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1348525 No.1348525 [Reply] [Original]

Taro Aso's pretty much set to be the next PM of Japan now. What are your thoughts?

>> No.1348527

I thought this wasn't /n/, personally.

>> No.1348533

Fukuda was good with foreign policy, I just hope Aso won't be visiting any particular shrines and talk about the last 100 years.
I'll also be missing Fukuda's dissapointed look together with his half-smile.

>> No.1348544

Man makes no fucking sense to me. He's a Roman Catholic, a manga reader, and a racist. He's like a walking mass of contradiction.

>> No.1348546
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>> No.1348551

...which one is the contradiction?

>> No.1348558

How is that a contradiction?

>> No.1348574

Long live Rozen Aso.

>> No.1348579

Taro Aso is actually the Comte de Saint-Germain.

>> No.1348587

Being a racist and a Catholic often go together, but only if you're white.

>> No.1348599

Never been to Japan, I see.

>> No.1348604

How many Catholics are there in Japan, again? Three?

>> No.1348610

The Christfags have taken Japan!

>> No.1348619

Japan is one of the most secular states in the world, and a Prime Minister of a minority religion would have no chance of changing that.

>> No.1348622

Just as planned..

>> No.1348685

I just heard on the radio he'll be the new PM. Must be pretty much official by now.

...season 3, fuck yeah.

>> No.1349534

Someone should ask what his favorite Rozen character is.

>> No.1349541


All Japanese are racist and manga readers.

>> No.1349556
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There was a story on him on the NHK last night, I didn't understand ANY OF IT but I do remember the next story had the word 'toire' used several times. Something about a woman and a 6-year old boy in a public bathroom... I think she killed him.

>> No.1349567

Man, I just got an erection.

>> No.1349588

About Christianity I dont know. But he does not want more immigrants on Japan which is related to what native japanese people think of foreigners.
I think it will be in japans best interest to cut on immigration and to limit it to other Asian countries (China and Korea) if they dont want to see their culture destroyed in a few generations. It pretty much happened to Sweden and France and I would not like to see it happen to Japan.

>> No.1349601

You guys don't understand that religion has no importance in Japan and it is a non-issue when it comes to politics. And you cant compare a Japanese Christian to a raving mad lunatic American evangelist. He surely is a moderate Christian.

>> No.1349605


Japan has a healthy dose of racism in my opinion. It is what has kept their culture preserved despite the modernization.

>> No.1349620

He will be Japan's best fucking PM in years.

>> No.1349623

Japan needs Ron Paul.

>> No.1349629


I don't know... Koizumi was pretty fucking awesome.

>> No.1349631

No japan does not. Japan was not founded on the same traditions as America was, so Ron Paul in Japan would be a major disaster.

>> No.1349646

Why? what did he do? Seriously I dont know

>> No.1349652


Do you remember his hair?

>> No.1349656

Fortunately he wii quit soon

probably on october

>> No.1349658

where's my koizumi-chan?

>> No.1349669


Good, because nobody wants politicians playing video games on the job.

>> No.1349701

I'm a RC, read manga, but trying not to be racist

>> No.1349702

so how is he a racist? because he doesn't want to pack the country full of arabs and africans, like our stupid western countries do?

>> No.1349708

That's understandable, but white people too?

>> No.1349715

Especially white people.

No, wait, let me correct that.

>Especially white weeaboos with no background knowledge about Japan and white americans with no respect to any foreign culture even when they live in that foreign country
And actually, that's one thing I think our politicians should enforce too.

>> No.1349718

Tell me why Aso is called racist

I have never heard he is racist in japan

>> No.1349722

Western leaders want sandnigger votes. But Japan doesn't have saniggers significant enough in number to affect politics.

>> No.1349723

white people don't mass-emigrate anywhere, like the third-worlders do. it's not a huge problem. i personally wouldn't want to live in japan, just visit maybe.

>> No.1349727

>>1349723 has never been to Ausfailia or the USA or Canada or Britain, where white people mass emigrate

>> No.1349729

IIRC he said that the reason why Japan went on a rampage of conquering the rest of Asia during WWII was because foreigners had put those imprerialist ideas in Japan when they forced it to open themselves to the west.

He is also an advocate for stronger inmigration control (even more, Japan has actually one of the most restrictive inmigration policies of the G8) and some of his statements make even people in Japan panic because it could be interpreted as saying anything that wasn't japanese was a big dumbfuck.

>> No.1349736


not much of a problem, but still downright bad.

>> No.1349739

>>1349727 has never been to Ausfailia or the USA or Canada or Britain or any northern EU country, where white people mass emigrate

Germany alone is said to have about half of its population living in a some other country (even if it's another first world country)

>> No.1349767

He's an evil man with an evil face. That kind of honesty is rare nowadays, so I'm a fan.

>> No.1349772

>He is also an advocate for stronger inmigration control
well that is definitely a good thing.

>> No.1349778


>> No.1349780

just last year they were talking about relaxing requirements

Japan is so full of shit

>> No.1349781

Depends on if that policy applies only to stupid low-class workers or to stupid high-class investors.
Though both groups can boost your economy significantly, the latter one is more probable to leave your country and not burden social welfare than the former.

