event.

>> No.13536418

That's most likely the case. Just like vendors or trainers or the Queen of Palmia.

>> No.13536426

Guys, new to Elona, is there any ways to make the text bigger? My eyes hurt after some fifteen minutes

And I just broke all the lockpicks trying to open the very first chest. Surely, I can buy lockpicks from somewhere, right?

>> No.13536431

General stores sell lockpicks occasionally.
The chest from the tutorial actually has a considerable lockpicking difficulty to it. Leave it alone for the time being.

>> No.13536475
File: 94 KB, 781x583, Clipboard02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So defeating Meshera α gives the same Win screen? Booo!

>> No.13536520

I wonder if someone tainted my Noyel Well, because I haven't had a single good thing come from it, and I haven't even mixed anything into it. At least I got lucky enough to find a Rod of Wishing near the start of the game.

>> No.13536537


Now kill 3 inner gods simulataneously

>> No.13536539

>heard one of the people in Port Kapul say 'seafood is extremely valuable further inland'
>buy around 8 lots of cargo to try it out
>60% profit
this is the part where I earn $$$

>> No.13536655

I'd like to share my autistic research results about Luck on wizard mode. I haven't tested blackjack since I'll have to tally to get reliable results which is plain irritating and I'm too lazy to test Treasure maps and Artifact seeds

1. 2000 luck and 8000 luck literally doesn't have a difference in terms of item sales at the blackmarket and while I'm at it I also tested if there's a difference between a level 300 and a level 2000 blackmarket in 2 years straight and saw none. There would still be times when godlies won't even appear in a single shop even if you're at 10000 luck. If you're grinding happy apples, it would be best to stop at 2000 luck (or if you're autistic enough, stop at 3000) and just put all your tickets/little sisters etc. on getting hero cheeses, magic fruit etc.

Most that you can get would be 5 (worthless) Godlies in a single shop

2. I also tested gachas between 2000 and 8000 luck. They're inefficient I know since it's a little hard to get 500 yen coins but I have to test it for science. As usual they have no difference; (worthless) godlies appear while at times they don't. A failed feature

3. Luck doesn't affect magic shops. Thought I could see a book of wishing/potentials/flying scrolls/potion of descent every 2 days in a single magic shop but no. They're still really rare

4. Drops aren't affected by luck. I thought I'll see tons of Secret experience of Kumiromi/potentials/descent etc. but I didn't. Haven't tested on rabbits though if they would drop a lot of rabbit tails for more luck but they're probably the same; the devs aren't dumb enough

>> No.13536728

>1. 2000 luck and 8000 luck literally doesn't have a difference in terms of item sales at the blackmarket

Luck for equipment generation caps at 5000. Easily verifiable within the code.

But Luck in general affects significantly less than people attribute to it.

>> No.13536751

How about artifact seeds and treasure maps?
Also when does luck matter on bejeweled chests? When they get generated, or when you open them?

>> No.13536753

Christmas trees sell well in kapul, fish sells well in noyel.

Have fun

>> No.13536755

Check the config.txt

I'd recommend changing your font too, meiryo ui looks pretty good.

>> No.13536880

The monsters are generally the only actual threat, as i've had a cockatrice twice my level pop up once.

Mutations can be prevented by a fairy hat, and stat decreases can be prevented by most equipment. Same with alien infestations, just chug a bottle of dye or poison and you'll vomit it right out. Or just find an equipment that prevents pregnancies. Its all pretty early game equipment too.

>> No.13536934

Not that guy but I've been wondering how to do that for a while, it looks great.
Also what is msg_box exactly?

>> No.13536936

Anyone managed to make the music work ? I never had any music while playing.

>> No.13536937


I'm not sure, I only messed with the text and font size and whatnot.

>> No.13536939

it's midi, so you need to be able to play it. It's in the settings, otherwise there's some stuff you can do in the config.txt

>> No.13536956

The thing is I installed one of the music packs in the pastebin and it doesn't seem to work, I did drop them at the right place I replaced the musiclist.txt and yet it doesn't work at all.

>> No.13536977
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>> No.13536979
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I sometimes stop and ponder. Am I doing the right thing?

>> No.13536985

You kiddin? That gun is a pretty nice gun to train marksman with.
It even comes with it's own healer to keep you alive while you do no damage.

>> No.13536987

Maybe he's talking about {the moron} bit.

>> No.13536989
File: 51 KB, 477x199, ss+(2015-05-23+at+01.39.14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never really gotten to the point where I need to cripple myself to train something, I'm mostly an early-mid game player, sadly! counting south tyris as lategame of course. I usually get bored by then.
On the flipside, changing font it makes certain things look like this. How does the size setting work? if I wanted to make it a little smaller, should I set it to 0 or -1?

>> No.13537039

No that's actually right on spot.
I only recently thought about negative effects would be good, thanks to the 4rth reward from your god.

I'm a magicfag In the late game I'm planing on cheesing it up by grinding summon spirits, Meteor and magic ball to achieve godly levels and zounds of AP per cast.
The fact that I will have enough Skillpoints to spend on skills made me actually sell some of my "future training" gear.
I could imagine that pistol on a ranged pet of yours. Possibly some bell.

>> No.13537065

If I change a pet's class to archer will she gain the hit bonus that comes with the job? Somehow I feel warmage is wasted on a White young lady who's set to keep her range and throw panties and potions.

