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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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13432087 No.13432087 [Reply] [Original]

What would your life be like if you hadn't discovered Touhou?

>> No.13432117

The same, minus Touhou.

>> No.13432132

Honestly pretty shit. I was depressed as hell in high school for not too many good reasons looking back but i found touhou and it became like 40% of my life. Getting into the whole fandom and reading doujin works or listening to doujin music ever day when i'd get back home made my life better. Nothing ever really got me in such good spirits.
Only sad that I didn't have any irl friends that cared for it.

>> No.13432145 [DELETED] 

The same since I don't like Touhou.

>> No.13432170

Not a whole lot different

>> No.13432173

Touhou changed my life.

>> No.13432217

Not too different, I only got into it very recently. It boosted my motivation to learn Japanese and work on fanart/music, though.

It's actually quite amazing; I managed to stay completely oblivious about 2hu up until last year, despite spending a majority of my teens on deviantart.

>> No.13432226

that being said, i do regret not looking into it earlier seeing how much i enjoy it nowadays

>> No.13432274


>> No.13432337

Probably a lot more boring and less imaginative. Thanks, ZUN. Things are better now.

>> No.13432349

I would've spent more of my time on VNs and Ragnarok Online private servers

>> No.13432372

you're implying that that would have been a much better use of time I hope.

>> No.13433502

I'd be a ship fucker!

>> No.13433510 [DELETED] 

toho changed my life I haven't socialized since i discovered it 10 years ago

>> No.13433528

I would probably have spent a few thousand more hours playing DotA or LoL and probably wouldn't have learned Japanese.

>> No.13433594 [DELETED] 
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Before I found anime and touhou I used to steal a lot so I'd probably be in jail or someting similar

>> No.13433606

Many many nights would have been fapless.

>> No.13433631
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I know that feel bro

>> No.13433632

I would have deleted my picture collection way sooner. With the rather constant influx of good pics, I could never stop.

I finally decided to end my hoarding days yesterday when I deleted 9GB of top quality non-lewd Touhou pics.

>> No.13433678

It'd be pretty rad, just like my life is with Touhou.

>> No.13433723


I dunno dropping Mario mosh pits in Second Life or other such assorted faggotry.

>> No.13433792

The exact same except I wouldn't have played any Touhou.
I still don't get all the hype around it.

>> No.13433799

I would be a lot less warm and caring. Seriously, I learned how to love by loving Touhous. I am not kidding here, I genuinely believe that sitting around all day posting about how I want to cuddle with Ran in her tail, meticulously planning a date with Youmu in a .txt file that I carry on a thumb drive, looking at every bare Touhou belly on Danbooru, etc. has made me me a better person. I don't carry around all that anger and I am far friendlier to absolutely every walk of life.

>> No.13433820

I wouldn't have nearly as many friends as I do today. I'm no longer into 2hu but I don't regret the time I spent in the fandom.

>> No.13433822

This sounds like something you would hear a horsefucker say.

>> No.13433838

mlp = touhou same

>> No.13433842 [DELETED] 

rude, I'm happy for him

>> No.13433856

I'm a crossie who is only here for JAV stuff and other things. I don't give a shit about touhou so my life wouldn't change.

>> No.13433946

What would your life be like if you hadn't discovered JAV?

>> No.13433950

I would not have tfw when no qt vampire loli ojou-sama

>> No.13433992

The same.

I masturbate to 2D more anyway.

>> No.13434014

Sounds good anon

>> No.13434057
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Touhou meant a fucking lot to me. It was there for me when I had turbulent ups and downs in my high school life and even now I'm still eternally grateful to Touhou for helping me through some of my most vital years.

>> No.13434467

Touhou lead me to /jp/, and /jp/ made me realize that what I really wanted in life was to be a NEET.

So if I hadn't discovered Touhou I might have graduated college and found a decent paying job instead of living in my mom's basement. Don't know if I would be happier or not, though.

>> No.13434484

hi jaypee i heard this was the only board safe from the normalfags is that true???

>> No.13434518

It's going to be difficult since I was already browsing /jp/ at the time, how am I not gonna discover Touhou?

>> No.13434544


>> No.13434551

i agree with the ponyfag here, i became a lot more carefree and touchy feely after i got into 2ho, anime, vns
the bad part was that i also became a lot less productive

>> No.13434558

If it weren't for Touhou I would've never come to /jp/ and thus probably would've not been infected by the self-righteous sense of indifference this board has.

>> No.13434567

/jp/ is the best thing about Touhou.

>> No.13434582

If I hadn't come to Touhou I wouldn't have come to /jp/, who convinced me to replace all my friends with fictional characters.

>> No.13438818

That would require never coming to 4chan, which means a significant chunk of the last 8 years is up in smoke. I just now realized that I've been on this site for like a quarter of my life. It's uncanny.

>> No.13438873

At the end of his journey, Anonymous realized that the only person he couldn't replace with a fictional character... was himself.

>> No.13438898
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>> No.13440251

That's what being a chuuni is for

>> No.13440278

Not that different actually, but I'm glad I've met 2hu nevertheless. As it was said in one of the Kinema Kan vids, every encounter is due to the fate of a previous life.

>> No.13440285

I'll be a riajuu and would not have come to 4chan.

>> No.13440296

Touhou has probably taken a year or so off my life because of stressing at never being able to pass any game on normal modo.

>> No.13440318

>Only sad that I didn't have any irl friends that cared for it.
I one day realized that you need your own hobbies and passions to talk about with others if one ever wants to establish deeper relationships.

Since I never want to talk about 2D topics with real people, and they don't want to talk about them either, it is hard to get truly close to others, beyond /jp/

>> No.13440349

No idea, I started playing touhou to fit in with /jp/ several years ago, and then after beating most them on lunatic, I decided to learn japanese so I could read untranslated porn games, and this whole process left me with barely any friends.

>> No.13440391

I started playing touhou when I was looking for "curtain-fire" type games, and it was perfect for my needs.

Now this affected me because I was going through a rough spot as a musician when I starting playing through these. I was thinking the whole time "I love these songs, too bad the instruments aren't better". That's when I discovered the sheer number of incredible arranges, and I actually got inspired to try again at music. God bless you ZUN you glorious bastard.

>> No.13440402
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I would be dead, not even kidding.
I was planning sucide but I suddenly played Touhou for some reason and got hooked in, by the time I played them all and read the written works I forgot about killing myself.
Now everytime I'm feeling suicidial I stop myself and consider I wouldn't be able to play/read the next game/written work.

>> No.13440429

I wouldn't know contempt.

>> No.13440466

I got into Touhou via a good friend of mine at a pretty difficult time of my life.I played the games and was intrigued from the get-go.
Over time, three months or so later, I decided to open up a YouTube channel. I emersed myself in the world, sometimes to a ridiculous degree, but never put it too much in the way of school.
Over the years, Touhou became a constant in my life, a part of me. I could life without it, but my life would be way less fun, interesting and beautiful without the wonders of Gensokyo.

>> No.13440469

>try again at music
just curious, did it work out, anon?

>> No.13440476

Into mine arms, brother.

>> No.13440493

I wouldve discovered it eventually

>> No.13440531

I was inspired to practice harder and try new tricks (sax player), and improved a lot, but I only play for charities/churches (I can't bring myself to charge money for it). So I guess it's kind of still working out.

>> No.13440559

i already knew about touhou when i was born

>> No.13440592

(brofist pic insert here)

>> No.13440684

I'm still listening to miku

>> No.13440721
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What would Touhou be like if it hadn't discovered myself and /jp/ as a whole?
