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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1339450 No.1339450 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.1339465

I am a car mechanic.

>> No.1339467

>opinion mattering

>> No.1339468

I assume this is your first time on /jp/. Feel free to leave or use any of the links on the very top of the page

>> No.1339470

I think that you didn't get the point of that Anon's post, enjoy your /a/, ALONE.

>> No.1339471

>English teacher in japan

>> No.1339483

Why do we care about what a board full of underage users and people from gaia think about?

>> No.1339479

Jobs are for normalfags.

>> No.1339480


Ha ha ha, oh wow.

>> No.1339481

>who cares

holy fucking fail, Batman

>> No.1339496

> Windows



>> No.1339498

The last time I went to /a/ the first thread was a KoG "MOVE OUT I'M HEADED TO PAGE 5"

I don't think I'm going back to /a/ for a while.

>> No.1339488

>about us

>> No.1339491

We don't work

>> No.1339501


>> No.1339505
File: 52 KB, 704x400, 1221935699956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1339510

I'll be 27 in a month, I have a four-year college degree and just got operator certified in ProTools, yet I have a $10-an-hour part time job and live with my parents.

I haven't had a girlfriend in nearly six years.

I don't like to go out because I hate bars and I hate drinking and most of all I hate drunk people. I don't like loud dance clubs and I'm scared I'll get caught up in some violence if I go (plus I don't dance, I'm too self-conscious). I don't like being out late at night because drunk drivers are everywhere (my brother is one of them). I'm not interested in having a girlfriend because they're too much money and drama and I'm sure none of them would tolerate my hentai habit. Plus, every girl I've ever displayed interest in turns out to either have a boyfriend or be married.

I am constantly cajoled by my mother to get a "social life".

I've only had sex with a girl once in my life and I didn't last over a minute (I was on antidepressants at the time and was told they would screw with my hormones).

In college all I spent my money on was anime DVDs and manga. Now all I spend it on is computers and guitar parts (when I HAVE money as I have tapped most of it out to pay for school).

I have a horrible, fat-filled diet yet I am thin as a rail. I have a voracious appetite for Burger King burgers, Buffalo Wild Wings, PastaRoni and instant ramen.

I haven't been on a vacation in three years.

>> No.1339507

every time there is a goddamn windows screenshot! Why? go to /g/

>> No.1339514

successful troll is successful

>> No.1339515

20 years old, male.

I'm not a very social guy. I have a good relationship with my mom and brother (my dad died of cancer). There's one guy at college I talk to, a theatre-type, who thinks I'm really deep...we have 6 AM chats after he gets back from parties sometimes. That's the extent of my socialization....my non imageboard socialization. I'm a lolicon pervert, but not a loser I think...I'm deeply political, and not just a NEET. I usually find normal people boring, or too narrow-minded. I'm a 1800's Enlightenment kind of guy, I'm nuts for Peter Singer and Bentham.

I keep jobs although sometimes I get lazy/nervous about dealing with people from the "normal world." Academically, I'm an honor student. I'm working on getting magna cum laude honors, or whatever they call it, at my college.

I'm a virgin, but one time a girl fondled my genitals while cuddling. I don't drink alcohol at all, and dislike parties. I have lots of (but neatly kept) facial hair, and tend to wear things until they get holes in them (and then for a year or two more). I'd much rather spend money on books, manga, figures, and American Atheists membership fees than on clothes.

>> No.1339518

The last time I visited /jp/ a "why won't she return my love" thread accompagnied by yet another "waifu on the top of the front page.

I don't think I'll visit this shithole again.

>> No.1339519

Don't think so, Tim.

>> No.1339513

Turned 21 at the start of the month, college student in the dorms of a rather geeky college, where the preferred crack is videogames and anime rather than drugs. I fucking love this place, even if I never interact with it.

Which means no, I don't have a real-world social life. At all, really.