>> No.13537078

fight me irl anon

>> No.13537095


>> No.13537160

Are there level requirements on precious items?
I've killed this valruna like 300 times.

>> No.13537218

nope. that's just RNG doing it's thing.

>> No.13537322

I kinda feel bad that I have this 170% potential in Longswords, but haven't found a decent one so far.

>> No.13537407


>> No.13537423
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Cute ghosts can totally cook!
But I still have a long way to go.

>> No.13537433


I do have that, but I do less damage than I do with my axe. My Axe level isn't much ahead of my Longsword either, it's only at 19.

>> No.13537442

Good job Pamela Ibis! If a cute ghost can cook surely my cute fairy can cook. Sadly she struggles to stay in the air with the kitchen pans and pots she carries. It's scary seeing her cut vegetables with a knife that is the size of her. She seems so determined to cook so I don't have the heart to tell her to stop.

>> No.13537455
File: 328 KB, 800x800, cute pamela.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can it anon! I believe in you

>> No.13537468

unless you have the rankis, then the timestop on diablo should help a lot more than the base damage. two handing vs dual wielding vs sword/shield also come into play with damage, as well.

If you're two handing both, the axe is going to do a lot more damage because of the weight of it factoring into the damage equation. The sword would be better for dual wield, since lighter weapons get the bonus. As for sword/board, that's pretty neutral either way.

>> No.13537473

So Pamela decided to join the fighter's guild to get some discounts on refining prices. It was incredibly awkward when the watchman told her to find and slay 5 ghosts.
Hopefully he didn't notice.

>> No.13537481


It's probably Two-Hand, but I'm still surprised at the damage difference. It's something like 100 damage difference a hit, with critical hits doing 300 more.

>> No.13537524

Two handing takes into account item weight?

Hmm, I think I might have a use for these cursed flying scrolls.

>> No.13537553

You get less of a bonus when your weapon weighs less than 4.0s if 2handing, also you don't get the additional hit bonus.

>> No.13537589

E+1.45 is out, and I've posted the translated changelog to the wiki.

I'll also put up the detailed notes sometime tomorrow. It's time for me to go to sleep.


>> No.13537636
File: 1.07 MB, 1280x768, wonder when ill hit 2000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frisia's tail, day 6, Buster Book day 2:
I've stopped nearly starving to death in dungeons. I still need to devote hundreds of skill points to keep the potential up. Forced to farm AP even more now. Absorb magic is incredibly useful between dungeon floors now.

I wonder if I'll hit 2000

Oh dang, thanks for posting that. I guess I'll update from 1.43 this time. Seems like they added some neat stuff. If there's anything you want me to try testing out I'd be happy to. Sleep well anon.

>> No.13537640

I JUST updated from 1.36 holy shit.

>> No.13537645

that's so elona with more versions than players

>> No.13537709

So to update I just drag a copy of my old save into the 1.45's save folder?

>> No.13537714

Make sure you saved out on the world map. Then drag your old save into the 1.45 save folder.

>> No.13537717

What happens if I was in my home?

>> No.13537741

Well things may be alright still if you don't save on the world map before updating but Ano did say on his blog that to be safe save on the world map. In prior versions not saving on the world map lead to problems with updating from not being able to load the save to bugs.

>> No.13537750

Ah shit, alright I'll copy my save and copy it over again just in case. Thanks for the heads up.

>> No.13538090
File: 555 KB, 1280x768, Slapstick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's trying to get away but he can't open the door.
Should I tell him?

Also level 16xx awakened dungeons are ridiculous. This is the second floor and contingency has already activated 3 times. I need to be more careful. I'm pretty sure everything has 2000 in every stat by this point. I need to find an insight lens just to make sure.

Surely rods of wish show up more frequently in these though, right? Surely.

>> No.13538144


Now I'm glad I saved up all those Platinum coins. 2 for 20% potential in a skill is awesome.

>> No.13538180

Dragon is regretting not having taken pick locks. It's also possible that due to the searing heat and light of meteors bombarding the dungeon floor that he's now blind and doesn't know that most of the walls are gone. Poor dragon's death message will be "Fucking Doors!"

>> No.13538201
File: 503 KB, 1280x768, He was stil slow as shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I thought stats, including levels, only went up to 2000? I was surprised to see this.

I just checked the trainer. I think they might have overly dropped the training prices. 10 plat max instead of 30? That's pretty ridiculous. Wizard's Harvest is even better now. Hoo boy.

>> No.13538217


It's ridiculous to me, since I'm still in the early game with nothing above 50. I might have overdone it though, I have Tactics at 234% potential right now.

>> No.13538338

Oh my.
Makes me kinda regret having dumped all my plat into my cart, but it's not like that 250s isn't put into use.

10 for 20% is really attractive.

>> No.13538365

I was kinda happy about the price drops in training but this is sounding really stupid

>> No.13538435

I'm actually kinda happy about the changes. I can now spend my plat on more than 2 skills now and have them at 400% potential. This frees up my medals to use on other things instead of scrolls of growth when I've already exchanged my sox supply.

This will probably shave hours off the grind in the long run but that's a good thing. Seriously, this game, in order to even see and do everything, you're still going to have to put at least 300 hours into it or even more. Some hours shaved off is not a big deal considering there's more game here in Elona than in some of the triple A titles that have been released as of late.

I'm also happy that this will ease new players into the game more and make them feel like they're making more progress in terms of character power.

