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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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13514554 No.13514554 [Reply] [Original]

>Examples of these Zainichi Koreans include the voice actress and singer, Pile, best known to fans as the voice behind Love Live!’s Maki Nishikino, as well as Romi Park, best known for voicing Zoe Hange in Attack on Titan. And now, several otaku have marched to Akihabara to defend foreigners and protest against the clear discrimination

>destroying your country because muh 3dp waifu


>> No.13514569

We need netoyou counter march.


Who are you quoting though?

>> No.13514734


Kill yourself.

>> No.13516276

>Japan yes
>le eric /pol/ /int/ meemees

>> No.13516394
File: 65 KB, 710x649, 1352404993576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are koreans hated so much in japan again?

>> No.13516410

They dirty the daiNippon genepool.

>> No.13516424

Why does it matter and how does it affect me?

>> No.13516426

Are there even ethnic koreans in anime?

>> No.13516434

It's "otaku culture".

>> No.13516443


if they don't like it, they can leave.

>> No.13516546 [DELETED] 

fuck off, kikes

>> No.13516582

How product goes
 ① (⊂_  ミ Invented by German
 ② ( ´_⊃`) Commercialized by American
 ③ ミ ´_>`) Invested by British
 ④ ξ ・_>・) Designed by French
 ⑤ ( ´U_,`) Publicized by Italian
 ⑥ ( ´∀`) Improved & miniaturized by Japanese
 ⑦ ( `ハ´) Pirated by Chinese
 ↓   _,,_
 ⑧ <ヽ`д´> Claimed its origin by Korean

>> No.13518021

Nippon yes!


>> No.13518241

A dirty Zainichi pig being a part of Love Live further cements the superiority of iM@S.

Or it would if they weren't owned by the same company.

>> No.13518258


>> No.13518262

Does this mean I can now invade Japan with my filthy Mexican genes and dick without repercussions?

>> No.13518314

There was one in PSYCHO-PASS and surprise surprise, he was the bad guy.

>> No.13518321

Lib otakus? Are they taking lessons from tumblr bitches?

>> No.13518323

Yes, they're the ones doing the animation

>> No.13518328

it may shock and astonish you to learn that liberalism predates tumblr

>> No.13518333

Yes, but otakus aren't known to express liberal beliefs.

>> No.13518339

otaku are generally apolitical

>> No.13518347

We're talking about Japanese otaku. Not your Deviantart/tumblr con-going landwhale. Their political beliefs and inclinations neatly fall in line with your average right winger.

>> No.13518360

truly the Tokyo Youth Protection Bill was a rallying point for otaku all over the country, who overwhelming want nothing more than for the sexual libertines and aimless youth of today to settle down and raise families with three-to-four patriotic children

>> No.13518370

Nigga please. We all know their stance when it comes to issues like that. I'm talking more in the lines of militarization, stricter immigration etc.

>> No.13518415

Japanese conservatism is a little different from elsewhere though and maybe the younger generations are now finally getting involved now that love live is on the line.

>> No.13518420 [DELETED] 

>got less than 3% for a boat run at 73

o-oh is it time for time gate now?

>> No.13518434 [DELETED] 

I took a look at the Nico Enquete results and most results are split down the middle when it comes to anything associated with the liberal/conservative split when it comes to domestic issues - they really line up with conservatives in not particularly liking the countries of Korea or China very much.

It's not a good cross-section of "otaku" (since it's become fairly mainstream since a while ago, even I took it after they harassed me enough about it) but if you have better sources I'd be happy to have them.

>> No.13518441

I took a look at the Nico Enquete results and most results are split down the middle when it comes to anything associated with the liberal/conservative split when it comes to domestic issues - they only really line up with conservatives in not particularly liking the countries of Korea or China very much (who don't like Japan either in any case). Even then it's still split on Abe's reinterpretation of Article 9.

It's not a good cross-section of "otaku" (since it's become fairly mainstream since a while ago, even I took it after they harassed me enough about it) but if you have better sources I'd be happy to have them.

>> No.13518442

>since it's become fairly mainstream since a while ago
A while ago? I can find people claiming Nico has fallen to "fake otaku" in 2007.

>> No.13518448

You talking about "niwakas?" It certainly feels that way ever since the site rose from popularity thanks to Hatsune Miku and NND medleys.

>> No.13518453

2007 was a while ago.

If you know where to find real deal otaku (which, incidentally, none of us are anyway) you can ask them and report back for us. And no, VIP and the like do not count.

>> No.13518463
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>> No.13518502

What happened to my netoyou bro at?

>> No.13518532


>> No.13518583

I liked to see a series about a guy and his Korean girlfriend.

>> No.13518592

How can you even tell when most anime characters look white?

>> No.13518597

Their names duh.