Then again, does Japan have a social welfare system or are they just like americans who are fucked up if they catch a goddamn flu (not even talking about a serious illness)?

>> No.1349796


also kind of /n/ in here, tone it down.

>> No.1349834


>> No.1349866

I have no idea if he is any good at all, and given the views in this topic I'm thinking he is pretty much Mr. Status quo in terms of Japanese government. They need more than the status quo to get over their fucking deadlock of a government structure though.

It's cool that he recognises manga as a cultural export but ho-hum on everything else.

>> No.1349869

Not really. Is like the american Congress. Fukuda was an advocate to loosen requirements for foreigners and promoted a "friendly" foreign policy.

Aso is pretty much the exact opposite. He wants to promote japanese products in his own country but also worldwide. And that means keeping foreigners out and promoting japanese products in foreign countries, including manga and anime.

Actually, he truly believes that some of the countries with most exposure to anime or which have little to no own comic industry could have the same potential market as Japan (especially Continental European Countries like France, Spain, Italy and Germany).
While I think that's a little bit too optimistic from his point of view (and would also mean that Japan's manga and anime industry along with the merchandising products would grossly multiply their benefits 300 times what they do now in said countries) if he achieves to convince people in Japan about it and also wins the next elections he would be crazy enough to propose those ideas to Congress (and depending on how convincing he sounds to Congressmen) actually get them billed.

>> No.1349882

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>> No.1349885

oh no, someone fix this :(

>> No.1349900

Actually, the only reason he got elected is because he is popular between young people (because of said recognition of manga a cultural heritage) and because his economic views cater voters who traditionally were alienated by the believes of Koizumi and Fukuda.
He basically advocates for more public investments in key segments such as high-speed roads and trains to more rural locations and industrial complexes outside the big cities, which is seen as good by older people who live in the countryside, and small and middle businessmen who can't always afford to create new business in Tokyo and Osaka because of how expensive the office buildings are.

>> No.1349905

Actually, that is where he is visionary. Except for the part where foreigners have to be kept out of Japan (trade always works both ways, they should know they've had Dutch influence since time) if he could assist in creating a huge comic and manga market in western centers at a time when the artistic avante garde is shifting ever eastwards we could suddenly have the situation where copyright law is ignored in favor of dojin.
That would fucking rock.

The obvious problem with this is paper media is probably the closest it has ever been to completely superseded so again he is going to have to hob-nob with a lot of western electronic media companies in order to create such an industry...

>> No.1349910


Or so I read. On 2ch. They might have been trolling.

>> No.1349928

He should be Kira's medium then.

>> No.1349940
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>> No.1349947
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>> No.1349952

Well infrastructure is what has made Japan so economically robust in the past. I hope the old country folk know what they're in for though. Their healthy traditional lifestyle is about to collapse around them.

>> No.1349958

Well, he has always been vague about how he views the west when talking about inmigration and economy.
It's especially weird to think he doesn't want foreign influences when he was pretty much the one who created the "International Manga Contest" funded by the japanese Foreign Affairs Ministry (or whatever that's called) back when he holded that position. He especially wanted to promote it in western countries but ended up having half of the contestants being japanese and koreans with only few western participants.

I guess he pretty much does have an idealized vision of how westerners should be like for his visions to work but also realizes that's just reverse-weeaboo wishful thinking.

>> No.1349973


>> No.1349974

How can a man who does not worship the Emperor as a decendant of Amaterasu be PM?

>> No.1349978
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>> No.1349991

Another little thing I'm picking up ITT that I want to ask about:

Do you think Japanese politicians are still freaked by America's gun-boat diplomacy?

>IIRC he said that the reason why Japan went on a rampage of conquering the rest of Asia during WWII was because foreigners had put those imprerialist ideas in Japan when they forced it to open themselves to the west.

Seems to be a response to the god damned black ships.

>> No.1350021

Aso's election was a triumph
I'm making a note here, huge success
It's hard to overstate my satisfaction

Taro Aso-san
He does what he must because he can
for the good of all of us
except for the ones who are dead

but there's no sense crying over every mistake
He just keeps on trying until he runs out of cake
and the politics get done and he reads a neat manga
for the people who are still alive

>> No.1350036

>and the politics get done and he reads a neat manga


>> No.1350038


I think so

but Japanese need the god damned black ships

>> No.1350074

From Wikipedia:
>In 2001, as economics minister, he was quoted as saying he wanted to make Japan a country where "rich Jews" would like to live

>On October 15, 2005, he praised Japan for having "one nation, one civilization, one language, one culture and one race," and stated that it was the only such country in the world. At a lecture in Nagasaki Prefecture, Aso referred to a Japanese peace initiative on the Middle East, stating, "The Japanese were trusted because they had never been involved in exploitation there, or been involved in fights or fired machine guns. Japan is doing what the Americans can't do. It would probably be no good to have blue eyes and blond hair. Luckily, we Japanese have yellow faces."