>> No.13538516

Thinking about updating to 1.45 for dem cheaper training costs.

any bugs found yet?

>> No.13538527

It's only been live for an hour or two, give it a little bit of time

>> No.13538578

This helps a lot during the early game, late game plat really wasn't an issue at least for me. Really takes the sting off starting a new character for sure.

>> No.13538890

I keep forgetting to respond to this, sorry about that.

I'll go find the formula on the archive, thanks. I vaguely remember seeing something about magic device being able to catch things twice the level of your magic device, but I'm not sure. I really want to over-ray with a group of 2000 magic 1000 casting magic spirits.

>> No.13538899

Is dual wield ever worth it?

what about for pets other than something with 3+ hands?

>> No.13538929

Weapon + Shield: Low damage taken, low damage dealt. Good for ranged characters.
Twohand: High accuracy, high damage. Good for high PV/DV enemies.
Dualwield: Low accuracy, low damage per hit, lots of hits. Good for most situations, but really high PV or DV enemies will ruin your day.

2h beats the hell out of DW early game because you can actually hit shit, but late game accuracy gets so high it doesn't matter so DW pulls out ahead.

>> No.13539050

alright what are your guys routines for lucky days again?

I remember reading about it before but can't find it in the archive.

specifically what is the process with treasure maps? is loot generated on drop or when first read?

Should i be blessing my treasure maps, ID'ing them, and then reading them with lucky day?

>> No.13539108

I found an evolution heart.
As someone who didn't really intend to use pets but could probably use a mount eventually what should I do with this thing?
I might just reset it since it isn't the item I was farming for.

>> No.13539120
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It is time.

Going to astral light hyper yacatect for my new shopkeeper.

>> No.13539187

How high do I need to get my resistances to take on the boss of the crypt of the damned? I was expecting it to go a bit smoother but I couldn't hit with my gun at all and I got one-shot by a nether dart.

>> No.13539190
File: 580 KB, 1280x768, ragnarok not pictured.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, she's definitely the hardest so far.
It's entirely thanks to her weapon too. She can prevent teleportation just like the other inner gods, but her weapon invokes draw shadow almost every time it hits you, which means you're going to get sucked in and hit another 5 or so times. The only way I've been able to escape it is getting lucky with dodges or timing my attacks so she could only possibly hit me just before her "space retention" (what prevents teleport) buff wears off. On top of that it invokes mist of silence which very nearly killed me.

Still, she's almost dead. Thankfully she casts fury seemingly randomly (might be part of her gold rush ability) which makes my meteor hit her like a truck.

Here's hoping I can keep this up. Just a few more hits.

>> No.13539202
File: 686 KB, 1280x768, Something about jews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, three down. Almost half way there. I'm down to my last rod of wish though. I can almost cast wish again, and I can probably count on a noyel wish, but I'll need to get lucky farming up those rods after that.

Any thoughts on where I should look? So far I've had the best luck getting a million treasure maps from wizard's harvest then digging them all up.

>> No.13539207

also dw means you can use multiple invokes.
read I think.

>> No.13539209

Superb+ of anything he's hitting you with.

>> No.13539231

Grats anon. Now to put her to work at the shop. Just keep an eye on her and make sure she's not skimming money from the safe. Knowing her she might not be able to help herself.

>> No.13539248

Welp. Sounds like I need to get some better gear then.

>> No.13539281

In the pastebin it says "Class can be changed later on, but race cannot." How does changing class work?

>> No.13539293

There is an item called "business card" which allows you to change class. You can find said item in later dungeons on the floor. If you use said card and type in all lower class a class you want to change into you'll change to that class and inherit its class feat/ability.

>> No.13539297

You can also win them from casinos if you can get a huge winstreak going.

>> No.13539300

Thanks anons.

>> No.13539303

so what is the best power gaming class?

warmage for that sweet sweet medium armor cast rating?

>> No.13539351

I was thinking I could evolve a fire dragon child then use it as a mount.
My speed is already really high because of hooves and feathers and my training so it's hard to justify using a mount even though I'm a mutant.

>> No.13539380

Do you have the riding skill and have you been constantly leveling it? If not then you'll be disappointed with your speed if you try to mount anything.

>> No.13539411

That's exactly why I haven't been training riding in the first place.
Riding a phoenix into combat is pretty cool and if I ever want to go above the limb cap with the scientist I'll probably want a mount.
Megid flame and boost appear to be pretty good abilities too but I want to know if this is a good long-term investment or if it's a waste to use this over other mounts that don't require this item so I can go back to farming what I was originally looking for.

>> No.13539461

Upon further reading it would be a phoenix that uses a bow while being ridden by a crazy man with a multitude of limbs that can stop time.
I think I'll do it.
How the hell do I catch one of these things.

>> No.13539502

I feel like I fucked up hard with not maintaining my potentials well enough and didn't dive enough dungeons before progressing the plot. Should I just make a gene and make a new character?

>> No.13539537

I guess I can throw a potion of poison at it then catch it when it is low enough?

>> No.13539565

Holy crap, I'm loving some of these new skills I missed out on. Shadow Step is really nice.

>> No.13539614

Should work if your monster ball is high enough. Good luck anon.

>> No.13539625

Dragon childs are level 2 so I won't have a problem there.
I saw them plenty in puppy cave and pretty much anywhere low level.
I just hope the poison isn't too much for it.