Only alcohol I've ever had was a single glass of wine one New Year's (and I'm not certain if that was just 'sparkling cider' fake wine anyway) and a sip of Guinness when I couldn't tell if my mom was being sarcastic about how horrible it tasted (she wasn't). Now I can't have any due to medications, not that I'd particularly want to anyway.

I neither have nor particularly need money. All I really want is food, clothes, a within-ten-years-old computer, and a weather-resistant hovel with plumbing, electricity, and a broadband connection. Ah, internet.

I never had sex until like half a year ago when a friend of a friend wanted to experiment with molestation and mostly ended up being heavy petting. Boyfriend visiting a few months ago was a different story (lawl male bisexuality) but I'm not close enough to Canada to make that a regular occasion.

Conclusion: ¯\(°_o)/¯

Also, I'm tired.

I like to think I have a healthier diet than most college students, but not by much. I use the campus dining halls largely out of laziness but often end up eating cereal or ham+cheese sandwiches instead of pizza (but sometimes hamburgers and way too many fries). And I love corn, carrots, and broccoli whenever they're available without seasoning. I'm still not overweight, though I think I might be getting big for size 32 jeans.

>> No.1339526

21, male, still living with parents. Don't have a high-school diploma because I never did the required community service. I plan on fixing that, though, and start getting things ready to head off to college late this year.

Can't drive since I never bothered to learn. Only 1 real-life friend who I socialize with. Haven't talked to any of my friends on MSN in months for some reason. Virgin. I do regularly leave the house to do grocery shopping and other misc things, so it's not that bad.

I've managed to reduce my diet to 1 or 2 small meals a day, with lots of water. Lost so much wait that most of my pants/shorts/boxers don't fit me anymore, having to use a tight belt. I'm mostly broke, so I can't by any new clothes. I don't exercise but still manage to maintain a weight of ~160 pounds due to my diet.

Good relationship with my parents despite my NEETness, although I do get the occasional "GET A JOB OR GO TO SCHOOL".

tl;dr: ( ゚ 3゚)~♪

>> No.1339523
File: 60 KB, 635x476, 1221935833586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's one big font size you have there son.

>> No.1339522

18. Never had a real friend in my life, partly due to my lack of emotional...I don't know what it's called. I just can't relate to anything or anyone. Also, bad memory. Maybe I would have gotten a friend by now if I could actually remember anyone's name? I don't know anyone in my class. And as soon as someone leaves my line of sight, I literally forget they exist.

I'm not even that...vigorous of a nerd, really. I just post here because this is the closest I've ever gotten to being in good company.

>> No.1339536

Is this copypasta from /jp/?

If so, ( ・∀・)

>> No.1339534

Okay, now because of these idiots posting serious replies, your troll is successful.
Fucking /jp/. Why can't you be like futaba?

>> No.1339535

( ゚ 3゚)~♪

>> No.1339529

Everybodies doing it, so why not me?

19. Never really had a real job really, though I have worked (if you consider mowing lawns work). currently attend a community college that's located conviently close by, so meh. Oh yeah...and I live with my parents...

I have a few friends whom I loved to hang out with during my zany high school days. but ever since we graduated...I haven't had any contact from them since save for one 2 years ago...

Had several 'girlfriends' in the past but the relationships didn't quite work out. Never had sex with any of them though...the relationship always ended before I got to that glorious part...

I don't go out cuz I'm a lazy bastard who can't walk a decent mile without feeling winded...it strange though I'm nowhere near fat, I'm fairly skinny and short statured, which basically points to how much my physical constitution sucks ಠ_ಠ

Whenever I DO get money (usually for birthdays or a school check) I usually don't spend being I never go anywhere that much. Which is why SO many people hit me up for it when I do get money. But if I do decide to spend it, it's usually on games, anime DVDs and manga...

>> No.1339532

33 and very happy being a loner,live out in the country and spend my days walking about in the woods and screwing around with guns,and trying to figger out how to make knives,also working on writing a book,anime/manga is my big hobby.

