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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 269 KB, 1600x1200, DSC01835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1344372 No.1344372 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /jp/ i went to my late grandfather's rice field which is abandoned for a year now with my little sister. Pitty my father won't do anything about the land...

>> No.1344377

is this bizzaro Zun!bar?

>> No.1344373

Not your blog faggot. Go back to /r9k/.

>ZUN !3GqYIJ3Obs

>> No.1344375

Still using a shitty camera.

>> No.1344378
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>> No.1344379
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Lucky you.

>> No.1344381


>> No.1344385

don't you mean loli imouto?

>> No.1344384
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i have no money to get a new one, sadly.

>> No.1344391
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yes ローリ妹ちゃんw

>> No.1344991

oh well. No one likes the countryside anyway

>> No.1345008

Less rice, more imouto.

>> No.1345002
File: 54 KB, 480x360, 1222011630938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll post more pics when i get to downtown then.

>> No.1345000

Hi! I've missed you. ♥

>> No.1345013

I eat whales by the way.

>> No.1345021

1) rape imouto
2) eat rice

>> No.1345026


スパイ! yes, i eat whales and dolphins. Delicious.

>> No.1345038

ZUN takes pictures of lolis and post them here. Real lolis too, not just short people.

>> No.1345047

needs more imouto

>> No.1345048

Fun thread guys.

Let's do it again sometime.

>> No.1345046


>> No.1345049
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you watch too much lolicon.

In reality, most brothers do not have sex with their little sister. Well, 70%.

>> No.1345054

That means that almost one out of three does.

>> No.1345055

I did.

>> No.1345063


>> No.1345071
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>> No.1345070

I lied ;_;

But it will happen eventually, I'm getting there.

>> No.1345098

Thanks, brah.

>> No.1345123

sure are. fapfapfap.

>> No.1345157
File: 883 KB, 1044x1500, 1222013553329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyway, its past 1am and i have school tomorrow.

Goodnight. and i will post tomorrow (hopefully)

>> No.1345166

Somebody tell me the source of this pic.

>> No.1345168

don't call me omae, kisama

>> No.1345181

Give us a face shot of your little sister.

>> No.1345198

Your Japanese is weak.
You are nothing but a white loser.
Know your place.

>> No.1345212

seconded for sauce

>> No.1345216

Today I Left gensokyo and Went to a Farm they Had Wierd Clucking Monsters that laid Eggs and Big Fat Horses That Peed out Milk Then We all had juice Made from apples And got to go into a Big maze made using corn Wow Humans sure No How to Party I got lost in the maze for a Half Hour But Foudn my way out we colelcted tags thruout the maze and I got 1 of each 1 person will win an Mp3 Plater whatever that is?
Anyway I had Lots of Fun You really need to leave gensokyo the human world is so cool.Teehee!YAY!

>> No.1345221


>> No.1345242


Look who's talking.

>> No.1345404
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Pot calling the kettle black.

>> No.1346927
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>> No.1346953

I want to pat your sister in the head.

>> No.1346971

Your sister is so cute. Do you ever hug her?

>> No.1347010


lots of times. She's just gone to school. so moe.

>> No.1347027

You're so loaded Zun, and you have a nice Honda.

You must have a girlfriend.

>> No.1347030


Does she or does she not call you 'Onii-Chan'?

>> No.1347063

Soon after the Fed breaks down and the Central Bank of China declares insolvency with the largest budget of American Treasure stocks in the world, a few years after the government takes command of Wall Street, the last japanese banks will unite, in a despaired hug, with Sony and Nintendo.

>> No.1347069
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I'm so poor i can't even afford a good camera. I drive a toyota.


She does

Also she's a girl gamer.

>> No.1347082

I hate you and your shitty blog and /trv/ threads. Where's the other ZUN when you need him?

>> No.1347093

>Also she's a girl gamer.

Haha, good to see you're bringing her up right. Introduce her to Touhou.

>> No.1347108


I much prefer this zun to the other poor troll zun.

>> No.1347109

stop your faggotry

>> No.1347110


>> No.1347113

oh god a zun tripfag that's actually worse than ZUN !bar

>> No.1347114

Fuck that. The other ZUN has awesome shmup and jrpg threads, and doesn't have shitty taste in music. This guy just blogs and brags about being Japanese. Unless you're a butthurt IOSYS fag, the other ZUN is infinitely better.

>> No.1347125

I just realized that there're two ZUN tripfags

>> No.1347128

What this guy said. ZUN bar > ZUM !3GqYIJ3Obs

>> No.1347133


Indeed. Zun has to make sure she won't grow up like western women. And certainly not western 'grrl gamers'.

The north asian race is superior.

>> No.1347135

Is this going to be another version of last night's thread?

>> No.1347141

Why can't you women behave?!

>> No.1347139
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Anyway i gotta go to school. Real quick. I just come out late because i want to avoid rush hour at the train station. Fucking university...Will post around...5 or 6pm GMT +9

>> No.1347148

Oh, you.

>> No.1347153

Can you tell me why these 'grrl gamers' misbehave so much?

>> No.1347156

>5 or 6pm GMT +9

>> No.1347162

Stop arguing with yourself, athens.

>> No.1347167


They are sluts.

>> No.1347175

Men are sluts.

>> No.1347182

Why do you women not take me seriously?

That's true.

>> No.1347190

Because you like men who sleep around. That turns you women on. So you think all men are like that.

>> No.1347200

Because all you do is derail ronery threads so you can start a debate. You've effectively ruined ronery threads. Why can't you get validation at /r9k/ or something instead of here?

>> No.1347205
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So they've been around a bit? Nudge. Nudge.

>> No.1347209

Because /r9k/ don't like ronery threads unless they are the 'just broke up with my girlfriend' kind. And women cant be ronery anyway. So why do you care?

>> No.1347214

Not at all. I hate it when you women do this anyway, stop making light of my situation. You have honestly, truthfully, driven me to drink. There are a load of empty bottles by my computer desk. Are you proud of yourselves women?
