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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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13515829 No.13515829 [Reply] [Original]

>Please go out with me Anon

>> No.13515842

I don't want to go to prison, sorry.

>> No.13515843

Her face looks creepy

>> No.13515886

fk ouff bitgvyh

>> No.13515926

Only if I get to cum inside.

>> No.13516033

I can't, my loyalty to 2D chinese cartoons forbids it.

>> No.13516033,1 [INTERNAL] 

Fucking a jap child!

>> No.13516504

I'm NEET, no money to raise a daughter, sorry.

>> No.13516530

Is this the loli thread?

>> No.13516537

I don't date Mongols.

>> No.13516751

bump for loli interest

>> No.13516751,1 [INTERNAL] 

It would feel really good fucking a jap child.
I'd feel guilty if it was a white child.

>> No.13516751,2 [INTERNAL] 

does it really feel good to fuck child

>> No.13516751,3 [INTERNAL] 

Have you ever seen a child's vagina??? Of course it feels amazing, floating on cloud nine or something.

>> No.13516817

Oh come on, whites and east-Asians have been intermixing for millennia and we'll continue to do it throughout this one as well.

I kek at all of the people who think white/Asian paring is some new fad. Yeah, a thousands of years long fad!

There would be no whites without Asians and there would be no east-Asians without whites ... they'd all look like Aborigines, Melanesians, or Ainus.

>>Please go out with me Anon
No thank you, I steer clear of jail bait.

She's perfect imo other than not being legal.

>stupid captcha now I want pizza
>who am I quoting

>> No.13516826

People like you make me cringe.

>> No.13516826,1 [INTERNAL] 

whys that

>> No.13516834

i bet u look like an ainus

>> No.13516826,2 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.13516834,1 [INTERNAL] 

what a retard

>> No.13516834,2 [INTERNAL] 

uh how do you know what a child's vagina looks like

>> No.13516848


>> No.13516891

Why, you should love what I'm saying. It means the stuff you've heard is based on fear, paranoia, ignorance and lack of education. It means, white people are not only not 'going extinct', but in the end there will only be whites, and Asians will become white.

The reality is so much better than the falsehoods.

I look anglo-saxon actually.

>> No.13516938

>She's perfect imo other than not being legal.

Normies, get out.

>> No.13516969

Lack of education? The only statement that I have made is that I, personally, don't want to breed with people of Mongoloid descent, and from that single information you think you have found my race and my emotions? Did I ever say that I cared about the future of the white race? Did I ever say that I was white? Maybe, if you haven't made lazy presumptions, you would've found that it is nothing more than an aesthetic preference.

The reality is that I don't care whether whites are going extinct or not. And there is no reason for me to be even a little bothered others' races, or even my own, in the same way that I the lives of individuals other than me don't matter since the only things that are important to my life are my experiences and the reactions from them.

Nothing is more to me than myself.

>> No.13516969,1 [INTERNAL] 

I would literally punch that loli

>> No.13516969,2 [INTERNAL] 

With your dick?

>> No.13516997

This guy has the right idea.

Egoist is best ist.

>> No.13517026
File: 1.27 MB, 300x167, 1305430037404.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

underrated post

>> No.13517032

If we were born in any other era, she'd have 5 kids by now.

>> No.13517041

Will people on the outside actually bully you for liking Asian girls as a white dude? I've always wondered whether "yellow fever" was something people actually say out loud (or think, even) or just Internet slang like "asshat". Does it make a difference if you're flying to Thailand to "date" Asian girls, versus walking into your local pub? What if you just have a preference for lighter skin and darker hair? What if the only girls who will go out with you are Asian girls?

>> No.13517045

So you're not white and would not date an Asian?

Good news for the rest of the world. What we need is less Jungle Niggers prowling about this Earth.

>> No.13517050

No, what can they do?

>> No.13517065

I dunno but an Asian guy dating a white girl would make his friends mad jelly of him.

>> No.13517065,2 [INTERNAL] 

fuck! i REALLY want to go on a fun date with a loli! i wanna go some place like a park or something and play around like a kid and get all sweaty with her and then we can go swimming together to cool off!

why the fuck cant i do this!