>Kyodo News reported that he had said on February 4, 2006 "our predecessors did a good thing" regarding compulsory education implemented during Japan's colonization of Taiwan

>Mainichi Daily News reported that on March 9, 2006 he referred to Taiwan as a "law-abiding country", which drew strong protest from Beijing, which considers the island a part of China. His implication that Taiwan is an independent nation contradicts the agreement made between Japan and China in 1972 (the Joint Communique of the Government of Japan and the Government of the People's Republic of China) that the Beijing rather than Taipei government be considered the sole legal government of China and that Taiwan be considered "an inalienable part of the territory of the People's Republic of China."

Oh wow. Just oh wow.

>> No.1350092

You guys have a shitty thread, I don't expect much from /jp/sies tho.


>> No.1350094

Taro Aso-san
He does what he must because he can
for the good of all of us
>except for the ones who are white

but there's no sense crying over every mistake
>He just keeps on trying until he runs out of figs
>and politics get done and he reads a neat manga
>for the people who are in Japan

>> No.1350115

why, because we're not a weeaboo hivemind that's only saying OMG SO AWESOME IM MOVING TO JAPAN ^_^ ?

>> No.1350127

But you are.

>> No.1350152

Lurk more.

>> No.1350332

>>born in Iizuka, Fukuoka
I hate him a little less now. I think.

>> No.1350693

For some reason i saw Barrack Obama when i glanced upon him

>> No.1350705

Will they both achieve the same stardom as the Bush-Koizumi duo?

>> No.1350789
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>> No.1350809

Obama won't, because he won't be President.

>> No.1350810


It looks OK if you use mona font.

>> No.1351027

someone posted this
"2008-09-23 00:02:14
It was reported today that Taro Aso has already resigned his position as Prime Minister of Japan after a brutal 6 hours of leadership.

The top members of the LDP are now going to sit around and pick which one of them will become Prime Minister for the next six hours."

is this true?

>> No.1351036


Word on the country is kinda old already.

>> No.1351107


>> No.1351244

>In 2001, as economics minister, he was quoted as saying he wanted to make Japan a country where "rich Jews" would like to live

You want kikes in Japan? [Y/N]

>> No.1351250



>> No.1351259

Sure, I like Jews.

>> No.1351294


Yes, these Jews should go to Japan and do the same that they have done to the USA and Canada. First buy up all the media. Promote woman's liberation to reduce the birth rate. Promote massive immigration and multiculturalism. Increase race hate in the media. Cause terrorist attacks on Japan. Send young Japanese men and women to fight kill and die for Israel the Jewish homeland.

>> No.1351344



>> No.1351358
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>> No.1351371


Wrong. Jews are powerful in the West because they can hide amongst them. They're powerless in Japan.

>> No.1351399


I fear this will happen

>> No.1351451

Please do not feed the TROLLS i.e.:


it means they win

>> No.1351489
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As long as I get my Season 3, the man can fuck everything else as much as he likes.

>> No.1351590

Does this mean germans now get free access to Japan again?

>> No.1351731

The animation will be done by Madhouse.

>> No.1353458

You're not seriously arguing that Taiwan isn't independent, are you? The Taiwanese hate the Japs as much as they hate being associated with the Chinese.

I don't know about the Jew shit, I mean Yids loved Shanghai back in the day and it was an opium-ridden shit heap. Jap politicians seem to always suffer from the same crappy history education though, so who knows what they actually mean.

He is right about the middle east though. The best military forces to secure Iraq would be far eastern ones. The mussies would be all "WUT".

>> No.1353787

Rozen Aso is now the Prime Minister of Japan.

>> No.1353801

It is amazing how popular you can be when everyone else is either a woman or has proven to be ineffective.

Still I wish him all the best. I've always wanted Japan to have a dynamic democratic system.

>> No.1354409

Hey, I learned something from this thread.
I learned about.... MANIFEST DESTINY.


Man that explained a lot. It's pretty funny how Taro Aso has turned around and inferred that the Black Ship thing was an act of Imperialism though, when manifest destiny has that kind of "TROO DEFENDAHZ UV DEMOCRACY" flavour to it.

>> No.1354592

So he will be rooting for better animu/mango in the future?

>> No.1356058

half the "taiwanese" want to be associated with china MORE. those mainlanders should go back to china if they like it so much.

>> No.1356069

No, he will be on the side of the anime/manga companies, so he will likely try to eradicate fansubbing for being "piracy".

>> No.1356073

Taiwan's eventually gonna be part of China regardless

>> No.1356120

Japan has been saying that since 1854.

>> No.1356136

Didn't work out badly for HK, so whats the problem?

>> No.1356152

Asou is very otaku

>> No.1356318

As long as it is peaceful no one cares.

>> No.1356356

The Kuomintang Party is back in power in Taiwan again. Remember that their professed goal is not to gain independence, but to rule over all of China. The only way this is possible is if China becomes democratic, they reunite, and then their party can become elected.

That might happen eventually ... but as long as the economy keeps growing 10% every year the Commies aren't going to have their power challenged anytime soon.

>> No.1356356,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.1356356,2 [INTERNAL] 

lol dumb hick

>> No.1356356,3 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.1356356,4 [INTERNAL] 

holy fuck my sides. 2008 was seven years ago