Sex? once,but I'm working on finding somebody who's comfy being with a near hermit.

I do have a few friends,but I just talk with them when we bump into each other in town.

Never drank never did drugs.

Boring as shit to others actually,but happy.

>> No.1339543


>> No.1339540

27,female,thin,graphic designer witout work and in search.NEET for now but want change that for the sake of my mind,with hikikomori tendences (sometimes don´t like go outside,love my house)i live with my parents but that not are strange for a single woman than me.no boyfriend now,i had one 3 years ago...but still virgin.(im very responsable girl and all. XD)im have a little fear for the mans of my country...
no very friendly;have one or two friends here and there,but are good friends.I like the loneliness,but no so much.im act childish sometimes.but im very mature.weird.
The people sometimes feel very intimidated for me:i have a "brilliant" personallity in public,not fear be funny and make laught people.but im insecure for all,quiet,cute...tomboyish too,some people believes who im lesbi for that (and for my fangirlism),but not,im not XD...(i had only 5 minutes of doubts,but that was a funny story XD)
..mom help me with my job problems.be hope! go there!you are studied all that years and you was the best,now you need this little thing!send that curriculum! make a proyect,and sell it!
mom is the best.
don`t like alcohol,drugs or cigars.only have a "problem"with the candies. XD

>> No.1339541

Withholding age because it's nobody's business. Haven't worked in a very long time, and I have a good education. Have a few friends I see once in a while. Spend most of my time on the net posting and trolling on image boards.

I'm healthy since my "mother" insures I eat properly, and I don't have much choice in the matter: You don't want to see her angry. Though I do drink the moonshine once in a while, when she's visiting friends.

When I'm in bed I fantasize about meeting someone who'll love me for who I am. Being ronery sucks ;_; It's not like I'm ugly: I'm told I have beautiful hair. Oh why can't I meet the nameless fairy of my dreams?

Still a virgin ;_;

I'm the proper neet, I suppose.

>> No.1339549

22. NEET. Living with parents. Slightly overweight, slightly ugly. Never had a girlfriend. Virgin.

I spend all day at home on the internets, here in 4chan, or some anime forums. I'm so socially withdrawn that I can't even deal with communicating with other people in MMORPGs. I don't go to bars, I don't go to parties. I haven't talked to any of my friends in months.

I don't smoke. I drink. Everyday, with a bit of rum, bourbon or gin and tonic. I drink too much coffee. I eat too many cookies.

But I'm not ronery.

>> No.1339552

What college is this? I wish I were there. D:

>> No.1339554

I'm 17, and I go to a magnet school where the people are just as stupid as they are in regular schools. I'm pretty quiet in public and though I have friends, they aren't friends that I would want to go up to the mountains and hike with. I did go to one of my current friends' gaming parties once, but that's about the extent of my interaction with them outside of school. Strangely, I can be the exact opposite on the internet or with my family.

I have no desire to pollute the world any more than it already has been, so I have no plans for kids (or, currently, marriage - you could say I'm married to Touhou), and this probably wouldn't change even if I wasn't somewhat overweight and out of shape. Getting in shape is not in line with my personality, so it doesn't really make a difference. Something about fate. Those two sentences didn't really make sense but whatever. I definitely hang around the computer more than I actually go out and do stuff. Still, I'm planning to get some form of a job and to go to the college I've already been accepted to.

There's more stuff to say but I don't feel like it. Wrong hour to post this.

This thread's working out kind of like that census idea I had. A much better feel for the people here than that survey. I'm not confident enough to make a No More Heroes reference, but I am about 80% sure that the survey was stuffed.

>> No.1339547

20 in April, going to a reasonably well-known university to study a subject I enjoy. Aside from coursework-related meetings, I go out with friends once a month for cheesesteaks. No girlfriend, because I plan to travel once I graduate. I make a point of doing 50 pushups and 20 minutes on a bike every morning.

When I get home from classes, I sit down on my floor, wrap myself in a blanket, and browse 4chan and /jp/ for hours on end.