>> No.13517925

I would but it'd keep it platonic 'til she is 16 at least. The upside is she will probably still look like that until sh is 22 at least

>> No.13517944

>I've always wondered whether "yellow fever" was something people actually say out loud (or think, even)
Yes. Yes it is. And it's looked at with varying degrees of condescension. Some think it's creepy and some think it's outright racist. Other people might just jokingly tease about it.

I think it's rooted in your intentions and whether or not you go exclusively for any particular race or ethnicity. I personally find lame-looking white guys who idealize Asian females to be rather pathetic. Bitches are bitches the world over, regardless of culture.

>> No.13517960

B-but my "nice and motherly" Filipino whore

>> No.13517981

Asian here, have you actually encountered anyone who's actually mad/annoyed because someone else is "yellow fevering"?

I mean being attracted to blackies is one thing, but I don't think there's anything wrong in being attracted to asian.

>> No.13517994

>I mean being attracted to blackies is one thing

White Guilt and Jungle Fever are more accepted fetishes in the mainstream. Thank your Jew media for that.

>> No.13517999

Well thankfully I'm asian so I'm immune to that crap.

>> No.13518032

>have you actually encountered anyone who's actually mad/annoyed because someone else is "yellow fevering"?
Yeah. I'm also Asian. I don't have an issue with it myself (I had a friend who pretty much only liked Asians), but it depends on how cool the guy is.

My sister hates guys with "yellow fever" since it means more guys try to hit on her. Guys that otherwise wouldn't hit on a girl might hit on her just because she's Asian and they think she's more quiet/reserved/docile/"easy"/whatever. These tend to be white, passive "nerd" types. That losers (for lack of a better term) target you because they think you're submissive/passive enough to go for them is a special kind of demeaning, I guess.

>> No.13518038

Also I should probably clarify that my sister is more attracted to females, but she's pretty resistant to any kind of intimacy. Any kind of sexual attention makes her uncomfortable so her feelings on the matter might be atypical.

>> No.13518082

Well introverted guys got to go for something, and that's usually girls they for some reason perceive easily approachable. I do find it a bit creepy to be exclusively for Asians. I guess there is the anime/manga/loljapan romanticism thing that's often (although with lower frequency as time has gone by) associated with these shut-in types.

>> No.13518104

To be perfectly honest, the typical women has been transforming herself into something that is completely unappealing to most guys. I'm not just harping in opinions from the /r9k/ crowd either. Even Alpha jock asshole types are noticing this trend and they are no less happy than we are about it.

>> No.13518112

Are you Japanese.

I'll only do it if you're Japanese.

>> No.13518126

That's a rich complaint, coming from a group which has been busy transforming themselves into something completely unappealing to most women.

>> No.13518130

Eh, I'm not female either so I don't understand that line of thinking.

>> No.13518132

tumblr whale pls go.

>> No.13518139

Settle it down, I guess sexbots really are the way of the future since both types are so unappealing to either sides.

>> No.13518140

If observing you for a day isn't enough to send most girls running for the hills, you need to work harder on your degeneracy.

>> No.13518150

Who cares? This was/is/should be a man's world. Women ought to be what the man wishes her to be. Defying that is just an insult to the natural order.

>> No.13518157

Why do girls hate virgins?
You'll never not be a virgin and get experience unless you find a girl yet they're all against it

>> No.13518163

People ought to give me an unlimited supply of welfare so I can sit on my ass and play eroge all day, but it's not actually going to happen unless I do something about it (and probably not even then).

I'll root for youu, though.

>> No.13518181


Sure, why not, but no funny business; going out != inappropriate physical contact.

>> No.13518182

See for an example>>13518032

Seems like girls hate virgins because being with virgins/losers is bad for their image.

It seems pretty superficial but that's it.

>> No.13518186

People don't like to hang around losers because they're losers.

>> No.13518191

Interesting. Not entirely convinced these "passive" white guys are only hitting on Asian girls though. I think it's more likely that they are simply hitting on anything that moves. But since people are less likely to date across racial boundaries, the proportion of loser white guys that approach Asian girls is bound to be higher.