And 2ch is just crazy good at digging stuff up.

>> No.13518602

By their name.

>> No.13518616

I see bitches in there so this is not a "normal" otaku crowd.

And don't tell me about otaku female and shit like that, tumblrites all of them.

>> No.13518630

Around /pol/acks, never relax

>> No.13518641

Weren't the Japanese originally descendants of Chinese and Korean immigrants anyways?

>> No.13518645

They are currently disputing that.

It's like the french and the brits.

>> No.13518685

Were else could they come from, though?

>> No.13518692


>> No.13518693

>our happy time anime never
>our happy time movie never

>> No.13518694



>> No.13518695

Videos of the protest.

>> No.13518750

These guys look more in shape, and there's less English poster.

Oh I get it.

>> No.13519067

Dude, it wasn't just Koreans they were protesting, but against all foreigners, including YOU. These guys are seriously scary, violent guys. I'm touched that all those otaku went out and marched for us overseas otaku who either will visit Japan one day or even live there. We need more of this.

>> No.13519094

The gates to the promised land must be kept tightly shut so that those few who struggle past it may find it as it was meant to be

>> No.13519101

the virgin creed mmm

>> No.13519190

I thought there was a strong contingent of Japanese that idolize white westerners.

>> No.13519201

Koreans whine the loudest. They whine about everything. And you know how much Japan hates whiners. Plus they join the Yakuza

>> No.13519210

Words cannot begin to describe my rage.
It's a testament to the deluded nature of Koreaboos that they can keep on insisting that their darling Corea isn't a nest of squealing, thieving simians after seeing something like this. In the end, it's a result of the time-honored chon strategy - use stolen Japanese culture and IP to reel in clueless weeaboos who're so eager for the acceptance they get through being "otacool" that they'll slurp up anything Asian-looking without asking questions, as well as bitter fedoroids who're too hipster to dare like Japanese pop culture and who think with their dicks when it comes to idols.
It truly baffles me how some people can drink the ttongsul so easily. When confronted with a mountain of proof detailing Korean crimes past and present - the occupation of Takeshima, the LG/Samsung industrial espionage, the Osaka May 2013 stabbings, the anti-Japanese propaganda broadcast through their stolen "idol" groups, their organized campaign to plagiarize Japanese products to sell in the West, their hiring of shibaki-tai to crack down on people daring to claim that Japan has a culture, the fishing boat incidents and much else - there really seem to be some people who're just droolingly deluded enough to plug up their ears and chant "TAEKWONDO SAMURAI KENDO RAMYEON MANHWA IDOLS ALL GLORIOUS COREAN ORIGINAL INVENTION EQUAL TO HEAVEN NIDA~".
To think that there are still kimchi-munching chon drones, even on this board, who claim that there's such a thing as "not caring" baffles me. While you're ignoring the issue, more and more of Japanese culture, finance and politics is being undermined and cannibalized by Korean plagiarist companies, shibaki-tai, Softbank, Lotte... the list just goes on.
And some of you shit-slurping chon drones will hwabyeong all over the place now, since you're faced with the truth that you need to totally boycott everything Korean if you still want to partake of the same Japanese media 10 years in the future.

>> No.13519231


Letting cute korean sluts into your country is not the same as allowing muslims and blacks in.

>> No.13519244
File: 95 KB, 500x750, siwon imaginary friend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep the Korean Christians out of Japan. Keep that deluded disease from infecting Japan.

>> No.13519247

Smuggle dakimakura everyday

>> No.13519268

>why are koreans hated so much in japan again?
Because they are an ethnic minority, and it's easier to blame ethnic minorities for whatever goes wrong than to actually think about difficult issues. It's natural behavior. This is then further exploited for political purposes by people who realize it's much, much easier to unite people when they have a common enemy. See those Koreans? Everything bad that's been happening recently is THEIR fault. They're invading our country and ruining everything!

So basically the same reason Americans hate black people and jews, and the same reason for racism elsewhere.

"...voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country." -Hermann Göring

>> No.13519270

>more and more of Japanese culture, finance and politics is being undermined and cannibalized
Great. Japanese culture is pretty shit in general, maybe Koreans can fix it.

>> No.13519279

Two words: nigga please.

Look at the recent Baltimore riot.

>> No.13519282
File: 1.12 MB, 1422x4052, japan korea annexation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying Koreans don't do exactly the same thing towards Japan, blaming the occupation for all their own shitty problems

>> No.13519287

Who ye quoting?

>> No.13519294

Holy shit, who knows gooks had it so bad back then.

>> No.13519333

Is a Japanese person fronted upon for dating a Korean?

>> No.13519356

Two wrongs don't make a right, Anon. Of course Koreans are racist towards the Japanese - the Japanese are an ethnic minority in Korea.