>> No.1339548

'sup mod?

>> No.1339562

I'm 19, studying Computer Science at a pretty good university. I balance this with a job working from home which nets me about £10/$20 an hour, so it's not like I've ever spoiled for time to socialize.

I guess I have a pretty poor social life - combining Bipolar with a pretty introverted nature anyway can be a combination most deadly to socializing. I feel I tend to alienate those around me quite easily, although I'm smart enough that fellow students often ask me for help. I don't really mind though.

I'm pretty slim, I get a small deal of exercise going on walks around town whenever I have time and I have a pretty balanced diet.

Depends how you define "lifeless loser", it's not like I spend all my waking time doing nothing - There's always some project to be getting on with. My disorder keeps me from making too many friends, so I generally tend to keep quiet about it for fear of being branded as "insane".

>> No.1339556

Enjoy your shitty lunix, have fun scouring forums trying to figure out how to install your game, have fun breaking your system multiple times because lunix has no dedicated support center like Microsoft. There is really no reason to use lunix over Microsoft anyways, other than compiling some languages like python + perl faster which 99% of lunix users are unaware of.

>> No.1339559

17 year old female, though I'll be 18 in two weeks.

I don't go out much on weekdays but weekends are often spent in the nearest city with friends. I go see a lot of bands play live too, which is my only exercise because I find real exercise boring. Despite this and my indulgent diet, I'm slim and appear to be healthy except for mild asthma.

As a few others have said, I hate alcohol as well as the fact that the British binge drinking "culture" seems to take over everyone. There are a thousand things I'd rather hear than how shitfaced you were last night.

I don't have a job, because I'm still in school and I don't want to distract myself from schoolwork more than I already do. I'm an Upper Sixth Form student and I'll be going to University soon. I get Education Maintenance Allowance (aka EMA, free monies for staying on at school beyond the age of 16) - £30 a week, which is wasted on drawing materials, MMO subscriptions, CDs and occassionally I splash out on whatever Touhou-related things I can afford.

I've had two boyfriends, one of which was a two year relationship, but I've never really looked for a boyfriend, they just seem to "happen" and develop from there.

I think I've covered everything...
There appears to be a lack of females posting, perhaps this will start the ball rolling.

>> No.1339566

what's with all the copypasta?

it's delicious!

>> No.1339569


>> No.1339563

Underage b&, waiting to be old enough to move out so I can actually get in proper shape even though I'm reasonably slim naturally, buy the sort of clothes I want (lol trap), etc. PROBABLY going to live my life off of writing or drawing seeing as A: they're the only things I'm actually good at, and B: I had to leave school early and took a few years off over the ten (I quit in grade eleven; lol being accelerated a grade) years I went, but got through because I'm actually intelligent and can learn most things on a test over a couple of days + sheer luck. Also quit because of my terrible fear of social situations which causes me to have panic attacks if I imagine being in even a small group of ten people. And I was sick a lot. So I'm probably going to end up being poor because who cares about artists/authors even though I 'had the possibility to do whatever I wanted' (lol iq of 169, even though someone can have the brain capacity of Einstein and not know how to use it, so fuck IQs.) Generally disappointed parents that I never showed any interest in becoming a doctor or a lawyer, so I'll probably be moving far away from them so I don't have to put up with their bitchings about wasting my life writing stories. And, uh. Probably won't have a relationship because gay guys don't exist AT ALL where I am. And I never plan to leave the house with my fear of social situations except for if I need food. Future NEET, I guess, unless I manage to get hardcore skilled at making cosplay clothes and selling them.

tl;dr, future average Anon signing in here. Also sage for lack of Towhows.

>> No.1339570


>> No.1339575


>> No.1339576

its called lunix because only a lunatic would use linux

>> No.1339578


>> No.1339583

obvious troll is obvious linux is unusable

>> No.1339590

this is not /g/! nobody cares what OS you use, get the fuck out