>> No.13518193

Then how does one unloser oneself? Looks to me like typical bitches not knowing what they want.

>> No.13518199

Stay inside until you achieve satori.

>> No.13518200

I don't like to hang around with losers but I wouldn't mind it if losers are hanging around me.

I'm not superficial enough to care about my social image being surrounded by losers I guess.

>> No.13518205

Now you're not thinking like a woman. Good.

>> No.13518211

Loser or not, hitting on anyone is a waste of time and energy. It's far easier to just be absolutely disgusted by other humans.

>> No.13518224

>being in the presence of other people
get out of /jp/

>> No.13518227

Easy yes, but does it lead you to true happiness?

>> No.13518235

Well, I'm hanging with you guys!!!

>> No.13518242


I've given up on that. I'm well on my way to being the weird old rich guy that dies alone.

>> No.13518244

i.e. a tru/jp/sie dream.

>> No.13518245

if you don't plan to die young and poor you're already on track to surpass most of /jp/

>> No.13518259

>Well introverted guys got to go for something
It's not just about introversion, because a lot of extroverted guys also try to approach. It's the kind of thinking that "she's easy" just because of her race that bothers her. She doesn't fish because she doesn't want attention, but I think some people misread that as her simply being reserved or passive.

>Seems like girls hate virgins because being with virgins/losers is bad for their image
Virginity has nothing to do with it, at least not for my sister. She's a virgin with intimacy issues (like me). She doesn't like people trying to get in her pants, least of all guys who otherwise wouldn't even try if she was some other race. That sort of behavior is predatory.

>Not entirely convinced these "passive" white guys are only hitting on Asian girls though
I live in an area with a high concentration of Asians so it might be different elsewhere. I also know, though, that some of these guys self-proclaim their "yellow fever." The thirst is real out there, at least for some guys. While they probably won't admit it, their consumption of asian media probably has something to do with it in the same way that Japan seems to think all American girls are blonde-haired, blue-eyed, have huge tits and dress like sluts.

>> No.13518271

>Japan seems to think all American girls are blonde-haired, blue-eyed, have huge tits and dress like sluts.

They're right about the slut dress part. Everything else is a relic of the 50's.

>> No.13518285

>She doesn't like people trying to get in her pants, least of all guys who otherwise wouldn't even try if she was some other race. That sort of behavior is predatory.
Dating itself is kinda predatory in itself (searching for a m8), so I don't see your point.

>> No.13518288

how does she know they only like her for her race

also thats pretty stupid because i can't like black girls because their skin colour turns me off, its all apart of being attracted to someones looks

>> No.13518291

>It's the kind of thinking that "she's easy" just because of her race that bothers her. She doesn't fish because she doesn't want attention, but I think some people misread that as her simply being reserved or passive.
Well, this is a case where she simply needs to speak to them. Telling to fuck off, ask them why.

There's a big chance she misjudges them as well as they misjudge her.

>> No.13518292

this. why is america so obsessed with thrash like Miley Cyrus and the Kardashian slut posse?

>> No.13518293

No, you can't say that. DAS WACIST!

>> No.13518299

>Dating itself is kinda predatory in itself
It really doesn't have to be. The point is that shitty, limp-dicked "nice guys" and super cool "alphas" both think asian pussy is easy and super duper tight and the people that have to deal with that shit on the regular get rightly annoyed by it.

>> No.13518306

The role of dating is to search for a m8 and has sex.

It is inherently "predatory".

And you can't stop people from being attracted to you, man, in fact hating people because of that seems nonsensical.

>> No.13518311

I'm pretty sure he means outside the context of dating, as in, getting hit on in social situations that would otherwise be ordinary where nobody has started dating anyone yet.

>> No.13518327

>how does she know they only like her for her race
She doesn't know all the time. But more than once she's had to drop friends because they all go after her other Asian friends and then her. I guess there's a pattern to it.

To put things in perspective, I haven't once ever been hit on or approached or given any sort of sexual attention for being an Asian male. Maybe because of small dick stereotype. Who knows.