>> No.13539654

How is the plot preventing you from making the necessary fixes to your character? Could just chill on doing the plot and instead work on getting enough money to invest in every magic vendor you see. Shop level 100 should be good enough to start seeing potions of potential on a consistent basis. Level up and seek out gear by dungeon diving.

If you feel even this can't fix your character then go ahead and make a gene. There is no shame in this as many people's first couple of characters are trial characters used to learn the game.

>> No.13539719

I advanced it far enough that when a diastrophism hit all the dungeons ended up too tough for me.

I can still make money though so I guess I can work for some potions

I'll have to get a magic vendor in my house though. All my towns are infested with werewolves and I don't trust that at all.

>> No.13539750

I think dungeon difficulty is related to your fame, not plot progress. If you REALLY can't handle it you can always fail some quests to drop your fame, but this makes it take that much longer to get to the jobs that hand out much nicer rewards.
Either way, lower level dungeons will still show up on occasion.

>> No.13539759

>I think dungeon difficulty is related to your fame, not plot progress.
Please stop spreading misinfo.
Random dungeon difficulty is determined by: Continent, main plot progress, highest level random dungeon cleared. Not fame, not your level, not anything else.

>> No.13539861

In all my playtime I have never seen a town infested by werewolves. I believe you though. So how did this come about? I've always seen the option to accuse someone of being a werewolf but I've never had to use it because I've never seen a werewolf infestation or see the beginning stages of one. If you destroy all the werewolves would the infestation stop?

>> No.13539910

If you guess wrong I think the werewolf lives.

I did get the right one, at least in Vernis, since they were branded a werewolf already, but another one showed up because my blacksmith died the same night.

I do have to thank it though because I got Ragnarok cause one of 'em got Whom Dwell in Vanity pretty early on.

>> No.13540096

Now I just have to train the little bastard.
I gave him a really powerful bow to fuck up putis.

>> No.13540163
File: 303 KB, 799x699, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it meleeing when it can't use melee weapons but can use bows?

>> No.13540171

Is there a cap they can hold or do they keep piling up?

>> No.13540205

According to the wiki it does have melee weapon skills as well as ranged weapon skills.

>> No.13540212

Pets are dumb, anon. That's what makes them cute. You can either gene engineer some hand slots or you can try and get it some AP to switch its battle routine from Leold in South Tyris.

>> No.13540216

It kind of it but otoh all it did was slow things down. E+ difficulty is self applied so if your fighting skills are shit that just means another 500 tedious harvest time jobs. Consider that you would do all of yowyn and some of palmia and vernis for a single 20% boost to a single skilll once it got up there. It's especially painful before panic jobs kick in.

>> No.13540245

Well I guess I should kill that asshole on the main quest then.
If I'm going to be riding the thing I don't want to fuck up its hp pools for now.
I have 80 AP so 30 can't be too harmful.

>> No.13540278

Yeah you're right anon that sounds painful although I honestly get bored before I hit that point ;_; no bully

>> No.13540296
File: 241 KB, 803x696, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We found friends!

>> No.13540330

whats the hard on with fire dragon?

>> No.13540332
File: 71 KB, 446x193, problems.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13540408


I'm starting to feel a bit inadequate when it comes to my HP.

>> No.13540444

+20% hp from feats, precious cheese, and 1/3 of my con is from my belief in the greatest god.

>> No.13540452

Raising your strength, constitution, and level will help in increasing your HP. A Golem character will say that your problem is the fact that you're not a Golem though.

>> No.13540465

I have less HP than you and I feel fiiiine.
Enchant your gear. I have double your PV/DV and I'm a Light Armor man.
Also, blessing scrolls of change material can get you some nice gear if you're willing to go through a good amount.

>> No.13540495
File: 397 KB, 803x692, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I can't really rely on my armor so I went with getting as much hp as possible.
My dodge chance is still pretty good though.

>> No.13540503


I think I've got 15% from feats, with 6% from cheese. At least my strength is okay, I'm level 25 and it's the only stat I have over 50 without stat boosts.

>> No.13540630

best sleep quality bed = blessed dragonscale happy bed?

>> No.13540738
File: 23 KB, 1024x576, patrick-bateman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw PV+50 from etherwind disease
>but CHR -7 and SPD -24
I have 100 spd so it's not like I'm missing much. PV before was like 10 so is it worth it until I get better equipment?

Also, where can I find artifact seeds

>> No.13540824

>PV before was like 10
Shit, I'd probably keep that for now. Are you playing a fairy?
50 PV is a pretty big chunk, especially if it's 10->60.

>> No.13540842

I just couldn't be bothered to get decent equipment since I was trading most of the time and doing harvest time quests for seeds and plats

I'm level 12 so my PV from equipment should be a lot higher, I'm investing in a shop and just waiting for good equipment to come up right now. Rogue bosses are, strangely enough given the low speed, rarely troublesome thanks to teleportation scrolls

I'm playing a Yerles Farmer

>> No.13540897

Fire dragon has the most evolutions of any pet so far, so there's a little incentive to stick with him

material doesn't affect beds. You want spirit cloth for the light weight.

>> No.13540918

okay thanks.

does quality (Maniac, godly) effect sleep quality?

>> No.13540919

Please tell me where I can find artifact seeds

>> No.13540946
File: 86 KB, 698x398, Clipboard02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it because, it has 3 evolutions, it has boost after 2nd evolution, it has a base 220 life that makes it perfect for a lifelong tanker partner and because it doesn't have that anoying breath attack every other dragon types love to spam. It also has superb fire resist. Took me a while to change his best resist to nether but mine reks shit.