>> No.13519364

If it's a wrong that literally every culture does then you don't have a grounds to call it wrong any longer.

>> No.13519368

That's stupid. Wrong is wrong, even if everyone's doing it.

>> No.13519383

I'm glad I'm not an absolutist on everything.

>> No.13519401

Try being one for anything for once.

>> No.13519409

Nah, that's limiting myself.

I trust Bruce Lee, be like water, flow.

>> No.13519484

>Their political beliefs and inclinations neatly fall in line with your average right winger.
Why do you think this is?
I've got my own thoughts on the matter but I'd like to hear others.

>> No.13519489

>Wrong is wrong, even if everyone's doing it
If it is wrong, then why does it happen? If it was wrong, then it should not happen. But clearly it does happen. So maybe you are the one who is wrong. Or maybe you are just trying to surreptitiously convey your feeling of "boohoo I don't like this" as the word 'wrong', in order to force other people to feel the same way. Well guess what, Japan doesn't feel the same way. So go suck korean cocks somewhere else, and stay out of Japan.

>> No.13519568

Two wrongs don't make a right, but a wrong is justified as long as it's in response to another wrong. See: Self Defense.

"Being the bigger man" is optional, not morally required.

>> No.13519616

In other words, theft, rape and murder are okay? Every society's doing it, after all.

>> No.13519624
File: 70 KB, 900x900, 1424519684527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan now starts to import niggers and shitskins too? FUCK THE KIKES!

>> No.13519633

Every society has legal theft, murder, and rape? Please tell me more.

>> No.13519638

They are illegal but people will keep doing it anyway.

>> No.13519666

>If it was wrong, then it should not happen.
By this logic, everything that happens is right, and THAT's clearly wrong. Morality does not revolve around what happens but instead what SHOULD happen insofar as it benefits humanity, society, individual, whatever. Morality is abstraction and as a result, it's flexible.

That said I'm quite tired of how stuck up koreans are and how hard they're trying to push their shit "culture."

>> No.13519673

Nice fake propaganda image, jjokbari.

>> No.13519677

people who have abstract morality discussions in /jp/ should be executed

>> No.13519758

Fuck off frogposter

>> No.13519764

>one protest
>right wing protests and loudspeaker vans and busses literally ever single day everywhere
>no articles


Fished. Fished so fucking hard.

>muh minoritiy scapegoat

That stopped being a valid reason some 30 years ago. Please stop parroting your college professors.

>> No.13519778

Sorry I understand your point but who are you quoting?

>> No.13519787

Definitely not his college professors, that's for sure.

>> No.13519800

I like you dude.

>> No.13519869

This thread's still here.

>> No.13519908

looks like we're back to blacklist moderation instead of whitelist moderation

i can't wait to see how long it'll last this time around

>> No.13520006

Thanks god for lax moderation, I say.

>> No.13520040

kill whitey and korean pig
kill niwaka

>> No.13520144

Shutup, OP.

>> No.13520152

how? with they k-gay pop or bunch of kagebunshin plastic face girl band

>> No.13520171

They are ugly pigs and have infiltrated the Yakuza. They are literally the Jews of the SE

>> No.13520218

>otaku against racism

I thought that we hate everyone that's 3D.

>> No.13520229

That's not racism, though.

>> No.13520234

>basically the same reason Americans hate black people

Koreans make angry riots, rob shops, burn cars and do 40% of the crime in Japan?

>> No.13520238


No? They want blonde european girls and handsome korean pop stars.

>> No.13520245


We don't hate cute young girls. And Maki's VA.

>> No.13520261


>> No.13520270

>i can't wait to see how long it'll last this time around
How long does the robin sit in a bird pond?

The pond fills up with bird shit from other birds from other boards who care not for the quality of the water, given that they're merely exploring and don't rely on it as a water source. Eventually, the robin has nothing to drink, and dies, its pond turned into another shit receptacle for vapid memers and retards.

>> No.13520314

I hope this is not an attempt to crack down this thread.

I mean it is "otaku culture" news.

>> No.13520322

not in anime, but in Manga. Sun-Ken Rock for example takes place in Korea, so it's full of ethnic Koreans - but the main character is a Japanese guy.

>> No.13520407

Speak for yourself, asshat.

>> No.13521542

Who is Eric, and who are you quoting? Is it Eric?

A show about a straight man coming to wonder what happened to him when he wakes up to another man in his bed after having gone out with his girlfriend the night before?

>> No.13522045
File: 124 KB, 480x725, o0480072513258779192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of name is Pile is she hearkening back to her Korean ancestry?

>> No.13522262

>Americans don't hate Jews, we give them a shit ton of money, weapons, and let them pass go whenever they kill civilians

>> No.13522586

I'm Eric, and I never said that.

>> No.13523405

Ew, she looks gross.