>also thats pretty stupid because i can't like black girls because their skin colour turns me off, its all apart of being attracted to someones looks
Speak for yourself dude.

>Well, this is a case where she simply needs to speak to them.
She's definitely not assertive enough to do that shit. She's passive aggressive and just drops all contact once she catches a whiff of that.

>The role of dating is to search for a m8 and has sex.
I don't know shit about dating and neither does she. We don't do that shit because we don't like dealing with people like that. But I'm trying to say that romantic relationships don't need to involve that "hunting" aspect. Plenty develop naturally out of friendships.

It's kinda like how >>13518311 is putting it. Where people out of the blue will try to talk to you and run game, or they'll try to be a lab partner in class or something to have an excuse to hang out or whatever. I don't know, I'm not her and I don't get hit on so I don't know the details.

>And you can't stop people from being attracted to you, man, in fact hating people because of that seems nonsensical.
I think it's the frustration that stems from not being able to do anything about it that makes her hate "yellow fever." She can't not be Asian.

>> No.13518334

self-deprecating chinese humor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vC_ycDO66bw

those of you who were chinese and born in the nineties will probably have seen this

>> No.13518338

Could it be that these guys are proclaiming yellow fever because they think that's what Asian girls want to hear? It's sort of like saying "I really love girls with long hair" to a girl with long hair. It's a really shallow "complement", the sort of thing someone with really poor social skills might say.

I don't disagree about the "Asians are docile" prejudice. That's definitely real, as evidenced by film and television. I just think true race fetishism (i.e. hitting on Asians exclusively or whatever) is relatively uncommon, and that the sort of men who go around relentlessly hitting on women don't have a very high opinion of women in general.

Does your sister have white friends? I think it would be interesting to see how their experiences with scumbag men compare.

>> No.13518342

also if you're not going to leave for /r9k/ (which you really should in any case) at least sage this shit thread


>> No.13518402

>Could it be that these guys are proclaiming yellow fever because they think that's what Asian girls want to hear?
Shit, that is so dumb but it would totally make sense I feel. As I understand they say it jokingly if they do self-proclaim, but they're not really joking. Shit is just embarrassing.

>I just think true race fetishism (i.e. hitting on Asians exclusively or whatever) is relatively uncommon
This place has too many Asians and I'm not the one getting hit on so there's no way I could tell. For some of the stories, though, it's definitely about the "docility" aspect. One of my sister's friends apparently has it even worse because she actually fits the stereotype--extremely helpless and passive. I actually had to help her disengage with some "lab partner" guy trying to sext her or some shit.

Given the demographic breakdown, more Asians should be hitting on her but they don't.

>Does your sister have white friends? I think it would be interesting to see how their experiences with scumbag men compare.
Some, but not many. Looks like girls just get hit on a lot in general. Whether or not race is the motivating factor here for most of it is uncertain. Glad I don't have to deal with that shit. People should just stay indoors.

>> No.13518506


>> No.13518518
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>> No.13518526


>> No.13518536

Unless getting hit here means harassment and shit, I don't know man. If you don't like to talk to them, you have to tell them. That is all.
Even the dating aspect developing from friendship is "predatory" because you are selective and proactive for a target (the traits of a hunter) at the end of the day.

>> No.13518545

I want a jap gf, any tips?

>> No.13518557

Where do girls like to go? What do they like doing?

>> No.13518561

are you a chink

>> No.13518612

>Even the dating aspect developing from friendship is "predatory" because you are selective and proactive for a target (the traits of a hunter) at the end of the day.
Meh. "Predatory" in the sense of "gaming" than simply being selective I think. But she probably would group all of it into aggressiveness because she just doesn't like that shit nor is familiar enough to sort it all out.

Nah. Viet.

>> No.13518622

>Nah. Viet.
What's the difference?

>> No.13518631

vietnam is south china but poorer and with sandwiches

>> No.13518634

Weird, I'm a Viet too.

Not living in the west though.

Oh well, if you can't handle the heat, just stay indoor I guess. I think the serious problem lies in your sister and not her male peers, it's natural for them pursue a woman that they are attracted.

Chúc chị mày may mắn, m8.