>> No.13540957

Not on harvest quests. The cute fairy sometimes poops it up, but Kumiromi statues are what I get mine. Maybe in dungeons if you're lucky.

>> No.13540969

It still can't melt steel beams.

>> No.13540977
File: 1.57 MB, 1680x1050, Souryuu.Asuka.Langley.full.1252482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>opening the shackles of the fire giant at Noyel on the festival
why does this not take away karma?

>> No.13540978

Statues of kumi, cute fairy, rarely dungeons, miral and garrok

>> No.13541014

almost 100% positive it does not.

>> No.13541026

Of course not. But I'm still proud of him. he's been my partner since like forever. I think I caught him with the monsterball you get from Shena's quest.
The awesome thing is once his pickpoket got to around 30-ish I never needed to gene splice monsters in him for levels and stats.

>> No.13541029

why pickpocket?

>> No.13541044

He was able to pay for his training without me having to remember to pass him money.

>> No.13541046

ahh okay

>> No.13541047


>> No.13541059

When I eat herbed foods, I no longer experience start gains. Are there actions I can take to maximize the benefits of herbed foods?

>> No.13541061

Boost your stat potential

>> No.13541200

As the other poster said, keep your stat potentials high.

That said, experience for stats/skills are lowered based on that skill's/stat's level, so that could be hurting you as well.

>> No.13541490

>Bookcase limit is 100 stacks of books/scrolls regardless of how many more you buy
>In the year two thousand and fifteen of our loli waifu
>You can easily get 0-15+ books a shopping trip or one dungeon
>Storage house is 200 items
>Memorization mechanic is based around not just reading them all with increasing diminishing returns that may or may not matter depending on your cash flow, guild, and shopkeep choice
One fucking hundred. That's it. Hoooley shit oh my god.

>> No.13541502

Spellstock use goes down with level ( with the minimum being level 300 for a 80% discount ), you'll soon enough always have more stocks than you use, as long as you empty from time to time the bookwriter.
Let's not forget that sweet memorization skill, too. Reading books now train it for later.

>> No.13541535

I'm not in the mage guild So I'm running wholly off of invested magic shops and dungeon drops

>> No.13541568

Anyone have spoilers for the chances of fill charge results for rods/spellbooks/blankets/other devices?

>> No.13542316

I feel like evolution hearts should have some use on the player. Even if they just gave a tiny bit of skill points or stat xp. Maybe raised some potentials or something.

>> No.13542336

Fuck it i'm just gonna play overdose mode, third character in a week and i'd like to actually get somewhere for once.

>> No.13542417


After investing in a Magic Shop, I actually do feel like I'm going places. I feel invincible. I bet something is going to come around and prove me wrong though.

>> No.13542455
File: 433 KB, 1024x768, lulululuwy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some tips for fighting Dewastate Lulwy:
1. Mist of Darkness helps a lot
2. Quick Use helps immensely. 30 rods of mana and 60-100 scrolls of recharge should be enough to carry you through the fight. Using Fill Charge and sucking blood to recover stamina takes too much time.
3. Don't fight in the rain, don't use magaqua. The Dreadnought deals a lot of lightning damage and packs a huge punch. Consider using a shield even if it lowers you chance to cast.
4. Slow is a must, she constantly spams Lulwy's trick and 900+ turns long Speed.

Goddamnit, I completely forgot about Ragnarok. I guess I was really lucky to not have my house annihilated.

You can steal 10 toilets from the Jail. When your pet finishes drinking just use a rod of alchemy on the empty toilet and it will turn into a full one.

>> No.13542529

Good job. Lulwy has been the one I've been dreading the most, I'll take your advice.

Wait, you can get wishes from toilets? I honestly had no idea. Guess I'll curse a scroll of return and head to jail. Thanks.

>> No.13542546


if you switch faith to Itzpalt, you won't have to spend so much of your time using rods of mana.

also, you should use the Provoke ability, which causes fury in enemies. combine with Rampage for 4x damage. Rotten tomatoes have the same effect, too, apparently.

>> No.13542635

What the hell is a DD cemetery key?

>> No.13542667
File: 633 KB, 1280x768, itz seemed to be pretty understanding understanding about me murdering him.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way ahead of you. My absorb magic heals for more than my rods, and I have pretty high magic device. I put all the nefia cores that increased faith I had stocked up into an unknown shell and the results were pretty great.

Fury is a really good idea though. A bit risky but that's probably my only chance of fighting through Jure's healing. So thanks.

>> No.13542770

Holy crap, I love Shining Wave. Every time I think something in Elona+ can't impress me again, it manages it.

>> No.13542778
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Ok so the platinum buff isn't too bad. Seems they replaced scrolls of growth from sox with scrolls of faith.


>> No.13542933

What is there to do in moongates? I can't use anybody's stuff, I can't pickpocket, I can't even sleep in someone's bed.

>> No.13542938

If it's the one with doors you train lockpicking and the one with bubbles you train your armor skill.

You used to be able to loot kitty banks but it looks like they fixed that

>> No.13542947

Many moongates have crystals that contain an NPC that will be added to your game when you interact with them. Most of them I found aren't even on the uploader, and I got a lot of really nice monsters and cute grills. For the most part, moongates are just for taking a look at other player's stuff. There's also moongate levels that have varying monsters to kill, and of course the infinite wish ones.

