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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1348288 No.1348288 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone just play around with some program /jp/ was orgasming over for about an hour and then get bored with? I have countless programs like that and the only few I can really replay is MB and SWR.

>> No.1348291

Yeah, definitely Vocaloid.

>> No.1348294

Vocaloid and MBA off the top of my head. I wanted to do the cool shit that nico nico fags were doing but I never got around to really learning it. It's just taking up space on my HD.

>> No.1348297

i play through everything I download from /jp/ except for Manibogi, got tired of that in 4s

I still play around with vocaloid a lot though

>> No.1348305

Everything except Ever17, planetarian, narcissu and ymk. Everything else I just got tired of fast. Atlas and VN was shit so I gave that up. I still have the .isos and shit.

>> No.1348314

Vocaloid and that rainmeter shit. The rainmeter maid thing looked nice but fuck if I needed to see what my CPU usage was...

>> No.1348335


>> No.1349158

touhou...I quit playing touhou after an hour and yes, I had most of them.

>> No.1349175

Yes, everything other than True Remembrance and a couple of Touhou games.

>> No.1349182

The only VNs I've played through all of the way are YMK and True Remembrance.

The only Touhou games I've beaten are PCB and IN.

I've downloaded a lot of other shit from here, though, so... yes.

>> No.1349191

I already played/downloaded all this stuff before it was even mentioned on /jp/.

And you sorta need to know how to produce music in order to use Vocaloid.

>> No.1349198

I still ain't read true rememberances, YMK and that inferno one by nitorplus
I also haven't completed a touhou game yet without using complete (can't even fucking beat EoSD) so I've stopped playing that

>> No.1349212

Every time I download something that /jp/ is talking about I start playing it and then get mad over the fact that I'm consuming something second hand. What I mean by that is that unless I learn Japanese I'll never be able to delve as deeply into a particular thing (VNs, Touhou, etc.) as I'd like, and even then it will still be something that I won't be able to experience the way that people in Japan do. I feel like I'm missing out and that there are things where I live that I could get into instead and that I could experience correctly.

Due to this, after playing/watching something for a couple of hours I normally quit and resolve to find something Western to get into, though I can never accomplish this and come back to whatever /jp/ related thing I was messing with the next day.

Shit sucks.

>> No.1349250

Learn Jappo then. It's an easy language.

I think it was during the Sega Saturn era that I realized I had to learn Japanese in order to fully enjoy my hobby (obsession?) of games/anime.

So I guess everyone who really enjoys this stuff knows what you mean.

>> No.1349256

>It's an easy language.
You're a pretty funny guy. But even humor has it's limits.

>> No.1349258

I am under the impression that anyone can 1cc IN on Easy. Its Easy mode is just so much easier than those of the other games.

>> No.1349260

Everyone either claims that it's really easy or really hard. I'm not sure who to believe anymore ;_;

>> No.1349263

I'm mostly that guy that posts shit about different Japanese crap in /jp/. Hell, I post a lot about Alice soft and other doujinshi here before a lot of people have even heard or seen them. Mostly picking out things that are a bit older or just never got the lime light. It doesn't touch well since the majority of people don't know Japanese so everything they're getting has been passed through some group already. Hell, I started learning Japanese so I could play Maple Colors without having to have someone tell me each and every little hint and area needed to be gone to to complete the game.
Hizashi no naka no real was one of the things I introduced to /a/. Oh, those were the finer highlights of the day back then.

>> No.1349269

The opposite for me.

I tend to keep playing games longer than /a/jp/v/ cares about, like Elona and Mabinogi, and that Mai-whatever game from c74, or never download them at all (Pretty much every VN), or else, people on /jp/ never cared about the game to begin with (Mukashi mukashi aru tokoro ni totetsumo naku naka no warui twintail no shimai hime-sama ga irasshai - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DpVgpdlwHYc )

>> No.1349270
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>> No.1349276


The spoken language is easy. The written language is hard.

>> No.1349280

I've been trying for about a month. I always get about halfway through the LAST FUCKING SPELLCARD in the game and then get game over. Marisa on Stage 4 always fucks me up and I end up with too few lives.

>> No.1349281

Often depends on how you learn languages. Japanese is very different from English, and some people learn better when they can easily start from scratch. Others do better with languages where they can more easily use their own for reference.

>> No.1349285

I have the same problem with learning Japanese, except I never get around to it. Whenever I think about learning it I think, "Wait, why are you trying learn an entire language so you can play VNs? As good of a cause as that is, I'm sure there's stuff in English that I can enjoy just as much without all of the extra work!" Then I resolve to get into western stuff, fail, etc.

Maybe I'll eventually try and learn it, though. Who knows.

>> No.1349291

These kinds of suggestions are often the ones I take, rather than the flavor of the month English release on /jp/. I copy down titles of things people post and look them up later to see if I want to get them.

>> No.1349305

>>1349285 here.

If I did decide to learn Japanese, about how long do you think it would take to get to the point to be able to read a VN if I put in around 4 hours a day trying to learn?

I understand that people learn at different speeds, but what is an average?

>> No.1349323

I've spent almost 10 years learning the language and I still struggle through some visual novel games. I'm playing Oozoku right now, and I'll be damned if they aren't giving good strategies for engaging other countries.
... Except it doesn't really have too much of the stuff I was looking for. Naked lolis.
Well, the battle system was pretty good after getting a nice setup with the characters.

>> No.1349340

Well that doesn't make me very optimistic... ha ha.

>> No.1349369
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Don't worry, it's hard drive failure time.

>> No.1349397

Hmm.. 3dsmax and Vocaloid sits on my drive. Had the urge to do some modeling a while back and I did a fair bit. I'll probably get back to it once I start taking courses.
Vocaloid will have to wait until I get some solid Japanese down.

>> No.1349585

Any answers other than ~10 years?

>> No.1350635

Well easy mode is boring >_> I could probably complete it with 1cc, but it would be like raping a dead corpse
I'm trying to 1cc on normal and fuck up at China's stuff...