>> No.13518637

>it's natural for them pursue a woman that they are attracted to*

>> No.13518686

Dear lord. Not only do we have to deal with dirty beaners in /jp/ but now subhuman viets?

>> No.13518706

we have subhumans from all over the world - slavs, snowniggers, regular niggers, even a few lost sandniggers... you name it, we've got it

the only groups we probably don't have is russians, japanese, and PRC chinese, because they're all off posting in their own weeb boards

>> No.13518711

I'm sorry, /jp/, I'm sorry...

>> No.13518732

But only Arc is black...

>> No.13518741

damn i hate chinks
their bitches are good for fucking though

>> No.13518765

Viet are hood as fuck. More in line with Filipinos and Cambodians.

>Oh well, if you can't handle the heat, just stay indoor I guess. I think the serious problem lies in your sister and not her male peers,
It's not my problem. But it seems to be an issue on both ends. Thirsty guys and her for interpreting all interest as something threatening. Can't blame her though, cause I'm equally cautious. I don't like people getting too familiar.

>Chúc chị mày may mắn, m8.
I don't know what that means. Happiness on my sister or something...?

>but now subhuman viets?

>> No.13518793

You don't talk vietnamese?

Westernized asian?

Oh well, it means Good luck for your sister, m8.

And no, majority of Viet look more chinese than pinoys and Cambodian.

>> No.13518802

>You don't talk vietnamese?
I can converse to some degree but I never learned how to read or write it.

>And no, majority of Viet look more chinese than pinoys and Cambodian.
I don't know about looks, but viets be pretty brown here dude. They also look less "chinky" than most asians. And in terms of where they sit culturally, it's closer to the pinoys and cambodians. No one talks about vietnam on the same level they do chinese, japanese, or korean. that said, my sister and I "look Japanese" apparently, so i don't know.

>> No.13518804

You're probably hanging around Malay infested Viets then because they look more Chinese in general.

>> No.13518814

>hanging around Malay infested Viets then because they look more Chinese in general.
No, I'm saying they /don't/ look chinese. Darker and rounder eyes. Like most people don't think I look vietnamese or even asian sometimes. I guess some look chinese though.

>> No.13518820

Since I'm actually a chinese ethnic Viet I can't tell for myself, but most of my friends are chinese looking instead of looking "brown".

>> No.13518825

At least Vietnamese food is good.

>> No.13518831

A lot of Viet DO look Chinese. I think it depends on where you go. But around here, they're quite brown. They're also ghetto as shit, though trends are changing a bit now and they're trying to look like K-pop guys.

>> No.13518839

Shitskins arguing who is the brownest lol

>> No.13518841
File: 733 KB, 1017x669, Vietnam pagoda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And please, I would say viet culture is closer to chinese than anything, unless you look at ethnic group.

Look at our traditional structures.

>> No.13518843

Yeah, I'd rather talk about what nasty things I can do to OP's pic like holding hands.

>> No.13518846

Well, maybe it's the fucking lifestyle that makes them brown looking.

I never approve of westernized asian who loses their root.

>> No.13518847

I'm not denying that. I'm just saying that in terms of American cultural standing, Viets are very low on the Asian ladder, much closer to "brown" Asians. Though I guess that wasn't that clear when I said it earlier.

>> No.13518851

Oh that then, since I'm not in America, I don't know that.

>> No.13518923

Excuse me but could you please consider losing one dimension

>> No.13518960
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>> No.13519194 [DELETED] 
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Smuggle dakimakura everyday

>> No.13519257
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I miss when /jp/ just thought with their dicks. What the fuck is going on in this thread? /b/ and /pol/ infiltrate further every day.

>> No.13519298

Just some banter m8.

>> No.13519304

Are Japanese scared of black people?

>> No.13519316
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>> No.13519334

Everyone is scared of black people.

I know because I'm black.

>> No.13519344

Don't they understand we're more scared of them?

>> No.13519348
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>> No.13519875

Why do americans call niggers "black people"?

>> No.13520412
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>> No.13520412,1 [INTERNAL] 

The oshiri of a chink who is both female and a keed!!