>> No.13542951

It goes kinda like this. Doing good then the elemental hounds show up and you're like "well fuck..." So you then get some gear with resists. "Ok everything is great now I'm surviving." but then you look at your stats and see all their potentials are hopeless and you're then "well fuck...again". So then you start investing in shops for potions of potentials and think. "Ok, now I'm doing well and the only way is up for me!" Sound familiar?

Well for the most part you're right. Your stats are starting to rise and you have some good resists on you. You can now do dungeons many levels above you and you think "I'm going to make you my bitch now game". So you go and do the dungeons and as your climb in dungeon danger levels you feel great and then...

WHAM! you meet the stag god, the elemental dragon, Atlas, and the five headed god. Maybe all in the same dungeon too. They wreck your shit and you think "What the hell?" So you go back to the drawing board. You then realize that you'll need ways to aggressively raise your stats, you really need to start finishing your resist gear, and you really need to start grinding out your skills. You may now be cursing this speed bump in difficulty but rest assured.

The difficulty will pass as you get stronger...and then you move onto awakened dungeons, the deeper levels of the void, and maybe even the gods. Which all will truly test you. If you have flaws anywhere in your character those three will expose it.

>> No.13542957

What exactly does creating a gene do? The wiki doesn't explain it very well.
It's like creating a new character except you inherint all of your previous character's equipment+inventory. But what's this about bonuses? And what about your house and pets?

>> No.13542970

It's a storage of coffins of necromancy, and also a tool that will automatically redeploy your already summoned zombies in case you zone in to another map.
I won't use that for serious fights, but for smaller dungeons a horde of zombies seem to be an effective cleaning brigade. They also tend to like your music in Party Time quests as well.

>> No.13542977

The only thing that gets transferred is your inventory and a portion of your gold, and a max of 50 plat. (Or do you always start with 50 plat? I forget)

>> No.13542980


Yeah, I've gone against hounds before. Usually where I struggle is Ungaga or whatever his name is killing me in a single hit. I've gotten past him, and learning all these great skills. But so far, resists really do seem important. Hard to find nice equipment that gives resists in everything, I especially need cold resist since what I have now isn't cutting it. I finally found a good weapon though.

>> No.13542988

I made an actual gene only 3 times. Mostly I've been only fooling around with sleep sheeps, nudge nudge.
I got 50 plat every time for the new character.

>> No.13542994

Then what's the point in doing so exactly?
Is it even possible to fuck your character up so badly that you're better off starting over? I was under the impression that herbs and potions of potential could fix everything.

>> No.13543003

Some race/class combinations have much easier starts than others. Some people like to rush through, grab a bunch of artifacts and plat on say a dwarf warrior, and then make a gene and make a wizard or a farmer.

>> No.13543015

It is time

>> No.13543047
File: 547 KB, 1280x768, triggered my trap card.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go my babies.

They're doing a good job of eating his turns he can't retention -> draw -> chingchongoneshot me.
I doubt it would happen since I'm a bit faster than him, but accidents happen. So far he's by far the easiest. He hasn't hit me once with his thrown weapon. Doesn't take much damage from meteor but whatever.

For me to forget my image apparently.

>> No.13543049

Yes it is, but it's most common early game. A new player can get malmutated, wear cursed bloodsucking equipment, lose their pets, money and items and be literally unable to leave their cave

>> No.13543056

It's less New Game +, and more "easier start if you want to try something different".

>> No.13543089
File: 593 KB, 1280x768, Opatos sent to the shadow realm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Donezo. Halfway there.
I think I'll bring a big stock of coffins to the rest of the inner gods. They don't negatively affect me at all and they eat up their turns.

Unfortunately I'm out of wishes now, and I'm only at 26% cast chance for the wish spell. Guess I'm crafting a bunch of cursed return scrolls hoping for jail toilets. I'm thinking Kumi next.

>> No.13543128

So if your undead die they turn back into their coffins with a 1 hour cooldown?

>> No.13543137

Should I equip some Disturbs Your Growth items if i'm gonna powergrind my skills early game? Does level even account for how hard monsters are in the field anymore? I remember this being a pretty decent tactic in vanilla.

>> No.13543141

Grats anon. Although, I think it's a bit weird to summon gods from the toilet. But you do what you have to to do.

>> No.13543149

24 hour cooldown.
If you remand them I think they have a 1 hour cooldown, or it might have no cooldown.
If you suicide bomb them it's either 1 hour or 24 hours, I think 24 hours.
If you undead return them then it's 1 hour.

Necro-force has made these guys much more useful. If I boost them they actually get a decent amount of turns. My biggest hope for future development right now is that they keep adding more to necromancy. I love the idea and I really want to see it possible to make an entire character based around it.

Nah don't do it. The only point to being low level now is getting more skill points from learning, but that in itself requires you leveling up, so screw it.

My thoughts exactly. Magic reactioning myself to low health now so one of the guards can send me to jail. That -100 karma from party time shenanigans has paid off.

I just really hope I can get my magic device high enough to dominate some of my magic spirits before this is all over. I desperately want to finish this with an over-ray spirit bomb.

>> No.13543162

Fame helps determine how hard the bandits/pirates are when you encounter them on the field. As for leveling, aside from maybe not paying taxes for a time, it should not be avoided. Leveling is a good thing in Elona+ and will help with your stamina, health, and mana bar.