>> No.13520412,2 [INTERNAL] 


Ay bruh

>> No.13522207
File: 304 KB, 1280x960, sameshoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13522636

How the fuck did you notice that?

>> No.13522636,1 [INTERNAL] 

Remember the times when jp was white?

>> No.13522636,2 [INTERNAL] 

>melty blood threads all up to 2012

Got some bad news for you.

>> No.13522636,3 [INTERNAL] 

So what is this, like a literal thread talking about dating joshishougakusei?

>> No.13522705
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I was just on the phone with my man, Chau Lee, who mentioned it. Made fun of him for having prepubescent taste.

>> No.13522705,1 [INTERNAL] 

The ass of an asian person who is both a girl and a child!

>> No.13522705,2 [INTERNAL] 

red lobster

>> No.13522705,3 [INTERNAL] 

[b][i][u]Beat up a fucking loli

>> No.13522705,4 [INTERNAL] 

Who was she fucking?

>> No.13524210

who is she? looks a bit like a younger ver of that former jumpin girl.

>> No.13524210,1 [INTERNAL] 

pls respond

>> No.13524993 [DELETED] 


its javascript:quote('13518960');

>> No.13525000 [DELETED] 


its >>13524210

>> No.13525003


its >>13518960

>> No.13525084

Nah, it's Saika Hamada

>> No.13525214

because we domesticated them so we got to treat the monkeys like they're people or they'll fling shit everywhere

>> No.13526488

Kongou has a more defined mons in the lefthand image.

>> No.13526524

You need to lie and pretend you're not a loser to trick people. Then once you gt in a girl's pants you spring out the truth: That you were a loser all along!

If I ever want to unvirgin myself that's how I'd do it.

>> No.13526524,1 [INTERNAL] 

smash lolis to death

>> No.13526541

I'm fairly certain that most girls would catch on sooner or later, especially at the part where you're trying to sex them up and do all kind of beginner mistakes. Like, can't find the entrance, penis keeps slipping out, you cum after five seconds, and so on.

>> No.13526541,1 [INTERNAL] 

force all lolis (but especially the blonde ones) into secluded rehabilitation facilities to systematically mutilate and reeducate them so they can never be beautiful or feminine, so they will never turn into the vapid, shallow, stuck up sluts that are women

>> No.13526607

Girls can tell I'm a virgin before I even get close to them, there is no hope in me scamming them to lose my virginity.

I'm not even hideous, I guess I exude an aura of purity.

>> No.13526612

I like you.

>> No.13526612,1 [INTERNAL] 

How the fuck is a guy supposed to not cum in five seconds?

>> No.13526612,2 [INTERNAL] 

>penis keeps slipping out,
that feel...

>> No.13526717


That is extremely cute.

>> No.13526717,1 [INTERNAL] 

It doesn't move...

>> No.13526765

>That's definitely real, as evidenced by film and television
You do understand that tv/cinema is all scripted, right?

>> No.13526799

Sometimes telling them to stop doesn't do anything though. My cousin started going to college and even though she has a boyfriend, this guy keeps harassing her and really wants to go out with her. She keeps telling him to knock it off but I guess he won't listen. From what she's told me he sounds like a stereotypical autist though.

>> No.13526924

And where exactly do you think those scripts come from?

>> No.13526936

Hollywood is totally capable of writing fiction man.

>> No.13526961

Right, so it's totally intentional every time a group of minorities is helpless on the big screen screen until they put whitey in charge. All just part of the masterfully crafted fiction.

>> No.13526972

I have no come to that, anon.

Sometimes, yeah, it's just fiction, man.

>> No.13526975

>have no comeback*

>> No.13527100

I'm not saying it's prejudice every time a minority is portrayed negatively in cinema. I'm saying that in the total absence of prejudice, there would be no broader trend of mistreatment, because we would expect less commonality in the portrayal of minorities by writers who are not taking their own experiences and perspective into account. But since there is a trend, we know that the prejudice is there, whether it's intentional or unintentional.

>> No.13527460

what the actual fuck. JP at worst...