>> No.13543203

I actually did that. Found out that it's not quite worth it. Doing gardening and eating herbed herbs makes sure I got 3 times more the stats I should have had in vanilla at my level.

You don't need to do it. In elona plus being higher level is a good thing.

>> No.13543227

I can actually imagine Kumi's face as he emerges from the crapper, looks around and then looks at you like "No, you didn't just..."

You know I could even say it's webcomic material.

>> No.13543284

This is exactly why it's hard to explain what the game Elona is to people lol

>> No.13543350

Is it normal for nightmares to be giving beneficial mutations? So far I've gotten +regen and +5 Charisma off nightmares.

>> No.13543355

Yes. Same with wells.

>> No.13543549
File: 294 KB, 797x598, woooooooooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah, I actually did it. I never imagined I'd get this far when I tried to play this some years ago.

>> No.13543560

nothin personnel.. kid

grats anon!

>> No.13543575
File: 599 KB, 1280x768, Impatience wins again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got my wish to 30% cast chance and got tired of waiting. I failed several casts in a row but got it on a 1% chance. I think I might just spam it hoping for more now. If I luck out my journey might finally come to an end today.

Kumi coming right up.

Good job anon. You're learning and getting better. You'll get farther every time you try making a new character, and you'll start out with more and more knowledge. It's fun!

>> No.13543621

Ok Kumi is a bit scary. His shadow steps take off about 30% of my mana. Definitely glad I got the buster book before fighting him.
I have about 10 unicorn horns and the statue of jure ready for his insanity wave, hope that's enough. I also hope my rods of mana hold out against his shadow steps. Coffins of necromancy are still pretty useful.

>> No.13543667
File: 809 KB, 1280x768, slowly running out of meteor stocks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gg no re

Over halfway now. My wish options are dwindling though.

>> No.13543759

GJ anon.

>> No.13543965

There a good gun I should look for early on, or should I just keep dungeon diving and hoping for a godly or artifact gun?

>> No.13544020

The Winchester Premium is a good gun that you can get early on. To get it you have to worship Mani of Machine and earn favor with him by donating guns. Then after that there's the Rail Gun which Utima drops.

>> No.13544039

Alright cool. I'm almost done Yacatect so I'll switch over to Mani once I get her last gift.

>> No.13544047
File: 205 KB, 500x500, 1400648417847.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess i'll update after going to lost irva and emptying my enormous stock of sox.

>> No.13544071

There's also the Valkoinen Kuolema from Stoke when you get enough music tickets. I prefer its range compared to the Winchester.

>> No.13544234

Anyone know how to continue the main quest since 1.45? I went down to level 10 of cradle of chaos and beat the boss, then it tells me to talk to Gavela, I do but when I return the boss is back and it tells me to talk to Gavela again.

>> No.13544254
File: 87 KB, 592x136, aaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New food item? Sounds dangerous

>> No.13544286

Eat it and tell us what happens.

>> No.13544293

Don't be such a pussy.

>> No.13544299

is there anyway to get a CNPC to spawn as a merc?

>> No.13544301
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>> No.13544308

Aww. You didn't exploded everywhere at once.

>> No.13544314

I guess radiation for japaneese is nothing special anymore.

>> No.13544343


Speaking of dangerous, I actually picked trick when a kid did his trick or treat thing. He threw a bunch of molotovs, then died in the fire. It was hilarious.

>> No.13544355

I just shining wave them to death for their disrespect and disrespectful vandalism.

My character is 36 and he isn't putting up with this shit.

>> No.13544360

Man I'm getting desperate for wishes. I'm buying every treasure map from the noyel festival during every reset. I also converted to Jure to summon her come november, that'll save a wish.

Once the new year is here I'll have some pets drink from my 11 toilets until I get a wish.

Any other ideas? I'm so close, and frankly I really want to play something else. Just a bit more though!

>> No.13544363
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Yeah, those guys are assholes. Can't win, either you get a karma loss or a housefire. It was worth it for this though.

>> No.13544380

Your character is 36 anon and he still live in a cave, for shame anon.

>> No.13544386


I'm too poor to afford the mansion, I won't settle for anything less than that.

>> No.13544430

I can't find this info on the wiki.
What does using the training machine in the shelter do exactly

>> No.13544450

Very slowly trains your physical stats iirc. I only really use it if the book isn't one for a skill I have.

>> No.13544522

Strength potential

>> No.13544800

I am an upstanding citizen and adventurer who has warded off countless invasions that threatened Palmia. If I actually got low enough karma that the guards tried to attack me, those guards that can't even scratch me anymore, I could just buy an indulgence.

>> No.13544955

What would be a smart location to put my home/farm if I'm a farmer?

>> No.13545041

A place with a lot of land so you can plant down lots of farms. You'll also want your house, shop, and storage places to be easy to access from your farmlands as you'll have lots of stuff to haul around from fertilizer, seeds, vegetables, herbs, gems, magical items, artifacts, etc.

>> No.13545137

I farmed a lot more when I first started. Now, I mostly just use my Kumiromi statues and then plant those, but near the start of the game I put my castle between Yowyn and Palmia so I could quickly access either city, and Yowyn has a lot of farm quests, so that place could work.

>> No.13545624

>tfw level 30 with no greater evasion skill
He rapes me.

>> No.13545635


Makes me glad I go Claymore. I don't know how much Greater Evasion actually contributes though. I have mine at 24 so far.

>> No.13545657

How good is pickpocketing exactly?
Good enough to join the thief's guild for so that I can learn it from the trainer there?

>> No.13545676

you can incognito later, teleport the guild leader away, and then learn it before he reaches you.

mage guild is best if power gaming.

>> No.13545686

I haven't casted a single spell ever and I'm 15 levels in, so I don't think I'm cut out for that.

Meanwhile, isn't the fighters guild catered to meleedudes? Where's a gun-toting bastard even supposed to go

>> No.13545690

Holy shit I feel bad. I feel bad for having to kill him at 40-50.

>> No.13545708


I feel like the only reason I won is because of all the neat Elona+ perks, so I had my Tactics up to 70. I also got lucky and he didn't heal up.

>> No.13545825


Really? Objet of heart doesn't work in wizard mode. Sorry for that little mistake

>> No.13545943

Just 3 more points to go.
I'm afraid to do >>13545676 because I don't want to fail the join quest halfway through.
>not casting heals
>holy might
>holy shield
>holy veil
You should also probably look up what the guilds actually train.

>> No.13546270

Why does Elochat.exe not close properly?
I have to end the process to close it.

>> No.13546319

A lot of HSP shit does that.

I don't know why.

>> No.13546506
File: 2.74 MB, 1396x1992, 73835fe25a2469096be3a81aae692574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hang in there Miko, don't let those rogue bosses bully you! Or that rogue archer...

>> No.13546557
File: 7 KB, 128x192, pcc_body_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miko a cute.

>> No.13546716

Why won't blacksmiths repair arrows?
Slimes fucked up my arrows.

>> No.13547097


How exactly will a blacksmith repair an arrow? Smith the tip?

>> No.13547315

That's why you acid proof them, silly anon.
Well, the godly ones. Don't go waste an acidproof on some iron bolts.

>> No.13547864
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Frisia's Tail obtained!

>> No.13547872

Are you carrying around a catgirl as a free blood supply?

>> No.13547898

As a man with 8 arms and 40 medals, should I go for shield tonfa or diablo?

>> No.13547909

Shield Tonfa. The damage bonus applies to every single attack you make.

>> No.13547919
File: 475 KB, 1024x768, do you even heal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mist of silence is the bane of Blessed Jure. A goddess of healing that can't heal her own wounds is no better than Eyth of Infidel.

Well, Fron is a catsister and I suck her blood often, so yes, but this is just a random silver cat that I summoned.

I'd recommend Shield Tonfa, I'm still using it.

>> No.13548017
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>> No.13548052
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Man, that was a long night.

>> No.13548071

Good job anon.
What level is your mist of silence that it affects inner gods? I'm hoping my 450 magic device is enough to rod of silence Jure when I tackle her tonight.

and good job again. How many do you have left now? Are you getting these wishes from toilet spam?

>> No.13548155

Level 166. My magic device is 305, and silence from rods lasted longer than from spell when I used it against low level monsters, so you'll be fine.
I got 2 rods of wishing from treasure maps and 2 from my magical farm. I still need to kill Mani and Yacatect, and I have only 1 rod left. My Wish chance is 51% though.

>> No.13548180

Perfect, thanks anon.
Good luck with that wish. I got mine to 30, failed, then spammed 1% and got it anyway.

I've still got Jure, Lulwy, and Mani left. Just going to summon Jure with the truce ground though. Make sure to bring rods of holy light to Yacatect.

>> No.13548188

I will, thank you.

>> No.13548208 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.13548225

Oh and something to note about making Hyper Yacatect your shopkeeper:
She can't equip anything unless you flying scroll the coin. In fact, if you take her coin and then try and give it back once identified, she will say it's too heavy. She also only has hand slots.

So if you want an inner god as a shopkeeper, keep at least a dozen or so flying scrolls hand first.

>> No.13548627
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It is time

>> No.13548659
File: 630 KB, 1280x768, I only now realized it was her ass in the sprite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's kind of a pushover. I was expecting her to be the toughest but so far she isn't a big deal. I've been just staying on her so she uses most of her turns to try running. Her lightning invoke barely scratches me because fairy with attribution shield and abused artifact fusion. Maybe she'll summon the tornados soon.

I haven't even brought out my necro coffins.

>> No.13548668
File: 786 KB, 1280x768, Two left.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was geared super well too.
I'm actually pretty disappointed I didn't get to see the tornados.

>> No.13548685
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Extremely old, but even earlier is possible.

Nowadays, I think if you abuse it right, even under level 25 is possible with the right equipment and abuse of time stop and burst ammo plus a thrown rotten tomato. Though if you're inheriting to murder the early game, may as well inherit level 100+ pets instead.

>> No.13549085
File: 519 KB, 1280x768, How do I eat food.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silence really bones her, but she casts holy veil as well. Almost had her dead but then she healed up to almost full. Still, she's not particularly hard, just gotta prepare for her and have high magic device.

"How do I eat food" I wish I could help you, fun kitty punchman

>> No.13549114
File: 689 KB, 1280x768, rip truce grounds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now only one to go, Mani.

I'm excited. Going to get god inside ehekatl to drink from so many toilets.

>> No.13549158

Gods drinking from toilets. Oh how the gods have been brought low.

>> No.13549188

Soon you're going to become a god
And then you have to kill yourself