>> No.13527661

legalize it

>> No.13527661,1 [INTERNAL] 

i wish i had a cute loli friend

>> No.13528117

it's a real shame she left Jumpin' :(

>> No.13528709

Fiction reflects latent cultural beliefs. I would even argue that if you wanted to know what a particular culture actually thinks you should look to their fiction rather than their history.

And while Westerners view Asian females as docile, we probably shouldn't forget that Asian depictions of ideal females also tends towards those of docility. I wouldn't be surprised if the Western stereotypes of Asian females actually stems partially from Asian portrayals.

>> No.13528709,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.13532920

I used to have this dream where I had joined the military and was stationed on a military Japanese island and I left base to go enjoy the city on my days off and fell in love with a Japanese girl.
(I'm a Vietnamese guy from U.S.A.)

>> No.13532957

I just read this more carefully, is this some kind of anti-racist shit going on?

Also, fiction simply reflects reality here since a lot of African and Asian countries get a shitload better once they get a whitey in charge, Japan included.

>> No.13532984

So basically asian culture is to blame for "yellow fever"?

At that point, does it matter anymore? Should we change "asian culture" for it to be less attractive?

>> No.13533026

gyaru should be made the ideal archetype of an asian woman

>> No.13533031

For what purpose?

>> No.13533054

yamato nadeshiko is the most boring archetype

plus they would never fuck me

>> No.13533065

That's not a good reason to change one's culture.

>> No.13535772

who wouldnt?

>> No.13535772,1 [INTERNAL] 

Asian lolis are yellow chinks. Lewd!

>> No.13535772,2 [INTERNAL] 

That's because lolies are literally insane compared to fully grown humans. Insane people are creepy!

>> No.13538661

you sound like a weirdo with no filter in between their mouth and brain

>> No.13538682

Why do asians like white dick so much?

>> No.13538832


I don't think OP likes the white dick.

>> No.13538876


>> No.13539071

She literally craves for it.
All azn girls i met where trying hard to get on my dick.

>> No.13539219

>So basically asian culture is to blame for "yellow fever"?
Not really. Asian culture is responsible for some of the Asian stereotypes (not all, of course). Yellow fever is the result of outsiders fetishizing these stereotypes. It doesn't make sense to put all the blame on a single group. This whole issue results from people stereotyping and overlooking people as individuals.

>Should we change "asian culture" for it to be less attractive?
I like asian culture as it is. But what we want doesn't matter. It won't change for us. What we can change is how we look at it. Really, what I think is that people need to stop thinking that anime and thai hooker porn is real life.

>> No.13539256 [DELETED] 

Why is "yellow fever" a problem? Is wanting to fuck asian chicks a bad idea?

I thought "yellow fever" is not a problem but the people reacting negatively to it is the problem? As seen in here>>13517944

>> No.13539264 [DELETED] 

Then she and her boyfriend should either have a talk with him, and if he doesn't stop harassment, call the po-po.

>> No.13539310 [DELETED] 

>Thirsty guys and her for interpreting all interest as something threatening.
People want to have sex, it's their natural urges. Them approaching her is not a problem in itself, if she doesn't want them, she should tell them straight off.
>Can't blame her though, cause I'm equally cautious. I don't like people getting too familiar.
Then it's your problem too.

As said, you can't stop people from being attracted to you, and hating people because they like you is very nonsensical.

>> No.13539406


But I thought snowniggers were russians? What the hell does snownigger mean then

>> No.13539410 [DELETED] 

Snowniggers in general prefer to the nordic and the ruskies.

Except the fins, they are snowmongols.

>> No.13539416

/jp/ has changed.....

>> No.13539832
File: 50 KB, 600x800, CEkRK8NUIAErapv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ cute

>> No.13539857
File: 95 KB, 1024x768, CDMKQtjUEAAiUGR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13539876


>> No.13539929

>She literally craves for it.

But it's only a vague sort of craving. Not exactly sure what she needs, but she knows she needs it.

>> No.13540058


>> No.13540603

Fuck of dude, interracial dating is disguisting!

>> No.13542939

Japs noses almost always ruin them from being perfect imo

>> No.13542973


No, maybe this is a sort of pedo thread, I think...
